#kinda jonmichael
spiralatic · 11 days
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Here’s actual art ummmm fat Jon fall… (it’s gonna be spring here)
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aizhits · 22 days
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Oat!!! Some spoilers if you don't mind :)
Michael: You are always in trouble when I find you.
2.[continues 1]
Michael: Get up Archivist, it won't end like this.
Not here, not like this.
Michael?: You can't save anyone!!!
Jon: Yes! I CAN!!
Jon?:Oh this is So not about you! Hahahahaha!!!
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geraiodli · 9 months
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A bit of Michael wips because I don't have anything finished(( I work on a lot of stuff right now, so I'll probably post something closer to next year.
Trying out things for Michaels design...
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clownspiral · 3 years
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dissolving-mansion · 2 years
Try not to think about the fact that Michael was deleted from the Spiral because it wanted to be understood by Jon, an act that is inherently antithetical to its existence as a part of the spiral.
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spiralise · 4 years
I’m finally getting around to writing JonElias (Remember when I thought that was gonna be the ship I'd attach myself to? And then JonMichael happened) and I am just flooded by so many feelings about them oh my god.
Currently the image is Elias getting (S1) Jon drunk in order to hear him ramble about his trauma with A Guest for Mr. Spider, because sure, Elias can just Know but the whole thing is the Archive feeding their entity by putting it all into narrative, right? With this potentially being the first time Jon ever tells anyone about this experience, and so to be telling it to someone who knows when to nod his head or ask questions or whatever is just Very Emotional, and also I’m kinda drunk right now too.
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statement69420 · 5 years
Sit Down, I'll Get It - JonMichael
Jon had hurt is ankle in the dumbest way possible. By not realizing there was a step down and the tripping, thus twisting his ankle.
So there he was, sitting on his couch, spending his one day off in a year, in pain because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.
He had taken to just scrolling through his phone as some show played in the background. In fact he was so hyperfocused on doing this he didn't notice when a door appeared next to his. It took Michael literally poking him in the face for him to come out of his stupor.
Jon blinked up at it, looking over the top his glasses. "What are you doing here?", He asked, not upset, just kinda confused.
"You weren't in your office", Michael said like that explained everything.
"No I'm not. I hurt my ankle. Elias is a terrible boss, but even he agreed that I probably shouldn't come in today", Jon said, putting down his phone, "Would you like to sit down?", He gestured to part of the couch that he wasn't sitting on.
Michael sat down, putting it's long legs on the coffee table, parallel to Jon's.
They kind of just sat there in silence, both of them not really sure what to say. Michael occasionally remarked on the show that was on. Jon would argue in defense of the character sometimes, but he generally agreed with what Michael said.
Eventually Jon realized he never asked Michael why it was looking for him in the first place. When he voiced this Michael shrugged.
"I don't know. Just wanted to talk to you. You aren't scared of me, or you are but you act like you aren't, and you don't force me to leave like some others", It said. As it said this Jon realized that he's not scared of Michael. He may have been in the past but he's gotten to know it and actually feels comfortable around Michael.
"Oh. Well, I'm glad you came over. I felt as though I was going to die of boredom", Jon told it.
"So, what you're saying Archivist, is that I saved your life", Michael smirked.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Though I would have probably enjoyed the show more without you talking through it"
"You weren't even paying attention to it"
"That's completely besides the point"
"You can't enjoy something if you're not actually watching it! Even I know that!", Michael said. Jon looked as though he was about to say something when there was a knock at the door.
(Jon's door. Not Michael's).
Jon was about to stand up to answer it when Michael out a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to stay sitting, as it stood up.
"Sit down, I'll get it", It told him. Michael could hear him complaining and saying that it was his door. Michael turned back toward him and smiled, "Opening doors is something I'm very good at, Archivist"
Jon sighed and just let it open the door. He had turned back toward the television, assuming it was probably just someone selling something when he heard a familiar voice.
"Oh, I didn't know Jon had company over. I came to check on him. I know how he hates taking care of himself", Georgie's voice rang out through the flat.
"I think I surprised him by coming over, actually. And I have noticed his sled destructive behavior", Jon could hear the smirk in Michael's voice, "Would you like to come in?"
A moment later, Georgie was sitting in an armchair near the couch, telling Jon that he should have called her when it happened. Michael was very much enjoying watching her get on to him as though he was a child.
And considering how Jon was pouting it was warranted.
When she was done, Georgie looked back over at Michael, who had sat back down on the couch, this time with it's feet on the floor, and then back at Jon.
"Who's this guy?", She asked and then turned to Michael, "No offense"
"None taken. I have no clue who you are either", they both turned to Jon, who sighed.
"Georgie, this is Michael. Michael, this is Georgie", He gestured between them.
"And why didn't you tell me you're dating, again?", Georgie asked.
"We.. we aren't dating. Michael's just a friend from work.", Jon told her. She looked over to Michael for confirmation who just nodded and looked away from her.
"Whatever you say... I'm going to be off considering you already have someone here to help you", Georgie stood up, "If you need anything call me." They both nodded saying their goodbyes, and a few moments later they heard the door open and shut as she walked through it.
It was a good ten minutes before one of the said anything, but when they did it was Michael asking about how Jon knew Georgie.
There was something that upset it when Jon said they used to date. But Michael didn't want to think about that right now.
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distortedspiral · 4 years
michael for the ask thing!
favorite thing about them - big big fan of his whole identity crisis thing. his weird spiral identity appeals to me IMMENSELY; i love love the idea of a person who is not a person who is also a hallway and a door and is maybe the spiral and maybe is not? so cool aaaaaaaaa. liminal beings are the best shit. also he’s just funky and fun and charismatic and i love his laugh and also if a character has a door motif i am automatically very interested in them so!
least favorite thing about them - he’s a bitch! he tries to kill jon! that’s not very nice michael! also revenge quests are lowkey kinda boring
favorite line - off the top of my head. “i am not a who, archivist, i am a what :)”
brOTP - he wanted to be friends with sasha and i think that is VERY good. they should have been friends. i also like to imagine an alternate timeline where he was friends with jon! when michael first turned up i was like “oooh supernatural being that’s actually good and helps people??” and though that wasn’t really true (f) imagine if it were more like that.....
OTP - bro i am just out here thinking about mike and michael. it started out as a crackship bc of the name thing and then just... spiraled (hehe) out of control..... but their dynamic is super interesting cause of their different experiences with the spiral :0
(other than that, i think both jonmichael and sashamichael have the potential to be super interesting if done well! esp jonmichael bc 1. they’ve got lots of canon interaction to build off of, and 2. enemies to friends to lovers is always fun. off the top of my head i can’t really think of a plot idea to make it work in the way i’d want but hmm it has potential yes)
nOTP - i wouldn’t call this a notp really but i think i’ve seen some michael/martin on ao3 and i just? do not understand that? the only interaction martin really has with michael iirc is when he’s trapped in the hallways i think, and that doesn’t seem especially conducive to romantic chemistry imo lol
random headcanon - michael shelley studied philosophy in college. this one works mostly in the context of my fanfic but i feel very strongly about this! he’s so dramatic and abstract about things it just feels right
unpopular opinion - not necessarily ‘unpopular’ but since michael’s timeline is so fucked up i tend to go with the interpretation that would make him younger overall
OH WAIT here’s a more interesting “unpopular opinion.” i think michael and helen should be friends actually! again idk how unpopular this is but i once read a fic where they hated each other and i simply do not vibe with that
song i associate with them - soft fuzzy man by lemon demon. also obligatory mention of hallucinations by pvris bc that’s what i used in my amv
favorite picture of them - went through tags and found this which i love
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cosmicretribution · 5 years
jon >:3
send me a character and i’ll list: 
ok just call me out i guess lmao 
favorite thing about them: hes literally just trying so fucking hard like... damn!! give a bitch a break he probably hasnt slept in 2 weeks. i love the contrast between how sarcastic and dry he can be and how genuinely caring he can be and especially how genuinely terrified he can be. he fucks up sometimes but damn hes trying 
least favorite thing about them: me chasing s1 and s2 jon around with a broom: STOP BEING MEAN STOP BEING MEAN STOP BEING MEAN STOP BEING MEAN ST
favorite line: oof ok this is kind of a hard one. He says a lot of Deep Shit™ about like, his ever-increasing sense horror and peril for his own personhood the deeper he gets into being tied up in the beholding and those are the lines that always get me most... like I love “because I’m scared, Martin!” when asked why he always acted like statements were fake in s1 and “am I... Elias, am I still human?” hit me like a fucking ton of bricks. I loved the scene where he told daisy that the reason hes so keen to put himself in dangerous situations is because “worst case scenario the world loses another monster” and i love when he asks helen “when does it stop? the guilt. the misery. [...] when does the eye make me monstrous?” 
brOTP: JON AND DAISY!!!!!! also jon and gerry!!!!!!!! let jon have friends in general hsdkjsdhf
OTP: ok jonmartin is a given but i also like jonmichael, 
nOTP: is jon/melanie a thing because if so then that
random headcanon: i headcanon him as wearing glasses before working for the institute and when he started getting tied up to the eye he actually stopped needing them to see (bc supernatural powers shit) but he just. hasnt noticed that yet. hes just . wearing these stupid glass squares and he doesnt even realize. he wakes up and goes “time to put on my glasses so i can see” and doesnt even notice he can suddenly see perfectly fine without them 
unpopular opinion: ive said it before and ill say it again give a bitch a BREAK he has NO fucking control over the circumstances hes found himself in and especially mid to late season 4 it feels like if so much as a book falls off a table everyone gets up to go verbally beat up jon about it like damn!!!! leave him alone 
song i associate with them: oog this is another kinda hard one. turn off the lights by p!atd is kinda a mood for him? im about to say some vocaloid shit so forgive me again for having the same taste as 14yo me still but like. for one i like world’s end dancehall for him and martin a bit i know it’s more of a wlw song but there’s Something In The Vibe.... and the one that i really think of for him is outer science? all the like. eye imagery in the vid. the theme of a person who was selected to be some sort of horrible monster, who hates it and is actively trying to escape, pursued by a malevolent power hellbent on forcing them to accept it? very “jon being forced to serve the eye by elias” vibes. 
favorite picture of them: this one 
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helen-richardson · 5 years
i wrote two (kinda short) jonmichaels for rqss. one fluffy and one angsty because i like me some variety!!
GOOD, i look forward to reading them!
(i think it will be fairly obvious what i did once reveals happen and will surprise no one, but in the exchange spirit i shall say nothing)
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spiralise · 4 years
theres loads of power imbalance aus and tropes for them tho
yeah i know, though it feels like, idk, needing to specifically add those things to that relationship? i mean, i’ve seen instances of either of them being the powerful, abusive one (admittedly, that does tend to lean more towards Martin, i think, but it’s not as, like... innate to their overall dynamics.)
whereas something like JonMichael and JonElias reaaaally only go one way :’D (except for “surprise Jon is superpowerful now” JonElias, which is fun in its own way cuz it’s predicated on Elias having been abusive before anyway) (i mean, i’ve also seen “perfectly fine, healthy JonMichael”, which is kinda like, huh alright if you want. but even in those cases, it’s hard to avoid at least the enemies-to-lovers trope,  because it is kinda an antagonist.)
I don't dislike them necessarily, but sometimes I do wonder if I wouldn't enjoy them more if I had gone into this blind/without seeing fandom's reaction to them. Maybe?
I mean I'm also probably in the boat of, "They're not *fucked up enough* for me," because lol (Or not fucked up in a really specific way.)
yeah, that might be it more -- there’s so much wholesomeness and fluff, it’s not at all my first reaction when i think “JonMartin” to think “oh what weird power dynamic is going on here” :V
i mean, i did say i’m a multishipper -- i do sorta ship them too. i dunno really! why does anyone like any ships fdskjla.
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