#kinda jedenfalls ups
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bonnieeldritch · 3 months ago
Let‘s fetz! Ich klappere mal die bisher Zusammengesammelten für eine erste „Ask-Frage“ ab, damit wir den Hashtag in Schwung bringen und uns überhaupt auf Tumblr eingrooven können. Wie wärs zum Start mit einem Picrew eines OCs deiner Wahl?
WELL, eventuell hab ichs ein bisschen verkackt, weil ich gelesen habe 'ein OC deiner Wahl' und nicht darüber nachgedacht habe, dass die Frage sich ja auf unsere #ffmmff Welt bezieht... Dementsprechend habe ich einen anderen OC auf Picrew erstellt und zurechtgemacht und ich mogel sie jetzt einfach mal als Kuckuckskind hier unter. ✨😌💕
Khatira "Kat" Mansoor ist einer der ältesten OCs, die ich habe und begleitet mich seitdem ich 15 bin - also mein halbes Leben! Klar hat sie sich in dieser Zeit auch verändert (sie hieß anfangs Katharina Drachenberg LOL), aber letzten Endes blieb sowohl die Idee ihres Charakters als auch die Prämisse ihrer Geschichte immer gleich: Grimdark Realities, Found Family und being a stubborn bitch. 😂 Wer mir schon lange auf Fanfiktion folgt, der hat vielleicht sogar die zweite Version ihrer Story dort gelesen, denn ich habe die Hälfte des ersten Teils dort hochgeladen. Mittlerweile steuere ich auf Version Vier der Story zu und hoffe, dass dies die finale sein wird. Aber Kat war schon immer ein schwarzes Schaf und wieso sollte es beim Schreiben und Veröffentlichen anders laufen als sonst in ihrem Leben? Ich fühle sie da sehr. 😆
Noch ein paar kurze Worte zu Kat selbst: wenn schwarzer Kaffee eine Person wäre, bitter, sarkastisch, eigenbrötlerisch, gewagt, stur und loyal bis zum Tod, zu gewissen Teilen grenzüberschreitend, unterstützt womens rights UND womens wrongs, tougher than she looks, softer than she acts, proud demi.
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theemotammy · 5 years ago
Different things between good omens in English and German
So today I watched good omens in German because I felt like I still was missing some parts... you know, not my first language... David Tennant mumbling an awful lot... all that.
Here are some things that I noticed:
The first thing is Aziraphale’s name is different in the German version. They took the book’s translation and now his name is “Erziraphael” which is TERRIBLE. I HATE IT!
but in that scene where Crowley and ErZiRaPhAeL are at the hospital and he’s telling the former nun that she’ll have dreamed of something she loves when she wakes up, Crowley says “Oi!” in English.
In German he says “Erzi!”, which obviously is a nickname. You know, like you would say “Az” or “Zira” but it’s SO CUTE!!
The next thing is: there is no good German word for “discorporated”. And y’all know it’s in the show a few times.
The first one is in the Bentley. Aziraphale is like “Crowley, you’ll get us killed! Well... inconveniently discorporated.”
In German he says “Du wirst uns noch umbringen! Naja... jedenfalls wird es unangenehm”
WHICH MEANS “you’ll get us killed! Well... it’s gonna be unpleasant (or uncomfortable) at least”
Anyway, next one is when Crowley asks Aziraphale for the holy water.
He says “Das Weihwasser würde nicht nur deinen Körper töten, es würde dich vollkommen zerstören”
Which is “the holy water wouldn’t only kill your body, it would destroy you completely.”
At least that’s closer to it.
THEN! When Aziraphake arrives in heaven through the transportation portal and he explains to ANDERSON WITH A VERY STRANGE BEARD why he doesn’t have a body.
He says “Mein Körper hat sich wohl... entkörpert“
Which is right. If you translated it, it would mean discorporated.
I thought you could easily translate it because German is THE language that kinda has a word for everything and if not you can just invent it and it would be grammatically correct.
And after all that inconvenient going around the actual word you wanna say, they translated it this way and...it’s not really good.
The word doesn’t have that Latin root anymore. It’s like you would say my „my body disbodied.“ it is right but it just sound ridiculous because of the repetition.
And then when he goes to see drunk Crowley he just literally says that he discorporated and that was very deliberating.
The next thing is translating names or pronouncing them differently.
Anathema Device is Anathema Apparat [ahnahtehmah ahpahraht]
Newton Pulsifer is Newton Leuterer [newton loitehrehr]
You may know that many languages have similar words for the same thing but German just has a complete different word. „Pollution“ is one of those.
It’s „Umweltverschmutzung“ kinda [oomveltfehrshmootzoong]
So we have Krieg (war), Hunger (famine), Tot (death) and UmWeLtVeRsChMuTzUnG. Great!
They translated „Sergeant“. It is „Feldwebel“. I’ve never heard that word in my 18 years of life that I almost solely spent in Germany.
And then when FeLdWeBeL Shadwell tells Crowley about the two men he’s gonna send to Tadfield, they didn’t translate that.
He says „Leutnant Tisch (Lieutenant table) and Sergeant Pepper“ I CANT FIND ANY SENSE BEHIND THAT DEAR FeLdWeBeL SHADWELL.
They don’t pronounce „Adam“ the German way but they translated Agnes nutter to Agnes Spinner 👌🏻
Oh yeah and when aziraphale and Crowley first meet and the angel asks for the demon‘s name it’s like „I’m crawley“ „ahh, crawley... the crawling“ because no Germans would fucking understand what it means apparently xD
They translated the avocado thing into a joke about a German saying... the one with the yellow of the egg, so that dude says „it’s not the green of the avocado“ if you translate it and that has an entire different meaning and I didn’t find it as funny.
And the final thing and something I’ve never heard before (mostly because I avoid not watching things in the original language probably):
They left in some of the English words. I mean, we actually do that. Words like „nice“ and „cool“ are in our everyday vocabulary but I never actually heard any of that in the dubbed version of something.
Some things I found there were:
Adam says „Das ist der beste Tag ever“ (it’s the best day ever). Yes, we would say that. I just really didn’t expect it.
When Crowley comes into the church he’s just like „ow ow ouch FUCK.“ I don’t think I need to explain that one.
When Aziraphale goes through the portal he also says „fuck“. It would’ve been very difficult to find anything else that matches his mouth movements there.
And last but not least, Gabriel literally says „Ich bin der Erzengel Fucking Gabriel“ (im the archangel fucking Gabriel) I was SHOOKETH
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gedankenkollekte · 8 years ago
Some general thoughts that shouldn´t be forgotten English/Deutsch
[1] The taboo of not beeing allowed/meant to show that you also integrate your bad thoughts/fears/bad experiences as a repressed person into your sexuality. The web explodes of normative rape fantasies. normative sexual violence fantasies and sexuality based herrassment fantasys of the people known as ordinary while the relation of others and their daily life/bad experiences in sex seems tabooed, as if they shall be presented as only passive objects waiting for a normative instruction for ordinary sexual practise by a normative person.
I see a chance of immense energy by releasing the relation of pain and fear as a consequence of repression and beeing tabooed and sexuality. It has to contain a lot of power because it is as tabooed that no one dares to show it in public, not even in the web
[2] Well I never understood these people focussing on genitals. It is for me as an outstanding person hard to follow, but surely maybe also mixed with confusion or feelings of being denied. I will never understand anyone saying “well you have a cock I can not become happy/content with you” or “well you have a small cock I can not becomme happy with you” or “you have white skin I can not become happy with you” or “you have two legs I can not become happy with you”, just following also the thoughts of Marxists that this reduces a persons body as also the person itself to a product/ware/good. It is a fetishism and this in several meanings. This seems normal in f.e. the gay scene and somehow I like that because it is political incorrect, but fair enough to say I am socially still not accepting it really or lets say do not feel comfortable with it because I recognize kind of a fashist thing inside. But this brings me back to the thought “were is the border” like you can somehow see fashism in any lookistic behavior and “love” if you do not draw a line somewhere. Hope you can follow and just to say this was just a spontaneous impression and more to also criticise myself not to praise the way how to judge. However I will not make a issue of it if people act like this in my presence even if they act towards me like this I would never confirm to have any kind of relation to anyone choosing people like this because I have much distance and even kind of disgust towards fetishists myself (just see my brainmachine working).
[3] Its kinda fashion and I am sometimes bit disgusted of it because it is somehow just a filthy bodycolonialism like exploitation of repressed bodies and existances and blurring the meaning and existance of opression and the resulting importance of clear statements against it out of the mouth of the oppressed in most times as it is never good to let privilegued people project their non reflected decadent daydreams on the tabooed bodies of some non privilegued if you guess what I mean, but I liked the rest of the mag and could stand these pictures also.
Hopefully the fact of the widespreaded instrumentalisation of exotisized bodies will lead into a better and sharper distinguishing and accentuation of the activist outputs to not disappear in the flood of the meaningless and thoughless “art pieces” which are spammed around in each actual medium. The flood itself is nothing that new, it has just increased. When I was looking for activist statements and art a decade ago, most stuff seen on f.e. myspace which seems to be legit on the first look was generally connected to some not so important or political ordinary homo lifestyle stuff, what was for me, hard to stand that time. This is also why I somehow act in a way of separation and distinction towards all this, it seems often led by some cries just for cheap attention or stimuli by anyone.
[4] Well, I can not stand the claim of a positive change in societies. The practise of wrong assignments is taking place anywhere in the world still.
We live in hostile societies and it is more than just a state where some rubbish tossers are illegaly mocking some chicks on the streets. There are laws anywhere that successfully prevent anyone´s participation in society as an active member if born as a wrong assigned person. Not even the little prominents are to my point of view, it is an artificial wall built between “us” and “the others” by the duty of beating each child into the wrong role and prohibiting to live and develop self-evidently as all other childs do just by some fucked up laws, which evidently no one sees as a big problem. Worse, people focus on some fashion chitchatting of some gutless hipster chicks and the majority of society saying “we have no prejudice, we treat these people normal nowadays” as if that would mean anything.
In such hostile situation and society, anything than supporting the political emancipation and any idea and attempt to change these brutal bodyfashist laws is clear repression and mostly exploiting people´s problems and tabooisation as a consequence of these laws for cheap attention or the fake suggestion to support the necessary critics and formation of a resistance movement that yet has not taken place (and don´t know if ever will if not anyone of us will radically launch it).
So don´t let us speak more about the suggestion of any positive change as long as you only see the same right assigned faces smiling on each newspaper, fashion mag, cinema movie cover, political booklet and advertisment flyer or product while there is no couple, not even the hardboilest (except maybe L. & me) going out holding hands in any city. This can´t be positive or nice. Fuck these fashion hypocrates in the web and fuck modern societies´ new coat of sanctimony.
[5] Mein Fazit aus meinen Erfahrungen ist, wir brauchen eigene, unabhängige, nicht zensierende Kanäle und Medien. Am Ende erzählen sie in den Mainstream-Medien immer von dir als “dem Mann, der zur Frau wurde” auf irgendeine Weise und schüren auch sonst genau die Vorurteile, die man eig. vor der Kamera abbauen wollte.
[6] Man sollte echt nicht stolz sein, einer Randgruppe von Merkmalstragenden anzugehören, die höchstens im Pornosektor, UnterschichtTV-Formaten oder mit billiger Popmusik Fuß fassen kann irgendwo in der Welt oder als “Miss Sondertitel jedenfalls nicht Miss Frau irgendwas sondern Miss Missgeburt irgendwas” wenn ihr wisst was ich meine, dabei aber sich selbst als weiblich definiert, Der erste Schritt aus der Sklaverei besteht darin, die Sklaverei zu benennen und von sich zu weisen, nicht sie dankend anzuerkennen.
use an online translator to comprehend the texts in your favorite language.
Wenn ihr kein Englisch versteht, einfach mal in die Übersetzungsmaschine damit...
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