#kinda fucked up my stepsisters are taking dad out for his birthday (is tomorrow but they're working) and didn't even mention it to us
delishstrawberrykiss · 7 months
WIBTA if I (18F) asked my dad if he could not have my stepsisters and half brother over for my birthday dinner?
So let’s start, I’m an older sister of 5 and I only really live with one, my 13 year old brother who kinda lives between our dad’s house and his mother’s house. My stepsisters (9 and 7) live in a separate home with my stepmom and her mother, I see them on weekends and holidays they aren’t with their father. Ever since I was 12 I have been told to watch them for extended hours at a time (8 minimum) by myself while my father went off on dates with my stepmother. They both know I can’t discipline them and have proven to do things (mostly on accident??) that have upset me (like breaking statues I make in pottery class because they wanted to play with it even though they had toys I gave them from my own room like 20 or so of them along with a ton of board games and such. My father does nothing about this because “it’s not his place” and I get that but my stepmother knows them hitting me and breaking my stuff is a common problem (no they don’t hurt me obviously but they shouldn’t be taking out their anger towards each other on me this way) they both idolize me and I do feel bad but I’m 18 now and I literally asked to go to hooters for my birthday, which I don’t think is appropriate for kids. I’m also being forced to only bring my boyfriend and not the two other friends I wanted to bring because of this which was sprung upon me. Now; in the case of my brother he’s.. in his 13 year old edge phase. My dad does literally everything he can to make him happy, including not throwing me a party because he didn’t want noise on my 18th birthday. My brother has serious anger issues and was never disciplined and it shows. He throws shit at me, screams if the dog enters the house before he wanted her to, and will slam his door and literally make the ground shake upstairs with the what I can only call tantrums. He’s doing online school because he refuses to leave the house and he wants to drop out when he hits high school. It’s.. every day and every conversation we have is about my brother to the point that my dad hasn’t bought me a birthday present and neither has anyone else yet and literally tomorrow is my 18th birthday. I’m not expecting to go home to anything to be honest, maybe some leftover balloons from my brother’s birthday last month if we didn’t use them all? All I asked for was a dinner with 3 friends and my dad honestly, maybe my Nana but I don’t think she’ll want to leave the house. It feels like I’ve been forgotten, is that crazy? Fuck, my friend bought me a gift and my boyfriend bought like 3 for me and my family is just like forgetting about me. Idk if I’m being like crazy but it’s like my brother gave up on life and so I’m being forced to too, I have like a lot of club activities to do and stuff like every day and tutoring to go to and it feels like I can’t even get like a ride home when the bus isn’t there. I was so excited just being able to plant a tree yesterday with a singular friend I almost cried. Idk, I just know I might upset my stepsisters and dad (my brother wouldn’t care) and I really don’t want that..
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