#kinda a lyric based starter too
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wallbuilt · 11 months ago
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"I am not frightened of dying, you know. Any time will do, I don't mind," the rockstar said outloud and shrugged his shoulders without much effort, as he stared at the city's skyline all lit up like a Christmas tree against the stark black night. Meanwhile, the band's post-concert after party raged on in the background, back inside the apartment behind them where it was warm, sickly sweet, reeking of booze, sweat, and weed a plenty. "Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."
@bruisedconscience dialed for mr. floyd. △🏳️‍🌈
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trxuvaille · 1 year ago
@wasteddawns liked for a lyric-based starter. ABOUT ADAM: game/app developer & co-founder of codo tech, he/him, heterosexual, 25-30. Known to be genius-like, comes from old-money, has a complicated relationship with his parents, can be kinda awkward and impulsive.
"YOU READ MY mind. Better to leave it unsaid. You know... I talk too much."
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instaquarius · 2 years ago
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"Who do you think you are, Crumbling my Tower?! Dare you disrupt My Temporal Power?! Who are you now, Are you Friend? Are you Foe? I don't know....
The Dark broke Time's flow!!"
So my friend All Sanses are the best#6886/@clearprincessturtle in my discord server got me OBSESSED with Dialga's PMD theme: Fight to the Finish, and I found a lyrical version www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPH0sy… ((To which I've literally been listening to maybe for like- 48 hours give or take???? :'D)) 
And that got me into researching who the frick Primal Dialga was which then resulted in me making another AU off of PTA (PokeTale Ascendance) But also Pokemon Mystery Dungeon which then resulted in me getting hella inspired to make this
Also meet MagiCHARA cuz 1) I honestly feel like Chara would totally become a Magikarp cuz the whole LV20 motif with Chara, like in Genocide when Chara becomes LV20 by taking the players LV, EXP (since Chara is the narrator and she more or less confirms it at the end of genocide that Frisk basically uses her stats) and at LV20 Chara is strong enough to literally yeet the entire game into the void/world/timeline And even ignore TRUE RESETs (since she still remembers your Genocide run and prevents the Player from ever getting the happy pacifist ending and makes the player think she kills everyone on the Surface anyways to show the Player/Frisk that you aren't above consequences and stuff)
And Gyarados according to the pokedex can annihilate entire fucking cities with a single Hyper Beam or something???? (and can also be very very angry, which reminds me of Chara too when you finally meet the first fallen human in Undertale during the Genocide run like she's EXTREMELY pissed at the player for probably killing off all the monsters she loved/died for to save and stuff- *WHich also happens at Level 20 if you let Magikarp evolve into a Gyarados)
2) Also cuz of Chara's self-hatred/hatred for humans + possible abuse makes her feel as if she's worthless/useless/etc. which kinda also fits Magikarp cuz it is also useless until like, level 15 where it finally learns tackle and stuff and idk- I just feel like Magikarp totally fits tbh lol *And maybe I also like the idea Arceus is trolling his daughter and turned her into a Magikarp since she hated being a human so much/hates humanity in general* idk-
but= ye. For the drawing my thoughts were also like: What if the Primal form did something a little extra as well to Dialga instead of just only a color change?? (Hence why in my drawing Dialga has extra fangs, more streamers through out his body pumping in more power the more his anger rises) Since Bulbapedia's explanation for the Primal form for Dialga made it totally sound like it's some sort of corruption or something since Dialga loses all sense of sanity, morals and so on and only focuses on self-preservation and stuff and can even only communicate through growls and roars apparently if Dialga loses too much of his sanity to the Primal state-
And Chara sees this happening to her brother and desperately wants to help him (also for the PMD/PTA AU Dialga either doesnt recognize Chara being his sister since she's a Magikarp now and he remembers her being a human) OR he doesnt remember Chara at all and immediately just assumes she's lying, but Chara remembers being adopted by Arceus and stuff- and idk
And then Palkia in the Post-game also attacks her once he realizes Chara is from a diferent universe altogether *Undertale* And gets pissed thinking she's an enemy for disrupting Space and stuff-
and yeah- thats all I got for this AU tbh
//ALso I know Magikarp is not one of the Starters you can choose to become or whatever in the PMD Universe but frick you okay- Magikarp SHOULD be one for those psycho people like me who likes making games 10 million times harder for no goddamn reason and Magikarp is adorable so REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- XD//
For PokeTale: Ascendance
An AU based off of an RP between me and a friend of mine from my discord server discord.gg/pQf9ZsdF6E where the Creation Trio as babies (a time they all cant really fully control their powers and junk) accidentally create a portal into the Undertale Universe and meet Chara and basically Arceus finds Chara and adopts her after finding out about her shitty human parents and Chara ends up helping Arceus raise the babies and basically lives in the Pokemon Universe now
((And ALso yes. Up until the Dialga Boss fight, MagiChara was mostly just there as Moral Support and to be annoying/narrate for Riolu sometimes lol
And also used as occassionally a weapon to be yeeted at Enemies for being annoying and a bew lmao)) 
//FYI: The Riolu has been replaced with Volopi (Togepi but its Volo that's been turned into a Togepi) and thus retconned
Canon version to the PMD-verse of my pokemon/Undertale AU "Poketale: Ascendance" (PTA)
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inkmemes · 3 years ago
peachprc  lyric  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  her  entire  discography  to  date.  trigger  warnings  for  religion,  drug  use,  unhealthy  coping  mechanisms,  alcohol  mentions,  mental  illness  allusions,  &  more.  some  lyrics  have  been  tweaked  to  work  better  as  full  sentences.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i leave ya on a comedown.”
“i mean this respectfully: god is a bit of a freak.”
“i understand.”
“why would i spend my eternity with god when he's a freak?”
“i'm hard to love; there's no denying.”
“don't wanna love me 'cause it feels too risky.”
“i've been told i'm heavy to hold.”
“if you've had enough … thanks for trying.”
“stop calling me, [name].”
“i know your type.”
“don't be shy, come in.”
“i hate this winter theme.”
“i know you only call tryna patch things up and all.”
“all your money's rolled up your nose.”
“i wasn't always colourblind.”
“and i think maybe you're lost.”
“let's pour a drink.”
“tell him he did nothing wrong, you just decided you prefer blondes.”
“"how to win friends, influence them" let you down.”
“"fix you" is only pretty when it's sung by coldplay.”
“i'm artificial sweetener.”
“i'm hard to beat.”
“call me a skeptic, but i kept it to myself.”
“ i been good for so so long - a little fun never hurt no one.”
“you're incomplete.”
“and i think you're kinda narcissistic; you should see a therapist.”
“and i don't wanna talk when you're knockin' off, drunk at four o'clock.”
“don't put all your eggs in one basket just cause you saw the world through some peach coloured glasses.”
“i think amphetamine's the only crystal that'd help.”
“i'm not saying i miss you, i just think i have dreams where i kiss you and it's pink, and i wake up in a room full of blue, and i remember how violet looked on you.”
“i'm exhausted always cutting you off.”
“put on that dress he don't like.”
“i've got a problem keeping friends.”
“you've got someone else on your mind.”
“so i think i'm cured. this time i'm sure. it's different than before.”
“you just wanna dance all night.”
“i'll be your experiment, we'll do it for the hell of it.”
“i hear cars pull up outside, ring doorbells but they're never mine.”
“call me heart and jaw breaker.”
“i'm not saying i miss you, i just think i have dreams where i kiss you …”
“sleep in my room instead.”
“i tried some crystals i was told would fix me up.”
“let me change your mind with a kiss.”
“i got a question for you: does he make you feel like i do?”
“how can i love myself when i'm so draining to everyone else?”
“sitcoms on vhs - laugh tracks echo the friends that left.”
“i have like four notes in my brain and that's it.”
“here's my confession.”
“such an entrepreneur clown.”
“is there a shortlist order of importance or is it just luck based?”
“i'm still waiting up tonight.”
“it's all just symptomatic.”
“i know you're okay but don't throw out your meds cause you had a good day.”
“my gingerbread house is on fire.”
“does your mum still buy your clothes?”
“put on that dress he don't like.”
“what's your deal? 'cause you're living like a baller on a budget of 'bout twenty dollars, plus my rent money you "borrowed".”
“i'm not saying i love you, i just mean … maybe grass on your side really was green.”
“guess god had time that day.”
“i'm gonna get rum drunk.”
“why's he watching me getting railed on the couch?”
“i can't think of anything else.”
“a bump's the only snow i'll ever see.”
“don't worry about it - kids that've sinned get sick.”
“i know you're gonna hear this song on all the playlists it comes on.”
“[name] you're no fun you just sedate me.”
“maybe i'm just a little too old.”
“my solar plexus had a hole that needed love.”
“how can i brave this storm when i just burn them trying to keep warm?”
“he says i fill the void with boys and overspend.”
“i’ve done some things i shouldn't do.”
“i got a feeling you'd be better off with me.”
“i just wanna call you mine.”
“listen i'm just confused with the work that he's doing.”
“it's not serious, it's just an experience.”
“i thought you were blocked.”
“you'd be surprised, the things i've done since you've been gone.”
“all trick no treat.”
“don't tell my doctor that i'm day drinking again.”
“i think he likes me, maybe i'm a narcissist.”
“weird you're acting like my boyfriend.”
“i'm not usually this forward but now i wanna be.”
“this story's gonna take all night.”
“and i heard you're gettin' drunk at bars still.”
“i can't do anything else.”
“fuck off, stop calling me, [name].”
“it's getting all kinds of ridiculous.”
“he's gonna kill me.”
“they'll kiss me, their manic dream pixie.”
“i'm getting tired.”
“maybe start with all the holes you left in the wall.”
“get another round and taste it.”
“he's got fucked up priorities.”
“how's your business workin' out?”
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marciabrady · 3 years ago
What you said about Moana is very interesting considering that it is the last film that Ron and John directed before John's retirement from Disney. I always loved their films, I love The Little Mermaid, Hercules, Treasure Planet and The Princess and the Frog, and I like what they did in The Great Mouse Detective and Aladdin, but for some reason Moana didn't resonated with me the same way than their previous films. I didn't felt for Moana as a protagonist the way I felt for Ariel and Tiana or for Hercules and Jim, she was just "fine" for me, and the movie itself was just ok, but not at the same level of the others. What do you think that happened? Maybe Ron and John got caught in executive meddling to make their film more in tune with the trend of the 2010s 3D Disney films? Or maybe they were just tired? I truly wanted to love Moana because they are my favorite director duo of Disney but for some reason I just didn't cared too much about it.
I totally agree with you! Moana was definitely better than the Frozen movies for me, but her character leaves a lot to be desired. I think a lot of different factors weighed down production though.
To first brush upon why it didn't feel like Ron and John's other features...Ron and John have done interviews stating they were fired when Disney decided to clear house when it came to their creative teams so that their new movies would feel more like Dreamworks. Ron and John were among the first to be let go because The Little Mermaid signaled the Disney Renaissance which was faithful to the Disney legacy and built upon the tradition. Disney, instead, wanted to make movies that were irreverent, crude, and childish, which I think we can see in Moana (the gas jokes, the pee jokes, how Moana herself is so infantilized). Like, there isn't a world in which Shrek doesn't exist but Moana does. So, I think once Ron and John did come back, they were already burned and felt way too fearful of abiding by their innate creativity and kinda just did what they thought would keep Disney appeased.
I also think the casting of two creative talents lead to, in my eyes, the downfall but this is purely just my opinion based on my personal taste. I don't like Lin Manuel and I find his musical style tacky tbh. Again, this is just my opinion! I barely remembered any of the songs apart from How Far I'll Go. And, even in that song, lyrics like: "Everyone on this island has a role on this island so I guess I'll roll with mine" just irk me, personally??? The second person I think that contributed to the lackluster nature of the film is Auli'i. Listen, I think she's a talented, wonderful person but she's just not a Disney Princess. For starters, she was fourteen when she was cast and I'm just disturbed by that??? She was sixteen after her film came out and that's the same treatment Elle Fanning's Aurora had in Maleficent and I personally hate this trend. I think established talent should be chosen that's equal parts learned and innately gifted. When someone's that young, it just continues to push this idea that Disney films are for little kids and I think it also furthers the nature of like...babyfying the Disney art form. I also get a little put off by Auli'i, and again this might be due to how young she is, but as opposed to having a defined personality I feel like she just kinda mimics whatever is socially cool at the moment. Like, she memorizes memes and tweets to substitute a personality instead of actually having one??? And I definitely think she injected that in Moana and just performed her in a way that was irritating to me, personally. I think it continued the current trend of having Disney Princesses just respond to criticisms metatextually instead of being an actual character. Like, doesn't she even say in the film that she's not a princess?
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quokkamemes · 3 years ago
based off of carly rae jepsen’s masterpiece expanded edition album.   ( + part one. )
“ we said we'd always be the same, but we lost each other in the game. ”
“ if i just lie here, will you let me go ? ”
“ what can i say that you don't already know ? ”
“ i just don't care anymore. ”
“ i've told a hundred lies, but i don't wanna tell you any at all. ”
“ what if we could go back ? ”
“ i don’t know what you wanted. ”
“ sometimes i wish that i could change. ”
“ where were you for me when i needed someone ? ”
“ i don't care 'bout your good intentions. ”
“ if you'd just give me a chance, you'd see what i see. ”
“ do you see what i see ? ”
" i only came here for you. ”
“ i'm not going anywhere without you. ”
“ this is getting kinda serious. ”
" please don’t go. ”
“ should i stay ? ”
“ you know i didn’t mean it. ”
“ all i want is to hold you. ”
“ remember, i told you you’re all that i need. ”
“ say you’ll stay the night, i need you ‘till the morning light. ”
“ i don't think that anybody understands you the way i do. ”
“ you’ll learn to love again. ”
" i never meant to fight with you. ”
“ i know that we can’t be together. ”
“ it's too late for us, and there's no turning back now. ”
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a-dream-seeking-light · 3 years ago
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Grimes for Discorder Magazine February 2012
Written by Sarah Berman / Photos by Michelle Ford / Hair&Makeup by Jenna Kuchera / Styling by Mila Franovic / Clothes by F as in Frank
[ full article text below the cut ]
It wasn’t so long ago that Claire Boucher—a.k.a. Grimes—released a miniscule run of 30 cassettes for her breezy electro-goth debut Geidi Primes.  
 Just over a year ago, the Vancouver-born, but then Montreal-based artist played to a modest crowd at the Astoria with the help of local jack-of-most-trades, Cameron Reed.    "Cam set up my first show in Vancouver, which was really nice of him,“ Boucher recalls of the de facto show promoter, who also crafts glitchy atmospherics under the banner Babe Rainbow.  On the line from her parents’ place in town, Boucher reflects on how far she’s come.  "I think it was last Christmas—sometime back in the day before I was a real musician, or something.”    Since then, the “realness” of Boucher’s career has undeniably rocketed skyward.  For starters, she recently signed with the esteemed English imprint 4AD.  Though she’ll stay on Montreal’s Arbutus Records within Canada, the international distribution deal places her in the past and present ranks of St. Vincent and the Cocteau Twins.  Boucher’s also coming off a well-received tour with Lykke Li, and her upcoming record, Visions, is enjoying critical adoration from all corners of the indie music blogosphere.  And with good reason.  The album’s airtight production allows Boucher’s signature falsetto to soar over curious arrangements of vintage hip-hop loops, dancing Casio synths, occasional Nintendo chimes, and ever-breathy harmonies.  As her third solo release, Visions marks a graduation from bedroom composing into the world of avant-pop tastemaking.  It’s realer than real, you might say.    Since her return to Lotusland in November, Grimes has immersed herself in the sushi and musical scenery she left behind in 2006.  Reached a few days before playing a collaborative DJ set with Reed at the Waldorf, Boucher reflected on the hippy vibes, potential alien correspondence and chemically-induced all-nighters she’s experienced on the West Coast.    "We did a bunch of Dexedrine and drank a bunch of gin and made the sleaziest pop song of all time,“ Boucher recalls of a very recent collaboration with Blood Diamonds’ Mike Tucker.  The resulting track, "Phone Sex,” will be released later this year.    "It’s like a K-pop version of ‘We Found Love’ by Rihanna,“ Grimes says, adding that the all-night creative burst escalated into absurdity pretty quickly:  "It’s kinda psychedelic and has really weird lyrics that maybe imply an incestuous relationship, or something.”    It’s with this tongue-in-cheek deadpan that Boucher seems to chide all of her accomplishments and tastes.  Whether we’re discussing a teenage obsession with Tool or her skyscraping vocal range, Boucher bookends her replies in self-deprecating humour.    "I think people think I’m much more serious than I am,“ she muses.  "Most of the music I’ve ever made, I’ve been so baked when I made it.  Like, really stoned.”    Perhaps for similar self-preserving reasons, Boucher doesn’t get too personal in her song lyrics.  While a spare few phrases can be deciphered, most Grimes songs are comprised of wordless flowing vocal hooks.    "I just don’t listen to lyrics much myself,“ she explains.    Instead, Boucher finds herself emulating TLC and Mariah Carey-style R&B singing techniques ("Maybe that’s totally taboo or not cool, but the idea of combining R&B and goth is like everything I could ever want,” the vocalist gushes), but without the straightforward romantic plotlines.  "I don’t want to evoke anything super specific,“ she says.  "If I’m writing about something sensitive to myself, I don’t want it to be cheesy, or something.  I feel like being abstract is a little more tasteful and less embarrassing.”    Without earthly lyrics to pin down, Grimes tunes are repeatedly branded “ethereal” and “spacey"—the latter being a descriptor Boucher both enjoys and embraces.  "I’m really into sci-fi; I’m really into space,” the musician exults.  "I believe in aliens.“    One might even guess her otherworldly style of art-pop is an attempt to connect with other planets.  "Circumambient” begins with spacey digital transmission, and album closer “know the way” offers another round of buoyant, celestial echoes.    "I would send this record to aliens,“ she says.  "But I don’t know if I was trying to speak to aliens on this record.”    Conversely, Boucher says Vancouver has also brought out her grounded, nature-loving side.  "It’s a little weird but kind of refreshing,“ she says of the familiar landscape.  "I think I’ve become more of a hippy since I’ve returned.  I’m appreciating nature I think for the first time.”    In her formative years, Boucher says she wasn’t too concerned with Vancouver’s natural assets.  "I feel like I never looked at the mountains and felt like 'those are really beautiful’ or anything.  As a kid, I was just like 'oh, I hate my parents’ or something.“    If you missed Grimes’ DJ set at the Waldorf in January, fret not.  Before she embarks on a solid year of touring, Grimes will headline the Fortune Sound Club later this month.  But when asked if the West Coast will be her creative destination once the promotion cycle for Visions winds down, Boucher was quick to suggest otherwise.    "I think I want to move to Berlin or Shanghai,” she says, describing the latter [sic] as “the Montreal of Europe.”  The German capital has swiftly become a mecca for creative Canadian ex-pats looking to escape the real estate market:  "Super cheap equals a lot of art,“ Boucher says, "because people can actually do shit and not work all the time.”    Though 2012 looks to be booked solid, it’s only a matter of time before we see Grimes’ next vision.  Or something.  
Grimes kicks off a world tour at Fortune Sound Club on February 18.  
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robinofgothamcity · 4 years ago
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♡ starting prompt: based off a tweet i saw that said ‘we always kinda shipped them together. he kept scoffing that he didn’t like her and yet he always look at her first when someone made a joke to see if she was laughing too’.  
♡ pairing: walter hahn (WWE / NXT) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. take a look and you’ll see into your imagination. i’ll be begin with a spin....”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes
"who’s that?” Walter asked his blond friend. Marcel looked up to see you, headphones in and blaring music so loud that everyone was able to hear. “oh, that’s ( your name ). she’s Timothy’s-,” before he could finish the sentence, Timothy came up to you and gave you a quick hug, “that’s his manager. she also works in the front office,” he continued. 
Walter’s eyebrows went down in confusion. never in the time that they were together in RingKampf had he ever took interest in having a manager and from the looks of it, you were the exact opposite of Tim. from afar, you were bubbly, excitable, and cute. 
Tim was nothing of the sort. polar opposites one might say. 
you were sitting in your seat as Tim was eating lunch. dancing to whatever you were listening, Walter couldn’t help but laugh at your antics. he knew Tim like the back of his hand so the decision to make you his manager was either his doing or something that was out of his hand. 
“she’s....interesting,” he said under his breath, making Marcel look at him for a moment, “any particular reason why you’re so interested in her? she’s been his manager for a while now,” Marcel put in. Walter shook his head, deciding not to respond. 
you were Tim, watching as he scarfed down his dinner while you finished up a few papers that needed to get done for next weeks taping. you were supposed to be dressed and ready to go by six but because of Tim’s new storyline with the boys from Imperium, you had to figure out a few things before the match. 
Timothy was a bit hard headed at first, stating that he didn’t need a manager but after a while, he got used to having you around. you were almost like a pest that he cared about like a sister. 
“hey, your friends are over there! why don’t you say hi!” you exclaimed, seeing Walter, Fabian, and Marcel in a corner, speaking to each other, “no. we’re not supposed to be speaking with each other,” was all he said before continuing to eat. 
you huffed before scooting out of your chair, “well, I’m going to say hello. since we’re going to be working with each other, I guess it’s only right to get formalities out of the way,” you stated, making Tim’s eyes go wide in panic. 
he instantly tried to get you to come back but by the time he tried to reach for you to come back, you were already prancing over to them. 
“hi!” you exclaimed happily. Fabian, the friendliest of the bunch gave you a smile, “i’m ( your name )! Tim’s manager. it’s nice to meet all of you!” you introduced yourself, giving them your hand to shake. 
Fabian introduced himself, giving you a hug instead. Marcel on the other hand just took the handshake and murmured his name to you. Walter remained looking at you, not bothering to say anything outside of giving you a simple head nod. 
to the untrained eye, like yourself and others, Walter’s reaction was a given. he was never a man of many words yet to the boys and Tim, they could see that Walter was holding himself back. almost like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. 
you giving Walter a smile, one that would’ve made anyone fall for you but he just turned his head to another direction and started to speak to Marcel in German. you gave Fabian a confused look, wondering why he didn’t tell you much but you felt a hand clasp onto your shoulder a second after. 
“evening boys,” Tim’s voice spoke from behind you. you gave him another look, wondering why he went back on his word from earlier, “they’re looking for you in makeup and they’re pissed,” he whispered into your ear.
your eyes widened, realizing you were beyond late to get your makeup done. you gave them a quick goodbye, shoving your work into Tim’s hands and screaming at him to put it into your office before basically darting off to the makeup station. 
Tim, Fabian, Marcel, and now Alex who had shown up looked at Walter with suspecting eyes. no one said a word but Tim could sense Walter had taken an infatuation with you. 
a few weeks passed since your encounter with Walter and the rest of Imperium. since you were working 'against’ them now, outside of the ring, you got a bit close to Marcel and Alex. they would invite you to sit next to them when Tim wasn’t with you. 
you tried to get closer with Walter but he always closed you off. he would say absolutely nothing to you and when had too, it wasn’t anything besides a few words. at first you thought that maybe you just annoyed him to the point where he didn’t like you but eventually, Tim told you that he was just that way with anyone that didn’t know him. 
“good morning to my favorite Germans!” you said, running up to Marcel and Alex, engulfing them into a forced hug. they stood stiff, basically embracing the forced hug, “and Walter!” you added on, giving him a brief wave. 
“where’s your boyfriend?” Alex asked, looking around. you fluttered your eyebrows in confusion, “boyfriend? wanna tell me who that is?” you asked. Marcel gave you a hearty laugh, “Tim. he’s asking for Timothy,” he stated. 
you let out a laugh, louder than you intended as you sat down next to Walter and Alex, “Tim? my boyfriend? that’s like saying it’s gonna snow in Florida. never going to happen,” you joked, trying to calm down your giggles. “very defensive about it, aren’t ya?” Alex added on. 
“people love the idea that we’re secretly together but Timothy is like an annoying brother. I love him but I wanna kick his ass 90% of the time. the other 10 is caring that he doesn’t get killed by you guys.” 
before you could continue, you heard a producer call your name, telling you that you were needed to clear up a few things for Hunter. you told them goodbye and went over to the producer. 
“so she’s single, huh?” Alex said, tapping his chin. Marcel looked at him, “why do you care?” he asked. Alex shrugged, “now that we know maybe this idiot will ask her out,” he mentioned. 
Marcel let out a laugh as Walter stared at him annoyed, “yeah right. he actually has to make conversation first and he can’t even do that with her. I’ve been hearing a few people have been interested in asking her out. not that she knows or anything,” Marcel said quietly. 
he actually had no idea if anyone was interested in you or not. personally, he could have cared less but he knew his best friend better than anyone else. Walter liked you, he was just too much of a chicken shit to actually admit to it. 
“who?” Walter asked almost immediately. Marcel closed the circle in, “for starters, in the NXT roster is Jordan Devlin and Sami Zayn from Smackdown has been rumored to have gotten her number,” Marcel lied. Alex perked at the names, “and how did you find out?” he asked, a bit suspicious that he knew. 
Marcel shrugged, not bothering to say anything for a moment, “oh, just heard a few of the girls talking yesterday while I was working out,” Walter stared at the table, his mind racing with thoughts. he never knew others actually had taken an interest in you, not that it was wrong to do as such but he was taken back that it was more than one person. 
“what has you so quiet all of a sudden?” Walter shook his head, not responding as he got up, taking his jacket with him and leaving the table. “I wonder what his problem is,” Alex murmured. Marcel laughed, “he’s finally going to grow a pair and ask her out,” Marcel stated. 
you were working in your office, sorting through a few different files you needed for a storyline in the women’s division. it was already late into the night as you filed the sheets away and started to get your things ready to leave.
“of course this week had to be my busiest week, now I have to call an Uber home,” you groaned. you had put your car in the shop because of a few issues it had and it wasn’t expected to get finished until at least Monday, “god damn it Tim, you just had to leave,” you huffed. 
just as you pulled your phone out, you saw Walter walking out of the locker room, “hey Walter! what are you doing here so late?” you asked, trying not to make it awkward, “I stayed working out late,” he said. 
you nodded, “ah, don’t overwork yourself now,” you mentioned, “but give me a second? I need to call an Uber home. my car is stuck at the mechanics until Monday and Tim already left,” Walter’s eyes widened, realizing this was his chance. 
“I have a car, I can take you home?” he asked, trying not to come off as intimidating. you perked up in relief, “really? that would be so amazing!” you said happily. he grabbed his keys and jiggled them, “my cars on the other side of the building,” he said.
you followed behind, trying to make conversation and interestingly enough, he was actually responding to you like a normal person would. not those snippets of conversations he would say around the others. 
the entire ride home, you were trying to crack jokes, seemingly trying to make him laugh which ended in you making an idiot out of yourself and making him laugh that way instead. Walter had never realized he actually liked you as much as the others would joke he did but now that it was just the two of you, he could sense the feelings were there. 
the ride to your house was a bit on the shorter side. you lived in a small two bedroom house, closer to Full-Sail than he thought. just as he put the car into park to let you get out, you turned around and gave him a smile, making Walter glad that it dark outside and you weren’t able to see his sudden red face. 
“I know this is weird but would you like to come in? I have food I made for myself this morning after I came from work and I’m sure there’s enough for you.” 
Walter sighed in relief. 
“I would love too.” 
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unabashegirl · 5 years ago
#1 “Kings of Leon” HS
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Author’s Note: First Harry Styles imagine! Hope you like it! Request are open!
He leans against the frame of the entrance of the living room. He was locked away in the office for a few hours, trying to write something down in his journal for the day. It was until he heard the faint sound of music playing that he decided to leave the room and investigate the source of the ruckus.
It was her. The music sounds too familiar to him as he walks down the hallway. Kings of Leon play loudly throughout the entire house. He had discovered that it was her favorite band after the first few dates. That day after lunch, they had decided to go for a walk. They ran into a small music store where Y/N bought a Kings of Leon vinyl. She then proceeded to invite Harry to her small apartment for some coffee and to listen to the record together.
Her appearance captivates him. She dances around the living room without a single care in the world. She only wears a simple t-shirt over her bikini. Her hair is down and still wet from her previous dip in the ocean. She is attempting to air-dry it. She also holds tightly to a tall glass of Pina colada and tries her best not to spill it on the hardwood floor of the house, but she is still not holding anything back. He can see the small bruise forming on the side of her thigh. Last night Y/N had turned off the lights before getting in bed and had walked into the corner of their bed. Harry had to turn the lights back on with the switch beside the bed to go tend her. 
It is only their second day in the Caribbean, but they have both already managed to burn. Jamaica will always hold a very special place in Harry’s heart. He has enjoyed showing Y/N the best places to eat and loved her reaction after they had gone snorkeling.  After being in Japan for so long, he had only desired to spend sometime under the sun and away from the real world especially with her. It also didn’t take much convincing to get Y/N on the plane. 
In one of her twirls her eyes land on Harry, who is only staring at her while enjoying the view of her careless self. 
“What are you doing?” She breathlessly asks as she stops moving while Pyro plays in the background. It was one of her favorites songs. Y/N pushes her hair away from her face, her cheeks are blushed which only entices him to approach and kiss each of them.
“Just heard the music” He honestly just wants her to go back to dancing. He relishes watching her when she isn’t looking. It is mesmerizing for him. He had even sneaked into her office once for a  few hours before lunch just to watch her work. He would just tell her that he needed to finish some lyrics for a song and pretend to write in his journal. He loves seeing how she knits her eyebrows when she reads over her emails or how she fiddles with her pen as she tries to remember what she was about to write on a post-it. 
“I am sorry if I interrupted you” She kinda feels bad and flustered. She knows how important writing time it’s for him. It wasn’t her intention to disturb him in his sacred time. It is his alone time and it helps him to put all his thoughts in one place whether they are bad or good. While Harry walks over to the small bar and pours himself a glass of whiskey, she turns down the music with her phone. When he chooses his drink, he heads back and sits on his usual seat. She just stands around. 
“No need to apologize, kitten” Y/N has the habit of apologizing for things that aren’t her actual fault especially when she is around him. She is just terrified to piss him off and for him to send her off. After all, there is nothing binding them together. They have no commitment to one another. They weren’t even formally dating per se. Even though Harry whispers that she is his every time he makes love to her. 
“Did you get to write anything tho?” She pulls on the back of her shirt, trying to cover some skin. He knows how nervous he makes her feel and he can only blame himself for it. They had met in a time when Harry was fragile due to his past relationship. It was a few weeks before his departure to Japan. He had already bought the tickets and his team had already organized everything for him. In the following weeks, they had multiple dates. She invited him to her hot yoga and spinning classes in the morning. They would usually go out for breakfast or lunch after. He grew accustomed to having her around. He asked her to accompany him to Japan three days before his departure.
“This is something you need to do on your own,” She said that day to him while she held him tightly. That was the day, Harry knew that she was so different from all the girls that he had even gone out with him. It wasn’t only because she wasn’t a model and she was just like any other person, but because she truly cared for his mental health. “You need to recover and I think this will do you good” Y/N said a few hours before his departure. He had stopped at her apartment before leaving. He wanted to tell her how much he liked her and to wait for him.
It wasn’t easy for Y/N. After all, he was leaving the country to write about his ex, who he was still in love with. She took a step back after his departure and let him do his own things. If it was meant to be, it would happen without her having anything to do with it. It certainly was because the first place that Harry went to when he arrived was her apartment.
“I did” He smiles as he reached out for her hand. It had been mostly about her and their long passionates nights on the island. “Are you hiding from me?” Harry asks as he pulls her on his lap. She nervously shakes her head as she settles each of legs on either side of him. “How was the water?” He runs his fingers over her skin noticing the little specks of salt on her brand new tan skin. Harry had stayed in for their usual sunset dip. He had fallen asleep after making love to her and devouring a giant bowl of fruit with her in bed.
“Warm and kinda lonely” She pouts, wrapping her free hand around his neck then leans over and places her drink on a table. 
“We can’t have that can’t we?” Y/N smiles and shakes her head at him as she gently pulls on the curls at the back of his head. The skin of his cheekbones is slightly burned making him more irresistible. She had tried to apply sunscreen on his face, but he kept making faces. It only distracted her and she ended just laughing at him “I guess I won’t ever leave yeh again” Harry leans in and kisses her jawline gently. He can still smell the faint aroma of her carrot tanning lotion on her skin.  
She enjoys the coolness of his rings pressed against her bare lower back. She runs her hands on his chest noticing the soft material of the shirt that he has on. The living room slide doors are opened allowing the sound of the waves crashing soothe them along with the faint sound of her favorite band.
“I need to tell yeh something” he mumbles against her the salty skin of her neck. She immediately tenses up and goes cold. A million thoughts run through her head. Harry pulls away wanting to see her reaction. He takes a sip out of his drink and leans back on his seat. He still grips her hip in place wanting to keep some kind of content with her.
“What is it?” She gulps, silently playing that he wasn’t dumping her or sending her away.
“I first have to confess something. I told you I liked you before I left for Japan, do yeh remember?” Y/N nods along too scared to say something. She also feels like she was about to be sick. It might have to do something about the amount of rum that it’s running through her veins. “I was actually not sure if I did. I was hesitant. We had just met and I was leaving for a long time. I didn’t want to lose you. I lied”
“Why are you tell me all of this now?” She frowns not comprehending where he is going with this or what he is trying to tell her.
“For us to have a healthy relationship. I have to be honest with yeh from starters. We can’t build a relationship based on lies” He explains hoping she would get what he is trying to say and catch up.
“In that case, I actually didn’t lose your sweater” she confesses, “It's actually in my closet at home. It just reminds me of you” Harry laughs lightly showing her his pearly whites.
“I know babe” A few days ago he had seen it in her closet. “I think that you are absolutely beautiful inside out. I love how much you worry about little things, how you sing in the shower, how much you take care of your plants and even how your lips still taste like pineapple when I kiss them” he jokes at the end. He tries to keep it short even though there are still a million things he can mention about her.  “I guess I am trying t’ say is that you are worth having my heart broken a thousand times more if that means that I get to be around yeh” He watches as a wide smile appears across her face. She presses her lips against his. 
“Would you be my girlfriend?” She doesn’t say much but just repeatedly pecks her lips. Y/N was starting to grow impatient. She was starting to believe that their relationship would never move forward and she would remain to be just a friend who he occasionally has sex with until he found a girlfriend. 
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes, silly” she giggles then proceeds to peck the tip of his nose. “I thought you were going to send me home for a minute” Y/N admits as she presses a hand against her chest. 
“No. You’re stuck with me now”  He is so infatuated with her that it wouldn’t surprise him if he tells her he loves her before the trip ends, but that is another story. 
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jasonrae117 · 5 years ago
Bad Idea, Good Intentions 
Part 2
"Now that those boys stopped swooping in on this seat, may I have it?" The smoky voice to his side caught his attention. He turned to a young woman about his age just a step behind the bar stool. He felt his mouth dry as it hung open slightly as he fully took in this definitely welcome stranger.
She had creamy ivory skin and eyes that seemed too dark to simply classify as blue. They were unique and enchanting along with her cascading black hair that seemed to absorb the light that shone on it and reflect only what it wanted. Her full lips were curled into a half smile and painted a dark mauve. His eyes quickly trailed down her body clad in a sleeveless black knit crop top and a long matching wrap skirt, exposing the creamy flesh of her toned upper
stomach. His eyes flicked back to hers and in them they held a glint of amusement.
Tim quickly replied, "All yours m'lady." He shot her a bright smile. His night just got better. Beautiful woman wanting to sit next to him, he'll take that any day. 
"Mm what a gentleman. Hopefully better than your friends." She took the seat and crossed her leg over the other allowing the slit of her skirt to reveal all the way up to her upper thigh. He couldn't help but linger on the smooth looking milky skin of her shapely legs. Holy hell if this woman wasn't a total bombshell he didn't know what was.
The woman ordered herself a whiskey double neat and cooly ran her fingers through her hair, resting her chin on her palm waiting. Tim wanted to kill his friends for being such asses and he prayed his chances weren't shot. "I'm sorry for whatever you heard. They're idiots when they've had a few….actually truth be told they're idiots regardless but complete trainwrecks when they drink."
The mysterious woman turned her head in her palm and chuckled lightly. Good, he still had a shot. "And what about you? Mr…" she sat up a bit and twisted her body to face him. 
"Drake. Uh… well Tim. My name is Tim Drake. Of course you don't need formalities, just Tim will do." God he sounded like an idiot.
"Well, just Tim. What happens to you when you drink?" A tiny smirk played along her pretty mouth.
Tim looked into his almost empty glass and thanked God that he still had his wits about him. "I'd like to say that I can hold my liquor well. But I can't say I've been out drinking too often to really know. I talk a lot, I know that. Not just when I drink, but all the time….well not like annoyingly so. I just think a lot. I mean I have so many things processing in my brain at any given moment… wow ok, I guess I get nervous too? I'm sorry, I swear I'm not normally like this." He rubbed the back of his neck and cursed himself for looking like a damn fool in front of her. 
He waited for her reply, hoping he didn't just scare her away with his rambling. Shit was he drunk? Or is it this woman's presence that has him all wound up? The bartender came back with her drink and placed it on the tidy white beverage napkin. The man held onto it a touch longer than Tim thought necessary and when the woman reached out for it, the bartender leaned in closer muttering that it was on the house with a wink before he went to tend to another patron. Tim didn't know why he was annoyed, the woman wasn't with him, he barely knew her, but he felt like there was some bro code or whatever that didn't permit poaching attractive women from him. 
The woman in question didn't even blush or react to the bartender's flirting and she looked back at Tim, taking a small sip. He watched as her full lips parted to allow the amber liquid to flow into her mouth. This woman was too beautiful, why is she talking to him?
"What are you normally like then, Tim? What kinds of things is that brain of yours processing right now?" She raised her eyebrow, finger dancing along the rim of the glass. 
Tim did not want to reveal what he was actually thinking, it was many thoughts about the woman in front of him and how damn good looking she was. "You know, what my idiot friends are up to, the band that was playing earlier, you." Tim wasn't very good at flirting, that was his older brother's specialty, but based on the growing smile on her face, he thought that maybe he was doing just fine. 
"What did you think of the band?" Her almost indigo eyes were focused on his. There was a seriousness to her question but he didn't think too much of it.
"They were great. To be honest, I was a little skeptical, not of their talent but the club's choice to host them." She tilted her head and her brows furrowed a bit. He took that to mean that she wanted him to explain further. "Their songs are not what I would say is typical club music so I was a bit surprised. Although I can't say I really like 'typical club music'. But I'm glad they were able to play here and I got to hear them."
"I see, very insightful. Did you like Nevermore's music?" She seemed to be really interested in his opinion of the band, strange.
"I do. I mean for a guy that doesn't listen to music all too often, the band definitely hooked me. I feel like I've heard the first song before though."
"The band started as a cover band and more recently started using original songs. They don't seem to be as popular. Copycat is one of them." Her cheeks warmed with a slight blush. 
Meanwhile Tim's face reddened at the thought of the sensual song again. He cleared his throat and took another sip of his drink. "That's cool. I..um..really liked that song. Raven's voice is amazing, never really heard anything like it."  He hoped the lights around the bar masked his blush from her.
"Her voice huh?" She laughed lowly. "That doesn't tend to be the audience's focus of that song." 
"I think that was part of the point."
"I think that Raven and the band added the sexy dancing after the song wasn't received well the first ten times they performed it, so they had to try a different tactic to get people to actually listen." Her eyes narrowed at her glass and she took a heavier sip from it.
"Oh, wow. I didn't know that. It's a shame really. I actually really liked the lyrics, they were clever."
"You actually listened?" Why was she surprised?
Tim coughed a little and adjusted in his seat for a moment. "I did. I was captivated by her voice first and then lyrics...and I'm not gonna lie, the dancing kinda enhanced it all." He looked back at her to see her expression soften.
"Interesting." There was a silence that fell over them for a moment. It wasn't uncomfortable or unwelcome, it just felt like she was enjoying his company.
"Tell me Tim, what do you think of me?" She shifted her legs so she could brush her ankle against his shin. Tim flushed at the contact and subconsciously looked down getting distracted by the smooth leg there. He recovered quickly and looked back to her face, an amused expression resting there.
"I think you're interesting, easy to talk to...and very beautiful." He wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say or was he too forward but he meant it. Her laughter made his heart beat faster but eased his embarrassment. So far he was doing okay.
"Thank you, Tim." An unknown expression flashed across her face just long enough for him to notice it but just as quickly as it came, it was replaced with amusement as if they were playing a secret game that only she knew about. "Do you want to meet the band? ....Perhaps meet Raven?" Her indigo eyes fell to her empty glass on the bar and she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Do you know them?"
"Pretty well I suppose."
"That's awesome. My friend knows Wally...er uh.. Kid Flash."
The woman chuckled again. "Yes, Wally has a lot of friends. So did you want me to introduce you? You seemed fond of Raven." Why was she still avoiding his gaze? Why was she offering to introduce him?
"Uh... I mean that would be cool, but I was enjoying myself hanging out with you. Unless you want to leave and meet up with them, then that's totally understandable." Tim thought that maybe it was an excuse to put some space between them and a distraction to slip away. Damn it, just when he thought...
The woman looked back at him brightly. "You're very sweet Tim. I'm enjoying my time with you as well. You're not like other guys."
"Thank you. So...are you staying?"
"Yes Tim, I'm staying." They shared a smile and a blush rose to both of their cheeks.
"Great! I'll buy you a drink and you can finally tell me about yourself." He flagged the bartender town and he ordered another drink for her and a glass of water for himself. He wanted to be sober as to not make a fool of himself.
"Thank you." She took a delicate sip. "What would you like to know?"
"For starters, I'd love to know what your name is."
She seemed to hesitate for a moment before finally introducing herself. "Rachel, Rachel Roth."
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nearlybitches · 4 years ago
But It’s Better If You Do: Lyric Analysis
Here is an analysis of the lyrics and meaning of this song. This post is part of a masterpost for the songs off AFYCSO. You can find the masterpost here. Enjoy!
The title of this song is also a quote from the movie Closer. It comes specifically from the line, “Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, but it’s better if you do”. According to Ryan, the song is “a song about being in a strip club but not actually liking being in there. So I wanted it to be about the sort of complex inner-monologue. It's not completely fiction, though. It's based on a scenario when I was going through a breakup with a girl. Because in reality, I don't like strip clubs. I think they're kinda perverted. When I wrote it, I never thought about it being played in strip clubs. But I guess it would be kind of a change from what they usually play in there. It would be a surreal experience, for sure. I think the tempo is too fast, though. So maybe someone would have to do a chopped-and-screwed version or something”. 
Now I'm of consenting age
To be forgetting you in a cabaret
Somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen
May even ask my name
As she sheds her skin on stage
I'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's PA
The strip joint veteran sits two away
Smirking between dignified sips of his dignified
Peach and lime daiquiri
Ironically enough, none of the members of Panic were old enough to drink at this time and depending on when this was written, they might not have even been 18 yet. The song starts out by describing a male character heading to a burlesque show. A burlesque show in the 1860’s was essentially an illegal show that was done in three parts. The first part was usually songs and comedy bits, the second was variety acts (think of talent shows...but with talent), and the last was essentially strippers (called Burlesque Queens during the Victorian Era). It was common for the police to do raids during these shows. This can be seen in the music video as well. A cabaret is a place where they sell alcohol. In this case, the man goes to a bar where there are strippers. He’s watching the dancers while drinking. 
And isn't this exactly where you'd like me?
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety?
This serves as a double reference of sorts. For starters, the character is trying to get over his ex-girlfriend but clearly isn’t enjoying it. The second reference could potentially be to the plot of the movie Closer (which the song got its name from). During the movie, Dan goes to a strip club while trying to find out what he’s missing in his current relationship. “Praying for love” is the character hoping that he finds love/finds what he’s looking for. “Paying in naivety” is probably how he realizes he didn’t really want to be there and never found what he was looking for anyway. It was naïve for him to think he would find “love in a lap dance”.
Oh, but I'm afraid that I
Well, I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead
D-dead, d-dead, d-dead in this place
Well, I'm afraid that I
Well, that's right, well, I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
The character regrets going to the club. He doesn’t want to be there and definitely didn’t find what he was looking for. The “may have faked it” line is likely referencing how he faked interest in wanting to be there or having any interest in what was happening in the first place.
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dearaliceliddel · 4 years ago
🎧? (I’m not going to lie, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually seen this fandom, so my interest in it has kinda spiked up from this blog! Thank you!)
Send a 🎧 and I will put my music on shuffle, then write a starter based on a lyric from the first song that plays
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"Hey mister!" the bellman says
Alice couldn’t recall what day it was, let alone the hour. Was it late into the night, or early into the day? Too many times lacking of rest, and too influenced by the could of winter, it had all been blurring together. Not that is mattered in the end for someone whom had no reason to recall other than rough estimations. Only to remember the most recent of moments in the immediate demand. But after having been so zoned into her own head, and snapped back into reality, she began to take a mental note on herself.
"I can only recall last's night hotel, " I said
It took a moment to piece together a few things, just how much she’d very nearly faded into auto pilot. She didn’t need that happening when Alice knew she wasn’t alone. It would be best to keep ones self awareness sharp and wits on high alert. She’d need a new cup of tea, certainly, to keep her body warmer, and wake the rest of her mind entirely. A real cup of tea was like a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart.
So he replies, 
It was curious, how anyone else could handle the frigid weather with such energy. "Then how do you manage?" Alice’s voice rang out, perhaps asking a true question of another, or maybe just muttering to herself. Besides the madness of the mind, and that of the world around her, it was all a matter of survival perspective.
I dodge the blast, and apologize for collateral damage 
( Song:  Panic! At The Disco: Mercenary from  Batman: Arkham City - The Album )
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wiltedthrone · 5 years ago
kinda random non queued starter for @hecrowned​ bc ya girl is impulsiiiiiveeeee 
“    talia    really    seemed    to    like    you.    ”    though    their    driver    is    paying    no    attention    to    them,    audrey    keeps    her    voice    low.    a    generic    pop    song    she’s    sure    she’s    heard    a    million    times    plays    through    the    speakers,    but    she    can’t    recall    any    of    the    lyrics.    all    her    brain    can    give    her    is    the    ending    scene    of    ben’s    date.    the    way    he    and    talia    looked    like    the    portrait    of    a    perfect    couple    as    they    walked    out    of    the    restaurant,    the    sleeve    of    talia’s    black    peacoat    conveniently    brushing    up    against    his    arm,    their    fingers    barely   missing     each   other.      talia    was    taller    than    audrey    too,    so    they    even    looked    like    they    were    meant    to    stand    next    to    each    other.    oh    god    hadn’t    ben    seen    her    naked    too?    didn’t    he    meet    her    naked?    they    were    already    at,    what,    third    base?    
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over    and    over    plays    the    sound    of    talia’s    twinkling    laughter    as    ben    told    a    joke    under    his    breath.    heat    floods    audrey’s    body    when    she    thinks    about    talia’s    hand    resting    on    his    shoulder.    she    recalls    the    way    her    lungs    begged    her    to    just   breathe    as    she    watched    them    through    the    half    tinted    window.    there   they  were,     frozen    like    the    icicles    suspended    from    the    roof    above    them,    just    staring    at    each    other.    was    he    going    to    kiss    her?    by    the    look    in    her    eyes,    talia    obviously    wanted    him    to.    the    thought    made    audrey    ill,    but    she    couldn’t    look    away.    she    had    to    know.
thankfully,    they    only    embraced,    but    even    that    stung.    at    least    ben    had    a    good    time,    she    tried    to    tell    herself    so    she    could    stop    her    bottom    lip    from    quivering.    at    least    he    didn’t    sit    outside    for    two    hours,    checking    his    phone    for    a    text    that    would    never    come    from    a    boy    who    had    no    intention    of    showing    up.    she    deleted    every    message,    all    twelve    of    them    that    were    her    “just    checking    in!”    and    then    blocked    his    number.    she    should’ve    stayed    home.    she    wished    she    stayed    home.    “    you    should’ve    kissed    her.    ”    audrey    mutters    to    the    window    and    then    immediately    shuts    her    eyes,    filled    with    regret.    “    she    obviously    wanted    you    to.    ”    she    continues,    because    what    does    she    have    to    lose    at    this    point?    it    was    already    a    terrible    night.    “    why    didn’t    you?    ”
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kaoarika · 5 years ago
*internally screaming*
It was 4 AM when I started writing this, I attempted to be a good and patient woman to NOT use the internet or see twitter for spoilers or the summary of the BB’s 2nd single Drama Track and I’m still in a whole mess of emotions because I read it after midnight, and it mildly ruined my night (at least not the whole day).
I just want to go back to the days where we all thought that the BBs were the most normal bunch of the original 4 divisions. 
So, uhm... thanks... I hate it :)
In all seriousness, though... spoilers ahead!
There’s LOTS I want to unload right here. From the way King Record releases the lore/info/canon, that leaves not too much into imagination just when they decide to dump EVERYTHING in just a couple of weeks from release from one thing (i.e. manga) to another (i.e. single/album releases).
It’s not only about the fact that it was obvious that Amayado was the Yamada’s dad, once the hints were clear as the day as info was revealed (i.e. Kuroda Takaya was asked in a recent interview about how he was cast as Amayado, one of the things he responded was that the staff gave on detail for his character as “someone who may be the ‘final boss’ and ‘the father of someone’”, or the lyrics from his own song (theorized to be responses for the BBs solos, music PRETTY well inspired by “Ore ga Ichiro”). I mean, come on.
I feel angry at this because, from the looks of it, there’s lots of sh*t that the Yamadas went through when they were younger, and the fact that they were some of the children victims affected by the WWIII thing, and the probability that Amayado (as if he deserves to be called by his name or real last name, lmao) wasn’t the “father of the year” either in the past, and the fact that he can... easily pay Jiro and Saburo a visit to... what? to force them to be stronger, to know their potential, to them betraying Ichiro...? 
Also, dude here is still mysterious as hell, you know... he is DEFINITELY pulling strings behind the scenes, he might have his own interests (and using CW for his own purposes)... and it makes me wonder more about Ichiro and his siblings... what I’m basically saying is that, the heterochromia doesn’t sound more as a “joke”, or for simple aesthetic character design purposes to me, anymore (?) (EDIT - if you go to Amayado’s profile in the official webpage, the subtlety isn’t subtle anymore, and you can see he also has heterochromia, HOWEVER... *insert thinking emoji here*).  “Father of the year”, right here. Ichiro did what he did (lying, more lying) because he wanted to give his brothers a better life... Amayado might be “looking after” them at a distance, but provoking them was such a dirty trick :))).
...The thing about Nemu... I don’t like it, lol. It was SO eventually going to happen that she was going to be recruited to be part of Central Ward in one way or another (it was also somewhat of a popular...? theory I saw back when she was introduced last year)... the last 2 chapters of the BTB manga give the perfect set up about it, actually (as it was ALL PLANNED ALONG): Nemu doesn’t like the way her brother acts and her views of unneeded violence are also pretty clear... heck, it definitely caught Ramuda’s attention, too. 
Now, the thing is... we don’t know if either Nemu is in there in good faith (like, for real, Party of Words seems to have good intentions on the surface, but we all KNOW that below it, it isn’t like that... I mean, if they would give me benefits -as a woman- and promises that the world “might change to a better place”, I MIGHT have wanted to work with them, too)... or that there’s a slight possibility she was brainwashed to be in (also, 19 years old seems pretty young in my book to be working as “vice-chief of internal affairs”??).
There’s also a chance that Samatoki knows it because Jyuto might told him about it. There’s a chance he kept getting released (because he is a Yakuza), not because Jyuto is just doing it because he likes it (or the whole “corrupt cop” thing), but because it was an order from above him - hers, his younger sister. But he blames Ichiro, because the info he received might have been manipulated, too, from starters... that he might influenced her to be part of CW’s government (and Ichiro obvs didn’t know ANYTHING about it until... just this one track).
Speaking of brainwashing, I have been thinking about this for a while, and the introduction of the real-deal hypnosis mic might be it. Clearly, the whole bit about Sasara doesn’t remembering much about why he and Samatoki fought, because it wasn’t like him... doesn’t sound too farfetched to think that the hypmics might be involved in some way or form. May be even the “real deal” one, too (and Ramuda might know about it and he might have taken it and used it, but he simply acts like he doesn’t know ANYTHING). I don’t discard at all it might have been also a base on why TDD disbanded, too (UGH, it’s still hush, hush, lol... but tbh, with all this dump of events in one track... MORE was going to kill us????). We already know they affect the humans’ psyche, after all, manipulating wasn’t out of rule... especially manipulating the users’ emotions.
For one, I really liked that we did saw DTH interaction with other divisions members (even if it was Sasara & Rosho vs Ichiro, and Jiro & Saburo vs Amayado), even if it clears out that there’s really not much bad blood between Sasara and Ichiro (kinda implying it isn’t too much bad blood between Sasara and Samatoki, either), but it was very stressing seeing the whole “KIDS, DAD IS HOME” little act with the other party involved. Really hoping that Ichiro clarifies stuff between his brothers again, and... you know... have all three of them TALK about it.
Hey, King Record, can we have some chill in canon lore material? I know you basically gave the fandom 5 months to chill before DTH and BAT’s reveal, but... I ALSO WANT THE CHARACTERS TO CHILL A BIT? AND NOT JUST IN SONGS?!
Geez, I miss those innocent days from early 2018 quite a LOT.
This looks quite a mess and I accept responsibility for it, it’s juuuusssst... imagine trying to not scream at your cellphone in the middle of a family reunion... and keeping these thoughts for more than 3 hours.
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sturlsons · 6 years ago
french in 1.5 years anon
Kinda random but I just found out that I’ll be required to be intermediate/advanced in French by the next 1.5 years; ALL I KNOW IS THAT MEIRDE IS A BAD BAD WORD! Idk if you’re a native speaker but I was wondering if you could provide me of any good French language resources (or language in general since I’ll be needing to learn Arabic soon as well), and like tips for language learning and how to go about it? Sorry to bother you haha this is MY stress but I appreciate any help! Have a great day!
HEY. so i really fucking dropped the ball on this one, i’m sorry. 2019 has been one health fiasco after another (or more like the same fiasco again and again) and i kept telling myself i want to sit down and make a proper post for this, until i realised that that’s just never going to happen given the way things are rn. and i’d rather give you a quickly-written post which is actually helpful than never write that perfect bullet-pointed one. 
first of all, i’ve been in your EXACT position (so no, i’m not a native speaker) except i had about...six months to go from je m’appelle teesta to voyez-vous, le problème qui se cache derrière tout ça n’est pas le manque de respect mais la personne dont il s’agit or whatever. i was like, i can so do this. (spoiler: i didn’t, because i was 18 and overconfident and stupid and didn’t actually know how to learn a language.) GOOD NEWS: having learned 3 more foreign languages since then, i am now REALLY GOOD at learning languages REALLY FAST. 1.5 years is a good amount of time, so don’t stress.
i’m going to go generic on this, with some extra tips about french since i speak it, unlike arabic. 
first thing, that typical thing everyone hates to hear but knows is coming from the mouth of an accomplished person (pat on my back) in any field whatsoever: you’re going to have to work really hard and practice like fuck. 
there’s just nothing else that can replace it. i’ve filled up notebooks and notebooks with japanese verb conjugations, once i did like 1800 of them in one sitting. but you better believe that a bitch will never forget those now. resign yourself to putting in at least three hours of your day to this until you get to the level you need. (and three hours is...kind. at my peak i was literally reading through french dictionaries at the library, 10 AM - 8 PM. i treated it like a workday.)
now, what you need to establish is: are you a hands-on learner or a digital one. 
i don’t really care for all the auditory learner and visual learner stuff, i don’t know about anyone else but i personally used those as excuses to avoid certain exercises. unless you have actual disabilities preventing you from accessing certain methods of learning, you can train yourself into anything. it’s a matter of practice. i could barely understand a new song without reading its lyrics first, now i eat up podcasts. 
SO. the question here is different. a hands-on learner, like i used to be more or less throughout my bachelor’s, is someone who absolutely cannot retain information unless they’ve written it down BY HAND at least once. pen and paper. (i’m still like this but i’ve learned to combine it with digital methods to go faster.) if this isn’t a hurdle for you, congratulations. your process is going to go that much faster, at least for french. (you’ll have to spend hours practicing your written arabic however, if you’re not familiar with the script.) 
now, if you’re a hands-on learner, you need to add an extra hour to your daily time. no matter how fast you write, you will take that time. and you cannot shorthand your way into languages. you need to understand how french is spelt, what accents it uses, that they put a space before exclamation points, question marks, and semicolons. (side tip: learn the IPA. it will be useful to you forever in language learning, at least for the romance languages.) i’m not gonna teach you how to make notes since i’ve never benefitted from copying someone else’s style, so if you don’t have a set method start establishing that. you need regularity and rhythm when you learn a language. my grammar notes look the same regardless of the language. i don’t have my french ones since it’s been years and i didn’t take good ones then anyway, but here’s my japanese and russian stuff. 
now, it bears mentioning that these notes are NOT the notes i take when i don’t know shit. these are final level notes. they’re brief, idiosyncratic, and only reminders. something to refer to when i’m revising and suddenly forget a rule. the first notes i make are much more elaborate, whether they’re pretty or not. i’ve gradually lost the fucks i had about really going ham on academics so my russian notes are very messy, but my japanese ones from back in the day are magnificent. here’s a look. during lesson one i realised that japanese and my mother tongue, gujarati, are syntaxically similar as shit, and i started taking notes with references in gujarati. it sped up my learning process 2x while my french classmates were still going “BUT WHY IS IT LIKE THAT”. 
if you plan to learn more languages in the future, this will be so valuable. sometimes a phrase i learn in russian doesn’t make sense in its french explanation, but a phrase in english might use the same logic. bam, put down the translation in english then. you get what i’m saying? the more languages you learn, the easier it gets to learn languages. 
now if you’re a digital learner, i’ve got great news for you. duolingo and anki are your best friends. duolingo’s memed to hell and has a system that might not work for everyone, but they’ll do the brunt work of compiling grammar notes for you in the beginnings/ends of their lessons. note those down and transform them into anki flashcards, and you can learn grammar concepts without doing 20 exercises. (do those exercises if you can, though, nothing beats mindless practice.) now anki is an intimidating-looking but actually super intuitive app that basically builds digital flashcards for you and shows them to you in a rhythm based on your own learning speed. it’ll show you the front of a card, let’s say merde. you say the english translation out loud, shit, and hit enter. correct! was that easy? anki’ll show it to you in 10 minutes. hard? it’ll show you in 1 minute. super easy? merde won’t come up again until tomorrow. eventually you get so good at it that you can bury a card for 2 months. anki will also show you the same cards reversed, which is harder but trains you better. you’ll see shit and have to remember what it’s called in french, which is more difficult than you’d think it is. 
you can use anki for more than just vocab, like i mentioned. it’s a little tricky learning to convert grammar concepts into front/back flashcards, but you can do it. for example, here’s a sample of one of my russian grammar cards: 
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front ^^
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back once i hit enter^^
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see? not that difficult. now don’t be an idiot like me who manually entered every single flashcard into anki. you can find pre-made packages online (but you can’t guarantee they’ll be correct) or you can make your own without killing your fingers. what you wanna do is open up a spreadsheet and make two columns, A for front of the card and B for back. it’ll look like this:
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then you’re gonna save that spreadsheet as a .CVS (comma separated values) and import that into anki. bam, your flashcards are made for you with half the effort. there’s also a script floating around somewhere to make excel translate words automatically for you, but i don’t recommend that unless they’re really easy words. google translate can fuck up. reverso is your friend. 
you need to review your anki cards every day. it’ll take less and less time as you go along. i can review 300 russian cards in 15 minutes now. but you need to keep the rhythm going. download ankiapp and sync your cards, review them on commutes or in the hallway or whatever. trust me, it’s magic. 
apart from this, if a traditional textbook helps, go for that. i’ve always used textbooks and workbooks, more as supports than as principal methods, but it does help. it’s structured and organised and these people know how to train you. bescherelle is a good go-to for french. 
media is always a great way of immersion too, until you get to the country itself. it’ll show you how french people speak french. when i first came to france i didn’t have that experience and even though i spoke an arguably decent amount of french when i got here, it was like, if this is french then what the fuck was i learning in high school. if you like watching movies this is your chance. watch the classics first so that you can get an idea of french pop culture. amélie (though the pop culture aspect here is about shitting on it) and les intouchables, for starters. watch your favourite films, first subbed, then subbed and dubbed, then just dubbed. i watched all ten seasons of friends with french subs, it was wild. with music you want to start off with some indie-ish singers since they will universally sing softer and slower, making things easier to understand than idk, la tribu de dana. (if you’re into bts there’s a hilarious video of their baepsae choreo set to la tribu de dana.) anyway - angèle, cœur de pirate, céline dion, fréro delavega, uhhh that fucking french sufjan stevens. what’s his name. VIANNEY. don’t fucking listen to biglo and oli or like, fatal bazooka right away. you will not understand shit. i barely understand it. white people are wild. ooh listen to stromae. orelsan too, he’s a rapper but he has a relatively clean diction imo. he also sang the french opening for OPM. they call him orelsan-san in japan.
last but not the least: if you have the opportunity to interact in french with people, DO IT. native speakers will do their best to help you and be kind about it. people who learned french might sometimes be assholes from experience. it’s a whole superiority complex thing, and very hypocritical. anyway - online or IRL, wherever you can practice your french, do it. it’ll be immensely helpful. there’s nothing like the frustration of not being able to express simple things to get you motivated to get better. do your best to immerse yourself - changing the language on your devices can make a difference too. 
i think that’s all i have and again, i’m sorry for taking this long to finally deliver, thanks for your patience! if you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to hit me up, on anon or not. 
good luck - it’s not going to be the easiest but nothing is as gratifying as beginning to understand the workings of a language. you’re gonna love it!
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amelorates · 6 years ago
@semperiiiuvenis - lyric-based starter
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“What kinda life you dream of? You’re allergic to love.”
When he finds the time for it, when he gets his head out of whatever show he’s currently busy putting on display for the world to get what he wants, he finds it interesting to see what makes people tick. Doesn’t care too much about probing questions. He knows himself well enough to know that anyone can dodge their way out of an answer.
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