#kind of hoping Bonzo doesn't get over used
spiyeral · 5 months
So Bonzo has some level of sentience beyond being a mindless killing machine given his interaction with Jordon Bennett. It enjoys the theatricality of its murders, enjoys toying with its victims.
Music or merch is again involved in summoning Mr. Bonzo? Triggering his murder spree? But there has to be more to it or presumably a lot of random people would be getting killed given his popularity and how many people may have merch/music.
Also. Why aren't there any witnesses in the club? Using a huge purple and yellow popular mascot as a hitman + one that so brutally murders people isn't subtle. There should be witnesses. Actually there are witnesses ("three murders over the last five years"). But no one else at the club noticed what was going on? Does Bonzo somehow temporarily pull his victims into a slightly separate reality? Some combination of Bonzo altering reality + the OIAR being fairly good at cover-ups?
Also if Bonzo is somehow summoned by the music that puts a whole other twist on the RQ April Fools episode just being his music for an hour straight.
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