p-redux · 7 years
From Anon...and this one is a DOOZY!
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Once AGAIN, Kim the Flutist has been BUSTED as being one of the Extreme Shipper hater trolls on IG. If you go to fameho_ on Instagram and click on the Lone Bellows post she did today, you can see she posted two screencaps…swipe past the first one, and you’ll see on the second screencap that Kim took it when she was logged into her OTHER troll account outlanderlover2013! See the avi is the same Sam and Cait one as outlanderlover2013. SO BUSTED!!! The ONLY way for fameho_ to post a screencap with outlanderlover2013′s avi is if SHE IS outlanderlover2013 or if outlanderlover2013 sent it to her, which then means they are in cahoots. IOW for sure Kim is in cahoots with a hate account…no two ways about it. Kim can’t trollsplain her way out of this one…
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And look what fameho_ aka Kim does on this post and ALL her posts, she TAGS Cait, Sam, Starz, Lionsgage, etc. TAGS them. That’s direct harassment and cyber bullying. 
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Kim, don’t bother locking up or deleting your posts, I’ve already screencapped them all. If anyone wants to see the HORRIBLY MEAN AND ABUSIVE things Kim has said about Cait, Tony, Sam and Mackenzie, DM me and I’ll show you the screencaps. I also have the PROOF that Kim IS the other abusive account outlanderlover2013 on IG and on Twitter. There is NO doubt it’s Kim. There is concrete proof. How she is still allowed to go to conventions, and worse be a part of #mypeakchallenge is beyond me. Maybe some Peakers could alert Sam, Valbo, and/or Jordana Brown. Kim is going on over three years of being an abusive troll and should not be tolerated in this fandom. 
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