#kim batting his eyes at Chay this entire scene like
shou-jpeg · 10 months
Current mood:
Kim's shy smiles when Chay serenades him.
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Kinnporsche finale(🤧🤧 )thots
1) apo and mile are so fine. And fine actors. And have good chemistry . Like all of that together. Wow.
2) p'tong did a wonderful job in the three brothers scene. And he looks like the elder brother when they're all sitting together. He's taller.
3) but jeff was the one consoling him. I kind of think kim didn't know daddy korn didn't die. Even he didn't think korn would take it so far as to fake his death . It's my feeling.
4) someone make a side by side gifset of that stan lee librarian fight in andrew Garfield's spidey movie , brooklynn 99's gina and kimchay scene. It was fuckin hilarious. But also extremely romantic. Like , kim tried to not break bottles in the beginning. 🥺 So that chay won't be disturbed or even slightly inconvenienced. 🥺🥺🤧 Lovely.
5) the shot of the theerapanyakun crest being shot multiple times during the confrontation scene in the porch🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
6) Did daddy chan know?? I feel like he may or may not have. His death was cinematic excellence though. It kind of gave off the vibe that he won't be mourned. Maybe bodyguard deaths are not mourned.
7) it's also kind of sweet how the elderly guards like erika and chan may see kinn still as the boy who would play pretend or run through the hallways or mess with them on their duty hours and shit and i dunno it kinda hurt seeing how erika was like get kinn out of here and chan was like they're coming fuckin run I'm sorry i couldn't stop them 😢😢😢🤧
8) also we didn't get MUCH of arm , pol and pete bodyguarding because they were with tankhun and all of us like to make fun of them that they're scaredy cats and all that. But do you think, for even a minute , that Korn would place his eldest heir under the protection of weak men? No no no. Those are the best guards under their payroll. They're also the MOST LOYAL and TRUSTWORTHY ones , which is what tankhun needs. And boy they delivered.
9) bible. The scenes where he breaks down. Acting🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
10) like if we're gonna mention acting we'd be here all day. Every single cast member did their job. The mother- creepy as hell and made us question if this was really the end , WITHOUT OPENING HER MOUTH EVEN ONCE.
Korn- master deception but gentle and calm hence we're bound to fall into his trap like a snake moves with the charmer
Gun- violent explosive loud so we're less likely to listen to him ,but more likely to suspect him.
Chay- his childlike innocence still there , but clouded by kim' s dark aura which is still shy of leaving him alone
Kim- still can play guitar and hold a gun , won't bat an eye while killing you , and many many things which even the main family spies probably haven't a clue about I'm sure.
Like all these different character portrayed with utmost care and precision. The entire cast deserves a second season.
11) most favourite scene is vegas going "or heart?" And kinn screamed YANG!!! . Like that's love bitch. 😔
12) second fav scene has to be jeff kicking ass while making all of us collectively drool.
13) pete and vegas was the couple i was most scared they'd leave as a cliffhanger or somethin but thank God. Also macau💕💕💕💕. They're a family and i like to believe that prosche protects them from afar which is how he gets the minor family to behave.
14) the rings. They got the matching rings. I'd like to believe kinn's is platinum and prosche's is gold.
15) vegas took multiple bullets. There may have been an alternative ending in my mind for like a few seconds where i thought pete would shoot the last shot to finally kill vegas coz he didn't want vegas to die by another hand.
16) i mean the sight of apo coming in with guns blazing , tits sculpting white tee and all which cut right through his biceps had me moaning so it's no wonder kinn's hand strayed a little far from the gun . 👀👀
17)tankhun had his fun. Like he wasn't afraid to kick ass from afar. Please sniper tankhun in season 2 🥺🥺
18)also people have been saying kinn is stupid and all of that and he's not fit to be a leader . I'd like you to consider .. the gun -porsche-kinn scene. He tried to talk his uncle out of it.
19) in the meeting after korn's supposed death , that's when i felt that kinn was most out of reach. Without porsche by his side his animalistic side has the wheel and that's not good for anybody. But with porsche back at his side , kinn sees reason.
20) and which is why kinn is better than korn. Kinn is not a manipulative violent asshole . He also doesn't trust his father(asks porsche "do you believe that?")maybe we'll get to see kinn finally grow out of his father's mould and be better than him in next season.
all is well..... I guess.
I have certain expectations or theories for the second season and i want them to be real so bad. Maybe another post ..... Hm...
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