irondadfics · 4 months
Hi! Could you recommend some post-Infinity War fics where Avengers think Tony didn't lose anyone in the snap, but then he shows them who Peter was?
here you go! Happy reading!
Exposed by Multi_Fandom_Feels
"You lost nothing. I lost everything, everyone. You have no reason to be moping around like you’ve lived through tragedy.” Clint said, anger and envy dripping from his every word. Tony looked up, pain and anger burning in his eyes. “You have no idea what I lost.” - When Clint returns to the compound after the Snap, tensions are high. Tony is grieving, and no one knows why. No one knows what Tony lost that day, and Clint takes an issue with Tony.
You Didn't Lose Anything by lightningbugqueen
“I lost my son and I waited and wished for that snap to get me too, but it didn’t. And now I have to live in a world without my baby in it, and apparently I didn’t lose anyone! Apparently I am one of the lucky souls in the godforsaken world who didn’t lose his reason for living and you know what? That’s bullshit!”  ********************** Or when the Avengers don't understand that Tony lost someone too. Tw: death, grieving, etc.
Bring Him Back by fictionart
When Tony comes back from Titan, he doesn't say a word. This makes Clint really mad.
Hell on Earth by madasthesea
Prompt: please do post!IW where everyone lost someone in the snap, but on paper it looks like Tony didn't lose anyone (Rhodey is alive, I'm pretty sure Pepper and Happy are too), so Hawkeye or someone is pissed until they see Tony and realize he's lost just as much as them
too-bright-eyes and too-dark-eye-bags by Speeps
He’d tried to act as if nothing had changed. As if all he had to do was crank up his speakers, power up his workshop and haul his armour onto his workbench, and then everything would go back to normal. A sixteen year old with too-bright-eyes and too-dark-eye-bags would come bounding in, smile wide as he slung his backpack somewhere on the floor where he’d inevitably trip over it later on.  He eyed the faded backpack that sat lonely on its owner's bright blue chair. Dust clung to its seams.
every promise don't work out that way by LethalBookshelves
"His son." Everyone turns to look at the blue girl. She doesn’t flinch at the new attention, staring right at Clint. Then she turns her dark eyes to Tony’s. “He lost his son.” — Tony’s back on Earth, but not really. He left something—someone—back there on Titan. In his hands he holds the picture frame of him and Peter—young, happy, alive Peter—posing stupidly with cheesy bunny ears at the camera and holding Peter’s Stark Industries certificate upside-down, and he knows exactly what he’s lost. And as he watches his tears fall onto the glass, he knows that he will stop at nothing to bring Peter Parker back. This is the story that shows what happens when he succeeds.
i will restore all that was broken by killerqueenwrites
“He took my kids!” Clint shouts. “And he took mine!” Tony roars back. After watching Peter disappear, Tony is lost. People keep finding him.
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Sundays (Adam Warlock x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Some sweet moments with Adam on a Sunday... I think...
Word Count: about 2.5K
Warnings: none
Note: Back back back again to post some GotG V3 inspired fluff! (I was killerqueenwrites) Its been literal years. 5, I think. Wrow! Very minimal editing so hopefully its not total ass. Hope y’all enjoy! 
   The sound of the piano and a steady drum gently aroused you from slumber. You blinked the artificial sunlight that streamed through the blinds out of your eyes. “That’s why I’m easy, I’m easy like Sunday morning” Lionel Richie crooned through the speakers of Knowhere. Smiling softly to yourself, you snuggled in deeper under the covers, allowing the song to wash over you. It seemed Rocket had the same idea of taking it easy today. 
   In the last almost year since his safe return and the rescue of all the poor creatures touched by the High Evolutionary, music, playlist at the discretion of Rocket, played from the speakers throughout the day, only stopping during established “quiet” hours. Although, Knowhere was never truly that quiet. 
   The daily music began that very day everyone safely walked through the portal between the High Evolutionary’s ship and Knowhere. Being Knowhere’s only veterinarian, and from Earth, you were right out front to greet the swarm of animals that were now in the care of the Guardians. Not only did you check over the animals, but assisted with the children as well, seeing as they were genetically engineered, every professional opinion was deemed necessary. Children were gratefully taken in by Drax and childless couples and individuals. Animals big and small found kindness amongst the citizens of Knowhere, those unclaimed or too ill being placed in the care of you and your team at the small clinic. 
   As you waded through the throngs of people dancing to Florence + The Machine, a shock of matted, golden hair caught your eye. It was the man that had saved Peter from the icy cold of space. He was sitting against a wall, a blanket wrapped loosely around his bare torso. He watched the celebrations with a look of solemn happiness. Clearly he was pained but saw comfort in the joy of so many people, something he assisted in. 
   Just then, something small wiggled beneath the blanket and the head of a furry F’saki appeared. You had not met this creature yet so you beelined your way towards this, admittedly handsome, new face. 
   When he noticed you walking towards him, his posture straightened and the smile dropped from his face, he held on to the small critter a little tighter. “Hello,” you said warmly, kneeling beside him and meeting his eyes. “Is he yours?” you ask, pointing to the F’saki. 
   “I don’t wish to give him up,” he replied abruptly, his voice deep and urgent.
   You smiled and waved a hand, “Oh no, no, he seems very happy with you! I’m an animal doctor here, I just wanted to make sure he was okay, that you’re both okay.”
   “A.. doctor?” his brows knit together in confusion. 
   You cocked your head in your own confusion, but perhaps they didn’t have doctors on his planet. “Yes, like a healer. Although I don’t have any magic or special powers,” gesturing at all of him. His face went back to a neutral expression, seeming to understand. You reached a gentle hand towards the creature wiggling in his arms, clearly wanting to greet you, “May I?” The golden hero quickly let go of the F’saki and it leapt into your arms, covering your face in rather wet kisses. “Well he’s certainly in high spirits,” you giggled, wrangling him enough to do a quick once over for visible wounds or broken bones. “Back to your friend, little guy. He seems just fine.” You sit cross legged next to him, your back to the same wall, as the furry brown critter climbs back into his lap. He gently strokes its head, beginning to look tired from the excitement. 
   “He likes you,” he mumbles, his eyes on the excited creature.
   “Because I like him,” you reached out and scratched its head, your fingers brushing against his. You quickly pulled away, maybe too quickly as a dejected look creased his face. “You can call me (Y/N) by the way. And if you ever need me to take a look at your little guy, don’t hesitate to stop by my clinic.” You gently nudge his shoulder and see him stiffen slightly, clearly not accustomed to the friendly contact. You would come to find out there was a lot he wasn’t accustomed with, and a lot he didn’t know.
   “And you can call me Adam.” He turned to meet your eyes. His were a brilliant gold like his skin, but sad, and full of a need for belonging, a need to be loved. 
   As you were remembering how you stayed by his side that night, explained what dancing was, was patient with him, helped him get settled into the apartment Peter would no longer need, explained that his new friend would need to eat, the smell of fresh coffee wafted up your nose and you peeled your eyes open once more. “What is a Sunday?” Adam asked, seated comfortably in your reading chair, the coffee machine Rocket built for you set to brew a single cup. 
   You sit up quickly, catching the blanket before it could expose your pantless lower half. “Adam!” 
   “(Y/N)!” he exclaims back, clutching his chest and laughing to himself. 
   You roll your eyes and begin scanning for any pair of pants. “What are you doing here, Adam?”
   The coffee machine beeps. “Making coffee. Now, what is a Sunday?” 
   You can hear him get up, the chair moaning, coffee being poured into a hopefully clean mug. “It's the name of one of the days of the week back on Earth,” you sigh, still hopelessly looking for anything to cover your lower half.
   “Looking for these?” his voice low and teasing as he holds out a full coffee mug in one hand, the face of Kermit the Frog visible through his fingers, and the shorts you kicked off before bed in the other. A smirk is painted across his golden face. 
   “Very funny,” you retort, “but thank you.” You gratefully take both from him, setting aside the mug on your bedside table before shimmying on the shorts under the covers. 
   Adam moves over to your window, throwing it open, blinds and all and allowing Lionel Richie to fully join the impromptu visit. “Why is Sunday easy?” he asks, leaning his strong forearms against the windowsill. This is when you realize he’s still in his Guardian gear. His wide frame silhouetted against the artificial morning sun, you blink at him, instinctively answering his question, as you’ve always done this past year, “Because it's a day with no expectations, except to relax. It makes it an easy day to get through. Adam..” He cocks his head to show he’s listening, bobbing it along to the song, “did you just get back from a mission? Why are you here?” 
   His broad shoulders tense up and he turns to face you but not look at you. Before the words leave his lips, however, you know what the answer is.
   “And after Kraglin speared it right between the eyes, I pulled off this scale,” Adam excitedly opened his hand for you to see the iridescent blue/purple scale in his palm. “I thought you’d like it,” he mumbled, his eyes darting away with a shy smile on his face. It charmed you that he always brought you something from his missions. It didn’t take long for him to begin bringing you gifts but you took it as his way of saying thank you for caring for Blurp. Who was currently rolled over on his back on your exam table. Of course you wouldn’t pass up seeing Blurp as often as you do. After all, that meant you got to see Adam too. 
   He was in his Guardian gear still having just come back from a mission, bringing you a perfectly healthy F’saki for what felt like the millionth week in a row. After every mission he’d be waiting for you in the clinic for a check up of Blurp. You knew he was really there to spend time with you, excitedly talking about his mission, asking you any question that popped into his pretty golden head, or simply asking and listening to what you’ve been up to. But what if you were wrong? What if he was taking pity on you and the fact you were always in the clinic? Selfishly, you begin, “Adam, you know Blurp is perfectly healthy, right?” His smile begins to fade, his fingers curling back over the scale. “Why do you bring him in so often?” Your ears burn in embarrassment. 
   “I wanted to see you,” he responds sheepishly, his eyes locked on your clinic floor. Your hands stop scratching Blurp’s belly. Adam stood with his arms dangling at his side, the gift he had brought you from his recent mission clutched in one hand, head hung like a scolded puppy.  “I know there’s no need to bring him in so often.”
   Blurp gently licks your hand, cooing softly. You feel your cheeks get warm but work up courage you didn’t know you had, happy that your feelings weren’t wrong but embarrassed for making Adam say it. “Adam,” you begin, voice shaking. His golden eyes turn up to meet yours, what you could only describe as a blush dusting his cheeks. “Do you know where I live?” 
   Confusion flashed across his face. He slowly shakes his head no. 
   “I’m sorry. That was weird. Um..” you fish in your coat pocket for a pad of paper and a pen, “do you know where the Xandarian noodle shop is?” 
   “I do,” he replies warily. 
   You finish scribbling on the piece of paper and shove it across the exam table. “I live above it on the third floor. If you go down the alley to the left of the shop, stairs are in the back that go straight up to my apartment. You..” your voice catches in your throat and becomes small, “you can visit me anytime.” 
   It was your turn to sheepishly look away, wondering if you were still possibly misreading the whole situation or if you were being too forward. You truly loved spending time with Adam. As the disastrous possibilities spun around in your mind, two strong arms encircled you and pulled you against an even stronger chest. He smelled like musk and spices. You instinctively returned the embrace as Adam whispered into the top of your head, “Thank you, (Y/N). I..”
   “I enjoy spending time with you,” he mumbles, that familiar blush creeping across his cheeks as you climb out of bed and step towards him, coffee in hand. Ever since you had told him he was welcome to visit you any time, a routine had started. Adam would visit almost every day he was in Knowhere, also making sure you were one of his first stops after missions to drop off your gift. The shelf unit brimming with rocks, bones, scales, seeds, trinkets, and artifacts from a myriad of planets, all hand picked by Adam with you in mind, caught your eye. It gave you butterflies like you couldn’t believe but it also made you feel so special. You turned your attention back to the golden sweetheart.  
   “I know you do, and I enjoy your company. But you need to rest and take care of yourself. Have a hot shower. You’ve been out for two weeks,” you place a hand on his bicep as you finish. He meets your concerned gaze, golden eyes shifting between yours and your lips. “But I do appreciate the coffee.”
   The two of you are caught in a moment that feels like forever, eyes locked, his arm warm beneath your hand, the light behind him giving him a heavenly glow. You could have stared into his perfectly chiseled face until the end of time. The end of the song brings you both out of the trance, a brief few seconds before the first notes of Elvin Bishop’s Fooled Around and Fell in Love begins. Adam clears his throat and turns back to the window, your hand missing the warmth. “I don’t know how you drink the stuff, to be honest.” His nose crinkled up in disgust.
   You chuckle softly. “Well, not all of us are meticulously engineered beings who don’t require caffeine to function during the day-to-day,” you reply, taking your place next to Adam at the windowsill. He stares fixedly out at Knowhere, the newly built city waking up to start its day. You clutch the hot cup in both hands, taking a careful sip and burning your lip anyway. “Are you sure you don’t want to go clean up and change first? I’ll be here all day doing nothing..”
   Adam interrupts you with a very unexpected question, even from him, a man learning everything for the first time this past year. “Does it hurt?” he asks in almost a whisper.
   You swallow nervously, unsure of where this is going. “Does what hurt?”
   “Does it hurt to fall in love?”
   Before you truly even process the question, you respond, “I actually find it quite easy.” Adam turns his head to look at your blush-tinted upturned face, a galaxy in your eyes. A galaxy he would give his life for.  
   “Like a Sunday morning?” he asks, genuine, his eyes now glued to your lips. 
   “Exactly,” you breathe as he leans in, crashing his lips into yours rather clumsily. You smile into the kiss, returning it just as passionately, the cup of hot coffee tumbling from your hands and out the window. 
   The kiss is broken with an apology and Adam hanging out the window after the mug but the golden boy wonder wasn’t quite quick enough and you can hear the shatter of the mug, the owner of the noodle shop shouting. Adam climbs back into the apartment, scratching the back of his head with embarrassment. “Sorry about that.” 
   “I didn’t like that mug much anyway,” you lie. You wrap your arms around yourself, hoping that’s what he was apologizing for. 
   “I meant about.. I didn’t mean to.. I just.. I saw on one of Peter’s tapes..” but before he could keep babbling, in an act of boldness you reach for his suit’s collar and pull him in for another kiss. A giggle escapes you as he immediately places his hands on your waist and pulls you in closer, a hearty chuckle in his chest. “I think I really like Sundays,” he says breathlessly, pulling away just long enough to get it out. 
   Another happy sound escapes you as your arms snake around his neck. You couldn’t even be sure if it actually was a Sunday, but with Adam, you know everyday could be as easy as Sunday morning.
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Tony Stark Has a Heart Fic Recs pt 2
Hello everyone!! I still have plenty of fics with this tag left in my bookmarks, so we're back for a part 2! I hope you enjoy reading them <3
You can find part one here.
xvii. drugged by tempestaurora (2.3k)
“Well,” the doctor said, “it seems you two can only tell the truth. I’ll call the team in to start working on a fix, but I do recommend you don’t leave the tower in case you say something you usually wouldn’t.”
“I’ll be fine,” Peter said.
The doctor raised an eyebrow but didn’t look at him. “Peter, are you Spiderman?”
“Yes.” Peter blinked. “I see your point.”
Peter Parker's Incorrect Quotes Page by EmilyWeaslette (2.5k)
Peter opens an 'incorrect quotes' account for the Avengers on Twitter, without telling them. When the team discovers the account, and Peter is too embarassed to come forward as it's creator, panic and hilarity ensue as the team try to figure out how private conversations are being eavesdropped on. Peter's just trying to avoid being caught.
It was all Shuri's idea.
Candy from Strangers by peter_parkr (2.8k)
Peter heard footsteps approaching the bathroom. Tony pushed the door open and hesitantly poked his head in.
"Oh, shit." His eyes were met with the sight of Peter, whiter than a ghost, crumpled on the floor in fetal position. Peter tried to smile up at Tony, but it came out as more of a grimace.
"Hey, ms'r strk. Welcome to my h'me." Peter flopped his arm over on the floor in greeting. Tony sighed... this was going to be a long night.
Where my heart lies by Maicaly (3.5k)
Peter Stark is taken from his school's parking lot, and 46 hours later, Tony receives a message with a location. Steve, Rhodey and Sam follow him to an abandoned building with a unpleasant surprise inside - that will put Tony's nerves at test.
Repeat After Me by battybatzgirl (3.8k)
Tony’s face hardens as he says, “What kid.”
“I don’t know, some twelve year old—”
Below him, the kid coughs out, “Fifteen.”
“—Fifteen year old—”
Tony scrubs a hand across his face. “Don’t tell me he’s wearing a dorky shirt with a chemistry pun on it.”
Rhodey frowns. That was oddly specific. Glancing down, he looks at what little he can see of the kid’s shirt—which isn't much since there’s so much blood now, but what could be once called a cartoon joke is printed on it. “Um, yeah?”
“Son of a bitch.”
Love, hate on by madasthesea (3.9k)
She’d planned for this moment for two years, seven months, and eighteen days: As she’d stood above her daughter’s freshly dug grave, she’d decided that Tony Stark would die by her hand. And now was her moment.
She had only intended to grab Stark, tell him what he’d done that merited the punishment she was going to give, and kill him fast before anyone started looking. But here was this kid, an act of providence.
She didn’t have to tell Stark now, she could show him. She could make him suffer like she’d suffered, make him pay for his crimes. An eye for an eye, a child for a child.
kidnapping by killerqueenwrites (4.6k)
Steve wakes up cuffed to a chair, which is kind of annoying considering he has a meeting today. 
He’s just coming to the conclusion that he really might be in trouble when he notices the kid across from him.
or Steve and Peter get some bonding time, and Tony is freaking out.
Um, I'm Invoking Parental Rights by teaandtumblr (5.8k)
5 times Peter calls Tony "dad" to bail him out, and the 1 time he means it.
Perhaps He's Not Missing Out After All. by NotYoCheese (6.6k)
Peter is devastated after he is told that he is not allowed to go on the field trip with the rest of his class tomorrow. Tony steps in and tells him that he can stay at the tower on the day of the field trip. Only, Peter didn't realize that the field trip was to the tower, and guess who the lucky intern who gets to give them a tour is . . .
Featuring a shocked class that finds out that Peter isn't lying, a very angry Flash, and maybe even some IronDad Fluff
Planes, Trains, and the Trauma Response by imgoingtocrash and savvysass (6.9k)
The world around him is solid. It makes sense. Despite the existence of aliens and literal gods in their galaxy—the science of it all makes sense. They just have yet to figure it all out.
Then he’d been thrown into a spiral of falsehoods—one after another, all so fast, all so real—and suddenly he’s in
the Netherlands. It’s too nice compared to the horrors he became used to—a far cry from the real world: a world of dead parents, dead uncles, and half of a universe, dead with the snap of one creature’s fingers.
Where once there was certainty…now there’s fragility.
So, when he sees Tony step out of the plane instead of Happy…he falters.
Mr Stark Enough For You? (another field trip fic bcs we dont have enough) by Livinei (7k)
Peter isn’t worried because he thinks Tony won’t say yes, he’s worried because he’s sure Tony will. And he’s not sure how he feels about having his entire class waltzing around the place where he spends practically more time than in his own home, where he has his own room, and where he regularly eats Lucky Charms with one of the most influential men in the country, in his pajamas. Not that they’d ever know any of that. Tour groups don’t go to the living quarters of the Tower anyways, they hardly ever go past the 50th floor, Peter knows that. And it isn’t fair to his class if he doesn’t ask just because he…spends a lot of time there?
Yeah, Peter sighs, he has to ask. He promised, anyways.
you'll always get there first by crowkag (7k)
Home, home, home home home. It played on loop in Peter’s brain, loud and tumbling and distracting…
But not in a way that would have him miss the silver Audi speeding toward him in the opposite direction, a sight that made him do a double-take for two reasons.
One, because the fancy car was a foreign presence after nothing but rusty, dented Ford pickups for the past hour.
And two, he was pretty sure that was Tony in the driver’s seat.
Peter Parker's Super Secret Snack Stash by coconutknightshade (7k)
"It's D, Peter. We talked about this."
“No it’s not, Ned. Because if it were D then I would be wrong and that would put me at a 65% already on this practice exam and we haven’t even gotten through it all. I can’t fail another history exam, Ned! This last one is worth 60% of our grade! If I fail this final then I’ll fail the class and if I fail the class then I’ll be kicked out of school-”
“You’re top of our year, Peter.” You can almost hear Ned’s eye roll as he talks over Peter.
“- and if I’m kicked out of school then I’ll be forced to live on the streets exchanging sexual favors for money and I can’t do that, Ned! I wouldn’t even know what to charge- I mean, what’s the street value of a blow job, Ned? Do you know? Because I sure as shit don’t.” At this point Ned is outright giggling over Peter’s theatrics.
Pickle Starburst by Bergen (7.5k)
One mundane evening, an awkward, wide-eyed teenager with strange enhanced abilities tumbles into Tony’s office and claims he is from the year 2017, twelve years into the future.
Tony doesn’t really do kids. Or whack jobs. So a combination of the two is a challenge.
But when has Tony ever backed down from a challenge?
for the love of freefall by sagemb (7.9k)
Happy does not, in fact, pick Peter up on Wednesday. Instead, when he and Ned walk out of the school building, there’s a small crowd gathering next to a convertible orange Audi R8 idling in the fire lane. A man with a familiar goatee and rose-colored sunglasses is sitting in the driver’s seat.
Peter’s brain short-circuits for a second.
5 Times Peter Sleepwalked And The 1 Time He Pretended He Did by losingmymindtonight (8.7k)
Peter sleepwalks, Tony stresses.
Man in a Can by JinxQuickfoot (10k)
Peter could hear the voices floating down to him, muffled by the floorboards nailed into place above his head and cemented over with the industrial strength tiles that made up Tony’s workshop floor. The last thing he had remembered was a dark figure appearing over him in bed, then he had woken up here, groggy and exhausted and unable to move.
Unable to move because whoever had grabbed him had covered him in concrete from toes to mouth, repaired Tony’s floor, and left him there.
We Will Foresee Obstacles by blackwatchandromeda (11k)
The war is over. Thanos has been defeated, the population has been restored, and Peter has lost one of the most important people in his life.
After the funeral, Peter meets Harley and Morgan. They're all in the same position, all missing the same person, and it's not long before they come up with a scheme to save him.
That is, if they can pull it off.
When You Assume Wrong by TentativeTreason (14k)
Tony is hiding something.
The Avengers notice the little discrepancies in Tony’s behaviour, and they eventually come to the only conclusion they can think of: Tony is having an affair.
Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep by blondsak (16k)
...and the one time he actually was.
Or: sometimes, faking sleep can work to your advantage. When it comes to trying to fool a certain genius, overprotective, superhero mentor, Peter finds this to be doubly true.
Definitely Worth It by jennylarner (16k)
Peter doesn't want to go on a field trip to Stark Tower. It's a recipe for disaster. His class doesn't believe him, his teacher doesn't believe him. If he makes it through the entire day without being suspended, it'll be a miracle. Unfortunately for Peter, he's never much believed in miracles.
What I Really Need is You by happyaspie (18k)
Five Things Peter Needs From Tony and One Thing He Wants.
@ironman follows you by malyin_roza (27k)
“Eighteen detentions last month alone, disgraceful amount of absent hours – often odd classes mid-day or half a day. I won’t mention the after-class clubs, or nerd groups, or whatever it is you do for ‘fun’ that actually counts in to your records anyway.”
Peter sat frozen on the spot, his face growing hot and red after rapidly paling when Tony began talking.
“I – I – look, I, let me explain – “
“That’s,” Tony pointed at him, silencing with one look, “that’s where we might start.”
“Start?” the teen repeated uneasily.
Sweet Jesus, what did he have on him?
“I solved it all, you’re welcome.”
A beat of silence as Peter blinked at him.
Cloak and Dagger by Velnetta (34k)
After being kidnapped with some of earth’s greatest defenders, Peter is grateful that it appears that their captors aren’t aware that he’s Spider-man.
The problem? To the Avengers, he's just Tony Stark's teenage intern- and Peter intends to keep it that way.
turn back the clock (and I'll try again in the morning) by madasthesea (35k)
Peter gets stuck in a time loop. In it, he lives through some of his worst nightmares, only to wake up that morning and have no one remember. He needs Tony to help him get through.
And if that isn't bad enough, his identity is revealed over and over, every day.
Time to Pretend by Rowan_M (38k)
A villain attacking New York sends an injured Peter back in time to the year 2000. Not knowing how to get home, Peter asks Tony Stark for help and ends up finding out a lot about his and Tony's past.
Peter is given an opportunity to change the future, or leave things be.
In My Dreams by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays (48k)
Red was quite the color.
The color of love, the color of hate.
The color of glowing cheeks under a streetlight, of smiling lips and sweet rose petals. The color of a sour lollipop in a child’s young hand.
The color of war, of blood, of pain. The color that plagued the nightmares of the bravest men.
Yes, red was quite a few things at once, but right now, it was the color that coated Peter Parker’s hands as he stumbled away from the warm corpses of his aunt and uncle, silhouetted cruelly by the neon store signs, and into the unknown of a quiet, star-dotted night in Queens.
A Hundred Feet Under by thisisnotourlasthunt (59k)
Months after the events in Civil War, a chemical outbreak causes the whole world to fall in a comatose state. The Avengers, who had to reunite when people began to fall, are forced to trap themselves inside a bunker until Bruce Banner and Helen Cho can figure out an antidote. This leads to new friendships to form, and others to heal. All of this a hundred feet underground.
Things go well, until they don't.
While Tony and Steve revisit their actions in Civil War and deal with being a team once again, one of their team members was silently compromised by the chemicals. None of them knew until the effects began to appear. Emotions are shared. The team becomes a family once again and some learn that despite their past actions, there will always be people that will love and care for you. Also, Tony is a stressed dad to a teenager with concerning lack of self preservation skills.
It's a Secret to Everybody by Snapdragon_in_the_Snow (97k)
Peter gets to spend all summer living in Avengers Tower with Tony. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, they're confused as to who Peter is. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tony's secret son.
Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. But they soon learn that they barely have to act at all.
built from scraps by peterstank (138k)
“Everybody needs someone. That’s what you said, right?” Pepper meets his eyes and he’s struck by the way she’s almost pleading. “We both lost. We can help each other.”
Her hand, palm up and open, stretches into the space between them.
Peter hesitates.
Then he takes it.
or: the one where tony was dusted instead of peter, so he and pepper try to figure out the whole ‘family’ thing together.
(oh, and it turns out that the man who died in peter’s arms on an alien planet is his biological father. who knew, right?)
Brave as a Noun by edema_ruh (161k)
Some people think that Peter is Tony's son. Why shouldn't they? Peter seems to be orbiting Tony all the time, and it's not like the billionaire tells him off. They have a nice relationship - Peter is glad to have a father figure, and Tony cares for the kid as if he's actually his son.
The first problem regarding this arises when the people who think that Peter is Tony's son kidnap him for ransom.
The second problem regarding this arises when one of the people who kidnaps Peter turns out to be Mac Gargan, the Scorpion, and he's hungry for revenge.
Identity Theft by KitCat992 (267k)
It's been months since the events of Civil War, and the Avengers are doing their best to remain a team, having promised to forgive and forget. Unfortunately for them, Tony Stark's latest invention has been stolen and recovering it causes tension to reappear.
Meanwhile, in Queens, Peter Parker has two main priorities on his plate — complete his midterm finals, and track down a fishbowl wearing criminal that may or may not lead him right into the hands of the Avengers.
Somehow between all of this, Spider-Man's identity is revealed to the Avengers, Steve and Tony's friendship may permanently be damaged due to continued hidden secrets, and Happy struggles to buy a youth-sized casket for Peter's funeral.
Things were a lot easier when they were fighting over Bucky Barnes.
Stab Me in the Back (I'll Catch You From Behind) by Lansfics7 (296k)
"I am going to find Tony," the man hisses in Peter's ear, his gaze cold and cruel. "And when I do, I will kill him, slowly. What do you say to that-" The man stops short because Peter's shoulders are shaking, and before he can curl his lip in victory, he hears a snicker. When he lets go of Peter's hair, the teen's head slumps to his chest, but it's not out of exhaustion or defeat...it's to hide a smile.
The boy lets out a laugh, shaking his head before glancing to the sides admitting apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's just- it is so fun to mess with you!" He looks around before snorting, "Tony Stark? That's your play? You're not screwing with me, right? You actually thought that would work? Sorry guys." Peter straightens in his chair with a sneer and a cocky wink, "Tony doesn't give a flying crap about me."
And that's it! Happy reading, and if you have any other fics to rec with this tag - whether they be yours or your friend's - please share them with me! And, as always, thank you to all the amazing writers who share their works with us.
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themculibrary · 1 month
Kidnapped!Peter Masterlist
a foul player dealing for me (ao3) - sandyk M, 2k
Summary: Peter gets kidnapped with a bunch of other interns, but honestly, it'll be fine.
Becoming a Hero (ao3) - Dorthea mj/peter T, 40k
Summary: His brain tells him to get back up. To run. To get away. That the next attack will happen in just a second. That someone will come, and they’ll shoot a bullet through his head. That’s it. End of Peter Parker. But his body doesn’t respond to anything. He can barely lift his arms, because it feels like an elephant is sitting on his chest.
Peter knows this is the end. Knows nobody will get to him in time… he’ll bleed out, in the desert sand. Alone.
His eyes feel heavy and slowly he closes them. Tries to breathe, knowing he can’t. Tries to forget the pain, but he can’t do that either. It digs through his chest, not like a bullet, no… It’s sharp and hard. There’s not one, there are a million. A million little things in his chest. But he can’t see them.
And soon, he can’t see anything, but darkness…
In an alternate universe Peter Parker wins a competition to meet Tony Stark, only things goes horribly wrong when Peter is kidnapped in Tony's place. His life on the line, Peter only has one option... he has to become a Hero.
Blood and Bone (ao3) - deadvinesandfanfics pepper/tony M, 40k
Summary: Peter… wasn’t exactly sure how he’d gotten here.
The room was dark, and silent, except for the repetitive thump-thump of a heartbeat from somewhere beside him. It sounded like Mr Stark’s arc reactor, with a soft tick accompanying every second beat: that, and the smell of motor oil and fancy cologne.
His head throbs, and his muscles ache. He feels like he’s just lost a fight with a brick wall, or several. There’s crusted blood on his upper lip as well as his temple. He can feel it matted in his hair, and he wants nothing more than to take a shower right now.
Looking around a little more, Peter realises that he doesn’t even know where they are. The room is nearly pitch black which makes it impossible to make anything out. He thinks he’s tied to some sort of cheap plastic chair; his hands are bound behind his back with a mess of rope and some thin metal handcuffs - so he assumes his identity is safe. No way whoever this was would leave him in just metal handcuffs if they knew he had his powers.
Then, a huff of noise off to his side.
“Mr Stark,” he blurts, panicked. “I think we might’ve been kidnapped.”
captivity (ao3) - killerqueenwriters T, 6k
Summary: To say Tony is hysterical would be an understatement.
It’s been twelve hours without so much as a peep from either of his sons: no texts, no calls, no readings from either of their suits, either of their watches.
Copyright Infringement (ao3) - Anarchyduck T, 4k
Summary: Peter’s arms snap to his side as his heels click together. He struggles to get out of it, whatever this is, as the Big Guy laughs again.
“Spider-Man say hello to Blood Bender.” he nods to the shorter guy standing beside him.
“B-Blood Bender? Like, from Avatar the Last Airbender?” Peter lets out a strained laugh. “Seriously? Isn’t that like copyrighted? Better not let Nickelodeon hear you. Don’t think they’d like to be associated with a dru-“
His throat constricts close.
OR: Peter gets in over his head, kidnapped, and is rescued by the most unlikely (or likely?) person.
Friday's Child (ao3) - Dimity Blue (Arnie) pepper/tony, mj/peter G, 58k
Summary: "Mr. Stark's son was kidnapped in 2007 when he was five, and, despite everyone's best efforts, no trace of him was found. Until today. When your fingerprints were put into the system, they came up as a match for Peter Stark's."
He's My Kid (ao3) - jennylarner pepper/tony G, 10k
Summary: “Rhodey.” Tony’s voice breaks. “Rhodey they took my kid.”
There are tears on Rhodey’s cheeks. “I know Tony, I know.” He whispers, his own voice trembling with the effort of staying calm. He had to stay calm, for Tony. “But we’re going to get him back.” He placed a hand over the phone. Tony stares down at it. “Do you want me to do it?”
Tony shakes his head. “No.” He murmurs. “No. I need to do it.”
When Peter goes missing and Tony can't find him, he knows who he needs to call. Post-Civil War. Eventual reunion of Tony and the Rogues.
He Promises (ao3) - justpeterparkerthings peter/harley G, 2k
Summary: Harley fell hard, the boy- Peter, the infamous intern- quickly became a constant in his everyday schedule. He didn't mind, infact the younger lifted his mood on most days, sometimes just offering to listen to Harley rant or watch a movie with a cup of hot chocolate.
Everything seemed to be going wonderfully well, all until Peter was kidnapped.
home (ao3) - Hailfire_73 T, 9k
Summary: “You were pretty certain he’d be here by now.”
The truth was, he’d like to know. He needed to know. What was keeping Mr. Stark from coming and getting him? Maybe, he thought, he didn’t think Peter was worth being saved. Maybe he just didn’t care.
“Clearly,” he said, as he moved a piece across the board. “You were wrong about your Tony Stark. That’s check, by the way.”
Peter studied the board but shifted his eyes back to him. “I give up.”
“Smart boy,” he told him. “A good man knows he’s beat.”
Peter has been kidnapped and is forced to survive in a universe different, a universe ruled by Superior Iron Man, but surviving may mean there's nothing left of him once rescue finally does come.
i didn't finish my chem homework yet (ao3) - MyDestinyIsWritten T, 5k
Summary: Peter and MJ get kidnapped after school and Tony is a worried and protective dad™
I Did Not See That Coming (ao3) - TheDumbestAvenger T, 5k
Summary: When the mission goes south, and Peter is kidnapped right under Tony’s nose, the only thing he has left is hope to someday be reunited.
I Hope You're Happy (I Won't Be) (ao3) - Phoenix_Inferno N/R, 22k
Summary: "If Peter wasn't already wrung through the wringer, sliced up and beaten within every inch of himself maybe he could have put together that this was a trap.
He wished he had realized it sooner.
He wished to all the gods in existence that he had realized it sooner."
Peter should have known his incessant need to save everyone was going to eventually shatter his whole world. Maybe then, he could have done something.
In A Different Light (ao3) - kingdomfaraway T, 3k
Summary: Sometime around 3:00 am New York time, Steve’s phone went off. He didn’t think Tony would even call if it wasn’t the end of the world, all hands on deck situation. A jolt of fear ran through him as he answered, mentally preparing himself for any battle he’d have to take on.
But then, in a small broken voice, one that seemed to belittle the man Steve couldn’t imagine ever being so small, Tony said four words.
“I lost the kid.”
Love's Gonna Get You Killed (ao3) - peterparkersbff T, 1k
Summary: There’s a gun pressed to Peter’s temple and a man breathing down his neck. As depressing as it is, this is slowly starting to become a constant occurrence in his life. Not even the same people, everyone just… wants to kill him, Peter supposes.
But this time is different. They're not here for him.
My Guy (ao3) - JulieJewels mj/peter T, 7k
Summary: Michelle Jones has never really thought about it - Peter's always just been there. But now he's disappeared and Tony Stark isn't getting anywhere with his so-called investigation. So much for him being a genius. MJ has never been good at twiddling thumbs, but now it seems like she might have to learn it, and fast. Right?
Wrong, of course.
Paint it Black (ao3) - crystallopianqueen T, 44k
Summary: The Avengers are broken and scattered across the globe after the events of Civil War. But when Peter Parker is taken by the very worst of humanity, Tony Stark will do whatever it takes to get him back, even if it means hunting down former friends and enemies to do it.
Strike Three (ao3) - opal_earrings G, 4k
Summary: “With a groan, Peter lifted his aching head off his chest and craned his neck upwards. He was handcuffed, suspended from a chain that reached the ceiling. When he kicked his feet, his toes only just scuffed at the floor.
He’d been kidnapped.
Peter’s stomach sank at the realization. Oh, God, he was definitely going to miss his curfew. Mr. Stark would be furious.”
Or: Peter’s already missed his curfew twice in the past week, and he doesn’t want to find out what will happen if he misses it a third time. Which is inconvenient for him when he finds himself chained up in a warehouse with his curfew fast approaching.
Tag, You're It (ao3) - SpaceCowboysFromMars T, 3k
Summary: They’re just rounding the corner of the canteen, hand-in-hand, when Peter is slammed with a feeling that makes everything within him stop working. He freezes, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as his senses scream at him, warn him, plead with him to get away from the unseen danger-
Something cold is pressed into the center of Peter’s spine. There’s a click and a deep voice, “Make a sound and I’ll shoot the kid.”
Peter turns his head ever-so-slightly, just enough to see Mac Gargan’s face staring back at him as he presses the muzzle of a gun to the teenager’s back.
The Redundant Rescue Mission (ao3) - for_the_night G, 4k
Summary: “Oh, hey guys! What are you doing here?” Peter asked, appearing from behind a tree.
Bucky blinked. “We’re here to rescue you.”
“Oh… I mean, I can go back if you want? I'm sure I can crawl back through the window and I won’t tell anyone.”
Steve bawked at him. “Excuse me?”
“I can even tie myself back up if it makes it better?”
“Are you seriously suggesting un-rescuing yourself?”
Or: Peter gets kidnapped, but Steve and Bucky are a little late in getting the mystery kid back to his dad
weapons never weep (ao3) - McSquishee pepper/tony T, 36k
Summary: “Let me make something clear, insect. You are a freak of nature that serves no purpose outside of science and war, and you do not have nor deserve the luxury of human rights. I gave you the opportunity to make this easy on yourself, but if you must be difficult, I will have no qualms over forcing you into submission by any means necessary.”
The man looked over to him, his expression unwavering and offering no guilt or remorse.
“You are naught but a weapon, and I will treat you as such. Don’t forget that.”
On a mission gone haywire, Peter is abducted by HYDRA, and they will do whatever it takes to harness his biology for their benefit.
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akillerqueenwrites · 4 years
how do you sandwich?
for @frostysunflowers and @spideyfic for your parts in this chaos. this is maybe the most ridiculous thing i have ever written. 
“What are you doing?”
Tony pauses at Peter’s frankly quite loud question – he hadn’t meant to shout given there’s only a counter and half a small kitchen separating them, but the shock had overridden pretty much everything else. “Buttering the bread…?”
“Why are you buttering toast before you toast it?”
“I’m not toasting this.”
“Then what are you doing?” Peter demands.
“I’m making a sandwich.”
“You’re what?” Peter’s voice is barely a squeak. He points to the bread, then the knife in Tony’s hand, a slab of butter dangling precariously above the counter, then to the heavens like that might provide some answers. “You – how – what? What?”
“How do you sandwich!?”
“What?” Tony shouts back, confusion and panic at war on his face. Panic seems to be winning. In fairness, Peter had driven all the way from Boston, walked into the house, dumped his backpack on the floor and immediately started yelling. “What?”
“That’s not how you make a sandwich!”
Tony stares. The butter slides off the knife and hits the counter.
“You don’t put butter on a sandwich! You put mayo, or mustard, or – or something that’s not butter!”
“Have you had a bad day?” Tony asks, not moving an inch. “Something happen on the drive down here? Fight with MJ? Any other reason you came into the house and immediately started berating me for something I’ve been doing since I was five goddamn years old?”
“Who corrupted you? Who told you it was okay to put slabs of fat on bread?”
“Jarvis and my Aunt Peg,” Tony says.
Peter blinks. “Well, now I just feel terrible.”
“As you should,” Tony says, but his voice is light. “Seriously, kid, I’ve known you for years, even without counting the, ah, interval–“ They both wince. “Have you seriously never seen me make a sandwich? Never eaten one I gave you?”
Peter thinks. Really thinks. “There was a lot of takeout back then,” he says finally. “Some Italian cooking when you put your mind to it. Maybe a grilled cheese. I don’t think we ever just had…sandwiches.”
“Then I have failed you,” Tony says emphatically. “Come here. We’re making sandwiches properly.”
“Mr Delmar doesn’t–“
“Mr Delmar makes subs. Not sandwiches. Come on, you need food, anyway. Long drive, I bet.”
Peter moves closer, wary of the knife that Tony’s still brandishing wildly. “Are we going to make cucumber sandwiches? Scones? Colonise the world?”
“That’s almost offensive.”
Peter shrugs. “My mom was Irish. I have a lot of repressed anger.”
“Probably fair. Anyway, come on!” Tony turns to pat the countertop and puts his hand slap-bang in the blob of butter. “Okay. Right. Um…”
Pepper chooses that moment to sweep into the house, as put-together as usual. She takes one look at Tony, one hand covered in butter, the other holding a knife, and turns to Peter, who probably looks torn between laughing and crying. “Should I ask? Do I want to know?”
“Apparently I make sandwiches wrong.” Tony jabs the knife in Peter’s direction. “You know, Morgan never complains about my sandwiches “
“You put butter on your sandwiches!”
“We’ve established that already.”
“I am disgusted by you and everything you stand for.”
“Do you want a damn sandwich or not?”
“I want a sandwich with mayonnaise, like a civilised person.”
Pepper smiles, seemingly more to calm herself down than anything else, and glides out of the room.
“Finally found Pepper’s limit,” Tony says, grabbing a cloth and wiping his hand, “and apparently it’s arguing with my college-age kid about sandwiches. Christ, I knew students ate weird shit, but looks like it’s all evolved since my day.”
“I’ll make my own sandwich, thank you. You clearly can’t be trusted.” Peter pauses. “It doesn’t sound like a word anymore.”
“What doesn’t?”
“Sandwich.” Peter sounds it out in his mouth. “Sand-wich. What a stupid word. Where’d it come from?”
“Some rich dude wanted to play cards. I don’t know.” Tony finally puts down the knife and Peter deems it safe enough to move closer. “Hello.”
“Hi.” Peter sidles up to him and gets his long-awaited hug, resting his cheek on Tony’s shoulder with a contented sigh. “I appreciate that you’re no longer threatening me with a knife.”
“Can you blame me? I was in shock. I’ve never made you a sandwich.” Tony sniffs. Melodramatic asshole. “I’ve tried my best, y’know? It wasn’t always easy. You try to do the best for your kids and then one day you find out you’ve failed as a parent–“
“You didn’t fail me by not sneaking blobs of salted fat into my food.”
“Sneak: one hundred,” Tony says, having clearly been talking to Harley, who likes to teach him years-old memes because Harley is terrible and awful and the bane of Peter’s life and was put on this earth solely to torment him. “So, now we’ve deescalated the previously fraught situation like mature adults, I’ll ask again: long day?”
Peter shrugs. “Friday traffic. Had a submission this morning – only a few hundred words, though. Lab report for something we did on Monday.”
“All good?”
“Yeah, it was piss-easy.”
“Do as I say, not as I do.”
Peter scoffs and opens the fridge, pulling out the jar of pickles.
“Number five?” Tony asks.
“You got it.”
“Gonna be a square instead of a sub, but I’m sure you’ll survive.”
“With mayo,” Peter says firmly, and ignores Tony’s heartbroken sigh. “Stop trying to manipulate me. It’s not working. If I give in, you’ll have me eating crumpets.” A thought strikes him, and he shudders. “Beans on toast.”
“There’s a thought for dinner,” Tony says cheerfully, “but have you considered fish and chips?”
“This is wounding my soul.”
“We should go to London. See the sights. Get you some British culture.”
“Yeah, last time I was in London, a lot of it got blown up. Like, a lot. Mostly important things, too.”
“All the more reason. You didn’t get to see any of it.”
“I was busy almost dying.”
“So we’ll go for a fun trip this time.”
“It was meant to be a fun trip last time.”
“If Fury comes near you, I will personally punch him the face. So would Happy.”
“Happy is not coming,” Peter says. “You are not turning this hypothetical trip into a lads and dads vacation, or whatever.”
“Don’t you want to bond with your future step-uncle?”
“Seeing him in nothing but a towel in May’s apartment was enough bonding, thank you!” Peter says loudly. “Plus, he did fly hours to pick me up when I got arrested and gave me some pretty good advice. So. You know. All good on the Happy front.”
“All right, all right.” Tony takes a bite of his sandwich – ham salad, it looks like. “When you graduate, we’re going to London. I’ve decided. And the rest of England. Culture, Webs. Afternoon tea at some posh hotel. Angry cab drivers, road rage and all. Greasy chip butties – butter is a requirement on those. But also, like, we can go all over. Posh little villages in the Cotswolds. Tiny winding country lanes that barely fit one car down them. Village pubs that have been there for hundreds of years. Weird cobbled streets that’ll twist your ankles. Moorland, Pete, that goes on for miles. Sheep hanging off the side of mountains like gravity doesn’t apply to them. Some of it looks like it belongs in Middle Earth.” He pauses, childlike excitement, nostalgia, happiness sparking in his eyes. “Jarvis took me when I got my first masters.”
“So you were, what, twelve?” Peter says.
That gets a snort. “Nineteen.”
“Says the one double-majoring in chemical engineering and biochem.” Tony groans. “God, and Harley’s doing electrical and mechanical engineering. I’ve made a terrible mistake. You’re going to be unstoppable.”
“Don’t forget Ned is doing CompSci,” Peter says, finally, finally getting to take a mouthful of his sandwich. “And MJ can do literally anything. Plus, with Morgan’s negotiating power, we’ll rule the world. Tributes will come in the form of juice pops. We shall ban butter on sandwiches.”
“Even grilled cheeses? Because it just wouldn’t be the same.”
“An exception shall be granted for grilled cheese sandwiches,” Peter proclaims.
“Then you are a merciful ruler indeed.” Tony ruffles his hair. “Now, afternoon snack out of the way. We have some time before dinner. Lab?”
“Lab,” Peter agrees. “Not to be a freeloading student, but what’s for dinner?”
“Mom’s secret recipe bolognese.”
“Oh, thank God. Thought we’d lost Italian Tony for a minute.”
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akillerqueenyouare · 5 years
You are one of my favorite irondad writers!!!! Can I leave you a prompt? So.. Peter twisted his ankle and tony wants to take care of him, but Peter keeps walking on his injured limb and, even if tony makes him sit everytime he sees him walking, Peter aggravates his injury! Even if you don’t write this I’ll continue to love your stories as always. You are super talented!
thank you for the prompt! this came at a weirdly appropriate time bc my mum badly twisted her ankle and has spent the last few days hobbling around trying to be useful while we all yelled at her to stop
“Hey, Tony.” May doesn’t sound as chipper as usual when he answers her call.
“Hi, May.” They’re getting better at communicating, have been working on it since homecoming and the Vulture and that whole shitshow; a few angry phone calls later, May had finally agreed that Peter, and by extension Spider-Man, needs both of them. “How you doing?”
She takes a deep breath. “I’m going to kill him, Tony.”
“Mm, drastic.” Tony leans back in his seat, stretches, glares at his schematics. “What might have prompted this?”
“He came home last night limping,” she says, “and I only saw him because I’d had a late shift. He insisted he’d just twisted it or something, but I checked and it’s definitely sprained. And he won’t stay still! Every time I turn around, he’s off the couch and doing something. I don’t know how his super healing works, but I’m pretty sure ‘it’ll be healed soon, May!’ isn’t going to help him if it heals wrong.”
“No, you’re absolutely right.”
“Oh, for God’s sake,” she whispers, half to herself. “He slept with it up on a pillow, but he’s been walking on it all morning, and I need to leave for my shift in a couple of hours, and if he can’t even stay on the couch when I’m in the apartment with him…”
Tony grins. “I’ll be half an hour.”
He knows for certain he’s made progress since homecoming because May doesn’t even sigh or make a comment about how he’s a bad influence. “Really? Thank you, Tony. He’s a nightmare, honestly.”
“Sure is, but we love him anyway.”
May pauses for a beat too long, and Tony realises what he’s just said. He panics, opens his mouth to apologise, but she just snorts. “We do. Against our better judgment.”
Phew. “Pack him an overnight bag, okay? I’ve got this for a couple of days, even if that means tying him to my very comfortable couch.”
“You might have to,” May says drily.
It’s just one weekend. He’s got this.
“Sit down!”
“I’m just seeing if you need any help–!”
“No!” Tony cries, gesturing wildly to the otherwise tranquil kitchen. “Everything is under control, okay? Now sit. Down.”
“Fine,” Peter grumbles, and hobbles back towards the couch. “Just so you know, you’re way overreacting.”
“I am not! Do you understand that it could heal wrong if you keep walking on it? Damage for life?”
“You’re being dramatic!” Peter calls, but at least he’s sitting down again.
“Am nottttt!” Tony checks the grilled cheese sandwich, stirs the soup, glances over his shoulder to make sure Peter’s still on the couch. Christ, it’s like having a toddler. “Lunch is nearly ready, okay?”
“Do you need me to carry something–?”
Halfway through Rogue One, Tony feels the couch cushions shift and quickly glances up from his tablet. “Peter–“
“I’m just going to the toilet,” Peter whines.
“Be careful, yeah?”
“Yes,” the kid mutters, dragging the word out.
“And then straight back here.”
“I know, Mr Stark!”
“Less of the attitude, Web-doodle. I’m not doing this for the good of my health.”
Peter pauses, tilting his head. “Then why are you doing it?”
Tony frantically searches for an answer that isn’t too revealing. “Because you were stressing your poor aunt out and I offered to give her a break. Now, go pee, and then get your ass back on this couch with the ice pack.”
“Yes, sir!”
“Look, swinging doesn’t even use my legs – I could just web people up from a distance – or you could come with me!”
“Whyyyyyyy?” Peter moans, on his back on the couch with a cushion over his head and his feet on Tony’s lap to keep the offending ankle elevated.
“I’ve seen you faceplant walls.”
“One time. One!”
“Multiple, actually, if the Spideywatch Twitter account is to be believed.”
“It isn’t,” Peter mutters mutinously.
“Uh-huh. All fake, right? Done on the computer? Like those lights over Phoenix?”
Peter groans.
“Boss, Miss Potts has returned.”
“Ah, finally. I can put the pasta on.” Tony heaves himself off the couch and sets a pan on the stove to start boiling. “Just gonna go and explain why you’re here, kid, so she doesn’t call your aunt and five custody lawyers. Be two minutes.”
Tony shakes his head and makes his way to the elevator, reaching it just as the doors open and Pepper steps out. “Hi, honey!”
Her eyes narrow instantly. “What have you done?”
“Nothing! Well, nothing that’s my fault. Just…Peter’s here, and I know I promised I’d cook tonight, and I don’t know if you wanted it to be a date kinda thing, but–“
“Oh, lovely!” Pepper says. “I haven’t seen Peter in a while.”
“And that’s why you’re my favourite person.”
She rolls her eyes with a grin and walks down the hall into the kitchen. Tony follows, only to find Peter by the stove, grinding salt into the bubbling water.
“I’m just trying to help–!”
“Sit down!”
“Sorry, honey, he takes his pasta very seriously,” Pepper says. “Tony, will you calm down?”
“Don’t take his side!” Tony shrieks, grabbing the nearest barstool and dragging it over to the stove. “Get. Your ass. On there. Now.”
Peter rolls his eyes, but does as he’s told.
“Tony…” Pepper groans.
“No. Not ‘Tony’. This little idiot sprained his ankle and refuses to take care of himself – every time I turn around, he’s doing something new and stupid! I am on the edge here, Pepper! I’m this close to buying a baby stroller and strapping him in it. Permanently!”
Peter shuffles around on his stool – high chair, because he’s a baby – and fixes Pepper with his best puppy eyes. “Miss Potts, I’m bored. I just want to help with dinner.”
“No worries, honey.”
“What?” Tony squeaks.
“You stay there and cook the pasta for us, and then after dinner, I want you on that couch, leg up.”
“Yes, ma’am.” With a salute, Peter turns back to the pot and starts to add the pasta that Tony had measured out earlier.
Pepper swings around to face Tony with a smug smile. “It’s that easy.”
Tony rests his head on her shoulder, breathing hard. From across the kitchen, Peter’s voice pipes up.
“Hey, you guys need me to set the table?”
Tony only closes his eyes for a second, he swears. He’s just full after dinner, and he’s warm and comfortable on his couch, and he’s only resting his eyes. Even so, when he opens them again, Peter’s gone.
“Oh, for God’s sake!”
“I’m in the kitchen!”
“Kid!” Tony stumbles off the couch and into the kitchen with far less grace than he would like, but the end justifies the means. “You think I was kidding about that stroller? Are you trying to stress me out? God, no wonder May was so happy to see me – I didn’t even get a barbed comment, do you understand how rare that is–?”
“I’m making camomile tea,” Peter says quietly. “It’s good for stress.”
“…oh. Thank you.”
“And I wanted more painkillers, but you were asleep and I didn’t want to bother Miss Potts in case she was doing work, and–“
“Okay,” Tony sighs, pulling the barstool over from the stove and gesturing for Peter to sit. “Next time: yes, bother us. That’s why we’re here, kid. To stop you making your ankle worse by doing stuff like this. I promise that will significantly reduce my stress levels.”
“Didn’t want to be annoying,” Peter mumbles.
“You? Annoying? Never.” Tony blows on his tea. “In all seriousness, I promise you won’t. Pep loves having you around. I even find your presence tolerable.”
“Ooh, wow. Tolerable? Watch out, you’ll be upgrading to slightly enjoyable before you know it.”
“Never,” Tony snorts. “Okay, you take your super drugs?”
“Right, back to the couch we go. Empire or Mandalorian?”
“I need my fix of Baby Yoda.”
“Well, better that than coffee.”
“Tony.” It’s Pepper, gently shaking his shoulder. “I’m going to bed now, honey. You need anything before I do? I’ve already put Peter’s tablets on the coffee table in case he needs to take them during the night.”
“No…” Tony yawns. “No, that’s great, Pep, thanks.”
“No problem.” She kisses him quickly. “Goodnight.”
“Night, honey.”
“And goodnight, Peter.” This is barely above a whisper as she leans down to caress the head pillowed on Tony’s lap.
His response is a snore.
“Don’t know what I expected,” she murmurs with a laugh, and pads off down the hall.
“Real charmer, you are, kid,” Tony says with a sigh, letting his hand fall to Peter’s forehead. As if on instinct, his fingers start working through Peter’s hair, combing out tangles, only to freeze when the kid opens his eyes. “Oh, now you wake up?”
“Playin’ with m’hair,” Peter mumbles. “‘S’nice.”
“Glad to hear it.” Tony spares a glance down the couch to check Peter’s foot is still up on the pile of cushions. “You need an ice pack or anything? More drugs?”
“You offering me drugs?”
“Only legal, ever-so-slightly experimental ones.”
Peter snorts. “‘M good, thanks. It’s feeling better.”
“Good.” Tony pushes a stray curl off Peter’s forehead, and grins when the kid closes his eyes and exhales happily. Like stroking a cat. “Get some rest, kid, I don’t want your aunt reading you the riot act. Or me.”
“She likes you really.”
“Good. She’s not so bad herself. Neither are you, come to think of it.”
“Wild. Am I being upgraded from tolerable now?”
“Hm, maybe. When you’re not running around, bouncing off the walls, you’re almost manageable.”
“Love that for me,” Peter says sleepily. He shifts so he’s lying more comfortably, and turns his face into Tony’s stomach.
“Love that all I am to you is a pillow.”
Peter snores.
“Right. Good. Glad to hear it.” Tony settles his head back, and, calmed by the sound of Peter’s even breathing, quietly falls asleep.
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Irondad Fic Rec
If you're a fan of Peter whump then today is your lucky day. 28 chapters of hurting our boy because why not. 
i thought i was a hero (but i was just a child) by @akillerqueenwrites (@akillerqueenyouare)
Summary: 28 days of irondad and spiderson whump: this is the febuwhump writing challenge.
This killed me but I enjoyed it so much. @killerqueenwrites (if she has a Tumblr, let me know and I'll tag her) writes angst and whump so well. It's never too much or too out there. I love whump and I felt like a lot of the whump turns to fluff in the later chapters. By the end it's all whump and fluff, which is always a great combo. This is one of my favorite whump fics out there. I end up smiling half the time I'm reading it. Peter & Tony are written so well and I love the family like bond they have in this!  
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madasthesea · 5 years
Ugh, I remembered that Merlin spent two whole episodes pronouncing Samhain "Sam-hain" but I forgot Supernatural did too. 🙄 Come on people, it takes two seconds to Google!
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spicler-man · 2 years
fluff or hurt/comfort fics
masterlist here
what do i look like to you, a clearance rack? by peterstank for ArdenSkyeHolmes221
It happens once and then it keeps happening. It starts with a hoodie, and then slowly Tony is sacrificing more and more items of clothing in the name of a clumsy, irresponsible Spider-Baby with no sense of self preservation.
But honestly, he can’t bring himself to mind.
or: 5 times Peter steals Tony’s clothes + the 1 time they share.
Long Term Borrowing by ironfamjam
Okay, so maybe Peter has a collection of Tony's shirts. And maybe he was probably supposed to return them at some point. But he'd get around to it. Eventually. He refuses to call it theft.
Except that it probably totally is.
Or, 5 times Peter wears Tony's shirt and the 1 time Tony wears his.
Irondad Bingo Prompt: Peter Wears Tony's Sweatshirt
Mission Accomplished by Chaeyoung26090
It's Tony Stark's birthday. Peter Parker is in dilemma. One conversation with FRIDAY and he gets the best birthday present idea ever. The only question is, will he be able to do it?
For Want of a Dad (in need of a son) by GhostInTheBAU
“So, have you given the camping trip any more thought?” Ned asks, and he groans internally at the change in subject.
He'd much rather go back to talking about his non-existent love life, thanks.
The trip is during spring break—a four day long trek out into the wilderness, camping and hiking and gathering who even knows what, learning all about nature and the great outdoors.
But the real kicker?
It's an event specifically designed for fathers and their sons, which is something Peter doesn't have, and something he will never be.
Not again.
Or: Peter longs to have a deeper relationship with his mentor, a more meaningful connection; but he's managed to convince himself that the only reason Tony Stark spends any time with him at all is purely because of his enhancement.
Because of Spider-Man.
Special Express Delivery by endlessnepenthe
"Peter. Where is your assignment?"
“I…” Peter stares unblinkingly into the depths of his backpack. “I don’t have it,” he says, voice soft with bewildered disbelief.
Tony Stark, Chaperone Extraordinaire by CaptainStarSong
After Aunt May has to cancel last minute on being a chaperone for Peter's school trip to Liberty Science Center, Tony Stark (Good Dad™) steps in to save the day. (Featuring adorable Cotton Top Tamarins, Flash being put into his place, and slightly awkward but honestly trying Tony Stark.)
Safety Net by baloobird
Peter hates when Tony drags him to meetings, but he soon figures out the real reason why his mentor does so.
The Hoodie™ by coconutknightshade
The one in which Tony overhears Peter telling his roommate that the MIT hoodie he's wearing is his dads. The one in which Peter never plans to call Tony 'dad' to his face but the universe has other plans.
peter wearing tony's hoodie by killerqueenwrites
Tony’s used to his clothes going missing. His MIT hoodie doesn’t often leave his closet, though, which is why he notices its absence straight away. There’s a lifetime of safety and comfort in this old hoodie, for both of them, and that’s all Tony could ever wish to give Peter.
Apartment 43B by ironfamjam
After Peter gets stabbed clean through, he knows he can't let May see. His genius plan? Sneak into his best friend's apartment and clean himself up.
The problem?
It's the wrong apartment.
Enter Tony Stark, the ex-CEO that disappeared off the face of the earth three years ago, armed with his handy little first aid kit, custom made coffee machine, and witty anecdotes.
Somehow, the breaking in becomes a habit.
Irondad Bingo Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
blackmail material (or, a picture for tony's office) by KiwisAndTea
May Parker (4:43): guess whos sporting a new iron man shirt
In which May is a tease and Tony just wants to see these mythical shirts, but he gets more than he bargained for.
if lost please return to iron man by KiwisAndTea
It happened like this:
Peter took one look at his shirt and laughed until there were tears spilling out of his eyes, and Tony was not about to let him get away with it.
Part 2 of the t-shirt series, but it is not necessary to read the other one first.
one of us is going to have to change by KiwisAndTea
Turns out, Peter and Pepper have the same shirt. (Tony is Conflicted™).
Part 3 of the t-shirt series, but it is not necessary to read the others first.
peter's favorite shirt (is also tony's favorite shirt) by KiwisAndTea
The billionaire gives him an easy smile, one that suggests he knows exactly what is going through the boy's head, before his gaze drifts down and his smile grows. A lot. And it's- it's weird. Not bad weird, but he's definitely never seen that one before, and Peter likes to think he's seen them all by now.
And shoot, he didn't drop something on his shirt, did he? That would be super embarrassing.
It's clean - thank god - but his heartrate spikes into Dangerous anyway because, oh yeah, he's wearing that shirt. The shirt Ned got him for Christmas. The shirt that's one of his new favorites. The shirt he won't wear if he knows May or Happy or Mr. Stark would see it.
Part 4 of the t-shirts series, but you do not need to read the others first.
welcome wagon by KiwisAndTea
It's been one month, twenty-nine days, and nine hours since anyone has heard from Tony Stark. or, Peter and Pepper worry. - Part 5 of the t-shirts series, but it is not necessary to read the others first.
Secret Sugarplum Spiderling by happyaspie
Peter has been taking ballet for nearly as long as he can remember and all of his hard work has finally paid off. He's been cast as the Cavelier to the Sugarplum Fairy in his Performing Arts School's production of The Nutcracker. It's a big deal and it's going to take up a good bit of time but... he's just not sure he's ready for his mentor to know about that particular hobby just yet.
🎄🩰❄️He's sure it'll be fine ... ❄️🩰🎄
All he has to do is show up at the studio on time, keep his grades up, make sure to see Tony on a regular enough basis that he doesn't worry and try to squeeze in some patrolling in between. It's that simple. Right?
gucci by babochu
So of course, three months later, after the initial ‘frenzie’- after Peter had bought him a Spider-Man shirt as a gag gift for his birthday, he hadn’t meant to push it any further.
But he did.
In which Tony wears a Spider-Man shirt to an event and chaos ensues.
I Will Soften Every Edge by losingmymindtonight for Bean_reads_fanfic
“You’re telling me,” he swallowed, “that my body thinks I’m Peter’s dad?” “And it has prepared itself for parenthood in response, yes.” -- After a simple brain scan, F.R.I.D.A.Y. reveals something that Tony already knew, but may not have been ready to accept. Luckily, Peter's always there to help him re-find his footing.
This B.S. Better Be Worth It by losingmymindtonight
Originally, Tony's plan had been to just surprise Peter with the fact that he would be on campus for a semester. He’d never actually expected Peter to sign up for his class.
Happy Father's Day Mister Stark, Have a Hallmark Card! by AndromedianExistence
Peter buys Tony a Father's Day card and it goes downhill from there.
Rest Your Weary Head, Child (Forever On My Shoulder) by Buckets_Of_Stars
When Peter's study group ends up staying out later than expected, the result is as unsurprising and enduring as Tony could possibly imagine.
Or: Peter is tired and wants to cuddle his Dad.
Sweater Paws and Sweet Pancakes by Buckets_Of_Stars
When Tony woke up one early Saturday morning, he never expected to be bombarded by feelings while making his sleepy son pancakes.
But that’s exactly what happens.
Coincidental by spideywriting (catch_you_later)
The first time he walked into the cold spot, he thought it was a weird happenstance. A coincidence.
He couldn't have been more wrong.
Strange, spooky things are happening in Tony's lab and he's woefully unprepared for what follows.
(Or, the fic where Peter haunts Tony's lab and Tony can't help but adopt the adorable ghost kid.)
You're The Best, Dad! by protectbucky
‘What do you mean what’s wrong? I called you ‘dad’ yesterday and Clint made a T-shirt about it, and you’re asking me what’s wrong?’
The billionaire’s face was so soft Peter felt like he could explode. He wanted to bang his head against the table again. He couldn’t comprehend that Mr. Stark was really not getting it.
‘So is it the ‘dad’ part or the T-shirt part?’
‘Mr. Stark, what the fuck?’
Get Out of Jail Free Card by Anarchyduck
Tony gets the warning that the kid is in a bad mood, but when Peter enters the lab, he seems fine?
He'll have to coax the answer out of the kid. Ugh.
shake and shiver by OnlyForward
tony has a panic attack in the middle of an avengers meeting after a fight where something triggering happens. no one notices...except peter.
whumptober prompt 7: the way you shake and shiver
Superhero Pajamas by the Spider-Man alt (counterclaw)
“There’s nothing to explain,” Tony grinned as he set his tablet down on the coffee table. “Oh, man. If Iron Man himself were here to see those…”
“That’s the worst part,” Peter grumbled, though there was no hard edge to his voice. “He is.”
I've Got A Feeling... by AimAim94
Peter flopped onto the couch in the penthouse, “Can you stay home tonight? I’ve got a weird feeling, Dad.”
Tony adjusted his tie while he waited for Pepper to leave for the gala they were throwing, “I really need to be there, Bub.”
Peter nodded, “But I think something is wrong.”
stolen stares by Brentinator
"Well, what about Lisa in accounting? She gives me candy bars."
"I'm not taking an accountant to a gala just because she fuels your candy addiction." Tony rolled his eyes as Peter tossed a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
My gift for @galaxychocolateisme on Tumblr
Turn My Day From Good To Great by SuperHeroTiger for Malya
When Tony invited Peter to the tower for 'official internship training' out of the blue one day, the teen had to admit he was a little suspicious. Tony was a strange person. A creature of habit and somehow unpredictable all at once, a paradox that would forever throw Peter for a loop, he was sure. Whatever Tony had planned for Thursday, Peter had the feeling he wasn’t getting out of it no matter how hard he fought it. And so, with a lazy shrug, he figured he might as well settle in for the ride.
But then why were there so many children running around Stark Industries? And why did everyone keep looking at him with these soft eyes whenever he stood beside Tony? What on earth did Tony plan to put him through today?
AKA Tony brings Peter to 'Take your kids to work day'! Only problem is, he hasn't told Peter that just yet... (Gift to Malya for the Friendly Neighbourhood Exchange!)
This Feels Right, So Stay A Sec by ErrorInLoading
The boy immediately froze.
He did not just...
Call Tony Stark...
Irondad Bingo #15: Peter Calling Tony 'Dad'
Cosplay And Confusion by The_Mishamigo
Peter goes to Avengers Con dressed as his idol, Tony Stark. Not expecting to win, he enters the cosplay competition because of his best friend Ned’s insistence.
Tony ends up inviting him to the compound. Secrets and misunderstandings ensue.
my empty soul is ringing with the sound of your voice by fairyScorpicus for S0lstice, FerretShark, coconutknightshade
“I noticed.”
--- 5 Times Tony listened to Peter's voicemails... and 1 Time He Didn't
---------------------------------------------------------- "A voicemail?" Tony glanced up to the nearest speaker in the ceiling automatically in his incredulity. "Do I even have any voicemails? Doesn't Pepper take of those?"
"Peter Parker leaves quite a few voicemails for Happy, which are currently unread," FRIDAY adds, and Tony smiles despite himself.
"Did Happy put you up to this?"
So High Above by SpaceCowboysFromMars
Tony is just starting to come to terms with his undeniably parental feelings towards his young mentee, when Peter's real father suddenly reappears in his son's life with promises and vows that Tony can't help but question.
Tony is absolutely, totally, 100% not jealous.
Rebirth by art_deco_deity
She supposes that it's just one week, but for Pepper it feels more like a glimpse of the future; or, how Peter comes to stay at the Tower for a week and how Pepper comes to change her mind about the child Tony dreamt up.
The Best Hands Are Our Own by spagbol99
The kid is acting off.
Tony Stark isn't sure when it became his problem to fix it.
Peter hasn't been himself for a few weeks. Passing out, falling asleep on the job and now mouthing off. Will Tony figure out what is going on before Peter takes it too far?
Febuwhump Prompts: 'hey, hey, this is no time to sleep' and 'don't look'. Chosen for me by the lovely Penguinmediamogul.
5 Times Peter Accidentally Stuck to Something by Call_Me_Coley for LittleMissAgrafina
And the one time he meant to.
PROMPT: Peter has a habit of accidentally getting himself stuck to things or things stuck on him cuz spidey powers and sleepiness, injuries, and emotions don't always mix too well with sticky spidey abilities - which Tony finds amusing.
Please be warned this is all pure fluff until a little hurt in the last chapter!
The Birds and The Bees by Winterturtle
“Oh. Okay. That’s good then.” Tony reached for his cup and took a long sip, tension bleeding from his shoulders. So, the kid hasn’t suddenly decided to ditch him. He was just being a teenager, doing teenager-y things and spending time with his—
Tony spat out the coffee.
“His what?!”
~~~ Prompt: Could you maybe do a fic where Tony finds out about Peter and Mj without Peter telling him. Like maybe he walks in on them kissing or May just casually says “his girlfriend” or and Tony’s like “excuse me WHOS girlfriend
A Far Green Country by madasthesea
He just wanted Peter to be happy. More than anything in the world, he wanted Peter to be happy.
Oh, Tony thought as that realization sunk down into the pit of his stomach and took root.
I love him.
School's Start by happyaspie
Summer is over and Peter is ready to start classes but he has some reservations about being in school all day long after a very active summer. So, he goes to Tony because he's pretty sure the man knows everything...
Cue a late-night conversation that somehow leads Tony to questions what exactly he's done to earn himself such a good kid... a kid at all really... like, when did he become a dad?
Green, Red, and Blue by maroonweb
One lab caught his attention, a small kid with curly brown hair and brown eyes stared at Tony through the window.
"What the hell?" He asked before realizing he looked familiar and remembered his conversation with Pepper about the new interns.
Tony gave a small wave and the kid, Peter he remembered, blushed before turning back to his work.
"Oh hell no." Tony Stark was not to be ignored. Especially not by children.
"Fri, open lab 207."
The Morning Will Come (and the dream stealing your sleep will end) by Winterturtle for SuperHeroTiger
After a tragic incident, Peter Parker is left orphaned for the second time in his life. With no one else to take him in, Peter decided not to take his chance on foster care. Living in an abandoned building and the crows as his only company, the young hero is doing his best to maintain the illusion of a happy kid in front of Mr. Stark - one of the two remaining links to his past, happier life.
Look, technically, Peter wasn’t lying. It was just that Mr. Stark has never asked specifically.
On the Outside; Always Looking In by Chara426
Peter is excited to spend the weekend with his mentor and father figure: Tony Stark.
If only he can get past security.
My Comfort by inkinmyheartandonthepage
When Peter first came to live with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, they had taken him to Build-A-Bear.
Peter forgets him stuffed animal at the Tower and races to get it before anyone can find it.
sleep well, bambino by LittleMissAgrafina
It wasn't long before Peter's tiredness started to catch up with him again, but he fought against it. Blinking it away each time that he started to doze.
He jerked up when a hand rested on his shoulder, his opening wide. "What?"
Tony chuckled. "Pete, you're falling asleep, why don't you head to bed? You can nap for a while until May and Pepper get here and we can have dinner." The genius asked him.
Peter shook his head stubbornly. He didn't want to sleep, he wanted to stay with Tony. "Nope. I'm fine. I don't need to sleep, I promise." He resolutely stared at the TV, sitting ramrod straight and ignoring Tony as he frowned slightly in his direction.
Comfortember Day 6. Exhaustion + 17. Falling Asleep On Someone
Even Children Get Older by LittleMissAgrafina for justt_ppeachy 
He looked up, frowning slightly as he stared at Peter standing in the doorway.
"Hello there." Peter smirked, but underneath it was clear to see that he was nervous about something so Tony straightened and wheeled one of the extra lab stools towards him. He gestured to it with his head, and Peter crossed the room to settle on the chair.
"I need your help." The teen said.
3 Times Tony realized Peter was growing up and the 1 time he knew he was already there.
Comfortember Day 10. Breakdown + 27. Proud + 30. Moving Forward
Tony's MIT hoodie by Selma_i 
Peter accidentally wearing Tony's shirt to school, and people notice.
You can also find it on wattpad. Username: Selm_i
A Tale of Fathers and Beginnings by frostysunflowers for ciaconnaa 
Being a parent is full of ups and downs, a lot of trial and error and moments of overwhelming pride and joy.
For Tony, nothing could encapsulate all of that more than the run up to the birth of Peter and MJ's baby.
taken by peter_parkerson 
Febuwhump Day 3: Taken
He’s Spider-Man. And Spider-Man protects the little guy, puts everyone else above himself. Spider-Man makes any and all sacrifices necessary to keep other people out of danger.
If that means walking himself right into a room of bad guys, likely with guns, as Peter Parker - scrawny, geeky, vulnerable Peter Parker - then so be it.
He flips the top on his watch and presses the button on the inside, holds until the blinking light appears to tell him that his panic button has worked.
I Would Even Learn How to Love by Not_me_undercover for Chara426 
The plan was simple.
Step 1: Research how to be a good dad.
Step 2: Apply the research to his relationship with Peter.
Step 3: Profit.
write it on the skyline by ironfidus 
Five months after Mr. Stark invites Peter to his lab for the first time and kicks off the start of their weekly Lab Days, Stark Industries launches a new project: a youth-centered internship program, accepting applications from interested high-schoolers nationwide.
Naturally, Midtown High is all over it. Peter would be, too—except, well, he doesn’t know quite where he stands with his mentor. Frankly, he isn’t sure the internship program has anything to do with him at all—or that he even has an internship, period.
Tony Stark would, respectfully, beg to differ.
if i roll my eyes it means i love you by AppleJuiz 
But he never starts a conversation. With her, at least, though she can't really remember ever seeing Peter Parker start a conversation, except maybe with Ned but she doesn't count that.
She's very observant, she notices these things, stacks them away, carefully adding and organizing information, fitting together tiny pieces of a cosmic puzzle. She's not obsessed with him. She just notices things.
(Well, she is a little obsessed with him which is the root of this whole problem.)
Denial Is a Cruel Mistress by sabertoothhousecat 
“Hey Spider-Man!” Flash yelled down the hall at Peter. “Do a flip!”
Peter looked at Ned who looked at MJ who raised an eyebrow. They seemed to reach some sort of agreement because Peter turned, shouted, “Okay!” back down the hallway and executed a perfect back flip.
Literally no one noticed.
Not a single person looked up from their phones or their stupid conversations or whatever they had going on.
Flash was going to cry.
Or: Peter stops hiding his identity so much at school (for convenience, he swears). Flash is the only one who notices, and to his increasing frustration, no one believes him.
Or: Flash is the Candace to Peter, Ned, and MJ’s Phineas and Ferb
freckles by wolfiestark 
How had he never noticed the freckles under his eye, in the shape of a heart?
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jinxquickfoot · 3 years
My friend is looking for some good Avengers fam, hurt/comfort Peter Parker fics, and I was wondering if you have any recommendations? (By all means, you can rec your own fics too!)
Wooo hurt/comfort Peter Parker! Well, you are definitely not spoiled for choice over on Ao3 - I just finished one myself called 'The One Where Peter is Tony's Weakness' which you can find here
Favourites include:
Worst Summer Vacation - mysterycyclone
sarcasm squad gets a summer home - floweryfran
The World, Blind - forensicleaf
Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me - @itsreallylaterightnow, @killerqueenwrites
Fate (Up Against Your Will) - @blondsak
Trick or Treat (or Traumatize) - @awesomesockes, @whumphoarder
Insane Mistakes Everybody Makes - @fluencca
In Which Ned Becomes the Hero, And Decides Being the Guy in the Chair is Much Safer - @aelaer (technically Ned hurt/comfort, still amazing)
Identity Theft - KitCat992
That Time Mr. Stark Became Tony - StellaLuna365
Thirteen Minutes - S0lstice
Most of these authors have written multiple hurt/comfort Peter stories but I just stuck to one per author here. Enjoy!
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irondadfics · 1 month
Hello! I’m looking for a fic I read once where Peter is trapped in a groundhog day nightmare where every day ends with Tony dying to matter what he tries. Every day starts with Tony blasting a song… i think it was back in black.
hello, could this possibly be your fic? Peter is the one who dies instead of Tony, but a song does play everyday.
mystery spot by killerqueenwrites
Tony’s trying to enjoy his morning coffee – shouldn’t be a huge ask – when something garishly colourful is slapped down on the countertop under his nose. Apparently, it is too difficult of an ask. He slowly lifts his eyes to meet his kid’s eager gaze. “And what the fuck is this?” “Our next super-fun family vacation!” Peter chirps. Tony looks down again, trying his best to focus, until he reads ‘Mystery Spot! Where the laws of physics have no meaning!’ and instantly taps out. “Yeah, good try, kid. That shit’s all fake.” “Funny, ‘cause I would’ve said that about heart-attack ghosts and evil genies less than a year ago.” “Touché.” or, it's Tuesday.
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Hihi!! Idk if u've read this one (I'm going to find a fic I love in my bookmarks u haven't read yet and be useful. There's gotta be at least one in there and I'm gonna find it lmao), but it's called "Family Business" and it's by killerqueenwrites and the entire series can just... Have my soul. I love it sm and I could talk ab it all day lol
(idk if links work in asks but imma put it here anyways)
ohoh I have NOT read this you're right!!! A lot of the crossover AUs I haven't gotten to yet actually! thank you for the rec Imma save it and read it as soon as I can <3
(I'm also really proud of you because this ask has no self-deprecating disclaimers!!!
Like for real we're just internet stranger friends but like, for real for real, I am so proud and impressed. It's like you went, "ah? a challenge? KICK IT'S ASS." and then you succeeded <3 <3)
family business
by killerqueenwrites
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Irondad Kidnapping Fics
Hello everyone!! Peter & Tony getting kidnapped is one of my favourite tropes (I'm doing just fine, thank you for asking) so I thought I'd share some of those fics with you today!! Please mind the tags for all of them, as some contain graphic violence and other things which you might not enjoy!
the one who made it out by tiaylasglass (2.8k)
“It’s finished. We’ve completed all the research and experiments.”
“So, what now?”
“We dispose of him. He’s fucked in the head. Won’t be any use to anyone now.”
OR After seven months of torture, Peter is saved.
I'm Not Going to Wake Up if You're Going to Yell At Me by itsreallylaterightnow (2.8k)
“Well, I think there’s a cave right up the side of that hill. I should be able to get us a fire started easily enough. That, or run the risk of having a popsicle of a Peter to return home to your aunt.” 
“S-s-she’d kill you.” Peter said, his tone light, but the weight of the situation was settling on him.
“Yes, she would. Which is why I don’t intend on letting that happen any time soon.”
lay your weary head to rest by hopeless_hope (3.5k)
In which Peter gets kidnapped, and that's not even the worst part. The worst part is he's not allowed to sleep.
Love, hate on by madasthesea (3.9k)
She’d planned for this moment for two years, seven months, and eighteen days: As she’d stood above her daughter’s freshly dug grave, she’d decided that Tony Stark would die by her hand. And now was her moment.
She had only intended to grab Stark, tell him what he’d done that merited the punishment she was going to give, and kill him fast before anyone started looking. But here was this kid, an act of providence.
She didn’t have to tell Stark now, she could show him. She could make him suffer like she’d suffered, make him pay for his crimes. An eye for an eye, a child for a child.
Not Completely the Worst by mainstreamelectricalparade (4k)
Peter's spidey-sense had been going off all day. If he had to stay at school for literally another minute longer, he was probably going to go insane.
And of course, there was one person at school whose single goal in life seemed to be ensuring that that happened.
“Yo, Penis! Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Flash called after Peter as he took the steps three at a time in his attempt to make a quick getaway.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut in exasperation and kept walking. Maybe if he ignored the problem, it would go away.
Because that had always worked so well for him, in the past.
kidnapping by killerqueenwrites (4.6k)
Steve wakes up cuffed to a chair, which is kind of annoying considering he has a meeting today. 
He’s just coming to the conclusion that he really might be in trouble when he notices the kid across from him.
or Steve and Peter get some bonding time, and Tony is freaking out.
Under the Radar by Call_Me_Coley (4.7k)
“Tony, I honestly don’t think our friend could do the job right now, even if we needed him to. We’re two men down and unless your pupils are lying, you’ve got a concussion,” Nat patiently explained. Steve was out of commission, Peter looked just as out of it, Tony wouldn’t be steady on his feet and Natasha didn’t have any weapons.
But all Peter heard was “our friend could do the job” and that Tony had a concussion.
Well, that made his choice for him. He needed to act.
Very Normal, Totally Regular Human Intern by Winterturtle (5.2k)
Rogers and his merry band are granted a parole they are to serve at the Compound. Tony made Peter promise to keep his powers hidden, but when he wakes up kidnapped along with the kid and the Rogues, it takes Peter about ten minutes to break the whole totally regular human intern façade.
in an empty moral space by blueh (5.4k)
“Bring Spider-Man to us, Mr. Stark,” High-heels says and rattles off an address. “If that bug isn’t here in the next twenty four hours, then your intern gets it. We are not going to ask a second time.”
There’s a pause.
Then, “You want Spider-Man?”
“In exchange for your intern,” High-heels affirms.
“Spider-Man,” Mr. Stark repeats. He sounds more amused than worried for Peter’s apparent safety.
also known as: Peter Parker is held hostage…in order to get to Spider-Man. Throw in some Accords reconciliation and, well, Peter’s life just got a whole lot weirder.
Fate (Up Against Your Will) by blondsak (6.5k)
“Gotta keep your eyes open, Pete. Remember?” Tony pleads as soon as Peter startles himself back to wakefulness, somehow still standing up. He looks around with bloodshot eyes, only to moan in frustration and clutch at his hair when he belatedly recalls where they are, the nightmare they're living. He doesn’t remember Tony telling him to keep his eyes open before, but the distress in his tone is all too familiar.
He’s wonders how much longer it’ll be before he doesn’t catch himself in time.
How much longer until he all but pulls the gun’s trigger with his own hand and sends a bullet through Tony’s skull.
Breathe Deep by itsallAvengers (6.8k)
A deep, primal sort of fear struck him as he took it in. It wasn’t some fancy-schmancy death machine, it wasn’t intricate or even obviously threatening.
It was just water. But that held the potential for many, many unpleasant things.
you'll always get there first by crowkag (7k)
Home, home, home home home. It played on loop in Peter’s brain, loud and tumbling and distracting…
But not in a way that would have him miss the silver Audi speeding toward him in the opposite direction, a sight that made him do a double-take for two reasons.
One, because the fancy car was a foreign presence after nothing but rusty, dented Ford pickups for the past hour.
And two, he was pretty sure that was Tony in the driver’s seat.
(OR: Peter makes his way home after being kidnapped.)
it might not right now (but it's gonna hurt soon) by blondsak and seekrest (7.5k)
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that with the right amount of pressure, anyone can be broken,” Beck says with relish. “And I have a feeling that Pete isn’t going to be too happy when I reveal exactly what he’s done to the poor, damaged, oh so heroic mentor he’s been giving the cold shoulder for a week. The guilt will eat your precious Peter alive, if everything goes right. And everything will go right this time.”
Once again Tony tries to maneuver the bulky armor but its movements are out of his control. Which means he’s nothing more than a helpless bystander right now—a pawn for Beck to use against Peter for his own nefarious purposes.
“Almost showtime, Stark,” Beck says giddily into his ear. “Gonna be one hell of a finale. I do apologize in advance that you won’t be here for the encore. But hopefully you’ll enjoy the show before exiting stage right.”
Inside the suit, Tony silently screams.
Like Father, Like Son by An_Odd_Idea (7.6k)
48 hours to build a reactor. More accurately, 48 hours to talk Peter through building a reactor. And Tony is chained on the other side of the room.
For God’s Sake by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays (7.8k)
Peter knows he could escape. It would be so, so easy to break out of his bindings, throw his kidnappers through the wall, and run so quickly that he’d be home by midnight.
The only problem?
Flash Thompson was directly across from him, cuffed to the wall and bleeding from his cheek.
Man in a Can by JinxQuickfoot (10k)
When Peter goes missing, Tony and the Avengers team search everywhere for him. Little do they know that Peter is a lot closer than they think.
To The End by The58thAcademic (11k)
The Avenger's kids are taken- Peter Parker, Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Nathaniel Barton, and Cassie Lang- and Peter takes it upon himself to protect the others. The Avenger's have to work together to get them back.
kept me safe and sound at night by searchingforstars (13k)
All Morgan wants is a Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard and permission to paint their mailbox to earn a Daisy Scouts badge.
All Peter wants is for Morgan to be happy, but when he regains consciousness after never making it back to the car from their impromptu trip to Dairy Queen, his first thought is that oh dear god, Tony is going to murder him.
Worst Summer Vacation by mysterycyclone (14k)
The last thing he remembers is leaving school. It was a half day, as he’d finished his exams early, texted May about staying over at Ned’s place, sent another text to MJ and then a twitch of his spider senses--
Then a pinch at his neck, like a bee sting, but deeper. Darkness. Then here.
Huh. Kidnapped. That’s new. If he was less emotionally dead from finals and sleep deprivation, he’d probably have a stronger and much more appropriate reaction to that.
At least he's got Captain America and the Winter Soldier to keep him company.
Not Gone But Forgotten by samos7 (15k)
Peter and Tony are kidnapped and willing to do anything to protect one another. Until one of them isn't.
Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep by blondsak (16k)
...and the one time he actually was.
Or: sometimes, faking sleep can work to your advantage. When it comes to trying to fool a certain genius, overprotective, superhero mentor, Peter finds this to be doubly true.
5 Times Peter Cracks a Joke in the Face of Death by polaroid15 (20k)
...and one time Tony beats him to it.
Or, Peter’s been working on his jokes. Tony’s been working on keeping his kid alive to see his 18th birthday.
Whatever it Takes by sparksaam (21k)
Peter froze suddenly, his heart practically leaping into his throat. His eyes had made contact with the man in the front seat, only to realize that the person gazing back at him was not Tony. Instead, a tall, gruff-looking man with a hoodie and a red bandana over his mouth occupied the place where Mr. Stark had been sitting just minutes before.
“Don’t move,” the man grunted forcefully “or we’ll blow Stark’s brains out.”
OR Tony Stark is abducted. Peter Parker just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Technicalities by Tess_Moon (21k)
“Multiple kids of wealthy and influential individuals have gone missing this morning. NYPD is actively investigating the disappearances.”
Tony didn´t think much of it when he first read the headline. Technically he didn´t have any kids, right...?
Too bad the kidnappers didn´t care about the technicalities of those things.
5 times Tony joked about Peter being part spider by KatinaMoon (33k)
+1 time he definitely didn't
Cloak and Dagger by Velnetta (34k)
After being kidnapped with some of earth’s greatest defenders, Peter is grateful that it appears that their captors aren’t aware that he’s Spider-man.
The problem? To the Avengers, he's just Tony Stark's teenage intern- and Peter intends to keep it that way.
We Can’t Have Faith For Everybody by Hale13 (38k)
It starts like this:
MJ and Flash, hands cuffed to each other and Peter, wrists and ankles held to the wall by thick metal cuffs and dangling in a way that’s surely to leave his shoulders aching.
The first week Peter, verbally, gives as good as he gets. He never lashes out physically and always does what their captors want the first time they ask. He still spends most of his time that he is in the cell chained uncomfortably to the wall. After the first week someone, apparently, decides that Peter is weak enough from the constant abuse and malnourishment that he is no longer chained up after his sessions; just dropped unceremoniously onto the dirty floor and left for MJ and Flash to care for.
The One Where Peter is Tony's Weakness by JinxQuickfoot (53k)
“I see you are confused. In a moment, I will allow you to look closer. But first, you must understand the position you are in, in full.” Banich rolled out an ancient TV screen and, when he turned it on, Tony felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach.
It was Peter.
OR A Sokovian doctor needs Tony's help to 'fix' his granddaughter, and Peter gets pulled into the middle of it.
Little Dove by nachocheese26 (95k)
She told him that she had saved him. She saved him from being killed. Because Tony Stark knew what Peter had done. And if Tony or any of the Avengers found him, they would surely kill him.
Brave as a Noun by edema_ruh (161k)
Some people think that Peter is Tony's son. Why shouldn't they? Peter seems to be orbiting Tony all the time, and it's not like the billionaire tells him off. They have a nice relationship - Peter is glad to have a father figure, and Tony cares for the kid as if he's actually his son.
The first problem regarding this arises when the people who think that Peter is Tony's son kidnap him for ransom.
The second problem regarding this arises when one of the people who kidnaps Peter turns out to be Mac Gargan, the Scorpion, and he's hungry for revenge.
Identity Theft by KitCat992 (267k)
It's been months since the events of Civil War, and the Avengers are doing their best to remain a team, having promised to forgive and forget. Unfortunately for them, Tony Stark's latest invention has been stolen and recovering it causes tension to reappear.
Meanwhile, in Queens, Peter Parker has two main priorities on his plate — complete his midterm finals, and track down a fishbowl wearing criminal that may or may not lead him right into the hands of the Avengers.
Somehow between all of this, Spider-Man's identity is revealed to the Avengers, Steve and Tony's friendship may permanently be damaged due to continued hidden secrets, and Happy struggles to buy a youth-sized casket for Peter's funeral.
Things were a lot easier when they were fighting over Bucky Barnes.
Stab Me in the Back (I'll Catch You From Behind) by Lansfics7 (296k)
"I am going to find Tony," the man hisses in Peter's ear, his gaze cold and cruel. "And when I do, I will kill him, slowly. What do you say to that-" The man stops short because Peter's shoulders are shaking, and before he can curl his lip in victory, he hears a snicker. When he lets go of Peter's hair, the teen's head slumps to his chest, but it's not out of exhaustion or defeat...it's to hide a smile.
The boy lets out a laugh, shaking his head before glancing to the sides admitting apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's just- it is so fun to mess with you!" He looks around before snorting, "Tony Stark? That's your play? You're not screwing with me, right? You actually thought that would work? Sorry guys." Peter straightens in his chair with a sneer and a cocky wink, "Tony doesn't give a flying crap about me."
In other words.... Peter is kidnapped and his captors think they can hold Tony against him. But they don't know what's happened in the past couple months.
I hope you enjoy all these fics as much as I did! As always, thank you to the brilliant authors who shared their fics with us!! And if there are any other kidnapping fics you like (or wrote yourself!) please share them with me!
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themculibrary · 2 years
Peter Parker/Spider-Man Misunderstandings Masterlist
Links Last Checked: November 7th, 2023
Brave as a Noun (ao3) - edema_ruh M, 161k
Summary: Some people think that Peter is Tony's son. Why shouldn't they? Peter seems to be orbiting Tony all the time, and it's not like the billionaire tells him off. They have a nice relationship - Peter is glad to have a father figure, and Tony cares for the kid as if he's actually his son.
The first problem regarding this arises when the people who think that Peter is Tony's son kidnap him for ransom.
The second problem regarding this arises when one of the people who kidnaps Peter turns out to be Mac Gargan, the Scorpion, and he's hungry for revenge.
Distracted by a Dime (ao3) - happyaspie steve/tony T, 56k
Summary: Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown High and being Queen’s friendly neighborhood Spider-man. How to keep his entire situation under wraps and most importantly, who he can trust.
Then, along comes Tony Stark with an offer he can’t refuse. The plan is to remain professional, to not get too close to the Stark-Rogers’ family. Not getting comfortable means not slipping up and saying anything that he can’t take back.
...but for Peter- things rarely go as planned...
Do I Deserve This? (ao3) - id_rather_be_reading_3 T, 72k
Summary: When the Avengers find a malnourished, traumatized, enhanced teen in a Hydra base, they manage to convince SHIELD that the kid is better off in the Compound than the SHIELD Headquarters.
Peter Parker thinks his luck might finally be changing for the better, until he hears a conversation between Captain America and Iron Man that terrifies him--if the superheroes find out that Peter was an assassin for Hydra, he feels certain they'll kick him out--or worse, send him to the Raft for a punishment he surely deserves.
Can the Spider manage to keep his bloodied past a secret from a room full of mind readers, spies and military? It'll certainly prove harder than he'd thought.
everyone thinks peter is tony's kid (ao3) - killerqueenwrites T, 4k
Summary: Steve sees it the day after he returns to the Compound, his half of the team in tow. Natasha meets the kid when she invites herself to Tony's floor.
or five times the avengers think peter is tony's kid, and the one time they find out he's spider-man
i'll be there for you (cause you're there for me too) (ao3) - MotherKarizma T, 4k
Summary: Or: Peter suddenly and inexplicably turns up missing. Tony, panicked and desperate, recruits the Rogues to aid in the search.
I Think Clint Was Right (ao3) - prettycheese21 G, 7k
Summary: Or that time Clint eavesdropped on a few conversations, came up with a conspiracy theory, and convinced the other Avengers to go along with it; and Tony and Peter are left wondering how this kind of misunderstanding could have even happened.
I Think I Missed a Step ('Cause I'm Fallin' For You) (ao3) - mokuyoubi peter/wade E, 42k
Summary: Peter thinks Wade knows his secret identity, and Wade is really confused by the hot coed who keeps popping up and hanging out with him.
maybe love is the reason why (we're seeing it eye to eye) (ao3) - parkrstark steve/tony T, 134k
Summary: "I'm sorry. Repeat that again." Tony leaned forward in his seat from across the table. He even stuck a finger in his ear as if he was cleaning it out. "I don't think I heard you right."
Fury rolled his eyes-- or well, eye. "You and Rogers need to go undercover as a married couple in a community out on Long Island."
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are sent on an undercover mission as a couple to try and find Hydra informants. Somehow, they end up with Peter as their undercover son who decides to play matchmaker even if the two of them are doing their best to ignore their feelings after Siberia.
Peter Parker's Super Secret Snack Stash (ao3) - coconutknightshade T, 7k
Summary: Or in which Peter uses FRIDAY's system to have a conversation with Ned about AP History while he's sneaking into his super secret snack stash in the kitchen.
Or in which Peter's spidey senses betray him in the most embarrassing of ways.
Protocol Be Damned (ao3) - Icylightning T, 31k
Summary: "Have you heard of Tony Stark?"
Peter's eyes instantly widened at the mention of the man's name. You're not a New Yorker of you haven't heard of Mafia Boss Tony Stark, the most dangerous and violent person in the city. Rumors say the man talks with a gun in hand and if he doesn't like what he hears, the gun ends their conversation. It was not that the cops never tried to arrest the man but they failed everytime, either due to lack of evidence or in some cases fear of life
"Kid, hey did you hear what I just said?" the manager snapped his fingers bringing Peter back to reality who blinked rapidly, trying not to show his fear "Yeah.. Sir.. umm.. what?"
Textbooks and Misunderstandings (ao3) - chvotic G, 5k
Summary: Peter just wanted to get his textbooks and go to bed.
That Neighborhood Menace, Spider-Man (ao3) - Blue (SocksandFluff) T, 59k
Summary: Peter had only been in the gig of being Spider-Man for less than two years. He avoided the Avengers and other heroes like the plague, knowing that if they knew who he was and how old he was that they'd stop him from helping people.
Now Spider-Man is entangled in assumptions of character, and the fear that he is a vigilante that could go rogue and power-hungry, the Avengers are tasked at stopping him before he 'goes too far'.
This is a story about how Spider-Man and the Avengers finally meet -
- and how Peter might get more than he would ever ask for.
When the World is Against You (Sometimes) (ao3) - Mother_of_Robots T, 16k
Summary: The NYPD is not putting up with the Spiderman menace on the streets anymore. They put a call into the big leagues to put a stop to the vigilante plaguing their city. What happens next? E.g. the Avengers and Spidey don't get along for a hot sec.
When You Assume Wrong (ao3) - TentativeTreason G, 14k
Summary: Tony is hiding something.
The Avengers notice the little discrepancies in Tony’s behaviour, and they eventually come to the only conclusion they can think of: Tony is having an affair.
(i.e. Tony Stark and May Parker co-parent Peter and somehow the Avengers translate this into him cheating on Pepper)
You're Looking a Little Stark (ao3) - Midnight_Clover miles/peter, pepper/tony T, 52k
Summary: Peter Parker is just an intern at Stark Industries. Or, rather, that's what he wants everyone to think. But after meeting Tony Stark for the second time in his life, change gets launched his way left and right. It takes time to accept these changes and understand them, even longer to accept them. He's not used to having someone care about him like this since Ben died.
The one where Peter is Tony's intern and then falls in love with Miles while Miles falls in love with Spider-man.
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akillerqueenwrites · 4 years
prompt — peter and tony are somewhere remote and can’t get medical attention in time, peter is bleeding out too fast so tony has to cauterize the wound with his gauntlet or something?
thank you for the prompt! plenty of whump to be had with this one
“We need to keep going,” Peter insists. “Come on, Mr Stark, we have to keep moving.”
Brave words, considering Tony’s supporting at least half of his weight as they stagger through the woods. Blood is staining his already grimy T-shirt, although not a dangerous amount. Yet, anyway.
“I don’t think they’re following us, kid,” Tony says, fighting the urge to just scoop Peter into his arms and take off. He could, too; it’s not like he isn’t wearing a fully-functional nanotech suit. Except those people only caught them in the first place because they managed to knock him out of the sky as soon as he got near, and he has no idea if they’re out of range of their defences yet. “You need to rest, come on.”
“No,” Peter whines, but he lets Tony ease him down and rest him against a large tree trunk.
“Yes,” Tony says. “We still have a bit to go before we’re out of range of whatever shot me down in the first place, okay? Just five minutes. Let me check your side.”
Peter doesn’t protest, which is how Tony knows it’s really bad. Because Peter couldn’t just get himself to safety like a sensible person, could he? No, he had to try and cause a distraction while Tony retrieved his suit, only to get shot by their captors. Tony’s still swallowing down the throb of fear that had shaken his whole body when he’d rounded a corner to see Peter slumped against the wall. For a horrible second, his brain had painted over the scene, had replaced his kid with a dying Yinsen.
“Come here,” he says gently, pulling Peter’s shirt up. The wound is only dribbling blood, but that’s not exactly comforting; the bullet is still inside. “I’m sorry, buddy, but I can’t get the bullet out just yet. It’s stopping you bleeding out.”
“Terrific,” Peter huffs, biting his lip as Tony probes the wound a little more. “It’s definitely not gonna get infected out here in the middle of nowhere.”
“Infections, we can deal with when the team find us,” Tony says. “That’s curable.”
Peter manages a wry grin. “Exsanguination, on the other hand…”
“Disgusting,” Tony mutters, but he smirks back. “You make me sound like a vampire. You ready to keep going?”
“Stopping was not my idea,” Peter reminds him, but he pales when Tony helps him up, sways a little. “I’m good, just – hurts.”
“No shit.”
“Give me sympathy!”
“No, you’re an idiot.”
Peter laughs quietly.
“Glad you find this so funny, Webs.”
“You’re trying to distract me.”
“I know. Is it working?”
A grunt, either of pain or effort, as they make their way up a slight incline.
“Hey, have I ever told you the story of me coming in through the dorm window at MIT and scaring Rhodey so much he locked himself in the bathroom?”
Peter shakes his head.
“Okay.” Tony pulls the kid’s arm a little tighter around his shoulders. “Let me preface this by saying we were both at this party, okay? I just stayed later than he did.”
He can’t tell if Peter’s really listening, but he recounts the tale anyway, just to fill the silence, just to keep him conscious. Ten painful minutes later, he stops again, lets Peter lean against a tree while he sends a distress signal from his suit and prays it doesn’t get picked up by the people they just escaped.
“Mr Stark,” Peter says, and he’s so white he’s almost translucent.
“Okay,” Tony says, easing him down once again. “The team are on the way, hopefully. How long can you hang on?”
Peter shakes his head. “Please, get it out.”
Tony knows he’s right; he doesn’t want to leave the bullet in any longer either, but, “With what?”
“I don’t care, just–“
“Peter, even if I could, how am I going to stop the bleeding? I don’t exactly have a first aid kit on me.”
In answer, the kid eyes his chestpiece. “Your gauntlet could…”
“No!” Tony blurts. “No way. Do you have any idea–? Christ, kid, I’m not doing that to you. Like it’s not bad enough you want me to stick my fingers in your side and probably give you five kinds of infection…”
“I can feel it every time I move,” Peter says, eyes wide and pleading. “It’s, like, on my hipbone. Mr Stark, please.”
Tony’s going to regret this for the rest of his life, he knows he is, but he sighs and nods. “Okay. All right. Um, lie down. Pull your shirt out of the way.”
“Oh, wow, that worked?”
“You know I can’t argue when you look that pitiful.”
“I know,” Peter says with a shit-eating grin.
Tony sighs and wills one arm of his suit out of its housing unit, letting it flow down towards his hand. “This is gonna hurt,” he warns.
Peter eyes the gauntlet with trepidation. “Starting to regret suggesting this.”
“Starting to regret agreeing.” Tony’s hand hovers over the wound. “You realise once I get the bullet out, we’re committed, yeah? No take-backs.”
A jerky nod.
“I’ll be as quick as I can, all right?”
“Yep.” Peter’s voice is strained.
“Here.” Tony shrugs off his jacket and rolls it tightly before holding it out to Peter. “Bite down. Don’t wanna…” Crack your teeth. Bite through your tongue.
Peter does as he’s told, but he’s tense all over, and Tony can tell he’s going to fight, whether he means to or not. An idea forms in his head: an awful awful idea.
“Close your eyes,” he says, carefully keeping his voice steady. God, I wish you were unconscious right now. Peter does without question. “Right. Deep breath.” And he plunges his fingers into Peter’s wound.
Peter’s jaw clenches, his breathing stuttering, but he doesn’t move otherwise.
“Good boy,” Tony breathes. He can feel the bullet; he just needs to get a grip on it. Shit, what he wouldn’t give for a pair of tweezers. He probes a little deeper, winces at Peter’s muffled grunt. “Almost got it, kid.” He finally pinches the bullet between his thumb and forefinger, drawing it out carefully. “There.”
Peter sighs and relaxes, but an alarming amount of blood is starting to pour out of the wound. Tony tosses the bullet away, makes sure Peter’s eyes are still closed and taps his chestpiece twice. His suit peels out, covers the rest of his body. The gauntlet lights up.
Shit, Tony thinks, and braces one knee over Peter’s legs, the other on his chest, hoping he doesn’t have to use his suit’s full strength. He swallows and presses the gauntlet down.
Peter screams, jerking so violently that he spits out Tony’s balled-up jacket.
“Sh, sh,” Tony tries, frantic. If their captors are within a mile radius, they’ll probably hear this. “I know it hurts. I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Stop!” Peter screeches. “Stop it, please–“ He tries to push Tony’s hand away, but even weak and injured, the shove is so forceful that Tony nearly ends up scoring a scorched line across his stomach.
“No, no – it hurts, it – Mr Stark!” He’s kicking weakly, doing nothing against the suit, but his fingers are scrabbling at the gauntlet still.
“Peter, stay still–“
“Tony!” Peter wails.
Tony grabs both of Peter’s wrists with his free hand and wrestles them over his head, pinning them to the ground.
“Let go!” Peter cries, and to Tony’s horror, he dissolves into helpless sobs. “Please, please, stop it – stop, please–“
Tony grits his teeth and keeps his gauntlet pressed down, trying to breathe through his mouth so he doesn’t have to smell what he’s doing – but he can hear it, can hear the hum of his suit and Peter’s flesh sizzling and his screams–
He pulls his hand back to check the wound and sags with relief when he sees it completely closed. “Okay. Okay, it’s done. It’s over, kid.” He can’t release Peter’s hands fast enough.
Peter doesn’t move, just stares upwards with a terrifyingly blank gaze, his breaths shuddering.
“I’m sorry,” Tony whispers, and retracts the suit, “God, I’m so sorry. You did good, buddy. You did so good.”
Peter whines, one limp hand searching for Tony, who pulls away. He’s the one who just hurt his kid.
“Hurts,” Peter whispers.
“I know, I’m so sorry.” Tony turns away, running a shaking hand over his face. The same hand that had held Peter down, forced his arms to the ground.
There’s a grunt behind him, and then Peter appears at his side, wrapping himself around Tony’s arm like a koala. “Sorry you had to do that.”
“You – you’re sorry?” Tony extricates his arm and wraps it around Peter’s shoulders instead, draws him closer; he can’t bring himself to ignore the kid’s obvious need for comfort, not after that. “I’m sorry, buddy. I’m so sorry.”
“You’ve said.” Peter tries for a smile, but it looks more like a grimace. Tear tracks glisten on his cheeks. “Was my idea.”
“Never listening to you again,” Tony murmurs, turning his head to press a kiss into Peter’s hair.
“Not even when I’m right that the Chinese off Fifth is better?”
“Not even then, ‘cause you’re wrong.”
“Blasphemy,” Peter says. Tony doesn’t understand why he hasn’t pulled away yet. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?”
“Blaming yourself.”
“Did I, or did I not, just hold you down while I melted your bullet wound shut?”
“Because I asked you to,” Peter says. “You had to get it out. Even if you hadn’t, I still would’ve been bleeding. Besides, I’m gonna have a cool scar.”
“In the words of a very smart wizard, you need to sort out your priorities.”
Peter huffs out a laugh. “Can we watch that when we get back?”
When. When we get back. We’re going home. “Sure, kiddo. Harry Potter and Chinese. I’ll order from that place you like, even though it’s worse.”
“Shut up.”
“Bold words considering I just saved your life.”
“You seem to do that on a regular basis.”
“Mm-hm. And it is my unreserved pleasure.” He can hear the Quinjet in the distance, slowing down to hover over the trees a couple of hundred yards away. “Hey, look, here’s our ride, buddy. Time to go home.”
“We’re going home?” Peter says.
“Yeah, kid, we’re going home.”
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himaboroshi736 · 4 years
IronDad fic recs
Here. I’m a french reader, but I’ve read A LOT (like...a lot) of IronDad, so, eventually, here my fic rec. (I tried to class it by categories, but well...) (it’s gonna be very long, guys)
 Peter Parker has anxiety 
Don’t let me get me, by hopeless_hope 
He picks up his phone and sends a quick text. "hey, happy! i’m not feeling too hot today, so i think i’m gonna have to cancel. tell mr. stark i’m sorry!"
He stares at his phone, waiting for a response. It never comes, and Peter sighs sadly. There was a part of him, a small part, that really hoped he was wrong. His insides burn, and he curls up tighter into a ball and turns off his phone.
(No one’s going to try to contact him anyway.)
Anxiety has a way of convincing Peter that everyone hates him. Tony has a way of proving him wrong.
Midnight Oil, by @jolinarjackson
After everything that has happened to Peter over the last year - or five, really - he shouldn’t be worried about something as mundane as the ACT. When he fails it, though it sends him into a spiral of self-doubt, which only gets worse when Peter realizes that he doesn’t seem to be able to fix whatever is broken.
Tony Stark has anxiety 
do you even remember what the world looks like ?, by @iron--spider
Tony’s heart has been working on overdrive since this whole thing started. Friday has a countdown clock plastered on the heads up display, but it feels like hieroglyphics to him at this point, like some ancient language he could never master.
Because when Peter Parker is missing, things start losing their meaning real quick.
“Should be around here,” Rhodey says on the com. May is still on the other line, listening in, because once a certain amount of time goes by without word from Peter, things move into Extremely Worried Aunt territory. They’re already in Tony Is Panicking territory, and when both of those territories overlap it’s never a good time for anybody.
Time? What the hell is time? His mind is blanking numbers out entirely. Minutes are seconds are hours are years.
not like megatron, by @iron--spider
“Hi! This is Peter Parker, I can’t get to the phone right now, so leave a message and I’ll call you back later! Hopefully not too much later, but don’t get your hopes up!”
Tony knows that message by heart. He’s heard it hundreds of times, in a greyer world, and it sends shivers down his spine as he climbs into the car.
He doesn’t think about that place. That half-world. No way, that’s done, that’s over, that’s history.
“Hey, kid, don’t you know it’s bad etiquette to go and disappear on your birthday? Not allowed, really, really bad vibes from the universe. What’s going on with your suit? I wasn’t watching. Nope. Just got an alert. What’s going on? Uh, call me back.” He clears his throat and hangs up like a moron, driving out into the street.
Hypothermia trope (i really like it so if you have any suggestions...)
i knock the ice from my bones, by hopeless_hope
Peter tries to move his legs through the water, dread filling him when they don’t move, and he just hangs there, doing anything and everything he can not to focus on the feeling of ice clinging to his bones. He feels sluggish, the world blurring around him, and he rests his head on the ice, not even registering the cold anymore.
He’s just so damn tired.
“PETER!” he hears someone yell, but it’s all muffled, and he lazily drags his eyes up to see a figure descending towards him.
Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he thinks, This is not how my vacation was supposed to go.
While on what's supposed to be a relaxing vacation with the Starks, things for Peter quickly go south, and he finds himself on thin ice. Literally.
Ice Ice Baby, by @wolfypuppypiles
If Tony, Bucky or pretty much anybody that knew Peter had seen him that morning they would have smacked him upside the head. Helping people was great, everyone should give it a go, but when helping people puts you in danger it’s not so smart anymore.
AKA Peter can't get from Avenger tower to the subway without giving his winter clothes to homeless people and ends up with a severe case of hypothermia
Candle in the Window, by @madasthesea
Finals are over and Peter just wants to go home. The weather has other ideas.
Burn This Out, by @ephemeralstark
It's summer and Peter is free to be Spider-Man all day which is great, but it's summer and Peter is out as Spider-Man on the hottest day of the year which is not great.
Or, Peter gets heat stroke because he can't thermoregulate and things could not go worse for him.
(yeah, it’s not an hypothermia, but it’s linked to the fact that Peter can’t actually thermoregulate)
Post-Endgame (really like this trope too lmao)
the first birthday after, by iron_spider 
(Endgame spoilers. But The Thing doesn't happen.)
The rain falls harder and Tony turns, his neck creaking and cracking, and he sees Peter asleep over by the window. He’s holding a small, flat box, and he’s slowly slipping to the right side of the easy chair he’s in.
Tony thinks about letting him sleep, but he finds himself speaking anyway. “Pete,” he says, his voice rough and raspy.
Peter immediately startles awake. “Happy Birthday,” he says, almost like he’d fallen asleep practicing it, planning to say it as soon as he woke up. He blinks at Tony, shivering a little bit, and then he smiles. “Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday.”
Tony snorts, smiling back. “Thanks, bud,” he says.
Second Best, by Rowan_M
Tony had adjusted to parenthood quickly when Morgan came along, and was always conscious of making sure Peter isn't left out ... Almost always. When Peter gets hurt while taking care of Morgan, Tony obsess over his daughter and takes his anger out on Peter, without even checking to see if he was okay. Steve finds Peter later that night in serious pain and in need of immediate medical attention.
Or, Peter gets hurt while taking care of Morgan and Tony basically ignores him.
when you’re feeling empty keep me in your memory, by JkWriter
after everything with thanos he forgets it's his birthday. he just assumed everyone else did too.
All For You, by @ironxprince
Three weeks after the snap that saved the world, Peter learns he was the reason behind it. He learns that Tony risked death, and now has to live with the ramifications, both physical and mental, all because of him.
This doesn't sit right with him.
you save everybody, but who saves you ?, by @iron--spider
Tony doesn’t sleep, because he can’t, because too many things are plaguing him, most of all where Peter is and what he’s doing. Tony has a good view of the hallway through the windows to his room, and he stares and stares until his eyes cross, until he hallucinates, until he knows he’s going insane.
He sees Peter sneaking into the med bay at about four in the morning.
The kid’s mask is off and he’s got two short, harsh slashes across his cheek, and he’s bleeding from a slice across his neck. His suit is ripped in a few places and he’s holding onto his middle, and Tony can see his hands are shaking.
It’s like something splinters in Tony’s already broken brain, like his world narrows and there are hazy edges, both weakness and strength entwining in his veins when he sees Peter struggle up onto one of the beds in the main atrium, starting to tend his wounds without calling anybody to help.
BAMF Peter Parker 
Pizza, a Movie, and... an Attempted Kidnapping ?, by Pogokitten
“Tony. We’ll be fine,” Peter tells the man for what must be the tenth time in the last half hour.
Peter’s sitting on the couch of his and May’s apartment and building Legos with Morgan as they both watch their father’s methodical, yet anxious, pacing. He’s dressed to impress, as is Pepper who is watching the scene slightly exasperated.
“Are you sure? We can ditch the gala, kid. Just say the word,” Tony offers, halting in front of his kids.
Or: Tony and Pepper leave Peter in charge of Morgan while they go to their first gala since the third snap. Peter is expecting a calm night in with his adopted sister, but some thugs throw a wrench in his plans.
he’s good like that, by @iron--spider
“Get the hell outta here, boy,” the man says. “Or you’re gonna watch your boss die in front of you.” Then he grabs Tony by the shoulders hard, and shoves him down to his knees. The gun is louder now, like it’s filled with words that are eager to be shouted, and Tony winces when he feels the barrel press against the back of his neck. His knees weren’t ready to hit the ground that hard, and he tries to keep the pain from reaching his face.
He must fail, because Peter looks pissed.
“You’re not gonna shoot him, mister,” Peter says, somehow still trying to maintain a respectful tone, despite the clear anger written all over him.
stark robotics and technology conference, by @iron--spider
Peter leans against the wall while Tony chooses their floor, and the doors close. “Do you, uh, want me to do some interning stuff? Like go and get you coffee? Make sure the, uh—programs are all ready? Make sure the paintings are straight in the ballroom? Make sure the chairs are—”
Tony snorts. “Kid, I just thought you’d enjoy this. May told me about when it came through Queens but you two couldn’t make it because she was working and didn’t want you to go alone, and I thought, after all the shit you’ve been through lately, that you deserved something fun. No interning for you. That’s just an excuse.”
Peter remembers that. It was six months after Ben died, and he wasn’t gonna bother May too much about the conference. He didn’t know how much tickets cost anyways, or if kids his age could even go.
He really hung onto the idea of Iron Man after Ben died. Peter held him closer than ever.
Peter and Tony fighting 
dinner and a jailbreak, by killerqueenwrites
“I’m not your kid!” Peter shouts.
“Don’t walk away from me, I’m not done–“
“You’re not my dad!”
Peter fitting in after the Blip isn't as easy as Tony hoped it would be. He wants his kid back, but they can't seem to stop fighting.
and then Peter goes missing.
my old man, by parkrstark 
"I just want to help you. I want to help you understand what's wrong here and how to stop it. I used to be the same way until my father showed me how to be a man." He glanced back at Peter to sneer. "He's old enough to know better by now, but it's not your fault you didn't know how to teach him." "Teach him what?" Tony asked even though he didn't want to know the answer.
"Discipline, of course," Junior said with a wink.
Tony takes Peter on a weekend trip to try and change his mind about college and things go wrong. Then, they go even more wrong.
Between how it is and how it should be, by @frostysunflowers
''Doesn’t Captain Rogers ever…wonder,'' Peter winced as he fumbled for the right word, ''where you are?''
Bucky smirked. ''Steve’s a regular mother hen. Used to be me that worried about him.'' He gave Peter a pointed look. ''Better question is, isn’t Stark wondering where you are?''
Soulmates trope 
presumed dead, by killerqueenwrites 
Tony gets his first soulmark when he’s fifteen, his second when he's thirty. He's forty-six when his third appears, and forty-eight when it fades to grey.
did you see the flares in the sky ?, by justt-ppeachy
One simple word was displayed proudly on the inside of his right wrist. Tony wasn’t sure when this word showed up or how long it had been there.
A line formed underneath the word and Tony could almost feel the pressure on his arm from the marker his soulmate was using to push one phrase from their skin into his.
‘i loev yu’
The letters were written slowly and messily as they showed up upon his wrist while he watched in disbelief. Not sure if he was hallucinating or just going insane, Tony rubbed at the writing, wondering if they would disappear once he looked again.
The words were barely recognizable, but they were still the best thing Tony had ever seen.
IronDad Fluff (yeah)
peter wearing tony’s hoodie, by killerqueenwrites 
Tony’s used to his clothes going missing. His MIT hoodie doesn’t often leave his closet, though, which is why he notices its absence straight away. There’s a lifetime of safety and comfort in this old hoodie, for both of them, and that’s all Tony could ever wish to give Peter.
Career Day, by @superhusbands4ever
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Peter’s enhanced senses picked up the familiar voice from outside the door. “I had a meeting this morning and then I got lost looking for the class… anyway, I’m here for Peter? Peter Parker?”
He frowned at hearing his name, still unsure what exactly was going on. He watched as his teacher continued to stand and stare out the door for a minute before seemingly remembering herself and taking a step back.
“Of course! If you could just go sit next to him until your turn, he’s in the back on the right side.”
The man stepped through the door and Peter gaped with the rest of the class as Tony Stark, in his signature suit and goatee, sporting a pair of red sunglasses and carrying a suitcase walked through the door.
Kryptonite, by forensicleaf 
The kid is acting weird.
Tony tries to figure it out.
father’s day, by @iron--spider 
It’s Father’s Day, and Tony never really had a father. Not in the real sense of the word, not in the way that counts.
Peter Parker doesn’t have a father, either. Not anymore, anyway, not since he was little, and the amount of years that have passed since then outweigh the amount of time he got with Richard Parker.
Tony wouldn’t call himself Peter’s dad. He wouldn’t, he doesn’t, he doesn’t think of himself that way, no way, no way.
He stares at himself in the mirror. He pulls down on his cheeks, makes his eyes water. He runs his hands over the roughness of his jaw and sorta hates everything about himself right now, because he’s acting like a goddamn idiot. It’s Father’s Day and he’s not a father. He doesn’t know why the hell he’s pining for something that isn’t his, shouldn’t be his, can never be his. He isn’t a father, he isn’t Peter’s father, so there’s no reason on God’s green earth for Peter and him to do something for Father’s Day.
ain’t no valley low enough, by @iron--spider (yes, again, ‘cuz she’s the best)
Peter snorts. “You know I didn’t apply anywhere in Florida.”
“Please, kid, you know all you have to do is write a beautiful essay with my recommendation attached to it and you’re in. You’ve got the scores.”
Peter has a list. Of all the places he applied to, all the places he got into. A lot of it was encouraged by the adult role models in his life, some of it by Ned daydreaming about places like California and Colorado. Mostly, Peter just applied everywhere he could think of, because he’s known for a long time that Tony was gonna help May pay for it, and he didn’t wanna limit his options. Thinking about college has been strange for him, strange to the extent that he had a full blown panic attack about it in the middle of Avengers taco night last month. He can’t really understand it, doesn’t get why it feels like the end of the world—because he’s experienced the end of the world, and it’s not which campus has a bowling alley and which school has circus classes. But he nearly blacked out all the same, sobbed in Tony’s arms on the balcony until Tony proposed this. The road trip.
and when it’s hard, i’ll place your head into my hands, by hopeless_hope
“Tony,” Pepper sing-songs to get his attention. “Your mother hen is showing.”
“What?” he snaps indignantly. “I am not a mother hen. This is just... concern. Of the average kind. Perfectly normal.”
“Of course,” Pepper humors him, and he shoots her a dirty look as he types out a quick text to Peter.
It's been five days since Tony's heard from Peter, who's away at college, and Tony is not coping well. (Neither is Peter.)
Peter likes cuddles (and Tony too, but he always denies it... until he can’t)
my arms will hold you (keep you safe and warm), by parkrstark 
“So, you’re telling me your body...is going through Oxytocin withdrawals?” Tony asked slowly.
“Cuddle withdrawals,” Peter corrected him. “Mr. Stark cuddles.”
TW : Rape/non-cons
make me strong, by parkrstark 
It all started when Tony introduced Peter to Skip Westcott. He just didn't know until it was too late.
(There is a lot more, but I can’t find it rn ;-;)
5 times peter clung to tony, by parkrstark 
... and the one time tony clung to him.
You are my Dad, you’re my dad, boogiewoogiewoogie, by Hittinmiss
“Peter? What’s going on kid?” Tony asked, him popping up on the phone’s screen.
“Hey da-” Peter started automatically before immediately noticing his mistake, the look on Ned’s face proved that yes, he almost called Tony Stark dad. He needed to try recover quickly because the look on Tony’s face seemed confused, especially with his slight pause. “-aaaaaamn Mr. Stark I really like your shirt. Where’d you get it?”
5 times Peter called Tony Dad and the 1 time Tony called himself Dad
5 Times Tony Took Care of Peter..., by As_Clear_As_Crystal 
“Think if I coded a sign into your suit that says ‘Baby on Board,’ maybe criminals wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about murdering you?” Tony asks airily, poking at the bottom of Peter’s foot.
Peter halfheartedly kicks at Tony with his toe. (“That’s offensive, Mr. Stark.” )
- - -
aka: Five times Tony took care of Peter, and one time Peter took care of Tony.
5 times Peter is stuck with Tony, by @iron--spider
(...and one time he’s stuck alone.)
“I wonder if Pepper’s reported me missing yet,” Tony says, with an exaggerated sigh. “I wonder if this is some kind of scheme to kidnap me or something.”
“I think the ride’s just broken,” Peter says.
“Today of all goddamn days,” Tony says, exasperation clear in his voice and in his eyes. “Ruining our trip—”
“It’s not ruined,” Peter says. “Look, we’re hanging out."
“Real quality time,” Tony huffs. “Us, a few other trapped members of the general public, and a handful of animatronic pirates. Drunk pirates. Repeating themselves.”
5 times tony forgot peter was just a kid, by @parkrstark
...and the 1 time he didn't.
Or the one where it was hard for Tony to remember that the kid fighting next to him was still just a kid.
can i get a good night’s sleep ? can i PLEASE get a good night’s sleep ?, by peterstank 
The doors open and there’s Peter, perched on a gurney with his shirt gone and a whole lot of blood staining his side. He’s bent awkwardly, clearly trying to feel his way around whatever wound he’s got.
“Um,” Tony says, approaching, “What.”
Peter looks up and—yeah, he’s lost a lot more blood than Tony had originally thought. His face is completely fucking drained. “Hey,” he says, offering a jaunty wave before returning his attention to his side. “I got shot.”
“Oh!” Tony nods. “Oh, okay. What the fuck, kiddo?”
or: five times peter doesn’t sleep + the one time he does
Five Times Peter and Tony Had Each Other’s Back, by Sahiya
... and One Time They Needed Help.
Peter is Tony’s Biological Child
I Had the Dream Again, by Skeeter_110
Peter calls Tony in the middle of the night crying.
Congratulations, it’s a Boy, by capiocapi 
"Sir, I have the results.”
“Okay, Jarvis. Hit me.”
“It’s a match. 99.9% chance that he is your biological son, which is the percentage needed to be recognized by law as a biological parent.”
Tony’s stomach did a funny swooping dance. “Great. Congratulations to me then, eh? It’s a boy.”
You Are My Sunshine, by @iamconstantine
Tony Stark had always been a man of science and he always would be. It was his personal and fundamental belief that everything had an explanation. His eventual encounters with Norse gods, alien life, and sorcerers did kind of quake this a little bit, but still.
One thing that had always confounded him as the one thing that had no scientific explanation was fate. Murphy’s law, Finagle’s law, the butterfly effect, the domino effect, the snowball effect, and the wisest of all: “Shit happens.”
So how peculiar was it that one of the greatest things to ever happen to him began with a tray of champagne?
Serie i love you more than anything, by @iron--spider 
The highs and lows of Tony unexpectedly becoming a single dad at 31– from Peter’s early baby years, all the way past the defeat of Thanos
May’s abusive boyfriend trope 
A Peter Parker Problem, by @spagbol99
Peter Parker was back from the dead. At least that is what everybody told him. He'd been snapped out of existence until some sort of time travel and an active death wish by his mentor had saved him and the universe. Just your average sort of life for a 16 year old from Queens.
Peter comes back to find May has a husband and a kid. A new family he has to fit into. But he has done it before, he can do it again.
The only thing that feels solid is Tony: the Blip and fatherhood have mellowed him and Peter loves the bond they have now. He knows Tony would be there for him through anything. But Tony needs to focus on his own recovery - not small time Peter Parker problems. When things at home take a turn for the worse, Peter decides that he'll handle it himself. He is Spider-man. He's been to space and fought aliens. He can get through anything. After all, if May is happy, he is happy, right? Right?
(again, I’ve read a lot more but can’t find it...)
Peter Parker Whump (everyone’s favorite trope)
Danger Pizza, by alice_in_ink
The window was pushed open, and Iron Man’s head popped into his bedroom. “Here’s where I’m confused—why lock the front door but leave the fire-escape-accessible windows unlocked?” He clambered through said window. “Seems like a safety hazard.”
Peter eyed the metal suit as it straightened to a standing position. “Did you break into my window to kill me?”
The face plate lifted, and Tony’s eyes quickly looked over the teen. “Christ, kid. It looks like you’re halfway there.”
A wild night on patrol leaves Peter with a broken back, and boy, does he want to be able to move without dying. (So he calls Anthony Stark, obviously.)
If You Can’t Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest), by @losingmymindtonight
"And I would hurry. Little Peter is about to be under quite a lot of pressure, and it might get a little hard to breathe.”
I’ve Got You, by @thedumbestavenger
Peter runs into a Copycat Vulture out on patrol, from there, everything escalates.
Meetings and Migraines, by AllThingsGeeky
Peter has another migraine at an unfortunate time and despite his best efforts he can’t ignore it forever.
The Most Important Thing In The World, by S0lstice
Peter’s door creaked and began to bend under the force of the crowbar and for the first time since regaining consciousness, fear began to press into him. Something very bad was happening and it was happening fast - too fast for his sluggish mind to keep up.
He went with his instincts instead, the first one always being, Help Mr. Stark.
Friendly Fire, by @jolinarjackson
Finding a careful truce with the government, the “rogue Avengers” are allowed to return to the Compound where they are put under house arrest. Peter coming to spend one week at the Compound during his summer break couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time as the opportunity to bond a little more with his mentor is overshadowed by a conflict he doesn’t quite understand. When he starts to develop a mysterious medical condition, however, the former team is forced to work together – not just to protect Peter’s identity from the DODC, but also to find the cause for his illness before it’s too late.
“He’s my kid,” Tony said, his voice hoarse. “He’s my kid and I failed him.” He covered his eyes and took a few deep, shuddering breaths. “All I ever do is fail him.” Natasha knelt down in front of him and cupped his face in her hands, waiting for him to meet her eyes before she said, “Right now, he doesn’t need you to fix this. He doesn’t need you down here. He needs you over there, in the medbay, by his side.” She thumbed tears from the corners of his eyes and ignored the ones running down her own face. “You haven’t failed him yet.”
alarm bells and panic levels, by @iron--spider
Tony lands heavy on the dock, the wood splintering hard under the metal suit. He’s having trouble breathing, his nose is bleeding, he most definitely has more than the recommended amount of broken ribs. But none of that fucking matters. The sky is clear, the assholes are down, but there’s one thing missing.
He looks over his shoulder when Rhodey lands too. His suit is dented in a few places but other than that he looks alright. His face mask flips up and Tony lets his mask retract.
“Where’s Peter?” Tony asks, his voice rough with the amount of yelling he’s been doing. Fuck these stupid assholes. They were supposed to go mini-golfing today. The kid had been looking forward to it for weeks.
Rhodey looks around, breathing hard through his mouth. “I thought you knew.”
there’s something wrong, by @iron--spider
“I’m sorry, Pete,” Tony whispers. “We should have checked you for something like this when we were resetting your arm and checking on the concussion. Goddamnit. We didn’t think.”
“He poisoned us both?” Peter asks, trying to open one eye to look at him.
“Yeah,” Tony says, brushing Peter’s hair back from his forehead. “He’s dying. He got the brunt of it, a nice fucking cocktail of bullshit, including mercury and a bunch of other toxic shit—”
“Am I dying?” Peter whispers, voice breaking.
Fitting In (Tiny Spaces), by aloneintherain
Peter's trapped beneath a collapsed building during a mission, hurt and unable to move. Luckily, his comm still works. Unluckily, the Avengers don’t realise how bad of a state Peter is in, and Peter isn’t inclined to tell them.
“Spidey, they’ve got reinforcements. We’ve hit a bit of a snag here, and I don’t think anyone will be able to help you for a while. Think you can sit tight while we deal with this?”
The pressure on his lower back and legs was becoming too much. Peter swallowed thickly, fighting down panic. He could handle this.
“Yeah,” Peter said. “I can do that.”
Collections/Series (’cause I could make an inventory of all @iron--spider stories, you know, but you have to read all of her work, if you haven’t yet) (God she doesn’t even know who I am)
iron dad bingo, by @iron--spider
stay at home, by @iron--spider
whumptober, by @iron--spider
Whumptober 2019, by @marvelous-writer
Day in the life of the Iron Family, by @marvelous-writer 
The Tumblr Archives, by @losingmymindtonight
Everything comes back to you, by @losingmymindtonight
Nice work, kid, by @madasthesea
Irondad Bingo 2019, by sahiya 
The Adventures of Spidy-son and Iron-dad, by eva7673
Tony adopts Peter (why everyone kills May, btw ?)
Accepting the Tides, by @emma--anacortes
Tony had dragged Peter from the depths of despair after May's death. It was normal that he'd grown to care a little about him, right?
Yeah, okay. He freaking loved the kid.
So naturally he would feel a little weird when Richard Parker randomly shows up in Peter's life. Naturally he'd feel protective, nervous, and confused because where has Richard been all this time? And why does Tony feel sick every time he sees him around Peter?
All he knows is if Richard hurts his kid, Tony's gonna give him hell.
Series Out of Darkness, by @starryknight09
“Is this Peter Parker?”
“This is Dr. Nguyen. I’m sorry but your aunt’s been in an accident and we’re going to need you to come to Queens Memorial as soon as you can.”
Peter's life shatters with a phone call. The last person he expects helps him pick up the pieces.
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