#killer is just in love with Kid's post timeskip shape
pocket-jack · 4 months
After the first encounter with Shanks:
Kid: We need to get better.
Killer: Yeah.
Kid: Stronger even.
Killer: Yeah.
Kid: We should start training every day to be at one level with the Emperors. No. Higher!
Killer: I agree with you here.
Kid: We need to recover. Set us back in shape!
Killer: Of course we need.
Kid: About time. I've been obviously neglecting myself this days. I should lose some weight first
Killer: No
Kid: .......
Kid: Tf ya mean no???
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lale-txt · 2 years
Hi I saw that your requests are open and I love your writting sm 💕 Can I request how Law, Kid, Killer, and Hawkins would react to a Y/N that has a similar personality to them? Would they get annoyed and avoid them or would they find comfort in someone who has the same mindset as them and establish a relationship with them?
aww that was such a cute request, thank you for sending it in! and please forgive me for leaving out Hawkins, i tried but i really don't have any thoughts about him and couldn't come up with anything that would please me 😭 i elaborated more on the other ones to make up for it. hope you'll like them!
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🌀 Law, Kid & Killer reacting to someone w/ a similar personality to theirs
pre-timeskip Law would probably eye you a bit wary first, trying to find out if you’re laid back or trouble
once you both warm up to each other, he might also grow a bit fond of you, finally someone who understands him
you both avoid causing chaos on your own, but you sure like to watch it when others do
you’ll probably be sitting in an ice cafe together, sipping milk shakes as you judge others through your oversized sunglasses, mumbling “what idiots” and nodding in agreement
post-timeskip Law will need even more time to warm up to you, but since it’s equal you both just hang around together like two house cats who really don’t want to be there but yet here they are
you can still enjoy each others company at least when everyone around you is annoying the fuck out of you
he’ll actually grow really fond of you, actively seeking your presence whenever people were exhausting but he also didn’t wanted to be alone with his own thoughts
you’re both really good listeners who can help each other out with advice if needed (“i don’t think i can spend any more minutes with mugiwara-ya.” “just roll with it. at least their chef prepares onigiri for you?”)
you’re besties now. might turn into something more, you know, if you both manage to open up enough?
oh boy, get ready to rumble
you see each other breathing the wrong way and both of you just snap, fist clashing, hair pulling, chairs being thrown through the room
you’re both fearless and bold, ready to snap anyone’s neck who dares to cross your paths
Kid seems to be irritated by you first, wondering why the hell you wouldn’t back down when he clearly demonstrated his strength and willingness to kill, instead you show off that you’re not one to mess with either
moreover, it does turn him on a bit
which only makes him more angry and confused
you might find him listening in his cabin listening to 00s emo punk rock on full volume to sort out his feelings, staring angry at the ceiling
Kid is very distrusting about the whole deal– you, being able to cuss him out without blinking and yet holding strong values for the people you love, jumping into fire for them if you must
what were these kind of feelings and why wouldn’t they go away when you’re clearly not into him, because why else would you show all this aggressive behavior towards him
oh right, because you were the same…
turn the volume down of your sad and angry playlist because a certain captain might knock on your door tonight, challenging you to a fight (or a kiss)…
Killer and you, you’re chill. nothing can shake you except maybe injustice against your crew and loved ones
you both come off as a bit arrogant first, making you eye each other up and down at your first encounter
at least you think he did so, it was hard to tell through his mask to be honest
you both raise an eyebrow at each other (again, you assumed he did the same) and you walk the other ways, giving each other space, sometimes it was best to avoid trouble
then again, when he finds you in the kitchen cooking pasta for everyone, he seems to warm up to you a little and so do you
you end up making pasta from scratch, discussing the perfect pasta shape for an hour (“but this one can hold the most sauce.” “okay, but this one can be eaten with a mask on.”)
you end up doing two different shapes, both respectfully complimenting each other for their work
maybe under the mask was actually a very sweet soul?
you’re about to find out when he shows up with a milkshake and two straws late at night, ready to discuss the pros and cons of reusable straws with you, daring you to take of your mask too because he grew a liking on you…
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Setleth AU: Weathering With You
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(While I’ll be assigning both Byleths in my preferred roles for them here, feel free to switch Beleth and Beles if it’s your cup of tea!!)
F!Byleth as Hodaka. 15 yrs. A highschool runaway from a rain-kissed island town who desperately seeks the shy sunlight in the city. Her life will forever change when she realizes that somebody dear to her is worth so much more than the hiding blue sky.
Seteth as Hina. ‘19’/16 yrs. His strict expression doesn’t best describe his identity as a sunshine boy. Values Flayn above all else until a certain somebody enters into (and saves) his life. Used to only clear the sky whenever his little sister excitedly asks for it.
Flayn as Nagi. 10 yrs. Lives alone with only her big brother. She seems to gain a sort of situation where most boys in her school would swoon over her charm, which she is unaware of (yet Seteth knows nothing about this). Becomes instant best friends with Byleth.
Jeralt as Suga-san/Keisuke. ?? yrs. Head of the J&A ‘news’ site (that will eventually grow into its own company). Compares Byleth (whom he hired) to his own child, who’s taken away from him by his mother-in-law. Still loves his dead wife dearly.
Leonie as Natsumi. 25 yrs. (post-timeskip design) Jeralt’s trusted and loyal apprentice and (surprisingly) niece. She’s currently job hunting, but her impatience is one factor why luck hadn’t been so kind to her. Would probably make an excellent speed cop.
M!Byleth as Moka. Jeralt’s son, who shares the same name and almost the exact same look as the girl his father hired. Despite the many phone calls they’ve shared, he still misses his father very much and wishes to see him everyday.
Cyril as Ame/Rain. A stray brown kitten who stares with his red eyes and bears a scar by the left side of his forehead. Adopted and cared by Byleth and eventually spoiled rotten by Jeralt.
Solon as Yasui. (Tomas looks) An aged and experienced police officer, who’s tasked to look for the missing highschooler and wielder of a lost gun around the flooding Tokyo.
Thales as Takai. A younger police officer who’s assigned to assist Yasui on their shared mission. Manages to get ahold of Byleth, but his grip on her had slipped more times than he hoped.
Kronya as the Dude who’s offering Hina the strip club job. (idk his name, rip) Harasses Seteth into offering him a job, a naughty one. Is stopped by Byleth and the warning shot she was threatened by her face.
Detail Changes!!
Not everything in the movie will be covered as I haven’t thought up some changes yet, especially the part when Keisuke’s child, Moka, was shown the first time and they all were just bonding. This should still be a lot already! Hopefully I can add some more and fix this eventually~
Byleth’s Yahoo!Answer username was ‘TheAshenDemon’
During her first days in Tokyo, she was silent the whole time, not even uttering a single word since she could just nod, shake her head, and bow, not even when Jeralt saved her from the crashing rainfall nearly slipping her away from the boat.
Jeralt thought he saw his own son in grave danger, so he jumped to action. He didn’t realized how panicked he must have looked until a blue-haired quiet girl (almost) blankly stared up at him. He tried to brush it off with a shrug, but he swore his heart was beating fast.
She pointed to Jeralt the beer vending machine, which she plans to give him one as an exchange for sparing her from death. Jeralt politely declines, yet she insists only to realize the price to be much higher than her budget. She bought one anyway. “I told you you didn’t have to, kid...” “*bows and sweat drops*”
During her stay around the city, Byleth had been hearing news about a killer who leaves their bloodied victims lying in alleyways, always sprouting knife wounds around different part of their body, plus they’re dismembered. Byleth didn’t know she would eventually encounter the said-killer herself.
The lost kitten Byleth found by the alleyway stared up at her, but not meowing. He hissed when she offered him some candies, but eventually he ate it gratefully. This was the first time a smile bloomed on Byleth’s face since arriving.
When she woke up from her unintentional slumber, Kronya (plus two more grinning men lingering by her side) were staring down at her. “What’re ya doing here, girlie? This is no place for a street rat like you, so I suggest ya scram… Unless you want to join the fun with me and the boys. *winks and licks lips*” “*fuCKIN SCRAMBLES UP AND RUN*”
When Seteth laid down the burger, Byleth was so shocked she stared with large eyes up at the strange kind worker above her for a long time. “… Stop staring at me. It’s going to get cold if you don’t eat that soon, and my money would go to waste.” “… *blinks*” “… Just… Eat it.*walks out*”
Byleth still hadn’t said anything, but she cried for the first time for not only satisfying her empty tummy after so long, but for also kindness to miraculously come her way in this cruel city.
During the bus ride to Jeralt’s place, she silently pitied Flayn several seats behind who’s obviously oblivious from the two young boys’ mission to capture her heart.
The moment Leonie wakes up, she thought Byleth to be a theif. As she shouted threats at the intruder (and shrieked at her for staring at her chest), Byleth nervously held up the business card Jeralt gave her.
When Leonie confirmed that Jeralt indeed invited the kid over, she quickly welcomed her with open arms as if she never shouted exactly a moment before. She introduced their home as the ‘holy sanctuary of the proud journalists’.
Leonie was clearly passionate as a J&A journalist, possibly much more than the head himself, to the point that she would insist on Byleth to read every single article they had ever written. “Alright, kiddo! What article was written on June 15, 2021??” “*shakes head in resignation with a tired look*” “SILLLY! It’s the first one you helped me out with!! The title is ‘The Magical Wonder of a Sunshine Girl’, which discusses about the blablabla--” “*cries inwardly*”
The second time Byleth sees Seteth, he was gripping his umbrella hard as he tried to quickly walk away from Kronya, who was following, cat-calling, and basically harassing him. Eventually she slyly offers him to ‘work’ with her with a promised high pay, which made Seteth abruptly halt on his tracks.
Byleth rescues Seteth from Kronya by pretending to be his girlfriend (Funnily enough, “HONEY~!” was her first ever word on Tokyo and also a foreshadowing of their future relationship). She then attempted to drag a spluttering Seteth away as she cooed, “Come on, sweetie~ We can’t miss the big day!” “B-b-b-but- I thought you’re mute-” “I said *grips Seteth’s arm too tight* Come. On.”
Infuriated for taking away her potential partner, Kronya whipped out a knife and charged at the two. Seteth instinctively grabbed Byleth’s hand and together, they ran.
They eventually reach a dead end, which Kronya took advantage of by literally jumping over the two, then pinning Byleth down. “Move a muscle and I’m going to cut your girlfriends’ throat.” “SH-SHE’S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND! AND LET GO OF HER!”
Byleth struggled to reverse their position and had been successful. She pointed the gun on Kronya and, as the rain poured, blasted a warning shot by her left ear.
When Seteth snapped out of reality, he grabbed Byleth up who was about to shoot Kronya’s forehead (whose left ear was slowly bleeding). “GET UP! GET UP! LET’S GET OUT OF HERE! WE HAVE A DATE, REMEMBER!?”
Once they retreated to the abandoned building, they argued. “Did you really think you should just- just interfere just like that!? You have a gun, for god’s sake! We’ll get in serious trouble for that, or worse go to jail!” “You ungrateful- I just saved your damn life like you saved mine-” “Plus sh-she’s a woman! We shouldn’t have been too harsh with her-”“Look, you can be a prostitute for all I care, but that woman was harassing you and that’s just wrong!” “You listen here very well: I am a grown man, and I make my own decisions!” “Yeah!? Decisions to get yourself killed by that murderer! Can’t you see she’s the recently wanted person who had been killing off men in the alleyways!?” “I…! You…! *growls and shoves towel at Byleth* *stomps away*”
Believing it to be useful, Byleth was about to pick up the gun she previously threw out of frustration, but Seteth’s voice interrupted her. “I thought about what you said, and you’re right. I’m sorry. What can I give you in return?” “Er… Your… Apology, I guess?” “That’s already given! I meant something else, more than that!” “... Hmm…”
Byleth spaced out. She couldn’t really think of anything she wanted other than... “I’d like for the sun to stick around, but *chuckles dryly* I know you can’t just magically clear the sky…” “… Actually…”
Byleth silently (and comically) screamed when Seteth prayed to draw the curtains of the clouds and make way for the blue sky and the sun to smile down on them.
This is the first time Seteth clears the sky for somebody else other than for his little sister, so he smiled. There, they shared each other’s names and age.
While trying to appear mature, Seteth awkwardly rambles about how he was old enough to make his own decisions and do adult things, basically justifying his consideration on Kronya’s offer.
“Seteth, that’s... That’s nothing to be ashamed of. There must somebody you want to protect. That’s why you’d go to lengths to commit acts like that.” “… How did you know??” “*shrugs*”
Ever since meeting Seteth, Byleth began to speak much more frequently than before, but was still overall silent. She only says more whenever she’s around her new friend.
Seteth cooked a seafood dish for his guest when Byleth visited to discuss about their new business. As Byleth observed around the house, she saw lots of cute objects such as the colored fish-shaped glass curtain. She assumed Seteth’s little sister had wanted it.
When Flayn arrived home, she beamed that finally, her big brother had made a friend! Meanwhile Byleth recognized her as the oblivious girl who had a lot of boys to answer to, so she awkwardly greeted Flayn back, who was shaking her hand too rapidly.
Flayn had been more than willing to wear the teru teru bozu mascot. Although Seteth secretly thought it looked adorable, he simply didn’t approve of it.
After their first successful job, Flayn in her mascot told Seteth, “Onii-sama, won’t you lighten up?? You’ve finally cleared the sky for all the people! Isn’t that amazing???” “F-Finally? Flayn, how could you just forget the joy of just the two of us sharing our secret…” “Stupid brother! You’re the sunshine boy here, and sunshine boys should smile just like the sun! Look at Byleth-nee! She would make the perfect sunshine girl had she got your magic instead!!”
“Byleth?” Seteth wondered out loud and looked at the said-girl a few strides ahead of them, who was grinning ear-to-ear as she admired the sun. He tried to observe her enthusiasm like Flayn suggested. He ended up mindlessly gazing at the girl even when Flayn was already demanding for his attention.
When Byleth found out that Seteth enjoys writing, she suggested him to try working for J&A to earn extra cash. “Hm… I suppose I can give it a chance... Yes, this will make a great opportunity indeed.”
When Seteth visited Byleth’s place and found out that their intention and business were all a fraud, he backed out. “This is scam! I cannot feature my literary works in a shady manner such as this!” “WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU’LL CONSIDER PROSTITUTION, BUT YOU WON’T DO THIS!?!?!?” “…Uh. Language...”
During the firework festival, while Byleth hadn’t bother to fix her hair, Seteth smoothed his as well as tied a tiny pony. He almost frowned at her messy hair the first time he saw her, but held back when he saw the businessman standing beside her (i mean can u just imagine the beauty of him wearing a kimono while byleth in a formal suit omg im crying kjasdhjkhas--)
“Mr. Jeralt.” “Yeah, kid?” “If I am to give you a present, what will you ask for?” “Hmm.... Let’s be perfectly honestly: a good ‘ol beer is all I needed to remedy my past sins... Unless you can bring my wife from the dead, then *smiles sadly* I’d appreciate that.”
When someone on Yahoo!Answer suggested (jokingly) to gift Seteth a ring for his birthday, Byleth turned to Flayn for advice instead as they began walking home together while the love-strucked boys waved her good-bye. “Well, Mother told me that you shouldn’t limit your choices of gift just because your friend was born with the body they have. For example, even when society isn’t entirely ready to accept it, there are men who enjoy wearing dresses!” “.... OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH, SENPAIIIIII”
The next day, Byleth spent the entire day checking on every corner of the nearest mall to find the perfect ring, only to return empty-handed, exhausted, and bummed out. When an oblivious and excited Leonie shoved one of their old magazine copies (back when they could still afford printing their issues) on Byleth, she retreated to her room for the older girl to leave her alone.
Still tired, she flipped one of the pages and saw an article about a ring that can boost the wearer’s creativity and motivation to write many promising stories with the help of jewel’s powers. (aka, the ring in canon) Amused but resigned, Byleth shrugged and decided.
Byleth spent a much longer time looking for the tiny shop, which only had one branch, than looking for ring in the said-shop itself.
Meanwhile, police officers Solon and Thales had captured Kronya. Both are interrogating the criminal for what exactly happened when the missing girl, the one both officials were looking for, threatened to shoot Kronya.
Leonie nearly punched Byleth for accidentally staring at her chest again as the she struggled to sink in the information that Jeralt and Leonie are related and absolutely not 'lovers’.
Byleth lend her jacket (aka, her cloak in canon) to Seteth when he was nearly whisked away by the wind.
When the police were questioning the runaway kids, Seteth tried to ward them off with a slight glare all the while remaining polite. “Our family will continue to worry if we remain longer in the rain, so if you will please let us carry on...”
“Happy Birthday, Seteth!” “*inwardly: OH MY GOD IT’S A RING IT’S A RING HOLY SHIT DOES SHE ACTUALLY WANNA-- NO NON ON  THAT CANNOT BE IT, THIS IS TOO SOON-*” “This ring is supposed to help you write good, boosts your creativity and all. Not that I believe it, nor care, but I hope you like it~” “.........................................................Oh.”
“I... *clears throat* Th-thank you. I-I appreciate it.” “What’s with that stupid look though? Did you really think it was a proposal? Seriously, no way. I doubt it... *lies down, stares at ceiling, blushes* Unless you wanna...” “W-W-WHAT!? NONSENSE!! AND EVEN IF IT IS, YOU AND I BOTH KNOW VERY WELL THAT WE ARE TOO YOUNG FOR- FOR THAT!!” “You don’t say, you old geezer ;)”
“But Byleth... What are you doing? Oh no. No, this cannot be. I was even fully prepared... But if you were to part me with a gift, I’m going to leave with regrets...” “Regrets? Leave? What’re you talking about?” “Don’t you understand!? Back when we were walking our way home and you saw my skin? Don’t you see- *shuffles for robe*” “OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU PERVERT!?” “*reveals chest, skin magically distorted* I’M DYING!” “...Huh?”
Like her first days in Tokyo, Byleth didn’t speak the entire time when she and Flayn were caught and escorted to the police car. When Thales mentioned Seteth’s real age to Byleth (16), Byleth shouted, “SIXTEEN!?” much to the police’s shock since they thought the girl was mute or refused to ever speak.
“*inwardly: ... Seteth, you damn liar.*”
Flayn’s borrowed disguise from her male friends was a cap, hoodie and baggy pants. “Flayn, I thought he was your ex! What’s he doing here stealing you away from me?” “Ex? Stealing? Whatever do you mean; I thought you two are wonderful friends! And please hurry up!”
“I’D MAKE AN EXCELLENT SPEED COP!!” “... No, you won’t.” “I HEARD THAT!!”
Jeralt always compared Byleth to his own son due to how dangerously similar they looked and acted. He tried not to see her as a sort of child to him since the girl was not his son at all. However, Jeralt does end up acting like a father-figure to her, especially when he saw Thales pin her down as she repeatedly and desperately shouted her loved one’s name. Who knew that quiet kid had it in her to fall in love, just like Jeralt himself?
As Flayn ran towards Solon to pin him down, her cap flew away and her hood fell to reveal her long green hair. “It’s not your fault, Byleth-nee... Neither of us has foreseen this... But I will always trust you no matter what... SO PLEASE! BRING MY DEAR BROTHER BACK!!”
While Seteth did jump to reach for Byleth out of instinct (and love, coughcough), he tried to pry away from her as they fell no matter how much she desperately confesses her love for him. “The people would no longer have sunshine! Isn’t that what everybody wants, you included!? It’s why we even made that business! It’s best I leave this world for all of your sake!!”
In her fury, Byleth reached out to Seteth with more effort than ever all the while muttering, “Come here- Come here you stupid old geezer--” When they finally held hands, she slapped him hard.
“*giggles* You look gross when you cry.” “Shut it, Byleth. Seriously, at a time like this... Let’s... Let’s just go home.” “Yeah...”
When Byleth returned to Tokyo, she had her hair dyed into light green since she felt like it (and reminded her of someone dear to her).
Jeralt happily showed Byleth the photo of Flayn (who barely grew an inch), his son Byleth (who’s almost reaching Flayn’s height), and Leonie, (wearing a cop’s uniform imean they should have seriously made natsumi a speed cop too, jeezus).
When she and Seteth reunited, his first words to her (other than, “Byleth!”) were, “Your hair...” “*grins* I know what you’re thinking, it doesn’t suit me.” “No, not at all. *touches Byleth’s hair with the hand wearing the ring* You look beautiful.” “*tries to pout, but melts into a winder grin* Not before?” “You always have been.”
Yay, it’s done!! I’ve had this AU for a long time now actually, but only got to post it now that the movie’s out on the west!! Now watch me ignore this shit for the next years, rip
Again, every detail in the movie isn’t covered here since I haven’t seen their potential setleth au differences yet, but the overall plot remains the same! Note that I haven’t actually finished the other routes yet other than the beagle one, so there might be a lotta ooc stuff here. Maybe when I’m done with them all, ima get back to this and fix it and add some more.
As you can see, I made their dynamic more on the teasing side unlike hodaka&hina’s, mainly because i interpret byleth to be playfully sly and ofc seteth’s distrust on her on the start of the game. I personally enjoyed them to be a bickering old couple, so they’re like that xD
Honestly, i’m torn in between assigning rhea as either the two green peas’ mother or jeralt’s mother-in-law. the former for obvious reasons, the latter since rhea sorts of ‘hides’ away the little kid from jeralt like in canon, but for another reason.
As for the taki and mitsuha cameo, I feel like that would be a completely different thing, so I didn’t include them here. But for sometime now, I’ve been imagining them as ferdinand & dorothea, manuela being their okudera. but this au isn’t house biased (leonie’s there cause of jeralt), so i didn’t include them.
Huge thanks to my sister for helping me shape this au!! Actually half of these ideas belongs to her, even more perhaps. Hope I can link ya’ll to her accounts once she’s done fixing ‘em so ya’ll get see how much of a genius she is!! <3
I wanna make a manga/fanfic outta this one day, but for now, here’s the idea compilation of my setleth au nobody asked for!! Thank you for reading!! :D
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withlove-so · 5 years
Could I have some Ashe X Caspar head cannons ? (Pre and post time skip
Oh absolutely!! I recently read they’re support together and they are such good kids!
They didn’t get along very well at first.
They didn’t exactly dislike each other, they just found it difficult to agree on anything.
Ashe was the embodiment of chivalry and kindness. Caspar charged in without a plan and was prepared to dish out some hard earned justice to villains!
Needless to say, Ashe thought he was reckless and harsh, while Caspar thought he was hesitant and a coward.
Ashe could never understand why in the world the Professor would recruit Caspar to the Blue Lions, he in no way represented what they stood for!
But he was apart of they’re family now, so he was just going to have to learn to live with it.
They didn’t really talk to each other much until... something seemed to happen. To Caspar specifically.
He seemed really out of it and distracted, he hardly even spoke to the other Lions.
This caused even Ashe some concern, so of course he approached him.
Caspar told him that his thoughtless actions caused someone, someone he’d label a villain, to die. It was a suicide, and despite the fact that everyone else was safe, he still felt awful about it.
There was a chance that his actions now would have dire consequences in the future, and now there was nothing he could do about it.
What would’ve happened had he waited, even for just a second? The thought haunted him.
Ashe understood the feeling well, what would have happened if he’d been patient and took the time to understand Lonato’s feelings before he...
After this incident, though they still weren’t that close, they both held a mutual respect for each other and wanted to help the other grow.
Even after the war began, Caspar refused to return to Adrestia.
He couldn’t stand the thought of returning there after what Edelgard had done.
And the Blue Lions were happy to have him! At least, most were anyway...
Ashe was excited to have him back as well, which he honestly didn’t expect, especially thinking back to how he viewed him when they were students.
Caspar has obviously chilled out over the years, even if he was still a bit hotheaded, he at least had a bit of thought behind his actions now.
Now the two shared lots of playful banter and poked fun at each other.
Caspar loves to tease him and call him “Sir Ashe” in reference to Ashe’s love of knighthood. Honestly though, Ashe doesn’t mind it at all, he even got embarrassed the first time he called him that.
“Ah, Sir Ashe! Out on patrol I see? Keep up the good work soldier!”
“Wha-?! What are you going on about, I... I’m just going to the dinning hall.”
“A knight’s gotta keep his strength up! So he can uphold his chivalry!”
“That’s not... never mind.”
The two always go to the dinning hall together since they share similar appetites (plus, Ashe makes some killer food! Caspar can’t get enough of it.)
Ashe was the first to realize that his feelings for Caspar might be... a bit different than comrades in arms.
When Caspar nearly got killed defending Ashe in battle, he was an absolute wreck. He just kept pacing around the monastery, hoping to see Mercedes just appear and tell that he’s going to be okay.
When he eventually did recover, Ashe accidentally snapped at him.
“You’re too reckless! By the Goddess it’s like you haven’t even changed from all those years ago. You nearly died and for what? My life isn’t any more important than yours or the other soldiers here! I’m just like every other soldier so don’t just-!”
“I wasn’t defending “another soldier” I was defending you! If I had let you die, I’d regret it for the rest of my life. I’ll sooner give my life than let you lose yours.”
Gods, why does that sound so familiar? Similar words rang in Ashe’s head, words that Lord Lonato had always told him time and again.
‘A knight’s duty is to protect that which they hold dear. Even at the cost of their life.’
Who would have thought Caspar of all people would be reminding him of this?
Ashe tried to compromise with him, but Caspar wouldn’t budge on the subject.
So, he made a promise to him.
“Alright, if you won’t listen to reason, I’ll just have to do the same. Caspar, I swear here and now, that I will defend your life, even if it costs me my own. I can be quite stubborn myself after all!”
“Hey wait a sec, you can’t do that! I’m going to keep you safe, not the other way around!”
“I’m not going to just let you die. I don’t think I’d be able to take it. So let’s agree to survive, for each other’s sake.”
“... Yea. That’s definitely better than having to die. But I totally will if I have to, don’t forget that! So you had better survive!”
(They’re literally the embodiment of that one picture of two people going “No!” While they bend over each other trying to defend them)
Ashe is hesitant to admit why he was so concerned about Caspar’s injuries, after all, they were in the middle of a war. This was no time to be worried about personal feelings.
However, once the war was over, what would hold him back then?
He could confess everything to him, about how heroic Caspar is and how his strength has saved so many lives.
He could tell him about how he’s been so helpful to him all those years, especially helping him recover from Lonato’s death.
He could tell him how much he loved him, and how he hopes they can stay together, even after the war is finished.
Caspar, who isn’t typically the shy type, couldn’t find the words to tell him either.
How would he even approach it?
“Hey, you’re doing great work fighting and all that! By the way, I think I love you, please don’t hate me!”
There was no easy way to approach it with most of their focus being on the war.
But when the war was over... maybe...
Caspar could tell him how his kindness changed him for the better, how it’s shaped him into the man he is now.
He could tell him how he hopes he can continue to influence his life, maybe even try being a knight like him.
He could ask him if he’d be happy with him, to live their lives together, and strive for a great future. Together.
After the war.
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