#kill that thing peterick
ant3oculat1a · 2 months
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saw this and had to edit the brat "kill that thing patrick" meme to match
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judasisgayriot · 1 year
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He has just given birth
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earlgreytea68 · 4 months
having crazy thoughts about cryptozoology by patrick stump again....... the hidden track with lyrics about feeling like you need to prove yourself??? feeling like you'll never be the kid they want you to be??? the most hiatus song ever just in general. like to me its one of his most vulnerable like he talks about the struggle of expectations and how he feels like the ghost of the kid he was. how he feels studied and almost inhuman even when hes trying to express himself...
but also if we want to look into the whole pete/patrick angle?? omfg. just the image of "arms crossed nose turned up like youre trying to say impress me, good luck" - is that not pete wentz. like this is the most cruel interpretation of their musical partnership, one where they are bringing out the best in each other for the worst reasons. one where they only really act as foils to prove the other wrong and they can never really catch a break. and patrick is grating against it. i honestly this song is the only one on soul punk that reflects his relationship with pete/fob at all and its so devastating the way he does it. like he clearly needed it to process some stuff but oml.
anyways thanks for reading my little ramble <33 (and my earlier one about homesick at spacecamp.... can you tell im insane about overanalysing their songs) have a nice day!!
ahahaha welcome back! I love that you do this!
Cryptozoology has always killed me. A song named for the study of things that don't exist...and the song doesn't exist. It's hidden. And it's like the Patrick doesn't exist, not that particular one, not the one you mean. Not the one who had a Pete. You're right that that whole image and command of impress me is so loaded Peterick-wise: It's how they met, Pete wanting Patrick to impress him enough to join the band; it's their whole partnership, trying to one-up each other; it's Patrick tumbling into the hiatus, trying out a solo thing and feel Pete's judgment over his shoulder. There's so much there, and then there's Patrick insisting, I don't have to prove myself to you. Don't you?
There are so many little Pete flourishes in these lyrics, too. I can almost hear you trying too hard in answer to We must make it hard to look so easy doing something so hard. That whole thing about the ghost of the child who didn't die, he just grew up, makes me think of the crown to my head but I was only a kid. It also makes me think of the kid that Patrick was, who didn't die, who just grew up, and then was a has-been at 27. And then of course there's those old haunts, the old haunts full of Pete.
The song is a lot. You're right, Patrick had a lot to work through, and I approve of this album as therapy lol. He got a lot out and everyone came back together stronger.
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buildarocketboys · 5 months
peterick + 69 (nice) (also these are all gonna be peterick because there are so many good ones for them)
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@floralegia haha you both had the same idea...uh in contrast to the funny number, this is kinda pretty angsty ybc...sorry? Been wanting to write some young blood chronicles and this was kinda the perfect opportunity
69. “Why the hell are you bleeding!?”
Patrick comes to.
Patrick's eyes have been bright yellow this whole time, possessed not by demons but by a constant, overwhelming onslaught of sensation.
Pete has been fighting Patrick, he realizes now, not to protect the briefcase or even to protect himself, but because that's all that's left to do. That's what's expected of them.
Well, Pete's not gonna do what they want him to anymore.
He sets his bass-cum-machete down on the ground. No more.
As he does so, Patrick's hook catches him in the stomach, the momentum plunging the blade deep into his guts. Pete falls, in what feels like slow motion, watching the yellow seep out from his best friend's eyes, changing to brown and then his natural blue.
Patrick stares down at him, aghast.
"Why the hell are you bleeding?!"
Pete looks down at himself, his abdomen a mess of blood and guts, and chuckles weakly. "Your hook," he says, and suddenly it's the funniest thing in the world. He can't stop laughing.
Patrick looks at his hook in horror, registering the smear of red across the metal and the blood dripping from the end.
He drops to his knees. "Oh fuck...Pete, what have I done?" He gathers Pete to him, laying his head gently in his lap. Pete is still in hysterics, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps now as life leaches out of him. "Everything was just so loud," Patrick whispers. "I just wanted it to stop, and- WILL YOU STOP LAUGHING?"
Pete manages to contain himself. "I'm sorry," he says weakly. "It's just...after all this... it's the way I would have wanted to go, Patrick."
Patrick presses his eyes closed. Pete hears his breath catch. "It's not the way I want you to go," he says. "I don't want you to go at all!" His breath hitches again, and suddenly he's crying and trying to stop himself from crying all at once, angrily brushing tears away from his face as they fall. "First Joe and now you," he says.
All Pete wants to do is comfort him. He reaches up and touches Patrick's face. "It's not your fault," he promises. None of this is Patrick's fault. He won't let Patrick blame himself for what those people did to him.
"I just wanted it to stop," Patrick whimpers. "I didn't know how to make it stop."
Pete brushes tears away from his eyes. "It's OK, buddy. We made it stop."
Patrick shakes his head. "You made it stop." He sniffles. "What am I supposed to do without you?"
Pete tries to shrug, although he's not sure it comes across. "You keep going. Keep fighting. For both of us."
Patrick shakes his head. "I can't- I have to make this right. I have to save you, Pete. I- I'll get you to a hospital, they can fix you up, it's a stomach wound, stomach wounds don't kill you immediately, I read that somewhere once, we've got time."
Pete shakes his head. It makes his vision go blurry. "No time left," he manages to say. Words are getting harder now - harder than they've ever been. He puts every last ounce of effort into his next ones: "I don't regret a single second of it." He squeezes Patrick's hand, so Patrick knows that he means he doesn't regret a single second with him.
Patrick forces himself to give Pete a watery smile. "I don't either," he admits. "Well, apart from the killing you with my hook part. That part sucked."
Pete laughs. "Yeah..."
"I wish we had more time," Patrick whispers.
Pete lets his eyes flutter closed. There'll be no more time for him. "In another life," he whispers, and he hopes Patrick hears it, hopes he believes it.
The next moment, he's gone.
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somuchforstardust · 24 days
just so you know when I saw television romance updated I genuinely put my hand over my heart and gasped like a campy effeminate gay man in a pre code movie. my wife (willa) is home from the war (telling Patrick to kill himself)
but seriously though, i've read it probably 4 times now- idk what it is about p2 dcom And Joe and someone to recognize that p2 are both insane (willa) that captures my brain. your writing is awesome and your pacing is immaculate. and I feel like Joe has a sort of "child of divorce" thing going with pete Patrick and willa. and I love that for him.
omg this is soooo nice i almost don't how to respond <3 i appreciate it when people send me messages saying they like willa because i clearly love willa and they're being nice but every once and a while someone seems like they also see the vision 🙏🏽
joe has the hardest life in the world 💔 in real life and in fanfiction. at least he's fucking a hot disney girl in my little stories. something that comes up in the somuchforstardust- @lyekisses imessage vault a lot is willa banishing joe to the peterick mansion when she's mad at him as punishment so child of divorce is kind of real. they technically have joint custody but he has to do a lot of mediation
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leprosycock · 1 year
pls educate/ advertise f0b / peterick yaoi to me. i know nothing about it but i want to.
uhhhhh okay this is gonna be really fucking long and deranged because i've been into them for like? nine years and i promise you from the bottom of my heart that nothing i will tell you is exaggerated or made up, their relationship really is this twisted and intense and insane. a lot of this is gonna be under the cut for obvious reasons
faII out boy are officially formed in the summer of 2001 when p4trick stump overhears joe tr0hman talking about music in a boarders bookstore and feels the need to jump in and correct him because patrick is extremely pretentious and insane about music, having grown up around it due to his blues-performing dad. joe is personal friends with pete w3ntz, a legend in the chicago music scene that patrick has personally admired for ages. joe invites patrick to come try out for a band that pete wants to start on the side next to his other projects, something just for fun. patrick intends on just becoming a drummer- until he meets pete. then his life is changed forever.
to really put things in perspective, pete is 22 years old and patrick is barely sixteen when they meet. pete is an unstable college kid with unmedicated bipolar disorder and kind of a huge sex freak who's very mean to girls and patrick is a loser virginal high school kid. pete is short and covered in tattoos and his hair is buzzed and he has whiskey-colored eyes and bright big teeth and a smirky smug pouty mouth. patrick is shorter and pasty and a little chubby and he has choppy strawberry blond hair and a big pink mouth and big baby blue eyes. both pete and joe show up to patrick's house to hear him audition and patrick is wearing shorts, black knee-high socks, and an argyle sweater. we know this because pete has repeated this story of their first meeting many, many times.
patrick insists that he wants to play drums and has never thought about singing before, but pete bullies and pokes and prods until patrick finally gives in and sings for him and joe as long as pete promises to be the actual frontman and lets him sink into the background because he's unbelievably shy and insecure. pete is immediately taken with patrick and calls him "the kid with the voice" and a "golden boy" and he gives him a knit cap so he can hide his face in front of the microphone. patrick is wearing this same hat on the cover of their first official debut album, take this to your grave.
their tentative first album, evening out with your girlfriend, is a rushed slapjob full of embarrassingly delightful fruity pop punk hits that patrick today is ruthlessly ashamed of. this was recorded with two other former members, tj and chris, who eventually leave in pursuit of other projects that they believe will be more successful. they continue to be friends with the other boys for a while until pete tries to convince chris' girlfriend to use sex dice with him and this causes a rift and leads to chris cutting pete off and, by extension, the band. after these two leave, pete brings in a permanent drummer, andy hurley. andy is a pacifist and a vegan and has a voice like a kitten and is an all-around good guy and well-rounded adult who's around pete's age. they record take this to your grave. during the summer, pete takes his pet high schoolers and his fellow hardcore music scene buddy around on tour in joe's mom's shitty old van so the boys don't have to miss school. (or, more accurately, he has joe do it, because pete does not have a valid driver's license at the time.)
one of the singles on tttyg is called saturday. pete and patrick write a lot of lyrics together for this album and saturday is another joint effort. here are some lyrics:
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and here is the description for the music video:
The video features all of the band, but particularly frontman Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz. Pete is killing the other band members and their friends, leaving a Queen of Hearts playing card with each of the bodies. Patrick is a detective tracking the "killer". During the bridge of the song, Patrick and Pete are seen in the same position, sitting on a bed with a wall of pictures of Pete's victims in the background, suggesting that Patrick and Pete may be the same person. In the end, Pete kills Patrick, but because Pete and Patrick turn out to be the same person, Pete dies as well.
they perform this song at the end of every show and they have since 2002. pete spent their entire tour in 2015 grabbing his dick during this song for some reason ?? idk but i have pictures:
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during the tttyg era, pete and patrick become VERY fast and VERY intense best friends. patrick is extremely temperamental and impatient and has a short fuse and pete has routine breakdowns and is a general violent, obnoxious asshole who likes to torment patrick for fun, so a lot of their interactions tend to ignite like throwing a match on gasoline. he once famously strangled pete with a gas pump, has thrown punches at him in the studio, and cursed him out over small disagreements. for those curious, this feisty little sweaty golden firecracker of a boy looked like this:
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just so you know what we're dealing with.
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the rest of them looked like this ^ andy, pete, patrick, and joe respectively. patrick did that gay little wrist flick in photoshoots a lot for some reason
it's important to note that pete was a genuine creep around patrick and was VERY WEIRD WITH HIM. during this van days era, pete tried to carve a peephole into his bedroom door when they all shared a shitty apartment together in roscoe village and never left his side. he talks about him frequently on livejournal and their website and i will quote some of these incidents here: 04/16/05: patricks birthday is tommorrow. i am in love with him so give him presents. 06/09/05: when i want patrick to sing in my ear i call him on the phone and he does it 06/16/05: that kid is my best friend and the rest of the world could blow up and fall out boy can break up and he still will be 10/11/05: i dreamt him. q&a incidents from the official fob website:
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pete fucking adores this kid with everything in him. patrick is routinely frustrated with pete and his inability to grow up, but he's still just as maddeningly in love and still maintains a sense of hero worship for him and considers him a tragic figure that needs to be protected. they become very codependent.
during van days, they record and release an acoustic album called my heart will always be the b side to my tongue. they also release a dvd called release the bats, which is a hideous nightmare clusterfuck involving a lot of pete doing really gross shit for attention such as vomiting on the floor, pissing in garbage cans, and hurting himself and his friends alongside showcasing some of their live shows and performances with other friends in fueled by ramen, a borderline incestuous record label where everyone knows each other and is constantly collabing and doing shows together. included on this dvd is a short film that pete and patrick make called bedussey. they film this while sharing a dirty disgusting mattress in an even smaller apartment than the last during their writing sessions. it's fucking awful, watch it
just before the release of their second studio album, pete overdoses on ativan in a best buy parking lot while hallelujah plays on the radio. the first person he calls is patrick, who doesn't pick up, and then he finally tries his mom and his doctor. he writes two songs about this, 7 minutes in heaven and hum hallelujah. he also talks about this incident in his book, grey, but that comes much later. not terribly long after this, his nudes get leaked and it's ambiguous for a while as to who posts them, but it's theorized that it was actually chris or a friend of his. i can't honestly remember how much of this was confirmed. pete's life is surrounded by tragedy and flashbulbs constantly popping in his eyes and it's a mix of him bringing it on himself and not finding the help he needs and having terrible, terrible luck in love and in himself.
during this time, he's in an incredibly twisted and unhealthy relationship with a seventeen year old named jeanae white. she cheats on him five million times and vise-versa and they're very mean to each other. she also plays a pivotal role in his book later on. they break up for good in 2006. there's also a vague theory that he had a brief fling with mikey way in 2004 which is referred to as "the summer of like" by those invested. it may very well be true but i couldn't give a fuck about that if i tried; i'm a peterick loyalist. he marries ashlee simpson in 2008 (most likely due to her unplanned pregnancy, even though he was pretty in love with her at the time) and has a baby boy named bronx with her. during this era, patrick is in a committed relationship with a girl named anna who eventually cheats on him and it tears him apart.
jumping back a bit, from under the cork tree is their third official studio album (if you count b side, which i do) and it contains a lot of very interesting music.
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the original lyric was meant to be "just friends" and for some reason, patrick changed it to "best friends" in the final cut. the name of this song is 'i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song)'. pete LOVES to use the idea of summer in his music, which is so interesting, because fall out boy's first tour was in the summer, he and patrick have spent the fourth of july in a beach house together (REMEMBER THIS), and their biggest projects have been produced over summers. it's also worth mentioning that pete has kissed patrick on the neck more than once during shows. even more worth mentioning that pete is REALLY fucking clingy with patrick on stage.
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^ they sing this at each other. i don't really know what else to say
their next album, infinity on high, is slightly more artsy and, in my opinion, a fucking masterpiece. one of the most valuable tracks on this album is g.i.n.a.s.f.s. (gay is not a synonym for shitty) and i will explain why
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"trade baby blues for wide eyed browns" alongside literally walking in someone else's shoes and physically trying to become them or embodying them is just following a theme that pete and patrick have been portraying for years, about how the two of them are inherently the same person, two sides of the same coin. pete says they experience cryptophasia, an implicit, intimate language that can only be used by twins. their next album is even titled folie a deux, "the madness of two". pete later writes about a character named martin (patrick's irl middle name) in grey, who he talks about saving the main character's (pete's) life on the roof of a hotel. "some nights it gets so bad i almost pick up the phone" = pete has said multiple times that patrick has sang to him on the phone to calm him down or help him fall asleep because patrick's voice really is that healing for pete. also possibly another reference to pete's suicide attempt and how his call to patrick failed ?
lastly, here's a quote from pete's livejournal in 05 when he was babbling about patrick:
"i know i am sal and i feel damn lucky to have the wind blowing in the thru the windows as he keeps us at 80mph. make no mistake, there is a difference between a parlor trick and true blue magic. i will remember this til the day i die."
fuck you
2007-2008 is full of massive, massive drama. alongside pete's ongoing war with the media and his almost immediate marital issues with ashlee, he's ALWAYS fighting with patrick inside and outside the studio, both physically and verbally. the band is constantly getting called sellouts and posers and were heckled very badly during the tours they did to promote folie a deux. it's kind of the beginning of the end.
for folie, pete writes a song called what a catch donnie. this is a ballad that pete writes from patrick's perspective that he is very, very nervous to show to him and almost doesn't. showing him something so heartfelt and vulnerable is dangerous given the current nature of their relationship. this is that song.
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the music video stars patrick as a sea captain who's lost and lonely and trying to get home and he's eventually rescued by many of his irl close friends through fueled by ramen. but pete never appears.
after the round of tours for fad ends, they release a greatest hits album called believers never die and the coffin lid starts to slide closed. the band is well and truly dissolving; the reception for fad was very poor and miserable and pete and patrick truly cannot work together anymore and both joe and andy are tired of trying to put up with them. pete tells the boys he's going to leave and the breakup is mutual, to say the least. pete has his head shaven on stage as a ritual of mourning during 'saturday'. pete says in interviews that he thinks his name and his marriage and all the drama that saturates his life became a hindrance to the band.
fob is on hiatus from 2009 to 2013. during this time, pete forms the band black cards and seeks out a female vocalist specifically because he doesn't want to "replace patrick". he writes grey, opens nightclubs, divorces ashlee, abuses prescription drugs, and wants to die. patrick loses a bunch of weight and produces a solo pop album called soul punk. it has a very poor reception and he's bullied and tormented by fans who go to his shows just to tell him he sucks and he wants to die just as badly as pete does. he also gets married, but whatever
he bleaches his hair and dresses like this the whole tour because he's a massive faggot:
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i have this whole theory about how his song run dry is about gay sex. a lot of the album is about infidelity too. he claims that this is because it's a "concept album" but it .. really kind of isn't. patrick is not very good at lyrics. (SOMETIMES. we'll come back to this too.)
pete and patrick do not talk to each other for a bulk of the hiatus. pete says that the hiatus felt like a breakup and hurt just as badly. closer to the end of this painful spell, pete calls patrick to say "i helped buy your house and now you don't even know my kid, that's messed up" and they have to learn how to be friends again. there are vague statements from the band about how they had a series of work meetings before seriously discussing the idea of reuniting. patrick also sends pete a postcard, telling him he has music he wants to show him if he's willing to see it.
in 2013, out of fucking nowhere, like a couple weeks after pete assures the media that fall out boy will never reform, they drop an album called save rock and roll and the band is back for good. as they release this album, they also release a massive and incredible series of eleven music videos for the entire album called the young blood chronicles. essentially, fall out boy plays a group called the members of the faith and they have to essentially defend music from courtney love, who plays a nazi-esque dictator leading a group of leather-clad women who want to establish a dystopia where music doesn't exist. music = faith. the women steal patrick away and put a demon in him and chop his hand off and he turns evil and starts to murder the rest of the band, including pete.
the most important track on this album is miss missing you.
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pete wrote a good chunk of the lyrics for this album, as he is wont to do (this changes later on but it's still mostly pete for now), but this song is all patrick. this was a song he wrote for soul punk, but he never recorded it because, in his words, "it sounded too much like a fall out boy song". this particular installment in the ybc involves solely pete and patrick, separated from the rest of the band after joe and andy have left. this entire music video is about patrick trying to kill pete and struggling to do so, at war with his own humanity that keeps slipping through the cracks. pete has said that this is his favorite music video that the band has ever made.
relevant quotes:
"pete's my best friend. i was the best man at his wedding, i love that man to death. i'd take a bullet for him."
"[patrick is] probably my best friend in the whole world. this is one of the only people in the world that i would take a bullet for."
also! summer! summer summer summer! summer never dies!!!
2013-2014 are essentially a honeymoon phase. fob do tons of interviews, immediately make plans for a brand new album to follow srar up with, and they record an insane ep on a whim called pax am days. they do it while ridiculously drunk. it's REALLY good and SOOOO underrated and some of the most interesting music they've ever made. pete and patrick record a commentary track for the ybc. they're best friends again- admittedly less physically clingy, but they're older and more grown up and pete is more secure in his relationship with patrick. they're easygoing and comfortable and they love being around each other again and they're irrevocably in love.
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late 2014-early 2015 birth their next album, american beauty/american psycho. i have a lot of emotional attachment to it because i was old enough to witness this release in real time and this was the height of my obsession. there are a LOT of fascinating things to pick apart in this album, but here are my favorites (tumblr won't let me add more than 30 images per post for some reason ?? i didn't know there was a limit but alright. Sure):
And in the end I'd do it all again I think you're my best friend Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright? I'll be yours When it rains it pours Stay thirsty like before Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?
very obvious. the kids aren't alright was more or less confirmed to be about patrick and pete tended to get very lovey-dovey on stage whenever they performed it.
Do you, do-do you remember When we drove, we drove, drove through the night And we danced, we danced to Rancid And we danced, we danced And I confessed, confessed To you riding shot-gun Underneath the purple skies And we danced, we danced With windows down And we danced, we danced (Spin for you like your favorite records used to) (Spin for you like your favorite records) You were the song stuck in my head Every song that I've ever loved Play it again and again and again And you can get what you want but it's never enough And I spin for you like your favorite records used to And I spin for you like your favorite records used to
And I can’t, I can’t I can’t remember just how to forget Forget the way that we danced We danced to Danzig And we danced, we danced And when you ask, you ask me how I’m doing Like you know, you know how much better off I am And when we danced, we danced With windows down And we danced, we danced (Spin for you like your favorite records used to) (Spin for you like your favorite records)
favorite record is a big one because of pete's "patrick is an ipod full of my favorite songs" and "you ask me how i'm doing, like you know how much better off i am", a possible reference to the hiatus and their inability to communicate. i'd also like to firmly call back to pete's quote about driving with patrick and remembering that day until he dies.
and, lastly, fuck me:
I'll be as honest as you'll let me I miss your early morning company If you get me You are my favorite what if You are my best I'll never know And I'm starting to forget Just what summer ever meant to you What did it ever mean to you?
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean any of it I just got too lonely, lonely, whoa In between being young and being right You were my Versailles at night
It was the fourth of July You and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworks That went off too soon And I miss you in the June gloom too It was the fourth of July You and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworks I said I'd never miss you, but I guess you never know May the bridges I have burned Light my way back home on the fourth of July
My 9 to 5 is cutting open old scars Again and again 'til I'm stuck in your head Had my doubts but I let them out You are the drought And I'm the holy water you have been without And all my thoughts of you They could heat or cool the room, and no Don't tell me you cried Oh, honey, you don't have to lie
I wish I'd known how much you loved me I wish I cared enough to know I'm sorry every song's about you The torture of small talk with someone you used to love
fuck!!!! fuck!!!!!!! summer again!!!! we're back to summer and back to the fourth of july i told you that would be important later. finding your way back home on the bridges you burned. memories of squandered youth trapped in these moments from years back and viewing someone as this grand monument worthy of worship and posterity. "my nine to five is cutting open old scars", pete's job, what he's been filling his life with for years, the music that he makes for a living. "i'm sorry every song's about you" = doesn't have to be literal. i believe it's more so about the idea that so many songs are about patrick and it's more tongue-in-cheek, despite how melancholy it is. i believe this song is a grand release for pete and a way for him to reconcile his feelings after years of confusion and longing and torment. but that's all just a theory
it's also worth mentioning twin skeleton's, which a lot of peterick truthers theorize is about pete and patrick having flings in hotels during tours throughout 06-09. it's not really definitive and it's very conspiratorial, but i do enjoy thinking about it
there's a three year gap between albums this time and then we get mania, which is by all accounts awful. people can defend this album all they want, but i think it's fucking terrible and patrick admits that it was rushed and he doesn't like it and he's right and he should be ashamed. i hate this album. it sounds terrible and there are very few good songs on it. they did a ton of promotion for this record and did a pop-up event where they had rooms you could go through based on each track of the album. they really, genuinely tried, but it was a miss. i was so frustrated with this album that i really don't have much to say about it peterick-wise, but this tour was the first time that i was actually able to see them live, so i can't really stay mad at them. they played thriller and opened with disloyal order <333 (which, by the way, is also about patrick, confirmed by pete himself! he said that "half-doomed and semi-sweet" is a literal description of himself and patrick.)
i do like young and menace, hold me tight or don't, and wilson, but none of them feel like fob. moving on.
they release the lake effect kid ep in 2018 and believers never die volume two. lake effect kid is a BEAUTIFUL fucking track and it made me actually ache for what mania could've been if they'd just returned to their roots. that'll come soon though.
Boomerang my head Back to the city I grew up in Again and again Forever a Lake Effect kid
Oh, I got the skyline in my veins Forget your nighttime Summer love on a gurney with a squeaky wheel And joke us, choke us 'Til Lakeshore Drive comes back into focus I just wanna come back to life Spark my crazy head to keep you warm at night
summer love :))) it never ends :))))))
2023 saw the release of so much (for) stardust. this is one of the strongest albums they've had since the hiatus and i really, really love a lot of it. as New as it feels, it's still very fall out boy at its core and it's full of heart and it's passionate and it's pure.
We were a hammer to the statue of David We were a painting you could never frame and You were the sunshine of my lifetime What would you trade the pain for?
^ love from the other side. pete has likened patrick to sunshine, sunsets, sunlight, and the color gold many, many times while talking about him. there are a lot of songs where he uses the sun as a metaphor for longing, something he can never reach because he's eternally eclipsed in shadow.
My moodboard is just pictures of you, but I'm not sad anymore So make no plans and none can be broken, no plans and none can be broken But I didn't take the love when I had the chance, but I swear I'm not sad anymore So make no plans and none can be broken, no plans and none can be broken
Do you laugh about me whenever I leave? Or do I still need more therapy?
Love is in the air, I just gotta figure out a window to break out Buried alive inside my dreams, but it was all a fake-out And I don't care, I just gotta figure out a window to break out Buried alive inside my dreams, but it was all a fake-out, fake-out
Oh-oh, we all started out as shiny dimes But we all got flipped too many times We did it for futures that never came And for pasts that we're never gonna change
fake out makes me want to die in the most intense way, mainly because there's something so utterly familiar about it. it's SO fob and it's one of the best tracks they've put out since the hiatus. it's also .. so ..... it's very similar to fourth of july for me. this is recovery from the pain and finally coming to acceptance while acknowledging the past, love that was never reciprocated. it's not something that ever really goes away. it'll linger, especially when you still see so much of that golden boy that you first fell in love with the second he opened his mouth and began to sing to you.
i will state emphatically that through all my speculation, none of this is meant to be taken at face value aside from the direct quotes and irl incidents. most music comes from anywhere and everywhere within an artist. artists draw from their real life and nothing has to be literal, but pete writes about a lot of real people. grey is about as subtle as a sledgehammer when it comes to his representation of people he knows irl. sometimes he's writing about exes and sometimes he's writing a story. sometimes he's writing about patrick. we never really know for sure. but it's fun to think about!
i'm really passionate about them and i adore their relationship inside and out. a lot of it is really fucked up and weird and twisted and crazy and a lot of it is genuinely so beautiful and tragic. even if they're not fucking and never have and have never thought about it, they're undoubtedly soulmates in any way you feel like interpreting that. they love each other massively and endlessly and it's a fire that has refused to really die for over twenty years. i love them a lot and i hope you enjoyed this essay!!!
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sarcasmandships · 1 year
his! do you have any peterick fic recommendations? i've already read all your works on ao3 and i'm waiting desperately for updates so until then i need something to read because i feel like i've already read soooo many fics and i'm running out of material plz help :)
hiiii, im glad you like my fics and I'm sorry im terrible at updating i used to be so consistent but uni is just killing me with assignments rn! but i promise the restaurant au will get an update soon and im planning to edit death by a thousand cuts before i add to it again cos im just not really happy with the quality of it, but that will also be coming soon i promise!
anyways onto what you're really asking about; recommendations. im not sure if you're looking for smut or stories with plot so here's just a mix of things i've really liked ( i suck at bookmarking things so I've just searched through my history and there's deffos stuff i've missed im sorry)
Literally just read kick me in the face & ask me how my head feels by fkingdeathwish today - devoured this in a few hours and this fic made me like stories in first person. its so good and also has the best andy/joe/pete friendship dynamics i was smiling the whole time. but also features a lot of petekey tho which might not be ur thing
(smut) going down, down by @pyrchance - i read this the other day and its 10/10
Anything by snitchesandtalkers but some of my favourites are i've been checking my list, crooked love, making out inside crashed cars (smut), silver screen dream, the antidote to everything (except for me), we're friends when you're on your knees (not finished but still so so worth reading), amateur pornographers (smut obvs), a little less 16 candles (a little more bite me)
brutal love by @notastumph- this one is so good but like i also had to take a 5 min break between chapters cos the angst and heartbreak was getting to me so much (in the best way)
and i'll burn by jiksa - just read the tags first
the house on rosewood lane by scarredsodeep - this one is so fucking good, i don't even like horror and i was obsessed with this and couldn't stop reading
hey doctor, i'm certifiable by derridoid (smut) - so good and the ending made me laugh sm
husband on the payroll by das_verlorence-kind - what can i say, i love the fake relationship trope
also ive changed my plea to guilty by das_verlorence_kind - again just check the tags incase it’s not ur thing
accidents will happen by rusty76
again pretty much everything by @annoyingpetekey but some favourites are (i just wanna) get some, so pretty (when you're on your knees), and come on (and fuck me like you doubt me) - all smut
That Schrodinger guy made some really good points, you know? by @earlgreytea68
but i'm reflecting light by looks_a_scream - this one is deffos a favourite
the purgatory of my hips by auralcosm
edgar allan potato by emeralcitydowntowngirl - another absolute favourite, i have such a soft spot for soulmate AUs but I've never read one as good as this, again features a lot of petekey but it is all in the past
to take what i'm given with grace by likeasugarcube - their whole 'marriage of convience' series is amazing but this is the main fic and it is sooo good
anything by littlesnowpea but favourites include love in the middle of a firefight, but there's no preparing for this, and nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy (pls read tags first tho)
december is for cynics by looks_a_scream - another favourite
secrets i don’t want to keep by perceived_nobility (although i think they’ve changed their name to invisible_man now) anyways this one is only accessible if you have an ao3 account but it is so so good an hurts in all the best ways, would advise paying attention to some of the tags tho
Also pretty much anything written by appleremix or vampyerika
Ok so I have like another 30+ pages in my history but this is already so long, so i hope you enjoy some of these assuming you haven't read them already!
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sn1tchesandt4lkers · 16 days
hey gang decided to make my own blog just for fob stuff seperate from @/patrickstumpstum (i’m the admin. hello!)
imma keep all the kink shit on that blog and this one is just for me to yap and reblog and shit
i’m from aus and im above the age of 18 but i don’t want to disclose my age. i was born in the 2000s (sadly). i don’t care what pronouns people use for me
i’ve seen fob once at good things melbourne and i really really really want them to do an aus tour otherwise i’m killing myself.
i’m a one sided irl peterick truther but in the sense that i think pete was/is unhealthily obsessed with trick. toxic yaoi my beloved
i fuck with rpf heavy
i don’t like pete i think he’s a creep and an asshole i do not find him attractive in the slightest.
patrick however is my beloved baby bunny boy and i adore him and want him and wish him all the best. i think joe is cool and im neutral on andy.
free palestine from the river to the sea
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spirallingstarcases · 9 months
tagged by the lovely @27-royal-teas
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
so the thing is. they’re not all fob wips since i’ve been writing for like six years now but true to form i’ll post all of the wips, or at least the ones that are on my docs account :3
- undercuts and broken arms
- sakuatsu hacker au
- life as the kitchen god
- raccooninnit
- raccooninnit END
- raccooninnit ch34 onwards
- bang the door closed - every songs about you
- play me a song
- how do you even third wheel this bad
- nursery worker x new employee
- the piano in the woods
- red string
- tiled ballroom
- two guys* and a truck
- peterick daemon au
- red string 2
- pete the cat and his inexplicable need to be mysterious
- deep blue love
- the stationary shop
- mask au short vers
- it’s like you’re TRYING to kill me
i dont rmbr whose a writer mutual and who isn’t so i’ll tag @thekidsarentalright and @josephtrohman who i know write things and i’ll also leave open tags! if u wanna join then go for it :3
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nights-like-this17 · 10 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @thatbluelight cuz we be forcing each other to read each other’s fics even when we don’t know what’s going on…hate to say it but I lowkey miss reading ur peterick shenanigans…anyway
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
31…simultaneously feels like a lot and not enough
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Written for a lot of different fandoms, most recently for the Thai gl Gap, but in the past I’ve written for the Wrestling fandom (specifically Baysha/Charlynch), Power Rangers (2017), 1 for American Horror Story, 1 for Batwoman, and a couple old fall out boy sprinkled in.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Behind Closed Doors, How Could You Possibly Know?, Look Me In The Eyes, Don’t Look Back In Anger, The Fear of Falling Apart
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES, I feel like there’s so much community in fic writing and I love being able to connect with otherwise strangers over media we both enjoy.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t purposely write angsty “endings” it’s more like I give up on an idea half way through before we can get to the happy ending, like “I Run Back Thoughts of You” is enemies to lovers but only has 1 chapter so we still in the enemies phase…
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Can I Break Down Your Walls? There’s so many ups and downs in that fic but like the ending is so cute and cheesy
8. Do you get hate on any fics?
Not a lot but I’ve definitely got a weird comment or two, I can definitely write some darker themes and people have been weird about it once or twice but it’s praise and support 99% of the time
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ya, def grew into that, wasn’t something I touched in the beginning of writing fic, but like the last few years she’s become more prominent
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah, it’s def not my cup of tea in my own writing style, but I can appreciate when other writers do it. Putting different characters/people together like that is a lot for my brain sometimes 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of…👀
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone contacted my a while ago asking if they could translate Behind Closed Doors into Spanish to like record audio of them reading for their YouTube channel…I said yeah but never really checked back 😂
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Ya, I co-wrote a like sequel one-shot of a Power Rangers fic years ago (I Hate To Say I Told You So)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
…probably still Sasha Banks and Bayley even tho we getting crumbs these days…
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sasha Hates Christmas, I usually update it every year around Christmas time and it follows a close to real life story line but I haven’t updated it since 2021
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like there’s a good like general flow, like everything tends to move solidly if that makes sense. I feel like I’m also a poet at heart so I be killing it with the comparisons and like painting the scene with metaphors.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I could work on like making things more realistic, I feel like I always make endings perfect and don’t allow for like human error/nuance all the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue language in fic?
I have before sparingly, it’s not really my fav, I took 5 years of Spanish in high school…but still can’t w correct grammar/phrasing so I don’t really attempt it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hate to admit it but the first fic I wrote was like 2013 about Demi/Selena on wattpad and I was down bad
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is hard, I love a lot of my one-shots but I feel like the longer chaptered fics were truly like a labor of love especially with how many times I wanted to quit them. Soooo probably Purple Hurts But Blue Stings Worse or Behind Closed Doors
This was fun and introspective…✌️
Tagging @ahunter8056
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meat-wentz · 2 years
oh if we're talking peterick songs Skulls by Bastille makes me feel so many things about them
i swear to god you want to kill me
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
1, 2, 5 (necromancer fic), 9, 12, & 13!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Ooohhh, this is a tough one, tbh - I think it mostly depends on what they're into, but necromancer au is probably one of the best things I've ever written, imo, and it has some great worldbuilding and a super hot sex scene so you get a little bit of everything that I'm good at in re: writing
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
Ooohhh lets see, what do I wish someone had asked me about necromancer au, hmmmm. Well, I was surprised why no one asked me why werewolves eat the old Alpha when they become the new one and the answers are two-fold, really: 1. it's to help stress the fact that werewolves aren't human, even tho they look like them a lot of the time, 2. there's a thing in this verse called 'living memory of the pack' and it's a time of magic that's specific to werewolves that allows Alphas to share memories, i.e. Owen 'inherited' all of Jamie Benn's memories when he killed him and ate his body the night Owen became Alpha; Benn had all of the memories of the Alpha that came before him (Mike Mondano), and so on and so forth. The Pontchartin Pack has an unbroken line of Alphas back to the late 1700s, so Owen, as the newest Alpha has access to every Alphas memories from back then until present day, hidden in a part of his brain until he needs them for whatever reason (the same magic that makes it possible for humans to become werewolves also help him with that).
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
omg you're gonna laugh your ass off, but I used to HATE a/b/o and mpreg 😂😂😂😂 and then one day someone went into the comments on one of peterick fics and said something along the lines of "thank god you don't write any of that disgusting a/b/o fic, I would hate to have to stop reading your stuff" and I was like OH YEAH BITCH and wrote Come Get Me and the rest is history lmaooo
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Hmmm, I'm coming up blank, tbh - maybe amnesia? 😂😂😂
Thank you for the ask!!!! Answering it was a lot of fun!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
(fic writers ask)
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earlgreytea68 · 10 months
Can we talk about So Good Right Now, I feel like it gets so little love, maybe because it's too boppy or feels repetitive? I just don't see much discussion about it. There's so much in the lyrics though!
It really feels like it's a Part 2 of Wilson to me in so many ways. References to running away, especially the "all of our wildest dreams they just end up with a-you and me so let's drive until the engine just gives out". Gives me real "i'm gonna run away and never see any of you again" vibes. Plus both songs obviously reference 'mistakes' in the lyrics.
But the bigger and better one to me is the very clear tie between the two with:
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It really feels like a part 2 Wilson in the sense that So Good Right Now feels like a follow-up, a conclusion, the more positive ending to the more heartbreaking version we see in Wilson. Wilson we get miss the days pretending with you, cruel to be loved by everyone but you, and in So Good we get wildest dreams ending with you and me. Even the mistakes piece is more positive, I know I made them but they were mine to make. In classic Pete fashion though we still get that self doubt that nothing is perfect and can still self destruct (so we crash and burn somehow).
Sorry for the epic ramble, that's what listening to MANIA right into SMFS will get you!
Oooooh, I love this link! Especially because to me Wilson is a very Peterick-y song. "I hate all my friends, I missed the days when I pretended with you" is so Peterick-coded to me, like, I missed the days when we pretended we were married. Whenever playing pretend or make-believe shows up in Pete's lyrics, I think about that confusing time when he was so aggressively performing the relationship with Patrick.
So I love linking it to So Good Right Now, because you're right, there's a lot of recurring themes but what doesn't recur is the pretending bit. The speaker in So Good Right Now is extremely self-aware. Everything is doom and gloom, but he's feeling okay. And there's probably disaster right around the corner, so let's live for today. In Wilson, if he can get his shit together, he's going to run away, but here the shit is together, let's sneak in from the cheap seats and drive until the engine gives out. "All of my wildest dreams just ended up with you and me," is so incredibly romantic a line that it kills me, especially coming from Pete Wentz: All of the incredible things I imagined, in the end what mattered was you and me ugh.
Genius says this song is depressing but I don't think it is in the least. It is defiantly hopeful and I love linking it to Wilson. Maybe it was an expensive mistake but it was his to make and he's feeling so good right now.
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justtothesea · 1 year
7, 17 and 29 lovely 💐
omg okay, lemme write these out
7. longest thing you've ever written?
for bandom, it's Little April Shower.
17. what's a common writing tip you always follow?
kill your darlings is always in my head when writing
"You kill your darlings when you decide to get rid of an unnecessary storyline, character, or sentences in a piece of creative writing—elements you may have worked hard to create but that must be removed for the sake of your overall story."
29. share a bit from a wip
here's an angsty vampire peterick wip that I've had since 2009(!???@?)
“Where is he,” Pete demands, bearing his fangs and pushing Brendon up against the wall, his fingers wrapping tightly around his throat. “Where the fuck is he?”
They've been at this too long. Pete doesn't know how many he's killed to make it here. All he's sure of is that it will be dawn soon, and he needs to find Patrick and get him out.
Brendon laughs and coughs, black blood trailing down his chin, his steady gaze flickering in the fire’s light. “He's with William now,” he gasps with a smile, and Pete lifts him higher, roughly scraping his back against the stone.
“Pete…” A voice calls, distant and so weak that Pete has to think it's just in his head. Brendon starts laughing again, fangs bared, and those blood-red eyes gleaming with mirth in the darkness. He tips his head back and stares Pete down.
“Looks like you're outta time, Petey,” he chuckles madly, strained as Pete squeezes his throat even tighter, nails digging in. The rest of Brendon’s body has gone limp, drained of all its fight - yet he still manages that cocky grin. “Can't you smell it?”
thanks for the ask nonny 💕
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cryptophasiac · 11 months
oh NO now I'm thinking about matching peterick family costumes with baby Ripley and it's KILLING ME OUGHHHHHHHHH
ive had this saved so long bc im trying to think of cute costumes to have you picture them doing but my brain is not working
uh.. this is not cute but they should do the shining- pete as jack, patrick as wendy, ripley as whatever their kid’s name is
fairly odd parents wasn’t a thing yet but patrick as cosmo pete as wanda ripley as timmy !!!
idk y’all tell me what ideas you have
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