#kill rocket fan club
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skythealmighty · 6 months ago
man. there are so many object shows out there. I NEED TO CATCH UP ON SO MANY why are the4e so many anyway Exclamation Mark (NOT AB) im killing you. he would get bullied off tumblr
#rocket talk #roc save #NOT THE ANIMATIC BATTLE ONE that ones fine #i mean the one in my header #hes an asshole #why do i keep accidentally hitting the number keys lately
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📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
i cant believe my contestants are so pissy over the second challenge still!!!! it was a coherent challenge i think "survive me killing you" is pretty straightforward!!! besides theyre fine now >:/
⏰ timeisatool Follow
Maybe it's becausw you killed them?
📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
well thats stupid
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
I KNOW RIGHT!! my old contestants got SO pissy when i killed th3m!! just because theres no recovery... 😒
⏰ timeisatool Follow
You dont have recovery????
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
arent u supposed to be dead
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
well im NOT so
❗ black-and-red Follow
Ugh, I haven't even killed anyone that much and they're still pissy! Honestly... just do the challenges and you'll be fine! I only threatened them..
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
well i thought i killed circle but ig not! and square but nobody else died idk why everuones so afraid of me... whats so wrong w wanting to make a perfect object show?
⏰ timeisatool Follow
🔥 betterheatsflamesman Follow
yeah theres nothing wrong with that! you gotta do what you gotta do for your object show
⏰ timeisatool Follow
⏰ timeisatool Follow
I want to leave this group...
#i thought we were all just supposed to be wacky and weird 😰😰 #mom come pick me up im scared...
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🔥🔃 betterheatsflamesman Follow reblogged 🪔 slay-style-queen
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
Hey guys, just managed to get sponsored with my object show idea!!! (No thanks to you Lip Stick lol) wish me luck!! Also go keep an eye out on Village of Objects Official :D
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
what the FUCK
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
oh my god how do you all stay sane actually
4️⃣ four-therecord Follow
we don't! welcome to the club
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
im never doing this again
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📻 annie-annie-ooh Follow
Who's Animatic?
#It's Your Fridge DJ! #I appreciate all the lovemail and the concern! ❤ #I don't understand some of the asks but thank you anyway!
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🧪🔃 test-tubular Follow reblogged 💥 fans-fantastic-features
🫵 have-you-heard-of-this-os Follow
Have YOU heard of:
🫵 have-you-heard-of-this-os Follow
Please stop debating on whether or not this "counts" as an object show, this was requested by an anon. If you want to do that on your own time on your own blog, feel free!
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
SORRY ABOUT THAT SJEHSKEB will move i promise 🙏
anyWAY on another note i miss this showww 😭 i was so intrigued about it but i guess i understand its cancellation... if anyone wants to come up with a rewrite w me hmu my ao3 is in my desc!!!!
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
just as long as you clarify its unofficial!! (:
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
its on ao3 ofc its unofficial
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
#Fan we were /on/ an object show and technically famous I'm not sure why you're surprised at this point #Also get off your phone we're at Purgatory Mansion
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anonymous asked: hey greeny can you say trans rights for everyone out there
🟢 greenyguy Follow
trans rights AND trans wrongs. even if you like burger king i still support you <3
#burger king sucks ass tho dont do that to urself
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💥 fans-fantastic-features asked: im SO sorry for the sudden reply earlier, up until your post i thought hfjone was just some weird wild experimental show?? then again i shouldnt be surprised if happy star themselves is on this goddamn site (also sorry in advance for my friend TT sending you asks about alternate universes. shes a science nerd of all types and needs data or sm) if you want i can tell you what i know about your situation in a private chat, ive done a lot of deep dive analysis posts on my blog too and trust me when i say a LOT of the internet wants to help free you and everyone else you have plenty of help available spotty replies tho im investigating smth
🎒 liam-plecak Follow
I... yeah, I'd like that. Thanks.
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anonymous asked: battery ui is kind of already jailed but still
🔒 your-fav-would-be-jailed Follow
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Battery from Ultimate Insanity would be jailed!
🔋 theft-and-battery Follow
#Why did someone earlier send in that Walkie Talkie person? #I approve of the Blender submission though #Hate that guy
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🎒🔃 liam-plecak Follow reblogged 💥 fans-fantastic-features
🕹 fire-cartoon-schtick Follow
cant have shit in this fuckass hotel 😒😒😒 lens just died 😔😔
🕹 fire-cartoon-schtick Follow
hi! rhanks for the concern! 😁 i am unfortunately not talking about a game lens is actually dead please help me (dms r open 🙏🙏)
#Since I've gotten a lot of followers recently I feel like I should boost this #I'm busy with my own issues but maybe someone else can help?
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⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
i want my SHOW BACK i want my CO HOSTS BACK i want calculatory DEAD i only MILDLY HATE happy star i dont KNOW WHAT ELSE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT
🥝 gela-not-jelly Follow
🫵 Fanny kinnie
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
who the FUCK is fanny
#im CIRCLE not a goddamn FAN #who even names themselves fanny anyway
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⚪battleforcircle asked: oml spiderman pointing meme
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
you sent me this FIFTEEN TIMES get OUT of my ASKBOX!!!!
📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
why are there two of you...
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
theres only ONE of me i dont know who this IS!!
⚪battleforcircle Follow
theres three of us just three of us
#idk why either tbh #tumblr just recommended his acc to me one day #he seems fun to annoy tho so ive taken it upon myself to do so #tee hee
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📶 she-walkie-on-my-talkie-till Follow
Hey so why is a known criminal on Tumblr?
📶 she-walkie-on-my-talkie-till Follow
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avayarising · 6 months ago
Deaths of Dick Grayson
Part of the Batfam Death Project.
Dick has died four times and travelled to a world of the dead twice. Total time dead: up to several weeks.
Verifiable deaths
1. Killed by the Joker (Emperor Joker, 2000)
Dick was killed by the Joker after Joker stole reality-altering powers from Mxyzptlk and remade the universe to his liking.
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It’s unclear exactly how he died, but Joker kept Nightwing’s dead and rotting corpse alongside Tim’s and Jason’s.
Dick was brought back to life when the universe was restored by Mxyzptlk and Hal Jordan (as the Spectre) after Superman defeated Joker.
Time dead: unclear, but it appears to be multiple days and theoretically could be several weeks.
2. Briefly killed by Mr Fun (Batman: Family 2:7, 2003)
Dick was killed by Mr Fun, a skilled assassin working for a gang boss calling herself Athena (who was also CEO of Wayne Enterprises and trying to bring it down from the inside). Mr Fun crept up on Nightwing, hit him in the head with a golf club and then, while he was concussed and disoriented, used pressure points to stop his breathing and heart.
Cass fought Mr Fun off Nightwing, but Mr Fun shot her off the roof with one of dead Nightwing’s wrist rockets. When Cass recovered, Mr Fun had left (to kill the person they were supposed to be guarding). She returned to Nightwing and resuscitated him using CPR, which apparently cured his head injury too.
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Time dead: long enough for Cass to fight off Mr Fun (which wasn’t easy) and recover from being shot down, and then give Dick CPR, so probably a good few minutes.
3. Killed and raised by Lex Luthor (Forever Evil 6–7, 2014)
Dick was hooked up to a murder machine involving a bomb wired to his heart, such that it could only be disarmed by killing Dick. Lex Luthor stopped his heart by making him swallow a pill.
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Batman of course then started going feral on Lex until Lex persuaded him that he could bring Dick back, which he did with a shot of adrenaline to the heart.
Time dead: long enough for Batman to get in a good couple of punches on Luthor, plus time for Luthor to detach Dick from the machine, so probably up to two minutes.
4. Beaten to death by groblins (Dark Nights: Death Metal 7, 2021)
Dick, along with other members of the Batfamily, was overwhelmed by a swarm of ‘groblins’: mindless evil Jokerised Robins invading from the Dark Multiverse, led by the Robin King (an evil child Bruce Robin). His death happens off-panel but we see his corpse lying on the ground.
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(Then Bruce, who was already dead and a Black Lantern, raised his dead family members as zombies.)
Dick was restored to proper life when Wonder Woman, powered by the determination of her friends, defeated the evil Batman Who Laughs and persuaded the gods to remake the multiverse as it was before the evil universes invaded the good ones.
Time dead: somewhere from quarter of an hour to an hour? Or perhaps a lot longer, if it took longer to rebuild the world. It’s always a little tricky to be sure when world remakes are involved.
Afterlife visits
A trip to Dis (Titans 1:4, 1999)
Dick, along with the rest of the Titans, signed a magic book created by a demon called Goth that summoned them to Dis, a region of Hell. Goth had positioned himself as an actor and superstar and got his fans to sign the book, then led them in a chant to transport them to Dis.
Kory was amongst those who had signed the book and was transported, so Dick and the rest of the Titans went after her.
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They discover that the way to get out is to find things to care about, and spend some time individually persuading people to care one at a time, but they start to lose hope, infected by the aura of apathy in Dis. Kory, who is less affected, attacks Goth and throws him down from a height, causing his fans to return to the mortal world because they are worried about Goth and the Titans to return because they are worried about Kory.
Time in afterlife: looks like several hours.
Hell heist (Nightwing 4:103, 2023)
Raven created a portal to bring Nightwing, along with Beast Boy and Cyborg, to Hell to find Blockbuster’s contract with the demon Neron, wherein Blockbuster sold the soul of his firstborn daughter, a nine-year-old called Olivia.
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They found the contract and returned to the mortal realm, also courtesy of Raven. (Turned out Neron’s contract was easy to thwart: Dick just had to become a foster parent and assume legal guardianship of Olivia. Neron tried to tempt Dick with super powers, but while Dick very much enjoyed the free sample he was not even briefly tempted to give up Olivia for them.)
Time in afterlife: probably a few hours of travel, fighting, and research.
Batfam Death Project Masterpost
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sinclairstarz · 1 year ago
for the cinephile byler truthers. i made the party’s modern au letterboxd accounts
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in my head mike wheeler is the film bro cinephile of the party. hes a big brad pitt fan and fincher is his favorite director if you even care.. dirty dancing would be in his top 4 if he was honest. he went to see dune cause hes a scifi nerd, ended up hating it so much and complained about it to will but still gave it 2 stars cause it was pretty. did leave a very mean review. very critical rater but mostly leaves high ratings because he just doesn’t watch things he doesnt wanna see.
alternative movies i considered putting: pulp fiction (5 stars), the killer (1 star), se7en (5 stars), across the spiderverse (5 stars), nope (5 stars) , the batman 2022 (4 stars), once upon a time in hollywood (5 stars), inglorious basterds (5 stars), the matrix (half a star)
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the thing is so good and he has a poster of it on his wall in canon so it felt right. it just feels wrong not to do ghostbusters (plus its one of my favorite movies���) and yall need to hear me out on brokeback 😭😭😭 ur telling me he wouldnt bawl his eyes out??? ur wrong. will byers is a jake gyllenhaal lover. he watches dirty dancing a lot for mike, and loves ghibli movies a lot. he cried during rain man. honest rater but doesnt take it too seriously, mostly 4/5 star ratings
alternatives: saltburn (half a star), asteroid city (5 stars), blackkklansman (5 stars), the force awakens (3.5 stars), the perks of being a wallflower (4.5 stars), back to the future (5 stars)
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rogue one because lucas has taste. its the best star wars movie, if u care. he would love how fun and goofy ghostbusters 2 is. in my head Wes Anderson is like the party’s claimed director and they all watch his movies together and do marathons because the weirdness, comedy, and emotional commentary is a perfect mix for them. so. bottle rocket. lucas’ favorite wes anderson is the grand budapest hotel if u wanted to know. he rates things pretty highly and isn’t super critical.
alternatives: dodgeball (5 stars), scream 5 (4 stars), the matrix (3 stars), good will hunting (5 stars), jurassic park (5 stars), die hard (5 stars),
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likes making lucas watch gone girl on valentines day and telling him shes gonna do that to him next time he annoys her. v for vendetta is her favorite romance movie and shes a big marvel fan (in a cool way. kind of .) but thor ragnarok is probably one of her fav marvels, along with spiderman far from home and iron man. i just know she watches Casino Royale and decided she hated James Bond and then ended up watching all the Daniel Craig Bonds with Mike and loved Skyfall so much. the song is on her playlist and she did cry after No Time To Die.
Alternatives: Superbad (5 stars), baby driver (5 stars), bottoms (5 stars), 10 things i hate about you (3.5 stars), scream (5 stars), kill bill (5 stars), lord of the rings: the return of the king (1.5 stars)
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also a bit of a film nerd. i considered giving him a star wars and i know in my heart he’d probably have empire somewhere in his top 4. but star wars is lame and i wanted to give him se7en so he fucking gets se7en. he knows john wick is objectively dumb but he doesnt care hes just here for a good time. the party probably watched saltburn together and all fucking hated it. I just know hes a kurosawa nerd and always goes when the local theatres do very rare special showings of his movies.
alternatives: baby driver (4 stars), the ewok adventure (5 stars) hot fuzz (5 stars) harry potter and the sorcerers stone (4 stars) legally blonde (5 stars) spirited away (5 stars) dazed and confused (5 stars)
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she likes movies that make her feel all warm and fuzzy and hopeful. i wanted to give her breakfast club, but i think she’d honestly like sixteen candles more (even though breakfast club’s better). she cried at almost every movie in her top 4 and makes max rewatch juno with her like once a month. she gives most movies 5 stars unless she really hates them, and loves any movie thats fun to watch, even if its bad. she likes movies with pretty girls and fun colors.
alternatives: barbie (5 stars), legally blonde (5 stars), inception (2 stars), heathers (5 stars) pretty in pink (4.5 stars (she was mad andi didn’t end up with ducky)) my neighbor totoro (5 stars)
in conclusion if you haven’t seen They Cloned Tyron (2023) go watch it it deserved the oscar
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silver-crowned-riders · 1 year ago
I need to start unfollowing all these criminals and evil teams yall are IDIOTS!
Except us. We're the ones who get it ^_^
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🐲 route-1-full-evos Follow
Yo that guy doesn't have running shoes let's fucking kill him
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R rocket-grunt Follow
Guyssss Giovanni in that new released court footage... someone help me... 🧎💘💔🚑
R rocket-grunt Follow
R rocket-grunt Follow
I KNOW he's saving a luxury ball just for me
🌲 nerdy-old-man Follow
None of these words are in the pokedex :(
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🦔 super-duper-sonic-sandshrew-fan Follow
Hi guys I'm Timmy this is my intro post! I'm 10 and love video games. Team Plasma took me in when I was 6 and I haven't seen my family in years but I'm NOT brainwashed!!! I'm not!!!!! My Pokemon are my lvl 11 Tepig and my lvl 30 Rotom assigned to me that keeps a lookout on me :)
#intro post #team plasma #sonic the sandshrew
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🐈‍⬛ devious-liepard Follow
Guys can we stop like having evil team leaders try to employ actual literal children. Like how are these kids on Rotomblr in the first place??
🌙 umbral-charm Follow
Okay I'm sick of seeing this post on my dash. The trainer's journey starts at 10 obviously these people can make their own decisions 🙄🙄🙄 you are the same people going on about Team Rocket letting teenagers become murderers its NOT A BIG DEALLL. Evil teams these days are so straight laced it's insane.
💀 layla-used-hex Follow
All of you are wrong I joined an evil team on Club Penguin when I was 9 and I swear whatever kid was running that was a bigger menace than Ghetsis. Leave them alone n they'll accomplish more than Giovanni did
💀 layla-used-hex Follow
Friendly reminder since this is making rounds again that the first two ppl here ended up being Faba sock puppet accounts. Because it's always Faba. It's always fucking Faba.
💰 black-market-posts-evaluator Follow
50,000 Pokedollars
#top reward posts #evaluated posts #trainers journey discourse #no arguments in the notes please arc I already had to deal with that on the last aq*a m*gma post for weeks
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whatwouldeddiedo · 4 months ago
hi jamie!! :) so i’ve been rotating Karen Wilson in my mind lately and I need to know - do you have any headcanons for her/her backstory?
i don't really but i think about her soooo much like god i love a smart woman you know!!! fandom needs to talk more about how hen is married to a LITERAL ROCKET SCIENTIST who could have BEEN AN ASTRONAUT. she must have been soooo smart in school, i would have had such a crush on her. tracie thoms is also sooooo beautiful. also, i was a huge rent fan, and i know she can sing so yeah lets talk about my headcanon that karen has a beautiful powerful voice and she kills at karaoke. lets get that woman a song on the show. they let jlh sing so much (AS THEY SHOULD), but lets get some tracie powerful tango maureen/take me or leave me vocals. lets hear those pipes. i need so much more karen wilson. she was probably in theater in high school.
she was in theater. she was in science club. she built rockets in her free time. she got a 1600 on her sats. she was a nerd. she was hot. she was valedictorian. she was the president of her school's gay-straight alliance. i just know all of these things.
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coraniaid · 7 months ago
5, 13, and 15 for btvs for the fandom ask game
#5 … the scene from it that lives in my head rent free.
Too many to choose from, really. Without thinking about it too much, I guess my top ten (in no particular order) is something like:
Buffy finding out that she's going to die fighting the Master in Prophecy Girl: "They say how he's going to kill me? Do you think it'll hurt? [...] Giles, I'm sixteen years old. I don't want to die." [Season 1 has its growing pains, but SMG's acting was incredible right from the start and this scene is no exception]
Buffy's confrontation with Ford in the Sunset Club at the end of Lie To Me ["you don't have a good choice but you have a choice" is the most memorable and most often quoted line, but the whole scene is really good and I think my rewatch last year cemented my belief that this is the period where the show really consistently starts to find its feet]
Buffy blowing up the Judge with a rocket launcher in Innocence (complete with the Judge's puzzled "what's that do?") [there's a reason this scene made it into the opening credits of Season 3]
The final scene of Becoming Part 2 (or really the multiple scenes in the few minutes after Buffy has just sent Angel to hell and leaves town while Full Of Grace plays in the background) [still one of the most effective season finales I've ever watched and, for my money, the best musical montage in the show's entire run (with apologies to the many Goodbye To You fans)]
The scene in Revelations where Gwendolyn Post visits Faith in her motel room and we really start to see how desperate Faith is for any hint of positive attention from an adult in her life [maybe not as obvious an example as some of the others on this list, but I've been thinking about this scene a lot this year]
The Amends porch scene ("Looked like that party thing was going to be a drag ... I didn't really have anything ... you know.") [yes, Faith, we all know]
Graduation Day Part 2's hospital dream sequence ("is this your mind or mine?" "Beats me"), complete with Buffy waking up, finding Faith still unconscious and gently kissing her on the forehead [the fact Whedon insisted this scene is entirely non-romantic while claiming that Buffy's relationship with Riley next season is an example of a 'healthy and happy' and 'normal' romance explains, I think, a good third of everything wrong with Buffy as a show (the other two thirds is mostly the racism)]
Faith-as-Buffy whaling on Buffy-as-Faith in the church in Who Are You? while Faith-as-Buffy screams abuse at herself through tears ("do you think I'm afraid of you? you're nothing ... disgusting ... murderous bitch ... you're nothing") [it's not subtle, but then Buffy isn't an especially subtle show]
The opening few minutes of The Body, up to Buffy's shocked reaction after she hears herself tell Giles that "...we're not supposed to move the body" [I genuinely still cannot bring myself to rewatch this; it's one of the most upsetting things I can remember seeing in a work of fiction]
Buffy clawing her way out of her own grave in Bargaining [in general I have kind of mixed feelings about Season 6 but this moment and in fact this whole two-parter is really well done]
#13 … which canon or popular fanon relationship I can't stand or feel 'meh' about and why.
I don't think I'm brave enough to answer this question in any detail.
Uh. There are a number of popular canon and fanon relationships in the show that I do not especially care about and try my best not to talk about to avoid getting into unnecessarily tedious arguments. Let's just leave it at that.
#15 … which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
Hank Summers.
OK, that's kind of a glib answer.
The truth is I don't think there are really any remotely sympathetic characters whose deaths would improve the show. I don't think any of the Core Four should have died. Obviously I don't think Dawn should have died. I don't think Robin or Kennedy or any more of the former Potentials should have died. And annoying as Andrew Wells often is (and interpreting 'sympathetic' rather generously) I think his story works better if he survives.
If Oz had died on leaving the show it would have made the writers' double standard around what happens when a woman breaks up with one of the Core Four as opposed to what happens when a man breaks up with one of them a bit less pronounced, I guess. But I don't think Oz's death in and of itself would improve the story; if anything I would have preferred Oz to come back to the show at some point and return to being a regular (and have to relate to the gang in a way beyond being Willow's boyfriend).
(There's a persistent rumour -- one that I don't believe -- that says that 'originally' Oz was going to die in Passion instead of Jenny Calendar. But, quite separately from my thoughts about Jenny's death, I don't think that would have worked thematically or really made any sense.)
And who does that leave? Olivia shouldn't have died [but she should have been on the show more]. Ethan shouldn't have died [but we should have seen him at least once more after A New Man]. Amy shouldn't have died [but she should have been written very differently when she came back to the show]. Harmony already dies once and I don't think the show would treat her second death any better. Drusilla just kind of vanishes after Crush (barring flashbacks), but I wouldn't have wanted her to die if she came back. Who else? Percy? Parker? Graham? I don't believe anyone cares about any of these characters (and obviously Parker at least is, uh, not sympathetic).
So, back to where I started.
I don't think Hank Summers' death would affect the story much, if at all [I genuinely don't know if Buffy and Dawn would ever even find out] and I don't think anybody who watches the show could possibly mourn him, but I'd certainly find it satisfying in a purely vindictive kind of way. So, yeah, let's go with that.
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netbug009 · 2 years ago
Okay now that I've slept on it I have more thoughts on Guardians 3 (Spoilers, obvs)
Nebula having her most emotional moment be when Rocket was alive and well. Those two bonded so much during The Snap and I both never want anything clarified and want a whole D+ series about them.
3. I am so glad I avoided any and all preview clips and apparently so did many of the people watching with me because I'm not sure how to describe the SOUND people made at Quill dropping the first f-bomb in the MCU. Amazing.
4. Speaking of that, can't wait for a bunch of Christian media outlets to spend their words raging about that and not noticing that this was, blatantly, the most theistic film in the MCU to date. That sure was a thing.
5. Headcanon: Rocket used the parts/tech from Bucky's arm to make Nebula's upgraded arm.
6. The Christmas special started to sow the seeds of this, but GOTG3 cements Mantis as my favorite human Guardian, which I can't believe I'm saying when there is a bald abused cyborg lady and a himbo RIGHT THERE but
8. Incidentally, the fact that Groot can get that big argues that the OG Groot might not have been that old when he died. :'''')
9. Speaking of little comic references, anybody notice that when Groot was at Rocket's bedside, he was sending a bunch of little viney fingers towards him in an apparent nod to All-New Guardians?
11. They seriously let Gunn go full-blown fanfic whump levels DANG
12. If you didn't do the ravager salute for Rocket you're kicked out of the Rocket fan club I don't make the rules. /j
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ensemblesongs · 9 months ago
!!! user ensemblesobgswhat are your favorite enstars stories !!?
I have to think for this one, hmm... My favourite stories have to beee...
In terms of enjoyability, and attempting not to have too much character bias, not in any order. Boldened are absolute favourites!
-Daydream & Lionheart are my all time favourite pieces of ansta writing, with an emphasis on Daydream. Lionheart has at least three translations online. I'm planning on re-reading two of those again just to compare them. I love an unreliable narrator. Sena really has been Leo's living unreliable narrator the whole time he's known him, hasn't he? Blackbird was good on a writing standpoint, but felt like a desperate attempt to get people to like and be normal about Wataru & Eichi, as well as telling us what we already know. At the same time, it did provide more insight into their mentalities, at least. Clown, Crown or whatever it was called was really nice also. - Both original main stories which I think every average ansta fan should read regardless of their length, although, the ! one is certainly of it's time. EnBasic: Element, Marionette, Crossroad, Meteor Impact, Checkmate, (Sorry for no Rocket Show! we're gonna read it for my friend's birthday!) Showtime, Dragon Fruit (Note to all viewers: don't read Marionette alone & think you know anything about Ex-valkyrie. PLEASE!), Easter Night, EP:Link, Christmas Live, Starry Night Festival, Beasts, Human Comedy (people focus too much on the valkyrie side of this and ignore rabits and it is disheartening, even if I understand why, from producers of them, given that rabits is far more unpopular in comparison, unrightfully yet understandably so. But what of the rest?), Book Fair, Victoria, Liar's Idol, Rainbow, Eccentric, Pleiades Night, Wonder Game, Biblio, Blood Banquet, Butler Cafe, Shinsengumi, Bouquet of Desire, Devils, Horror Night Halloween, School Festival ☆ Tamayori's Haunted Dollhouse, uum... those are the only ones that come to mind. I've read about 2wink and ryuseitai but scatteredly. In another universe, I produce them. EnMusic: Date Plan, Motor Show, Tempest, Night Club, Conquest, Next Door, Hot Limit, Neverland, Feather Touch, Bogie Time, Merry Xmas, Antique Legend, Burning Azaleas, Shinsekai, Obbligato, Astraea's Atelier, Romantic ? Date, Myriad of Colors and Flowers, Shards of Time: Black, Cruise, Grand Slam (I know it sounds crazy. The shotabait foot fetish event. Yes. But it has so many fucking good parts, and the epilogues are some of my favourite things ever.), Portrait, Nighthead, Stormcloud FUMBLE, Poltergeist, Parallel World, Xday (best climax), Absolute (I'm reading it with my dearest friends & I like it a lot so far! But I haven't finished so I won't embolden it. Mixed feelings about Raison d'être but generally it's so good I really love it. ALTERED CHANGED MY LIFE & KILLED MY GRANDMA. Bite-sized mix of both: -Aira: Episode 1 (Idol story), Do The Norm ft. Midori & Chiaki (I love you Midori! I love Noritama), -Tsumugi: This Senior is Prone to Worrying, Switch's introduction: "episode one", (Tsumugi FS1) Blue Hour's Spinning Song, Tsumugi's FS1 4☆ Story which recently came out on Eng, the eating one, "Delicious Happiness" ft. Midori, Episode 1, 2 & 3 of his idol stories, Go Basking in The Sun 3☆ story ft. Rei & Ritsu. -Others: HiMERU stuff. Episode 1 Chiaki Idol Story, Hiiro Idol story 2 ft. Aira, Black Swan ft. Mika & Tsumugi. (Madara FS2) Fates and Feast, Natsume FS2 4☆ Story. The 3☆ where ex-fine play together, Rinne's FS1. MANY Yuuta idol stories & 4/3☆ stories, especially in relation to his growth & Rinne. I like a lot of Anzu's monologues in the novels. I love this Natsuhokke 3☆ story. I like the early idol stories in general honestly. Baah!
Fun fact, I watched the anime before reading anything. My first story after the main story was Easter Night :-) though already interested in them, it cemented my love for switchvalk & their parallels in a square or even a more convoluted shape, each pointing at each other. I really recommend people read 3 stars of their favourites, you can find them with ease if you look them up, especially if they're from popular units. There's a lot of Really Good stories I haven't read but know all the context to and just have to get to, and good stories I have read that I just haven't mentioned whether purposefully because I don't think about them that much or because they slipped out of my mind (or blended together, or I technically didn't read them and just know everything that occurs or read a livetweet thread and I don't want to say a story is my favourite when I haven't read it in full even if stuff I really love comes from it, or I have mixed feelings that are too mixed for it to be a favourite).
I really adore Ansta's writing in spite of all of it's flaws, that's why it's not easy for me to give a simple response. Thank you for the question, sweet thing!
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metalleafy · 7 months ago
BFDIA 14 thoughts (spoilers ahoy)
I can't believe they brought back the basketball rain of all things. Oh that thing in the promo image was a bunk bed. Lollipop face time is cool!! Finally TB admitted the cloud was a snowball.
Somehow I thought coiny liked bugs. David rave!! Shout out to yoylestraw, and now we have a host we can understand. I like the use of Pan Flute as a graph, it's what Kevin MacLeod would have wanted.
Shout out to Coiny making Pin get everything back but her limbs! Then why did we have the whole compacting thing anyway, just for false hope? I wish we would at least find out who controls everything in BFDI, probably just the Huangs.
Spongy relaxing on a beach with Bubbly Pop is great, and they're keeping the tradition of him killing hosts. The little instrument guys are back but they're dead, which is too bad. I like that they're still keeping the insulting cell phones from BFDI 25 in play.
I have come to like Barf Bag more after this episode, I just pay more attention to BFDIA. The LOLers being the host is so nice. I didn't like that GB got voted off, she is a favorite of mine, but it does help with TB's arc of learning how to do things on his own. It's funny that she was eliminated by a golf club.
OK I just realized rewatching for the post that Match being satisfied is probably a reference to how she and GB were in the bottom 2 in 5a. And GB screaming exactly how she did in BFDI 1a is just... :) I know it's nostalgia catnip but it works on me!! Kind of reminds me of Homestar Runner somehow
The Crappy Cliff being mentioned on the wheel is silly, I kind of like it. Pan Flute being killed because they spent money on the poster is sad but his manner of death was funny looking at least! And his influence is felt throughout this episode. Kevin MacLeod is a good sport for letting his character be killed, and iconic tracks REAL BFDI fans will remember are heard all over the contest, including the backwards remix of Sunshine as heard in BFDI 1b! I wish he put that on the vinyl record...
I can't believe Eggy hates poly freesmart so much. I kind of like the pair logos, I wish TB said "pair up? okay" like he did in BFDI 17, that would be a cool easter egg to add for longtime fans. This episode makes Tennickel a viable couple, and not just because Nickel was a good substitute for GB.
More Snowball content is always welcome, he is a jerk but a funny jerk at his best (at his worst he's just complaining about armless people). We get to see the Five Islands here, so they probably won't be the prize instead of the farm. Bottle talking about Evil Leafy made me want to start #bottlevil as a semi-joke but also yuri
The constant talk about "island 1" Is probably a BFDI 6 reference, but I'm not sure enough to put it on the wiki. Anything that is BFDI 17 Recommended Characters Auditions Mentioned makes me smile, like the "only ball with lines" bit. The Go Guys are back in HQ! And characters running through the Evil Forest with BFDIA 1 music is so familiar, especially since they are technically running from Evil Leafy, making it the opposite of BFDIA 1!
The FreeSmart SuperCoffin is so unhinged and I love it. Donut saying "NO!" is the only thing people remember about him since he was eliminated early but that was a setup anyway since the other two were CoinPin and all Donut did was bicker with Pencil. Coiny jumping from vine to vine is cool.
I can't believe TB just used his powers for evil. Oh, I get it, Fries fed his fries to Bomby, thats why he has one left. There's a PERC on Dora's island, I wish its pencil-excluding aspect was more relevant, because I want to see more specific recovery centers! There are ones for individual contestants, what about groups like teams or plant objects?
Pillow just learned pillows exist. I thought Needle slapped Book from far away. I like the use of Rocket by Kevin MacLeod with the "snatch" gag, and it's also a stealth pun on the rocket packs. I can't believe they used his track that was in a carykh video about all the recommended characters, though.
I just realized the teddy bears are the same types as the We Bare Bears. I like Teardrop's island, but I can't believe we saw Teardrop's cousins on BFDI before Gelatin's brothers. This may be a reference to an early "recolor camp" called BOTTLE, but that's probably pretty obscure.
ITS THE FREESMART COMEBACK OF THE CENTURY!!! And Ruby wanting to bring back Bubble is so adorable. Especially since I watched BFDIA 2 at the same location a lil more than 12 yrs ago and I was sad that Ruby didn't want Bubble back. #fullcircle
I love Cyborg Pin, by the way. I would rather her stay that way forever than have limbs. Of course they used the Teardrop Family Reunion line. I thought Coffee Drop would be diarrhea because they were near a porta potty and the other characters with many relatives have Poo relatives.
Pencil using helium to make fun of Ruby was so silly, especially since they used to have the same voice actor (Ruby switched Huangs after BFDIA 6, I just looked that up). I love that Bubble can fly if she is inflated enough, and that little Spongy mouth! TB calling Toilet Brush TB is a really good bit.
SPRINGY SHOES MENTIONED!!! Is everything that comes out of Pin replaced by ooze? Also Camera and Teardrop's Pirate Adventure mentioned. The characters trading off short voice clips was so random but I liked it, the Match/Pin rivalry from early BFDI is back! I never knew how much I missed, like, Match until now.
Coiny with the hammer reminded me of "be more careful" right away and I felt vindicated to see it used. Bob-Omb recommended character being a bobber combined with a bomb is underrated. Nickel has that Chip Skylark energy. I love Teardrop's pirate ship.
Puffball Island is awesome! I wish they stayed talking like Puffball. Did Fries just call Puffball brat? Pin's song is the best, by the way. BUBBLE SAYING YOYLECAKE AGAIN~ Bomby censoring Fries's anti-Puffball song is a good one. I wanted to hear Coiny sing.
I have come to like Puffneedle and I always saw a common bond between them with them both having nicknames, I'm the yuri hipster. Pencil is finally respecting Needle! Ruby's tactic to steal a song was very cool. BUT PIN SNAPPING IS EVEN COOLER!!! That scene was so Homestuck but also Fear Garden.
I ended up voting for Ruby to get the prize and Book to be eliminated. I like Book but I like Ruby more, so consider voting Book out VTSing Ruby. Also, I feel Evil Leafy should have been used better. What's the point of having a superpowered evil version of the best character in the show if she doesn't even get to kill someone, or talk to Bubble somehow?
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gamerdog1 · 2 years ago
Inuyashiki Review
As time goes on, and technology progressively gets more and more complicated, we as humans can’t help but feel a little bit of fear. Any tool or technology, put into the wrong hands, can become a weapon of mass destruction, regardless of original purpose. What happens, then, when a person with a pure heart, and a bitter person, both gain something extraordinary? Will they make changes for the better, or lay waste to this land? All of this is to say, I was assigned the anime adaptation of Hiroya Oku’s hit manga Inuyashiki for my club’s monthly anime exchange. The series, which was surprisingly short, packed a hefty emotional punch, but sometimes left visuals at the wayside.
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 Inuyashiki follows the titular character Ichirou Inuyashiki, an elderly-looking 58 year old who is diagnosed with late-stage cancer and given only a few months to live. While standing in a field, he and a highschool boy are struck by a mysterious object, killing them instantly. Their minds are transferred to robotic bodies, which look nearly identical to their original ones, but offer them extraordinary powers. The two grapple with their inhumanity, using their powers to try and regain a lost sense of self, and eventually come into conflict over the lives of Japan itself. 
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Much of this series focuses on the deterioration of the human body. From the beginning, the concept of the human body being fragile and weak is ever present, as Inuyashiki is given his cancer diagnosis with little hope of recovery. Only when his body is quite literally destroyed then replaced does his health improve, but then, it is not quite his own. His back pain is gone, but so is his spinal chord, now replaced by rocket boosters. He can take down a few dozen thugs in a fist fight, but doesn’t bleed. His new body is a  spectacle, but also a horror, something which the series doesn’t shy away from discussing. Unlike other popular ‘suddenly-superhero’ anime characters, Inuyashiki is horrified of what his body has become, and takes a while to accept his new form and all it’s abilities. This, is what I believe, makes his story compelling.
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Inuyashiki is not your average hero. His combat skills are lacking, and even when he chooses to fight, the computers in his body usually have to finish the job for him. His ranged attacks, while impressive, are rarely under his conscious control, though when they are, he can pull off some insane damage. For the most part, though, Inuyashiki chooses to forgo violence and instead try to help as many people as possible. Despite having at least a dozen cannons attached to his body, he is hesitant to use them, and takes quite a bit of effort to do so. His reluctance to use violence, even in the face of danger, is what makes him such an interesting character, and sets him apart from other anime cyborgs.
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Rarely have I seen such a kind-hearted, gentle killer robot in all of my years of watching anime. Over the course of this series’ 11 episodes, I watched this man give everything he had to anyone in need, never asking for a cent in return. He has the sort of generosity and caring that you only ever really find in the elderly, to be honest. It’s not often that I find myself admiring a character of his age, but after seeing all that he had done for the people of Japan, I think I can make an exception just this once.
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However, this series wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, at least, for me. I know that it’s a common complaint among anime fans, and at this point, most might be expecting this, but the I didn’t like the CG animation in this series. Please bear with me, as I understand this makes me sound like a whiny weeaboo, but it is important. CG animation is not the killer of anime, as recent shows like Trigun: Stampede have shown. In the right hands, CG has the potential to create charming and lively animation, but in the case of Inuyashiki, it’s clear that it was just used to save money. The series flip-flops between 2-D and 3-D on a whim, giving viewers like me visual whiplash. It makes sense why the studio would use 3-D, given the complexity of the robot bodies, but did they have to swap between styles so often? Perhaps this series would've been better if it had just been 3-D the entire time.
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I say that, but the 3-D in this series leaves much to be desired. While not abhorrent to look at, there were times where a character’s expression was clearly supposed to look dramatic, and ended up looking comical. Its never a good sign when a character is fighting for their life, and your first response is to laugh. This series is not that old, too, which makes this even more egregious. If 3-D is the future of anime, someone get me a time machine, I want to go home. 
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I wish I could say more positive things about this series, but it’s quite the mixed bag. For every groan-worthy or unintentionally hilarious moment, there were ones that were genuinely heartwarming or memorable. The villain, while a bit confusing motivations-wise, was a genuine threat whose powers were equally silly and terrifying. The dog, Hanako, was adorable, but her barks sounded like they came from an early 2000′s free sound effects pack. There were moments in this series that I really enjoyed, like Inuyashiki saving a woman from being kidnapped by the Yakuza, his unlikely friendship with a boy obsessed with Gantz, and the final fight between him and the main antagonist. This isn’t a terrible series: it’s got a strong emotional center that it uses in healthy amounts to keep audiences worrying for it’s protagonist or important side characters, a catchy opening that I’ve been humming all day, and pretty good fight scenes. If you are willing to look past the CG, give it a shot. It may not be for the faint of heart, but trust me, I’ve seen worse. 
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mitchbeck · 1 year ago
0 notes
nityarawal · 1 year ago
The Balance
Rattle No More!
Morning Songs
Middle Eastern
Are The Best
On Planet Earth 
We Understand
Your Jealousy
Just Not 9/11 Curse
Salman Rushdie
Didn't Take 
An Eye For An Eye
Authors Aren't That
Not Vindictive
Whose Gonna Loot
Whose Gonna Loot
Camp California
Jewish Attys
More Like Pirates
We Love Camp David
Just Not
Gaza Probate
How Many Mommies
Murdered In This War
On Breeders 
How Many Moms
Laughed Out Of Courts'
Crying For Children
You Admit Atty Sexton
That You Gossiped 
Over Our Texts
Laughing At Infidelities
Fallen Stars
You Admit Atty Sexton
You Set Bad Example
Grooming Baby Cops
In Gracie Jujitsu
Coming Out
Daddies Sterling
Gay Man's Clubs
Our Sons
You Admit Atty Sexton
You Kiss Wasser's
For Johnny Depp
Camille too
For Anjolina
Kim Kardashian
And #FreeBritney
Dhani Harrison
Her Minions Breaking
Death Or Divorce
You Admit Atty Sexton
You Ghost
Mothers Blind
A War On Moms
You Admit Atty Sexton
You Broke
Fidelity Hippa Laws
In Crimes
In The Coffee Room
Atty Sexton
Laughing At Moms
You Terrorize
9 To 5 Audit
Atty Sexton
Tell Us More
Divorce Lies
Full Disclosure
Atty Sexton
Syrupy Saccharin
Jaded Groomer
Why On Earth 
Do We Love
Your Cloying Kind
Atty Sexton
What's Your DA
Son Propagating
Conflict Of Interest
DA War
Atty Sexton
Killing Women
AOC You See
What's Going On
Atty Sexton
Into Probates
Dr. Bug
Were You Behind
Atty Sexton
In New York City
With Organised
Psyche Teams
Why'd You Kill
Our Moms
Atty Sexton
With Bad Judges
Dr. Bug
Prefers Her
Dr. Psyche
To Male Political
Cambridge Spies
Dr. Psyche
You Want My 
Dr. Psyche 
Wanna Swap
Dr. Psyche
Did You Propose
Block The Muses
Estrange Ja
Restrain Us
Dr. Psyche
You Want To Swap
You Want To Lose
Dr. Psyche
"War Is Lose
Lose," Our Naturopath
Eric Says
Dr. Psyche
Are You An Atty Too
Like Atty Dr. Alan Silverman
Camp California
In Courts
He Has Us Sleeping
On The Forest Floor
Like Anastasia
From Russia's
Ringing Cedars
Red Shank Sleeping
Pine Sap
Just Like Elon Musk
At Tesla
Space X
When Are 40%
Citizen Journalists
X Activists
Camp California
Lugging Trailers
Storage Units
Munchkins Basking
In Bliss
With Kids
Peace Parties
When In Doubt
Blame Nonces
Own In England
Kick His Soldiers Out
Blame Mistress 
Cambridge Harlots
James Bonds
No Longer Attractive
Who Can't Look
In Eyes
Silencing Euros
Baby America
When In Doubt
Blame The Trannys
From England
When In Doubt
You Don't Need
To See
My Who-Who
When In Doubt
Refer To Data
When In Doubt
It's All Mine And
Just A $500 billion
Dollar Prototype
Not From Moms'
For The, "Women
In Me,"
Daddy Dearests'
You Got Our
Since 1973
You Got This
Captive On Our
Held By Spies
And Ignoramus
Immature Cops
Giggling Like Attys
High On
Big Bad Attys
Meth Addicts
Think 'Ya All Got
The Guns
Big Big Big
Best Outcome
"Likely Most
For Courts 
Our Fans
Deluded Attys
"Till Death Do 
Us Part" -
"Or Divorce" - It's
Under International 
Slave Owners
Close Courts
Why You Opress
With International
Bloody Peace
Not Being Passive Aggressive
We Mean It
You Think Mammas' 
Won't Negotiate
For The Real Thing
Bloody Peace
Rocket Timing
Not Right
We Beg For Merlin
AI Dissolution
Give Us Our Checks
Mamma Mayas'!
Queen's In Our Midsts'
Meg-X- It 
"Check Mate!"
Authors Call
Writers Strikes
Declare It
Own It
Moms Lives Matter
And Kids
Moms Banks
Send Back Our Funds
We're Not Probates
And Our Millions Of
Attys And
Their Jewish
#Free Britney
"How I Met Your
Mother," Dads
Don't Have Rights
To The Bribes
And Certainly Not
Or Comdeians
'Cuz Your Own Boy
Our Imaginary 
Under The Umbrella
Of Transcendental 
Loyal Like A Dog
To Tracy
Get Your Mantra
From Maharishi's
And Undo
This Karmic Genocide
Artists Flutter Wings
Singers Squawk
Prove To Us It's
Freedom Of Speech
Or We'll
Worry Minutely
That You'll End Up
Like Your Elder
Bob Sagat
"Hand Of God,"
Prank At Court
Pacing Crying
Listening To Your
Wasn't Funny
On News
Begging You And 
From Hospitals
With Restless Leg
To Stop Medicating
Rufi-ing Us 
Gastro Intestinal
Get An Alibi
Get Married Peace
Sorry You've Been
Blocked By "D"
Camp David
"D Block J"
Plates Say
Sorry J's
Stand Tall
Stand Strong 
Yogi Footprints
Mountain Pose
Stand Tall
Ja- My Lord 
Stand Tall
Jyoti - My Light
Shakti- My Balance
Mother Earth
Anjali- My Offering 
To Goddess
Libres- Venus
Mars Rattlers
No More
My Son- My Martian
My Warrior
My Love
My Kyan
My King
My Lord
Wants More
More More More
Highly Sensitive
Beings Need
More More More
Lean Into
Nitya Nella Azam Davigo Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
melonthesprigatito · 10 months ago
As a Pokémon Fan I'm gonna try to decipher all of these
First option is Pokémon Sword and Shield. Opal dragging Bede along to be the next Fairy Type Gym Leader. She was looking for a trainer that had enough "Pink" and it's never specified what that means and is left open to interpretation. I think she was looking for someone who was mean/spiteful because she's basically the trickster archetype of a Fairy Trainer and Bede is a snobby, rude asshole.
Second option is probably the Rainbow Rocket episode in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Could either refer to Team Rainbow Rocket hacking and completely taking over the virtual reality space of Festival Plaza or all the villains from multiple dimensions taking over Aether Paradise which is an island like Club Penguin
The guy who's just a salary man? Yeah that's just Larry. It's kinda his whole thing.
Fourth option is Sword and Shield again. Chairman Rose announcing over the globally broadcasted Championship Match that he's accidentally lost control of Eternatus so now there's a kaiju apocalypse happening.
Fifth option is definitely N (Pokémon Black and White) Raised from birth by Ghetsis to be the perfect figure head to claim Zekrom/Reshiram and use it's power to become the ruler of the world get all trainers in the world to release their Pokémon, effectively disarming the population so no one can fight back against the dictatorship.
Yeah it's way more than two. That's kind of a running theme in Pokémon. For simplicity's sake I'll say Volo with Arceus (Legends Arceus) and Lusamine (Sun and Moon) with Nihilego.
That would be the many many many many ghost encounters in Pokémon! Practically once per game. Also probably Sada or Turo getting killed by Koraidon or Miraidon in Scarlet or Violet. Also Hydreigon getting frozen and crushed in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. Might as well mention at least one spinoff.
Lillie having to hide Cosmog in her hand bag, Cosmog which can open portals to other dimensions where aliens reside. (Sun and Moon/ Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.)
Hahaha that's the Kantonian Gym in Malie City in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. It's a poorly made recreation of the Vermilion Gym from the Kanto games, minus the puzzle and an actual Gym Leader because Alolans don't know how Gyms work because they have the Island Trials instead. It's doubly funny because the Player Character actually moved to Alola FROM Vermilion City (they have a signed photo from Lieutenant Surge in their bedroom) so imagine them cringing at the bastardised version of the Gym in their home town
You know, I think this poll was a trick question.
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krfcofficial · 2 years ago
Remember to STAY VIGILANT always!!! Rocket loves to prowl around public places, as spotted earlier today in the children's section of a bookstore
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margueritegracq · 5 years ago
Daily reminder that Rocket Graystone is evil and deserves to be murdered for his crimes.
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Disclaimer: The picture above is a representation of Rocket Graystone, seen after he burned down the house of a previous owner. Rocket is depicted as a gray color instead of his usual orange due to the soot coating his fur.
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potentiallypotter · 2 years ago
Marauders Band Au (Positions + Songs)
James (Lead Vocals + Bassist) — Classically trained in several string instruments such as cello and violin. Originally was going to be a second guitarist but decided against it.
Sirius (Vocals + Drummer) — Says he loves the ‘Boom boom bang’ of the drums. Also a classically trained pianist. Was going to be on keyboard but he hates anything related to pianos.
Remus (Guitarist + Songwriter) — Owned an acoustic for years and wrote poems that turned into songs. Writes most but not all their songs.
Peter (Keyboard + Guitarist) — Probably plays the most instruments out of everyone, some of these include piano, guitar, french horn, tuba, and a two or three more. Band kid at heart.
Songs + Progress
They started off as a cover band that played small gigs at parties, night clubs, and pubs. The song they played that got them some buzz was ‘I Believe in a Thing Called Love’ by The Darkness, this was Sirius’ favorite band at the time. After that, more people started showing up to see them and they got a bit of a fan base. The first original song they ever performed was written by Remus and called ‘Dead or Alive’ They started uploading a mixture of covers and original songs to a YouTube page they created entitled ‘The Marauders’. James believed they had potential to go big and the internet was a great way to get started. Their content wasn’t limited to the band, sometimes they posted small videos of them just chatting, answering questions, individual singing/playing, and complete randomness. They were discovered by opening for a more popular band at a nightclub and began to slowly fade away from covers and only record original content. Songwriting became a group effort instead of being left solely to Remus though he wasn’t complaining. They continued to post some content on YouTube when they had time but only covers and talking videos. It was a creative decision that lead them to using their childhood nicknames as stage names and have it be their “thing”. Their debut album was simply titled ‘The Marauders’ despite major pushback from James and Sirius who claimed it to be unoriginal and unlike them. This album included 10 songs plus and intro, the cover art was a recreated picture of them from their days at Hogwarts with the original hanging behind them. As of now they have 2 albums, 4 singles, and a total of 27 songs (16 written by Remus, 5 written by James, 4 written by Peter, and 2 written by Sirius) Their albums and songs are listed below.
‘The Marauders’ (2015)
1. ‘Intro’ (57 Secs)
2. ‘What Lies Under The Bed’ (2:31, Written by Remus Lupin)
3. ‘House of Mirrors’ (2:43, Written by Remus Lupin)
4. ‘Dead or Alive’ (2:17, Written by Remus Lupin)
5. ‘Finish Him’ (3:12, Written by Remus Lupin)
6. ‘The Ticket [Hope’s Song] (4:19, Written by Remus Lupin)
7. ‘Astroid Heart’ (2:33, Written by Peter Pettigrew)
8. ‘Red Walls’ (3:14, Written by Remus Lupin)
9. ‘Crush’ (2:19, Written by James Potter)
10. ‘Friendly Flame’ (3:10, Written by James Potter)
11. ‘Written’ (2:57, Written by Sirius Black)
Total — 30:12
‘Rocket Science’ (2015 Single)
1. ‘Rocket Science’ (4:12, Written by Sirius Black)
‘Coffin Ready’ (2016 Single)
1. ‘Coffin Ready’ (3:42, Written by Peter Pettigrew)
‘Cabinet of Fools’ (2017)
1. ‘Invitation’ (2:13, Written by Peter Pettigrew)
2. ‘In The Nude’ (3:17, Written by James Potter)
3. ‘The Long Tragic Story Of A Teddy Bear’ (5:36, Written by Remus Lupin)
4. ‘Can You Fly’ (4:22, Written by Peter Pettigrew)
5. ‘Classic’ (3:20, Written by Remus Lupin)
6. ‘I Don’t Have. A Title For This’ (2:55, Written by James Potter)
7. ‘PMO’ (3:46, Written by Remus Lupin)
8. ‘My Name’ (4:06, Written by Remus Lupin)
9. ‘Soldier’s Lament’ (5:36, Written by Remus Lupin)
10. ‘Speak Of The Devil’ (2:43, Written by Remus Lupin)
11. ‘Kill The Party’ (3:04, Written by Remus Lupin)
12. ‘It Shall Appear’ (3:18, Written by Remus Lupin)
13. ‘Sorry (Translates to Fuck You)’ (3:09, Written by Remus Lupin)
Total — 47:25
‘Lion’s Heart’ (2019 Single)
1. ‘Lion’s Heart’ (5:32, Written by James Potter)
Unreleased (2022 Single)
‘Unreleased’ (3:47, Written by Remus Lupin)
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