#kilima valley
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nova07712 · 1 month ago
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dolphelecat · 10 months ago
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doomedyuri · 1 year ago
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Einar is a Galdur, an intelligent machine made by humans from long ago. He has been living in Kilima Valley for 3,928 years. Getting to know him may help you get to know yourself.
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bloodofelves · 3 months ago
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PALIA ↳ Autumn in Kilima Valley
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tortor-sauce · 9 months ago
summer in kilima ☀️
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some of our lovely neighbors adjusting to the warmer weather in the valley
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ebunnyking · 22 days ago
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"Try not to cause any trouble..."
...human proceeds to climb every roof in Kilima Valley.
I like blue berries, but I also like my purple berries...grapes? Anywho...another attempt to get back into drawing again. Yay!
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igari · 9 months ago
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Kilima Valley - Palia.
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ofmonstersandlovers · 7 months ago
more specifically: how about Hassian arriving at his grove for the evening and finding the player already there, with a homecooked meal waiting for him? (Sernuk steak and roasted potatoes)
*throws table* HASSIAN CONTENT
Just For You ♡
TW: sfw, cute shit, domestic(?), gender neutral reader, Hassian being a tsundere like normal, mentions of the mayor and Reth (my love), chapaa hate from hassian lol
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The sky gradually darkened with hues of dark blue as nighttime approaches. The familiar sounds of the Grove accompanying Hassian as his feet crunch leaves with each easy step he takes. It wasn't a successful hunt today, leaving him frustrated and tense.
It did not help that the mayor still continued to boast about the prospects of the Chapaas being suitable pets. Despite the wretched things multiplying at a dizzying rate and threatening the balance of the ecosystem. A fact the hunter consistently brings up, and it consistently falls on deaf ears.
Well. Not all ignore his loud concerns - Y/N takes his words very seriously. When they choose to, that is.
It seems so long ago since the human came to the small village. A phenomenon that has been happening all over Palia - the resurgence of humans long since thought to be a legend.
Who would've thought Hassian would be close to a species one considered lost to time?
Adjusting the strap of his quiver, he sees the sights of his home, the Grove. His body sags as he enters the area restricted to most of Bahari Bay and Kilima Valley residents. Though, to his surprise, a savory scent greets him along with the foliage.
There, he sees Y/N, plating up something from the camp fire with a content expression. One that turns to a beaming one as they glance over to notice his presence. Such unfiltered delight stutters his heartbeat. His grip tightens on his bow as he strides closer.
"What is it that you're doing?"
"Well, hello to you too!" The human chuckles as they finish up one of the plates. Straightens from their crouched position to move closer to the Majiri. Allowing the other to see exactly what they were up to. "I wanted to have dinner with you, so I made something! I got the recipe from Reth."
Hassian's gaze lowered to the offered plate - beautiful seared Sernuk steak with honey glazed potatoes greets him. The aroma arousing his stomach, which he was not aware was empty.
Yet what really caught his attention was the gesture. Y/N made him something for them both to enjoy after a long day that felt like hours of agitation.
Hassian coughs, hand raising in a loose fist up to his mouth as he averts his eyes. Feel the sensation of his face warming alongside the loud pound of his pulse.
"You didn't have to do this." Is what leaves him instead of a simple 'thank you'. Needing a moment before he lowers his fist to gingerly take the plate from the human's hands. Peering down once more at his dinner.
"But I wanted to," Y/N shrugs as they made their way back to the campfire. Confident that the Majiri would follow them. And they were right - he follows obediently without complaint. Settling on a log next to them as he forks up a small bite of the potatoes.
The honey flavor mixed with the freshness of rosemary and thyme refreshing to his tongue. Bringing a low rumble of satisfaction from his chest as he forks up a much bigger bite. Unaware of the proud grin that's bright on the human's face as they plate up their own food and eats along with him.
It's... nice.
It's hard to truly describe it, the comforting feeling that settles over them as they eat together with the added lights of the paper lantern bugs fluttering about. Vastly different from sharing food with his mother or trying one of the many new concoctions Reth creates.
He wants this to be a daily thing. Something to consistently come home to.
Hassian pauses as he swallows a bite of Sernuk steak, peering timidly over to Y/N who chats about their day. The light of the flickering fire dancing across their faces, bringing illumination to their beautiful features. A sight that not even the greatest poet could properly capture into words.
The Majiri blinks out of his thoughts, caught staring silently at the other who only tilts their head curiously at him. Eyes still soft as they gaze at him.
"Everything okay?"
Flustered, he scoffs as he tears his gaze away. The warmth to his face now a burning heat to trails to his pointed ears as he busies himself with another bite of food.
"The food isn't bad," he grumbles around the mouthful, shrugging with his left shoulder as he gestures with his fork. "Continue - what happened with Tish?"
Y/N is quiet for a second before laughing underneath her breath. Continuing the story of their day with animated expressions and gestures.
And as they share the night together, Hassian subtly suggests another recipe that involves Sernuk meat for them to try together.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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So, Palia. Shits great. It's amazing in love with it. I've been playing it for a good while now. Like when Hodari was not romancable good while. The next update did have him as an option, but by then, I was already focusing on Reth. So Hodari is my dad now, moving on!
I'm excited to see where they could be taking us, and I've got a couple of theories. First, on our plot of land that we can build our hose and stuff on there is a wall. If kilima, bahari bay, and our plot were one big map the wall would be facing the are of the map that has bahari bay. There is a crack on the wall, that has gotten exponentially larger with each update, you can look through it.
I think that eventually they are going to open it up as a new area to build stuff in, or maybe as a way to go to bahari bay like we can go to kilima valley. If it to build stuff, we could get a bunch of new plants to garden and different house styles. There is also the mineshaft, originally it was just a caved in mineshaft with broken rails leading into it and a toppled over minecart. Now it leads into the mountain that would also be facing bahari bay. It the crack doesn't open as a way to directly enter bahari bay, then that mineshaft definitely will.
Also, I want boats. I want to swim, and I want to visit islands. WHY GIVE US A DOCK ON AN OCEAN IF WE CANT GO IN THE OCEAN!!! LET ME SAIL THE SEVEN SEAS! Also, we should be able to marry the people we are romancing. AND WHAT IS UP WITH THE LIGHTHOUSE!? WHAT SECRETS DOES IT HOLD??? TELL MEEEEEEE!
I NEED TO BE IN THE ROOM WITH THE DEVS SO I CAN TELL THEM TO ADD ALL THIS I AM GOUNG FERAL!!!!! Anyway, my player name is Wren Vihaan Drake. If you want to be friends in-game, ❤️
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la-bog · 7 months ago
Palia Character Questions
What is your character’s name? Did they choose it themselves after awakening in Palia? Or is it something they remember from their past?
How old is your character, or about how old do they appear? Do they remember anything about their childhood, even broken fleeting things? Or do they feel like a child now, attempting to relearn the world?
As a human, what has their experience been acclimating to the culture in Kilima Valley? Did they get comfortable quickly, or did it take time to adjust to?
Was Jina the first villager your character met, or was it someone else? What was their awakening like? Did anything notable happen?
How long has your character lived within Kilima at this point in their personal narrative? How well are they settled in now? Do they have a personal routine at this point?
What is your character’s home like? Did they actually build it themselves? Did other villagers help them in the building process?
Where is your character’s favourite place on their property to spend time?
Where is your character’s favourite place in the village to spend time at, if they have one?
What is your character’s take on Eshe? How do they feel about how she is running the village? Are they close to Eshe?
What is your character’s view on Kenli? How do they feel about how he handles his responsibilities in the village? Are they close to Kenli?
Kenyatta carries a lot of the weight of being her parents’ child—does your character sympathize with her? What are your character’s thoughts on Kenyatta?
Does your character spend much time at the Inn? Are they particularly close to Ashura or Reth? Do they have a favourite meal from the Inn?
Did your character learn to cook from Reth? What do they think of his lettuce soup? What's their favourite thing to cook?
Speaking of Ashura—does your character enjoy foraging? Do they spend a lot of time doing it, or is it something they avoid doing? Does your character have a favourite foraged item?
While foraging, you can often find bugs! Is your character a fan of bugs? Do they have a favourite bug from Kilima Valley? How about from Bahari Bay?
Speaking of bugs and bug-enthusiasts—what does your character think about Auni? Did they join the Bug Catching Guild?
While you’re out foraging and catching bugs, you might also be tempted to mine for some ore and gems! Does your character enjoy mining? Do they like searching for gems? Do you have a specific gem you associate with your character, whether because of its lore or for aesthetics?
Hodari is the resident mining expert—is your character friends with him? What are their thoughts on him?
Najuma is Hodari’s daughter and a lover of tinkering—does your character tinker? Are they an accomplice to Najuma’s explosives? What do they think of the little inventor?
Is your character an artisan of any sort like Tish? Do they make their own furniture, or buy from her? What are their thoughts on Tish, are they close to her?
Another artisan in the Valley is Jel—what is your character’s relationship to Jel? Does your character spend a lot of time at his shop getting new clothes? Does your character make their own clothing?
Zeki is always willing to sell you a few things—whether above or underground—what are your character’s thoughts on him? Do they frequent the underground market?
Use of Flow is forbidden to Majiri outside of the Order—what is your character’s relationship to Flow? Because of being a human, how do you relate to it in a way that your neighbors might not?
Speaking of the Order—what was your character’s reaction to Subira showing up in the Valley? Have they grown close to her since then, or do they distrust her still?
Tamala has a history with the Order, and a number of the characters in the Valley and Bay—what is your character’s relationship to her? What do they think of her, do they trust her?  
Hekla and Einar as Galdur have a unique relationship to Flow as well, and to the Oneness of the self. If your character had a Oneness, what do you think it would be? What is your character’s relationship to Hekla? What about with Einar?
Does your character like to fish like Einar? What is your character's favourite fish?
Some seek their Oneness, others look to the stars—what are your character’s thoughts on the local priest and apothecary Chayne?
As your character has learned about Galdur, Oneness, Majiri culture et cetra—have they stopped by the library to pick up some of that knowledge? Is your character a big reader? What do they think of Caleri?
Speaking of Caleri, have you heard that she doesn’t know about the cryptids of the Valley, or rather denies them! How silly—you and I both know about the stars right… What’s your character’s take on Elouisa and her theories? How comfortable is your character with Elouisa?
If cryptids aren’t your character’s thing, what about puns? Lettuce break some of them out, why don’t we? What’s your character’s relationship to Badruu?
Speaking of Badruu—does your character like to farm? What is their most common crop, if they do?
Delaila is a prize-winning jam maker! What does your character think about the Daiya matron? Are they close to her? Does she make them miss their own mother/guardian/parents, or do they even remember them?
Nai’o really prizes working on his parents’ farm and takes great pride in it. What are your character’s thoughts on Nai’o? Do they like farm animals as much as he does?  (Are they/you excited for future animal husbandry being added?)
A good animal is a good friend! Like Tau! What’s your character’s take on Palia’s best boy? Does your character have a pet?
Does your character hunt? Did they learn the bow from Hassian? What's their favourite creature to hunt, if they do hunt? What’s their take on Palia’s resident hunter?
Did you character ever dream of being an adventurer? What are your character’s thoughts on Sifuu’s stories and legend? What does your character think of Sifuu herself?
Where in the world of Palia does your character want to go from here? What are they looking forward to? What do they want to learn about themselves and other humans? Is there a specific place in Palia that’s been mentioned they want to visit?
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nova07712 · 9 months ago
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Sweet Einar
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artemis-moonsilver · 11 months ago
Opinions No One Asked For™️: Palia OC Edition
Name: Athelyna Silverspell
Personality: Water type
Starstone: TBD 👀
Likes: Foraging, hunting, and mining--exploring is her favourite thing to do!
Dislikes: Bug catching and fishing--they require too much patience
Love interest(s): Jel
Best friends: Reth, Tish, Elouisa, Jina, Kenyatta, Auni, and Tau
She wishes they were her parents: Ashura and Badruu
She wishes she knew them better: Sifuu, Caleri, Delaila, Hassian, Zeki, and Najuma
She dislikes them: Tamala; she feels like Tamala's forward flirting is disingenuous and a ploy to use Athelyna to her advantage.
Shepp: Undecided, but she wishes she could pick Eshe, for pure entertainment purposes
Occupation: She's not sure--somewhere between alchemist, apothecary, plague doctor, soothsayer, and/or purveyor of magical goods (Is there a profession that does all of this??)
Pets: Nocturnal palcat Nyx (the other three hang out at her house; she's a cat person 🐈‍⬛️)
Athelyna is introverted and observant. She has grand ambitions and goals. She is also kind and willing to give everyone a chance; however, she does not forgive and forget easily when someone crosses her.
She seems nonchalant about the fact that she doesn't remember anything before appearing in Kilima Valley, but it deeply bothers her. She will only share that with the people closest to her.
She is curious and always willing to learn. She is (somewhat secretly) desperate to know how she got here and why. She misses family and friends she can't remember.
To be honest, she's part OC and part self-insert. There's a healthy combo of both 😅
My HeroForge version is featured in my profile pic (though a redesign may be imminent 👀)
Please tell me about your OCs and ask me more about Athelyna! I'd love to be more engaged in the community!
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bloodofelves · 3 months ago
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PALIA ↳ Autumn in Kilima Valley
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ansu-gurleht · 1 year ago
bro this mask quest in palia is soooooo fucking annoying. i got so fed up ruining my eyesight looking through these ruins in kilima valley over and over again i just looked up where to find the last mask
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ariparri · 7 months ago
Saw your reblog of the Palia Questions asks! So have some numbers to answer for your Palia OC: 3, 13, 23, 30, 33. :3 Do as many or few as you'd like!!
Oh hello, thanks for asking (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))☆
Palia OC Asks
3. As a human, what has their experience been acclimating to the culture in Kilima Valley? Did they get comfortable quickly, or did it take time to adjust to?
It has been very peaceful for Eureka. She’s quite the optimist, and was looking forward to the new environment around her so she got comfortable very quickly. She did take some time spending hours in the library reading upon everything about the Majiri and how things have changed since her time.
13. Did your character learn to cook from Reth? What do they think of his lettuce soup? What's their favorite thing to cook?
For the most part, Eureka already knew how to cook but she has learned a few good recipes from Reth. Soup is great and all, but Eureka has a major fondness for chili oil dumplings and rice cake stir fry. She likes her spicy food. And as for dessert, blueberry pie!
23. Use of Flow is forbidden to Majiri outside of the Order—what is your character’s relationship to Flow? Because of being a human, how do you relate to it in a way that your neighbors might not?
There is this strong connection Eureka has with Flow. She cannot explain how, but there’s this weird yet warm feeling whenever she gets near it. She compares the feeling to drinking hot tea on a cold day and she can feel the warmth spread throughout her entire body despite the cool air embracing her.
After completing the puzzles in the temple she would get sudden flashbacks to her time back in human civilization. The scenes are all random though so she cannot piece them together coherently if she tried as there are still major pieces missing. When she tried desperately thinking hard on it after finishing the temple of flame’s puzzle, she ended up suffering from a splitting headache and collapsed. Hassian and Sifuu had to bring her back home.
30. Speaking of Caleri, have you heard that she doesn’t know about the cryptids of the Valley, or rather denies them! How silly—you and I both know about the stars right… What’s your character’s take on Elouisa and her theories? How comfortable is your character with Elouisa?
Although Eureka doesn’t exactly believe in most of them, she does like having discussions with Elouisa. She enjoys Elouisa’s approach on things that have a more logical meaning over her theories. It’s a different point of view, and Eureka’s an artist, she appreciates engaging with different perspectives on things. The only thing Eureka wasn’t too happy about was Elouisa getting Eureka in on a pyramid scheme and spending so much of her gold on it.
33. Delaila is a prize-winning jam maker! What does your character think about the Daiya matron? Are they close to her? Does she make them miss their own mother/guardian/parents, or do they even remember them?
Eureka absolutely adores Delaila! She just loves the woman’s loving personality. Eureka usually goes over to the farm and both ladies enjoy their long conversations over tea. Sometimes Eureka would help Delaila out with her tasks around the house and wouldn’t mind offering any support in making her jams. As for her own family, Eureka cannot say she misses them as she can’t even remember their names or faces. Many of her memories are hazy bits and pieces of what her life was like back in human civilization. But she tries not to dwell too much on her past as she continues making a new life for herself in Kilima. Delaila is great friend of Eureka and she is one of the few people she goes to for some advice or comfort.
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hassianlovebot · 1 year ago
the worldbuilding in palia is really good but also somewhat confusing like the grimalkins came from a different planet so they either have the technology or the magic to just,, move like that but majiri are,, not very technological at all. did the grimalkins just not share this technology (believable based on what we've heard about them tbh) or is kilima valley the equivalent of the amish alhdg
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