#kilid urin
Hello!! Hope you are having a great day, for the Hobbit ASK questions 2, 4, 6, 11 and 14
- Jack
Thank you for the ask Jack!! Here we go. You can find the post this is base from here.
2. What tattoos (or just some of them) would Oin, Nori, Dwalin and Bofur have?
Oin would have a very dwarven styled heart on the back of both his hands. Not a love heart, more like a medical diagram. It would be a universal symbol between all dwarves to show that he is a healer and something that all healers receive when they become a master of their craft of healing. He also has the diagram of his favourite healing herbs on his left hip and a raven on his right shoulder.
Nori would have a tramp stamp that was definitely done in prison after he and a few mates got drunk and caught stealing something. It’s a crow with a shining jewel in both of its claws and its beak. Its rough and a little wonky and often seen as a drunken mistake by others, but Nori secretly loves it. He loves even more to show it off to Dori when he’s around the house because it annoys his brother to no end. Crop top shirts are a must around the house because it shows it off.
Dwalin is just covered in tattoos and most are from his great feats in battle. He has a few more casual ones like a ram on his hip, his mother’s axe and his father’s sword in a X shape, but he also has large sections of bulk writing (in Khuzdul of course) and it consists of lines from his favorite poems and stories. Things that made him feel deeply when he read them or lines that inspire him to keep pushing on through the hardships of life. They’re written quite small and you would have to practically sit in his lap to read them, but Dwalin knows every line by heart.
Bofur would have a range of intricate patterns like vines running down each side of his neck and down his shoulders. At first glance it just looks like a bunch of lines but if you look closer you can find the intricate and hidden symbols and patters hidden amongst the chaos. Bofur spent years perfecting each and every line of his tattoos and it means everything to him. It’s a display of the way music makes him feel. Its what he sees in the wood he carves before its takes shape. Its how he hears the stone of his mountains as he listens to the walls of the mines. Its something no one else would understand but he’s alright with that.
4. Bilbo finds a flower in the quest and gifts it to someone. Who does he gift it to and which flower is it.
Thorin. Bilbo knows they don’t see eye to eye and he tries to ease the tension by gifting Amaryllis (Pride) wrapped and choked with Chamomile (Patience in adversity). It was meant to symbolise that Bilbo would swallow his pride to try and easy their relationship by showing patients and good will. Thorin being a dwarf and having no understanding of flowers became so confused and flustered that it confused and flustered Bilbo and the hobbit ended up smacking him in the face with the bundle and running away.
6. Weirdest encounter Dori has had with a stranger
It was less weird and more unsettling for Dori when he met a strange dwarf at the markets one day. The stranger looked and acted so familiar yet so strange as they tried to convince him to leave the marketplace for the next hour or so he ended up doing just that and going straight back home. For weeks he told his kin about the strange dwarf he met at the markets completely unaware that it had been Nori so deeply undercover that Dori simply didn’t recognise him. Nori had been roped into a dirty scheme and knew there was going to be a hold up at the markets that day and he panicked when he spotted Dori heading straight into the middle off it, so still in disguise he raced over to persuade him to leave. Dori notes this as the strangest encounter he has ever had and Nori didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth.
11. If you were to join the Company, who do you think you would get along better with?
Probably Bifur. I think we could spend hours in silence just vibeing together as he carved wood and I read a book or something. He just seems very welcoming and comforting. I think I would also have a randomly good connection with Nori? He would quickly become a big brother figure to me and teach me how to nick stuff much to Dori’s dismay. Fili, Kili and I would definitely bond with being the youngest of the lot, but more so Fili being the calmer and quieter of the two. We would also hyper fixate over weapons and spend hours taking and discussing knifes and forging. I would also be so ridiculously in love with him that I would melt at anything he did.
14. You are trapped in a Mirkwood cell after the Company has been taken, how would you annoy the guards? (Or maybe flirt with them?)
I would be so traumatised by the spiders I wouldn’t even have time to tbh. I could flirt with Tauriel but that would mostly annoy Kili and the other dwarves. Maybe I ask the guard to many questions or teach the dwarves to sing one of those obnoxious songs that get stuck in your head for days? Idk, in all honestly, I would probably cry a lot and stay wrapped in a ball still stuck on the spiders. Maybe I would annoy them by how many times they would have to come into my cage and kick me to see if I’m still breathing.  
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