#kikyo hagane
willow-of-hingashi · 5 years
A New Town’s Light [RP]
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 (( Rating: PG ))
 (( Genre: Slice of Life, Drama ))
 (( Cast: Kikyo Hagane of @the-firetouched​ and Nobuyuki ‘Ichihiko’ Ienaka ))
 Maple leafs rustled in the wind outside, pitter-pattering as they landed delicately upon the stone pathway. The sleeves of Nobuyuki's layered kimono were folded over his hands as he moved towards the entrance to the onsen, mail in tow. He shifted through it as he slipped off his zori in the genkan entrance, stopping in his tracks when he found one observed one scroll-holder that stood out. It wasn't unusual that he received the occasional scroll from the Far East, but this one bore the Ichimitsu Okiya's kamon; a stylized paper lantern inside a circle.
 With tabi-covered feet, Nobuyuki shuffled into the ryokan's main foyer, halting when he opened the scroll to read over it. He only got halfway before he want to summon the resident shikomi. "Kikyo," he called as he rounded the corner where the door to her working quarters sat. ["Stop what you're doing for a while. I have a message here from the otou-san."] A long pause. ["He wants to speak with you. It's important."]
 Kikyo was humming and scrubbing the wood floors before Nobu came around the corner. She sat up at once and, once he spoke in Hingan, she nearly jumped to her feet. Her first instinct is to smile, of course, but that falters as soon as she is given word that she wishes to be...spoken with. Even at a mere 17 summers, she knew that could be troublesome indeed! Or perhaps it is a good thing?
 ["O-of course, Ichihiko-sensei. What does he want to speak with one such as myself about...?"]
 Finally, a small frown. Was she being rejected once again?
 Unfurling the scroll on its jikugi, Nobuyuki kept his gaze on the Hingan characters before him. ["It's about your career,"] he replied. ["First, I need to explain some some things to you. Let's go into the ozashiki hall."] Quite expectant of Kikyo to follow, he started to make off.
 With her carrying on, Nobuyuki continued. ["You're starting as a shikomi, and then a minarai. Your misedashi is your official debut as a maiko, where you will perform dances and serves clients. The shikomi period normally lasts a year and you spend a moon as a minarai. Your nameday changes things a bit, but. . ."] He drew a short breath. ["The otou-san wants you to start as a minarai before your nameday. You'll only spend a moon as a shikomi. There is a reason for this."]
 Just before they entered the hall, Nobuyuki paused and turned to Kikyo. ["Do you know the process of who leads an okiya? You understand the need for an heir, right?"]
 She quickly tries to store away her cleaning materials before dashing after Nobuyuki, following with her hands folded in front of her all polite and nice like. She tilts her head to his questioning.
 ["Of course, all great houses need heirs and I am sure okiya are no exception,"] she says brightly. Though it fails to dawn on her the reason for this questioning. ["But I am not sure how okiya decide this, no."]
 She watches him carefully as they go. Does Otou-san mean to pick Ichihiko-sensei as his heir? Does that mean their training will be short? She is unsure how to feel! Luckily, she manages not to frown too much.
 The shoji door to the ozashiki hall was slid open quietly. Nobuyuki allowed Kikyo to get inside and get comfortable before he continued. ["Well, in truth, Ichimitsu Okiya is not among the largest houses of Igarashi Hanamachi, but the geisha there do have many relations to more prestigious okiya. Masami Okiya and Umecho Okiya have bigger reputations in Nagoya."] The Hyur slid the door shut behind him and moved to take a seat. ["Because of this, finding an atotori is harder. Many geisha left Ichimitsu Okiya and even Masami and Umecho because of the Red Throat outbreak. Only a few among those became jimae geisha, or independent from their okiya."]
 Upon one of the cushions, Nobuyuki lowered himself into a seiza. ["The otou-san of Ichimitsu Okiya is Mitsu-no-Ichinori. His surname is based on the okiya's name. It denotes that he was selected as atotori. . . however, that was long ago. The okiya needs another atotori."] His serious gaze landed on Kikyo. ["The otou-san wants to consider you for the next atotori."]
 Kikyo listens quietly and with some intensity, as is her way. She slips in past Nobuyuki only after being given express permission via his gesture, and then sat upon a cushion with a seiza of her own. At least that was one thing she was well-practiced in: sitting in the proper way for long chunks of time for meditations. She trains her eyes on Nobu's collar to try and focus hard on what he was saying. And then...when he reaches the end...
 She can't help her mouth from popping open in shock. She tries to recover from this quickly, covering it with her small hand.
 ["M-me? But this one is...I am just..."] She looks to the table and scrambles for a polite way to go about this question. Her fingers tighten against her work shift. ["I do not doubt the wisdom of the Otou-san of Ichimitsu Okiya, of course not. I simply..."] She looks then to Nobu. ["Why are you not considered, sensei, if it is not too rude to ask?"]
 The only sign Nobuyuki gave of his reaction to being reminded he wouldn't be chosen was the purse of his lips. Not that he held any ill will towards the okiya father, as they had a cordial relationship. ["Likely the same reason other okiya turned me away,"] was his only answer. He wasn't looking forward to cluing at his heritage. ["It's nothing to worry about."] He gave Kikyo a polite smile. This was despite the clear fact most okiya picked an atotori later in a geisha's career, though it was plausible Kikyo was unaware. ["Ichimitsu Okiya is likely seeking a younger atotori because of the few number of geigi there."]
 In a rare display of visible confusion, Nobuyuki's brows furrowed. Why a Koshu-based okiya would consider an ijin was beyond him. Not that he was against it! It was rather his surprise that the otou-san cast aside previous xenophobia. Luckily, Nobuyuki's expression didn't last long. He righted it to content neutrality. ["The otou-san wants to meet you in Kugane,"] he continued. ["As you likely learned, ijin aren't allowed anywhere outside of Kugane in Hingashi. The meeting, he looks to hold at the Shiokaze Hostelry. He's never been to Shishu so he'll likely have an entourage from the okiya with him."] Briefly, Nobuyuki's expression softened. ["Don't take this as a means to be too strict on yourself, alright? Certainly put on your best show, but don't see yourself as unworthy so soon. That's for the otou-san to decide."]
 She fidgets with her hair, braiding the ends over and over again in a sight of girlish nervousness and dismay. As soon as she notices this, she squeezes her hands together upon her lap until her knuckles turn white. Well, whiter than they already are...
 She has so many questions but knows it is rude to ask. If ijin cannot leave Kugane (a lesson she DID learn the hard way), how would she ever run an Okiya? Why did she interest the Otou-san? Why did other Okiya turn Nobu away? Her young mind is awash with curiosity, but she's long since learned the dangers of it. So she nods. Even so, she cannot help but notice some of Nobu's own confusion and perhaps...dismay? No? Was she imagining it? She frowns in turn.
 ["Of course, Ichihiko-sensei."] And after a moment, she can't help but add: ["My success will be your success, too. You will be teaching me. And in Doma, there is no greater honor one can bring but to bring success to those that reached their hand toward you."] A bit of an awkward phrasing in the Hingan dialect, but hopefully the point came across nonetheless. ["Maybe we will surprise everyone!"] she adds, in a more characteristic display of optimism!
 Nobuyuki looked to Kikyo and gave a smile that reached his eyes. ["I am, of course, honored to be able to teach the possible atotori of Ichimitsu Okiya,"] he declared. ["Nonetheless, I'm happy to be teaching you in general. It is my pleasure to share the joys of gei with others. If the otou-san permits, I could be selected as your older brother. For a maiko, a relationship to her assigned older sibling is one that lasts forever. She does not stop seeking guidance from her older sibling, even when she becomes a geisha. Is it not exciting?"]
 Firmly, Nobuyuki bowed his head in agreement. ["I have no doubts we will certainly surprise a number of those within the okiya. For my erikae, instead of kurosode, I wore a white kosode with embroidered hydrangeas. I wanted to be fashionable, to emanate the styles the tayuu were wearing that summer. I think it did surprise a number that attended, to sway away from such tradition. It is likely your chance to do the same. You'd be the okiya's first ijin maiko and their first ijin atotori, above all else."]
 She listens dutifully, though her face brightens further as she sees him smile for real. She clasps her hands together before her chest. ["Oh, truly? An older brother? I have had only younger brothers all my life! I would be so excited for this! Yes!"] Her excitement can be heard in how her words become a little more sloppy in the Hingan dialect. Her eyes sparkle. Wow! The potential!
 At the talk of clothes, she turns thoughtful. She did not have a lot of opinions or knowledge about fashion, other than finding the dresses of the geisha so beautiful and refined. ["That does sound most elegant,"] she says in agreement. ["I love many flowers. I love peach blossoms most of all...I know that geisha uphold the traditions of Hingashi. But many things are changing in the world, yes?"] A surprisingly insightful bit from the young woman, if a bit obvious to any learned person. ["There must be a way to be traditional and accepting of the future..."]
 ["Perhaps this is what the otou-san is looking for,"] Nobuyuki commented, his hands folding in his lap. ["Someone new, full of bright ideas for the okiya. Yes, I can see that."] He looked down to the scroll for a moment before rolling it up. ["We'll be meeting with the otou-san in a moon. As the one responsible for your training, I will cover our boat tickets across the Sirensong Sea. After the meeting, your shikomi period will come to an end and you will be minarai until you turn eighteen. You will join me for ozashiki and tea ceremonies, watching how I do things and speaking only when spoken to.]"
 Placing the scroll back into the holder, Nobuyuki then tucked the holder up into his kosode sleeve. ["My career started somewhat outside of tradition,"] he replied. ["I was ten, not five, when I started training. It was because of my grandparents' jobs that I didn't enter an okiya at a 'typical' age."] He didn't clarify. It could have been for financial reasons, for all Kikyo knew. ["Now I'm following the newest trends of Hingan fashion and arts. The customs may stay the same, but the ijin have brought a lot of newfangled ideas. Maybe there's a new art form you will practice that others pick up?"]
 Many emotions rattle through her at once. Excitement and worry; pride and fear. She nods seriously at the description of what is next to come. ["Of course, Ichihiko-sensei. I will make you proud,"] she says. ["I will be very quiet and refined, as taught!"]
 To the rest of it, she tilts her head. She tries to copy his very fancy stance, sitting nicely with his sleeves and hands folded, but her sleeves are purposefully pinned up for cleaning purposes so she does her best, folding her hands in her lap and sitting up a little straighter. For Nobu's sake, her naivety comes in handy; she knows not what to ask about his grandparents' jobs other than perhaps to assume that money was a factor, which she certainly understood. She smiles brightly. ["Oh, like the kupos -- er, moogles! And the beautiful leather riding boots...oh...I do so like those....they seem so elegant...oh, and the paintings! I saw an ijin's painting at the market once...it was um...impressiony?"]
 She means impressionist.
 ["What is your favorite ijin thing?"] she asks curiously, before she can stop herself.
 Nobuyuki was used to sitting for long periods with his back straight, his position proper. Even his facial expressions were under control and refined, but the question about his favorite thing of ijin caught him off guard. However, he wasn't offended. In fact, he was pleasantly surprised. ["I might have to think a bit on that one,"] he admitted. ["Perhaps it is the people? Some are brash and loud and very strange, but. . . many are caring and it is very apparent they wear their heart on their sleeve. They are mindful of protecting people's face, even if their own is at risk sometimes. It's a bit endearing."] Namely, a certain Lominsan mercenary came to his mind, her kinky orange hair and freckled visage easy to envision. ["Selecting a thing is hard. . . maybe it's predictable of me, but I quite like foreign fashions. Eorzean cocktail dresses and patterned stockings and heeled boots are very lovely."]
 Considerate of his own fashion, Nobuyuki raised a sleeve to his mouth. His kosode was a fall orange colored, decorated with yellow ginkgo leaves and seasonal autumn flowers. Granted, he was largely pulling up his sleeve to conceal his small smile. ["Ah. . . and I think you mean 'impressionist.'"]
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willow-of-hingashi · 5 years
The Ijin Shikomi [RP]
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(( Rating: PG ))
(( Genre: Slice of Life ))
(( Cast: Kikyo Hagane of @the-firetouched and Nobuyuki ‘Ichihiko’ Ienaka ))
 Kikyo Hagane has been padding about the mansion for some time in her bare feet, feeling the tatami against her toes. How unusual to find a place like home so far from where she once had grown. She hums softly to herself as she goes, eyeing the curious decorations and trying to learn about the place where she will soon work. But really she was looking for one person: the geisha who apparently worked within these halls. Kiyo-chan so badly wanted to learn as the geisha learned in Kugane. To exalt in the music and the dance and the beauty that had captured her heart...but then, as she pushes through another set of doors, she spots a well-dressed individual. Worth another ask, even if this person also has no idea how to answer her! She performs the proper bow. "Hello. I am Hagane no Kikyo. Do you know where the geisha who works here is?" Her Eorzean is heavily accented.
 Nobuyuki Ienaka curled a finger in front of the neck of his shamisen, each pluck soft as the tuning pegs creaked with each twist. The sheet music that sat before him wasn't in Hingan notes, but Western order. A treble clef sat at the left of each page. ["Western keys. . . what is it with them and G major? I don't get the appeal. . ."] His muttering ceased when the shoji slid open. "Oh, good evening," he began with a bow of his head. He listened to the girl for a moment before tilting his head. She didn't sound or seem all that old, either. . . but he didn't know a lot about the aging of races outside of Hyur and Kojin. "You are speaking to him," he responded, going to set aside the instrument that was in his lap.
 ["Would Hingan dialect be easier for you?”] he asked. [”Your accent is Doman, though."] Hingan and Doman were essentially the same language, but their dialects were distinct in their sound and even word usage.
 Kikyo Hagane is Doman by nature and thus her reaction of excitement is reserved. But it would be quite clear to an Easterner such as Nobu. She clasps her hands in front of her and her eyes light up. She smiles. [”I can speak Hingan!”] she says. [”I lived in Kugane for...a short time. It would not sound as beautiful as yours,”] she adds quickly. She bows her head again. [”I am so honored to meet you, Geisha-sama!”] A phrasing which may...clue into her youth. [”I have searched for you all day. For it is my greatest dream to train in the arts...though I worry I may not be good enough,”] she admits. She keeps her eyes to the floor, respectfully. [”I am a new worker here at the onsen.”]
 Nobuyuki Ienaka hummed, his head tilting back a bit. ["So, you are a Doman,"] he noted out loud. He observed her for a moment, giving a polite look-over. ["Seventeen summers old is a good age to begin as a maiko. I started myself when I was fifteen. From the sound of it. . . you haven't been a shikomi, have you?"] He didn't sound disappointed, but it was clear he was scrutinizing her.
 Kikyo Hagane 's unflinching smile finally hesitates a little, sensing she is being scrutinized. She tries to stand a little taller and hold herself more elegantly. ["No, geiko-sama, I was never allowed service in any Okiya. I did try!"] And while her face remains placid, her eyes spark with determination. ["This is when I learn they do not prefer ijin in their ranks...for yes, I am from Doma."]
 Nobuyuki Ienaka blinked. Then, he sighed. It almost seemed like he was unimpressed for a moment until he spoke. ["That tends to be the case for ijin,"] he responded. ["They're turned away and sometimes, they run off and try to make their own okiya. Sanjo Hanamachi has only been slightly forgiving of this. . . you have to know people."] He pursed his lips. ["I do not doubt you didn't try. I'm Hingan and I've have a similar experience. . .  but, answer me this; when exactly is your next nameday?"]
 Kikyo Hagane nods politely as he speaks, still trying to impress with her politeness. ["The 5th sun of the 6th Astral moon! So soon, is it not? I am sorry to hear that you have seen the same...you're so fashionable,"] she says, slipping up. She starts and bows. ["That was forward of me, I apologize."]
 Nobuyuki Ienaka watched Kikyo fumble with a polite smile. It wasn't out of pity; it was rather cute. She resonated her youth. ["You're forgiven,"] he replied, content. ["It is quite soon. . . but I have a plan."] He folded his arms, raising a hand to his chin. ["I an Ichihiko of Ichimitsu Okiya. I will. . . send a letter to my okiya and see if they would accept you as a shikomi under their name and my watch. I'm a licensed professional geigi, so I have the authority to oversee your apprenticeship. If they would allow me to do it is another thing, but I got along well enough with the otou-san of the okiya. It should be alright."] His arms returned to his sides. ["I'm going to ask you something you might have already answered for, but I want the answer in detail. Can you dance? Can you sing? Can you play an instrument?"] He canted his head. ["Your conversation is fluid enough in Eorzean and Hingan. . . your etiquette is proper, but could use some refining."]
 For the first time, Kikyo hesitates in answering -- not out of doubt of her answer, but of the strange and dark memories it surfaces. ["I trained as a shrine maiden in my home village until the Empire finally decided they were no longer entertained,"] she says, as diplomatically as she can. ["I have sung hymns and know dances to calm the great kami of our mountain home. I am eager to work and learn!"] she adds, hopeful.
 Nobuyuki Ienaka 's gaze was filled with sympathy. So many Domans displaced at such a young age. . . and one was upon him. ["I am sorry for your loss,"] he responded softly. ["That will do as a foundation. I will see you trained in seasonal dances and in Hingan instruments. The shamisen is a good start. You'll be practicing the shamisen for two bells every morning. Your dance lessons shall be in the evening, also for two bells. These are daily. You'll also have tea cereony, calligraphy, etiquette, and lessons focused on another instrument. Ths shift throughout the week. I'll arrange a schedule for you and you'll follow it. Is this clear?"] His shoulders squared some. ["This will begin once I have the otou-san's permission. We'll arrange for getting you your gei license. Hopefully, your misedashi - your debut as a maiko and the start of your career - will be shortly after your nameday."]
 Kikyo Hagane is old enough to understand but, perhaps luckily, too young to truly grasp the exact level of devastation enacted upon her lands and family. Or perhaps her optimism is blind and wishful. But not today! As Nobu lists her training, she cannot help from rolling to the balls of her feet in true excitement. ["Yes, Ichihiko-sensei! You honor me so much! I hope to honor you by serving as a good student,"] she says genuinely, bowing. ["What would you have me do before the debut? Do you require maid services? I shall of course be about the onsen as well..."]
 ["As a shikomi, in between your lessons, you will be doing chores. Preparing food for ozashiki and for our daily meals, serving and cleaning dishes, folding and cleaning kimono, tidying the ozashiki hall. . . many simple things."] It hardly sounded like Kikyo would be getting any free time!
 Kikyo Hagane seemed perfectly fine with this -- excited about it, even! ["I will do this! I will be the best shikomi of Uranami Onsen,"] she declares seriously, for being the only shikomi at the onsen....
 Nobuyuki Ienaka clasped his hands together with a polite smile, but his eyes were still serious. ["Very good. I'll give you your first official duty after I send the letter. It may take a while to get a response, but seeing as the onsen's already hired you, I don't see why you can't already start. We just need to get your gei license for your misedashi. Then you'll be good to go. Your first business would likely be helping me attend the onsen's stall at Ketto-Sai, the festival of samurai in Kugane."]
 Kikyo Hagane seems a little nervous at the mention of Kugane...but she wouldn't be alone this time! She had a real job! She would be at a festival working in probably nice clothes. She recovers and nods. ["Oh, a festival...how exciting! What will we be doing there, if I may ask?"]
 Nobuyuki Ienaka gave the answer bluntly. ["Selling soap."] He shifted his weight between his feet. ["We'll also be advertising the ozashiki hall for banquets. Which do you think you can handle more? Advertising the geisha or selling onsen goods? The former might be good if you want to try your hand at explaining to others what we do as geisha."]
 ["Soap can be pretty and smell very nice,"] Kikyo says, nodding, taking everything seriously as she is wont to do. ["I love the geisha arts. I would be honored to explain it to others!"]
 Nobuyuki Ienaka nodded once. ["Excellent. You must keep in mind, though; there will be Eorzeans there. Westerners. They /will/ ask if or why geisha are sex workers. You tell them they are not! It is forbidden by Hingan law to hold both a gei license and a prostitution license."] He tucked some hair behind his ear before reaching for a notepad, of which also rested on the stage. ["I have a number of performances scheduled this moon. . . most notably at this strange 'KupoCon.' I think someone your age may enjoy it."]
 Kikyo Hagane looks shocked at this! That people would even think that!! ["I will tell them!"] she says seriously. ["It is a job of beauty and artistry..."] As Nobu obtains his clipboard, she watches curiously. As to the topic of Kupocon...she tilts her head. ["Is a Kupocon where they celebrate the poofy ball mail creatures? They are cute..."]
 Nobuyuki Ienaka 's eyes shifted. ["Eorzeans are. . . forward and don't understand our concept of keeping face,"] he responded. ["Respect becomes something foreign. Show them geisha deserve it. . . and that means being on your best behavior."] He glanced back down at the notepad. ["I am actually unsure. Sort of? It's in their logo. Anyway, I'll be one of the 'idols' performing there. I am also hosting a talk about how geisha actually function to teach the Westerners about them. Your assistance, if you'd like, would be appreciated. The performance, you are free to watch. There's a party towards the end of the evening. You're quite free to attend."]
 Kikyo Hagane straightens up her posture once again when he mentions being on her best behavior! She cannot erase her excited smile, however. ["I would love to attend and assist however I can. I like very much to be helpful. And..."] She looks away, blushing a little. ["...I would like to see this party. I want to touch one of the kupos..."] She doesn't know they aren't called that!
 ["It's a great mesh of Western and Eastern culture. It shall be interesting."] Nobuyuki sets the notepad aside. ["Ah, one of the moogles? There might be some. Many stalls are selling graphic novels. It seems to appeal to many Western teenagers, and I can understand why. Such novels are popular in Kugane as well, I've noticed from my time there. Having been a shrine maiden, I trust you can read."] Then, he started to make his way for the door. ["Come. There are pumpkin cookies at the bar, along with some tea. Let's partake of it while we talk."]
 Kikyo Hagane follows excitedly! ["A moogle..."] she tests the word. How strange. But her joy largely bubbles up fro the promise of cookies. Yay! ["I love reading stories...I am learning Eorzean words very quickly..."] she would say, as they settle in for their chat...
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