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Looking for roleplay partners
I'm 21 so please be 18+
I haven't roleplayed for a bit but I'm looking to get back out there. I'm ok to play male or female but would want to double if I play male.
Medieval, fantasy, original characters and world building is something im super interested in, I kind of want to do something involving the knights templar at the moment
If you're interested, send me a message.
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blxelions · 5 years ago
temporary back.
hey guys. i’m only back temporarily because i’m looking for people to do some freelance rping on the following platforms:
line : edisonfanye
kkt : 9999roses
kik : 9999roses
discord : 9999roses#6274
i shall be waiting and hopefully we can come together again. i’ve lost in touch with a lot of important and favorite people on here because i honestly lost the feel of tumblr rping and it was very time consuming because i’m always on my phone and not on pc. anyways, add me on either platforms! :)
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glitterbooknerd91 · 5 years ago
Facts of Life Roleplay?
Hey guys, I know this may be a long shot. But recently I have started watching The Facts of Life, and I’m hooked. So I am looking for someone who would like to do a Facts of Life  RP with. Whether it’s a Jo/Blair pairing or a Jo/ Oc pairing.  I would be more than happy and willing to play anyone you wanted your love interest to be from any fandom you had in mind!
-Angst the more angst, the better
-Drama the more drama, the better as well
-Cute Fluff
-Mature topics
- Friends to Lovers
-Secret lovers
-Online friends/Relationship
**My requirements are**
–Make responses equal (Ex. If my response to you is a Kik page long try to make it equal to that and not just two lines.)
- I can write in either First or Third
-I typically write in paragraph format
– Lots and lots of details, it’s easier to write if I have detail.
- Doubles
-A shared plot unless we can’t agree on a plot than two separate scenarios are fine too.
– Preferably be comfortable with smut.
-Preferably over 18
- FxF, MxF, MxM pairings
If you are interested in roleplaying with me, you can either message me on here, or you can send me a message on Kik Ames_2691 or on Discord my username is tinkerbelleliza91#9020
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dxbxh · 6 years ago
Kik or Discord RP!
Hello! I haven’t been active on Tumblr at all, nor have I been on Kik or Discord, however with school starting back up I definitely want to occupy myself with something to do in my free time. Sooo I’m ready to start roleplaying again!
I have little to no triggers or dislikes, and I’m fine with almost anything except extreme kinks (such as watersports, scat, foot fetishes etc. Stuff to do with bodily functions.) and smut is a must only when it fits with the plot. Besides that I’m fine with EVERYTHING! so feel totally comfortable with expressing what you’re into.
I do F/M but I’m flexible with M/M as well. I prefer to be the dom/male in any pairing. I don’t do doubles as it often gets too complicated/confusing for me.
Be literate. One thing I despise is bad grammar, or punctuation. Use periods at the end of your sentence and “-“ when your character is speaking.
Third person and first person welcomed. I prefer third person but if you’re used to first that’s okay. However I will be using third person.
Please do not try to control my character. I’ve had bad experiences with that.
Please no use of * or /. Be detailed and descriptive as I will be doing too. Long paragraphs aren’t required but if yours are relatively short please include detail and not just dialogue.
I do have a life so please don’t rush me! I reply quickly but sometimes I’m busy and I’ll give you a heads up if I won’t be able to respond as fast.
I’m down for almost anything however I’m not good with fantasy, supernatural and fandoms. The only fandom I could really get into is 13 Reasons Why as that’s the only show I watch. I definitely would prefer we do OC x OC in our own universe if you’re not into that show.
I’m okay with any prompt you have in mind, just please don’t make it too cliche or bland. I love angst, plot-twists and drama. Also fluff and heavy on the romance. I’m good with all of that so no worries! I can play multiple characters with multiple relationships in one plot, however doubles is a no go.
I know this was long and picky and I’d be surprised if you got this far but if so thank you! I’m EST “timezone” (USA.) so I’d prefer you have the same!
With that being said, any other questions you can text me on here. If you got everything I was trying to say we can get started on either Kik or Discord.
KIK “-“ snuxxi
Discord “-“ dewbi#6937.
Thanks for your time!
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kbmlove · 6 years ago
Kik RP
Date made: May 7th, 2019
Omegle has basically crawled up and died but i’m bored so i need someone! message me on kik @ kibbiestyles or on here for more info about my RP style and preferences. thank you!
Kik: kibbiestyles
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life-is-feels · 6 years ago
Someone rp this with me! Please!
I have a Girl oc who I have named Valerie Castro, Val is what she goes by most. The whole idea is that Val is this crime scene cleaner with a twist, she’s a psychic/medium that had ghosts following her around, screaming at her while she cleans up whatever mess is there to begin with. She has some lowkey powers, and you’ll learn more about her as the rp goes on. She has this whole history around her and the rp would get dark and sweet. So if you are into a lesbian rp with mass story building and paranormal themes please pm me! I’ll give you my discord or kik
Also yes that is my art and what she looks like!
Tumblr media
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glitterbooknerd91 · 6 years ago
Descendants RP?
Hey guys, I am looking for someone who would like to do a Descendants RP who could play Mal for me. I would be more than happy and willing to play anyone you wanted your love interest! 
-Angst the more angst, the better
-Drama the more drama, the better as well
-Cute Fluff
-Mature topics
- Friends to Lovers
-Secret lovers
-Online friends/Relationship
**My requirements are**
–Make responses equal (Ex. If my response to you is a Kik page long try to make it equal to that and not just two lines.)
- I can write in either First or Third
-I typically write in paragraph format
– Lots and lots of details its easier to write if I have detail.
- Doubles 
-A shared plot unless we can’t agree on a plot than two separate plots are fine too.
– Preferably be comfortable with smut.
-Preferably over 18
- FxF, MxF, MxM pairings
If you are interested in roleplaying with me, you can either message me on here, or you can send me a message on Kik Ames_2691 or on Discord my username is tinkerbelleliza91#9020
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mrpaynne-blog · 6 years ago
looking for roleplay partners I really don't care what type of roleplay it is
So I do: 
Your plot (ill only play Liam)
polyamory plots (ill play all five lads) 
Boy x Boy 
Girl x Girl 
and basically anything you can come up with 
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its-mykabering-love-blog · 6 years ago
Day one:
Agent Lattimer appears to lack all sense of adult hood. The boss here seems to be way off his rocker and somehow I now have a ferret to care for. Please reconsider my reassignment and get me OUT of South Dakota.
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re2111 · 7 years ago
Kik RP anyone?
Looking for a detailed long or short term roleplay partner. I'm mixed race, 27 male living in London, UK.
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xlovelypetalx-blog · 7 years ago
Hey guys, its me again just on another account. i’m still looking for roleplay partners on kik. i just have a few things that you need to know before you contact me.
I ONLY DOUBLE: yeah, i only double because i’ve been getting a lot of people who say they only play this, they only play that so just to eliminate all of that only contact me if you’re interested in doubling
DETAILED: ugh, this is my biggest pet peeve, i hate people who are only detailed in one plot.. please be detailed in both or i’ll honestly would stop roleplaying with you. i’m always detailed in both. i love actions but i also like to know what your character is thinking and feeling it just really brings it to life. 
BE PROMPT: i know EVERYONE has a life outside of their phones i do to, but please don’t leave me on read for hours on end when you can easily just tell me you’re busy or going to be busy. you don’t even have to tell me where you’re going or doing just let me know.
LITERACY: i’m not asking for an 5 page essay with perfect grammar and no spelling mistake but i do like paragraph form with logical sentences and grammar. but please no *walks down the stairs* hi marhta, i would like it like: jimmy walked down the stairs looking or martha “oh, hi martha. 
* please bring ideas because i don’t want to be the only one calling the shots and making things up for both roleplays! hope i didn’t bore you guys and you got through it but here’s my kik if you’re interested! mountaindew__ (two underscores)
*also, i’m really open to rp ideas, i rp fandoms, oc, fantasy, just about anything you can think of and i have no limits so just let me know!
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