#kijima akira x reader
k-dokja · 1 month
⟪ reasons to date kijima akira ⟫
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→ amazing cook 10/10 he'd also be super indulging towards his girlfriend so you can ask him to cook anything and he'd labour to do it for you.
→ never have to worry about him ever paying attention to other girls, he straight up only has eyes for you. you're his person and that's more than enough. would beat the ass of anyone who tries to hit on him while knowing he's in a relationship.
→ legit would try to become a better person for you. yes, you CAN fix him. he's going to be an amazing husband. he'll cook, he'll clean, and he might not care about himself but if it makes you happy, he'll do just about anything while complaining about it.
→ has a motorcycle. for sexy points. also wears slutty v-neck and choker as a fashion choice. you know, for sexy.
→ doesn't understand technology except his motorcycle. he might die in this day and age but at least he will die not having brain rot.
→ 188cm. knows how to fight. he might make money from underground fighting matches but he's really good at it? so I guess it's fine? for now?
→ but listen, he'd probably fight ghosts and haunted spirits for you. 10 in determination points. 100 in stupid and reckless. he's honest about being afraid too... a man in touch with his emotions?
→ not very academically bright if you like them stupid. his strength outweighs his intelligence point by like, three times.
→ more attentive than his face implies (really he scowls as the default mode), would notice your little quirks and habits. he might not remember your anniversary but he'd remind you to take your medications and sleep early.
→ probably shit at cuddling because he's so lanky, doesn't know where to put his arms and always gets weirdly awkward if he's cramped up too long. but since this is reason to date him, you should know he's very casual with physical intimacy.
→ by that i mean he'd do little lingering touches often. doesn't even notice it's an embarrassing thing, but his hand is often on the small of your back, your elbow, your hips. just really like to have you within hand reach and keep you close.
→ you know he's touch-starved. he's also weirdly intense about it, but only in private. he can kiss you senseless when it's just the two of you but the moment someone is there, he clamps up like he'd die from being affectionate.
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When You Get Hurt - Spirit Hunter NG
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You and Seiji have always been mature about your relationship and everything that happens around you, so obviously, neither of you was going to bother the other with countless texts and calls that are virtually worthless.
Him being busy with having taken up many of his father’s jobs, as he is going to take up the title of Yakuza Boss very soon, and also, his education responsibilities, while you as well, had your of stuff to take care of.
You’d always tell each other when you were busy and couldn’t answer to calls or texts so you wouldn’t bother each other during an important meeting or something, but today was an exception...
While you were walking home from University, you suddenly started feeling...Off, so you discreetly glanced backwards, only to notice 2 shady looking guys walking your way rather fast, hoods up and shades on.
You could feel the breath hitch in your throat, realising that there weren’t too many people around to rely on,in case something happened, so without thinking, you speed-dialed Seiji, the person you knew you could always rely on...Only to have him hang up almost immediately.
Biting your lip and realising that he was in a meeting, which completely slipped your mind, you rapidly started texting him, telling him to at least send someone like Maruhashi to help you up, but you got no reply.
Desperate, as you noticed the 2 men speeding up towards you, you dialed your boyfriend again, waiting until voicemail so you could subtly tell him that you were being followed by some sketchy men and needed help.
On the other end of the phone, the chestnut haired boy got irked by the constant interruption so he excused himself to go to the bathroom, and as soon as he read your texts and listened to your desperate, stuttering voice, he started panicking internally.
Surely enough, he dragged Maruhasi and 2 other bodyguards and rushed your way, but you were nowhere in sight, so with dread tugging at his heartstrings, he realised they might have taken action already, so he started investigating the place while calling you, just as desperately as you were before.
Thankfully enough, he heard your cute phone ringtone calling from not too far away, and rushing towards the sound, he found your phone on the ground, ringing, the charm he gifted you dirty.
He took your phone and rushed to the dark and usually empty alleys that he knows so well, only to see you getting strangled and shouted at by those goons.
It took less than the flick of his fingers to get his bodyguards to beat the crap out of those guys (and of course, make sure to...Interrogate them later on), while he rushed to your side, taking you out of the alley and checking up on you to make sure you weren’t harmed by those idiots who dared mess with you.
He kept apologising for not being able to answer earlier, and seeing the marks on your neck and the tears glistering in your eyes, Seiji cursed himself mentally before pulling you to his chest, kissing your forehead and reassuring you that everything will be okay from now on and he will be extra careful about everything.
The young Yakuza would make you sleep at his for that night and would pamper you with cuddles and kisses, would binge watch any movie or tv series you’d like, and would even consider doing sillier things like cooking some simple recipe with you or playing with your hair, all just to take your mind away from the bad things that happened that day.
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It’s needless to say that Akira always tries to keep up with tough bad boy facade, but when he’s with you, the only person who managed to help him calm down and not be so stiff, he’s putty in your hands and extremely overprotective.
If anyone looks wrong at you, he’s going to glare and snarl at them until said person runs away, only for you to either remain oblivious and continue your conversation, or giggle at how adorable he was being.
He tries to always pick you up and escort you home, especially when it’s night, but of course, that’s not always possible since he also has his own stuff to attend to, but he at least tries to have you on the phone with him.
That evening, however, you two decided to go on a date, and since he had work before that, you chose a nice cafe where to meet up and enjoy some quality time together...But didn’t arrive yet.
If anything, he’d be the one to sometimes be late, but never more than 15 minutes - You were the punctual one and he admired that about you greatly.
Akira called you frantically, feeling panic build up in his chest and assuming the worst - Until the phone was answered and a deep manly voice answered, instead of your soft and angelic one.
They threatened to do nasty things to you, beat you up as they mocked and taunted him until he could only growl and run up to your location as soon as he heard you shout the place you were at, before getting shouted at and roughed up.
He could feel his blood boil in anger when he saw you being pushed against the wall, one of them having his hand pulling your hair and belittling you, so he wasted no time in jumping in to fuck them up and make them regret ever touching you.
The attackers may or may not be in a coma or almost dead and he had to call his Yakuza best friend to clear up things around while he picked you up, putting your legs around his torso, holding you tightly and rubbing circles on your back, trying to help you calm down, speaking to you as gently as possible.
Akira put his forehead to his, one of his hands on your face, trying to get him to look him in the eyes, reassuring you, before letting you choose if you want to go over to his or your home, to cuddle up and calm down with a cup of tea or hot chocolate, and he’ll cook you something nice and warm.
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It’s pretty obvious that with his sort-of lack of self-esteem made him reluctant to date you, because you’re just too good for him, and after what happened to his wife and child, he felt unable to properly take care of anyone.
If he couldn’t take care of himself and his family, how could he possibly let someone else get injured, or worse, die, just because he’s unfortunate enough to get stupid ghosts attacking everyone he loves.
Of course, whenever he’s with you, he feels like a human being again, as if his dead heart finally beats once again and not with fear or dread, but with love and pure, genuine emotions of warmth and the innocence he hasn’t felt in such a long time.
Ban may have a hard time expressing himself, after all this time and all the bad habits and addictions he got himself into as coping mechanisms, along with the dirty work he has to do for his unstable, freelancer job, but for you, he would really try.
He wouldn’t really speak it out loud, but he would kiss your forehead or temple, putting you in side-hugs whenever he feels like it, and yet, he still felt scared to let his heart loose, because of his fear of losing you to a tragic fate.
That all went down the drain, however, when one day as he was walking home from a day of research, and your voice, so low and desperate, trembling with fear, telling him that there’s a creepy thing standing outside your window, as if stalking you as you begged him to come home and rescue you from whatever there was.
Ban could feel his heart stop for hearing your words, fearing the worse, as he took a break towards your shared home, not caring that he was out of breath or that his legs and lungs were aching and burning - He just wanted to get you out of there and tell you that he loves you so much, cursing himself for being too much of a coward to voice his feelings before.
As soon as he gets in front of your house, he sees the lights are closed, the windows wide-open and he realised something was off, so he ran inside and saw a gruesome looking ghost that was towering over your smaller form that was cowering in fear, cradling your slashed arm.
He called out your name, throwing some holy water at the ghost, having no idea if it would even work or not, but doing so as a suggestion from the little occult girl Hazuki, and rushed to your side, putting his shoulder around you, dragging you out of there before anything else could happen, and you slumped down a wall farther away from home.
He would use his vest to wrap your injury, before putting you close to his chest, kissing you all over your face and repeating again and again how much he loves you and how he was so scared of losing you, how he’d die if anything happened to you.
He apologises for not having the courage to say everything out loud and will tell you how grateful he is that he was able to save you, he promises you that he’ll always be there for you and won’t be out gambling or doing stupid things again.
By the end of it, he’d go make sure the ghost wasn’t around anymore and for the rest of the night he would prepare a hot bath for you, and while you bathe, he’d cook you a nice meal and after treating your wound, he’ll just hold you close to him the whole night, afraid to even sleep in case anything happened to you.
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cynical-sprite · 3 years
Spirit Hunter Preferences: Mugs They'd Buy Their S/O
Naomasa Ban💙:
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Akira Kijima🖤:
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Seiji Amanome❤:
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Masamune Kujou🤍:
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Satoru Mashita🖤:
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Shuuji Daimon💜:
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love-toxin · 4 years
may challenge; akira kijima.
a/n: may challenge day 14. spirit!darling, death mention, suicide mention/implied suicide, established relationship. 
word count: 950
Life had a tendency to be more difficult than you felt you could handle. But you knew now that death was ten thousand times worse, most likely more. You’d rarely thought about your own demise in life, and why would you? You had been young and lively, and hopeful for a bright future ahead of you. 
But now, all you knew was pain, suffering, and a deep-seated longing in your heart that could never be fulfilled again. Not even in the face of your lover, of whom you’d loved even after death and yet still felt pained just to see him alive, breathing...and nothing like yourself, anymore. 
“Leave me, Akira...please…”
You tried to move further away, but the tracks where you’d lost your life held a tether to your spirit, one that couldn’t be broken until you released your regrets and passed on to whatever waited for you in the afterlife. And of course, that meant that it wasn’t far at all for Akira to come calling, the sorrow in his eyes already made way for a blank, cold stare. He seemed like he was already prepared for death himself.
“Mark me.”
And he was.
“No...no, Akira...I can’t do that!”
You felt your spiritual form tremble at his request, your emotions starting to heighten and causing your soul to lose control of itself. You could lash out, you could terrify someone, you could even kill someone...but that didn’t stop him at all, and it only got worse when he pulled out the flower he’d been holding behind his back, brought here just for you. 
“You’re not thinking straight, Akira...I promise, you don’t want to suffer this fate..” 
You wouldn’t take it, you just couldn’t, and the only thing you wanted was for your boyfriend to leave for good. Even if it meant you would be doomed to wander this world forever, with nobody to help you pass on, you shouldered enough pain for yourself--you couldn’t stand the thought of dragging your love into this, and burdening him with even an ounce of the suffering you endured as a lost soul. 
But you could see the pain etched deeply into his face, and the way his brow furrowed as you denied his plea made his emotions all the more obvious to you, if his gritted teeth and clenched fists weren’t enough to do so already. 
“It’s worse to be alive! It’s not fucking worth it...I just want you...I don’t care about anything else.”
You’d never seen Akira cry, even in his darkest and most fearful moments--but he was the closest to it now than he’d ever been, and you felt the pain dig into you in an even more searing way that you didn’t even think was possible. If you hadn’t been with him, seeking out those terrifying ghosts together wouldn’t be worth it, but he protected you and kept you by his side always...and you missed those days, you missed them dearly, but there was no going back for you now. 
Unafraid of what you were now, he took a step forwards, the rose he held between his fingers already beginning to wilt as he got closer. But he didn’t seem to notice, his eyes focused only on you, and his heart beating so loudly you could feel it in your own chest. 
“Say it again. Say my name.”
He almost looked to be in a trance, coming closer to you until you were practically chest to chest...but once he was in front of you, really in front of you, all you could feel was a deep, bubbling warmth within your soul. You desperately didn’t want to make him suffer, and you could say that now, it would be your only wish...but for the first time since your death, you felt something more than the agony and despair of reliving it all. 
You felt whole, in a sense. Not in body anymore, but…Aki’s features softening pulled your heart back from where it had been lost, and you knew such a rare thing wasn’t going to go unappreciated. He loved you enough to revisit the place where he’d watched you die despite how painful it was, and he loved you enough to kneel down and place the rose at your feet, in the spot you’d been rooted to since you took your last breath on the pavement. 
“I know you can. Mark me. Make me yours...permanently.”
You didn’t think it had been possible, but he took your hand in both of his, and squeezed it with a firm grip that brought you right back to the memories of where you had been in life. All of your clear thoughts drained out of you in a trickle, and pure, unbridled warmth filled their place--and when you reached over to place your palm over his, your own joy at being together let the sight of the red, bite-like mark that rose to his skin completely pass under your radar. 
“...Let me die. Let me be with you again...please.” 
His eyelids already started to flutter, the exhaustion weighing down his body, and he started to sway like a paper doll in the wind, and not like the strong figure you’d come to know intimately. Your legs folded underneath you and you lowered yourself slowly, to sit by his side and let him rest his head on your shoulder...and by the time his spirit left his body completely, you knew you would be well on your way to the other side as well, to greet your beloved with open arms and not another worry in the world. 
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Spirit hunter:NG dating headcanons
I'm starting with our male cast, but don't’ worry, or sure I will write later the headcanons for the ladies <3
Akira Kijima:
Congratulations, somehow your communication with Akira was good enough that this dumbass realized that you indeed have feelings for him.
That’s a thing with this boy - he is kinda dense in relationships matters. Like often he can’t see that people are blatantly flirting with him.
So It’s important that you are very upfront and honest with him, If you want him to understand how you feel.
At beginning of your relationship, he is kinda casual, like probably the way he would treat you would be a mix of how he treats Ami and Amanome - Caring but also friendly in his weird, kinda teasing way.  
Later on, he would realize that If you are in a romantic relationship with someone, well then things should be kinda different than just normal friendship.
So he would probably try and take you on some dates - he would take you for a ride on his bike, maybe show you some nice places that he knows (But would try to avoid haunted ones).
He’s not very touchy-feely kind of person and PDA is not his kind of thing.
But really likes snuggling together or when you hug him from behind while he is riding his bike or cooking. 
Also btw cooking - it’s one of the ways Akira shows his feelings. He will make sure that you are well-fed, and maybe even will make you some lunch boxes? 
Akira is not very experienced in a relationship, so he is not an excellent kisser, but he is very eager to learn. At first, his kisses would be just smashing your faces together, but later he does it more slowly, more lovingly. 
He is pretty tall so prefers to be a Big spoon, but doesn’t mind being a small one. 
Seiji Amanome:
When your boyfriend is still a high schooler but also your sugar daddy - that's kinda your relationship with Seiji.
He may kinda show you off when he is with his peers, kinda like a trophy. 
It’s doesn't mean that he doesn’t respect you, he just wants to show others that you are his (and also he has a reputation to maintain).
Seiji unlike Akira is really great with communication and reading other people's intentions, but he may kinda overanalyze your behavior. 
Very protective of you. He will keep you far far away from his dangerous jobs. He won’t admit it, but he is terrified of the thought of you getting hurt by a supernatural thing or even enemy gangs. 
Loves showering you in gifts. He gives you either very nice and expensive ones or something weird (not a weird drink, that his and Akira’s inside joke, but surely you will have your own inside joke).
He loves a little bit of PDA, loves holding your waist or putting his arm around your shoulders. Also, he doesn't shy away from giving you kisses in public. 
BTW kissing - he is really great at it. He will usually start by kinda teasing you and bringing you to the edge, then he finds that perfected moment to put his lips on yours. Maybe some tongue action? Depends on mood ;) 
He tends to tease you a lot, but when you are both alone, then he gets a little bit softer. 
When cuddling he would prefer being a big spoon, he just prefers holding you in his arms than vice versa. 
Naomasa Ban: 
First, when he notices that you are interested in him, he would try to change your mind (Like, you really want to be with him? This shady, divorced and addicted to gambling hoodlum?), but If you persist and won’t give up on your feelings, then he will accept it. “But don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”
He has a harsh personality, but he still really cares about you. and with time he will become much nicer to you. But still will tease you a lot, because he loves your embarrassed reactions. 
His finances are very...  unstable. One day he can take you to a fancy restaurant for a date and other days he will only eat cheap instant noodles. That’s what he gets with his gambling addiction. 
But no matter what are his finances are at his moment, he will do his best to make you happy. He worries that he neglects you too much because of his jobs, that's why he will try and spend most of his free time with you (I hope you don't mind some shady places or pachinko parlors). 
Also, I hope you don’t mind his smoking addiction. He would do anything for you, but quitting smoking at this point would be too hard for him. If It will really bother you, then he will try not to smoke when you are not around. 
He won’t hide his interest in spirits and supernatural, but even If you beg him, he will not bring you on these “adventures”. He already lost his son because of the supernatural, he can’t afford to lose you know. 
He is not a must cuddly kind of person, but won't say no to a hug or a kiss for his dear S/O.  Doesn’t mind PDA, loves having you on his lap while he plays one of his many gambling games. Sometimes he will joke that you are his good luck charm. 
He is a not bad kisser, really likes to kiss you on top of your head (Which is really easy for him because this man is SO TALL). Also loves kissing your nape and neck. 
Because he is such a long, long man, he usually takes the role of a big spoon, but If you really want to, you also can be a big spoon. 
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Imagine accidentally getting into trouble with some thugs and being backed into an alley. Just when you think something terrible is going to happen, you see what seems to be a flash of black and red as you flinch. You hear impact of a punch, but are surprised to not feel pain.
When you open your eyes, you see the thug who had you pinned laying on the asphalt and the rest of them fleeing from the assailant.
"Hey, are you okay?"
You stare up at Akira before nodding slowly. You hadn't known him for too long, so you never expected that he'd end up being your knight in shining armor.
"Good," he says before hesitantly offering you a hand for assistance. He almost sounds nervous when he speaks up again, but you think you just misheard his annoyance. "... Want me to walk you home? It's dangerous at night."
You graciously accept.
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Spirit hunter NG characters with a sassy/snarky SO please.
Seiji Amanome
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Honestly, all these guys are sarcastic and snarky, what do you expect?
If you’re just like them, then there are only 2 possibilities:
1. You become the sarcastic duo, and you shade everyone.
2. You have a shit ton of back and forth banters here and there.
Now, Seiji is a very intelligent guy, and his shades come naturally, and they can be more subtle, with extra charm from his facial expressions, and if you join him in the shading, then oh yes, you’re the real Yakuza Power Couple.
But the Yakuza world is pretty dangerous, and Seiji wouldn’t want to put you in danger, whilst you worry about him, so this could start a lot of banters between the two of you that will end up as you’d expect.
He still goes and do his stuff, but most likely, without telling you, so you’ll stop nagging him.
But as long as you know your limits and understand that he is an underground man with shady business, then there is no problem in your relationship.
Also, he wouldn’t mind hanging out with you, Akira and Kaoru for a double date, ‘cause he’d shade Kaoru and would boast about how you’re the best S/O.
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Akira Kijima
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While Akira isn’t one for many words, the ones he utters are usually harsh and insulting, here and there, depending on the person he’s addressing.
If it’s you, then he’ll be a lot milder, obviously, but he won’t be able to keep his sarcasm or teasing down if you do something outright stupid or dangerous.
Just like Seiji, he enjoys your snark and would love for you to hype him up when he’s fighting, and berate the enemy, it gives him a huge energy and confidence boost.
If you ever fight, he’ll try to keep calm and just shut up and leave, only talking to you when you’ve calmed down and stopped stupidly lashing out at him, even if it was out of worry.
Unlike Seiji, who’s smart overall, Akira is witty and street smart in a different way, and while very often, his resolve is just punching his problems away, you can make fun of him, and he won’t retaliate much, ‘cause he knows you’re right, and there’s no use denying his flaws or bad habits.
But he’ll also pick on yours, albeit with a smirk on his face, as he teases you out of love.
- - - Ban Naomasa
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Despite his sharp tongue - Don’t forget, he’s an underground journalist and deals with the worst of the worst, and gambles away his life - He will actually be rather tame when it comes to you.
His heart was torn apart when his wife and child were killed by ghosts, so despite being bitter and dark to the world, he would be the sweetest to you, and would let you go away with anything, really.
Ban is afraid of losing you, so he will step on his pride - If you are angry, he will accept to have you vent at him and even lash our your anger at him, for no reason, if it helps you feel better.
But don’t think for one second that, if you both had a common enemy, you wouldn’t completely destroy them with your combined snark and witty comments that would make even the most seasoned thug run away with his tail between his legs.
Not to mention the blackmail that Ban has on them...
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Imagine asking Akira to teach you how to fight, he blows you off every time because it sounds like too much of a hassle... He only reconsiders when you end up begging for far too long. He'd only wanted you to stop bugging him about it at first.
Secretly though, he didn't want to hurt you if you guys sparred to test things out.
He's surprised that you're actually taking this seriously, but he wonders why you even felt the need to know this.
Whether it's for self-defense or genuine curiosity, he keeps an eye on you for a while just in case.
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