#kieran duffy tickles
tickled-2-death · 4 months
If anybody is a rdr2 fan who likes Kieran PLEASE send me some asks I’m regards to tickling with him, I’m so desperate for anything and could use some prompts/random tickle thoughts. I miss my boy
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billythecryptid · 3 years
Braiding Kieran’s Hair (Smut) Female
Literally just gonna start posting these half written shit shows because they are just crowding up my documents. Some of these I might go back to but like this one I am so sick of Re-reading and editing and fixing, like I just don’t care, have it! 
Kieran requests something from you, but don’t worry he has a little something to give back. 
I saw a porno where a girl braided her boyfriends hair while he ate her out and this was all I could think about the entire time....
Kieran watched as your fingers moved deftly through your horse's mane making thin neat braids, hands moving impossibly fast, but most delicately. As you finished up the last one your horse turned nuzzling you fondly then snorting in your face causing you to laugh as you leaned in to kiss her nose.  Kieran loved that laugh, loved the way you treated your horse so kindly, loved you. When you looked over, catching him staring he blushed but held your gaze strolling over. You smiled as you wiped at your face with your sleeve. 
“Why Mr. Duffy I didn’t see you over there, how are you this fine morning?” you reach your hand out towards him and he takes it in his bringing it to his lips kissing your knuckles.
“Much better now that I’ve found you,” he smiles, enjoying the blush that comes over your cheeks. “Not that it’s hard,” he teases, reaching over to pat your horse in greeting before going over to say good morning to his own. “This is your first stop every morn-” he stops mid-sentence as he takes in the intricate pattern you’ve braided into Branwen’s mane. He gently runs his shaky fingers over it. “I swear you spoil my horse just as much as you spoil me, if not more.” You laugh then smile bashfully as a thought comes to you, you look down at your feet as you take a step closer. 
“Well I certainly do not give him quite the same kind of attention,” you place your hand on his chest  and peer up into his eyes. His face goes crimson as you lick your lips before leaning up to kiss him. You let your hands trail down his sides, gripping at his hips as he cups your face and deepens the kiss. “And besides…” you moan as he moves to kiss the side of your neck. “They don’t thank me the way you do.” Kieran laughs a hot breath into your neck and goosebumps spread down your arms.
“Ay! Ay! Ay!” Javier shouts as he strolls into the corral area. “Not by the horses! Sal de aquí!” 
“What?” Kieran jumps pulling back as you let out a laugh. 
“He said get out of here, and you know I think he has the right idea.” You smirk giving Javier a wink before taking Kieran’s hand and leading him towards your tent. 
“You want me to braid your hair?” you ask confused. He nods but bites his lip nervously shifting from foot to foot. “Well of course I will I just thought you wanted to-”
“There’s more,” he mumbled to his feet. 
“To it, more to it… I want…” his face gets hot and his ears grow bright red. You furrow your eyebrows but give him a gentle smile. 
“You don’t have to be shy with me,” you reach for his hand but he shakes his head.
“I’ll just show you.” He slowly drops to his knees before you and you furrow your eyebrows breath hitching when he shuffles forward placing his hands on your thighs, firmly guiding them apart. You try to help him pull your skirts up, but grow frustrated standing to pull the fabric out from underneath you and wrestle it off over your head. Kieran’s hands slide up your legs until they reach the waistband of your bloomers. He pulls them down, waiting for you to sit so he can get them off from around your ankles.  Next he reaches over to the upturned crate by your bed to retrieve your comb and a leather hair tie, handing them to you, eyes lustily looking up into yours. He shuffles closer pushing your legs just far enough for him to be able to bury his face between them. You let out a startled gasp jerking back a little at the feel of his tongue brushing your clit so firm and direct. You realize he wants you to braid his hair and immediately feel your wetness and arousal grow. You let him continue for a moment, stroking your fingers through his hair, enjoying the tease of pleasure he was giving you.  Then you squeezed your legs and urged him to sit back up. He looked up confused, his large eyes peering up into yours like a hungry little puppy dog. You can't help but laugh fondly, leaning down to kiss the look off his face. 
“Don’t worry, I just need to get in a better position,” you coo, urging him back a little so you can lean back against the crate. He begins again, slow and teasing, and you hum in pleasure. It’s just enough to satisfy you but not too much that you are unable to focus. “Just like that,” you groan before you reach for the comb and tie. His hands tighten where they grip at your ass and hip his voice causing pleasant sensations as he lets out a pleased hum when the comb slips through his hair. 
“O-one braid or t-two, oh God baby,” you pause hand burying deeply in his hair as he does something particularly wicked with his tongue. He does it two more times before he goes back to his lazy lapping. “I can’t focus when you do that.”
“Two,” he hums against you, eyes peering up at you. You bite your lip, thighs clenching around his shoulders, his sideburns brushing and tickling, teasing your most intimate places. You smooth his hair back down, combing and parting it, your hands trembling slightly. You begin to braid the first side. He makes an obscene slurping sound that sets your face aflame, the low smoldering pleasure in your gut grows, your legs trembling as you try to keep them open. His tongue swipes down at your entrance, teasing as he moans once more into your sex. You can only let out small gasping moans hands stilling for a moment as you near the end of his braid and you have to tilt his head down, burying his face into you more. 
As you start the second one you falter, the hair slipping from your shaking hands, fingers numb from the pleasure. He peers up at you and you groan tightening your hold in his hair before you are cursing him as he pulls off, just enough to gasp out with a small cocky smirk,
“Is this too much?” he licks another teasing stripe. “You don’t have to finish-'' you push his face back down and feel him smile against you. As you near the end of his last braid you feel his fingers slide in and almost drop it. He buries two of his long digits right up to his palm. You squirm slicking his hand with your juices. 
“Almost there, almost there,” you gasp. “All done.” 
At your words he pulls up so he can kiss you, fingers working you towards a quick approaching climax.You fist your hands in his shirt, keeping him in place as you cry into your heated kiss, walls clenching around his fingers, he whines back like he’s the one receiving all the pleasure and you bite his lip in appreciation. 
The two of you were eating together at the edge of camp at a small table when Arthur strolled over slapping Kieran on the back, “Those are some mighty fine braids you have got going on over there Mr. Duffy.”
“Uh Th-Thanks Mister,” Kieran squeaked turning beet red, darker than you had ever seen him blush before, clearing his throat and shifting in his seat and ducking his head lower. “It was the Missus.”
“Oh I know,” Arthur winked with a smirk looking between the two of you, his voice dropping low and sultry. “Next time my hair is long enough, I’ll be sure to seek out your services.” 
“Sure but I will have you know I don’t do nothing without a little compensation Mister Morgan,” you tease, locking eyes with the outlaw standing above you, however some of your false bravado wavers as he leans down resting his elbows on the table  so his face is level with both you and Kieran’s. His voice comes out in a rumbling murmur, gritty with intent,
“Why I am sure you will find I have it in my abilities to compensate the both of you very well for your time and efforts.” Then in a blink he gives your chin a gentle cuff and one of Kieran’s braids an equally as gentle tug before turning and striding off. You both watch him go before turning back to each other red faced, simultaneously bursting into a kind of uncertain but tension relieving laughter.
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A Little Security (Arthur Morgan/Kieran Duffy)
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I saw somebody post about these two a long while ago, and since I think this pairing is actually pretty cute I decided to give it a try. I’m a bit rusty and I did rush a bit at the end, but I still think it’s alright.
This is M/M content. Don’t read if you don’t like it.
There are no other warnings. Enjoy :))
The sun had began to set when Arthur finally made his way back to Horseshoe Overlook, most of the camp already finished with their evening stew and preparing for bed.
Arthur wearily slid off his steed, which towered over the other horses, and hitched him along the horse station while reaching for the heavy bear pelt stowed on his back. The black Shire sighed and watched his human, who nearly strut his way to Peason’s wagon, soaking in the compliments from the awestruck ladies and jealously of the men.
“Oh yeah, sure! Hunt down a monster and make the rest of us look bad!” Shouted Sean, who was no doubt up to his collar in alcohol already. Arthur played along with most of the silly jabs and comments from the gang, but he had to resist looking over his shoulder to the smaller man watching him almost longingly from the backs of the outlaw’s horses.
Arthur finally glanced back, almost aggressively, to Kieran when he set the bear pelt down on the donation table. He squeaked when he noticed his intense gaze, hiding behind Maggie and hurriedly bushing her coat to distract himself from anybody who may have noticed his lingering eyes.
Arthur rolled his eye as he sat on his cot, removing his hat and laying back and closing his eyes.
This had started just recently (at least to Arthur’s knowledge).
Arthur would leave for a few days to hunt, look for leads, or do any other odd job somebody threw at him (anything to avoid breaking Micah out of jail), and during his last few visits back to camp one particular person seemed to be waiting for him, almost like a puppy waiting for his master.
Arthur wouldn’t admit, not even to himself, but he was almost flattered. It was nice to come back to somebody waiting for him. Sure, he was usually greeted by Dutch or Hosea, or even Susan, but they would usually have some sort of mission or chore for him to do. It was nice to have somebody just genuinely  happy to see him alive and well.
Kieran always awaited Arthur, but he could tell he tried to hide it. Though he was still skittish around the outlaw, he would shyly offer to take over whatever chores around camp he needed to do and would sit by him around the campfire if he was alone. He had even prepared him a cup of coffee in the morning. Just once though, because Arthur didn’t like so much cream in his coffee. He wasn’t use to this kind of attention.
Hell, even his horse warmed up to Kieran faster then he did Arthur, which annoyed him a bit, but he did think it was rather adorable to see the big raven black beast nibble and lick Kieran’s hands when he fed him treats.
Wait...No...What was Arthur thinking?
He shook his head, turning over in his cot and suppressing those strange thoughts of the O’Driscoll as he tried to get a moment of sleep.
Though he didn’t rest long.
Not that he fell that deeply into sleep, he still noticed the muffled sound of teeth chattering and familiar miserable whimpers. Without even sitting up, Arthur glanced over to the large stone along the side of camp, a shivering shadow catching his attention.
He didn’t know why he cared so much, but it bothered him that Dutch, or anybody for that matter, hadn’t at least given the boy a blanket or pillow to lay on. He wasn’t a Van Der Linde, of course, but he certainly wasn’t an O’driscoll, and had saved Arthur’s life.
He didn’t deserve to freeze to death at least, Arthur thought. That’s all, surley, as he rose to his feet and made his way other to the sniveling man, taking off his winter coat as he did so.
Kieran didn’t notice him approach at first, too distracted by the cold and his own misery, until Arthur cleared his throat. He froze, glancing over his shoulder to the larger man, only to have a heavy blue coat thrown into his face, Arthur mumbling something along the lines of “Let me know if you get cold, dumbass...” as he trudged away.
Kieran didn’t move for a moment, looking down to the fuzzy coat in his lap dumbly. He looked around the camp to be sure no one was watching, before sliding the poofy coat over his own thinner one.
Though he was much warmer, he didn’t feel safe enough to fall asleep yet. He was almost fearful that this was some sort of prank or test, but it was hard to resist his heavy eyes growing heavy and Arthur’s powerful scent lingering in the air and lulling him to sleep.
Arthur awoke earlier then usual the next morning. The morning sky was a bright pink and Charles was just returning from his night watch, Javier taking his place.
As he sat up, he noticed the coat he had given to Kieran now sliding down his chest. He looked back up, Kieran himself dusting off the wooden table in the middle of camp, which had a single cup of coffee and stew waiting for him.
Though he was very thankful for Arthur’s favor, he quickly retreated when he approached the table, leaving to assist the horses and Arthur alone to his breakfast.
He sat alone shortly, however, as Hosea sat across from him a moment later wearing a wide smirk as he watched Arthur eat.
“Good morning yourself. Sleep well?”
Arthur eyed him suspiciously as he ate another spoonful of stew, which was mostly broth at this point.
“What do you want Hosea?”
“What do you mean? Can’t I wish my son a good morning?”
“Yeah but...You’re acting funny.”
“Me? Funny? I’m not acting nearly as funny as you, or that Duffy fellow.”
“Okay,” Arthur said as he lifted his bowl high and swallowed whatever stew was left. “I’m not doing this.”
“Fair enough, but just remember you’re not as subtle as you think Arthur!” Hosea said, nearly shouting towards the end as Arthur hurried to the other side of the camp, ignoring the confused glances of the other gang members.
Just as he was about to call for his steed, he found Kieran at the edge of camp grooming Arthur’s large horse. This had become somewhat common recently, but what was unusual was Kieran actually turning to Arthur as he approached and walking forward to meet him before he could leave.
Arthur tried to hold a neutral expression as Kieran shakily thanked him for lending him his coat the night before. He couldn’t help but notice how he twiddled his thumbs and how much redder his face was in the moment, or how his posture in general was very similar to a shy teenage boy on a date for the first time.
This would have tickled Arthur if this were under any other circumstance.
He muttered a quick ‘you’re welcome’ as he saddled up but paused before he turned to leave camp.
“You know...if I’m ever away, you can...use my tent...I guess...”
Kieran, who had just began to sulk away back to his chores, turned back to Arthur in disbelief.
“Oh..I...uh...T-Thank you, Mister!”
Arthur really wished he hadn’t thanked him so loudly. He held his head down, hiding his blushing face under his hat as he rode farther away from the smirking outlaws and past a smiling Javier as he rode away from Horseshoe overlook.
He considered never going back, the teasing surely never going to end when he returns to camp. ‘Morgan and the O’driscoll’ they’ll say. But he wanted to come back.
And to that very man.
He didn’t know why. He thought it over during his trip for treasure hunting. There wasn’t anything particularly  outstanding about Kieran. He was a sniveling little shit they found shivering in the snow. And when he had the chance to leave, he stayed. He saved Arthur’s life and he stayed, saying he had no where else to go.
Arthur understood that feeling. Even with his belongings and his own tent at camp, he still feels like he doesn’t belong. He feels little more then an errand boy, or a thug at times, only kept around to do the dirty work and put his own cash in the donation box and then excused to do whatever else he does.
He tries to not let it bother him, but he just feel so warm so suddenly when Kieran does give him the little attention he does.
He’s a grown ass man. He doesn’t need someone to brew his coffee for him or bring him his meals, but damn does it make him feel warm when he takes it upon himself to sit by him around the fire, or to care for his steed so carefully.
He hadn’t realized he was so close to camp until Bill’s loud voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Who goes there?”
“Arthur, you dumbass!”
“The hero returns!”
As he rode back into camp, he noticed the lack of an O’driscoll waiting to take the reins of his steed, who angrily stomped his hoof as he waited impatiently by the hitching post.
Arthur slipped him a sugar cube and looked around the camp for Kieran until his eyes landed on Hosea, who seemed to be waiting for their eyes to lock. Before he could comment on the older gentlemen’s smug look, he looked away from Arthur, who followed his gaze the sleeping figure on his cot.
The younger man shifted ever so slightly when Arthur approached his tent, turning over and letting his hand fall off the mattress. The outlaw watched him for a bit, deciding on his next move but somewhat enjoying the sight of the other man sleeping on his bed.
He glanced around camp, suddenly very aware of the other members of camp, before deciding to ignore whatever opinions they may have of the situation and sat on the cot beside Kieran, who began to stir awake.
Arthur tried to act casual as he slid off his hat and boots, laying back on the tiny mattress next to Kieran, but there was no hiding his nervousness and darkening cheeks. Kieran sat up and began to panic.“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you would be back tonight! I’ll give you your s-”
Before he could began to beg for his life, Arthur slapped his hand over his mouth and gently pushed him back down to the cot. ‘Shh! Relax will you? It’s fine.”
“B-but...Don’t you want your space?”
“Nah. You don’t take up much room.” He whispered.
“Oh...” Kieran swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. “Aren’t you worried about what the boys will say?”
“Boy, you’ve been here long enough to know a lil bit about what goes on here. I dare them to start any drama.”
Arthur said as he stretched out his arm behind Kieran, who leaned back down and used it as a pillow. Arthur closed his eyes and ignored the silent chatter of the other outlaws who were still awake. He may have heard his name once, but no one questioned him the next day when he decided to sleep in with Kieran, who did try to hide away with the horses. It took a little convincing from Arthur to drag him back to camp to lazily do chores side by side.
Sean or Bill may have made a snide comment, but Arthur threw one right back, and they didn’t bring up what they say again, to Arthur or Kieran. Despite the knowing looks from Charles and John, the only other acknowledgement he got was from the all knowing Hosea, who sat by him when he finally did let Kieran tend to the horses by himself.
Arthur, not being able to drink peacefully with the smirking man by himself, sighed and finally looked over.“Well? What you lookin’ so proud of yourself for?”
“Not of myself. You.”
"But you didn’t help me at all?”
“That’s right. And I didn’t have to. That’s why I’m so proud.”
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varietydisco · 5 years
Hay Fever and Other Romantic Gestures
Pairing: Bill Williamson/Kieran Duffy Rating: General Audiences Tags: Crushes, Bill being soft on the DL, Jack is also there hanging out Word count: 3k
Bill gives in and lets Jack put flowers in his hair, but he doesn’t count on someone watching them.
There was a lot of thinking to be done sober.
It wasn’t usually a good thing, and thus lead to a lot of negative thoughts, but today was an exception. Bill could sit in the warm afternoon sun with his hat down over his eyes, drifting in and out of sleep without a care in the world. It was rare, but when it came it was sweeter than honey and more valuable than gold.
The grass was green and sweet smelling. The smell of wildflowers and fresh pine seemed to float on the breeze. Bill couldn’t remember the last time he felt so comfortable, mentally and physically. For the time being, he could forget his worries and let them melt into the spring ground.
Bill was laid up a good ways outside of camp, in a little clearing with tall grass and swaying trees on all sides. The only sound to be heard was the stream babbling not far off.
He thought about everything and nothing all at the same time. Mostly, Bill drank in the warm sun, the sweet smells, and the soft sounds. It was all gentle enough that Bill could have fallen asleep.
But footsteps approaching kept him from doing so. Light, clumsy ones.
Bill didn’t need to wonder who was coming around, because once they got within a few feet, Jack’s squeaky voice asked, “You sleepin’, Bill?”
Bill grunted. “Tryin’ to.”
A thoughtful silence came from Jack. Bill heard him hum under his breath.
“Grandpa’s lookin’ for ya. He sent me to find ya.” Jack stated. His voice and steps got closer until he was directly beside Bill. “Called you a lot of mean names.”
Bill pushed his hat up a bit. “Which one?”
“Said you was a lazy and dumb son of a—”
“Which grandpa?” Bill corrected sharply.
“Oh.” Jack sat down in the grass. Bill heard it rustle under him. “Grandpa Hosea.”
Bill pushed his hat back down. He grumbled nonsense.
A breeze whistled through the canopy of leaves overhead; they shook and rustled a melody that filled the clearing. Jack plucked a fistful of grass from beside him and then scattered it in the wind.
Bill sighed into his hat.
“Did he say what he wanted?”
Jack shook his head. “No... Jus’ that he wanted to find ya, and make sure you wasn’t rottin’ somewhere.”
“Great.” Bill grumbled. “Don’t tell ‘em I’m here. First time I’ve got some peace an’ fuckin’ quiet...”
“I won’t tell,” Jack whispered. He ripped up more grass and sprinkled it in his lap. “Promise.”
Bill made another throaty noise. Jack thought he sounded like an animal, which made him smile.
They both sat there in silence for a moment. Bill was thinking mostly about falling asleep, and Jack was plucking grass and generally disturbing the wildlife. It was a fine fit.
Bill didn’t mind Jack; he was a good kid. It would have shocked a lot of people to find out that Bill didn’t really mind kids this way or that. He thought they were cute, if nothing else.
His sister had a couple kids. Bill used to make it a point to go see them every once and a while for their birthdays, but after coming back from the war, things got too complicated for that. The last time he saw his nieces, they were Jack’s age, or around there; now they must have been ten or twelve.
Thinking of it in terms of years made an uncomfortable feeling swell in Bill’s guts. He pushed it aside.
Jack shuffled beside him and got to his feet. He trudged away without a word, leaving Bill to the ambient sounds of the clearing.
Spring was a weird time of year. People always raved about its beauty and how it meant that winter was finally over, but as far as Bill was concerned, it wasn’t even that great; the first half of every spring was spent dead and dreary while the snow melted, and the rivers flooded. It wasn’t until May that the trees grew leaves and the wildflowers sprouted. Wouldn’t be such a bad thing, if it all just came quicker. And if Bill didn’t need to trudge through mud puddles and sinkholes for three months while everyone else raved about how beautiful it was out, maybe he wouldn’t mind.
But he did. People called him bitter for it, but damn the spring and everything else it entailed.
Over the sound of the bubbling brook came an equally airy giggle. Footsteps crunched and came up beside Bill. Bill raised his brow to himself behind his beat-up hat. Otherwise, he stayed still.
Jack giggled again, though it sounded like he was trying to smother the sound. Bill felt something tickle his face.
“What’re you doin’, Jack?” Bill asked. His voice was hard, though it missed any real malice.
“Nothin’.” Jack replied innocently.
“Better be nothin’. You won’t like me mad.”
Jack burst into wild giggles. He fell back as Bill suddenly sat up and pulled the hat away from his eyes.
Jack had a fistful of daisies and golden rod, and a huge grin on his flushed, chubby cheeks. He kept laughing, and it took a second for Bill to realize why.
Bill reached up and touched his beard; he felt soft petals and stems sticking out. Upon glancing down, he saw a few flowers weaved into his bushy facial hair. He pulled one out and examined it, then turned an exaggerated scowl to Jack.
“This funny to you?” He demanded.
The laughter stopped, and Jack faltered for a second. His expression shifted from amusement towards something more scared and uncertain.
Bill reached out and ruffled Jack’s hair. He then stuck the daisy behind Jack’s ear.
“‘Cause I think it is,” Bill finished. He had a crooked, uncharacteristic smile as he tilted his head back. “Gimme a few more. Make me smell nice.”
Jack’s lips spread with a grin again. Nodding happily, he hopped to his feet and returned to weaving flowers into Bill’s beard. Bill closed his eyes and let his mind wander.
Bill didn’t mind being silly sometimes, just as long as it stayed between them. He figured that even if Jack did go telling others, no one would believe him, anyway.
Big ol’ mean Bill putting flowers in his hair?
Never. Not a chance in Hell.
As the stem of a daisy ticked his chin, Bill cracked open his eye. Jack looked set and serious, as if the task at hand was the most precise and technical one he’d ever had to do.
Bill thought it was cute.
“You really like flowers, huh?” Bill asked. “You’re always pickin’ ‘em an’ whatnot.”
“Uh-huh! I think they’re pretty,” Jack said enthusiastically. “Aunt Tilly even showed me how to make a daisy chain.”
“Ya don’t say? Daisies are my favourite flower. You figure you could make me one?”
Jack’s eyes lit up. He bounced on his feet, grinning wide.
“Yeah, course!” Jack shoved his handful of flowers towards Bill. “Hold these, I’ll go get the daisies! There’s big ol’ patch of ‘em by the water!”
“Alright, go ahead,” Bill said as he took the flowers delicately. “Don’t get too close to the stream.”
“I won’t— you stay here, now! I won’t be one second!”
Bill watched Jack bound off, excitedly scrambling through the tall grass. Two seconds, and he disappeared through the lining of trees like a faun.
The silence of the woods surrounded Bill once more. Smiling gently to himself, Bill lifted Jack’s flowers to his nose. He closed his eyes as he breathed deep and enjoyed the sweet scent. Maybe spring wasn’t as bad as he thought.
And then someone sneezed not far off.
Bill’s eyes snapped open, and he jerked his head towards the sound. His eyes roved over the lining of trees surrounding the clearing, though at first, he didn’t see anything.
Bill squinted and shifted up to his feet. The hard edge returned to his voice. His cheeks went red with rage and embarrassment at potentially being caught.
“Who’s out there?”
Naturally, no one replied. Bill still waited, looking comical holding a bouquet of wildflowers with a beard full of daisies and shedding golden rod. He glared around angrily.
Another loud sneeze, and Bill located the onlooker.
Kieran was half-hidden behind a birch tree, hunched over and clutching his mouth. His eyes were wide with shock.
Neither of them moved. For a long moment, they stared at each other, equally surprised and confused. When nothing that immediately endangered his health happened, Kieran dropped his hand and smiled weakly at Bill.
That made Bill come to his senses. Cheeks flushing even hotter, Bill threw the flowers to the ground and bellowed, “Goddamn O’Driscoll!”
The smile dropped off Kieran’s face. Instead, it replaced itself with genuine terror. Kieran turned and scattered, his heart pounding. Bill thundered behind him, hollering out, “Don’t you fuckin’ run, you chicken shit!”
Kieran figured if he made it to camp again he would be in the clear, or at least that he could climb a tree and hide up there, worst come to worst. However, he only made it about ten feet when his foot caught on an upturned root. Kieran pitched forward with a yelp; he fell on his hands and knees into a blanket of pine needles and moss. Kieran flipped onto his back, and Bill was upon him.
You’d think it would be hard to be afraid of a man with daisies weaved into his beard, but Bill had a burning hate in his eyes that made Kieran want to cower. Kieran winced, his arms flinging up to cover his face as Bill pounced in his lap.
At the force and Bill’s weight, Kieran wheezed. Bill grabbed a fistful of Kieran’s shirt and reeled his other fist back, ready to strike.
“You little shit,” Bill hissed. “How much did you see?”
Kieran held his hands up defensively, as if he had the strength to fend off Bill even if he wanted to.
“I don’t know! I mean, I—I didn’t see nothin’!” Kieran hesitated. He anxiously eyed Bill’s poised fist. “Nothin’ worth tellin’ anybody about, anyhow.”
“You’re damn right you didn’t see nothin’. Because if anybody finds out about this, I’ll take your fuckin’ head off your shoulders.”
For emphasis, Bill psyched Kieran out by shoving his fist forward. Kieran flinched, his face contorted with fear.
“How long was you watchin’, anyhow?” Bill demanded.
“Just a few moments! I followed Jack out here t—to make sure he was stayin’ out of trouble.”
“Or was you tryin’ to get dirt on me?”
“What? No!” Kieran’s insides felt squirmy and odd. Bill was practically on top of him, and inches from his face. His own freckled cheeks were a deep, ruddy red. “Why would I— what would I even do with dirt on ya? N—nobody at camp trusts my word, anyhow.”
That kind of threw Bill for a loop. He faltered for a second, then screwed his expression up again. He jerked his fist towards Kieran’s face, making the latter cry out and flinch.
“Don’t matter! I ain’t gonna give you no ideas.”
“Okay! Okay. I—I just think it’s cute, is all, you know?” Kieran sputtered all at once. He turned his head away from Bill’s face and screwed his eyes shut. He tried not to think of how romantic this could have been if Bill wasn’t threatening to knock his block off. “You with Jack, I mean! You don’t look the fatherly type. It surprised me and I—I didn’t mean to spy on ya, I swear. I just—just thought it was cute.”
Once more, Bill faltered. Almost immediately, he blushed, and instead of confronting his mixed feelings towards that, he gave Kieran a good shake. Bill dropped his face close to Kieran’s.
“I ain’t fatherly, so don’t be sayin’ shit like that!” He hissed.
Kieran made a strangled noise as his head bounced off the mossy ground. Something like the word “okay” tumbled out of his mouth.
From behind them, Bill heard a twig snap. A quiet voice sang nonsense.
Bill looked back over his shoulder and watched as the tall grass by the brook shook and swayed as a little body moved through it.
“Shit,” Bill whispered.
He turned his evil glare back to Kieran. Kieran’s face was contorted in a strange way, but before Bill could ask or comment, Kieran jerked his head to the side and sneezed violently twice.
“Hay fever, sir,” Kieran managed. “I got... Hay fever. And the, uh, the pollen from your beard—”
Bill scoffed. He threw Kieran down to ground and then clambered to his feet.
“Get out of here.” When Kieran didn’t immediately move, Bill gave him a kick in the shin. “I said git! Go!”
Kieran nodded wordlessly. He scrambled around, grabbed his hat, and jumped to his feet. With a last, fleeting look and a small smile, Kieran turned and hurried his way back towards camp.
Bill adjusted his hat as he watched Kieran go. Once he was certain that Kieran was out of earshot, he turned around and wiped his cheeks down. They were still fiery red, and the encounter had left his heart fluttering in his chest like a rampant butterfly. He didn’t want to think about it, and he didn’t want to think of why he felt that way, even though he knew damn well.
As Bill lumbered back into the clearing, Jack emerged from the tall grass. He had fistfuls of daisies and other flowers Bill didn’t know the names of. Roots and dirt still hung from a few of the stems.
When Jack toddled over, his smile disappeared.
“You look mad.”
“I ain’t.” Bill replied sharply. He relaxed his shoulders afterwards and sat down in the grass. “...Come on. Show me how you make them... Daisy chains.”
Jack’s eyes lit up. His smile returned, and happily he knelt in front of Bill. He laid out all the flowers, oblivious to how distracted and weird Bill was acting.
“Okay! So, the first thing you do...”
Bill’s body ached. After riding all day, scouting the area and trying to hunt, he didn’t want to think, and he didn’t want to talk to nobody— all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep until noon the next day.
When he hitched his horse at the post, Kieran glanced up at him. His mouth moved as if he were going to say something, but a mean glare from Bill convinced him to shut it again. Didn’t help any that Kieran was about the last person Bill wanted to talk to, anyhow.
Their... Encounter in the woods had been three days ago now, and Bill hadn’t heard a word of it from anyone else, either to his face or behind his back. So, thus far, the O’Driscoll boy seemed to be keeping good to his word.
The camp seemed quieter today than usual, as Bill shambled his way towards his makeshift tent. That suited him just fine, though; less people wandering and talking meant that he could get some peace and quiet. Upon entering, Bill was immediately overcome with the desire to rest and sleep, but of course, it wouldn’t be that easy.
In the low light, he noted something laid out on the bedroll.
A bouquet of daisies tied together at the stems with a bit of twine rope. Bill’s heavy brows furrowed. He knelt and picked them up to look closer.
“The O’Driscoll left ‘em there for you,” a small voice said from behind him.
Bill jumped a little with a surprised noise and jerked around.
Jack stood there, innocent as could be. Loosely, he clutched a toy horse.
“What did you say?”
“I says, the O’Driscoll left the flowers for ya.” For emphasis, Jack pointed at the flowers in Bill’s hand. “I helped him pick ‘em! He asked me where to find ‘em, so I showed him.”
Bill’s cheeks flushed. He looked again at the flowers in his hand and then shoved them out of sight partially behind his back.
“Great,” he grumbled. With his other hand, he shooed Jack away. “Leave me ‘lone, now. I wanna get some rest.”
“Are ya gonna thank him?” Jack asked. “Mama says you’re s’pposed to use manners. Pleases an’ thank yous, even if he is an O’Driscoll...”
“You worry about your own business before mine. Now git!”
With one hand on Jack’s shoulder, Bill steered the boy out. Afterwards, he closed the curtains of his tent which acted like a half-assed excuse for a door and settled in the half-dark. A little light came in from under the curtains, barely enough for Bill to see what he was doing. He brought the flowers back to his front.
Kieran had left these. Put effort into fancying them up, too.
Bill’s cheeks were red, and his heart raced.
After a moment of deep contemplation, he lifted the flowers to his nose and breathed. They smelled sweet and fresh, like how spring was supposed to smell. No mud or rain, or dirt or death.
Just sweet.
Maybe a little bit like puppy love.
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i loved ur post-sex arthur headcanons!!!! do u mind writing some more for kieran and sean?
Thank you so much, my dear!!! I’m glad youenjoyed them, I sure did have a lot of fun asjkdaksb
Let’s go for the BOAHS
Is actually a tired bean after everything issaid and done, don’t expect much conversation or anything that requires morethan a couple words from him.
Won’t do much besides nuzzling into you with asappy little smile. Likes to touch your face with the tips of his fingerswithout looking, just following the lines of your features.
Hold him
No, seriously, just hold him. Touch his backand neck, caress his head and his heart might as well be ready to swell andburst.
Kieran is definitely a little spoon. Sorry y’all,I don’t make the rules.
Is totally and absolutely gonna smooch yourcheeks!!!! Watch out for kissing attack, he brings out the big guns; is gonnakiss your face until you giggle
Watch out, he’s gonna tangle his legs betweenyours with a happy little chuckle. His feet get cold!!!
Wants to stay awake, tries; fails miserably, anovel written by Kieran Duffy.
Sometimes, when he manages to have you sleepbefore him, likes to watch your face; just for a little while to get to remindhimself about how damn lucky he is
That boy has so much fucking energy it’s awonder he got tired out, honestly.
Won’t stop talking. He can jump from one subjectto another at a lightning’s speed, all the while holding you to his chest andplaying with your hair.
Likes having you touch his shoulders and neckafter sex — but be careful, his neck is really sensitive!!! Gets the ticklesmore than he’d like to admit.
Scrawny little boy, but likes to be the bigspoon. He’s a total giver, will hold onto you all night long while whisperingrandom thoughts and kissing the top of your head.
“… do you think dogs have accents?”
Takes a long ass time to fall asleep, but assoon as it happens you can totally tell by the way his body just sags.
Actually loves to play with your hair whiletalking
Will call you the silliest and cutest nicknamesand shortenings of your name he can think of, just to hear your frustratedlittle sigh
He gets very cold in the night, so expect lotsof nuzzling and blanket hogging
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3than1no · 6 years
Pairing: Kieran Duffy/Gender Neutral Reader
A/N: Just a lil somethin’. Enjoy x
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You had a bad feeling, Your stomach was swirling with nerves and you felt apprehensive. That only increased when you couldn’t find Kieran anywhere. He didn’t leave camp much so it was odd when there was no sign of the man anywhere. 
No one knew where he was and no one really cared. Miss Grimshaw said she would mention it to Arthur but apart from that you were left to look for him yourself. As the days passed and there was still no sign of Kieran anywhere, you began to wonder if he really did run away like everyone was saying. 
The denial would surface though whenever the thought was entertained. In the short time you had known the man, you knew he wasn’t the kind to just up and leave. He wanted to prove himself to the gang, to show he was capable. It didn’t make sense. 
Kieran seemed happy when you last saw him. It had been late in the evening, you were both playing dominoes with a bottle of beer each. You were sat close together, fingers occasionally brushing as you reached for the pieces. He had kissed you, pressing his chapped lips onto yours. His facial hair tickling your face. It was nice. Before you had gone to bed that night, Kieran had asked if you wanted to fish with him the next day which you happily agreed to. It never happened. You hadn’t seen him since. 
You didn’t have to wait long for answers. It was a few days after Kieran had disappeared and you were set up on the porch of the manor in Shady Belle. You were writing in your journal when you heard a scream. 
“Is that Kieran?!” 
Your head shot up, eyes scanning the area. A lone horse trotted into the camp, on it’s back sat Kieran. Although it wasn’t Kieran, not really. The mutilated and decapitated body of the man you had grown to like, maybe even love someday, sat on top of the horse. His head cradled in his hands. You felt the breath knocked out of you as your stomach dropped. 
You let out an anguished cry as you ran towards the horse, only to be held back as the O’Driscolls poured into your camp and ambushed you all. You cried out Kieran’s name as you watched his body fall onto the floor. Bullets rained down on everyone as you were dragged into the manor, sobs wrecked through you. Your gun was pushed into your hands, someone near you screaming for you to start firing. You continued to cry as you took aim, shooting at the men that had brutally murdered one of the only people you cared about. 
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fandorkofeverything · 5 years
Doubts And Scars Chapter Five
/Katherine's P.O.V/
"Please don't tell Dad!"
"He's gonna find out, Kat."
I gave Javier my signature smile and deep brown eyed look that he can't resist. He turned around and crossed his arms.
"Nope! Not falling for it this time!" I walked towards him, forcing him to look at me. "No. no, not gonna look." I smiled as Javier finally did look at me and groaned in response.
"Fine! Fine! Just stop with the eyes! It's embarrassing!" I giggled as he shielded his eyes, giving him my famous I-win-smile. "He's going to find out anyways, you know? A random horse hanging around our camp. Yeah, that doesn't sound suspicious at all." Javier added sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.
"I'll take care of it!" I promised and he scoffed lightly, walking up to me.
"Will you?" He questioned and I nodded.
"Yes!" We were now face-to-face. His familiar scent, that I could never put my finger on, was fairly close to me. Javier smiled at me and I copied. Bubba's voice made us both jump in surprise.
"I told you, we should set up camp in Horseshoe Overlook near Valentine. We'll be able to hide out there no problem, as long as we keep our noses clean."
Only half paying attention to my grandfather, I looked back to Javier, with a half-laugh.
"So…. Warm country again, hmm?" I asked, crossing my arms and Javier smiled, looking to the side, as if to see if anyone was around.
"I know you've been feeding the O'Driscoll siblings." I freezed for a moment. "It's okay. We'll be hiding for weeks, and if we're not feeding them, we won't get any information out of the O'Driscoll Siblings. And we're counting on you to get it."
I looked down and sighed, then looking him in the eye. "Kieran and Raine." I told him and he raised his head at me slightly. "Their names are Kieran and Raine Duffy."
Javier sighed and nodded. "Fine. Keep feeding Kieran and Raine. we need them alive." Javier walked away to help the others load the wagons with our supplies.
"Katherine! Get the O'Driscoll Siblings, if you may!" Pawpaw waved at me and I nodded.
"Yes Sir!" I told him, walking out the barn and murmuring under my breath. "It's Kieran and Raine."
I walked into the barn and untied Kieran with my knife, he rubbed his hands from the tight rope that had been tied around him for a few days.
"Are we leaving?" Raine asked and I nodded.
"Yep! We're headed for Horseshoe Overlook." I informed her and she nodded.
"Let's just pray that it's warm." Kieran commented and I smiled, pushing him slightly forward.
"Come on. You'll be riding on a wagon with me, Javier, and Aunt Susan." I told them and they stopped for a moment.
"On a wagon?..." Kieran asked, slowly.
"With you, Javier and Miss Grimshaw?" Raine finished and I smiled.
"I know it's not ideal for you two, but you could be riding Branwen next to Micah if you prefer." I commented and they walked in front of me faster than Black Rose's gallop. I smirked and followed.
"Katherine, you're shoah you'll be fine with the O'Driscoll Siblings?" My Dad asked and I sighed, shaking my head.
"They're not dangerous, Dad. The most harm they could cause is accidently whip a horse too harm, their not—"
"Speaking of horses," Dad gently grabbed my wrist and took me to the flaxen roan horse. I froze. "Any idea where she came from?"
"Not at all. I noticed her hanging around the barn. She looked hungry and cold, so I took her in. Is that so wrong?" I lied through my teeth and Dad eyed me, I knew my voice had gone slightly high, but I hoped he hadn't noticed.
"And she just happened to show up when the boys and I went to rob that train." Dad commented and I shrugged.
"Yep! Guess so." I smiled and he sighed.
"What's her name?"
"Katherine," Dad looked directly at me. "You know that this horse wasn't wandering around here. I know that this horse wasn't wandering around here. So, why don't you tell me where she really came from?"
I sighed and crossed my arms in defeat.
"I went out with Raine on Black Rose after y'all left for the train job. We were near Mount Hagen and Lake Isabella. I caught her and brought her back. She's Kieran's horse." I admitted and Dad shook his head.
"I told you to stay here!"
"You can't always tell me what to do!"
"Yes, I can! I'm your father!"
"And I'm an adult!"
"Not with that attitude you're not!"
I groaned in response and walked away towards the wagon. This was going on where.
"Katherine Bessie Morgan! Don't turn your back on me young lady!"
"We're just going to end up scream at eachother, and that'll get us nowhere!" I yelled back and got on the wagon, sitting between Javier and Raine.
"Everything okay?" Javier asked and I scoffed.
"Don't even ask." I told him, leaning on my arm, rolling my eyes. Thankfully, he dropped the subject.
"Okay, Katherine, Mr. Escuella. We're ready to go." Aunt Susan got on the wagon, and forcibly sat herself between Javier and I, forcing us to move over to the side. We exchanged a glance and smiled. I took a sip of alcohol, looking away for a moment.
"I do not plan on become a great-aunt anytime soon."
At that comment, I spit out on alcohol all over Raine. I covered my mouth in surprise. Did NOT mean to do that.
"Close your mouth, you are not tasting this." Kieran wiped Raine's face off with his sleeve, Raine closed her eyes as she did so.
"Sorry Raine…." I said, barely above a whisper.
"It's fine. Kieran, I think you got it all." Raine tried to push her brother off, but he smiled.
"Not yet a didn't." He tickled her stomach, causing her to laugh.
"Kieran! S-S-S-Staaahhhhppp!" She exclaimed, trying to push him off. I smiled at the sight, but then it faded. I'll never know the love between a brother and sister. I don't have any siblings, though Jack is like a little brother to me, but still… I'll never know what it'll be like. I then found my smile again. That doesn't matter now. I have my family. And that's all that matters. "Okay! Okay! Get off!" She exclaimed, finally able to push him back, Kieran holding his bands up in mock-surrender.
I heard a crash and I looked outside the wagon and stifled a laugh.
"Aw shit!" I heard my Dad yell.
"Everything all right Dad?" I asked, with a smirk.
"Does everything look all right, Katherine?!"
"What's going on?" Javier asked, finally turning to face the other wagon.
"Ahh, I broke the goddamn wheel!" I finally lost it and just died on the wagon cart, laughing my ass off.
"Miss Morgan! Control yourself!" Aunt Susan reprimanded me, but I just continued gasping in between laughs.
"I…I… Can't! sometimes, I…. Just can't control myself!" I laughed, covering my face with my hands.
"Is she okay back there?" I heard Reverend Swanson ask, looking back from the driving seat.
"She's fine. She's having another laughing fit, continue on Mr. Swanson." Aunt Susan told him, as I still continued to laugh.
"Get ahold of yourself, señorita." Javier told me and I shook my head. No doubt my face was red from laughing.
"Is she always like this?" Kieran asked, out of curiosity and probably worry.
"Yep." Javier and Aunt Susan said in usion.
"Okay… Okay…." I breathed for a moment and smiled. "I'm fine."
"Good. 'Cause we're here." Aunt Susan told me and I looked outside.
So, this is Horseshoe Overlook. I nodded in approval, stepping outside. It was a nice patch of grassy field, and there was a nice place for the horses to be put up. Big spaces for the tents and Pearson's cooking, and maybe I could convince Pawpaw to get an extra tent for Kieran and Raine.
Yes. This place will do for now.
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