#kidney stone treatment in palam
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swaranhomeopathic · 2 years ago
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Chronic kidney disease treatment & Kidney Stone - Swaran Homeopathic
At our Swaran Homoeopathic clinic, we offer specialized treatments for various health conditions to help our patients live healthier and happier lives. For More Information Contact us Now.
9310212429, H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7, Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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kidneyhospital · 6 years ago
Kidney Stone: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
The stones in the kidneys, also called kidney stones, is a mass similar to stones that can be formed anywhere in the urinary system. Generally, the stones in the kidneys are eliminated through the urine, without causing symptoms, but in some cases, it can get stuck causing intense pain and blood in the urine.
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The treatment is done with the ingestion of abundant liquids and medications, and in the most serious cases, it may be necessary to perform surgery to remove the stuck stone.
The symptoms of kidney stones arise suddenly when the stone is very large and gets stuck in the kidney, or gets stuck when it starts to go down through the ureters to the bladder or when it causes an infection such as pyelonephritis, says urologist in Dwarka. 
A kidney crisis can vary over time, mainly in the location and intensity of pain, but small stones do not usually cause problems and are often only discovered during urine tests, ultrasound or radiography.
The place and the intensity of the pain can vary according to the transit of the stone inside the organism, being of greater intensity when it crosses the ureter until the bladder, to be eliminated altogether with the urine, says urologist in Janakpuri.
In case the pain is very intense, do not calm down and there is fever, vomiting, blood in the urine or difficulty urinating, you should go to the doctor or to the kidney hospital in Uttam Nagar so that exams are carried out and the kidney stone treatment in Uttam Nagar is initiated as soon as possible.
Causes of kidney stones
The causes of kidney stones, also known as kidney stones, can be related to little fluid intake, diet, genetic factors and some diseases. Some of the causes are:
Renal Calcium Calculus: of hereditary origin and should be treated     with a diet with low sodium content and protein, recommending the intake of diuretics. The treatment can be done through the reduction of the     consumption of foods rich in oxalates and fats, the intake of a calcium     supplement to facilitate the fixation of oxalate in the intestine says urologist in Uttam Nagar.
Renal calculation of uric acid: it can be caused by a high consumption of foods rich in proteins that generate the increase of uric acid in the     bloodstream. In this case the treatment can be done with the ingestion of Allopurinol and with a diet with low purine content.
Renal calculation of cystine: of hereditary origin, can be treated with a high intake of fluids, alkalis and D-penicillamine, when necessary.
Renal struvite calculation: can be caused due to the complication of     an infection in the urinary system. Kidney stone treatment in Hari Nagar can be done through the ingestion of antibiotics and surgery to remove the stones, because they tend to be large. 
When performing the tests that diagnose the kidney stone, the urologist in Hari Nagar can identify what type of calculation the individual has, making an analysis of its composition, indicating the best treatment. For all types of kidney stones, the main recommended kidney stone treatment in Palam is the intake of approximately 3 liters of water per day and a lot of rest, since hospitalization is not always necessary, since the stones can be naturally expelled by the body.
In addition to this, stones in the kidneys can also be caused by rare diseases such as primary or secondary hyperoxaluria, for example. These diseases promote an accumulation of oxalate in the body due to deficiencies in some enzymes that digest this compound, thus ending overloading the kidneys, which leads to the emergence of these stones, says urologist in Palam.
Treatment for kidney stones
Treatment during a kidney stone crisis should be indicated by a urologist in West Delhi and usually begins in the kidney hospital in Hari Nagar through the use of intravenous analgesic medications such as Tramadol and antispasmodic medications such as Scopolamine. After a few hours, in which the pain picture improves, the patient receives medical discharge.
At home the treatment is maintained with oral analgesics such as Paracetamol, rest and hydration with around 2 L of water per day, to facilitate the exit of the stones.There is also a home remedy that is widely used to treat stones and is chancapiedra tea, has diuretic and analgesic properties that facilitate the exit of them. 
In the most serious cases, in which the stone is too large to go out alone, it may be necessary to perform surgery or laser treatment to facilitate its exit. During pregnancy, the treatment is done only with analgesics and medical support. 
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swaranhomeopathic · 2 years ago
Chronic kidney disease treatment & Kidney Stone - Swaran Homeopathic
https://swaranhomoeopathic.com/ At our Swaran Homoeopathic clinic, we offer specialized treatments for various health conditions to help our patients live healthier and happier lives. For More Information Contact us Now.
9310212429, H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7, Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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kidneyhospital · 5 years ago
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Urinary infections are a type of diseases that occur in both men and women. It is a very annoying infection that needs immediate treatment at the time your symptoms begin to appear since if we let it pass, this infection can have serious consequences. In the case of one of the most common health problems, it is necessary to know its causes, treatment and possible ways to prevent it.
We could say that the main cause of urinary tract infections is due to those bacteria that live in the large intestine. In men, more specifically, the prostate gland produces secretions that retard the growth of these bacteria, although in spite of this they are at risk of infections in the same way.
At the time that the bacteria rise to the kidneys these infections are complicated, since despite being less frequent, it is much more serious than a normal infection such as cystitis, so you need a more severe and controlled treatment.
Some of the symptoms that manifest and which are an alert that we should see urologist in Palam immediately would be the following:
·        Need to urinate constantly and annoying despite not wanting to.
·        Urine with a strong smell or even bleeding.
·        High temperature and chills.
·        Burning sensation when urinating.
Apart from the symptoms, how can I know if it is an infection or not?
Through a good diagnosis we can know what it is. This is based on the medical history and an examination of the patient. Some of the radiological studies that are carried out are the radiography of the abdomen and an ultrasound, in addition to the current analyzes and a urine culture for the correct collection of urine, explains urologist in Uttam Nagar.
What is the most appropriate treatment?
Depending on the severity of the infection, one treatment or another will be applied. If the infection is a common cystitis, the treatment will be antibiotics for two or three days. On the other hand, if the infection is more serious and has reached the kidneys, there will be the possibility of being admitted for a few days to keep a thorough check of the patient and to be able to give him the appropriate medication until the infection disappears from the kidneys and prostate, says urologist in Janakpuri.
Urinary infections do not go away overnight. It is a process that takes a few days and requires an adequate recovery if we want the discomfort to disappear completely. In the case of reappearing after recovery, it will be convenient to perform tests to diagnose the occurrence of diseases that cause this infection.
How does this problem affect children?
These types of infections are very common in children. This may be due to various functional problems. In some cases the infections go unnoticed since children do not know what the symptoms are.
These are usually seen manifested in behaviors such as stop eating, high temperature, or irritability.
It is essential to stop this type of infection as soon as possible, as this can lead to more serious problems that may affect the health of the little ones in the future, explains urologist in Dwarka.
What are the main causes?
Some of the factors that can trigger a urinary infection are:
·        Any alteration of the urinary system, such as a stone.
·        Presence of a catheter or catheter.
·        Occasionally, sexual activity can lead to the introduction of bacteria into the bladder, increasing the risk of having cystitis.
·        Alterations in the bladder.
·        Reflux vesicoureteral.
·        Genetic factors. Also diabetes, for example, or the elderly and with lower defenses.
How can I prevent this type of urinary infections?
There are some very simple actions to perform, but we must take into account because if we do them in the right way we can save many health problems. Some of them are:
·        Do not delay the time to go to the bathroom.
·        It is important to completely empty the bladder.
·        Drinking a lot of water throughout the day cleanses our body.
·        Go to the bathroom after performing the sexual act.
If you have any doubts or symptoms, it is best to see the urologist in Hari Nagar who is aware of proper treatment.
If you do not see any type of infection through a urine test, go to your urologist in West Delhi to perform other diagnoses and the corresponding tests.
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kidneyhospital · 6 years ago
Reasons Why Your Pee Appears Cloudy
Voiding urine is probably something we take for granted often without any regard for the huge role it plays in our overall wellbeing. Urine is an indication of well-functioning kidneys. It should have the ideal color, odor, and fluidity. Any change in color especially indicates a disease or infection that requires our attention, says urologist in Janakpuri.
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Cloudy urine is one such abnormal sign of renal or other systemic diseases. In healthy individuals, having too much dairy can cause slight cloudiness of urine, which is known as phosphaturia. This is temporary and doesn’t need treatment. However, there are other reasons explained by urologist in West Delhi why your pee is appearing cloudy.
You Are Suffering From A Urinary Tract Infection
If you have been experiencing a burning sensation during urination and your urine appears cloudy then you should meet the urologist in Palam as soon as possible. Other symptoms include a pungent vaginal odor almost ammoniacal in nature and pain during sexual intercourse. It can also be a symptom of STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea and require urgent treatment from urologist in Dwarka.
You Are Not Drinking Enough Water
The color of the urine should normally be straw-colored. Anything darker indicates dehydration especially if it’s an amber tone. Not meeting your body’s hydration needs will lead to an improper breakdown of crystalline proteins and toxins in the body. These get removed from the blood via urine and render it a foamy experience, says urologist in Uttam Nagar.
You Have Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are a fairly common condition that can affect almost anyone. If you are experiencing severe flank pain with cloudy urine, then most likely it could be due to stone in the kidney or ureters. Often the stones are too big to pass through urine which causes obstruction and pain during urination. In renal diseases that destroy the filtrations system in the kidneys, proteins start showing up in urine thereby giving it a cloudy appearance, says urologist in Hari Nagar.
Your Prostate Health Is Failing
In men, cloudy urine can indicate that the prostate gland is infected, enlarged or has a cancerous growth in it. The change in urine is one of the ways your body tries to get your attention to a serious underlying condition. In such case, a person should immediately consult best urologist in Delhi.
You Are Pregnant
Many women complain that their urine appears cloudy or milky in early pregnancy. It can happen due to the surge of the pregnancy hormone, HCG, or due to excess vaginal discharge mixing with urine. However, it’s best to consult the urologist in Delhi and get a urinalysis done to rule out any infections. Scientific studies claim that women with UTIs during pregnancy are at a higher risk of having a preterm delivery with low infant weight.
You Have Diabetes Or Hypertension
Urine that appears murky and smells sweet is a red flag as it could mean you have diabetes. Even in individuals with high blood pressure, urine color can change due to the leaking of proteins from the kidney to urine. This condition is known as proteinuria and is often seen in kidney failure induced by diabetes or hypertension and in such case, patient should contact nephrologist in Delhi.
Anytime you spot a difference in color or consistency of urine, seek immediate medical attention as any delay could complicate the pre-existing condition.
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kidneyhospital · 6 years ago
Treatment of chronic testicular pain
Treatment of chronic testicular pain
As a best urologist in Palam, West Delhi, I have decided to write this post after having treated in my practice, in recent weeks, several patients who had this problem and had long been going around trying to solve without success. In general, the patients I see in the kidney hospital in Palam, West Delhi have been evaluated by a multitude of specialists, they have undergone all kinds of tests, they have undergone multiple treatments ... without solving chronic pain.
The first thing we should do with a patient who is consulting for chronic testicular pain is a good clinical history in which we value:
Analysis     of pain and its circumstances: from when you have     it; possible causes (previous surgeries in the linguino-scrotal,     abdominal or retroperitoneal area, traumatisms, infections or inflammations     in these areas, etc.); characteristics and intensity of     pain; irradiation thereof; triggering factors (when sitting,     when urinating, when having an erection, when making a bowel movement,     when the testicle is palpated, etc.); associated symptomatology     (urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia, rectal or urinary     tenesmus); etc.
Physical     examination:  of the testicle, epididymis, deferent,     spermatic cord, inguinal canal (hernias), abdomen, fist, renal percussion,     etc.
Essential     tests:  fractionated urine and semen culture, testicular     eco-Doppler, abdominal and urological ultrasound. In some cases, it     may be useful to perform Magnetic Nuclear Resonance of the pelvis.
With respect to treatment, our approach is as follows:
First, treatment     of any process that could have caused the pain: torsion of testicular     appendix, varicocele, epididymitis, orchitis, inguinal hernia, testicular tumour,     tension hydrocele, etc. One should not lose sight of the so-called     referred pain, that is, when the pain is caused by problems in other     abdominal viscera but the patient locates it in the testicle (for example,     kidney or ureter stones, appendicitis, etc.).
Second, use     of analgesics. We use Paracetamol, Tramadol or the combination of     both, depending on the intensity of the pain. In some cases, it is     necessary to resort to specific treatments for what we call neuropathic pain     (pain caused by disease or direct problem of the somatosensory nervous     system). Among these neuropathic pain treatments, we have:     carbamazepine, gabapentin, pregabalin, tricyclic antidepressants, etc.
In     many patients, especially if the pain is of moderate or severe intensity,     very constant, long evolution, etc. it is advisable to resort     to psychological or psychiatric support to avoid anxiety,     depression, stress, etc. associated with this situation.
If the     pain does not remit with medication, we can resort to infiltration of the     spermatic cord with anaesthetics and corticosteroids; radiofrequency; etc.
But in a high percentage of cases (possibly in more than 50% of patients) none of the above solves the problem. In these patients the only solution is surgery of denervation of the testicle. This is a technique that consists in sectioning all the nervous branches that collect the sensitivity of the testicle, thus avoiding the transmission of the painful sensation to the central nervous system. As a preliminary step, we should perform a cord block with local anaesthetics to confirm the possible efficacy of the subsequent surgical intervention. If the aesthetic block is effective, we will have a guarantee that the surgery will solve the pain. The surgical procedure must be performed by the best urologist in Janakpuri, West Delhi with the help of a surgical microscope that allows us to identify the arteries (testicular and deference); the veins; the lymphatics and the vas deferens, which will be the only structures that will be respected.
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