#kicking and punching myself in the face for waiting this long to watch
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caught up on iwtv
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mini-minish · 5 days
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nathaniel wesninski & andrew doe au i picked up from a 2021 sketch 🪓🖤🔪
notes under the read more!
• andrew doe gets adopted into the wesninski family when he's just a little older than nathaniel, who hasnt been sent to edgar allen tryouts yet, and andrew doe is trained to be his bodyguard since childhood
• mary doesn't like it, he becomes a weakness for her son and when she leaves she refuses to take andrew with them, so nathaniel stays, and in that mary never really gets to leave
• on the same day she fails at running away and nathan finds them, nathaniel loses his eye lolastyle
• one time when he's a little older, andrew receives a letter, from a boy who claims to be his twin. andrew minyard doe throws it to the fire, and nathaniel picks it up while he's turned, before it burns completelly
• from the day nathaniel gets injured because he refused to leave andrew behind, they go from annoyed acquaintances to inseparable friends
• he calls andrew "drew" and andrew pretends to hate it. later when theyre older the name "nathaniel" starts to weight, starts to sound weird, so he asks andrew to call him something else, and andrew calls him alex, stefan, adam, until they get to neil
• but he only calls him neil when theyre alone, when its a secret, when nathan cant hear them
• "nathaniel" takes up the axe. he's as good a hitman as the little devil of baltimore has to be. he hates it, hates the color red, the color of his hair
• one of andrew's first memories at the house is of nathan cutting a man to pieces and making him watch, making him learn not to flinch, but red is the color of neil's hair, soft, safe, soothing
• before that, though, theres little league. theres learning andrew is talented at exy, theres kevin day, and riko moriyama, and theres jean moreau
• i want jean and andrew to be funny about each other just for some levity here ok
• the reynolds are a renowed fashion brand, far from them to refuse big mafia money, so they work on suits, on silk shirts, on tailored pants, and allison reynolds is always joined by her friend renee when she goes with her parents for fittings
• renee walker meets andrew doe, and andrew thinks shes silly enough to keep in touch.
• kevin day leaves them, and neil realises he doesnt have to be kept either. kevin day gets to get out and nathaniel wesninski gets quieter.
• neil finds his uncle's contact among some of the things his mother left behind. from stuart he gets to ichirou. from ichirou he starts to make a plan
• riko moriyama is going to make a big announcement soon, something about the perfect court, something that will finally brand the rest of them as his, and well, andrew has always told neil how much he hates that the pen's ink makes the skin of his face break out
• and neil still has the address of a boy who claims to be his andrew's twin
• for whatever reason the moriyamas and the wesninskis have one of those rich people dinners planned. neil gets kevin to show up, nathaniel gets andrew to leave, kicking and punching and a promise broken
• later in the night, a little after the first course is served and they begin the socializations, neil gets kevin to leave, leave, run as far as possible, *now*.
• he sees jean, grabs his wrist, and takes him outside. theyre walking fast before neil starts running, and then the explosion comes from inside the house, from the basement, and knocks both of them out before they turn the corner. the hathford's men long gone from the scene.
• all renee walker and andrew doe see from where he's been waiting for the little voice at the back of his mind to make sense, is the house bursting on fire, believing that it does so with what he's supposed to protect still inside
• but since i can't bring myself to do this to them, andrew finds him, finds jean, and at the hospital finds stuart, who takes his nephew in
• he gets contacted by a man called david wymack, who was convinced by kevin day to offer them a place among his foxes :)
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gaycragula · 6 months
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request Ghost x assassin male reader who surprises Ghost with a sweet passionate kiss while hanging upside down?
Spider-Man Kisses
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Pairing: Ghost x M!Reader Word Count: 679 Warning(s): Suggestive content, kissing, implications of a boner, descriptions of blood and gore, outright violence for the first 2 paragraphs, blood, assassin reader, assassination, graphic descriptions of blood Masterlist
Extra notes: Intended for m!reader but could be read as gn!reader. also im so sorry it took me forever to get to this </3
You let out a quiet grunt as you yanked your blade from a man’s body, pulling a handkerchief from your pocket to wipe it down. The man clawed at your boots, whatever he was trying to say coming out as gurgles as blood dripped from his mouth. You kicked his hand away, grimacing at the streak of blood he left on you. 
It wasn’t long before the sounds of him struggling stopped and you let out a breath. You removed the ring from his finger and pocketed it, evidence that he was dead. He was a high priority target, you’ll get paid nicely for the kill. 
You made your exit, quick and quiet, making use of the alleyway system to stay out of sight until you were a comfortable distance from the crime scene. Your pace slowed when you noticed a familiar figure appear ahead of you, walking in the opposite direction. 
His apartment was in that direction, you assumed that’s where he was heading. You debated for a moment whether or not to cut him off, surprise him if you will. It wasn’t often you got the chance to catch him off guard. 
It was a quick decision as you rerouted yourself to cut him off in the most convenient manner and you perched yourself atop a fire escape. Not long after, you spotted the outline of your boyfriend in the distance again. Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley. 
You didn’t get to see him very often. Both your current jobs keeping you separated most days. He must’ve just gotten back that day, it was rare that he wouldn’t call when he was home. 
As he got closer, an idea popped into your head and you quickly put it into action. You hooked one leg around the railing of the fire escape, making sure it would hold your weight. You waited a little longer, listening to the sounds of his steps before you slipped yourself off the fire escape, ending up a few feet in front of him, upside down. 
“Surprise!” You smile, trusting the punch he threw out of defense would stop before it hit you. 
“Bastard,” you hear Ghost hiss out as he drops his fist. Despite the harsh name, you watched his face soften when he saw you. His usual cold demeanor warming up ever so slightly. You swear you could see a smile dance over his face for a split second before it went still again. 
You chuckle out an apology before gesturing for him to come closer. Once he was in reach, you grabbed his face gently and pulled him into a kiss that quickly turned heated. “Couldn’t help myself,” you whisper between kisses, smiling against Simon’s lips. His lips were rough, as they often were, but you couldn’t help but love the way they felt against yours. “Missed you so much.”
Ghost’s hands found your arms and he mumbled something against your lips before separating. “C’mon down.”
“Right, one moment please, my good sir,” you tease before unhooking your leg and, with the help of Ghost, getting down on the ground. 
You weren’t down for more than two seconds before Simon had you backed against a nearby wall, his lips back on yours. Your hand moved to cup his face while his moved to your waist.  Both of you were breathless when you parted, chests heaving as you looked at each other. 
Ghost leaned into you, placing his forehead on yours. You smile up at him, rubbing your thumb along his jawline before you trailed your hand into his blonde hair, brushing your fingers through it. His eyes lidded as he moved to kiss you again, his hand traveling under your shirt to sit on your waist. “Your place?” You breathe out as he separates and  leans down to kiss your neck. 
He nods against you. “Now,” the desperate tone he had mixed with the roughness of his voice had your heart skipping a beat, your pants suddenly feeling too tight as you grabbed Simon’s hand and tugged him in the direction of his apartment. 
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bellalaufeyson69 · 1 year
Peter Quill x Reader
Jealous FWB
Description: Peter and Yn have a friends with benefits type deal. Yn is always secretly jealous of Peters other girls he brings around but she deals with it. Though one day to Peter’s surprise Yn actually has herself a boy of her own. Peter doesn’t like that at all and feels rather territorial.
Wc ♡ 6.6k
Masterlist ♡
Warnings ♡ suggestive content, swearing
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Peter and I have been friends with benefits for a long time. Our agreement started after Gamora died and came back a totally different person: someone who didn’t love Peter anymore. I was going through a bad breakup at the time too so we agreed to be each others rebound until we were back on our feet.
Our agreement started with cuddling and kissing. I have this thing where I don’t have sex unless I’m in love, but after so long of having this innocent friends with benefits with Peter I felt I’ve known him so long and I trusted him enough to add it in. So that’s what we were, basically a couple without the label. Neither of us thought about it or what it meant which made it a-lot easier. It was really a go with the flow type of thing.
That’s what I like to tell myself that is. Since we’re just friends we have the freedom to do whatever we want with whoever we want. Peter definitely takes that freedom to use. He’s always been the smooth player type who could bed a decent amount of women. He’s outgoing and shoots his shot, sometimes he gets denied others he doesn’t but it never bothers him either way he just goes with the flow. I on the other hand am not nearly outgoing as he is and I also don’t find any interest in having sex with a bunch of random men. Not that I’ll tell Peter that. Part of me wants him to wonder what do I. That desire is what worries me the most. “Hey,” Peter came in from the hall and left a kiss on my cheek. “I’m gonna be with a chick from knowhere tonight I already told the rest of the gang, is it cool if I use the living room?” He nonchalantly questioned as he grabbed a few chips from the open bag on the coffee table and popping them into his mouth, then plopping down onto the couch.
The thought of him with another girl never used to bother me until we started having sex. It’s my own fault really, it’s because sex isn’t something loose for me, I don’t just do it with anyone. It’s always only been someone special, someone I loved, or someone I knew and trusted for a long time. The realization that I’d given my body to someone and that person taking it, then going around and doing a bunch of other girls right after made my stomach sink. Feels kind of gross. In a degrading way (again my own fault), and also in a… jealous way.
“Hey, did you hear me?” He questioned from his spot on the couch his feet now kicked up on the coffee table.
I quickly snapped out of my jealous trance and nodded my head. “Yeah sorry, I was thinking about the stuff I gotta do today” I lied giving him an innocent smile. “That’s cool with me, just let me know when she leaves I wanna watch my show” This was my way of finding out what him and that wh- girl where really going to do.
He gave a cocky chuckle. “Oh you’ll be waiting a long time then,” he smirked with a tilted head giving me a look that said ‘we’re gonna be doing bad things’. “We’ll probably take it into my room though…” he paused his sentence for a moment in thought. “I mean I can text you when I take her into my room so you can come out if you want…” he said a little more awkwardly now. We both knew that him texting me that was basically him texting me that he was currently boning another girl.
I felt a growing pit of pure rage building up inside of me. I wanted nothing more than for this girl to never show up. No scratch that, for her to show up and for me to punch her in the face. How humiliating is that, the guy I hook up with is going out and banging another girl under the same roof I sleep, he kisses my cheek when the other girls leave, he cuddles me and watches movies, tells me jokes, takes care of me when I’m sick, then fucks another girl. “Ahhh that’s okay, I don’t feel like waiting around all night for a text” I replied through a slightly passive aggressive tone.
He definitely caught that and was a little taken aback by it. His mouth opened for a second then shut again canceling out whatever comment he was about to make. “Okay,” he pursed his lips together and looked around for a second before standing up and walking out of the room.
“Well that was awkward” Rocket noted from the corner of the room where he sat messing with a box of wires.
My face reddened at the realization he’d been there the whole time. “Uhm,” I was at a loss for words because truthfully neither Peter or I ever told anyone about our relationship status. We just kinda snuck around, so I have no idea what’s going on in Rockets head right now. “I-“
“I don’t get why he thinks it’s not weird for us to have to evacuate certain rooms of the ship because some girls coming over and he wants to do gross things with her,” he continued on after noticing I wasn’t really ever gonna get out with a full sentence.
His comment made me feel pretty good. “Yeah! Thank you!” I agreed feeling very understood. Nobody cares what stupid girl you’re with Peter. “Like keep it to yourself dude!” I complained feeling myself get a little too hyper about the situation.
Rocket tilted his head at my energy toward this almost as if he was piecing together my secrete rage jealousy toward the situation. “Yeah…” he trailed looking at me in deep thought before snapping out of it. “Well, that’s Quill” he shrugged then started sifting the wires again.
I decided to go and get ready for our arrival on knowhere. We were originally stopping for fuel but now it’s that and Quills booty call. Like he didn’t already have someone to do that for him on the ship. I thought to myself as I dug through my closet for a cute shirt. Am I not good enough? That he has me as a choice but proceeds to go out and bring someone else in like I’m not even here? I picked out a tight white crop top that fit my body perfectly. It was one of my favorite shirts that I always pair with a cute skirt. Maybe she’s better than me in bed. I grimaced while yanking my shirt over my head. I shook those thoughts out of my mind as they were only getting me riled up. I stood and inspected myself in the mirror to take in my very Earthy style. A tight white crop top, white and light blue plaid skirt with grey Nike Air Force 1 high tops. I spun to look at myself from the back when I heard a knock on the door. Not that the knock mattered any because Peter had already been opening it as he was knocking.
“Hey, oooohh,” he grinned while eyeing my outfit from the door. “I like” he sauntered over and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me as we looked into the mirror.
I can’t show any hint of negative emotion because I don’t want Peter connecting it to the this dumb girl. So I do my best to fester up a happy little smile. “Thanks” I put my hands over his as he leaned in and kissed my neck a few times softly.
“You guys are all going to go up to Xardecks to hangout and drink, it should be fun” he informed placing his head in the nape of my neck while swaying us. “Just as long as Rocket and Drax behave” he snickers at the thought of those two ever behaving while drinking.
Ordinarily this would be really fun to me but right now I can’t help but to be a pessimist because the thought of him ditching us for a girl is firing me up. The worst part is that he’s sitting here talking to me like it’s no big deal. Which is what I agreed to… I hate that. “Yeah that’s true, we’ll see” I gave a fake laugh before pulling myself from his grip. “How far are we?” I asked while grabbing my phone from my dresser.
He placed his hands in his pockets. “We’re here actually.” He smiled warmly thinking that this would’ve made me excited. Nope, just a sick feeling in my stomach.
I nodded trying my best to not show the pure disinterest in this conversation. “Cool, is everyone ready to go then?” I asked glancing to the door then back at Peter.
He nodded his head. “Yep, ready to get absolutely plastered,” he joked and stepped closer to me taking my hand into his and leading me to the door frame. “I wish I could be there to witness drunk YN, she’s my favorite” he smirked then pulled me into him and held my hand to his chest while rubbing it with his thumb. His eyes darted around my face taking in my features with a small smile before slowly going in and placing a soft and slow kiss on my lips. “Have fun tonight, don’t do anything I would do” he grinned before letting go of my hand and stepping out of the room.
I followed him out into the hall. “Wouldn’t dream of it” I teased earning a silly look from Peter.
We all piled out of the ship and headed into town in a jardec. What the rest of the galaxy calls their version of Uber. A very fancy space car, and or little pod controlled by a bot. Once we got there Peter parted from us, and the rest of us went into Xardecks, a pretty awesome bar/ club we always went to whenever we’d visited Knowhere.
We walked into the building and set for the bars through the sea of drunken aliens. The crowd was a mix of pretty much everything, all types of people and aliens all mingling together which was basically what Knowhere itself consisted of. Drax lead the way as he was always our little body guard who’d shove through anyone to get a spot at the bar. I’d always been too shy to 1 even get a spot at the bar and 2 be seen by the bartender to order a drink. Drax always had both fronts covered. Sometimes Groot was a little mischievous like right now seeing as he’s extending a branch behind the bartenders back to steal an entire three bottles of some random liquor. He turned to us with a wide smile of excitement to which we all cheered him on, except Nebula who’d seemed pretty annoyed to be in the bar at all.
We took the secret bottles and made our way over to the booths and quickly staked our claim at an empty one, placing down our items and the drinks on the table. These boothes were curved booths with only one side and a table in front of it. We always picked the booths at the back of the building because they were next to the weird fights that they had going on with little alien creatures. The guys loved to place bets and instigate other peoples losses. “Okay, who’s taking a shot with me?” I asked while unscrewing the lid of the bottle and taking a sniff. Immediately I’d cringed at the strong scent of the alcohol which made Rocket and Drax laugh historically.
“Let us handle that sweetheart.” Rocket insisted with a cocky attitude as he swiped the bottle from me and took a few chugs. “Whooh. That’s good” he took a scan of his surroundings before patting Drax on the shoulder. “What are the odds that that guy in the blue punches that dude in the yellow?” He pointed out two men who’d seemingly been placing bets on the creatures.
“If that man punches that man I will buy you five shots!” Drax offered full of excitement at the possibility of violence.
Rocket perked up at the comment before grabbing the second bottle of the three and sliding it over to Drax. “Hell yeah, and if not Vice versa. Take this buddy we’re gonna have some fun” Rocket led Drax off over into the chaos of chanting men. Groot stayed for a minute but not without longing looks for his best friend, eventually he’d apologetically left to go and find them leaving me, Nebula, and Mantis at the booth.
We’d all been sharing the last bottle of liquor passing it around in a little circle. “I wish Peter was here, I feel like we’d be having more fun” Mantis sighed as she sat in the booth watching all the people around us dancing, drinking, or doing something crazy. Her comment made me kind of sad because she was completely right. Whenever we went out with Peter he’d always made sure every single one of us was having fun, there was no sitting down, we were all dancing, drinking, and having fun.
Nebula just silently nodded in agreement while her finger traced the table in boredom. “Yeah, me too,” I admitted somewhat sadly. “Enough of that though, let’s get drunk!” I exclaimed trying to hype everyone up. I plucked the bottle from the table and took a big chug. “Common Mantis your turn lets go!!” I chanted pushing the bottle to her. She smiled widely at my energy and took a big chug but not without a cringe after at the strength of the liquor.
“Common Nebula!!” Mantis joined in the changing which definitely made me feel pretty good. We’d both been chanting on Nebula while she took like four chugs being a little show off. “Yeah nebula!!!!” She yelled out waving her hands in the air.
It’s safe to say us girls were definitely feeling it now. We’d definitely started to get a lot more chaotic and a lot more loud. We’d gotten to about a quarter left of the bottle and we’d been sharing funny embarrassing memories of the boys that have happened over the years. “Oh my gosh I have one!!” Mantis slurred grabbing me and Nebula’s arm. “This one time, we were on Earth and it was during one of the Earth celebrations, E-uh- eister?”
I laughed hysterically at her mistake. The liquor definitely made everything ten times more funny. “It’s Easter” I corrected still giggling.
“Easter!! It was Easter and there were soooo many plastic eggs with candy, Drax picked one up thinking it was a real birds egg but he ended up dropping it to find the candy inside. He picked up a few more eggs off the ground and kept opening them to find more candy, he started FREAKING out saying that the birds on this planet gave birth to candy,” she laughed the entire time while trying to explain the story which made even Nebula laugh a little.
“He’s such an idiot” Nebula smiled enjoying the story. She was drunk as a skunk, her head swaying as she listened to us talk. She was smiling a lot more now than on a sober day. Drunk Nebula is so fun.
I went to go and tell another story when I’d noticed Mantis’s eyes shifted somewhere behind me. “Hey ladies,” a few voices spoke from behind me. I turned around and was met with two guys, one of them was jaw droppingly attractive. “I couldn’t help but notice your bottle was getting pretty low,” hot guys friend motioned toward the bottle.
“We’d love to get you a new one if you’d offer us a seat? There’s so many people here, all the booths are taken” hot guy offered with a polite smile, making sure to make eye contact with each of us girls.
I quickly turned my head to the two knowing full and well Nebula would be the only one to disagree. Though to my surprise she’d just happily shrugged. “Eh why not, but make it two bottles of whatever this is” she slid over the bottle to the boys. The blonde (hot guys friend) picked up the bottle to inspect its label. “Ahh, okay sure, two bottles for a seat, we’ve got ourselves a deal,” he smiled before they both went off to the bar to retrieve the liquor.
As soon as they left I whipped my head around to the girls with a wide grin. “That brown haired guy was SO HOT,” I leaned in excitedly.
Mantis was thriving in my good mood and nodded along with me. “He was very handsome! You should make him your boooyyfriend” she dragged out the last word teasingly with a playful smile.
The thought of that made my heart flutter just a little bit. She’s gonna make me delulu talking like that. “He wasn’t terrible” nebula chimed in.
“So, what I’m hearing is that I should flirt with him?” I asked the group and received all yes’s. I slapped a hand over my mouth feeling the adrenaline kick in. “Guys! I can’t, I don’t know what to say!” I whined as if it weren’t my own idea. I turned to see where they were and luckily I did because they were approaching with three bottles in their hands. I looked back at the girls with a finger to my lips signaling them to be quiet about my little crush.
“We decided on three, that way we can all share,” hot guy informed as Mantis scooted over to the left side next to Nebula and I followed her movement to give the boys some space. Hot guy started to get into the booth before his friend paused his motion.
“Oh wait, my buddy says he thinks he knows you, come here real quick I’m gonna show you a picture of him” the friend waved me over out of the booth. I scooted my way out and over to him to glance at the phone at some random guy.
With a furrowed brow I shook my head. “No, I don’t know him. Must be thinking of someone else”
He nodded in acceptance. “Ah, I figured, no harm in seeing though right?” He smiled warmly and I nodded my head back with a yeah.
When we’d turned to get back in the booth he was quick to get in first and get a spot next to Mantis. That sly dog. I grinned at the realization, hot guy slid in next leaving the last spot open for me.
“So girls, who’s gonna take the first drink?” Hot guy asked while him and his friend opened the lids to two of the bottles.
“Why don’t you-“ Mantis began but got stuck on his name. “What is your name?! We don’t even know?” She laughed leaning over the table in her drunken state.
“I’m Malcom,” the hot guy introduced giving each of us a hand shake. When his hand touched mine it was warm, and soft. I glanced up and made accidental eye contact which sent butterflies soaring through my stomach.
“Nice to meet you Malcom,” I smiled flirtatiously. Drunk me was a whole different girl. I had some pretty decent confidence and flirting skills, because if anything went wrong my motto is that it was the liquor talking not me.
“Lovis,” the other introduced copying his friends actions of shaking our hands.
The three of us introduced ourselves to the guys back. “Well Malcom, and Lovis I think you’re due for the first drink since you bought them” I playfully poked pushing the bottles to both of them.
They played around like I was crazy for saying that then both took massive chugs. “That’s strong stuff! You girls are crazy!” Lovis let out an exhale after drinking it and passed it over to Mantis with a mischievous smile. “Your turn”
We all watched Mantis with a smile as she took her turn, Lovis cheered her on. The bottle went over to Nebula but she took a sip and kept it which made us laugh. We decided to let her do her thing and crack open another bottle. Lovis went to take a sip before Malcom stopped him.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s Mrs. Yn’s turn” he turned to me with an adorable smile before grabbing the bottle from his friend and handing it over. “Let’s see it!” He encouraged.
I smiled back. “Thank you,” I specifically looked at Malcom to tease the fact that Lovis had stolen my turn which made the boys laugh. I took a little sip and put it down.
“Booo” lovis bellowed out making Nebula and Mantis laugh.
“ahh common, you can do better than that!” Malcom pushed the bottle back over. He wrapped his other arm around the back of the booth where I sat, just inches away from being around my shoulder.
I grabbed the bottle and took a few more chugs earning myself some cheers from the group. We continued on getting to know each other and getting drunk. We laughed quite a lot and we felt honestly comfortable with these guys. I could safely say we were having a lot of fun and they were pretty cool guys. At one point in the night Malcom’s arm finally found its way around my shoulder which boosted my confidence to lean into the side of him.
“Guys! Look who the hell decided to show up!” Rocket yelled through a slur making the group turn to look at him. Peter stood there his arm around the girl, he was whispering something into her ear before he finally looked over at the group. When his eyes landed on Malcom’s arm around me he seemed to have zoned out from the conversation for a bit.
“Peter!!!!” Mantis exclaimed “That’s my brother” she explained to Lovis happily.
He played off his emotions with a laugh but he seemed pretty stiff. “Hey guys! The parties here!” He joked taking a sip of his drink. “Who’s this?” He nonchalantly asked Mantis, specifically not me.
“Oh this is Lovis, and Malcom!” She introduced showing Peter who was who with a wide smile. She was just happy to have the people she liked meet.
I couldn’t help myself from continuously looking over at that girl who’d been standing pretty clueless just sipping on her drink. I hate her. “Nice to meet you man,” Malcom reached out to Peter over me slightly.
Peter looked at his hand hesitantly before accepting the shake. “Yeah, for sure” he weirdly responded. He seemed pretty off, his posture was different and the way he was talking just didn’t seem like him.
“Well common everyone sit down!” Mantis insisted while scooting arm to arm with Nebula which she scowled at. Everyone scooted down as much as we could to fit the rest of the group which meant we were all arm to arm, Peter’s girl was going to go in next to me but Peter went in first then grabbed her hand and pulled her into the booth.
He slid all the way down until we were arm to arm and once he was comfortable turned to finally acknowledge my existence. “Oh, hey” he spoke like he didn’t know I was here the whole time.
“Hey,” I kept it short with him because he’s really starting to piss me off. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, maybe I’m being dramatic but whatever.
He didn’t even seem to notice because he just kept on going. He looked over at the two empty bottles us girls had finished before and then the opened one that sat in front of me from last rotation. “Someone’s drunk,” he commented trying to start up a conversation. He nudged me with his shoulder playfully.
I nodded my head giving a small smile, “Yeah, the boys got it for us,” I turned to give Malcom a smile which he returned.
“Speaking of, let’s get that rotation going again huh?” He held the bottle up for me and I drank from it.
He went to go and drink for himself but I grabbed it. “No! I’ll hold it,” I playfully teased him. I placed one hand on his chest as the other held the bottle to his mouth. I watched as he took a few chugs and once he’d finished I’d cheered, and like a chain reaction the rest of the group did. All but Peter. Lovis grabbed the bottle to continue, while I grabbed Malcom’s face holding it for a minute before wiping the spilled liquor from his chin that I’d spilt. “I’m sorry,” I laughed still holding his face.
He glanced down at my lips for a moment and smiled. “Wowww,” he played back. “Spilling all over me,”
I softly pushed his chest with my hand. “You spilled on me too”
He glanced down to my shirt that actually was a little wet from when he’s fed me the drink. “Aww I’m sorry,” he tilted his head with a cute apologetic smile. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
As I was trying to think of a smooth line to snap back with I felt Peter’s body shift closer to mine, now instead of arm to arm we were pretty much just pressed up against each other side to side. I whipped my head to look and see what was going on and he gave me a shrug. “Was making more room,” he said over the music. Before I could turn back around he’d leaned into my ear. “What are we drinking?” He asked me like he couldn’t just ask the other million people at the table.
“I don’t know Groot stole the first ones and then the boys brought us more,” I explained back, he leaned in to me to hear what I was saying. Part of me felt like he really didn’t need to do that because I could hear Lovis who was further than Peter was from me.
He nodded his head. “So what did you guys do while I was gone?” He watched as Malcom had leaned toward Lovis in conversation and his arm slip off of me.
“We just drank and hung out,” I didn’t know what else to say because that’s really all we did.
He looked at me like I did something wrong, and smiled. “That’s it?! What’s my one rule of going out?” He asked but as he was talking managed to slip his arm up on the top of the booth right by my shoulders like Malcom did earlier.
I turned to look and see if Malcom had any reaction to that but he was still deep in conversation with the other side of the table. When I turned and looked back at Peter his expression was sort of pissed off. Maybe it was because I’d looked for Malcom’s reassurance instead of answering his question? He used the hand that was right above my shoulder to reach it down and grab my shoulder giving it a playful shake. “You gotta dance,” he finished his own sentence for me. Funny enough he decided to leave his hand there. He examined my face for a minute and seemed a little panicked that I hadn’t responded like I normally would’ve. “Plus, I know Xardecks like the back of my hand, you don’t wanna drink this, here come on I’m gonna get you something real to drink”
I huffed turning and see Malcom was still in conversation with the rest of the group. Part of me didn’t want to go with Peter because I find it really annoying he’s acting like this now that I finally have a guy. Of course when it’s him with a girl he can do whatever he wants and I just let it happen. I guess I can use this time to talk to him about it, maybe even consider Malcom as a real thing too. I nodded my head that I was going to go and he turned to talk to the girl and tell the rest of this side to let us out.
We got out of the booth and he glanced around behind him, once he did that he quickly placed his hand on the small of my back before I could turn and see too and led me toward the bar. Once it started to get more crowded he went behind me putting his hands on my hips and led me into a spot at the bar. While we were waiting for the bartenders attention he’d leaned against the counter and gave me a smile. He pulled me in closer to him but covered that up with him trying to tell me something. “You having fun tonight?” He asked into my ear over the now much louder music and talking.
I nodded my head and turned to take in the chaos around me. I felt his thumbs start to rub circles on my hips which made my heart flutter until I remembered why I even came over here with him. “Actually, can we talk outside?” I asked him trying to be as sober as possible for this conversation.
His body stiffened at the question and he didn’t say anything for a little bit. He perked up and held his hand to his ear. “Oh hold on wait, listen to the song!” He did his best at distracting me. “It’s the one we always play on the ship no way! Now you have to dance with me,” he lowered his head giving the expression like I just had to do this.
“Peter…” I sighed which he completely ignored and pulled me out to the dance floor anyways.
He put his hands on my hips swaying the both of us while looking at me. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips then back up again. He put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me chest to chest with him in a romantic way, before talking into my ear over the music again. “You look so pretty tonight baby,” he flirted but the way he was talking was so genuine and loving.
He leaned back and held my chin in his hand and rubbed softly. “Peter, I can’t” I pushed his hands off me and took a step back. His eyes widened and he seemed both shocked and scared all at the same time.
He was quick to follow my movement and step closer to me again. He pulled me back in but this time kissed me with hunger. I pulled back from him again and his face dropped. “You don’t even know that guy,” he seemed rather offended and started answering his own assumptions.
Though his comment actually pissed me off because he made me sound like some slut who goes with anyone. “That’s not the point, and you don’t know the girl you’re with either. Kind of like it is with all the girls you fuck,” I spat finally letting all my anger out.
He looked around angrily with a sigh before back at me. “Don’t change the subject, ever since this guy came around things are different with us,” he pushed back with a furrowed brow. The jealously was dripping off of him.
“What are you talking about?! We’ve literally only been around each other for a few hours,” I snapped back growing more annoyed.
“You’re different with him, I don’t act like that with the girls I go with, it’s never that personal, or- or romantic. You were sitting there with your hand on his chest, talking to each other like he’s your fucking boyfriend,” he really started to let loose now and I could tell this was all from his heart because he was just piling out everything he felt, some of the stuff didn’t even connect with the point he was making before.
I rolled my eyes at this and turned away from him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back again and held me there for a minute before letting go when I yanked away. “I don’t care what you do with those other girls, I don’t care what you do, who you do, it’s none of my business, you live your life and do your thing and I’ll do mine,” I somewhat broke it off with that one sentence hoping he’d get the gist. The flooding of angry and jealous emotions really took over all rational parts of me and now I’m just acting on emotion and alcohol.
“What?” His mouth propped open then turned into a frown. “No,” he seemed to have been saying this more to himself than to me, like he couldn’t believe it. “You don’t want that,” he pleaded with his eyes. “Tell me, is that actually what you want?” His breathing started to get heavy and his eyes searched mine. He knew the answer he was aching for.
“I’m sorry I don’t do this, I never should’ve. I don’t hook up, I don’t do friends with benefits, I thought that it would save me from feeling my last breakup but now I’m just as sad about this. It’s not who I am I don’t do this, okay?” I felt myself started to get worked up and I knew if I didn’t get out of the building now then everyone in there would see me cry. I shoved myself through the crowd as fast as I could before Peter could pull me back into him again. I wandered off into the night street and blessed the lord when I saw an empty jardec pod. I rushed and climbed inside of it looking around for the button to type in where I’m heading.
“Yn, wait” Peter yelled out from the doors of the building. I started typing fast knowing he’d be making his way over. I can’t handle talking to him right now, it’s not going to go anywhere and I just want to be alone. Right as he was a few steps away from the pod I’d sent my location and it started to drive away.
I put it in to send me to the ship which was about fifteen minutes away. I sat in a sad silence looking out the window at the city around me. I saw a flashing light from my phone when I picked it up to see three missed calls from Peter and one from Mantis. With a huff I tucked my phone back into my pocket and sat out the rest of my ride. One I made it I trudged into the dark and quiet ship, all the way to my bedroom. I plugged my phone in seeing that I’d now had five missed calls from Peter. I figured I’d just talk to him in the morning when I was sober. I was sure I would at least be a decent person and tell him I was home safe. I sent him a quick text.
| Talk to you tomorrow, I’m in the ship right now. Tired. Goodnight, have fun
After literally seconds he’d already responded before I could leave the chat.
| please don’t fall asleep I’m almost there, I need to talk to you
As I was reading I heard another ding
| I’m serious, please
My heart started racing. He’s coming here, he’s almost here. I have no idea what I’m gonna say but I really don’t want to deal with any sadnesses tonight. I paced around my room until finally I’d heard some noise on the ship. My eyes widened and I stood there just listening as his foot steps got closer. The door knob twisted and in came Peter slowly and cautiously. He kept his eyes on mine the entire time as he walked up to me. His eyes seemed irritated and red like he’d been crying or something of the sort. “Can I just say that I never ever wanted to hurt you.” He seemed sad, and he spoke so delicately to me like I was a wounded little bird. “I don’t want you to go,” he admitted full of emotion.
I felt my heart drop at that comment. Peter’s been through a lot, especially after what happened with Gamora. He’s got some trauma and I can see now that even smaller things like this effect him a lot. Tears swelled up in his eyes which he did his best to choke back by clearing his throat and looking away from me. “Peter, I’m not gonna go,” I softly comforted, I reached my hands up and turned his face to me. I rubbed the sides of his cheek while looking into his eyes.
“Not like that yn,” his eyes glanced down at my lips and stayed there. “At first I was doing all that to get over gamora, then I started to realize what we had was real, and I got scared. So I started doing it to get over you,” he glanced back up at my eyes now trying to see my reaction to his confession. So all this time, all those girls, was him trying to get over me? “I just assumed you didn’t feel the same and I know it’s stupid to not have talked to you, but- I don’t know.”
He put his hands over the backs of my hands until I dropped mine while I was taking in what he said. He took that opportunity to rub my cheek instead. His hand trailed down to my chin, until his thumb traced over my lips. “I fell in love with you,” he whispered.
I stood there silent and shell shocked. He. what? “I planned so many different ways to tell you and I never wanted it to be like this but, I couldn’t stand seeing you with someone else. And I know that’s not fair, I know that’s what we agreed on, but I don’t want that,” he rambled on getting a little nervous. “I don’t want anyone else to touch you, I don’t want anyone else to be with you, to even so much as think about you, I want you to myself,” he admitted and trailed his hand back to my jaw.
For a while I was mesmerized. I looked into his pretty teary eyes, his handsome nose all the way down to his perfect plump lips. I said nothing, all I did was nod my head and it was enough for him to know what I meant and what I wanted. At that he immediately leaned in and kissed me. This one was hungry, and full of passion, one hand on my jaw and the other wrapped in my hair on the back of my head softly. I had one hand on the side of his face and the other on his chest as we shared that kiss for a little while. Once we’d backed away we’d both caught our breathe. “I fell for you too Peter, a long time ago,” It felt so good to finally admit it, and the look on his face right now made it so much better. “I want you all to myself, ALL to myself,” I reiterated the last part dramatically with a smile making him chuckle and place his forhead on mine.
“I couldn’t agree more baby,” he couldn’t stop smiling and truthfully neither could I. He was finally mine. A love that was there all along and I never knew.
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justasimpleton-26 · 5 months
A complicated night
(Part 2 of a simple date, which you can find the first part here)
Jason wondered if having that date had been a mistake.
    As he sat in his chair in the dining room, you across from him, and Dick, and Tim on either side of him, he could feel a lump form in his throat as he thought about what to tell you.
    To your credit, you’d calm down some, and didn’t call the cops on Greyson when he had popped up in the bedroom with no warning.
     But right now, as you gazed at his brothers with a guarded gaze, Jason felt like someone had kicked his heart when he realized that you were also looking at him like that. Like you were unsure of who Jason really was, because if you thought about it, you didn’t really know Jason.
     Jason scrubbed his face with his hand, wanting this day to be over with. Or at least reverting back time to where he would have taken you to the movies or had a picnic by the beach.
     Anything but to go to the town fair where everything was uncovered in just a second.
    This situation also didn’t help Jason’s urge to hunt down that guy from the fair and pummel him into the ground.
     “So…are we just going to wait in silence or is there something we’re waiting on.” You asked, and that made Jason look up to see your expression.
      You seemed a bit calmer, but still he could tell that your guard was up, and Jason exhaled.
      “Please excuse my brother, he isn’t one to talk so much.” Dick interrupted, still wearing his mask and suit.
       Jason felt something clench his heart. A feeling he hadn’t felt in two years.
      The familiar spice of rage that he thought he had outgrown of.
     “I can speak for myself, Greyson.” Jason spat out, and your gaze went between both brothers, somehow the tension growing in the room.
      “Oh, come on now, Jason. Don’t you remember when we were young, and you used to be shy to talk to anyone outside of the family. That stuck with you for a while too- “
       “Can we focus?” Tim interrupted, looking impatient as he texted on his phone.
       “Right, right, we’re actually here to take you back home, Jason.” Dick replied, taking a sip of his hot chocolate that Jason had made him.
        “Yeah, no thanks.” Jason replied, swiping a cookie from Tim. “I’m good right here.”
         “Jason come on; we miss you. Damian misses you, Cass, Duke, and Steph. And…Bruce has been beside himself thinking that you died again.” Tim pleaded, making Jason freeze in his seat.
         “Again?” you repeated, looking from Tim to Dick to finally Jason. “What do you mean by that? Jason died?”
     Jason was internally swearing and cursing and maybe punching Timothy a little bit on the mouth.
    “Look, Y/N-“Jason tried to say before he was cut off again by Dick.
    “It was a long time ago, and thankfully, it didn’t stick. So, Jay, you want to pack a bag, and head back to Gotham?” Dick said, turning to Jason.
     “For the last time Dick, I’m not going back with you or Timothy. I’m perfectly fine right here. And please, please stop answering for me! I have a voice that I can use too. I’ve grown since we’ve parted ways, and ya’ll want to pull me back in?!” Jason said, incredulous, making Tim take a step back, and leaving Dick slack jawed.
      You felt very awkward watching this before your very eyes, and tried to make as little sound as possible so the attention didn’t divert to you. You could understand his frustration though; Jason had changed a lot since she first met him. He was more vocal and though he claimed to have a problem with his temper, you’d never seen it to this extent.
       Until he was surrounded by his brothers, and they were probably dragging up memories Jason wanted to forget.
       “There’s that anger that Jason always wielded.” Tim commented, taking a bite of that cookie. “You’ve probably gotten use to this, huh Y/N?”
         “Actually, I’ve never seen him get this angry until now.” You say, before Jason can reply, and they both look surprised at that comment.
          “No way, are you sure? Jason Todd? Former Robin, sidekick to Batman, and former Red Hood?” Dick said, sounding confused.
           Jason slammed his palm on the table, causing everyone to jump. All three gazes were on him, and there was an expression that you’d never seen on his face before.
          Even the time when Jason almost fought the guy at the fair, he didn’t look this angry.
          “I’ve heard enough out of the both of you; get the fuck out. You brought me nothing but problems, and I’m over here trying to live my life peacefully.” Jason said, in a voice so low, and threatening, you got goosebumps scattered all over your arm.
          “Now Dick. I’ve heard enough and I don’t want to hear anymore. Tell Bruce I said he can go fuck himself, I’m so tired of all of you.” Jason replied harshly, getting up from the table, and heading off to his bedroom.
           The door slams, and you watch as Tim deflates, shoving his phone back in his pocket, Dick getting back up from his seat.
           “I’m so sorry, I can have him reach out to you when he’s calmed down.” You say, and Dick waves off the offer, giving her a strained smile.
            “No worries. It was a bit too much coming down here with no warning and expecting…anyways, thank you for your hospitality. My brother and I will take our leave.” Dick replied, and Tim nodded in agreement, clenching and unclenching his hands.
            You walk both out, watching as they disappeared into the night, and headed back inside.
            Jason hadn’t come out of the room, and your worry for him grew. You slipped into the shared bedroom and slid into the bed next to him. He was facing away from you, but when her felt the bed move, he turned and pressed his face against your chest, wrapping his strong arms around your waist.
          You held him, not saying anything, and that’s when he broke down and cried, and told you everything.
Someone steps out from behind a tree, gazing at the front of the house where it’s been confirmed that Jason Todd lives at.
     Pressing on the comm in their ear, the person gives their boss a status update.
     “This is the right one. Jason Todd is residing here.”
To be continued…?
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icedmetaltea · 5 months
do you still write in general or have all your works been removed from ao3 and halted?? I just found An Eye for an Eye and I maybe horribly obsessed with it hahah
I still write from time to time but for myself or random fandoms that I don't share on here- the ones I have shared for this fandom have been orphaned but can still be accessed here but if u found that I'm assuming u know that lol
Writing these days just makes me feel horrifically self-conscious so if I do share I like doing so on accounts where nobody knows me and I have no expectations to live up to ya feel? ; u ;
Here is a lil doodle and a jealousy snippet I was gonna write at some point if it helps ya feel better *patpat*
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(Set at some point in the future, Y/n's gotten enough trust to be allowed in Eclipse's enclosure without supervision and so Kai's joining them to scope the place out + do some plotting since it's too loud for mics to pick anything up above the ambience of water and ironically it's safer for them to talk in here than anywhere else in the facility lol... also it's been so long since I wrote the fic I can't remember if Eclipse is blind or not so let's assume so)
"Wait up!" you barked, running up behind the man so fast you nearly ran into him headfirst as the doors automatically closed behind the two of you.
"Watch it, will you? And I'm working on a tight schedule here, okay? Not all of us are coddled by staff..."
"Coddled?! I'm given the lofty privilege of being used as live bait and you-"
"So this is what it looks like, huh? I haven't been in here for a while." He gave a whistle, turning to you briefly before walking further into the room. You followed close behind him, holding back your boiling temper for the time being. "Last time I was here, the water was filled with algae and god knows what else."
You shrugged. "Yeah. I guess... It helps now that I clean Eclipse regularly. The rest of staff was too chicken to so much as touch it."
"I still can't believe you do that." He wandered closer to the edge of the water, staring down into the dark abyss. Far down, the mer began to rouse from its usual afternoon slumber, scintillations dancing deep below as it slowly moved. "And I can't believe all you've managed to lose so far is an eyeball. You have all your limbs intact, as far as I can tell."
"It was scary at first, sure, but then I realized it was literally just a big fish I was dealing with. One that ruined my albeit shitty life. I was getting money out of the deal, so..."
You kicked your foot absentmindedly, watching the dark outline ripple through the water, approaching the surface.
"It's all bark and no bite."
As if on cue, the surface tension broke as the mer surfaced, the water rippling and floor shaking with the force of its purr. The sound was cut short, though, its head tilting in curiosity as its fake smile stared at the two of you.
"Are you sure about that...?"
The second it heard Kai's voice, the flat side of its face slanted upwards so its teeth were on display, pulling up into a snarl. A low growl rumbled through the floor and up into your legs, making you wobble slightly.
"Hey, what the hell?!" you were quick to say, throwing up your hands in disbelief. "You choose now to throw a tantrum??"
Its tongue flicked out in what you now knew was its own weird way of sniffing the air, and soon after the sound of its growling grew louder.
"Shit!" Kai hissed, "Didn't you say this was safe?"
"Of course it's safe! Hey slimebrain, will you shut up?!" You took a few confident steps forward and punched a hand over one of its tendrils. It relaxed at the contact, a tiny purr mixing in with its incessant snarling. "You're makin' a big idiot of yourself in front of my... acquaintance."
"Oh, so that's the title you're giving me?" He regretted opening his mouth, as the next second Eclipse lurched towards him, snapping its teeth worryingly close to his face. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw it hadn't ripped the flesh off his nose or something. Yet, anyways.
"Okay, okay!!!" You jumped in front of him, tripping and landing on your ass, but at least it made the mer stop moving. "What's gotten into you? You've been behaving well the past couple of months and you chose today to get all pissy? Honestly..."
Eclipse made something akin to a huffing sound, then unlatched its jaw just enough to grasp the back of your collar. It dragged you, flailing the entire way, away from Kai, only stopping when half your body was submerged in water.
As soon as you opened your mouth to in protest, it the large, flat underside of its jaw hovered over you, blanketing you in shadow. One set of its hands came to hold you in place, ignoring your cries of anger as it continued to growl.
"Okay, I'm just gonna... go..." Kai finally said, a tremble in his voice as his footsteps became more and more distant till the sound of the doors opening and closing made you realize he'd left.
"That pussy..." you spat beneath your breath, though you were much more angry at the mer than him. "You!! You ruin everything!"
As soon as the man was gone, Eclipse's mood seemed to flip like a switch, growls bleeding into those grating attempts at chirps and purrs it never quite seemed to translate into something that didn't sound like a dying whale.
It was proud, perhaps even gloating, you realized as it turned its head completely around to peer down at you with a false grin. Water dripped down on you, and you also realized your freshly-laundered clothes were now sopping wet.
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mdmraz · 21 days
RED M꩜꩜N ☪︎ M.F⭑.ᐟ
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꩜2⭑.ᐟ Red Moon Index ⭑.ᐟ ꩜4⭑.ᐟ
⋆˖⁺‧₊☾. ◯ .☽₊‧⁺˖⋆
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"This is really fucking stupid, you know." Y/N voiced her concerns as she and Megumi ran through the Innate Domain, the ravenette, sending his Divine Dog to seek out Kugisaki.
"It's better than you taking that thing by yourself. Itadori has some control over Sukuna, I have faith in him."
The girl grumbled under her breath at the sorcerer's condemnation and lack of faith in her. She was the grade one here, not Itadori, "I can handle myself, thank you."
Fushiguro scoffed before he outstretched his arm, grabbing Y/Ns wrist and pulling her back against him, catching the clan member off guard as she looked back at him, startled, "Nue!"
A large bird erupted from his shadow, scooping the ravenette by his collar. Y/N let out a surprised squeak as Fushiguro hoisted her up by her torso, her arms unconsciously wrapped around his neck as she stared down with wide eyes, "I'm afraid of heights!"
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"I know your face now. I swear I'll curse you!" Nobara exclaimed as she hung upside down in the grasp of a large curse, her finger pointed accusingly at it.
Her neat brows furrowed as the curse lowered her into its mouth, she was seconds away from getting eaten alive. A noisy yelp left her lips when a slimy, long tongue wrapped around her, pulling her from the curses grasp right before a harsh punch made it stumble back right into the upcoming attack of a large white snake.
"Ugh, Fushiguro! You said you'd let me kill them!" The ginger found herself inside the mouth of a frog, a fatigued expression finding its way onto her face as she peered out the shikigamis mouth. A slightly bloodied Y/N pouted, arms crossing over her chest as she looked over the slim worn-out face of the other sorceress.
"We don't have time. We're escaping."
"I hate frogs, you know..." An irk mark had formed on the man's forehead as he pondered on what exactly he did to get paired up with two unbelievable individuals...and not to forget Itadori, "Yeah, well, sorry!"
"Y/N, lets go. You're both injured—"
"Give me 15 seconds." Said girl stated, tone unwaivering, making it clear there was absolutely no room for interjections. It wasn't like she had even given the poor shikigami user a chance to even blink before appearing in front of the curses with immense speed, so fast the two other first years could hardly register her change in position.
He watched in awe for those full 15 seconds as the Tsukuyomi gracefully obliterated the four curses with swift and quick motions, not a drop of blood had gotten on her uniform, further spoiling it, and not a single scratch or mark had found itself on her delicate, [S/C] skin.
Not even a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead with each powerful punch and kick, further empowered by the moons lunar energy she sent the curses way. Her breathing never labored, footing never faltered, and she never hasitated. She made it seem...so easy.
"If I wasn't on the brink of passing out, I'd fangirl." Nobara weakly muttered, earning a chuckle from her classmate as she turned around, "I've got you." Were the last words the brown eyed girl heard before her consciousness finally slipped, alarming Megumi who was standing next to her, "Don't fret. I'm making it easier for her and me."
"What- What do you mean?"
"It's easier to use revere cursed technique on someone who's unconscious, they don't interrupt anything."
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"Please expand the evacuation area to ten kilometers." Ijichi nodded at the 'Zenins' order, his hand shifting to start the car as Y/N got out of it, carefully laying Nobaras bandaged head on the makeshift cushion from the Tsukuyomis uniform jacket, "What about you two?"
"We'll wait here for Itadori to return." Dark eyes, covered by the thick glass of his bifocals scanned the two sorcerers, one payed him full attention as the other stared up into the sky, watching with interest as the veil Ijichi had put up shift. The elder man sighed, "After I take Kugisaki to the hospital, I'll return as quickly as possible."
"No, there wouldn't be much point in you staying here," Fushiguro countered, making his superior grimace at his brute bluntness, "If you want to do something, ask them to send over a sorcerer grade one or higher. Though I imagine none are around." He crossed his arms, green eyes glancing at the female next to him, Is she really a grade one sorcerer? I was too shocked to register her powers back then.
After Ijichi agreed to the first year's request he quickly drove off. The shikigami user turned around in the direction of the detention center, his gaze hard as it bore into the old building. If the worst happens...then it's my responsibility to end him.
A quiet, bored hum escaped Y/N, "Send a grade one or higher over? I'm hurt, Zenin." The girl feigned offense as a smug look graced her features.
"If you're a grade one then why didn't you excorsise it?" Fushiguro countered, his arms crossing over his chest as he sent a scowl her way.
"Like you and Itadori gave me the chance?" With the roll of his eyes, Megumi quickly dismissed the petty banter, already fed up with his classmates attitude. They really couldn't get along for even a second?
The girl shook her head with a bored sigh, gaze shifted upwards toward the moon, clouds and raindrops hiding its gleam. Green eyes found themselves on said girl, his gaze skimmed up and down before it landed on her side profile. He absolutely hated to admit that he admired the sight. The way her eyes reflected the lunar light, the way the drops of rain pattered onto her face before they slid down her jaw while some clung to her long, full lashes. The tip of her nose was rosy and lips puckered in a thoughtful way.
"You always stare at the moon." Fushiguro had to hold back from slapping himself when he realized he unconsciously commented.
"It's pretty, no?" The temptress answered, eyelashes bat softly as she turned to look at the man, "Yeah...it is..." He replied, almost sounding out of breath, a brow raised when Tsukuyomi acknowledged his uncharacteristic demeanour.
"You good—" The feeling of a weight being lifted off their shoulders graced the two, stopping Y/N mid sentence, both sorcerers returned their gazes to the building far away, "Oh? The Innate Domains out." Megumi nodded, "Seems the special grade's dead. Now we just need Itadori to return safely—"
A familiar feeling of fear quickly paralyzed the two, the moment they could finally relax had gotten spoiled by an unknown deep voice from behind them, "Sorry, but he's not coming back."
The Tsukuyomi was first to turn around, brows furrowed at the sigh of Yujis marked body. A feeling of familiarity washed over her, her heart stopping in her chest as crimson eyes met with hers, thick brows quirked upwards as Sukuna took notice of Y/Ns presence.
"Oh, don't be so frightened. I'm in a good mood right now. Let's chat for a bit." He nonchalantly stated, walking around from Megumis back as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "This is what he gets for trying to use me without any of if pact. Feels like he's having some trouble switching back."
Sukuna's hands emerged from his pockets to grip onto Yujis school uniform, "Still though...it's only a matter of time." He stated before the sound of fabric ripping blended into the pattering of raindrops hitting the ground.
"So...I thought about what I can do right now." The pinkette lifted his marked hand, placing it near his chest. Audible gasps left the two sorcerers, Y/N had outstretched her hand to stop him but his long fingers had already collided within his chest, blood splurged out of the wound and escaping the smug smile on his lips.
"Wh-What are you..."
The crimson liquid puddled at the curses feet before he finally ripped his hand out of his chest to reveal the vital organ in his grasp, still pumping desperately, "Im taking this brat hostage."
The Tsukuyomi cringed in horror at the unpleasant sight, her trembling hand clasped over her mouth to suppress the gags that so desperately wanted to escape her.
"I can live without this, but that ain't true for the brat," Sukuna states, crimson irises met with green ones before they landed on a pair of [E/C] filled with disgust and terror, his smirk widened at the lovely sight he missed so much; it brought him back to the days of his reigning terror on Japan. He quickly threw the fragile heart to the side, "Switching out with me mean ge dies. Also...for good measures." Sukuna opened his fist to reveal the familiar pruny dark purple cursed object, he carefully placed it onto his tongue before eagerly swallowing, relishing in the taste and surge of power.
"With that, I'm free as a bird. You can be frightened now. I'll kill you!" He chimed in mocking excitement as the two high schoolers shifted their feet, widening their stances to prepare for any attack. Sukuna skimmed over the clan members, intrigued, his gaze finally stilled when he met the usual [E/C] irises, now glinting with an angry red.
"Interesting." He moved behind her in the blink of an eye, his bloodied hand had moved her hair out of the back of her neck to reveal exactly what he had expected, a red moon shaped marking.
[E/C] eyes went wide before quickly covering the sight of her neck with her hand, the other wrapping around Sukunas wrist, "The fuck do you think you're doing?" her voice was a breathy mutter, too many feelings and emotions stirred inside her to actually comprehend the overwhelming and sudden attachment she felt towards the curse.
Her eyes shone with an unfamiliar glint, almost as if they weren't her own, it seemed as though the moon had found its way to her large irises for a quick second, before vanishing, further confirming The King of Curses suspicion.
"So you were worthy..." his dark, velvety voice sent shivers through the two sorcerers. Sukuna changed his position at the same speed as last time, now fully facing the confused girl, with his wrist out of her grasp. He extended a long finger, its sharp nail traced the jaw that clenched with tension, "I'd be delighted to see what's so special about you."
The two sorcerers stood alarmed at his absurd way of speaking to Y/N, making absolutely no sense to them.
Megumi's hands slowly formed the sign of a shadow puppet, his stance widened as he was just about to unleash his shikigami until squinted red eyes met with his green ones.
"Too bad I won't be able to retrieve you, Kaguya. This vessel will die soon." Something stirred inside the [H/C]-nette at Sukunas odd words, why was be spewing nonsense upon nonsense, specifically directed toward her. Her gaze hardened as she slipped away from the curse with almost the equivalent speed as Sukunas. Y/N now stood right next to her defensive classmate.
"You just don't get it. Itadoris coming back. Even if it means he'll die. Thats just who he is."
Sukunas chest rumbled with a dark chuckle before taunting the ravenette about how he gave his friend too much credit; just a moment ago he had been scared out if his mind, on the verge of death, and prattling on about his regrets.
Narrowed eyes focused on the well built and marked man, he noted his wrist had been restored fully. Sukuna was incarnated — even if he can live without a heart, it should still be damaging. If Megumi wanted to somehow convince the cursed spirit to heal the organ before Yuji returned; he'd have to make Ryomen Sukuna believe he can't beat him without a heart in his body.
Can I do that...? The memory of freezing at the mere sight of the special grade replayed in his mind, if he couldn't move in its presence how could he possibly fight The King?
A dried, bloody  hand was placed reassuringly on his bicep, giving it a small squeeze as if to remind him that he, first; is not alone, and second; it's not a matter of whether he can do it, he has to do it! And since the warm gesture had come from someone that had despised him and he had despised, it gave him a bit of confidence.
His shaking hands form into the sign of a bird, a large gingery-brown feathered creature emerged from his shadow. Y/N followed with her own, the girl whispered under her breath, barely audible — to the point even Megumi couldn't hear, "Special Cursed Technique: Copy: "Infinity.""
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☾. ◯ .☽₊‧⁺˖⋆
꩜2⭑.ᐟ Red Moon Index⭑.ᐟ ꩜4⭑.ᐟ
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TL: @loveforlauf , @vicurious28 ♡
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© mdmraz ༝༚༝༚
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A/N: two chapters till the end of the week just like promised!!
yall might actually hate me for this one cuz they might never get out the drafts
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yunoclips · 1 year
Can you please write bottom Jaemin smut, please? I'm dying
Hey anon , I gotchu :))
also gender isn't specified here so reader could have a dick or a strap :) whichever one you choose.
Bottom Jaemin is a bit shameless.
Here he was on his bed face down , ass up waiting for you to put it in. You had already prepped him. His hole was slightly gaping , shining with the copius amounts of lube you applied. You were trying to slick yourself up before continuing. Like the desperate person he was , he was wiggling his ass up and down in hopes that you'd hurry up.
Reaching behind , he grabbed you and started rubbing your dick up and down the wet surface between his cheeks. You grabbed his hand quickly and pinned it behind his back before leaning down to whisper in his ear.
"Being a desperate slut tonight.. you know better don't you nana?"
"mmm.. just hurry u-"
The sudden intrusion in his hole cut his words short. He wanted this so badly didn't he. Trying to rush everything from the minute you two laid down together. Maybe he was in need of a quick release but he knows that you prefer to take your time with him.
Two could play that game. If he wanted it so bad, that's exactly what he'll get.
You give him little to no time to adjust before you start with quick paced thrusts. His hand was still behind his back , he was supporting his entire body with one shaky arm.
"F-fuck wait."
"Wait? I thought this was what you wanted?"
You never let up with your brutally quick thrust. One particular thrust had him shaking. His only available arm started to shake before he collapsed face first on the bed. Chest flushed to the mattress.
"W-wait pleasemmf.. I'm gonna..mmm"
"Gonna what ? Speak up."
The constant jabs to his prostate had him in a delirious state. The more you fucked him , the harder it was for him to think properly. There was a silence for a minute. Your pace stripped him of the ability to speak.
Suddenly you watched as his upper body rattled a bit. Small sobs muffled by the pillow quickly followed. The arm that was pinned to his back was spasming. Hand moving around to find something to ground himself.
"m'gnna..cum all over m'self" Another sob was punched out of his chest.
"Go ahead. You wanted it like this anyways. Desperate slut feigning for a quick fuck so he can shamelessly cum all over himself. Nobody's stopping you."
Leaning down , your chest was pressed against his back. His arm was sandwiched in between the two. You leaned into his ear, mouth so close , lips basically pressing the lobe.
"Go on and embarrass yourself like the fast slut you are."
Another beat of silence enveloped the room. Your body remained flushed against his. Pinning him flat to the mattress. You had slowed down , opting for deep thrusts to the prostate.
Before you knew it , you could feel his legs begin to kick under you. Swinging back and forth trying to gain leverage. He couldn't move any of his arms. He tried lifting himself up but the attempt failed. He was able to lift his head up however.
"nana's s-sorry, m'cumming a-all over myself like a filthy s-slut" words slow and gooey. Flowing out of his mouth like molasses, broken with his constant crying.
His eyes were glazed over and rolled to the back of his head. Tears pooled at his water line. Mouth dry from it being open for so long. He came hard. His cum pooling on the sheets and sticking to his thighs and tummy.
Heat expanding through his whole body as the sensation sent electric shocks through his blood. Head blank and ears filled with white noise. Each spurt of cum was accompanied by a throaty cry.
This was exactly what he wanted.
So I'd say... bottom jaemin could definitely be a bit shameless.
230 notes · View notes
crazyunsexycool · 1 year
My little love
Chapter 22
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!reader
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: this is fluff central ok, Henry and Charlotte being cuties (they get it from their dad so they’re a warning), implied smut,
A/N: I am so excited to share this chapter. This is like a day in the life kind of thing. Also a new member joins the Barnes family! I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself!
Series masterlist
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“Hey Stark.” Bucky calls from the door to Tony’s lab.
“What’s up terminator?”
“Do you wanna see Steve get his ass kicked?”
“Always.” Tony replies as he tosses the screwdriver he had in his hand. “Why is he getting his ass kicked and by who?”
“Y/N has been cleared by medical and is starting her training today. What Steve doesn’t know is that the cure that Bruce created for the toxin doubled the serum she already had in her system.”
Tony laughs as he walks to the door, already taking his phone out and texting the rest of the team. Both men make their way to the gym as they talk about how they think Steve will do.
“I’m telling you Barnes, he’s gonna win”
“Nah, my girls got it in the bag.”
“Wanna bet on it?” Tony stops in front of the gym doors.
“Oh it’s on.”
They shake hands and walk in, the rest of the team already waiting for your training to begin. Bucky looks at you and winks as he and Tony settle side by side against a wall. Everyone is whispering amongst themselves and making bets on who will win. The odds are in your favor. Henry cheers for you and of course Lottie cheers for Steebie.
“Why is everyone here?” Steve asks as he makes his way towards the mats.
“I don’t know.” Of course you knew why, you just weren’t going to tell him anything.
“Are you excited to get back into training?”
“Steve, you've known me long enough to know the answer to that.”
“Ok,” he chuckles as he gets into a defensive position. “Let’s start easy, it has been a little over six weeks.”
“You got it.”
You try to hide your smirk as he throws a punch, obviously taking it easy on you. For the next few minutes you dance around each other. Every once in a while you land a punch and Steve flinches at the force behind your hits and kicks. At this point some recruits have stopped what they were doing just to watch.
“Alright let’s move on to holds and grappling. Do you want to go first?” He asks.
“Nope. I need to freshen up on how to get out of some holds.”
“Ok.” Steve moves behind you and wraps his right arm around your neck and locks it with his left, not too tight that he’d actually hurt you.
You pretend to struggle and Steve stops, before giving you instructions on how to free yourself. Then he gets back into position. You look up at Bucky and wink. He in turn elbows Tony who starts recording.
“Just think it through. Someone is holding you like this, how do you get out?”
You bring your hands up and take his left arm and pull it out, in a quick motion you bend down at your waist so that Steve is pulled over your back and lands on the floor in front of you. He looks up at you bewildered, you’ve never been able to break any of his holds.
“What the fuck just happened?” He says as he stands up.
There’s cheering and grumbles as people pay up on their bets. You however can’t stop laughing. It takes you a good minute to calm down.
“Wow you should have seen your face.” You say as you start to laugh again.
“How the hell did you do that? Did you put metal in my clothes or something?”
“No,” you scoff before giving him an innocent look. “Did I forget to tell you that the antitoxin Bruce created basically doubled the serum that was in my system?”
“You little shit. You’re a super soldier now?”
“Yeah.” You give him a shit eating grin.
“Oh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. You shouldn’t have told me that.”
It’s Steve‘a turn to give you a mischievous grin. “Because now that means we have to make your training routine more intense. To help you keep up with your serum of course.” He starts walking away backwards as he laughs at you.
“No, that’s not fair.”
“It’s a rookie mistake, it happens to everyone. I’ll see you tomorrow on the running trail at 6:00.”
“In the morning?” You practically shriek which only causes him to laugh more.
“Captain's orders.”
You curse him under your breath as Bucky walks up to you and throws his arm around your shoulder.
“Tough break, Sugar. I’ll miss you in bed.”
“Haha, if you think you’re staying in bed while I have to run, you're dead wrong.”
“Cute but not gonna happen.”
“I’ll drag your ass by your arm.”
Bucky laughs as he steps away from you. “You’re cute when you’re threatening me.”
You glare at him as you follow him out of the gym.
“How much did you make on the bet?”
“Enough to take my girl out somewhere for date night.” He smiles at you before holding the gym door open. “What do you say? Just you and me, tonight?”
“It could be nice.”
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Charlotte sat on your bed while you got ready. She even helped you pick out a sundress for the occasion. You held up different accessories and she happily pointed to the ones she liked best. Then the chaos happened. Charlotte was informed that she wasn’t going on this date with you and Bucky. In your defense you told her Henry wasn’t going either. But not even the promise of spending the evening hanging out with Steve was enough to stop the waterworks. Not until Bucky made it worse with his promise to her.
“Doll,” he was carrying Lottie into the living room with you trailing behind. “If you let me and mama go out alone, we’ll talk about getting you a sissy.” The words slipped out before he realized what he had promised.
That was enough to get Lottie to stop crying. Her face was still slightly red but she was smiling now.
“A sissy? Pwomise?”
“We’ll talk about it. But that sissy won’t be here for a while anyway.”
“Is kay.” She wipes away her own tears as she smiles at Bucky. “Can wait wit bubba and Steebie.”
“No doll, I mean-“
“James, you've done enough damage. Why don’t you quit while you’re ahead?” You murmur.
“Yeah, you’re right. Ok doll, have fun with Bubba and Steve.”
During the whole conversation Steve had been sitting in the living room. You could tell he was trying to suppress a laugh.
“Come on sweetheart, let your parents go so they can talk about that sister.”
“Bye mama, bye dada.”
“Bye sweet Angel. Henry,” you turn to watch him walk out of his room with a few toys in his hands. “Hey bubs, have fun and we’ll see you later ok?”
“Ok, can I stay up later than bedtime?”
“We’ll leave that up to uncle Steve.” Bucky says as he opens the door to leave. “Make sure you listen to him. Love you guys.”
“Love you too.” Steve answers with a chuckle.
“Aww look at our oldest child taking care of his siblings.” You joke as you take a picture with your phone. Steve was on the couch with Lottie in his arms and all of Henry’s toys on his lap.
“Bye mom, have fun talking about having a sissy.”
“Oh we’re going to talk and we’ll talk so hard.” You wink as Steve grimaces. With a laugh you walk out the door hand in hand with Bucky.
The date had been simple but fun. A movie, dinner and then drinks at a bar to end the night. The fun part was the teasing. At the movie theater Bucky chose the seats at the back where you could make out in peace. During dinner he made sure to keep a hand on your thigh, slowly moving up or giving a gentle squeeze. When you got to the bar you were both handsy and riled up. So much so that you pulled Bucky out of the bar and found the first dark alley you could.
“Is this what you want, sugar?” Bucky murmured against your lips as he trapped you between himself and the brick wall of the bar. “You want me to fuck you right here? Can’t even wait to get home.”
“Stop teasing.”
“Me teasing?” He pulls back to give you an incredulous look. “You’re the one that couldn’t keep your hands to yourself in the bar, Sugar.”
You smile up at him as your arms come up his chest and wrap loosely around his neck.
“I can’t help it when you look this good.”
The complement didn’t get the reaction you thought it would. You felt Bucky tense.
“Don’t panic. We’re being watched.”
You turn your head just slightly so that you can look out of the corner of your eye and you gasp.
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“I said I was sorry already. Sugar, don’t be mad at me.” Bucky pleaded as you walked into your apartment.
Steve was there with both kids in the middle of a game of candy land. All three of them look up at you.
“Dada.” Lottie runs towards Bucky, while Henry gets up to hug you.
“How did things go here?”
“Everything‘s fine. How was date night?”
“It was great up until the end, when Bucky decided to scare the crap out of me.”
“I already said I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“How would you handle it if you were in an alley and someone said ‘don’t panic, we’re being watched.’?” You were looking at Steve with your arms crossed.
“Why were you in an alley?”
“Oh you sweet summer’s child.” You mutter before you give him an eyebrow wiggle. “We were going to have a conversation.”
“Oh, ew. I don’t need to know these things.” Steve gives you a disgusted face.
“Anyways,” Bucky continues. “We have a surprise for the kids.”
“A suwpwise dada?”
“Yeah doll, we have a surprise for you and Henry.”
“What is it?” Henry peeks around you to get a better look at his father.
Bucky walks back to the door and opens it and brings in a small crate. He sets it on the coffee table as both Henry and Lottie look inside to find a small white fur ball curled up on a blanket.
“We found a kitten while we were out on our date. She didn’t have a home so she’s going to stay with us.” Bucky explains softly.
Henry stares in amazement at the new addition to the Barnes family. Meanwhile you walk out and grab the few bags of supplies you’d picked up.
“This is what Bucky was referring to when he said we were being watched.” You murmured to Steve.
“What’s her name?”
“She doesn’t have one yet, we have to pick one out.” Bucky says as he settles on the couch. “What do you think Lottie, do you like the kitten?”
“Is not a sissy, dada.”
“I know, doll, but it’s going to take some time to get a sissy.”
“Kay.” Lottie said with a frown. She gives the crate a side eye before walking over to you and holding her arms up. “Uppies mama.”
“Come here sweet Angel. Did you have fun with Steve?”
“Yeah, pay wit Steebie and bubba.”
“Are you ready for bed my sweet girl? You sound tired.”
“Mmhhmm.” She says as she nods before laying her head on your shoulder.
“Let’s get you into bed then. Do you want a story?”
She nods. “An hugs.”
“And hugs, you got it.” You say as you walk back toward the bedrooms.
“Alright let’s think of names.” Bucky says.
“How about snowball?” Steve offers but Henry shakes his head.
Bucky grimaces.
“Snowflake?” Henry says.
“How about… Alpine? Al for short.” Bucky offers as he scratches the kitten’s head, she meows in approval.
“Alpine. I like it.”
“Me too.”
Steve and Henry both agree before the former stands.
“Alright you guys I’m gonna go. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye uncle Steve.”
“Thanks for watching them.”
“Of course, they’re my favorite people.” Steve smiles and walks out with a wave.
“Can Alpine sleep in my room daddy?”
“Yeah, I think she’d like to have some company after being all alone. Let’s get her bed set up in there.” Bucky hands Alpine to Henry, who holds her close to his chest.
Bucky grabs some of the items in the bags and follows Henry, who is walking at a very slow pace as he holds Alpine. In his room Bucky sets down a cat bed in a corner and then places a blanket over it. He leaves some toys on the floor before turning to Henry.
“Alright kiddo, the bed it set. Tomorrow we’ll go over what we have to do to take care of her, ok?”
“Do you want a bedtime story?”
“Yes, please.” Henry says as he sits down on his bed, the little ball of fur tucked into his elbow.
Bucky picks up the chapter book they’ve been reading together and sits down next to Henry. He starts where he left off and reads until Henry has slowly drifted off to sleep. Alpine claiming her spot at the end of the bed.
“And they lived happily ever after. The end.” You finish reading the book Lottie had chosen.
With a kiss to the forehead you start to get up as quietly as you can thinking that Charlotte is asleep.
“Yes my sweet Angel?”
“Dada a pwince an mama a pwincess.”
“You think your dad is a prince and I’m a princess?”
“Yeah.” She replies sleepily.
“Why is that?”
“Cus dada an mama is pwetty. An dada lobe mama and mama lobe dada.” She says as she points at the drawing of the prince and princess holding hands.
“That’s right mama and daddy love each other very much. And we love you and bubba very much too.”
She gives you a sleepy smile. You sit there another few minutes playing with her hair until her breathing finally evens out.
In the hallway you find Bucky waiting for you. He follows you happily into your shared bedroom and when the door is closed, Bucky is on you.
“James.” You whisper yell as you laugh when he throws you on the bed.
“If I remember correctly, we were about to have a very important conversation in the alley before we were interrupted.”
“Oh yeah, what were we going to talk about again?”
“Not much.” He shrugs as he hovers over you. “I was gonna make you yell my name so that everyone knows you makes you feel so good.”
“Hhmm. I'm willing to hear your argument.”
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“Bubba?” Lottie giggled as she walked into Henry’s room.
This was a normal game for them, hide and seek. It was a lot more challenging considering Henry could disappear. That was never an issue for Lottie who is determined to find her older brother.
Lottie is searching around his usual hiding spots when a small meow gets her attention. Her little brows pinch in confusion at the sound as she turns around, unable to find the source. Another meow comes from the corner of the room and Lottie carefully walks over to where she thinks the sound is. As she closes in, Henry appears in front of her with Alpine in his arms. Lottie jumps back and starts laughing.
“Bubba!” She shrieked between her bout of laughter, while Henry joined.
“Sorry baby. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Is kay.” Lottie replies while eyes the kitten in her brother’s arms.
“Do you want to pet her? Her name is Alpine.”
“Yeah, let’s sit down, come on.” Henry moves to sit on his bed and watches as Lottie hops on.
Her little hand reaches for Alpines head but she’s a bit rough and Alpine hisses. Lottie whimpers and pulls her hand back, her bottom lip wobbles.
“It’s ok Lottie. You just have to be gentle like this.”
Henry runs his hand over Alpine’s head in a much more gentle and slow manner. Then he takes Lottie’s hand and guides her. All of the attention makes Alpine purr as she leans into the touch happily. For a few minutes the kids stay just like that. Sitting on Henry’s bed and giving Alpine all of the attention and cuddles she could want.
“Hi my sweet babies.” You said from the door getting both of their attentions. “Do you want to go play outside for a while?”
Lottie and Henry look at each other as if they’re having a silent conversation.
“Can pay on swings?”
“Of course sweet Angel.”
Lottie gives you a beaming smile before hopping off of Henry's bed. You chuckle as you move to let her get out.
“But on some basketball shorts, it’s hot outside and wear your sunglasses.”
“Ok.” Henry says as he moves to his drawer.
Lottie is in her room already digging through her basket to find the perfect sunglasses, she never leaves the apartment without them. Her growing collection is thanks to Nat. She turns around and proudly displays her selection. Purple flower shaped shades with purple lenses.
“Great choice. Alright, let’s get you changed.” You say as you show her the tank top and shorts you chose.
Lottie happily stands on the bed as she begins to take off her shirt. You give her the tank top, which she puts on inside out at first. Like the big girl she is, Lottie puts on her shorts, also backwards before you point it out and then help her put on some sneakers. You then quickly put her hair up into two pigtails. She leads the way into the living room where Henry and Alpine are already waiting.
You grab the small backpack with water bottles and snacks and watch as Haney ticks Alpine in one arm while holding on to Lottie’s hand.
“Alright my sweet babies, let’s go have some fun.” You say as you open the front door for them.
The rest of the afternoon the three of you spend it at the small park area.
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Today was the day. Charlotte was having her bed changed into a big girl bed, her words. She was ecstatic as she stood by the door to her room and watched her dad move some things around. Henry had lost interest quickly enough and announced that he would go find you. With a look over his shoulder, Bucky couldn’t contain his smile as he watched Lottie, she waited patiently and gave Alpine some very well deserved head scratches.
“Do you want to help me out, doll?” Bucky says as he begins to remove some of the unnecessary pieces.
“Ok, come here. Do you see that screw driver?” Bucky points to it but Lottie grabs a pair of pliers. “No sweetheart that one.” He points again and this time she grabs the right tool. “Thank you. Now this is a flathead screwdriver.”
“Flathead.” Bucky enunciates.
“Well, we aren’t getting anywhere with that.” Bucky says as he continues to work on the bed.
Lottie talks his ear off as she tells him about going to the park and petting Alpine. Every once in a while she’ll actually hand him a tool after he points it out for her.
“Alright doll, you now have a big rip bed. Why don’t you try it out?”
Lottie obliges quickly and happily by getting up on it and jumping a few times. She lets herself fall backwards with a laugh. Bucky kneels on the floor beside the bed and pushes some of her loose hair out of her face.
“Is it Lottie approved?”
“Mhm. Big bed cause am big.”
Bucky chuckles. “That’s right but you’ll always be daddy’s little girl.” He says before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Bucky turns and begins to clean up the mess he’s made while Lottie slips off the bed and walks towards one of her play chests. She’s rummaging around until she finds what she wants.
“Dada can paint? Pease?”
Bucky turns to see her holding her little play makeup kit that Wanda got her for her birthday. Lottie specifically was holding out one of her many nail polish bottles.
“Oh doll, I’m not good at that stuff. Why don’t we go see if mama can do it?”
“No want mama. Want dada to paint.” Lottie said. Her eyes were wide but sad and her bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
“Ok I’ll paint your nails. But you can’t be mad if they turn out bad.”
“Tank you dada.” Charlotte throws herself into Bucky’s arms in order to hug him. Then she sits on her bed and sticks her foot out before wiggling her little toes. “Can paint dada’s too?”
“You want to paint my nails?”
Lottie nods, way too excited for her own good. He sighs because he knows that there will be no way out of this and he’d do anything for her.
“Ok, you can paint my nails.”
Lottie claps and urges him to hurry up.
Henry walks away from the mess Bucky is making in Lottie’s bed to find you in the kitchen. You’re currently reading through recipes for a few side dishes. The team has decided that it’s a lovely afternoon to have dinner outside.
“Hi mama.” Henry says as he walks into the kitchen. “What are you doing?”
“I am deciding on what I should make for dinner with the rest of the team?”
“Why do you call them team?”
“Well, they are my team.” You say, a little confused at his question.
“I know but that’s when you go to work. Aren’t they our family too?”
You smile at him. Even with everything he went through he had a huge heart.
“You are absolutely right. I just don’t think about it that much because you can be a team and a family. As long as we’re together. Now, do you want to help me make something for our family dinner?”
He nods as he walks around the kitchen island.
“Go get the step stool so that you can see better.”
“Ok.” He moved around quickly and brought over the step stool you kept in the kitchen so that he could be at a better height. “Where do we start?”
“We start with cutting some potatoes so that we can boil them.”
“Will you teach me how?” He tilts his head to get a better look at you.
“Absolutely. We’ll make a chef out of you.”
For the next hour or so you work with Henry on how to properly use a knife and ignore his comment of him already knowing how to use one. You prep all of the ingredients together, Henry helps you mix them together. Toward the end you are both covered in flour after he accidentally knocked over the mixing bowl. Both of you had trouble breathing but weren’t sure if it was because of the flour or the fit of laughter.
After cleaning up the mess you and Henry continue working together. That is until Charlotte walks out to the kitchen.
“Mama look, dada painted.” She held her hand out so that you could see her perfectly painted nails. They were painted with a sparkly hot pink nail polish.
“Oh my, your nails look so pretty.” You gush and she only seems to get more excited. Then she calls for her dad to come out.
“Made dada look pwetty, mama.”
“You did? But your dad is already pr-“ the words die on your tongue as Bucky steps into the kitchen. You are at a complete loss of words and your mouth hangs open at the sight before you.
He sends you a glare that rivals those of him as the winter soldier. It seems that Charlotte had given him a full makeover. There was a headband on his head and multiple colorful clips and elastics creating small versions of pigtails. Bucky’s face wasn’t any better. Lottie had also used the makeup kit Wanda had gifted her. He had purple eyeshadow eyeshadow and pink blush and even a bit of lip gloss. But the cherry on the makeover sundae was the manicure, if you could call it that. It was hard to miss even if you were sitting in pitch black. In a very messy style, Bucky’s nails were the same nail Lottie had. Even better still was when you looked close enough, the pink also stood out against the black metal of his left arm.
“Oh Lottie,” she looked up at you excitedly and waited to see what your thoughts were. “You did such a good job. Daddy has never looked prettier.”
Lottie shrieked in delight and she clapped and wiggled in her spot. Henry was laughing so hard he almost fell off the step stool but you turned around just in time to catch him. Before Bucky could disappear you took your phone out and took a few pictures of his makeover. You even convinced him to take some pictures showing off his manicure with Lottie.
“If you show anyone these pictures we’re going to have some trouble.” Bucky murmurs but Lottie hears him.
“Habe to show Steebie and Sammie and Tony and Buce and Cint so can make pwetty too.” She argues.
“Why don’t we just take your makeup kit with us? I bet they’ll let you make them pretty anyways.”
“Kay.” She beamed and ran back to her room to prepare her kit. Alpine follows her every step back into her room.
Henry couldn’t stop pointing and laughing at his dad, so much so that he was on the floor. You however were looking at him with so much fondness and love that you might burst, it confused him a bit.
“Nothing, it’s just… you’re such a good dad and I love you so much.” You informed him as he walked closer to you.
Bucky only managed to give you the same shy smile he did whenever you told him the same thing. It was still hard for him to accept the fact that he was a father and that he was doing a good job. He looked over your shoulder to find Henry giggling as he got up from the floor to return to his post next to you.
“You also look so pretty right now.” You said as you wrapped your arms around his waist and stood on your tippy toes to give him a quick kiss.
“And now you do too since you got some of my lip gloss.”
“Mama doesn’t need makeup to look pretty.” Henry argues and you can’t help the ‘aaww’ that escapes you before you’re hugging him instead.
“Want hug too.” Lottie had walked back out with one of her backpacks stuffed with her makeup kit and probably more hair accessories. She dropped it though and ran towards you so that you could pick her up, which you did.
The time cooking went by quickly and it was just the four of you, and Alpine, having a good time in the kitchen. When it was time to head out to have dinner, Bucky decided to leave Lottie’s work untouched. Of course it caused a lot of teasing by the guys but by the end of it all of them were also done up in signature Lottie style. Even Henry and Vision ended up painted to the heavens. Everyone laughed and joked and you, Wanda, Pepper and Nat took many pictures to have as evidence or blackmail.
There was no better place to be in than between shared laughs and conversations amongst your team or better yet your family.
Ch 23
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sucka4pain · 1 year
Yandere 42! Miles Morales feeling grumpy all day at school and getting a little more upset when his girl wouldn't answer his texts. Only to see her surrounded in a circle of students cause she's beating the breaks off another girl who was riling her up talking bout her man.
And miles ain't know she could fight like that‼️and how would miles feel about her extreme jealousy?
I absolutely love this wait a damn minute…
A/n: Finally got out of writers block smh, I’m sorry that this took so long to do cutie pie😞 I also made the reader poc cause I gotta give my poc girlys including myself some love yk? I hope you don’t mind that!!<3
Warnings: Violence, fighting, yandere theme, jealousy, blood, pet names (mamas and mami), and cursing
Continue reading below the cut! Be warned as this contains dark content!!
Miles: hey mami, good morning
7:44 a.m
Miles: why ain’t you answering me?
9:57 a.m
Miles: at least leave me on seen or sum shit so I know you seen it.
11:32 a.m
He closed his phone and groaned as he feels his grumpiness getting to him. “Yo Miles, you good?”
His friend asked him seeing Miles is more grumpy than he usually is. “I’m fine.” He replied as his friend knew he was lying but decided to not push it and just thought that he was just having an awful morning. The only times when he did have awful mornings is when Y/n wasn’t around, and this was one of those awful mornings.
The bell rang and Miles got up to leave and as he walked out the classroom whispers were surrounding him. The soft voices going in and out of his ears, they filled the hallways. He managed to make it to his class and sat in his usual seat by the window in the back.
All of a sudden, students yelling and running could be heard outside the class, curiosity got the best of Miles as he got up from his seat to see what the ruckus is about. He used his taller figure as an opportunity to see over the crowd.
He was shocked to see his girlfriend, Y/n on top of another female, punching her as the girl below her was screaming and crying. One of Y/n’s hands was gripping the girls hair to keep her head down and her other hand was in a fist as she laid blow after blow to her face. Her nose was bleeding and bruises started to form on her face.
The female under Y/n was kicking and squirming, trying to get out from under her but couldn’t from Y/n’s body weight being forcefully pushed on her to keep her down.
Students surrounding them were recording and yelling as others just watched in horror.
“You wanna talk shit about my man!? You’re shady and pathetic, say it out loud to me instead of going behind his back.”
Y/n’s voice spat coldly in her face as the girl looked terrified while tears were running down her cheeks.
He was shocked seeing the scene, he never expected Y/n to be the jealous type let alone fight someone who talked bad about him. Miles didn’t and couldn’t care less about people who talked bad about him. Cause he knows that he can easily beat them with no issue.
So seeing Y/n get jealous and protective because another female talked bad about him behind his back, almost made him feel proud, thinking about how he knew that Y/n is really the one for him.
After a while, the principal came and broke up the fight then took the girl and Y/n to his office. Teachers who were there, escorted and told the students to get back to their classes. Everyone went to their classes and as Miles was in his seat, he was wondering what the girl said that made Y/n so mad.
While he was thinking, he smirked to himself, knowing that his girl, his only, did that to another female for him. Pride filled his chest knowing that any other girl wouldn’t have done it. He was proud to call Y/n his and his only.
The school day ended, and Y/n was walking out of school but then was stopped by Miles.
“Ay Mami, what happened back there earlier?” His hand placed on her shoulder as he turned her body around to face him.
“Some girl talked shit about you, and I couldn’t let that slide.” She huffed out pissed off and crossed her arms. He only smirked down at her before letting out a small chuckle.
“Who would have known that Mami would be jealous and protective of me.” His voice teased her with a smirk on his face. She looked at him before rolling her eyes.
“I wasn’t jealous…I was only doing what I had to do.” She glanced at him which only made him laugh as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her body closer to his before he started to walk.
“Plus, why would I be jealous of a white girl? One thing that I do question is why would that little white girl talk shit knowing that we don’t play around when it comes to confrontation?”
Her voice spoke as she scoffed with a small laugh.
“You know…I would kill any guy who even dares to breath in your direction..~”
He bent down to her ear to whisper in her ear. His voice was low and deep as it sent shivers down her spine, causing her skin to grow goosebumps.
“You don’t mean that though, right?” Looking at him with a raised brow as he just smirked and stayed silent.
“Don’t play with me right now…you don’t mean it right?!” Her voice slightly raised, giving him an almost flabbergasted expression.
“I don’t know Mamas..do you think I’m playing?”
The tone of his voice was low and deeper than before. It was almost concerning, she knew how possessive he could get. But the way his voice got deeper, it sounded dark.
She stayed silent, his hand reaching over to her chin as he lifted her head to look at him. He had his usual cold expression but this time it was even..colder?..
His eyes were completely lifeless. No sign of shine or life in them which made her a little nervous when he stared down at her.
“I asked you a question Mamas, and I expect an answer..”
The sound of his tone was like he was a robot. It didn’t sound human, no hit of emotion behind it. She thickly swallowed before answering.
“No, I don’t think you’re playing..”
She said and he smiled, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead.
“See? It isn’t that hard now was it?”
His arm wrapped around her waist again as she walked with her close to his side. He didn’t let her answer his question before speaking.
“Now let’s go out. I gotta reward my girl for doing something, right?”
Requests are still opened btw!<3
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2023-2024©𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐚4𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧-- 𝐃𝗼 𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥, 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝗺 𝗼𝐫 𝐜𝗼𝐩𝐲 𝗺𝐲 𝐰𝗼𝐫𝐤-- 𝐜𝗼𝗺𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝗼𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝗼𝗺𝐞𝐝!!
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ino-writes · 3 months
New Me In Another World
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TW: sexual assault, harassment, stalking, death, choking (very light)
"Y/n, can you grab the order for table four?" "Yeah, just give me a minute," I hum to myself as I clean up the table in front of me. I've been working as a waitress for a year. I've only just gotten used to it since my accident. Brushing off those thoughts, I drop off the dishes proceeding to table four. "Hi, my name is Y/n, what can I get started for you?" "Let me get...hmm, you...that skirt looks very sexy on you, miss." He touched my thighs. I look at his hand, pushing him away. "Please refrain from touching me, sir, or I will have you escorted out!" He looked at me with a dark smile. "Really? I'd like to see you try," the man says in a dark tone while he grabs me. "Sir, please let go of me!" I shout loudly, many nearby customers turn and look. "
Hey, man, let her go now," my coworker walks over prying his hands off of me. "We're going to ask you to leave now, or we will call the police," my coworker says. The man groans before walking out. "Thanks, Adam, I think I'll be leaving my shift early after that." "No problem, just talk to Jess in the back." Another hour goes by. After telling my supervisor what happened, she lets me go home early. "Thanks again, Jess, I'll rest well," I say my goodbyes before walking out of the restaurant. While walking down the streets towards my apartment, I feel someone watching me. I don't dare turn and look, so I pick up the pace. Before reaching home, I pass an alley nearby, seeing a cute black kitten. "Hi, kitty!" I walk towards the cat. "You're so cute!" I squeal at the cat as it purrs at me. "Do you have a name or a home, little kitty?" I say as I pick the cat up, taking a closer look at his collar. "Ken... What an odd name... still cute!" The cat gives a little glare. It soon runs away as it starts pouring rain. I turn to walk out of the alley and see a man standing before me with a hood. "How dare you kick me out of my favorite restaurant and refuse to let me touch you." He grabs me by my throat before I could scream. I kick and try punching at him. "Stop struggling. You're a woman; you could never outpower a man," he whispers in my ear while he pushes me against the wall. "Useless bitch, I'll make you have an endless death," he says loudly. Soon, I saw a glare of something sharp in the man's hand. He brought it down towards my stomach, stabbing me. I felt it every time, each one was at a different pace and a different force. A few seconds later, a tear fell down my eye and I looked down the alleyway, hoping someone could save me. Yet, the only thing I saw was that cat looking right at me. My eyes started to get heavy as they soon closed. "So that's it... a short-lived life as a waiter who failed to follow her dreams."
“Hey! Get up!” A loud voice shouted at me. My heavy eyelids slowly opened, I rubbed my face and yawned before realizing where I am. “Are you ignoring me?” The girl in front of me says. “Wow! You're cute, miss,” I say, complimenting her. She has long black hair, boots, and a huge scythe in her hand. She also has a collar on with a black robe covering her entire body. “Thanks, cutie... wait... did you say miss?” I nodded with a simple smile. “Just so you know, I am a sir,” he said with a frown. “No matter, waste. I am Kenichi. I am Master Death's cat and servant!” I looked at him confused. How can a cat help a god of death?
“My job is to help people pass on to the next life, and unfortunately, you have died early,” I looked at Kenichi, saddened a little. Why me? “But! I have an opportunity for you!” Kenichi smiled as he walked around me. Then he snapped his fingers, and I was sitting in a chair with a large whiteboard in front of me. On the whiteboard was a huge map and other information. “What's this opportunity?” I questioned. “I'm happy you asked. Well, Master Death has a soft spot for young adults who die early, so he gives them all the opportunity to reincarnate into a new world!” Kenichi looked at me with a happy face. “I also have a few rules; this only applies though if you say yes. So, do you want another chance at life, or do you want to go to heaven where they decide your fate?” I pondered my options. How bad could this other world be? “I accept your offer, Kenichi!” His ears and tail moved, showing signs of excitement. “Great. Back to the rules. You must not die. After you die here, it is out of our control where you go, so say it's neither hell nor heaven. Oh, and you can't tell anyone you've been reincarnated!” I nodded at him in agreement. “My final question before I send you off is, is there anything you would like to bring besides your memories?”
Hmm... what should I bring?
Please I really appreciate feedback!! I tried my best to make it interesting but also more realistic! I also would really love to hear all your ideas!
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
About Time PT. 2
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Pairing:  Hwoarang x Fem Reader 
Summary: About Time PT. 1
After the tournament ends and the reader is fully recovered from her injury, she's back to training, where Hwoarang is keeping an eye on her, wanting a rematch against her, but this fight is very different from their last...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Swearing, sparring match, teasing dynamic, foreplay, oral F receiving, unprotected sex (wrap it before ya tap it!), creampie
Word Count: 1.7k 
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After losing in the tournament to Jin, things took a turn that we did not expect when Hwoarang and I went to watch in the Colosseum.
Fighting against Kazuya banged me up even more, but thanks to some teamwork, both G Corp and Kazuya were taken down, and we could all live normally again.
As for me? I had to heal up. So, I didn't leave home.
The doctor told me to take it easy, but I seemed to be healing quicker than they anticipated, and after how long I spent resting in bed, I had been dying to do something exciting.
My home gym wasn't much, but I found some fun in throwing some kicks at my punching bag, a smile on my face as I felt no kind of pain anymore, a smirk growing on my face when I felt a set of familiar eyes on me, jumping and spinning in my next kick to be a showoff.
"Didn't the doctor tell you to take it easy?" Hwoarang always walked right in like he lived with me, coming in and cocking his eyebrow at me.
"I'm fine!" I assured, hitting another spinning kick and posing in stance as I landed on my feet, "See?"
"Appears so," He hummed, growing a devilish grin as he started tying up his hair.
I knew that sign; chuckling to myself, I stepped into the middle of the room, retaking my stance and flashing a smirk back at him:
"You want your rematch?"
"Yeah. Now that you're healed, you won't have any excuses when you lose," He always aimed to win, but I made sure to remind him that I did too:
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to win just like I did last time."
"Shut up and fight," He chuckled, sharing a smirk with me as we both sent out a kick and began our little rematch.
I lost count of how many times we've had little matches like this. We were each other's equals, so as a few minutes passed, neither of us was going down.
Watching his every move delicately, I was able to dodge a kick he sent out, taking his leg to ground him. Locks weren't my thing, but to tease him, I put him in a leg lock and laughed:
"I'd just tap out if I were you!"
Sitting up and trying to break out of the lock, there was this look in his eyes that shifted the entire atmosphere around us, this heavy tension falling on us when he broke free, able to snatch my wrists and pin me to the floor as his forehead came to mine.
"The only one who's going to tap out is you."
We weren't sparring anymore; my chest heaved, felt so heavy when his chest pressed against mine, just staring into each other eyes till I whispered from the crippling anticipation:
"Well, I'm waiting..."
Squeezing my wrists, his lips pressed into mine hard, and as our lips clashed, exchanging tastes of our tongues, I moaned softly at how he bit my lower lip, only letting it pop free when he sat up and threw his shirt off, leaving me panting and burning up at the sight of his bare chest and abs.
"Oh yeah, I win..." He chuckled under his breath at how I couldn't stop admiring his body, his thumb at his waistband and teasing the toned muscle of his v-line, biting at my lip and practically drooling.
"It's not over just yet," I smirked back, taking off my shirt and sports bra in one swoop, giggling at his quick change from confidence to awe, blushing at the way my breasts bounced.
Hwoarang being speechless was always a sight for me, my hands finding my shorts next, and his flustered pink face turned devilish. It was clear that there was nothing to hold back anymore, his lips finding my neck, leaving bites and marks down my collarbone and to my breasts, his hands finding mine on the sides of my shorts.
"You want me?" I whispered in a teasing way, wanting to hear him say it, smiling against his lips as he picked his head back up and kissed me, grinding his hard-on into me:
"Just as bad as you want me."
I groaned into our kiss as I felt his grinding. Want was an understatement. I needed him, not daring to break our kiss, as I picked myself up from the floor, and he knew exactly what I was thinking, wrapping an arm around my waist to pick me up and head to my room.
Before we even made it to the bed, I had wiggled and kicked my way out of my shorts and panties, gasping whenever he dropped me onto the bed so suddenly, sucking in a deep breath with a whine when he pushed my legs up by the back of my thighs, leaving my soaked and dripping pussy wide open for him, his tongue rolling through my slicked fold then swirling around my clit, sucking for a moment to take in my taste, his lips parting with a slight smack as his eyes rolled in satisfaction:
"Oh fuck-"
He instantly lost all control, spreading my legs wide and going back to sucking my clit to the point where my toes were curling, his tongue swift with every lick, his eyes peeking up to see how I was squirming and moaning, whining from how he could keep my thighs pinned to the mattress, quivering in his grip.
"You gonna cum for me?" Letting go of my thighs, a finger slipped into me, pumping fast. At the same time, his tongue swirled around my clit just as quickly, adding another finger, pumping and scissoring me, making my thighs close his head in, taking a handful of his orange hair, grazing his scalp as I couldn't help but grind into him, getting closer to my high as I nodded frantically, moaning out:
"Yeah! Yeah! I'm-"
Pulling his fingers out, he devoured what was left of me right as my orgasm struck, my nerves burning so much that I was nearly rolling in bed, thighs squeezing his head as my back arched, gripping his hair harder, panting and crying out his name.
"Trying to drown me down here?" He teased with a chuckle when he finally picked up his head, licking his lips and wiping his chin, "Fuck, you taste so good."
"Still trying to get me to tap out, I see," I panted, too breathless to laugh, but had a grin on my face, gazing down to him when I felt his weight shift the bed, wiggling out of his pants and briefs, enjoying the teasing and the sight of him completely naked between my legs, stroking his cock and slapping it against my clit, smearing his precum.
"That's if you can handle more than one round. I almost had you just a minute ago. You think you can handle all this?"
He kept teasing me on purpose, his tip running through my wetness, circling my entrance, nearly making my eyes roll just from the little pleasure it gave off, that pleasure making me say:
"Just fuck me already, Hwoarang. Please..."
Right then and there, he had basically won the little game we were playing because no one could make me beg, and since he had the green light, this little game was over. All we wanted was to feel one another and chase the highs that the pleasure of it gave us.
With a pop, his tip eased into me, feeding more inches with each stroke, creating a steady tempo, our hands locking, staying pinned along the sides of my head while his lips returned to leave kisses and marks across my neck and breasts again.
"Hwoarang-" Squeezing his hands hard, his tip hit my sweet spot, my walls clenching around him tight, creating a sweet burn as he kept his cock buried for a moment, rolling his hips against mine as he let out a lingering groan:
"Shit...You trying to milk me already?"
My back arched in response, whining as he started thrusting again, much quicker this time, making sure his tip kept smacking that sweet point that had my pussy clenching him even harder, getting louder moans from me, one of my hands letting go of his to wrap around his neck, soon doing the same with the other as I cried out:
"Hwoarang! I'm gonna cum!"
"Cum then, baby," His tone wasn't cocky or teasing like before, his arms hooking under me as he bottomed me out every other thrust. The way he called me baby made my heart pound so hard, feeling the vein in my neck throb as I let out such a lewd moan, my legs latching around his waist out of instinct as I came, hearing a rather loud squelch. Our wet skin slapping as he fucked me through it.
His eyebrows were furrowed, biting his lip hard and panting during my orgasm, his body tensing up as his sweaty forehead met mine.
I didn't know what was taking over me, but I kept my legs latched around his waist as his pace slowed down, whispering to him:
"It's okay. You don't have to stop..."
"You sure?" He looked at me quickly, and I could see in his eyes that he felt as I did at that moment, surprising myself a little as my actual feelings slipped out of me, still moaning and high of pleasure as I admitted:
"Yeah, I love you! Just cum in me."
It took a moment to process what I just said out loud. I didn't have the time to process it, getting smacked with a kiss and his hips pounding into me more rapidly than ever, sharing a moan with me, hugging each other and tensing up as we felt his hot seed shooting into me, his quick, warm pants flying past my ear, hearing his whisper:
"I love you too, Y/N."
It felt like an enormous weight off my shoulders. I was anxious when I initially said those three words, but I squeezed him harder in our hug once I knew that he felt the same, giving him a soft kiss, exchanging sweet nothings for a moment as we caught our breath, then mentioning to him:
"There's just one more thing..."
"I didn't tap out, haha!"
He rolled his eyes at me initially, dropping to his side with me in his arms, spanking my ass and warning:
"You just wait till next time!" 
2024 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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winters8child · 11 days
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 83
Bucky grabbed my arm, trying to pull me to my feet, his face etched with worry. "You’re not doing this. You’re going to get yourself killed," he muttered, dragging me up. But I shoved him away, my breath coming in ragged gasps, my body trembling from the adrenaline still surging through me.
"Go! You have to run!" I yelled again, pushing him toward the exit. But he wouldn’t budge.
"Not without you," Bucky insisted, his grip tightening. "I’m not leaving you behind."
Before I could respond, another blast shot from Tony’s gauntlet. This time, Bucky threw himself before me, taking the hit. He crashed to the floor with a pained groan, and I watched in horror, my heart pounding wildly in my chest.
"No!" I screamed, scrambling toward him. The adrenaline surged again, fiercer than before, but my legs wobbled. My mind screamed at me to fight, to save them both, but my body was betraying me. The injuries were catching up.
A chill swept over me as I looked at Bucky lying on the ground, motionless, his face contorted in pain.
I crawled toward him, each movement sending searing pain through my abdomen. I gently turned him over, cradling his head in my lap, his blood soaking through my clothes. He was still breathing—barely. "No, no, no. Don’t do this to me, Buck. Please," I begged, tears dripping onto his face.
Meanwhile, Steve and Tony were locked in brutal combat, fists, and blasts colliding with shield and flesh. Steve’s desperate voice cut through the chaos: "It wasn’t him, Tony! He didn’t have a choice!" His words pleaded for understanding, but Tony’s did not stop.
I wanted to kill him. I wanted to tear him apart in the most vicious way. Carefully, I lifted Bucky off my lap, forcing myself to stand. Pain shot through my body, but I grabbed my knife from the floor and advanced on Tony and Steve, who were still fighting with all their might.
I dragged myself forward, my empty hand clutching my bleeding side as I stumbled with a groan. Tony's back was turned to me as he had Steve backed up into a wall. He would not let up until he made sure that Bucky was dead, so I had to kill him first.
Steve tried to hit him with his shield but Tony grabbed it midair, a loud clang going through the air, as metal against metal collided. He hit Steve with an onslaught of quick jabs in the chest and face and Steve fell onto his knees.
He looked up at him, panting, "He is my friend", Steve said, pleading for him to spare his life. "So was I", Tony replied before he punched him square in the face.
"I'm going to kill you Stark", I yelled as I took another painful step toward him, my head getting dizzy from the blood loss. He lifted his hand to hit me with a blast but I ducked just in time, to slide under it.
Everything hurt but it did not matter. I kicked his feet from under him and pounced on him, the second he hit the ground.
I had him in a chokehold as I plunged the knife into his chest and lifted out the shiny core. It went out with a buzz and I pushed him back to the ground and boasted, "And now I'm going to kill you." before Steve lifted me off him.
"We have to go!" Steve shouted, his eyes darting between Bucky’s still body and me as he dragged me along. Behind us, Tony lay on the ground, helpless without his suit. He ripped off his helmet, tossing it aside as he panted, "That shield doesn’t belong to you."
Steve froze and crouched down as he prepared to lift Bucky. Tony’s words were cutting deep. "You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield!" Tony spat, struggling to rise.
I wanted to respond, but dizziness washed over me, my vision blurring. I barely registered the sound of Steve’s shield clattering to the ground. My hand clamped down on my stomach, desperate to stop the blood from pouring out as I stumbled after Steve, who carried Bucky toward the exit.
The cold hit us like shards of ice the moment we stepped outside, cutting into my skin like sharp diamonds. I couldn’t wait to leave this godforsaken place. I caught up with Steve, struggling to support Bucky, his metal arm draped heavily over me.
We laid him on one of the cots in the quinjet, and I quickly opened his jacket to assess his injuries. Steve, at the helm, typed in the coordinates for Wakanda. King T’Challa, waiting outside, had told us to follow him. I had warned Steve against it—I didn’t trust him.
But we had no other choice. Bucky was gravely injured, and according to the King, they had the technology to save him.
I did what I could with the limited medical supplies on board. The rest was out of my hands, and in theirs. Exhausted, I sank to the floor beside Bucky’s cot, clutching his hand as Steve took a seat behind me.
I had tried my best to hide the excruciating pain tearing through my body, but it was getting worse. My hands instinctively went to my stomach as the agony became unbearable. Steve noticed and rushed to my side, his eyes widening as he looked me over.
"You’re hurt… why didn’t you tell me?" he said, panic seeping into his voice. He reached out, but I shoved his hands away.
"I’m fine," I muttered, my focus still on Bucky as I gently tucked a stray strand of hair away from his face.
He had thrown himself between me and Tony's blast, and the guilt gnawed at me. It should have been me.
"No, you're not fine," Steve said firmly, his hand hovering over the zipper of my suit. He hesitated, unsure. I wanted to insist that I was okay, but another stabbing pain tore through my abdomen, forcing a grimace. I sighed and nodded, my face contorted in pain.
Gently, he unzipped my suit, peeling it away to reveal the blood smeared across my body. The cold air hit me like ice, making me shiver as Steve removed my jacket. He unclipped my utility belt and tossed it aside, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the torn flesh in my stomach.
"I think the serum’s kicking in, but let me clean you up, at least," he said softly, his eyes meeting mine.
He had seen me like this many times before, yet a faint blush still crept up his cheeks as I sat there in just my bra.
Steve grabbed a sponge and some water, sitting down in front of me with a quiet determination. I flinched as the sponge made contact with my skin, a shiver running through me when his fingers grazed my stomach. He focused intently on the task, his gaze avoiding my chest, though I could tell it took effort.
As he wiped away most of the blood, I gently grabbed his hand, stopping him mid-motion. "I can do the rest," I said softly, taking the sponge from him.
He nodded, wiping his hands with a rag, his expression conflicted. "I’ll get you some painkillers," he mumbled before standing and disappearing into the back of the quinjet.
I scrubbed the grime from my hands and neck, letting the sponge fall into the bucket of water, which had turned a deep red.
Steve returned with the painkillers and a blanket, draping it gently over my shoulders before sitting back down behind me. The warmth of the blanket offered some comfort, but it wasn’t enough to quiet the storm inside me.
My eyes drifted to Bucky. He looked almost peaceful, but I knew he must be in unbearable pain. Wrapping the blanket tighter around myself, I took his hand, feeling the tears begin to rise.
"He did it because he loves you," Steve said softly as if reading my mind. "Don’t blame yourself." But I did. The guilt was suffocating. I wiped away the tears that had slipped through, my fingers tracing the lines of Bucky’s hand.
"He would have done the same for you," I whispered, my voice fragile.
"I know," Steve replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he settled beside me.
I rested my head on his shoulder, finding solace in his steady presence. He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "They’ll help him," he murmured, his voice full of quiet reassurance.
I nodded, clinging to the hope that he was right.
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stxrshxpxd · 1 year
🌷 fic friday;
“nothing ever happens”
90s damon albarn x reader,, friends to lovers
Everything had been light and fun and easy for a while. Damon, my oldest friend, and I had come up with the idea in the middle of the night to drive down to the coast for the sunrise. It had felt like a dream, listening to the old mix tapes we’d made for each other in our teens which Damon had kept all these years.
“Oh my god, I forgot I was obsessed with them!” Damon had yelled as the introductory guitar chords of the next song had played. I hadn’t gotten the chance to ask what it was because I had accidentally driven us into a large pothole and within seconds the left tire had gotten torn open on something and deflated.
We had cursed and laughed and cursed some more as we’d sat on the empty dirt road in the dark, staring at the flat tire.
“I expect you don’t have a spare,” Damon had muttered and I had punched his shoulder, because he was right.
“You don’t even have a license, so you can shut up.”
Some more cursing and laughing had passed and we had made the decision to start walking towards the nearest village, a few miles back. The sun was beginning to rise now.
“It’s a miracle we’ve survived all these years, you and I,” I laughed, glancing out at the horizon which was growing lighter by the minute. We were known to have insane ideas like this one, and even more so known to somehow always mess it up. I felt Damon looking at me.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “You and I.”
“Do you remember when we wanted to go for a swim in that lake on new year’s eve?”
I looked back at him, his eyes reflecting the pretty colours in the sky and the ends of his long hair framing his face.
“Now, that time we should’ve died for sure. Clearly we’re god’s favourites.”
His chuckle had grown quieter and he seemed to be making a point of not looking at me, staring down at his sneakers and shoving his hands deep inside his jean pockets. I looked away again. For some reason it felt like he had something more to say, so I waited.
“Good thing you had me to warm you up that night,” Damon said in an ambiguous tone, kicking a stone further along the road as we walked. I said nothing as the memory played in my mind; drunkenly stumbling onto the sofa, his hands in my hair, moaning his name far too loud.
“We were very drunk,” I laughed, desperately trying to keep up the jokes.
“You would’ve done it even if we weren’t drunk,” Damon stated, now catching eye contact with me. It sounded like he was telling himself more so than me. I stopped walking and stared at him.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, don’t do this,” he scoffed and did a turn as he pulled his hands through his hair. We had never talked about that night before but I had relived it in many dreams. Truth be told I hadn’t let myself think about it too much because I feared I would go insane.
“I’m not doing anything,” I said quietly.
“Exactly. You’re not doing anything. You never do anything. We never do anything. Nothing ever happens.”
“Dames, you haven’t slept for twenty hours-“ I began to try and reason with his sudden frustration, but he cut me off.
“I’ve been feeling this for much longer than twenty hours, Y/N.”
I stayed silent again and watched the strong sun peak out above the forest.
“Oh, please,” Damon spoke again, forcing my gaze back onto him. “Just tell me you’re in love with me.”
“I can’t do- I- I can’t think about this.”
But I could. It was all I could think about as I dismissed him and desperately tried to delete him from my field of view, marching down the road again. It was to no avail as he caught my arm and pulled me back. I had expected to stay at an arm's length, maybe a hug, but he smashed his lips against mine. It was long and passionate and when he pulled away I couldn’t think if I had kissed him back or not. I think not.
“Kiss me back,” he said steadily and kissed me again, his mouth open now and lips perfectly fitting mine. I couldn’t remember our kissing feeling like this on that New Year’s night. The shock had made me hold my breath, but at last I exhaled through my nose and returned his forceful kiss.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Weirdest Day Ever
Daisy Johnson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 12 Prompt: "I'm not saying I didn't like it."
Summary: Daisy and Y/N broke up a long time ago rather than attempting long distance. Now, with a nudge from a terrigen crystal, the very thing that tore them apart might bring them back together.
Word Count: 1,694
Category: Angst, Fluff
Requested by @trekkingaroundasgard! Thanks for the request Nicola, and I hope you like it!
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The weirdest day of my life, to date, was the day I saw my ex-girlfriend on the news three times in the course of twenty-four hours, as a new superhero working for SHIELD. And until I bit into a takeout sushi roll from my favorite restaurant, I thought nothing could beat it for the number one spot.
Then I'd started transforming.
Inhumans and inhuman transformations had been in the news once or twice lately (at least one of my ex's appearances had been in connection with it), but I hadn't really thought much of it. I'd certainly never imagined I might be one of them, a latent alien gene just waiting in my genetic code. But as a chrysalis started to form around me, fear took over, and I knew what came next.
I didn't know how much time passed for me while I was totally crystalized, but when I came out of it, I collapsed in a heap on the floor. It had felt like floating, through time and space, with no anchor. My body was exhausted and a little sore, and my head hurt. I looked around, finally glancing at a clock to see about four hours had passed.
What the hell was I supposed to do now? Seriously, what did somebody do after a transformation like that? What was the normal reaction?
Slowly, I got to my feet, waiting for some crazy, obvious sign of my change. I walked to a mirror on unsteady feet to find that I looked the same as before, if a little shakier than when I'd been trying to enjoy my favorite food for lunch in peace.
I frowned down at my hands, experimentally shaking one out in front of me to see if anything happened. When it didn't, I flared my hand out, fingers spread wide.
That's when the new weirdest day of my life really kicked off.
A bright purple forcefield bubble appeared around my hand, growing rapidly in size the longer I left my hand extended. I watched it in fascination, until I heard a crashing sound behind me and whipped around to find the door of my apartment busted open. A dozen people in military tactical gear broke through the door, headed right for me.
Reflexively, I flung my hands up in front of my face. With my new powers, the forcefield responded, exploding in a circle around me and knocking the strangers backwards and off their feet. My sushi clattered to the ground, and I leapt over it as I raced past the stunned soldiers and through the door.
I heard shouts from behind me followed shortly by thundering footsteps. My pulse roared in my ears, beating a million miles an hour as I burst into the stairwell and ran down as fast as possible. I had no idea what my plan was, other than 'get away', which felt like a decent first step.
I barreled through the lobby of my apartment building and into the street, the people chasing me not far behind. I staggered a little, unsteady on my feet, more tired than I'd normally be thanks to the use of my new powers. I glanced over my shoulder, then flung my hands up to defend myself again as shots—hopefully nonlethal—fired at me. They bounced off my forcefield, but each hit still felt like a punch in the gut with the effort it took to deflect.
I screamed, flinging my arms out harder and farther away from me, sending another wave of purple force pushing my attackers back. It nearly knocked me to the ground, too, but I managed to stay on my feet and keep running.
I staggered around a corner and into an alleyway, hoping to lose them by going off the beaten path. I realized after a few steps, however, that I'd also just walked into a dead end. I turned around to go back the way I'd come, only to have my exit blocked by the soldier-looking people.
I stumbled backwards, almost tripping over my own two feet and going down. I managed to catch myself at the last second, heart pounding as my attackers advanced. I flung my hands out, but even the smallest forcefield had me seeing spots now.
I was trapped. No way out. And then, my day doubled down on the weirdness.
Like a fever-induced hallucination, my ex-girlfriend Daisy Johnson, formerly known as Skye, landed in front of me in a full superhero pose. She stared down my attackers, who hesitated at the sight of her, long enough for her to level a blast of her own superpower and send them flying backwards. She turned to me with a grin, and when I swayed a little on my feet this time it wasn't just because I was dizzy.
"Hey. Long time no see," said Daisy. She started walking towards me and I just watched her, still not totally convinced this wasn't a dream.
We'd only broken up because she was taking off with SHIELD, and I was moving across the country for work. We'd decided long distance with spies probably wasn't a good idea. To have her magically reappear in my life, right when some crazy latent superpower had been awakened in me... it felt too good to be true.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
I shook my head as Daisy reached me, putting her hands on my arms and gently squeezing to try to ground me back to reality. It didn't really work.
"It's okay," she said, glancing over my shoulder before stepping even closer to me. "It's gonna be okay, I promise. We're gonna get you out of here."
I nodded. Despite not seeing Daisy for the past few years, I trusted her. I knew she'd get me out of here, that I could feel safe with her. As a result, the adrenaline quickly faded, and my light-headed exhaustion only got worse.
"It's... good to see you again," I muttered, giving Daisy the best smile I could muster. She returned with a confused frown, and I thought I saw her mouth my name, but the sound didn't make it past the encroaching blackness. The next thing I knew, I was toppling towards Daisy, the rest of the world completely slipping away.
When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was the splitting pain in my head. I frowned before I even opened my eyes, memories of the events right before I blacked out only making my headache worse. I heard a snort, and my eyes flew open.
Daisy. Sitting on the edge of the bed I was laying in, looking at me with a fond smile. She'd swooped back in to save my life, and she looked absolutely fantastic doing it.
"Out of all the reactions of Inhumans we've saved, scowling before even waking all the way up might be my favorite," she said, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. I sat up, my heart racing faster at the sight of her.
"You... saved me," I breathed. She nodded a little, her worried eyes scanning me from head to toe.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner."
"No, Daisy, oh my gosh," I scooted forward, unable to resist the pull towards her. After everything that had happened, to have her suddenly back in my life after I'd literally been attacked? I didn't want to waste another minute without her. "You saved me. You came at the perfect time, please don't apologize. I- I'm so happy to see you again."
She smiled at me, the small, soft smile that had been reserved just for me for so long when we were together, and I found myself leaning forward, pulled towards Daisy by some gravitational force. I brought my hand up to the back of her head, tangling it in her hair as I kissed her softly, every happy moment from our lives together rushing back. After a second, she pulled away, a rueful look on her face.
"Oh my God. Daisy, I am so, SO sorry. I wasn't thinking, I shouldn't have just kissed you like that, I-"
"Whoa." She held up a hand, stopping me in my tracks before I could really get rolling and rambling. I stared at her with wide eyes, and she gently took one of my hands in hers before giving me a soft smile. "It's okay. I missed you too, and when you kissed me... well, I'm not saying I didn't like it. But we haven't seen each other in a while, and you just survived a really, really big trauma that's gonna take some time to process. I think it might be a good idea if we take things a little slower."
I nodded, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Yeah... yeah, you're probably right. But Daisy? I do still want to head that way, if you do, of course. You know, back towards... something like what we had before."
She sighed. "I want that. For sure, I want that. But maybe you should take a little more time to process, make sure it's actually something you want and not just the delayed adrenaline dump or something-"
"Daisy." I shifted a little on the bed, taking my turn to stop her worry train before it got rolling, taking both her hands more firmly in mine. "Honestly, while forcefields will probably be a sick power, this whole experience has completely sucked. Every single minute of it... except for the fact that it's brought me back to you. So... if you're sure, I'm sure."
A smile steadily grew on Daisy's face, mirrored on my own until we were positively beaming at each other. SHIELD had been the thing to tear us apart, but now, it had brought us back together. There was some interesting kind of poetry to that, but I didn't care enough to analyze it. All that mattered to me was that Daisy and I would be side by side, working through all the weirdness together, today and for every new weirdest day that was sure to come our way in the future.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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okaratauri · 3 days
I had a pretty cool dream last night
I was at an airport, and there were these guys who wanted to take over the entire airport. It was sort of a mini apocalyptic world sorta, and so one of the police officers asked me to watch the door and make sure no one came into the airport. A group of men dressed as pilots walked up looking disheveled and rushed. They said they were late and had donuts and coffee in their arms. I felt as if they were alright so I let them in5mins later another group of men walk calmly to the doorframe and told me to step aside. I stood my ground and refused to let them in. (A group of people were waiting outside so there was a crowd of tourists around us) the men laughed and flashed their name tags saying they were the pilots and needed to go, but they felt really off so I refused again and glanced inside for a cop to ask for help when the lead guy shoved me down to the ground and kicked my sides, everyone ignored what was happening as the men kicked and punched me, blood splattering their white uniforms. Finally a cop walked around the corner and witnessed what was happening and he pulled out his handgun but one of the “pilots” zipped open his bag to pull out a rifle and shot him. My vision was blurred bc there was blood in my eyes and I felt my face swelling up. I managed to pull myself up and took a step forward and scene changed.
I was outside the airport, healed, but I could hear the commotion inside. Screaming and yelling and gunshots. Then a dragon like creature (a drake) nudged my hand and I remembered he was mine and my best friend and that I had a dragon too. I took the saddle from my dragon and got it onto the drake and hopped on to race back to the airport to help. His scales could take a lot of damage so eventually between us and the cops the bad dudes were neutralized.
the investigation began and they started searching the airport for any hidden weapons. My co worker was hiding in the ceiling panels, and he had a bunch of contraband. He begged me not to expose him. So knowing he’d go to prison for a long time and he wasn’t even 20 yet, I helped him get the stuff out and get away.
This is the creature buddy I had
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