vholkrum · 7 years
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BODY They are pretty large and can weigh up to the same as a horse, if not more for the larger Khuvari. Majority of their fat is stored in their necks and tails, hence the chunky appearance. They generally have thicker bodies, but may have thinner bodies due to lack of food or sickness. With thinner bodies comes thinner neck and tails. They have human like hands that can be used to grasp objects, make tools, and much more. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM Males are typically larger than the females in height and weight. Males have larger tusks/horns, duller eyes, and brighter colored horns and throats for mating purposes. Females are attracted to bright colors and certain combinations (depending on the individual) thus males have brightly colored horns and throats most of the time; not always though! Depending on the size, age, and genetics of a Khuvari, colors may vary. BACKS Some individuals may have spines running down their back and up part of their tail. This isn't unusual, and Khuvari with spines often adorn their ridges with jewelry. If they are large enough, they may hang bags from them while they gather berries and fruits. They may also be weaponized and used as a defense. Barebacks are those who bare no spines and are ideal for human companions to ride. TAILS Tails come in either smooth or bumpy and are typically all the same shape. The only variations occur when the tail is damaged and detached; the tail may grow back the same with scars, or grow back somewhat, or they may not grow at all. A fat tail is a healthy tail. A fat tail is accompanied by a fat neck and thick body, while a skinnier tail comes with less neck fat and a slimmer body, which is typically unhealthy or malnourished. This is often seen with loners or smaller prides of Khuvari, but also newly hatched babies. DESIGNS AND PATTERNS The designs are based off of genetics of course. But many of them are based off of Leopard Gecko morphs! The more uncommon the morph, the more uncommon it is to see in the Khuvari bloodlines. Some common colors are oranges, yellows, creams, blacks, and browns. Some uncommon colors are silver, lavender, pink, and blue.
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vholkrum · 7 years
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Khuvari are specifically a leopard gecko-based species. They are modeled after lions (and in fact have their DNA) and operate in very similar ways. They are extremely intelligent and can communicate with each other verbally and have developed their own social structures, culture, and religion. They have their own language that is very complex but also learned some basic English (which may sound like baby talk sometimes). Their culture is very similar to that of the ancient Native Americans in the tools they make and use, the clothing they produce, and the way they gather food. They hunt like a pride of lions, however. The Khuvari live in the forests and the plains of North America. In this world, humans nearly completely eradicated their species by creating intelligent and deadly creatures by mutating DNA of different animals, which marks the creation of the Thra'kon. Between the more aggressive subspecies/races (the crocodilians and dinos specifically) humans have become a lot more scarce and have had to revert to more primitive ways to survive. Refer to this for information about the body: http://fav.me/dbhijje EYES Eyes can be any shape or size. Pupils are usually reptilian or feline. Some very rare occurrences are a cross shaped or a horizontal pupil. Females have brighter and more saturated eyes than males. They can see in the dark very well and their eyes glow instead of reflect.   EARS Their ears are very sensitive to noises. Having an acute sense of hearing allows them to hunt exceptionally well. They adorn their ears with piercings and other jewelry, like beads and feathers. The shapes once again depend on genetics, but the more rare 'drake' is commonly seen on royalty or alphas (depending on the type of government). HORNS Horns on a Khuvari are strong, but they sometimes break. Once in a while, they don't grow back. The smaller the horns, the more common they are. Larger, more curved horns are much less common on any Khuvari and are often more dangerous. However they do break easier the thinner they are. The males' are brighter in color to attract mates. MOUTHS Tongues come in a couple different base shapes. They can be thicker or thinner than any of these, but they typically look like this. The Khuvari also have Jacobson's organs on the roof of their mouths to help track and smell. Their mouth has a very similar structure to a lions, minus the tusks, which are used to hunt and fight off predators. It's rare to have large ones; they cannot hunt this way since they cannot open their mouths all the way. These are typically royals that rely on the lower ranks to bring them food. HATCHLINGS Baby Khuvari usually come in pairs, much like a leopard gecko hatchlings do. Their eggs are the size of soccer balls and elongated. The eggs are laid at the beginning of spring and they hatch mid summer. The parents stay with their children until they are ready to take a mate and have children of their own. Raising baby Khuvari take about 12 years until they are fully grown and ready to mate. Until then, elders and shaman of the pride teach the children all they need to know about their species, their land, and how to abide by Khuvari law. It is up to the elders to also teach them how to make tools and clothing. They have specific teachers who prepare the young for hunting, gathering, and fishing. CLOTHING and TOOLS Their clothing is made of hides and fabric gathered from the lands they live on. Dyes are used for colors; they make beads from shells and rocks; gems are used for jewelry and embellishing pouches and such. They have learned how to make clothing from their fellow humans over the years. The clothing resembles Native American clothing in a way. COURTSHIP RITUALS Although a lot couples will pair off based on compatibility and social statuses, colors help in attracting a mate. A get-together is held every change of season (four times a year) in the center of the settlement and males of age openly court the viable females they desire. Some fights may break out and losers leave with their tails between their legs and without a female on their arm. Brawls may leave males with broken horns, detached tails, and deep gashes from tusks if crucial enough. A fight like this will only occur if it's a female of royal bloodlines or love is involved *wink wink*. Dating between Khuvari is common, but mating off is more like human marriage and a lot more serious. This is a closed species for now but they may open up later!
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