fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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Image was made by @diadraws ! 
Hi, here’s my troll I tried to base off of Eve from the bible. She’s still pretty new and a rough concept!
Oh man, I can already tell I loveee her. 
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU? Our fansession takes place on Alternia, but with the only difference being that trolls are allowed to be older before being set off for their ordeals. Also, while I’m not sure in regular Alternia whether or not there’s more than one mother grub, in our session there is.
I don’t think it’s ever explicitly stated whether there are multiple? I still need to play more extended universe stuff to be sure of that, but I know for example that Kanaya’s mother grub And at least one other must’ve existed at once because Kanaya’s mother grub declined to brood, which means it’s possible for multiple to be alive at once. So afaik there’s at least canon justification to make multiple exist.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Bakita (From Saint Josephine Bakhita) Khoeii (From the african word for cow - which is a term used for a female elephant, which are the leaders of their herds.)
Age: 10.6 sweeps. She’s very old for someone living on Alternia, in fact she might be the oldest.
Strife Specibus: spearkind
Fetch Modus: *cricket noises*
How about some Bone Reading/Bone Scrying. Eve was said to be created from the rib of Adam, so bones are a good themeatic connection. She could keep the bones of the monstrous creatures she kills and toss them, the landing pattern determining what item comes out of her inventory.  Blood color: Jade
Symbol and meaning: I designed her symbol based on the tree from Eden in the Adam and Eve story. Same for her horns, which is supposed to appear like trees with newly formed branches.
The horns also look kinda like insects, which works out well!
Trolltag: greenAmazoness, referring to her green thumb and the fact that she’s a warrior.
Quirk: Bakita’s still a pretty new oc for me so I’d love if you can help me out here!
Quirks are usually my least favorite thing to do, so I understand. I’ve looked at the quirk trends for Jades, and it seems they have a tendency to have the most normal/Standard kind of typing, they usually use proper grammar but inconsistent capitalization and punctuation, and they like to put Emphasis on words. For that reason, I think you could go with something simple. 
She types with relatively proper grammar but slacks on punctuation because who needs that 
And when she needs to ->EMPHASIZE<- something she points at it with spears and capitalizes it
If you wanted a branch/tree reference you could also do something like her trying to hold several branching conversations at once, which is more a social quirk and less a typing one but is still interesting to read
Special Abilities (if any): She has no psychic powers, just really, really strong. Like, Equius strong.
Lusus: Since cloistered jadebloods have to take care of their mother grub, Bakita doesn’t have a lusus. Instead, she was raised by older teens who were followers and worshippers of her ancestor. This causes her to feel a great sense of honor and responsibility due to being raised as the future leader of her cloister, as well as stress. The jade bloods raising her didn’t develop a close relationship with Bakita, instead putting her on a pedestal left by her ancestor, until they either died or were sent off planet. Bakita feels a lot of pressure from them to be as good as her ancestor in terms of leadership and importance.
I Love this backstory.
Hive: Bakita lives in a primitive jade-blood colony that takes care of a mother-grub and wrigglers, in a brooding cavern. She lives in a shared hivestem with the other jades in her colony, and has her own part of the cave to herself. It’s very homely, with little to no technology aside from her computer, which is pretty beat up and old due to mishandling and Bakita’s frustration, on a shabby desk made of stone. It’s dimly lit, with several torches hung up on the walls, and a pile of animal hide she uses as a bed. There’s a lot of young adult romance novels stashed in the pile as well, recently given to her by online friends. She has many plants scattered around her room, mostly thistles and bdelliums in hanging pots from the walls and ceiling. Next to her door, she has a rack to put her weapons in, which range from bats, to halberds, to spears. She also has a punching bag in a corner of her room, made out of animal hide, and badly damaged.
I can’t believe you don’t have an apple tree up in here. Some sacred one that her ancestor planted and that isn’t supposed to be touched… Miraculously growing in the dark of the cave despite all odds…
Personality: Bakita is a friendly person, and she is defined by being fiercely loyal and responsible. To the jades in her cloister, she is an excellent leader. Having grown up in a wild and dangerous forest, she had to learn to defend herself, her fellow jades, and the grubs. Bakita has had numerous scrapes with monstrous creatures, which have left her with many scars across her body.
Bakita is, like most jade bloods, very motherly towards others. To grubs and wrigglers, she loves to coddle and baby them, and considers the grubs under her care her motivation to keep going, and learned to be stronger in order to protect them from the monstrous animals that are common around the area. When it comes to her fellow jadebloods in her tribe, she is very protective of them as well. Though while she considers the other jadebloods friends, Bakita feels a wall between her and them, caused by Bakita’s caretakers focusing on giving Bakita’s attention rather than the others. Some of the other jades secretly resent Bakita, and talk behind her back, which saddens Bakitam due to considering them her family.
When it comes to interacting with others, she’s pretty chill. She almost never is outwardly mad at anyone, and lets direct insults be ignored most of the time. Bakita loves to tease and joke with younger trolls, and due to being older than pretty much everyone she currently interacts with, tries to act like the wise individual her ancestor was, and offers advice and consolation to those who need it.
The tribe is also very dependent on Bakita in terms of survival, her being the strongest jade blood that helps steer predators away from themselves and the grubs, and put more work on her than themselves. Bakita has no problem with this, but ends up having feeling like she has an overwhelming responsibility for things out of her control. She feels very irritated when she can’t do anything to help, and hates the feeling of being helpless.
Having a large sense of duty to everyone else, Bakita considers the well being of others to be more important than hers. To her, the scars that have grown plentiful on her body is more than fine when it comes to help protecting those she cares about. If everyone else is fine, then she’s fine.
I adore herrrr. I think you also need to like…. Life is about Growth, Development, The Energy Of Change. And clearly she’s in a stifled system so she can struggle with that, but if you want her to be a life aspect or to develop into a life aspect, esp as a knight, you need that tension under the surface, that drive for Difference, that drive for New, For Change. As someone themed after Eve, she has to have that curiosity. She wants the knowledge of life, she wants to grow, she wants to expand, she wants to reach her potential. Even if something like anxiety is holding her back, life has to be there breathing under her skin.
Interests: Bakita is a strong and athletically gifted woman, and uses her prowess to hunt and fight beasts that live around her area, and uses the fights she wins as a method of reassurance that she’s strong enough to protect others.
She is an amateur gardener, having grown numerous flora around the brooding caverns. Though, she’s very bad at it, and her plants often die.
Psst, her ancestor could’ve been good at gardening to give her something to feel she’s lacking in, Ancestor Insecurity Hours.
Bakita has an interest in young adult novels, some which were given to her by friends she made online.
That is really so cute.
Ancestor: Due to not having a better name, I’ve just called her The First. The First was one of the first trolls ever hatched in recorded history. One of the first jades to care for trolls in the brooding caverns, she witnessed the development of troll culture and society, and lived for well over a century, and a few more due to awakening her rainbow drinker capabilities. Initially amazed at the evolving of trolls, she soon noticed the hemospectrum starting to take control of everyday life. Disgusted by the brutal treatment of lowbloods and the extinction of the limebloods, she stole a matriorb from a dying mother grub, and went to an isolated cavern away from troll society to create a community away from the hemospectrum. Her colony was successful for a long while, until some imperial soldiers found it. Ordered by the heiress to kill them all, all that was left of the colony was the First, her fellow jades, and a mother grub. In exchange for her own life, the First pleaded for the jades and the mother grubs to continue living. The Empress complies (not Condy, another heiress that came before her), under the condition that all the grubs raised by them will be sent to another city with their lusus to live, and won’t grow up in the caverns. The jadebloods agreed, and the First was executed. The jadebloods then continued their work of raising grubs under the empire’s watch, though now taught new jadebloods to consider the First as a figurehead of worship and admiration, a lesson that carried over the the jadebloods that raised Bakita.
Bakita herself greatly respects the First, and molds her morals and her putting others before her mindset from her ancestor. She holds great insecurity in not holding up the expectations put on her by the First.
To fight the name rule, you could switch this up to call her The Firstone. 8 letter name rule! You could also do The Thoracic. A reference to the thorax, the part of the body in which the heart and lungs lie. The ribcage, the origin of life and humanity (trollmanity?).
Title: Knight of Life
I definitely think this is a good title for her.
Land: ????
The Land of Good and Evil is a very cheesy but apt one for a character based around Eve. Snakes as consorts…
Dream Planet: Derse
Voice Claim: Definitely Bismuth from Steven Universe.
Trivia: Bakita isn’t very good with technology. Although the brooding caverns is equipped with minimal technology, she is still very primitive and as a result gets frustrated with tech due to her lack of knowledge about it.
I love her. I really, really love her. I Wouldn’t change a thing about her design either. She’s really fantastic. Thank you for sharing!
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bluethepaladin · 7 years
🍑(๑╹ω╹๑ )
url: 7/10, i have a feeling that this means something or is a play on words and I just don’t get iticon: 8/10, shibe inuuuuuuutheme:  7/10, easy to navigate but i had to zoom out to understand the backgroundmobile theme:  9/10, im loving the meme vibe im kin with that yellow bearposts: 10/10, im always here for comparing greek tragedies to drunk chavsoverall: 9/10comment: 1 i love peaches and 2 that face is so cute, you win the cutest emoji awardfollowing: not yet / +f / yes! / ofc
send me an emoji for a blog rate!
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sanicedgeboi · 7 years
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Made some fanart for my otp 😍😍😍😍😍😍😂😂😂😤😤😤👌👏🏻👏🏻👌👌👌👌👌👌💩💩💩💩💩💩💩😈😈😈😈😈😈😈👍😹😻😻😻
and yes @khoeii he was red in the anime but he was purple in the manga
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meika-snooz · 8 years
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Srsly @khoeii
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meika-snooz · 7 years
Klance is cannon king
@khoeii stop
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