#khaji da: big oof. couldnt be me.
looseleafteeaves · 1 year
Spine of Steel AU- Preview of chapter. Expect the actual story on Saturday.
Jaime Reyes, why are you reacting this way?
Jaime remain curled as tightly as he could. However, Khaji Da was forcefully making his adrenaline levels drop and his spine was slowly pulling out of the hunch without his consent.
His breathing began to pick up again as phantom panic haunted his thoughts.
Jaime Reyes, everything is fine. There is no danger.
Jaime tugged his knees against his chest.
“Khaji Da?”
Yes, Jaime?
“What did you change in my body?”
… I can check the files for you and share the specifics if you want, Jaime.
“You don’t just know?”
… No, Jaime. I am dormant until the Scarab has preformed base optimization of the host. I am programmed to have the records bug I do not consciously chose.
“How can I believe you?”
You can’t. All I have is my words. And the proof that you still control your own body.
“Truly, that doesn’t really help. Share the files please?”
Yes, Jaime.
Hope that satisfies some of the craving you all have!
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