#khaishan iriq
ravendas-xiv · 11 months
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Au Ra August Day 1: Home
"Home is where love resides, memories are made, friends and family belong, and laughter never ends."
Sanji: "Jaya! Why are you eating donuts? Dinner's about ready!"
Jaya: "I can't help it---" *sounds of chewing* "Khaishan made me!"
Sanji: "Mmmhmm..."
Khaishan: "Hey mate, don't put a whole basket of donuts out on the counter where anyone can get to them if you don't want people eating them!"
Jaya: "Besides...dinner's taking forever since you spend more time making dzo-eyes at Hyperia than you do actually cooking!"
Hyperia: *Turns bright red* "Oh hush!"
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tae-ffxiv · 5 years
Trust NPCs
Ambaghai Iriq
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Selection: “Let us get this over with.”
Job: Steppe Mage (Magical Support DPS)
Weapons: Channeling gloves, and a mirror-like disk, carved on one side with intricate patterns and Xaela script.
AI Behavior: Ambaghai maintains a fair distance from mobs, prioritizing providing defensive buffs or barriers to party members over DPS. He will generally provide a buff to the tank, should the tank be lacking their own defensive buff, before starting DPS, which consists primarily of heavy-hitting, single-target attacks. He constantly maintains a fair distance from enemies, but should aggro land on him and an enemy come with melee range, he will react with a magically augmented melee attack that will stun, bind, or paralyze the mob before retreating to a safe distance. In most cases, Ambaghai will follow mechanics almost ritualistically, but may react to stack markers by casting a heavy defensive buff on himself, rather than moving to stack with the rest of the party. On bosses, he will not limit break until the mob reaches below 10%, but may be known to use limit break on mob groups consisting of five or more.
Battle Lines (generic):
“…” - Starting Attack Line “Stay close.”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 1 “This should keep you safe for the moment.”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 2 “Try not to get hit, next time.”- Assisting an ally Battle Lines (party member specifics): If Khaishan Iriq is in the party: (All lines in the Xaela tongue) “Go on, Khai!” - Starting Attack Line “I have you covered!” - Using Specialty Skills, Variation 1 “This doesn’t give you an excuse to be wreckless.”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 2 “Haven’t I told you to be more careful? Come on, I’ve got you.”- Assisting an ally   
If Ayla Thatcher is in the party: “Watch yourself.” - Starting Attack Line “You look like you could use this…”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 1 “Careful…”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 2 “Did I not tell you to watch yourself?”- Assisting an ally
Limit Break:
“This is getting old…”- Using limit break with 1 bar “Time to finish this.” - Using limit break with 2 bars “Enough!” - Using limit break with 3 bars
“Shit… I can’t…” - Variation 1 “That’s all I’ve got. I’m sorry…” - Variation 2
“… Thank you.” - Variation 1 “Alright. Let’s keep going.” - Variation 2
Khaishan Iriq
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Selection: “Yes! Let’s go!”
Job: Steppe Warrior (Tank)
Weapons: One. Big. Axe.
AI Behavior: Khaishan is very much a reckless tank.  He will charge into battle regardless if his companions are with him or not. While his defensive cooldowns are quite effective, there is quite a bit of downtime, and he’s as likely have one up as not. He will focus on DPS in favour of mechanics and dodging AoEs. Healers accompanying Khai should be prepared to spend a lot of time casting. Khai’s limit break is offensive, rather than defensive, and he will use it on any bosses or large mobs the instant that limit break 2 becomes available.
Battle Lines (generic):
“[With enthusiasm] AAAAAAA!” - Starting Attack Line “Eat this!”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 1 “Hey you! Look at me!”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 2 “You are okay? You are okay let’s go!”- Assisting an ally Battle Lines (party member specifics): If Ambaghai Iriq is in the party: (All lines in the Xaela tongue) “Amba, you got me, yea?” - Starting Attack Line “This is how we do it back home!” - Using Specialty Skills, Variation 1 “Touch my brother and I’ll kick your ass!”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 2 “Amba! Get up! Here you’re always telling me not to be reckless…”- Assisting an ally   
If Ayla Thatcher is in the party: “Come on!” - Starting Attack Line “Hey, watch this!”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 1 “I hit it, you shoot it!”- Using Specialty Skills, Variation 2 “Oh no… I thought she was looking soft.”- Assisting an ally
Limit Break:
“Eat axe!”- Using limit break with 1 bar “Try this for size!” - Using limit break with 2 bars “Ahahahaha! I’ve been waiting for this!” - Using limit break with 3 bars
“Ow… that one was pain.” - Variation 1 “What? But I…” - Variation 2
“Yes! Now we will keep going!” - Variation 1 “Okay, let’s go!” - Variation 2
Tagged by: @likeadistantstar
Tagging: Ssssssomeone....
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ravendas-xiv · 1 year
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To everyone who has followed me here from Twitter and new followers alike, I'm glad to see you!
I'm Ravendas, FFXIV-obsessed old lady who enjoys making and sharing poses, screenshots, fics, and various ramblings about my OCs!
My poses can be found mostly on my Carrd (though I'm slowly working on shuffling them all onto Gumroad):
For those who don't already know them, my mains are:
Hyperia kir Quinntus
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Half-Garlean, half-Ala Mhigan engineer and badass. She's been through quite a bit of shit in her years, but has managed to claw her way towards happiness, thanks to her partner...
Amasandji "Sanji" Oronir
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The "black sheep" of his clan, due to his gentle, bookish nature, Sanji fled the Steppe and made his way across Eorzea until fate had him saving Hyperia's life. After that day, their friendship slowly bloomed into a love that no one could tear away. While he was ever at odds with the rest of his family, he always adored his little sister....
Ibakha "Jaya" Oronir
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Sassy, classy, and a bit smart-assy is the best way to describe this firecracker of a Xaela. From a young age, she appointed herself as her older brother's guardian from the rest of his family, staying loyally by his side until the day he left the Steppe. As soon as she came of age, she followed in his footsteps, tracking him across the realms with the help of....
Khaishan Iriq
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Broody, sullen, with a mysterious past, this Xaela speaks little of himself, but is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. Fleeing the Steppe for reasons known to none but himself, he became a mercenary, earning his gil as a caravan guard, bodyguard, and general muscle...until the day he took Jaya under his wing and she "adopted" him into her family. He's slowly beginning to loosen up around them, however, he still had little patience for noble fops like...
Viraj Acharya
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Sent to Eorzea as an emissary from The Great Work Thavnair, the youngest son of the Acharya clan sought to prove himself as an accomplished alchemist and diplomat while enjoying the sights and pleasures of the region. Whilst doing so, he encountered the rest of the crew during a night out on the town. Intrigued by the potential merging of alchemy and tech that Hyperia's company offered, he accepted a position in the biotech division.. Since then, they have become fast friends (though perhaps a bit more slowly for Khaishan).
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tae-ffxiv · 7 years
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I present to you: the reason why this blog’s title is “Too Many Lizards”. And I love them all...
Ambaghai & Khaishan Iriq, Yuhei Malaguld, and Jaliqai Ura.
I just felt like posting pics of them
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