#kezia vines
happy-lemon · 4 months
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Chapter 4 Diminished II | Time Heals a Broken Heart
The Domain of Love vanishes—an unseen, endless void stretches into forever behind you. 
A gust of familiar flower petals, propelled only by the exit without the warmth of the Mojave, escapes from the closing gate, bursting into flame as the touch hot hellfire.
Prepared for the Beast of Many Names and whatever remains of the Prometheus Initiative lies beyond that, you find yourselves in the same inescapable prison that is the Domain of Fear. Royce’s heart clings to Kezia and Michiya, full of trust and unwilling to part from either of them as it stares their foe down.
Nobody moves.
The standoff ends when the youngest version of Rivkah, still wearing her headphones around her neck, tearfully allows herself to fall slack in Michiya’s arms. Her feet finally touch the ground as she slides down, clutching her Walkman with the same devotion as any of the people holding her throughout her life. No protest comes when Kezia gently borrows it, removing the headphones from their jack to play the tape on speaker before handing it back—
And the Beast freezes, eyes going wide like two black hole suns as Royce’s singing fills the desolate valley. 
The little girl approaches the massive wolf without a shred of self-preservation. Behind her, the skeleton of a hare limps along with the last of its strength, crawling on the ground even as its bones burn and the flowers blooming from within its ribcage bloom and die and bloom again.
The Beast presses itself low to the ground, weeping black tears as Rivkah opens her arms wider than they’ll stretch, disappearing in a mess of black fur and shreds of sticky, silver wool as she embraces its massive face. 
Deprived of her greatest weapon, Ridley, flawed and sensitive and complicated as everyone knows her, stands there burning, bleeding, more vulnerable than she’s ever been as the Beast finally begins to diminish. Her entire soul has been revealed for all to see.
The lamb loves its wolf. The wolf turns all white and starts quivering out of love for the lamb. The lamb loves the wolf's fragility, and the wolf loves the frail one's force. The wolf is now the lamb's lamb, and the lamb has tamed the wolf. Love blackens the lamb.
Tar seeps back into the broken, scorched earth, and the inferno hisses peacefully, soothed by rain as the remaining darkness dwindles into gray storm clouds. There are no flowers here in these solitary wastes, but one day, the sadness will end, and one day, when it is ready, life will take root again.
Dead vines rise from dead earth as the skeletal hare, burdened by the crown of thorns heavier than its own body, drags itself across the valley. The rise from the earth to ensnare—no, embrace—the Beast’s torso, holding tight even as the raging fire burns its final glimmer of life to an end.
As its remains flutter into the swarming, orange sky, a rose unfurls from the Beast’s chest, a blow that brings it crashing to its knees until at last it too is rendered into nothingness. 
Although the tears have stopped, Ridley bows her head to the ground regardless, unable to meet anyone’s eyes. She knows her brother is gone, hands clutching painfully at the rose and all of its thorns that have rooted itself in her heart from this sacrifice of his own. 
She’s not the only one to lose someone she loves, and the price she paid to soothe her own pain is a vicious reminder to everyone that there is no task of revenge that will fix what has already been enacted. The cycle will continue, even if it ends by force.
But she does not share that individual sense of catharsis, the triumph without regret, every bit as stoic and resolute as Royce when she finally finds the strength to push herself to her feet. She’s ready for whatever will come next, a weapon for them all, hard eyes glittering with something only she’ll understand.
It’s a final reminder of what they came from, each thing she and Royce carried, and the burden she will shoulder alone—willingly, this time—for the rest of her life.
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11/11/11 Tag Game!
I got tagged by @joyful-soul-collector, @tracle0​ and @mousestache but instead of making three seperate posts, I'm going to squish them all into one really long Mega Post.
@joyful-soul-collector's questions!
1. What is your favorite OC quote? : "Time's getting shorter. The elite get cockier, and more sure of their own positions each day! Are we going to let them, or are we going to show them that we won't be stomped over?" -- Rowan DaSilva. (I'm actually really proud of that one tbh.)
2. What’s your favorite font? I really like Times New Roman. Not really sure why.
3. Which OC has the saddest backstory? (or the least happy?) All of them. But if I had to pick one, I'd say Sierra and Kezia.
4. Which OC has the happiest? (or the least sad?) Adrian Ross.
5. What’s a vague spoiler for one of your WIPs? Death. I'm just going to leave that there.
6. Do any of your WIPs carry the same themes? What themes?
Quite a few of them have independence/freedom a main theme, along with (platonic/familial!) love.
7. What are your favorite character/situation tropes? Edgy girl meets equally edgy partner. *cough* Juliette and Kez *cough*
8. What do you like most about yourself? My sarcastic sense of humor.
9. Which on of your ocs is your favorite character to write? Hmmm. That's a difficult one. But I really like writing for Rowan and Adrian.
10. What is the longest you’ve ever written for?
Longest time in a single sitting? Or longest time staggered over more than one day? Or longest as in amount of pages?
The longest I've written in a single sitting was like two and a half hours, and the longest over a period of time was a good four months or so. The longest amount of pages I wrote was like, 70 or something.
11. Favorite food? Stuffed shells! (sO gOoD)
@tracle0's  questions!
1) What’s the first book you remember reading? -
Definitely the first Magic Tree House book was the first book I remember reading. (I think it was called Dinosaurs before Dawn???? I don't remember the title exactly, but I remember loving it.)
2) What’s the first book/story you remember writing? The first story I remember writing was this thing about dragons, but other than that, I can't really remember much about it. 3) What’s a piece of media (book, series, film, whatever) that you go back to when you’re sad?
Definitely any of the PJO books. 4) Can you draw parallels between your OCs and characters in published fiction?
Rowan is the only one that I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure as I develop the rest of my OCs more will come to mind. Although I draw inspiration for my characters from lots of things that I've read, I realized the Rowan has a lot of parellels to Enjolras from Les Miserables and Katniss from Hunger Games, but she didn't start out that way... or did she?
5) Think of an OC. Any OC. Now express their general mood in their story in one (1) emoji. 
Rowan: 😤
6) What’s a plot point that makes you cackle when you think about it because omg it’s such good writing? Literally any of mine, because that's not really one of my strong suits, so whenever I come up with one I'm like: hA YES! *victory dance*
7) Have you ever done an Accidental Smart in your writing? If so, what?  
Not really? I mean, I probably have, but I can't think of one.
8) What songs do you associate with your stories? Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Do You Hear the People Sing, Speechless by Naomi Scott. (That song reminds me especially of Radio Silence and Rowan in particular.)
 9) Are you better at dialogue or description? Description.
10) Have you ever gotten better at doing something because you put it in a story and had to research? If so, what?
  For one of my fantasy stories I added archery in, (I already had a bow, but I didn't use it too often since we didn't have a target and my mom wouldn't let me make one since she was afraid the arrow would embed in the siding. (It did at one point) but that's not relevant or where I was going with this.) But I wanted to be as accurate as possible so I ended up going to an archery range and practiced about once every week or so.
11) Have you had a drink of water recently? Go on, drink some water. It’s good for you. Thank you for the reminder!
@mousetache's questions!
What’s your favorite genre to read ? Fantasy.
What’s your favorite genre to write ? Historical fiction or Dystopian.
Which OC is the most like you ? Honestly, I'm not really sure, but if I had to pick one, I'd probably say Kez or Adrian.
There’s always a little bit of an author in a person’s work. What piece of you have you left in your WIP ? My soul.
What is your go-to writing playlist ?
 Basically any musical but then I end up singing along and getting distracted or movie soundtrack.
(If you prefer writing in silence, attach your favorite Vine !)
Are any of your OCs disabled ? Yes! I have one character, who is in a wheelchair and she's a tech queen and she's awesome and GAH I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
What is the most meaningful piece of writing advice have you received ? Write what you need to hear, because there is someone else who needs to hear it too.
 What was your first venture in writing ? My aforementioned dragon story.
Angst or romance ? aNGST
Action-adventure or slice of life ? Action adventure!
What comment about your writing made you just grin ear-to-ear ?  I kid you not, literally all of them.
My questions!
Favorite book?
What would your MC have to say about you?
Which OC are you least likely to get along with?
Do you have any fidgets?
If you could travel to one place in time, where would you go and why?
What’s the weirdest thing that inspired you to create an OC? Which OC was it?
If you could teach any class you wanted, which class would it be? (Real or imaginary)
If you could DELETE any book or movie from existence, which would you choose?
MBTI type?
What OC are you least likely to get along with?
Favorite song?
I'm tagging : @eternalvertigos, @kalis-scribbles, @mousetache, @nightmares-and-fireflies, @redaniels-writes, @tracle0 and anyone else who wants to play! Please don't feel like you have to do this if you don't want to! (Also if you don't like being tagged in these, PLEASE let me know and I won't tag you!)
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sproatmeyer · 3 years
Fill-a Wheel Barrel from Whimsy Stamps
I finally got around to coloring the Fill a Wheel Barrel set from Whimsy Stamps and loved it! This is what I colored in the free coloring session yesterday. I got some direction on what elements to add and this was the end result. You can sign up for more free coloring session as well as paid coloring session/classes HERE. The free coloring sessions are about visiting and everyone colors their own thing (or doesn’t color at all). It’s a great way to get to know everyone. The paid coloring session/classes are instructional based where I teach how to color that scene and the techniques that I use. Those sessions are recorded and you can re-watch them on YouTube whenever you’d like.
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I got input from the room and stared with the Fill a Wheel Barrel and then we picked a filler from Fill a Truck. I stamped them in a no-lines ink color and didn’t worry about masking. I also stamped the watermelon vine off to the side. After coloring those items and the green of the ground, I moved on to the background. Someone mentioned adding a fence of some type so that reminded me of the fence from Polka Dot Pals Fern which worked perfectly. Then I colored that, sky then the shrubs and finally added the sentiment from Polka Dot Pals Kezia. It couldn’t have been a better fit.
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List of Common Supplies Stamps: Fill a Wheel Barrel (the wheel barrel, of course) Fill a Truck (watermelon filler and watermelon vine) Polka Dot Pals Fern (fence) Polka Dot Pals Kezia (sentiment) Copic Colors: BV23, 25 B02, 17, 20, 35, 39, 43, 46 G12, 20, 24, 28, 43, 82, 85, YG01, 17, 21, 25 BG0000, 11, 57, 78 B0000, 000, 00, 01, 26 N2, 3, 5, 7 E11, 25, 29, 71, 74, 77, 79
from WordPress https://bit.ly/3hBsVKj via IFTTT
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happy-lemon · 1 year
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I recently hit a milestone and I've never really done any sort of follower gift because I don't considered myself a creator. However, Oscar Ortiz and Kezia Vines were overwhelming favorites from my Malan Hall dorm save so I thought I'd share them. Thank you for following and interacting and just being awesome. 💕
I use these default eyes. I also use Buduhain's You Are Real skinmap and BlooM's sexy feet, so your sims might look a little different. Clothing is not included, except for Oscar's glasses. Kezia's sleep bonnet can be found here. CC list below the cut.
CC List:
Oscar: skin | hair | eyebrows (Jamie) | facial hair | eyebags (eyeshadow) | face contour (eyeliner) | blush (not sure which one) | lips
Kezia: skin | hair | eyebrows (Miranda) | eyeliner (Violent Kisses) | blush (not sure which one) | lips
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happy-lemon · 1 year
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Sims University is proud to share that all the residents of the newly renovated Malan Hall completed their studies with honors. Although the students worked very hard to build and maintain their grade point averages, we believe their modern, well-appointed dormitory played no small role in fostering their success. Congratulations to Jenna Collazo, Garrett Hawke, Zoya Melville, Oscar Ortiz, Dylan Shimada, Deidre Tomlin, Kezia Vines, and Jaimey Wilkie. Sims University wishes you the best, no matter where life takes you.
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happy-lemon · 2 years
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Kezia Vines
Term: First
Hometown: Sunlit Tides
Major: Business (Marketing)
Kezia Vines is almost a household name. Her SimTube channel has thousands of followers and her Simstagram account has even more. But she's ready to take her streaming career to the next level, and she's hoping her time at university will give her experience--and content!
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