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...🤖#futureCraft 🤖... . ..always load wth inspiration n creativity while work and paint on @iamfit_strong and @taoofhair @gammut and @kpipi in #dayWithKEUNE2019 Colour and hair Concept by @gammut All cuts by @samhan727 Makeup direction @imstevensunny Make up team by @themakeupwardrobe Wardrobe by @kpipi Choreography by @_jovanyoung Support team Keune Haircosmetics (Australia & New Zealand) by @katelacolourist and @hair_by_benji @taoofhair #makeupByStevenSunny #taoofhair #keunecolourlab #futurecraft #keune #keunesalon #keunecolour #perthcreatives #perthhairsalon #keunecare #keuneperth #modernsalon #perthhairdressers #perthcreatives #hair #hairart #daywithkeune2019 #keuneaustralia #creativeahair #keuneanz #perthcolourist #keunestyle #hairartistry #keuneshow @ The Star Sydney @ Keune Haircosmetics (Australia & New Zealand) @ The Star Sydney (at The Star Sydney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1GnzWHJj9t/?igshid=rbt9of2hshhg
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...🤖#futureCraft 🤖... Day with Keune 2019 Colour and hair Concept by Daniel Yap @gammut All cuts by Sam Han @samhan727 Makeup direction Steven Sunny @imstevensunny Make up team by @themakeupwardrobe Wardrobe by @kpipi Choreography by Jovan Kereopa @_jovanyoung Support team Keune Haircosmetics (Australia & New Zealand) by @katelacolourist and @hair_by_benji @taoofhair #makeupByStevenSunny #taoofhair #keunecolourlab #futurecraft #keune #keunesalon #keunecolour #perthcreatives #perthhairsalon #keunecare #keuneperth #modernsalon #perthhairdressers #perthcreatives #hair #hairart #daywithkeune2019 #keuneaustralia #creativeahair #keuneanz #perthcolourist #keunestyle #hairartistry #keuneshow @ The Star Sydney @ Keune Haircosmetics (Australia & New Zealand) (at The Star Sydney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B05hyVFJK7e/?igshid=1ox3rk557u02o
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....🌼A liTTle biT OF coLOR🌸... ..dealing wth small yet fragile tissue petals for beautyLook can be quit challenging... and still CONGRATS! ❤️❤️❤️ ..Nominated finalist for WestAustralia/ NorthernTerritory Hairdresser of the Year @asuka._hair @taoofhair ... . #makeup @imstevensunny with @makeupbyseanee #hair @asuka._hair @taoofhair #photo @cywongcheeyong .. #makeupByStevenSunny #stevenSunny #makeup #beautyMakeup #taoOfHairTeam #taoOfHair #keuneColorist #keuneColorLab #keuneHairCosmetics #keunePerth #keuneLovers #keuneSalon #taoOfHairPerth (at Tao Of Hair)
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....🌸 flOwerS coLOR 🌸... ..so much challenge dealing wth beautiful fragile tissue petals for beauty... and still CONGRATS! Nominated finalist for WestAustralia/ NorthernTerritory Hairdresser of the Year @asuka._hair @taoofhair ... . #makeup @imstevensunny with @makeupbyseanee #hair @asuka._hair @taoofhair #photo @cywongcheeyong . #makeupByStevenSunny #taoOfHairTeam #taoOfHair #keuneColorist #keuneColorLab #keuneHairCosmetics #keunePerth #keuneLovers #keuneSalon #taoOfHairPerth (at Tao Of Hair)
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