dates-with-the-void · 3 months
Do None Of You Own A Kettle?!
So I remembered this vid on the whole "who was going to tell me tea tasted different in hot water" and I had the immediate thought of the Void champs so- here have a shit post.
Kha'Zix: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water Vel'Koz: *chokes* Y-You were putting it in cold water??? Malzahar: Kha'Zix. Answer the question Kha'Zix. Kha'Zix: Yeah? I thought for like. 5 years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the "tea-ification" process, didn’t realize there was an actual reason Malzahar: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes??? Vel'Koz: Why are you. putting it in the microwave, to boil it?! Malzahar: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?! Vel'Koz: It takes less than a minute! Malzahar: Vel'Koz is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun?! Vel'Koz: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? Malzahar: Like seven minutes! Vel'Koz: *Deep sigh* Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like two minutes…less than that if you use a saucepan… Malzahar: You’re putting the whole mug on the stove??? On medium heat??? Your stove is enchanted! Bel'Veth: *Face wing* Every single person in this room is a fucking lunatic… Cho'Gath: DO NONE OF YOU OWN A FUCKING KETTLE?!
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five-miles-over · 1 year
For All Time, It Was Always You
Chapter 2: Mrs. Laufeyson
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A/N: Thank you everyone for all of your positive comments! I really appreciate it, and hope you'll like this little continuation from the suburbs AU inspired partly by Wandavision.
Summary: After Loki leaves for work, you explore your new house and try to fit in with this world that feels too perfect to be real.
Pairing: Loki x Wife!Reader
Warnings: None really. Talk about 'traditional' gender roles. A surprise cameo. And silliness.
You waved goodbye, standing at the doorway as a black Chevrolet Bel Air departed from the house with Loki in the driver's seat. And like the doting wife that he thought you were, you blew a kiss in his direction.
When the car disappeared from your line of sight, you meandered into the sea green kitchen and filled a steel kettle with water, letting it sit on the stove the way a hen sat on her eggs. While the kettle grew hot, you searched the cabinets for tea bags,…and anything else that might help you understand this new, suburban world. A world in which you were the newlywed wife of a TVA employee who shared a name with the Norse God of Mischief. 
Next to a box of Earl Grey Tea was an entire section of the cabinet dedicated to biscuits of various brands and flavors: chocolate Hobnobs, Jaffa cakes, McVitie's digestive biscuits, shortbread, Bourbon cookies, and Oreos. At least three, unopened tubes of Oreo cookies. Were all of these sweet treats for you, or for your - you couldn't believe you were actually using this word - husband?
With a shrug, you grabbed a tube of the Oreo cookies, ripped it open and started eating them one by one. Holding the blue wrapper in one hand, you continued searching through the other kitchen cabinets. 
You found nothing but flour, brown sugar, white sugar, spices, marmite, extra virgin olive oil…, and two jars of strawberry jam from the same brand for some reason. And then, something next to a box of spaghetti caught your eye. A cookbook, with various pages dog-eared, titled Delicious Recipes For All Time, Always.
You blinked, carefully taking the book from the shelf. For All Time, Always? That's a weird title to call a cookbook…, a vague title as well. Inside the cover was a handwritten note, scribbled in blue pen.
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Congratulations on the wedding, Mrs. Laufeyson! Loki's a lucky guy.
-Mobius M. Mobius
So that's who Loki was talking about at breakfast. He mentioned cancelling plans with someone named 'Mobius'. Someone who was making him watch tedious videos at work today. 
Jumping to the dog-eared pages of the cookbook, you came across various recipes: poached eggs, blueberry pancakes, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti bolognese, green bean casserole, Cumberbatch pie, curried chickpeas in coconut milk, angel food cake with strawberries and cream, chocolate mayonnaise cake…
You whipped your head over your shoulder and immediately silenced the kettle's whistle, turning off the stove. Damnit, you went looking for tea bags and found yourself exploring everything except tea bags. Shaking your head, you shoved an Oreo into your mouth and opened the box of Earl Grey tea bags. 
Then, you opened a cabinet filled with plates, bowls, and cups, grabbing a white ceramic mug for your tea bag. On the top shelf of the cabinet was a pastel blue gift box. While the tea bag steeped in hot water, you reached for the box using a chair as a makeshift stepping stool. Inside the gift box were two mugs labeled 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.' in gold calligraphy And like the cookbook, there was a handwritten note as well. 
For all the mornings you'll have together. Congratulations to you both, Mr. and Mrs. Laufeyson! May the years ahead be filled with lasting love and happiness.
-Jeremy, Joyce, and Bill Hazeldine
With a gasp, you quickly closed the box and put it back on the shelf…only to open the box, taking another peek at the note. Mrs. Laufeyson...you underlined those words with your fingertip. Taking a deep breath, you put the box back on the shelf for good, promising to never use those mugs unless you were with Loki. 
By this point, the tea was hot enough to be enjoyed but not scalding that it would burn your throat. You took a sip, relaxing in its warmth, holding the mug with both hands. "Mrs. Laufeyson", you repeated to yourself. You looked down at your left hand, the emerald ring still on your middle finger just the same way it was this morning. 
After you finished drinking your tea and scarfing down the rest of the Oreo cookies in the container, you wandered into the living room. It was just across from the kitchen, a pastel yellow room with white bookshelves containing all kinds of hardcover and paper cover works. One would probably need an entire decade just to finish reading all the books kept inside the living room. You tilted your head and wondered which of the books were your husband's choice. But before you could sit down on one of the couches, you heard the doorbell ring.
"Who is it?" You asked, fixing your hair. 
A light, female voice came from outside. "It's Joyce!" As you made your way to the front door, you caught a glimpse of yourself in mirror hanging in the hallway. Your hair was miraculously styled, and you were wearing a cute set of pajamas…It almost made you stand still for a moment just so you could admire how desirable you looked. No wonder your husband was so lovey-dovey this morning.
The doorbell rang again. Putting on your best smile, you dragged your feet towards the door and opened it. 
Standing outside was a thin, middle-aged woman -presumably Joyce - with a bowl cut hairstyle, wearing a light blue shirt and straight-leg jeans. "Oh hello, dear. So good to see you again!" She gave you a warm smile and a hug, rocking you in her arms.
"Good to see you too, Joyce." You politely reciprocated her hug and let out a small laugh. "Thank you again for the mugs, they're lovely."
Joyce placed her hands on your arms for a moment, looking up at you. "I haven't seen you both since you came back from your honeymoon. Oh, look at you…" She marveled, "Married life seems to be treating you well."
"Thank you so much," you looked down, deciding to be as demure as possible, hoping they wouldn't ask too many questions about the honeymoon. "I…I couldn't be happier, Loki is so sweet to me." When your eyes met Joyce's, you touched the back of your neck. "I…He makes me feel like the luckiest lady in the world, Joyce."
Joyce quietly laughed with you. "You remember my son Bill, right?" Towering over Joyce was a lanky teenage boy with golden curls, blue eyes, and the face of an angel. He wore a grey t-shirt, worn-out jeans, and beat-up sneakers. 
You reached out to shake his hand. "Of course I do," you lied. "Hi, Bill."
"Afternoon, Mrs. Laufeyson." Bill greeted you with a smile that could make London light up during a blackout. "Congratulations again."
"Thank you." You placed your left hand on your heart, showing off your wedding ring just a little. "How are you, Bill?"
"I'm alright, thank you." Bill nodded. "I've been working with the church, teaching Sunday school. Thought it'd be a nice way to spend my summer after my first year of college."
"That's very thoughtful of you."
"Thank you. I thought it would be good for my theology course to do something like that," Bill admitted before reaching into one of his jean pockets, procuring a small blue velvet box. "Actually, I have something for you, Mrs. Laufeyson." 
You covered your mouth in disbelief. "Oh, Bill…"
"Please, take it." He extended the box to you. "I bought it for my former-girlfriend Jewel." Blinking, you gingerly accepted it, running your finger along the lid. "Former girlfriend…You broke up with her?"
Joyce intervened, "He had to do it, dear. She was nothing but trouble."
"I'm so sorry."
 "No, I'm sorry." Bill shook his head. "I bought it for her a long time ago, but I suppose it was never meant to last. But, I really want to give it to someone. Please, consider it a belated wedding gift, Mrs. Laufeyson."
You smiled, opening the box to find a sterling silver bracelet. Simple, yet elegant. "Thank you, Bill. I'll treasure it. If you ever want to talk, or just stop by for some tea, the door will always be open for you."
"Thanks, Mrs. Laufeyson," he graciously said. "And I hope Jewel finds someone else who'll make her happy."
The three of you stood quietly outside your house before you spoke up. "Joyce, would you and Bill like to come inside for some tea?"
"Not today, dear. I'm so sorry, Bill's coming with me to do some errands. And I'm sure you might need to catch up on some sleep after such a busy honeymoon." Joyce teased you a little with the last bit. "Might only be a matter of time before you and Loki get a visit from the stork."
You laughed, looking down again. You remembered how Loki hugged you from behind this morning and teased you with the idea of "finishing what you started on the honeymoon". Almost instinctively, your free hand rested on your stomach.
"We should have dinner sometime, Loki and I would love to have you over, we can catch up," you blurted. Joyce enthusiastically agreed and said she and her husband would love that.
"Tomorrow night," Joyce promised. "Would seven-thirty be alright?"
"Absolutely!" You nodded, already imagining how to tell Loki when he came home from work. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"See you tomorrow." Joyce and Bill waved goodbye as they climbed into their car and drove off. 
Something ached inside you as you watched them drive off, maybe because it reminded you of the way that Loki drove off this morning while you stood at the doorway waving goodbye. As you closed the door once again, you pondered over going out tomorrow, even if it was just something as small as a mid-morning stroll while Loki was out. But for now, there were other things that needed to be done.
Tagging: @anukulee @smolvenger @pineappleandro @lotsoflokilove23 @talklokitome @rumin8ting @12-pm-510 @painedfever @iambetterthanbefore @princess-ofthe-pages @thenotoriouserg @lokischambermaid @lokiismineforever @lokidbadguy @lokisgoodgirl @lokisprettygirl22 @holdmytesseract @wheredafandomat @wolfsmom1 @lovelysizzlingbluebird @evelyn-kingsley @muddyorbsblr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @icytrickster17 @thatdummy-girl @fantasyfan4life @huntress-artemiss @itsdoni @gruftiela @ellooo0ooo @ireallyneedtherapy @jennyggggrrr @turniptitaness @lokiforever
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cosmmicdancer · 3 months
bel hellew!! it's been 84 years.. <3 a question: what's one small thing that u think would absolutely ruin rj lupin's entire day?
sash!!! hii hi hello!!! it has been so long, i hope you are well my dear <333
hmmm one small think that would ruin his day, well after much deliberation i fear it would be when he's just woken up and it's v cold outside and all he's looking forward to it's a nice warm cup of tea, so he pops the kettle on and grabs his favourite mug. everything's perfect the tea bag is in the mug, water is boiled, except he forgot to check the milk before pouring and it's absolutely gone off so it's split and curdled in his mug and that lovely cup of tea is but a fantasy because it's too early for the shops to be open and it's also raining so he has to make another one without milk and it's just not the same and his day is unfortunately completely ruined...
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months
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Storia Di Musica #320 - Arcade Fire, Funeral, 2004
La caratteristica comune dei dischi di Aprile è arrivata per caso, e mi ha fatto scoprire delle cose bellissime che non conoscevo. Sono per questo molto felice di presentarvi le mie scelte ma stavolta la caratteristica comune la tengo segreta per questo primo appuntamento, si capirà in seguito e vi invito anzi, per giocare insieme, a ipotizzare quale sia. Inizio raccontandovi di una band, e un disco, che hanno davvero segnato la storia della musica indipendente internazionale, facendo il successo di una formazione di rock canadese che nel corso degli anni ha continuato a stupire. Il nucleo originale del gruppo prende vita a Boston, dove si conoscono Win Butler e Josh Deu, che formano gli Arcade Fire. Passano poche settimane e si trasferiscono nel paese natio, precisamente a Montreal, dove fanno i primi concerti in piccole location, a feste private e persino nelle gallerie d'arte. A Montreal Win Butler incontra Régine Chassagne, che prima diventerà cantante e poi futura sua sposa, per un motivo che sta scritto nel libretto del disco di oggi:"il caldo costrinse i due a sposarsi". Registrano le prime canzoni con questa formazione: Chassagne-Butler, Josh Deu, il bassista Mules Broscoe, il chitarrista Dane Mills e a Brendan Reed alla batteria. Il primo EP esce a nome Arcade Fire nel 2002, ma fu l’inizio di un rinnovamento traumatico della formazione: Broscoe si chiama fuori dalla band, Mills abbandona nel modo più spettacolare, lasciando nel bel mezzo di un concerto alla Casa del Popolo di Montréal. In sostituzione dei due ex-membri subentrano il fratello di Win, William Butler, e Tim Kingsbury, e con questa formazione pubblicano un secondo EP, Us Kids Now. Prima della fine del primo anno di promozione, la band ottiene un contratto con l'etichetta indipendente Merge Records, che in quegli anni e in quelli a venire sfornerà gioielli musicali in serie, con la quale continua tuttora a pubblicare album. Entra in formazione Howard Bilerman alla batteria.
Nel 2004 la quasi sconosciuta formazione canadese dà alle stampe un album, Funeral (che si intitola così perchè durante la registrazione morirono parenti dei componenti della band) che nel giro di poche settimane fa gridare al miracolo. Gli Arcade Fire diventano la band più ammirata dai critici, che inseriscono Funeral nei primi posti delle classifiche non solo del 2004 ma del decennio, degli ultimi 25 anni, di sempre. Nasce una band di culto. Il loro suono è barocco, gioioso, ricco di sfumature con una sezione di archi dolente e armoniosa, la doppia voce Butler \ Chassange ad alternarsi, facendo un album che per meriti loro, per momento storico e per magia complessiva sembra perfetto. Il gruppo ha ben in mente da cosa partire: ci sono echi Bowie nella stupenda Rebellion (Lies) (che in Italia è famosa come sigla di Otto E Mezzo, il programma de La7 di Lilli Gruber), la linea di basso e il suono alla The Edge della chitarra, i New Order in tutta la serie di Neighborhood in 4 parti, denominate Tunnels, Laika, come la cagnetta che andò nello spazio, Power Out e 7 Kettles. Crown Of Love è magnifica e finisce in stile epico, Wake Up che è spectoresca nell’arrangiamento e nel finale stile U2 (Bono diventerà un grande ammiratore, e apriranno molti concerti del Vertigo Tour del 2005 della band irlandese, e la parte iniziale di Wake Up fu usata come intro a City Of Blinding Lights); Haiti, che è placida e sofisticata, mostra le loro qualità nelle ballate. Une Année Sans Lumière cambia il cantato dall’inglese al francese, ed è davvero ballabile e dolcissima. In The Backseat con la voce della Chassagne che sembra alzarsi all’infinito rispetto alla musica, è un crescendo emozionale da ricordare, con intermezzo di archi. Nonostante le evidenti ispirazioni tutto l’album è una continua sorpresa eccitante, tra le pieghe degli arrangiamenti, tra i piccoli assoli di strumenti inusuali (farfisa, xilofono, gli archi, un corno francese), tra la voce sincopata e trascinante di Butler e quella morbida e vellutata della Chassagne. Funeral fa rimanere basiti per come tutto l’insieme funzioni in armonia e con un gusto che manca a tante band di oggi.
Il disco vende già molto bene, ma è con Neon Bible (2007) che il successo diventerà internazionale: un disco più sofisticato, e anche più arrabbiato e teso, ammirato per canzoni come Keep The Car Running, No Cars Go e la splendida e dolente My Body Is A Cage, che verrà ripresa da Peter Gabriel in Scratch My Back del 2010, versione che fa da colonna sonora ad una delle puntate più intese della serie Tv culto House M.D. La triade iniziale trova il culmine con The Suburbs, del 2010, che debutta in vetta alla classifica di Billboard e vince il premio Grammy per il miglior disco dell’anno, primo lavoro di una casa discografica indipendente ad ottenerlo. Dello stesso disco, fu fatto una sorta di video documentario diretto da Spike Jones che verrà presentato a numerosi festival cinematografici internazionali: la band collaborerà alla colonna sonora del film Lei (Her) scritto e diretto da Spike Jonze che vede Joaquin Phoenix come protagonista, e alcuni dei brani per il film troveranno posto in Reflektor, altro disco grandioso, del 2013. Se non ho capito male, ritorneranno presto anche in Italia per dei concerti questa estate, sarebbe l’occasione migliore per scoprire una band dalle caratteristiche uniche e dalla musica speciale, che è stata protagonista influente e simpatica della musica degli ultimi 20 anni in maniera anche inaspettata.
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gucciwins · 2 years
why do I imagine h annnnoying bel to wake up from her afternoon nap because he misses her and wants to do things with here and then acts grumpy because she napped and stayed away from him for too long
harry is the biggest pest when he wants attention and cuddles
Harry was staring at her relaxed face. He had already taken a few photos, but he missed her voice. He missed hearing her laugh at his jokes. Harry wanted her to sing those Spanish songs she played around the house. He craved it. 
Bel had a long day and decided on a nap, Harry was running errands, and when he got back, he found her under the covers. He let her rest, but it’s been an hour, and she promised to go out to the garden and paint with him, maybe even share a glass of cider. 
“Bel,” he whispers.
“Bel,” he drags out. He reaches out his hand and rubs her back. Harry feels her begin to stir, and he silently cheers. 
“Let me see those pretty eyes..” 
Bel snuggles closer, searching for his warmth. 
“Love, let me see those angel eyes.” 
She groans, hiding her face under the covers making Harry frown. His girl usually wakes up happy, eager to see him, and lets him cover her in kisses. He missed her, and now she’s hiding from him.
Doesn’t seem fair. Not one bit. 
“H,” she mutters. “I was sleepy.” 
“Sleep anymore, and you won’t have a good night's rest.” 
She sighs, and he knows he’s won. She drops the comforter down, her hair is now a mess, but instead of fixing it, he decides to leave it and head down while he waits for her. He’s grumpy; she left him alone for so long, especially when she knows he loves her company. 
Harry goes downstairs and turns the TV on after making sure the electric kettle is on so Bel can make her tea when she comes down to join him. 
It’s a few minutes later, and he hears her light steps. She stops behind him on the couch, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, and then heads to the kitchen. Harry practically melts in his seat at her sweet affection trying his best to remain grumpy, but it’s so hard when all he wants is her company. 
“Mhmm, thanks for the tea, H.” 
Harry knows she means it, and the polite response is to say thank you, but he doesn’t say a word continuing to watch whatever’s on the TV. Bel makes her way to sit next to him. She makes to sit on his lap, but when she sees his hands there, she settles for sitting next to him. He slyly moves an inch away, keeping a bit of distance. She doesn’t seem to notice. 
Staring at the TV, his pout deepens, and he just wants a kiss. 
“H, you like this show?” 
Bel giggles, surprised. “Okay, I was thinking we could continue watching New Girl. You promised to wait to watch this episode with me.” 
Harry shrugs, “no thanks.” 
That gets him a frown, but she doesn’t fight him. Bel sets her tea on the coaster in front of her and leans her head on Harry’s shoulder. He huffs as if she were bothering him. 
She is quick to sit up and shoot him a look. He stares ahead. 
“What’s going on?”
She sighs, “liar.” 
He crosses his arms. “Everything’s fine.”
She settles back down on the couch, this time on the other end, far away from him. He’s disappointed; he thought she’d try to get it out of him, but she always manages to surprise him. 
As they sit there watching a program, neither of them cares about her phone rings, and she picks it up with a happy smile.
“Hiii babes,” 
Harry discreetly turns to see her trying to decipher who she is speaking with.
“Doing nothing. Oh, you want to go out? This afternoon. Yeah, I’m free. You can pick me up.” 
Harry has heard enough and launches across the couch until he’s lying across her lap and taking her phone in his hand. “Sorry, she’s busy. Call back another day.” 
He hangs up, not even caring who was in the line.
Harry pouts, looking up at her. “Don’t leave me. Already missed you so much when you were sleeping. Missed you so much, baby.”
She sighs, shaking her head. She runs her hand through his hair and smiles as she sees him lean into her touch. “Well, next time, don’t ignore me. Doesn’t feel nice.”
“Sorry, baby.” He kisses her wrist. “It upset me going so long without your kisses. All I wanted was a kiss and cuddle.” 
Bel loves Harry. She knows he’s her needy baby, and she wouldn’t want it any other way. 
“Well, what you waiting for?” 
Harry shimmies her down until she has her head resisting on the couch pillow, and he slots their lips together. It fills him with the warmest from his toes all the way to his heart. 
“Love you,” he mutters against her lips.
She isn’t able to return the sentiment as he keeps kissing her. It’s safe to say he knows she feels the same way. 
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ringhostaqua · 2 years
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i tried to compile every single aqua shell i found and the latest version (archived) of her ghost 🍀 download links are directly to the ghost/shell files, they will start automatically. if you have more stuff to add please message me  ( ̄▽ ̄)
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this is all for now! if you have any problems or questions installing you can message me 🍓
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spaceintruderdetector · 8 months
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What is uniquely American about American design? This first history of American products and the philosophy behind their design, use, and manufacture points to the process - the interaction between industrial technology and culture - that gave form to an American "ethic" in material products and helped shape the life style of its citizens.Pulos discusses the influences and fashions as well as the major figures and schools of design from Colonial times to the 1940s. Central to the story are the objects and artifacts themselves - Shaker chairs, Colonial tea kettles, clipper ships, Sullivan's skyscraper department store; the work of Bel Geddes, Raymond Loewy, Russel Wright and Walter Teague as seen in cars, cameras, housewares, boats, locomotives. These objects and many others, are illustrated in over 300 unusual photographs, engravings, ads and drawings.
American Design Ethic: A History of Industrial Design : Pulos, Arthur J. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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rosyfingered-moon · 2 years
Meme - tag 9 people
Tagged by @drivingsideways thank you!
Three ships: The ones I think about most frequently right now are Goo Hae-ryung/Min U-won, Bel/Freddie from The Hour (rewatching was a mistake), and a third that is too controversial to speak about in polite society
First ever ship: Buffy/Spike! I also wrote Snape/reader insert fic as a child? Idk what this says about me? Except that I had the hots for Alan Rickman
Last song: YOASOBI’s 怪物
Last movie: Glass Onion, which was a fun romp but nothing like Knives Out, that sparkling pearl of a whodunnit
Currently reading: Fresh Water for Flowers by Valérie Perrin. And a eunuch romance webnovel
Currently watching: Unchained Love/Fu Tu Yuan (hence the webnovel) and about to start Tree with Deep Roots which I’ve postponed forever. Do you guys ever get nervous before watching something you know you’re gonna love? Like going on a date
Currently consuming: TEA. An entire kettle full. I love not being pregnant anymore!!!
Currently craving: A certain kind of traditional pastry that would definitely reveal my location
Tagging @mercipourleslivres @arborescendres @buwanbyul @cere-mon-ials @risplendere @thanbooksmightmean @mamadalena @p3achscented @penguinity if you feel like it!
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idecolors · 7 months
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0 notes
The Tea Brewer (Love’s Wrecks, Part 3.)
Description: Heartbreak is one hell of a bitch. And one Edward Teach could tell you all about it. Yet thanks to Fate being a little trickster, there’s a person who enters his life to remind him of how nice it is of having someone he can confide in, someone he can care about, and someone he can trust. To remind him, what it means to have a friend for better or worse.  
Part Summary: Surving your first eye-to-eye meeting with Blackbeard was a vital part of your plan. What was going to happen next? You had no idea, but the crew members made sure you knew you’re not alone in any of this.
Word counter: 4.8 K
A/N: I finally managed to write a shorter part, ooof. Also I love the crew and its dynamic overall - so I love creating the dynamic around them and the reader. I think they’ll absolutely grow to adore her by the and of the series. 
Tagging: @missdictatorme​​, @soliyra-the-sunbringer
Series master list:  h e r e   | Series play list:  h e r e
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As soon as you've gathered some inner strength and been able to stumble out of the corridor leading to Blackbeard's cabin, you did that the quickest you could; never in your life were you glad to breathe fresh air again. You've been leaning your back into a wall, catching the air as if you've just surfaced after a long swim, still going back to a few minutes ago; to when you had Blackbeard's knife pressed right into the tendons of your neck. This quick escape caused some notion on the deck - those who heard you had risen their heads, looking your way. You've survived meeting the captain, that was some great news. For how long? Nobody knew. So far, you were sure to live until the evening comes.
Izzy then proceeded to give you a horrendous amount of tasks to complete - you were to polish every glass surface on the ship (since he thought the boys are too clumsy for that), then sew some torn sail back together, helping Roach with the lunch and the dinner and then, you had to bring another kettle of tea to the captain (because he specifically ordered so). The morning barely passed by and you've been already given enough tasks for the entire day. As Izzy listed all of them, you just smiled sweetly and nodded at each word - the longer he talked, the easier it was to imagine punching him right into his teeth. It would be lovely if you'd ever get the chance to do so, but as of now, it was a huge risk to even think that way. So you just smiled and nodded anyway. After you've been dismissed, you decided it was right on time to slip back into the kitchen, to sit down and catch a bit of breath.
There was a man with an old dirty apron standing behind a small opened window; he was watching you while sharpening a cleaver. For a moment it almost seemed that he was really thinking about putting some parts of you into the soup, but then he leaned his elbows into the counter and asked you, rather gently... - "Are you alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost or something." "That's because I did!" - Both of you were surprised at the volume of your voice since you literally shouted this sentence; as soon as you realized, you covered your lips and took a deep breath, mumbling an apology right after. The scream lured Olu into the room as well; he was in the larder next room, taking a look at the remaining rations. He was, to be frank, putting together a shopping list. - "I didn't know this ship belongs to motherfucking Blackbeard! I've only heard that name in hearsay stories, for fuck's sake! Yes, Frenchie warned me about him being a psycho and a lunatic, but Blackbeard threatening me that he'll paint his cabin with my blood? Fuck that! After seeing most of the pirates on this ship, I honestly thought this ship belongs to a mediocre pirate, at best!"
"You know, you're not that far off with the whole 'mediocre pirates' stuff you just said. Name's Roach, by the way." - The man said as he lit up a cigarette and snorted, leaning his side into the counter while thinking about how to explain what he just said. - "This ship belonged to someone else a few weeks ago. That guy was a mediocre pirate at best, not even that. But then a few things happened and we found ourselves under Blackbeard's command. It's kinda shit. Because that other guy? Stede? He might've been a mediocre pirate, but damn, wasn't he a good captain?" "A good captain? Are you joking?" - Olu grinned upon hearing the question. - "Stede was a great captain, in the end. Took him long enough, but he got there eventually. Name me one pirate captain that would pay you every single week and top of things, feed you, and didn't force you to work too hard."
"That's lovely." - You mumbled, looking at both of the men in disbelief. It was a miracle that you hadn't shit your pants yet and they've been reminiscing about their former captain? What the actual fuck? Another question was; what pirate captain would pay his crew as if they were working in a regular job, but that wasn't as hot on your mind as Blackbeard himself. - "But Stede being gone isn't the problem here, is it, hm?" - "Hm... Depends." - Roach answered. You almost wanted to ask Roach about what the 'depends' was supposed to mean, but you didn't have the time to do so; Olu jumped right in, making him shut up. Something was going on between those captains, you sussed. Did the crew mutiny against Stede, hence why he wasn't on the ship anymore? Was he dead? Did he leave under the cover of the night? Roach confirmed one fact for you, though - Stede had his part in all of this. - "This is a highly private matter, come on."
"She's a part of the crew now, ain't she?" - Roach asked back, hacking the cleaver into the wooden counter while breathing in some cigarette smoke. - "All members of the crew know what happened. Y/N should know it too, might help her... Survive a bit longer." "Survive a bit longer? What, in the name of God, do you mean?" "See, me and Wee John already made a bet on how long you survive - he said week, I said eight days. Knowing Edward's triggers might help you." - Roach answered, being absolutely unhinged. This was one of the moments in which you just sat on your ass, looked right in front of yourself, and didn't know what the fuck should you answer. These guys might've been honest, fair, and square - but knowing they already made baits on the day on which you'll be brutally murdered didn't help at all. - "I guess this is my queue to leave the kitchen, for now, I'll come to help you later. I need to pass the time before I fucking die in a week from now, do I not?" "Girl, come on, that's not what I tried to say!" - Roach called out after you, looking at Olu while finishing his cigarette. - "I didn't mean to tell her like that, don't give me this look. I thought it might make her laugh." "Does she seem like a pirate to you? Y/N is a goddamn lady who is not here by her own will, you dimwit. It's pretty crazy that you even had the balls to say that... And right into her face." - Olu opposed, shaking his head. Yeah, that might've been something Roach didn't exactly take into account; he was starting to grin as he kept on cutting and pulling the cleaver out of the wooden desk.
First of all, you weren't a pirate and it could be seen. It was the way you carried yourself, the way you spoke, all the respect you've been showing; just like when you bowed to them upon meeting. Next to you, all of them were just a bunch of loutish children. Second of all, you just arrived on board and this couldn't have been easy on you in any way; you've found yourself caught in a naval fight and didn't have anyone to confide to. And since that point, everything was just escalating for you - strange dynamic, strange surroundings, strange new people you had to get to know and accommodate; all of this was surely taking a toll on you. While Roach himself might've not been the biggest advocate for Stede's way of being a pirate captain, there were still things that Stede had been able to teach him; and not only him, Stede left his mark on his entire crew. And so, with the grin deepening, Roach started to mumble something under his breath, occasionally looking in Olu's direction.
"We should tell her that this is open... Open space for sharing emotions and feelings. If anything, that's what Stede taught us. Never understood that dude, but... Don't bottle shit up, wasn't that what he always used to say?" "You're right. We should tell her that and talk to her later when she calms down a bit." - Olu sighed, leaving Roach alone in the room. Soon, he heard how Roach started cutting meat, given loud bangs were coming from behind the closed door.
For most of the noon, you've been walking around the ship with a piece of fabric (that piece of such a dirty, old and holey fabric could be barely called a rug) in your hand and a bucket full of cold water in the other one. Trying to make everything shiny was pretty hard, to be frank; that didn't mean you didn't look hilarious while trying to do so. There was no willingness to live in anything you've been doing, there was no expression on your face and the bags under your eyes grew even darker. For some reason, it just... Looked funny. Not to you, but to everyone else it did. Coming back to the kitchen, you still appeared to be dead inside. Roach watched as you walk in - your face was stoic, and your moves were almost robotic and automatic. You looked so bad that the guy grinned, knowing it was because of what he told you earlier. It took him another few minutes before daring to approach you; he first stirred the ragu, waiting for you to say or do anything, but when you didn't flinch, he quickly dried his hands in his apron while sitting on the other side of the table, lighting another cigarette up. Just when he opened up his mouth to speak up, you looked him in the face and started talking quietly.
"Do you think I'm really gonna die, that Edward's gonna kill me? I thought he might just... Sell me somewhere." "It wasn't too nice of me, all the things I've said earlier. Sorry for that... Mishap." - Hearing Roach saying all of that made your eyes snap back at him, now paying him full attention. - "I forgot you're not a pirate and that you're a lady. If you'd like to talk about how you're feeling... You know, emotions and all that stuff, we can help you with that. Turns out it helps one a lot." - At first, you've been just sitting there, staring at Roach's face with an unreadable expression. The gaze was long and intense, so much so that Roach couldn't but twitch under it a few times. - "That's... That would be really nice, thanks. I think I need to talk to someone about what's going on inside my head. Do you have time?" "Izzy sent you to help me in the kitchen anyway, I suppose we can talk about it while cooking the rice." - The guy guessed, shrugging his shoulders in an eloquent gesture.
You've spent the next few hours in the kitchen, watching Roach cook, trying to learn a thing or two from him when you had the chance to do so - for lunch, you finished the ragu and for dinner, Roach planned to bake some fresh loaves of bread (saving some of them for later). The entire time, you've been talking about anything that came to mind - the man asked about your life, what did you do before, how did you like it and what happened that night. You've asked him all of those questions in return. Throughout the afternoon, you've learned quite a lot about him; Roach told you how he was recruited onboard, about how he became a cook, and on top of that, he told you a few stories about a particular man named Stede Bonnet, Revenge's former captain.
Smiling gently, you were kneading the future loaf of bread as Roach did the same next to you. - "When you're a pirate, it's just like living with cholera - you know you're gonna die soon and there are countless times you're about to shit yourself, so you want to make each day count. And when we set sail under Bonnet's command, I was sure we'll be dead in a week... Or less. So I was stealing food and stuffed myself each night of the first month onboard. And Oluwande told on me. Want to hear what that nut did?" "Which one of them is the nut? There's a lot of them in your stories." "Captain Bonnet, wanna hear what he did?" "Yeah, go for it. I'm all tensed up." "He ordered me to make us both a cup of hot cocoa and invited me to his cabin. When I sat down on the sofa, we started talking about what was going on inside my head; why I'm so scared, why I steal food, and such. Back then, I was weirded out. A normal captain would have my hands cut off, he'd tie me to one of the masts and let me roast in the sun... Back then, none of us appreciated Bonnet much, but I'd gladly go back to it now."
You've stopped yourself for a slight moment, smiling even more gently than before. Each story about Bonnet that Roach had told you sounded like a fever dream; this 'Gentleman pirate' had nothing to do with the pirates you heard of before. This strange man dwelled on teaching his crew manners, he always sought a non-violent resolution, he was kind and nice... How the fuck did he end up on one ship with Blackbeard? Your original idea, about Stede being long dead by now, was starting to become more and more real. But it wasn't the crew who mutinied or got rid of him, it had to be Blackbeard himself. What if he took over the ship and killed the captain as a primary example? What if he earned his trust just to throw him overboard?
"Listen, this Stede Bonnet..." - You started slowly, stopping with kneading for a short second. - "Is he dead?" "As far as we know, he's not. He's missing, but he shouldn't be dead." "What happened, then?" - It was a genuine question on your end. What happened? You seemed to be learning so much, but still so little. Sure, Stede was a former captain who had suddenly disappeared (after calling the Act of grace, as you've been informed) and while Blackbeard came back, he was nowhere to be seen? Also, the men mentioned Ed used to be a different man before Izzy fucking him up; did that have anything to do with Stede as well? How was the Gentleman pirate a part of this puzzle?
Both of you shut up as soon as the crew barged in through the kitchen door to eat their lunch. With great care, you made sure that all of the men had what they needed; to your surprise, each of them thanked you with a great amount of respect. They've been the weirdest kinds of pirates, to put it simply. Just before Izzy barged in through the door. For a moment, he watched the crew devour their meals before he straightened up, looking at all of you with a fair amount of disappointment. "Captain wanted me to send his words." - The shortie said, addressing everyone in the room. Roach stopped himself from chewing on his food just to prepare two other bowls - one for the captain and one for Izzy, you assumed. To look scared and uncomfortable, you decided to squeeze behind a barrel full of water, curling up into a ball. - "The ship will be crossing paths with a French trading ship tomorrow evening and he wants you all prepared for looting and plundering, so prepare the entire ship, you damn idiots." - "Yes, sir." - The crew answered monotonously, waiting for Izzy to finish up. - "And how's our new addition doing? Is she a good girl?" - Izzy walked over to you, having everyone looking at each move he made.
"Your glass had been polished, your lunch is served and dinner is in making, sir. Shortly, I'll start working on that torn sail." - With that, Izzy leaned even closer to you, having all the men tense up for a bit. Frenchie and Olu sent each other a furrow, but it was Roach cutting his cleaver into the wood that made Izzy step back. - "Good. Good." - The man said, looking at all of you sitting around. - "Sometimes, it doesn't even seem that you're just a bunch of useless twats. Continue with that." - Grabbing both bowls in his palms, he walked out of the dining room. Pete, the bald man from earlier, sighed heavily and leaned his back into his chair. "I wish we finished that mutiny we did a while back. If the captain didn't come back, our lives would've been so much better." "Don't worry amigo, that rat has it coming." - A gentle, quiet voice answered. The person themselves had long hair, gentle features, and a rascal smile playing on their lips; this was the Jim you've been told about, you assumed. - "Daño conjunto, daño obtener, as my grandma used to say. Set harm, get harm." - By this, Jim started the talk about revenge and mutiny; each one of them gave their best idea of what would they do to Izzy if they could; you've heard some whipping, some torturing using hot metal rods, wooden bars with nails in them, until... - "Next time, we're not just throwing him overboard. We tie him to the mask and let him grill on the noon sun." "And eat parts of him." - Buttons said all of a sudden, making all of you shut up. - "Oh, God. Come on man." - Frenchie muttered, setting his bowl aside with a disgusted look on his face. - "Why do you always solve shit with eating people?" - "Yea, that's just... We are not cannibals." - "Until it's absolutely necessary." - Buttons answered dramatically, widening his eyes even more. With that, the lunch officially ended.
To be honest, Buttons made you laugh quite a bit... And you really needed that short break from stress, to be relieved for a moment. As everyone around the table started arguing once more, you just sat there and laughed into the back of your palm. This whole conversation was so bizarre that you couldn't but laugh. After you helped Roach with cleaning up all of the dishes, you finally asked Wee John about his sewing kit and the sail Izzy had told you about. John himself seemed to be pretty abrasive at first glance (you've got dry mouth while approaching him, grinning nervously); it was the case only after you asked him about all of that stuff. "Couldn't you just leave it to me?" - The man asked you quietly, furrowing as he led you to the chest containing the materials. - "I love sewing, it's my favorite hobby and everyone here knows that. Helps me when I get anxious." "I'm here for the first day and Izzy told me to do it. Do you really wanna watch my ass being shot at by cannonballs or something?" - "Why cannonballs?" - "It just seems that you guys have thousands of ideas of how to make death the most painful ever, so... That would be mine. Being crushed by cannonballs." - As John opened up the chest and helped you take the sail out, he smiled at you. Suddenly, the huge and scary guy turned into a ray of sunshine. - "That's an interesting idea. Next time we'll be talking about mutiny, you have to bring it up." "Wait..." - You smiled, letting John stack all of the fabric into your open arms. - "You guys talk about mutiny a lot?" - "What pirate crew doesn't? A bit of mutiny talk always makes the time fly by faster." - And to this statement, you couldn't but agree. Wee John definitely had a point; it had to be so relaxing to sit down at the end of a long day, let everything out of the system, and fantasize about defeating their worst enemy. Who, in this case specifically, seemed to be Izzy.
You've decided to sew the sial back together on fresh air, sitting down on the deck while men were relaxing for a bit. Everything for the day had been completed and they decided to prepare the ship in the evening (for the said raid of the trading ship), so now, they have been allowed to rest for a bit. Frenchie was walking around with some kind of musical instrument in his hands, singing some tunes while other men played various card games. The instrument was clearly repaired a few times, but it was still somewhat making sounds - and as long as it made sounds, Frenchie was able to sing tunes. You realized you knew quite a lot of them. In the end, most of Frenchie's tunes were old folk songs. In a lot of cases, you've been even humming the melody as you pushed the needle through the rough fabric. At first, you've been scared of just sitting about, letting the evening sun smooth your skin; yet soon you learned that the captain comes out of his cabin rather once in a while. Before leaving the place that very morning (commanding his crew to scavage and rampage), they haven't seen his face in almost two weeks.
Slowly, the summer afternoon started to fade away into an evening and evening started to become nighttime. That was when you were supposed to bring captain a fresh batch of tea; which, according to the boys, was also very particular. Only Izzy had unlimited access to talk to the man as he pleased... And dear lord, you knew that baster pleased each second he could be hung onto Ed's nerves. He looked like that one kid who loves to climb up a teacher's arse - or, in this case, captain's. "Don't be worried." - Roach mumbled and helped you perfectly position everything on the silver platter; again, there was a whole kettle of boiling tea, a jug of milk, and a sugar bowl. This time, Roach even added a small bowl full of nuts and dried mandarine, which indeed looked very yummy. - "I think he was trying to scare you before. There's anything that can go wrong." "Blackbeard threatened me with painting his wall with my blood..." "Eh, to be fair, Ed loves to be dramatic." - Frenchie chimed in, taking one mandarine and pushing it into his mouth. - "I think Roach's right. Walk into the room, be confident just like you're around the rest of us, listen to his orders and for the love of God, don't break another tea set. We only have the super ugly one left. Thing's hideous."
With that, all of you turned your head in the direction of a wooden cabinet with glass filling - on the top shelf, there was this ugly brown-orange colored tea set... And it was extremely unpleasant to look at. With a horrified expression, you nodded and picked the tray up. - "Understood. Wish me luck, boys. See you in a moment." "That's the confidence we want to see, yea." - Roach smiled and watched you leave the kitchen. Frenchie leaned into the wooden counter and sighed, stretching the muscles on his neck. - "We talked about feelings and emotions... Me and her. Y/N actually seems to be kinda nice." "Oh, I know. You applied Stede's saying "sharing is caring"?" - Frenchie asked with an amused smile, having Roach shake his head as he walked out of the kitchen to check on all the bread you two had baked earlier that day.
You, on the other hand, walked through the tiny corridor, putting the tray aside so you could knock on the door. You've paced there for quite a moment before the captain even acknowledged the knocking; after three minutes of total silence, he invited you in, but not sparing you a single look. As you entered the cabin, you stopped yourself for a moment to look at the man sitting in front of you; before, you didn't have the balls nor the time to stare at him so unhinged, but you sure took your moment now - that evening, the cabin was pleasantly lit up since Blackbeard himself was leaning onto his desk, studying some documents. Upon walking closer, you've noticed he has multiple maps on his desk, studying each of them very closely.
Now, when you could actually see his face, he didn't look nearly as terrifying as you thought he'll be nor as the books described him. He actually didn't look like the monster you met earlier that day. This guy in front of you was a brand new person. The man had a rounded face, sharp jaws, and a pretty pronounced chin; his bone structure was very pleasant to look at. You've found yourself letting your eyes wander on his distinctive cheekbones and nose bridge, on his sharp lips and furrow, finally letting yourself look into the eyes that gave you one of the most spiteful and hateful looks you've ever seen on a man. And it almost knocked the air out of your lungs when you noticed that the spite and hate isn't there anymore; his eyes were now calm and warm, just like melted chocolate. Who was this man and what did he do to Blackbeard?
"What's taking you so fucking long, eh?" - The man growled all of a sudden, raising his eyes to spare you a look. He wasn't angry, really, he just seemed... Fucking exhausted. - "Why are you staring at me like that?" "I'm... Sorry, captain. I brought you your evening tea, just like you ordered me to." - With a sweet smile, you bowed a bit and approached the table to put the tray down. Confidence, confidence, confidence, you chanted inside your head as you tried to stay cool, just stay fucking confident, you're doing just fine. Blackbeard kept on watching as you moved around and prepared the tea set for him; his hair was covering a huge portion of the view, but you felt that he hadn't looked away for a second. - "And this is the courtesy of your chef." - You smiled, pointing your palm at the bowl. - "Would you like me to come to pick up the dishes later, captain?" When you asked this question, the man sighed loudly and leaned his back into the plushy chair, watching you with his eyes narrowed, furrowing even more than before. He caught his chin in his fingers, leaning his head into his palm.
"Listen to me very carefully. I won't ever repeat myself." - With that, Blackbeard quickly licked his lips and started to pour him some tea. - "I would like to apologize for what happened earlier. I wanted to scare you, but I think it was a bit of an overkill., I have no plans of killing you... Yet." - With that, his brown eyes pierced through you once more, sending you a clear warning - he could change his mind anytime and you had to be prepared and on guard. Who was this fucking man in front of you? This one seemed almost pleasant to be around, he seemed to be approachable and willing to listen to one's thoughts. Who was the bloodthirsty Blackbeard you met in the morning? Dear God, you've been becoming confused. But just as the boys thought, Blackbeard only intended to frighten you into obedience - he didn't mean it.
With a smile, you bowed a bit and started to leave the room. Now, you've felt million times lighten than before. Hearing him say this was amazing. - "And Mrs. Trott?" - The captain called out to you just as you were to close the wooden door. Nodding, you pushed your head back into the doorframe. - "Before we figure out what to do with you, I'd like you to be my tea brewer, are we clear? Bring me tea once in the morning, once in the evening. Forget one time and you're overboard." - Tea brewer? Of all the things you could be, Blackbeard wanted you to be his tea brewer. With confusion, you spared him one last look. It was a strange fucking function, but for all you cared, you could be a cleaning lady and you wouldn't be happier. "Yes, captain, we are perfectly clear. I'll pick up the dishes in the morning and bring you a fresh batch of tea." "Great. Now fuck off."
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joansutherlandfan · 2 years
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"Normally when I interview musicians, I manage to keep my inner fan well under control. Not with Sutherland. She was the nicest and most straightforward person you could ever imagine meeting. I even asked her for an autograph. I think she was the best bel canto soprano I'll ever hear: the vocal phenomenon of the post-war era indeed (as Lord Harewood had pronounced). And of plenty of others besides." Martin Kettle to the 'The Guardian', 2010. • #Portrait #Quotes #Opera #ClassicalMusic #BelCanto #Baroque #OperaSinger #InstaOpera • #Dramatic #Coloratura #Soprano #Dame #JoanSutherland #LaStupenda #LaStupendissima #Diva #PrimaDonna #Legend • #Composer • #Concert #Recital • #Costume #Stage #OperaHouse • #ROH #LaScala #MetOpera #SydneyOperaHouse  • #1960s https://www.instagram.com/p/CfeCL3QO-xW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ignitification · 3 years
pot (INFJ) @roses-bel-air-darling meet kettle (ENTP) @beware-thecrow: *chaos ensues*
me (INTP) staring:
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not-poignant · 2 years
Kadek stan anon here again, saying thanks for bringing my boy with his A game! He's my favourite person in the fic, in no small part because he's the only PoC in the fic, and who, like me, cannot fathom how people can live without a bag of bags. Also are induction cookers not a thing in this verse? Because I can't believe Kadek wouldn't suggest that.
Tbh we do have other POC in the fic, with skin colour descriptions and/or explicit cultural names? Han Yuen, Leo, Professor Adayemi, Dr Felicity Hope, nurse Kamon, Bel from the play party, and Kadek are all characters who've had speaking dialogue and they're all POC! There are others too, it's definitely not just Kadek, anon. Though he definitely has the most major role, but he isn't alone in not being white. It's awesome that you enjoy him so much though!
Also are induction cookers not a thing in this verse?
Induction cookers are a thing! But I don't think they'd be very safe for Efnisien to use all the same. I'd say by the time he's ready for an induction burner, he'd probably be ready for cooking over a stovetop in general.
I also think Efnisien absolutely the kind of person to just put his hand flat on an induction burner immediately after he's removed a pot and watch it burn. It's a lot harder to do those things with an electric kettle or a microwave in quite the same way. But also, I don't think Kadek is really interested in problem solving all of Efnisien's issues for him?
Like, a lot of people over the past two years have suggested slow cookers, induction cookers, air fryers etc. all ways to cook that are valid, without an open flame. There are a lot of different options for Efnisien! But he's got a partner who likes to cook, and another friend who likes to cook. And Efnisien has never actually flagged his inability to cook as an issue that needs to be fixed or solved (and it won't be by the end of this story, he's got bigger fish to fry - but not over an open flame), that's something people tend to assert over him, which is why I think he's a) never very excited when people comment on what he eats at home and b) isn't looking for solutions.
I do like that Kadek has officially started a new 'bag of bags' collection, lol. Efnisien does keep bags, but I don't think it's occurred to him to fold up bags and put them in another bag, lmao. They're probably all stuffed together at the bottom of his cupboard. :D
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ani-also-ashton · 3 years
Hulu’s taking off Kamisama Kiss soon so here’s me reacting to it X3 - Part 3
Season one, Episode Four
that hug always fricken gets me ToT
*the episode starts off with people freaking out over a harmless snake* *disapproving reptile enthusiast noises*
Nanami: “white snakes are said to be messengers of the gods, you guys are risking divine retribution.” You tell ‘em girl!!
my girl Nanami be both matchmaking and advocating for humane wildlife treatment *wipes tear*
I swear this episode is the reason Imma pay $400 someday for a BEL ball python XDDD
lmao I love the juxtaposition from Nanami simply wondering about her arm to “THE GOD IS   K I D N A P P E D”—-
and of course my boi be making a five star meal for best girl TwT
damn this is making me realize how attractive good cooking is—
and of course Tomoe goes straight from slandering Nanami to inspecting her arm—
Tomoe is all “pffst! You think I truly care for you outside my familiar duties, even in the sligh– what is that come here give me your arm I need to help you”—
bruh how does Tomoe know about the marital mark of snakes so well?? Is there something you aren’t telling us Tomoe—
oh snap and then he acting jealous mmhmm he know too well 'bout this—
I can’t tell if he’s more mad at the snake or at Nanami—
Tomoe all “I need to rescue Nanami or I’ll lose my reputation” mhmm there isn’t  a n y other reason you wanna keep her safe—
ahahah and now Tomoe’s all “it’s amazing how many dramatic scenarios you humans can create” after reading her manga, okay pot calling the kettle black–
teacher: “this is our transfer student, Tomoe Mikage” OMG HE USED IT AS HIS LAST NAME MY  H E A R T—-
*Nanami’s classmates crowding around Tomoe* OOP now she the jealous one—
ahh but such a wholesome studying scene after uwu
dammnn and then a sick burn on Mizuki from his own goddess ouch—
ok,,,,, and I mean this in the nicest way possible,,,,,, but those shrine spirits look like Kirishima—
*Nanami thinking of Tomoe’s promise to protect her* “……he lied” ASDUSDHSADHHFISUHDSKHFSHFKASFHKDK—
Nanami: Do you know Tomoe?
Mizuki: I’ve known him for a lot longer than you have…
👀  👀  👀
omfg I can FEEL Mizuki’s heart breaking when Nanami gently pushes him away—
I mean he was being invasive so I get it bUT STILL—
…okay nevermind he’s officially being a creep—
mizuki’s face literally went D:
Tomoe: “you’re safe now, thank goodness…” Nanami, teary eyed: “…. you’re late"—
damn Tomoe be dealing with the same fox slandering from Zootopia wtf—
oh shit Tomoe be burning Mizuki both literally and figuratively—
aw damn a sad dramatic flashback U_U
Mizuki, smiling: “It’s the most precious thing I own because she loved it…” …..damn onions—-
……and I have nothing else to say that last scene was a masterpeice and I loved it 💯💯💯
okay so I know I just said in the last post I didn’t know when I’d be able to keep these up …….. but I wanted to do just a couple more XDD This is probably gonna be the last one for now, but don’t be surprised if the next one pops up real soon. Tysm for reading!!! :)
(also this is a repost to fix some spelling mistakes lmao X3)
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backbracebruin · 4 years
JK Rowling deserves all the criticism and heat she's getting and so much more, for a number of things, her trans-exclusionary beliefs chief among them. A lot of people are saying much more eloquent statements about how damaging being transphobic and/or a TERF is than I ever could, especially those who directly feel the affects of such harmful and ill-informed rhetoric.
I don't want to speak of the experiences of trans folks, as I am not one, but I would like to address her statements about being a victim of domestic abuse and sexual assault, as those are two things I have experiences with myself; and how I think she is using those as a buffer from criticism for her hateful words and actions.
As a victim/survivor (whichever words you choose to identify with, because that's a whole other kettle of fish) of trauma, specifically abuse or assult, your brain learns to make associations. People who have spent time in war zones hearing shellfire, for example, frequently react negatively to hearing loud sounds like fireworks or a car backfiring, once they are in a different environment. When you've been assaulted or abused, either ongoing or in an isolated incident, your brain makes connections to things that you remember about those events and they often take on negative connotations, either consciously or subconsciously.
After fifteen years of domestic abuse, it took a long time and a lot of therapy to realize that I didn't have to associate every type of touch as negative. I was 27 before I would willingly give or receive a hug. I had to realize it's not an inherent danger for anyone to be walking behind me, even friends and family. I now know that if someone puts their hands on my shoulders in a comforting manner, it does not mean they are going to strangle me.
My abuser was a cis man, and while I can agree that the fact that they as a demographic wield essentially most of the power in the majority of spaces, it does me no good to make a sweeping generalization that every single one of them is going to harm me. There are discussions to be had and that are being had about diversity and inclusion in all facets of life to elevate others to the same status that cis men have, but that is not the point I am trying to make. The point is that because my abuser was a cis man, because I have only ever been sexually assaulted by cis men, I had created the association that not only were they not to be trusted, but that their purpose was to hurt me, and I had to unlearn that.
Making that sweeping generalization may be okay when we're looking at systems of power and how to fix them so that they are not so imbalanced, but on a personal level, it is a very dangerous way to think. Because when I read JK Rowling's statements about her experiences with assault and abuse, it seems clear to me that she uses her association with her abusers -men- as a way to justify her argument that anyone she defines as a man is inherently a danger to anyone who she defines as a woman. I look at her and I see her making those claims, and I see someone who has not properly gone through the therapeutic process. I think it's safe to say that ALL women and those that are female-presenting have felt the same fear at some point in their lives in the presence of a man. It's not specific to people she classifies as biologally women.
I suppose my ultimate point here is that I find it disgusting that she is using her trauma as an excuse to diminish transwomen, to limit their rights, privileges, and safe places in society, and to feed into the narrative that transwomen are still just fundamentally men.
I keep thinking about that tweet about having suffered and thinking you turned out fine. JK might have suffered and think she turned out fine, but if she's okay with the fact that trans-women experience suffering as well, then I don't think she turned out fine. I certainly don't support her in any way, but I hope she looks inwards at the origins of her hateful and baseless beliefs, puts in the work, and tries to change, because unfortunately she is still an influential person to a lot of others.
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idecolors · 7 months
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