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Ini dia Film Paling Populer Sepanjang masa , Wajib Ditonton sekali seumur hidup
Hai, sobat film mania! Siapa di sini yang suka banget nonton film? Pasti banyak yang angkat tangan, kan? Nggak heran sih, karena film tuh emang bisa bikin kita lupa waktu dan tempat. Ya, film menjadi hiburan yang sudah ada sejak lama. Sejak film pertama diproduksi hingga saat ini, ternyata terdapat beberapa judul film yang dapat label terbaik. Pemberian label film terbaik bisa didasarkan pada…
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waarom nederlands beter is dan engels, door victor frölke
Wacht, is er ook al geen woord voor ‘hals’ in het Engels? Toch best een belangrijk lichaamsdeel zou je zeggen. Throat is echt iets anders, en neck is, nou ja, een nek.
Mijn stokpaardje aan de borrel- en eettafel, als het weer eens over de teloorgang van het Nederlands gaat, is dat het Engels geen woord voor ‘gunnen’ heeft, ook best een belangrijk woord. In ieder geval voor ons, de gebruikers. Voor ‘misgunnen’ hebben Engelstaligen dan wel weer een woord: begrudge.
Laatst had ik Amerikaanse vrienden te eten, en hoewel mijn Engels niet slecht is (dat denkt elke Nederlander, niet altijd terecht), stond ik toch weer met een mond vol tanden (heerlijke uitdrukking), toen ik ze „smakelijk eten” wilde wensen. Aan enjoy heb ik een broertje dood (idem); dat vind ik ook meer iets voor een masseuse om te zeggen, voor de happy ending.
Legio zijn uiteraard de gevallen waarin wij geen woord hebben voor bijzonder nuttige Engelse begrippen. Uiteraard, want als native Dutch speakers weten wij maar al te goed waar onze taal tekortschiet. Het Nederlands barst van de Engelse leenwoorden. Privacy is een bekende, understatement een andere. Maar wat te denken van anal? Ik merk dat die term nog niet helemaal is ingeburgerd. Wie iemand die eindeloos doorgaat over details toevoegt: ���Doe niet zo anal!”, kan rekenen op een opgetrokken wenkbrauw. Ik heb dat woord overgehouden aan mijn tijd in New York, de hoofdstad van de naoorlogse psychoanalyse. Anal verwijst naar Freuds anale fase, het betekent zoiets als anaalgefixeerd, waarmee hij gedrag probeerde te verklaren dat thans als OCD, ofwel obsessive compulsive disorder, te boek staat. Denk: smetvrees.
Ik probeer aan te tonen dat het Nederlands beter is dan het Engels – een impopulair standpunt in een tijd van overvloedig Engels, of beter: Globish, die imperfecte variant die non native speakers van het Engels brouwen in alle hoeken van de wereld. Ons gorgeltaaltje heeft dankzij film, televisie en muziek sowieso al veel Engels te verduren, maar sinds het internet, en in het bijzonder YouTube en de sociale media de belangrijkste hangplek van de jeugd is geworden, is het hek van de dam.
Linguïstische overgave
‘Nice, nice, maar what the...? Niet dat ik je wil accusen van something, maar zit je me nu te dissen?’ Ik parafraseer hier mijn puberzoon in een moment van ongetwijfeld terechte verontwaardiging. Dit is geen leentaal meer, dit is regelrechte linguïstische overgave.
Mijn tienjarige dochter liet onlangs trots haar rapport zien. Twee G'tjes voor Engels. Wacht even, Engels, op een lagere schoolrapport? Onderwijskundigen lijken unaniem in hun standpunt dat een kind zich niet vroeg genoeg kan voorbereiden op een wereld die, whether you like it or not, (Amerikaans-)Engels spreekt. Maar is dat wel zo wijs, nu vertaalprogramma's steeds beter worden en AI op allerlei manieren kan worden ingezet om een boodschap over te brengen? Je zou kunnen beweren dat het beter is om je eigen taal zo goed mogelijk te beheersen, dan te investeren in een vreemde taal waarinje nooit zo goed wordt als een native speaker.
Er is geen land, vermoed ik, dat zich zo bereidwillig toont zijn belangrijkste cultuurproduct – taal – bij het grofvuil te zetten. Het tij is aan het keren, om te beginnen in de academische wereld, waar wordt getwijfeld of het wel zo’n goed idee is om Engels als voertaal te nemen, ook nu er grenzen worden gesteld aan de instroom van buitenlandse studenten. Zeker, de belangrijkste wetenschappelijke vakbladen zijn Engelstalig, en vooral Amerikaanse universiteiten slagen er nog altijd in om de rest van de wereld te doen geloven dat zij de slimste mensen in huis hebben, maar Franse Taal- en Letterkunde doceren in het Engels aan een Nederlandse universiteit, omdat de meerderheid van de studenten geen Nederlands verstaat, is van de zotte. Je hoeft geen verstokte onderbuiknationalist te zijn om de algehele uitverkoop van het Nederlands af te keuren.
„Pak je weg, galgebrok!”, lezen mijn dochter en ik in De scheepsjongens van Bontekoe, een honderd jaar oude, en nog steeds leesbare avonturenroman van Johan Fabricius – afgezien van het endemische racisme van die tijd. „Pak je weg, galgebrok”, dat is toch veel leuker dan „Fuck off, asshole?”
Nederlands is een prachttaal, maar er wordt te weinig reclame voor gemaakt
Nederlands is een prachttaal, maar er wordt te weinig reclame voor gemaakt. Het kernvak op middelbare scholen lijkt te zijn ontworpen om elke liefde voor deze taal van meet af aan uit het tienerhart te stampen. In plaats van de diversiteit en vindingrijkheid van ons kleine taaltje te ‘showcasen’ (sic), wordt eindeloos gehamerd op grammatica en tekstverklaren.
Boooring! En hoewel ik het nut van tekstverklaren heus inzie – leent een vak als geschiedenis, maatschappijleer of, nog beter, filosofie, zich niet veel beter om logisch te leren nadenken? Laat leerlingen bij Nederlands een hiphoptekst schrijven, laat ze een scène uit Shameless vertalen, laat ze een vlog maken over archaïsche uitdrukkingen die hun (groot?-)ouders gebruiken, zoals (drie van mijn favorieten): in de aap gelogeerd zijn, ergens een punthoofd van krijgen en (uit het Fries): men moet het zeil niet hoger hijsen dan de mast.
Als het inderdaad zo is dat creativiteit onze belangrijkste skill (sorry) moet worden in een door AI geregeerde wereld, kunnen we maar beter zo diep mogelijk putten uit onze rijke moedertaal. Volgens sommigen is het Nederlands zelfs rijker dan het Engels omdat ons Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal meer lemma's zou kennen (maar dat kan ook liggen aan het fanatisme der woordenboeksamenstellers).
Sure, ook ik blijf een liefhebber van het Engels, de taal die ons niet alleen de onvergelijkelijke schatkamer van Shakespeare heeft geschonken, maar ook, zoals ik onlangs een Brit op de BBC hoorde zeggen, een puntige zinsnede als to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic – iets nutteloos doen dat aan de uitkomst van de situatie niets verandert. Ik hoop niet dat ik, door een pleidooi te houden voor het Nederlands, precies dat aan het doen ben.
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Landscape helps capture the forms in which nations and movements literally and figuratively 'construct' or 'produce' nature, engineering its appearance and infusing it with significations—rendering landscape a 'cultural practice' rather than a given fact. Here landscape is both an object of investigation and a site of intervention; the very medium within which power and resistance are represented and conducted. Put differently, landscape is far from a neutral backdrop but is rather activated, serving as the medium of violence. Dispossession, deforestation, planting, land-grabbing, and acquisitions, privatization, re-modeling, clearance, or the destruction of infrastructures of life, including food sources, buildings, or supplies, all mobilize the landscape in their domination.
Representations of Middle Eastern and North African landscapes nearly invariably include desolate scenes of endless empty and parched deserts, decorated perhaps with an isolated string of camels, or a beach with large mounds of golden sand, a minaret, or an oil tower in the background. The temporality and general impression of these landscapes is slow, hazy, and dizzying, as if they are waiting for 'activation' by someone or something outside of it. Whether reproduced in academic scholarship, literature, film, tourist advertisements, or news media, these imagined colonial representations of the region's landscape place the environment centrally within them, projecting an understanding of the Middle East and North Africa as marginal, on the edge of ecological viability or as a degraded landscape facing imminent disaster due to human inaction. With this, an environmental imaginary enabled storytelling that pushed forward imperial interests in the name of 'development' and, later, of environmental 'sustainability' and 'protection.' In the case of the constructed 'Middle East,' as Diana K. Davis explains,
"Deforestation narratives have been particularly strong in the Levant region since the nineteenth century, where some of the most emotional accounts of forest destruction have hinged on the presumed widespread destruction of the Lebanese cedar forests illustrated in the cover image by Louis-François Cassas. Similar narratives of overgrazing and desertification were used during the British Mandate in Palestine to justify forestry policies as well as laws aimed at controlling nomads, such as the 1942 Bedouin control ordinance, in the name of curbing overgrazing. Such environmental imaginaries, once constructed, can be extremely tenacious and have surprisingly widespread effects."
In Palestine, the construction of an 'Israeli landscape' to redeem the purported damage done to the land by its indigenous population commenced with the first Zionist settlers in the nineteenth century and intensified with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Reflected in former Prime Minister David Ben Gurion's 1951 public address to the newly formed Israeli Knesset (Parliament):
"We must wrap all the mountains of the country and their slopes in trees, all the hills and stony lands that will not succeed in agriculture, the dunes of the coastal valley, the dry lands of the Negev to the east and south of Baer Sheva, that is to say all of the land of Edom and the Arava until Eilat. We must also plant for security reasons, along all the borders, along all the roads, routes, and paths, around public and military buildings and facilities [ . . . ] We will not be faithful to one of the two central goals of the state—making the wilderness bloom—if we make do with only the needs of the hour [ . . . ] We are a state at the beginning of repairing the corruption of generations, corruption which was done to the nation and corruption which was done to the land."
This 'Israeli landscape' was largely cultivated through the multifaceted and by now well-documented eco-colonial practices of the quasi-governmental Israeli organization, Keren Kayemet L'Yisrael, the Jewish National Fund (JNF), which has since made striking efforts to position Israel as an environmental pioneer. Established in 1901, the JNF may very well be the first transnational environmental nationalist NGO, seeking to 'make the desert bloom' by planting forests, natural reserves, and recreational parks over the ruins of Palestinian villages, holy places, and historical sites. Distinguishing itself from other transnational Zionist organizations, such as the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency, the JNF has since its inception portrayed itself as an environment-oriented nationalist organization, supporting the 'redemption' and 'reclamation' of the land through colonial policies presented in the language of preservation, maintenance, protection, and development of vital ecosystems and ecologically sound environments. Indeed, its public-facing promotional materials boast proudly that "Israel is the only country in the world that entered the twenty-first century with a net gain in the number of trees"—without context, of course, of the ways in which trees and the 'greened' landscape in the country are mobilized as weapons of erasure as part of a colonial imaginary that naturalizes non-Palestinian presence.
Shourideh C. Molavi, Environmental Warfare in Gaza: Colonial Violence and New Landscapes of Resistance
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The novel with the story and characters I like the most
1. MALIOBORO at MIDNIGHT by skysphire
Cerita dalam novel ini berpusat kepada Serana Nighita Slavina. Dia seorang mahasiswi ya, bukan mamahnya cipung abubu acikule. Selain Serana Nighita, cerita ini juga memunculkan male lead yang keren. Namanya Malioboro Hartigan. Keren ya namanya, walau kayak nama jalan wkwkwkwkwk. Tapi selain namanya yang keren, orangnya juga keren. Dia bisa bikin hidup Serana Nighita jadi lebih berwarna.
Serana punya pacar. Namanya Jan Ichard, seorang artis yang lagi viral. Maka dari itu, dia harus rela LDR dengan pacarnya yang sedang merintis karirnya di Jakarta. Namun seperti yang kita tahu, hubungan LDR itu sulit. Akan banyak sekali kesalahpahaman dan kurangnya komunikasi. Disaat hubungan Serana dengan pacarnya tidak baik-baik saja, datanglah seorang Malioboro Hartigan dengan sejuta perlakuan yang bikin Serana nyaman dengannya.
Sebenarnya di novel ini tidak ada yang salah. Hanya ada kesalah pahaman aja. Tapi namanya juga jodoh, ngga akan kemana. Ya kan Malio? Wkwkwkwk.
Kalau ditanya siapa tokoh fiksi yang paling ku sukai, sudah pasti jawabannya. MALIOBORO HARTIGAN.
Jujur suka banget sama tokoh Malio. Siapa coba yang bisa nolak seorang Malioboro Hartigan? Cowok yang suka dengerin lagu EXO gara-gara orang yang ditaksir alias Serana suka banget sama Exo, bahkan ngumpulin film barbie buat Serana kalau lagi sedih. Tapi kelakuan Malio yang paling bikin baper tuh foto polaroid alias cctv Malio dan sticky note yang ditempel di dinding kamar apartemen Malio.
Novel ini rekomendasi banget buat kalian yang suka sama cowok tengil, baik hati, tidak sombong, dan suka menabung seperti Malio.
2. Hello Cello by Nadia Ristivani
Sejujurnya aku emang suka banget sama novel fiksi. Kita ngga butuh pacar buat merasakan butterfly era. Jadi rekomendasiku yang kedua yaitu Hello Cello karya Ristivani. Yang kedua ini male ladenya ngga kalah keren. Seorang Marcello Este. Orangnya perhatian abis apalagi sama cewek. Saking perhatiannya dia dikata ‘buaya darat’. Katanya, siapapun yang dideketin Cello artinya dia cantik. Helga sempet geer karena dideketin Cello, tapi ternyata dia minta nomor temennya Helga. Jadinya Helga dari awal ketemu udah trust issue dulu sama Cello. Tapi Cello ini pinter deketin Helganya.
Lagi-lagi cowoknya tengil. Tapi ketengilan Cello ini tuh, bikin gemezzz dan baper parah. Cello bakalan jadi orang pertama yang nolongin Helga dari masalah-masalahnya. Image manja Cello sebagai anak terakhir yang selalu dimanja akan luntur ketika dia berhadapan dengan Helga si anak pertama yang butuh sandaran.
Kalau aku sih lebih suka Malio. Kalau kalian lebih suka siapa?
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
And the plot thickens, thanks for sharing this I appreciate it!
I had a sneaky feeling that they had something to do with this in one way or another
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I have a lot to say about Eurovision this year and not in a happy way.
Regardless of your political stances on Palestine-Israel, the behaviour of the Israeli delegation and press was absolutely disgusting.
There are several reports of the delegation filming and taking pictures of contestants without their consent.
An example is Joost Klein (Dutch entry) (seperate from the "incident" that got him disqualified as confirmed by Cornald Maas, member of Dutch delegation), who was filmed without consent by Keren Peles, who wrote the Israeli entry and was a member of their delegation. Peles put the video on her Instagram story, branded him as anti-semitic and seemed to try and provoke him by asking why he was not on stage. (Source: her instagram stories, @IsrBreaksRules on X)
I have also seen videos I am unfortunately unable to find as of right now of Bambie Thug (the Irish entry) being filmed without their consent.
This was such an issue that Nemo (Switzerland), Bambie Thug (Ireland) and Marina Satti (Greece) refused to walk in the rehearsals for the flag parade and Bambie missed their dress rehearsals entirely in an effort to get the EBU to take it seriously. (Source: Bambie Thug's instagram stories of 11 May 2024)
Kan (Israeli broadcasting network) broke the rules of conduct, this was confirmed by the ebu. An Israeli commentator spoke about Bambie Thug in such a disrespectful way (purposely using incorrect pronouns, calling them a monster) that they filed several complaints. (Source: Bambie Thug instagram stories)
Spanish journalist Juan Ma was intimidated and harrased by Israeli journalists over his pro-Palestine stance and stated he had never felt so unsafe at Eurovision after attending for 11 YEARS (Source: @juanmafdez on X). It was bad enough for the Spanish delegation to go to the EBU directly and not just complain about the incident but demand better enforced safety for press and freedom of speech. (Source: @rtve_com on X)
Even if you are on Israel's side in the Israel-Palestine war, you cannot deny this is disgusting, unprofessional and above all unacceptable behaviour. It is not anti-semitic to call that out and it is ridiculous the EBU has done so little to protect the artists and press from this poor excuse of whatever they were trying to do.
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
what a coincidence that the camera woman was Israeli ☠☠ All this because he just asked "why not?" and didn't want to be filmed. I feel horrible for Joost, this was his lifelong dream and he got completely fucked over all because he openly doesn't support genocide. At least Israel didn't win if they did it would've genuinely been a dystopian nightmare 🤦♀️
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
I heard yea, I wouldnt be suprised at all sadly..
Thank god Switzerland won atleast
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
the lengths at which they went to defend and prioritize israel this year is beyond sickening, they turned a blind eye when the israeli teams were harassing the majority of the artists but gave out the severest punishment to holland for the literally same behavior - all because they don’t want to lose their biggest sponsor.
To say that Eurovision (which once stood as a sign of solidarity, living in harmony and celebrating each other’s differences)has lost its meaning and purpose, is too little.
You can’t turn a blind eye to genocide just because it’s not happening on your soil. You can’t disqualify the Netherlands for the same actions, which you won’t disqualify Israel for. You can’t ban Russia and let Israel perform without being a hypocrite.
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
didn’t know that but it’s definitely fucked up 💀you’re just giving me more reasons to get angry at the favoritism they gave to 1sr4el this year. I HATE how they kicked out Russia without hesitation when the war started (which was deserved, but Russia was an actual EUROPEAN COUNTRY) but didn’t kick out Israel (non European country) even if they did some bad shits. A LOT of bad shits. i’m still trying to understand why 1sr4el was even competing and why joost klein was sued FOR NOTHING (i didn’t even like his song much BUT I STILL THINK it’s terrible how they sued him for nothing.)
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
My blog has now become the TMZ of unconfirmed Eurovision rumors.
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Israeli films with female protagonists.
Zero Motivation (2014) dir. Talya Lavie
A unit of female Israeli soldiers at a remote desert base bide their time as they count down the minutes until they can return to civilian life.
Cinema Sabaya (2021) dir. Orit Fouks Rotem
Eight women, Arab and Jewish, take part in a video workshop hosted by Rona, young filmmaker. With each camera take, the group dynamic forces the women to challenge their beliefs as they get to know one other.
Jellyfish (2007) dir. Shira Geffen & Etgar Keret
Jellyfish tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.
Blush (2015) dir. Michal Vinik
Trying to escape her tumultuous home life, Naama, 17, indulges in alcohol and drugs, but everything changes when she meets a sexy, free-spirited new girl at school and the two become more than fast friends.
Atomic Falafel (2015) dir. Dror Shaul
Two girls from nuclear towns in Israel and Iran spill their countries most valuable secrets on Facebook while trying to prevent a nuclear crisis.
Kiss Me Before It Blows Up/Kiss Me Kosher (2020) dir. Shirel Peleg
When two generations of Israeli women fall for a German woman and a Palestinian man, chaos follows. What happens with lovers who don't fit--but do belong together?
Red Cow (2018) dir. Tsivia Barkai
Red Cow is a coming-of-age film that takes place in the days leading up to the assassination of Rabin and depicts the life of Benny, 16, orphaned from mother at birth and the only child of Joshua - a religious, right-wing extremist, in those critical junctures when she is forming her sexual, religious and political awareness.
Sand Storm (2016) dir. Elite Zexer
A Bedouin village in Northern Israel. When Jalila’s husband marries a second woman, Jalila and her daughter’s world is shattered, and the women are torn between their commitment to the patriarchal rules and being true to themselves.
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
fuck the ebu
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Review Sotoy: Home Sweet Loan
Disclaimer: mungkin reviewnya (seperti biasa) bakal sedikit spoiler, sangat subjektif dan sotoy. Skip aja kalau ngerasa terganggu atau pengen nonton tanpa spoiler.
Sebenernya film ini gak masuk watchlistku, soalnya waktu liat sinopsis dan review orang-orang udah tau kalau film ini pasti bakal bikin aku ketrigger. Tadinya jadwal nontonku bulan ini bakal dipakai buat nonton film 'Bolehkah Sekali Saja Ku Menangis?' (yang pastinya bisa bikin nangis banjir juga), tapi mumpung lagi di nangor, dan ternyata ada jadwal yang cocok, bioskopnya juga gak semahal di Bandung, akhirnya dimulai lagi 'ritual' nonton sendiri waktu lagi banyak pikiran. Rasanya pas aja gitu, kayak semesta mendukung aku buat impulsif. Film BSSKM (si sotoy asal nyingkat aja) bisa ditonton nanti lah ya. Tunggu aja episode impulsif selanjutnya 🙃
Film ini punya premis yang menarik dan sangat relate sama kaum menengah ke bawah yang mimpinya pengen banget punya rumah —in this economy 🥲
Masalah keluarga dan sandwich generationnya juga diangkat dengan baik dan believable. Jadi tau tips milih rumah dan lika-liku KPR juga.
Banyak momen kocak juga, kayak waktu tokoh utamanya teriak lepas sambil marah-marah pas naik wahana di dufan, waktu lagi bareng sama temen-temennya atau waktu lagi survey rumah.
Tapi sebanyak-banyaknya momen kocak, lebih banyak lagi momen sedih yang bikin aku mikir, "iya lagi, sedih banget jadi Kaluna".
Belum apa-apa, di scene-scene awal aja udah nangis dikit, bisa banget ngerasain perasaan Kaluna yang udah cape kerja tapi masih harus cuci piring, beresin rumah, dan gak ada yang peduli. Scene Kaluna 'digusur' dari kamarnya sendiri dan kehilangan personal spacenya, dipaksa ngalah dan memaklumi semuanya juga bikin nangis banjir. Scene waktu kaluna bingung harus gimana tapi gak mau cerita ke temen-temennya juga relate dikit sih.
Pokoknya dikit-dikit nangis sampe mata perih, mana gak bawa tisu lagi. Sutradaranya pinter banget mainin emosi penonton. Apalagi waktu ada kejadian penipuan, hutang dan perpinjolan, sampe dia kabur dari rumah, wah kacau sih sesenggukannya. Waktu masing-masing keluarganya minta maaf ke Kaluna juga ngena banget, apalagi waktu ayahnya bilang "maafin bapak ya, bapak udah gagal jadi ayah", nangis lagi deh aku.
Iya sih udah niat pengen nangis, tapi gak nyangka kalau bakal senangis itu. Untung kanan-kiriku juga nangis, jadi gak malu nangis sendirian (mungkin mereka juga bingung waktu aku nangis pas di scene yang seharusnya gak bikin sedih, wkwk).
Soundtrack film ini juga nyebelin banget, tapi bakal masuk playlist bulan ini sih! Banyak lagu-lagu familiar dan biasa aku denger kalau lagi di jalan. Ada lagu-lagu yang secara spesifik ngingetin aku sama waktu-waktu tertentu, yang bikin sesek juga. Original sountracknya juga kacau, walau bukan sandwich generation, tapi cukup relate juga denganku.
"Mengalah walau bukan aku yang salah. Membisu saat semua sibuk beradu. Walau tak rela pun kubantu",
—idgitaf beneran kacau sih.
Penempatan lirik buat mendukung adegannya juga pas banget. Berkali-kali lepas kacamata karena kelilipan air mata sendiri, sampai capek dan ngebatin, "udah dong nangisnya, gak bawa tisu nih". Kan jadi serba salah, kalau pake kacamata jadi ribet nyeka air matanya, tapi kalau lepas kacamata malah gak bisa liat 🙂
Part manis nya juga ada banget. Porsinya cukup, pas aja gitu. Suka sama dinamika Kaluna-Danan, dan akhir yang sederhana tapi penuh makna. Danan yang nemenin Kaluna survey rumah, main ke seaworld, sepeduli itu sama Kaluna, tapi gak bikin suasana jadi canggung. Mungkin bias juga karena aku masih keinget waktu Derby jadi Sadam, wkwk. Jujur salah satu alasan mau nonton juga karena Derby yang main, hehe. Tapi Danan keren sih, berusaha jadi temen yang baik dan menghargai semua keputusan Kaluna. Tolong sisain satu yang kayak Danan+Sadam, ya Allah 🙏🏻🙂
Intinya, film ini sangat relate buat kaum menengah ke bawah macam aku, sampe capek dibikin nangis terus dari awal sampai akhir. Masalah keluarganya juga sedikit banyak relate denganku, walau kasusnya beda, tapi rasa nyeseknya sama. Resolusi ceritanya juga make sense dan sangat bisa diterima. Kayaknya kalau udah masuk ott bakal selalu aku rewatch tiap pengen nangis wkwk
Bagus pake banget!
Oh iya, ada analogi bagus juga di film ini, tentang kelomang yang hilang, cuma ketemu cangkangnya aja waktu lagi nyapu, dan akhirnya dapet rumah baru di akhir film, yang ngegambarin lika-liku dan kondisi Kaluna juga. Sotoy sih, tapi boleh lah anabelnya.
Rating: 8.6 bawang bombai / 10 🥲
Catatan: btw, sebelum mulai ada trailer film BSSKM yang mau ditonton berapa kali pun tetep bikin nangis dikit, dan film Jumbo yang (sudah diduga) bagus banget! Gak sabar buat ketemu Jumbo tahun depan 🫶🏻
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The Dutch commentators have indirectly confirmed that the lady that filed the charges agaibst Joost Klein was Keren Peles. She is allegedly the one who filmed him without permission. Peles wrote Israels song Hurricane.
I'm sure more info about this whole 'incident' will come out these days.
Until then? Thank you anon for the ask, but I will refrain myself from believing stuff without more sources backing it up. Not because I don't believe you, but because there's been a lot of misinformation and theories during these days. I would like for the waters to clean up a little, so people wouldn't say things out of hate but because they're actually facts.
#anon ask#I won't answer another ask about Eurovision as I want to finally move on from this shit show#I've heard so many versions of why Joost got disqualified that my head straight up hurts#Whatever it was done with bad intentions or not it doesn't really matter right now. The demage has been done already#Everyone's been talking about the Dutch commentator I wish I understood the language to be able to watch the Eurovision with his#commentaries lol
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come back... be here | ni-ki
✧ synopsis: working at a cafe can be really fun: the customers being nice, cracking jokes with your coworkers, singing while brewing coffee and so on. but it's even more fun when two members of the staff bicker and fight all day and keep everyone entertained. that's what hybe cafe is like, thanks to ni-ki and y/n.
⋆09 mean girls (written 0.9k)
while watching a film, eunchae had one thing on her mind: how to bring up the topic she wanted to discuss with her best friend.
it wasn’t like it was difficult for her to talk with ni-ki. actually it was the easiest person to talk with. they also had known each other for such a long time that awkadìrdness did not exist between them.
either way, eunchae wanted to bring up the topic but the boy was focused on the film. i mean, sure mean girls was a really good film but ni-ki was obsessed with it for some reason. he loved karen. in his words “keren is the stereotype of a girl that just hasn't found her thing and for that reason she is painted as someone that is stupid and doesn’t use her brain. it's a pretty misogynistic view and i like to think that people that think of women like that are also the people that never found their thing and kinda relate to her character, but unlike her, they never made it in life and found their passion and have a boring, sad life”
he was very passionate about it. so it isn’t hard to imagine why it is difficult to distract him from the movie.
“so ni-ki, is the film hitting like usual?” asked eunchae
“this movie can never not hit. it’s always so good and perfect. i love it” he said, without taking his eyes off of the tv.
“can i ask you something?”
“is it something quick?”
“not really to be honest”
“ohhh then its important. im gonna stop the movie” he said, finally turning his attention to his friend. he stopped the film and put the popcorn aside. “what is it?”
eunchae waited for a second to think about her next words “ you know your private twitter?”
“yeah, what about it”
“you have been doing something pretty suspicious lately” she said carefully
“you mean quote retweeting y/n’s tweets?” he said, raising a brow.
“i knew you would ask me about it. either it was going to be you who questioned me or jake”
“so, do you want to talk about it?”
“i think so??”
he was a bit troubled. he wanted to keep that thought to himself in some ways. but that desire was thrown away the moment he started retweeting stuff on twitter (or x maybe??? he still wasn't used to that name). but he also knew, and jake had made that very clear the other day, that keeping stuff to himself too much would end up badly. so he came to the conclusion that talking with one of his best friends, was the best decision.
“you probably know that i feel… i don’t know, i feel somewhat jealous of y/n” said ni-ki. he was being careful
“what do you mean?”
“i dont know…” he paused for a second “i feel jealous when i see her talking and bantering with other people”
“i see what you mean” responded eunchae
“i think it as our thing” he took a deep breath “annoying each other, i mean”
eunchae nodded in agreement
“and after a while i kinda realized that that is not something people usually think about their so called enemy” his gaze went to the ground and his hands started to play with the hem of his dark gray t-shirt. he was nervous
“that how people feel about their crush, i think”
there where a few seconds of silence, until eunchae decided to finally break it.
“you have finally come to that conclusion ah”
ni-ki looked at her weirdly “what do you mean?”
“ever since you started working at hybe cafe, i noticed that you talked about y/n a lot, especially for her to just be the one coworker you hated”
“so you knew before me” he was looking at her with slight disbelief in his gaze
“i mean yeah… i know you better than anyone else, so it’s not weird for me to notice it before you. and also you were and still are a obvious” she admitted
“ok now, what do you mean by that? i feel like i hid it well”
“not from jake and i”
“ohh shut up! i’m not that bad!” he smiled, the tension having left room for a while now
“bro, you don’t get it! when you are with her you keep on scrunching your nose to hide the smiles: and your cheeks get so red sometimes! its kinda cute to be honest with you” she replied with a smile similar to her best friend
“bro i’m literally not cute what do you mean? i am a manly man” he replied
“sure manly man, go back to watching mean girls now” eunchae said laughing
“sure thing” responded ni-ki, grabbing his popcorns from the side and putting the movie back on.
eunchae grabbed her hot chocolate with whipped cream and drank a bit of it. she looked at her best friend proudly: he had finally come to terms with the crush he had been developing for months
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✧ note: he did it everyone!!!!
✦ ad time: also CHECK OUT LI AND I'S SIDE BLOG about enha if they were italian
and here is my FRUIT FICS
✧ taglist: open! ask to be added @juyomiao @bambangan @jungw0naftalina
#。゚☁︎。⋆ ray writes#☁︎ come back... be here ☁︎#enhypen x reader#enhypen scenarios#enhypen smau#enhypen fic#enhypen social media au#enhypen fluff#ni-ki smau#ni-ki fluff#ni-ki scenarios#ni-ki x reader#enhypen#ni-ki
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