#kept asking the same questions over n over which is. you know the basics. but it's truly so hard i used to talk to her for over two hours
fadeintoyou1993 · 2 months
visited my grandma at the care home today 🫶🏽 good to see her altho everytime i leave i have to think Don't borrow grief from the future over n over while she's here
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luvjunie · 1 year
— headcanons. what life is like for miles!42
a/n: i honestly didn’t mean for these to get so angsty oopsies!! i kept adding on so they’re also very lengthy wc: 1,751
contains: mentions of grief
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Everyone thinks he’s rude and impossible to approach—but that’s a common misconception. In reality, he’s actually quite shy and simply prefers to keep to himself. His quiet nature often causes him to come off ill-mannered, which is completely unintentional on his end and partially the fault of those who assume what he’s like instead of actually getting to know him.
He used to be open to making friends and spending time with peers, but after everyone found out his dad died— which was impossible to prevent considering the man who used to drive him to school now had a giant mural made in his honor— he began receiving a ridiculous amount of pitied stares in the halls, began hearing hushed whispers about how hard things must be for him at home now. And even though they were, he hated that he was being treated differently by those he once kept close to him, like a charity case. As if he were fragile and would break— like he often did when he was alone.
His old friends were supposed to be his distraction, something to take his mind off how he now had to grow up faster than he’d liked. Something to remind him that his trauma hadn’t aged him as much as he feared; that he truly was still a kid at heart. But instead, they served as a constant reminder of the worst thing he’d ever had to live through— skated around him like he’d blow up the second they said the wrong thing; responded with heartfelt condolences instead of laughing with him whenever he’d tell a funny story about his dad. So eventually, he drifted away from them and began keeping to himself all together.
Don’t put him in a box because of his prowler side hustle, this boy is smart as hell!! Especially with one parent now being gone and his mom struggling to pay the bills? He takes his academics very seriously, he has no choice. He has to get it out the mud somehow and he doesn’t have the privilege of skipping classes as much as 1610-miles does. He’s working two years above his grade level in AP Calculus and AP physics, and has been accused of cheating on his tests a couple times due to how fast he completes them, as well as the fact that he has never once asked a question from the seat he chose in the back of the room.
It’s not something anyone would expect, but he enjoys baking a lot and he’s damn good at it too. When he was younger, he’d spent one summer with his Mamá Lena (Rio’s mother), who had him in the kitchen helping her cook and bake almost everyday and it just stuck. It’s a secret talent of his that never really comes up in conversation, and that you wouldn’t know about unless you’ve seen him doing it. His banana bread muffins using a recipe he took months to perfect taste like the gods themselves made them, and he’ll slip one into his mom’s work lunch whenever he makes them because he knows they’re her favorite.
He’s a lover boy at heart, if you were to look into his playlist, the songs you’d find in there probably wouldn’t be what you’d expect. Listens to bobby bland, which was heavily influenced by his uncle, old school rap, and he really likes love songs from the 90s because they make him feel calm, and allow him to imagine what his life would be like if he could have something like what they’re singing about. He’s terrified he’ll never be able to experience that due to his inability to open up to others. And often, he doesn’t even try to express the emotions that are tough to swallow, a firm believer in the saying that ‘once you’re down, it’s hard to get back up.’
Keeps his room pretty clean. It’s probably the one and only thing he has control over in his life, a constant for him. His room is his safe-haven so he treats it as such. It’s basically the same as 1610’s, just with a more matured look, a lot less color and less expression. He unfortunately lost that spark for a lot of his interests, so you won’t see more than a small punching bag, some boxing gloves hanging from the doorknob and few stragglers in the form of posters he didn’t feel like taking down.
He doesn’t like to argue, at all. He hates fighting with anyone he loves and he’s very quick to forgive them or squash the disagreement all together now that his dad is no longer here. When Jeff died, they were still on rocky terms from their previous dispute and even while years have passed, Miles still has yet to forgive himself for that. So now, he usually lets bygones be bygones, and never lets a conversation end on a bad note.
Continued growing his hair out once he realized it was a way for him to bond and spend more time with his mom. Within the little availability they do have, between her working doubles at the hospital, him being pulled in every direction now that he’s the ‘man of the house’—uncle Aaron’s words— and having to do things he’s not proud of to assist her while still going to school during the day, they make the time. Miles only gets it braided by her, and he enjoys the talks they have when he’s sat on the floor between her legs with his back to her. And when she’s done, regardless of how ridiculously embarrassing it is, and how he’s now over a head taller than her, he always lets her pinch his cheeks and call him her ‘handsome little man’. He hasn’t looked at a pair of hair shears since.
On that note, he is very, very defensive when it comes to his mother. Miles is not the kind to go around beating people up just for kicks; mostly because he’s not that kind of person, but also because even if he wanted to— he can’t.
In preparation for stepping into the prowler role Uncle Aaron put Miles into boxing/m.m.a classes when he turned fourteen, and he took to the skill very quickly. So well, in fact, that his hands can now technically be considered deadly weapons in the eye of the law due to his extensive training— which means he could get slapped with a ridiculous assault charge that would have him doing some time in a juvenile correction facility over a simple fist fight. (if he’s not masked as the prowler obviously).
But, some kid in his history class thought it’d be funny to make a slick comment about how Mrs. Morales was ‘single’ and ‘up for grabs’ now that his dad had passed, and the situation ended with Miles suspended for a week after he’d basically thrown his desk over to get to the kid, his knuckles bruised, and a tirade of complaints from the boy’s mother about his now-rearranged nose. However, after hearing the disgusting comment he had made about Miles’ mom, she was kind enough to not press charges and forced her son to apologize to the both of them.
That woman is his saving grace, literally. She stepped up in ways he didn’t even know were possible after his dad died, barely taking time for herself to grieve because she wanted to make sure her little boy didn’t fall apart. He doesn’t let anyone disrespect her and that’s always made known by him. He’s a mama’s boy.
They kind of have a titfortat thing going on, him and his mom. Like how she always stops in to ask him how his day was, if school is going well or if he needs anything, even if the time isn’t ideal and she’s talking to a sleepy Miles at 1am in the morning who can barely keep his eyes open. Or how his uniform is always freshly ironed and laid out for him in the morning, regardless of how exhausted she is and how badly she wants to crawl into bed after her shift. Or how when he’s sick, she’ll drive all the way across town to one of the only fresh markets that sells yuca root and white yautia so she can make him sancocho (a traditional puerto rican dish). It’s the one thing she knows always makes him feel better.
And Miles does nice things for her, too. Like draping a blanket over her sleeping form when she dozes off on the couch in front of the TV. Or making sure her phone is plugged in, so her alarm goes off in the morning, because sometimes she knocks out before she can bring herself to do it. He even goes as far as to secretly slip some extra cash he’s made from a recent job into the ‘RENT’ jar she keeps on her dresser— dropping a hundred in every now and then when she’s not there to see him do it. She’s never once asked him for help, but the one time he took it upon himself to offer it, he was shot down in seconds, and was made to promise her that he wouldn’t worry about it ever again. Her exact words being “You’re too young to worry about something like this mijo, okay? You take all the money you make from your after school job, every single penny, and you save it. Mama’s got this.”
But sometimes, she doesn’t. And Miles knows that she wants to be strong for him. For them. But it takes two, he knows that as well, so he helps out anyway.
And with prayers that they’re not short— Rio counts everything in the rent jar towards the end of the month, and a string of celebratory whoops and hollers will always sound from her room when she realizes they surprisingly have some extra cash that’ll allow her to take some days off and relax for once, and maybe even do something fun together. He’ll listen from his room with a knowing smile, more than happy to let his contributions remain undisclosed to affirm her efforts of providing for them the best she can. With her energy so depleted from how demanding her job is, she’s never suspected it was him discreetly assisting, and chalked it up to her forgetting how much she’d mindlessly dropped in there after each paycheck.
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shinynewboots · 6 months
Listen to your Heart: Adam x pregnant!reader
AN: Lol I enjoyed writing this wonderful prompt for @madmiriam! I wasn't sure exactly what direction I wanted to take with this but fluff felt the most appropriate (lol all it takes is one comment though for me to write a pt 2 with smut bc I lowkey can see the vision now). I hope y'all enjoy! The prompt kept getting away from me so I tried to reel it in as much as I could so please bear with me lol
Warnings/tags: Pregnancy, reader's death/graphic details (backstory), cursing, guilt, sickeningly sweet fluff, slice of life, no beta we die like Adam
Note: S1 and S2 refer to the heart sounds heard in a normal cardiac cycle (think lub, dub).
Part 2 (18+)
You had never given much thought to how your second "life" would turn out. Avoiding exorcists on extermination day? Sure, that was to be expected. Working the same job you had worked when you were alive? Eh, that made sense, the hospital you worked at when you were alive was basically hell on earth most days.
Falling pregnant with a fallen angel's baby? Absolutely not.
You had freaked out a bit at first when you found out. You had been a doctor for fuck's sake. You should have been smarter. Except for the whole "being dead thing", which you assumed meant reproduction was off the table. Which it was, in most cases. Except for—
"Angelic Sperm," Adam said when you told him you were pregnant.
"What?" Of all the things you had expected him to say, this was not it. You had expected him to grow angry or childish, as you had known him prone to doing.
"Angelic Sperm." He repeated again, giving you a curious look.
"Adam you can repeat that all you want but that doesn't mean I know what you're talking about."
"Angelic Sperm. I think that's the only way for a sinner to get pregnant in hell. I mean, think about it, Princess of Hell is technically half-angel, half-sinner. And you've got sinners fucking all the time without getting knocked up. Come on, Y/N, weren't you a doctor?"
Adam scratched his head in contemplation, taking in this new information. You looked over at him in anger.
"I tell you I'm pregnant and all you can talk about is sperm?"
Adam looks over at you, a calm look on his face. He takes you into his arms, more gently than he ever had, and pulled you close to him. He kissed the top of your heard, his lips lingering far longer than they normally would.
"I'm so fucking excited, Y/N."
And so now you found yourself 5 months pregnant in Hell. You had begun to wear baggy clothes to not show your swollen stomach. You couldn't imagine what some sinners or overlords would do if they found out there was actually a way to get pregnant in an otherwise barren wasteland.
Adam had been very attentive to you in your pregnant state. You still had to work at the local hospital, trying to get in as many shifts as possible before the birth. When you'd gotten of work, Adam would always have some kind of food craving awaiting you, and together you would rot on the couch until it was time for bed and the day to start all over again.
There was one such time of rotting that you had found yourself lying on the couch beside Adam, on of his hands dropped across your waist and a hand lightly holding your baby. Baby, which Adam had begun to affectionately call "Little Hellion", was kicking happily in against your bladder.
You grimaced at the sensation, your body tensing against Adam. Sensing your discomfort, he kissed your forehead and pulled you tight. "Living up to your name, Hellion."
"They get it from their dad," You replied, your breath becoming more even as Hellion decided to turn their kicking attention elsewhere. Adam rubbed circles around your stomach, which seemed to appease Hellion.
"What are we going to do about after? I can't even imagine trying to raise a child in Hell, constantly on edge even more than usual." You finally asked, a question burning in the pit of your stomach for months. Hell was no place for a child. Would the baby even age? Sinners stopped aging from the moment they died. The Princess of Hell aged, though slower than a human would, but you didn't know what that meant for your baby. And other sinners would notice if they aged. Questions would be asked...questions that would be dangerous to answer.
Adam sighed and ran a hand through his soft, brown hair. "I've been thinking about that too. I think we need to go to the hotel."
You turned to look at him, your brow furrowed. "The Hazbin Hotel? Where you got fucking murdered?"
Adam laughed without humor. "Fucking insane right? And it's such a lame-ass place. But, I have to think about my family. You and Hellion are my family now, Y/N."
Warmth spread throughout your chest, Adam's confession taking you by surprise. He was rarely so vulnerable with you, mostly choosing to hide behind his mask of bravado and masculinity. You smiled at him. Hellion seemed to approve of his words as well because you received a sharp kick in your side.
"I think we should try and see if Hell Princess' redemption plans are even worth a shit. And even if they aren't, she, or Hell forbid fucking Lucifer, might have a better shot at getting in contact with Heaven than I do."
"Heaven? You want us to try and get into Heaven?" You shivered at the thought. You felt...dirty. Unclean. Unworthy of redemption. You had been sent to Hell for a reason and felt you would always serve your sentence.
"We have to try everything, Y/N. I...I have to try everything." Adam looked desperate, his golden eyes shimmering in a way you had never seen.
Adam kissed your forehead and continued rubbing circles around your stomach. He began to softly sing a Rolling Stones song you couldn't remember the name of.
And that was how you found yourself at the front door of the Hazbin Hotel, face-to-face with Lucifer of all people.
"Ooh, not sure if there are any rooms left in the inn. Might have you stay in the stables. I'm sure we have a manger or two for your convenience."
"I'm sorry, are you seriously making a Jesus joke right now?" You deadpanned as you stared at the King of Hell with an unamused expression. You had a hand on your stomach and you could feel Adam tense beside you.
"Get the fuck out of our way, Morningstar, your kid told us she would meet us here."
"Daddd!" Charlie yelled, running closer to the group at the front door. "I told you to let me answer the door!"
Lucifer at least had the grace to look sheepish. He moved behind Charlie, who happily welcomed you and Adam inside.
She grinned at you as she led you both to your room. "Congratulations by the way! So sorry about my dad, he always likes to try and push Adam's buttons."
"Fucking pussy," Adam muttered. You shot him a glare. "Stay away from him as much as you can."
"And ugh, Congratulations by the way! Adam told me all about it when he came to meet with me about you both joining the hotel! This is so exciting! And we have so many crafts and exercises and —"
"Hey, one fucking step at at time, Princess." Adam interrupted, sensing you tense at Charlie's words.
Charlie nodded and looked at you apologetically. "Sorry, I just get a little over-excited! We are so happy to have you here."
You smiled up at her softly. "We really appreciate you for letting us come to the hotel."
That night, you both lay in bed in your new home as you began your paths of redemption. Your head was on Adam's chest and you listened to the constant beat of his heart. Listening to the beat of the heart or pulse had always had a calming effect on you, even when alive. S1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2
"Adam what if you get redeemed, and I—I don't. And I ruin everything. I don't deserve to be in Heaven."
"Why would fucking think that, Y/N. You deserve it more than anyone I know." He asked, his voice full of surprise.
"Because I killed someone!" You exclaimed, tears rolling down your eyes. "I was stupid and I killed someone and now I am meant to rot in Hell for all eternity. And I've damned our kid to this."
Adam wiped one of the tears that had begun to roll down your cheek. "And you don't think I have? Do you know how many sinners I've killed? Happily?"
"Adam, it's different."
"Try me."
You swallowed hard. "I was coming off of a 24-hour shift at the hospital. I was so tired. So fucking tired. And I knew better than to drive home. But my apartment was just 20 minutes away. And I thought it would be okay. I could have slept for an hour or two in the on-call room but I was so ready to get home."
Tears began streaming down your face at full force. Adam pulled you closer, surprisingly silent. "And then I fell asleep behind the wheel. I was only a mile from my house. I crashed into another car that had a mom and her kid in it. They died on impact. I was still alive, just barely, and bled out in my car before EMS could arrive."
"Y/N, you made a mistake. Fuck, I've made even more than that, definitely worse too."
"I just don't think I'm worthy of heaven."
Adam kissed your forehead and continued to hold you close. "Most of those fuckers who make it to Heaven aren't worth even half of you. You deserve Heaven. Shit, you owe it to yourself and Hellion to try."
"I'm just so scared Adam."
"I know. But we will take this one step at a time. Trust me, babe." He put a hand on your stomach. That had been one of his favorite things to do since the early days of your pregnancy. And Hellion seemed to know when their father was near, as you would get what you assumed were happy kicks in the direction of Adam's hand.
You nodded, cuddling in closer to him. One of his wings furled around you, creating a blanket for you and Hellion. You felt safe; warm. More so than you could remember feeling in a long time.
Everything would work itself out. And you and Adam would be redeemed just in time for Hellion to be born inside the pearly gates.
You found yourself focusing on Adam's heart once more.
S1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2
Everything would be okay. It had to be.
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citruslullabies · 7 months
Catnap X introverted ! Fox smiling critter! Reader
Though unlike catnap they take it to another means of extreme, it's not by any means that they're shy it's just they go by any means to isolate themselves because they're not used to such an outgoing environment.
I guess since both of them are introverted and won't make any means of initiation, let's say that both of them find themselves going to the same spot they use to hide from people not knowing the other uses it time by time.
They get used to each other (involuntarily) because it's the only hiding spot that none of the other critters are aware of, so they have to tolerate each others presence and what if catnap gets interested in reader because of how enigmatic they are and maybe even get a lil crush on them :3
Awh, cute!
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic: a lil bit of both
Requested by: anonymous :3
Category: fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Catnap x introverted!fox!reader
Word count: 440
Hiding From You, Only to Hide With You
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Foxes were normally very outgoing, much like dogs or pet birds. But you were a bit different, being considered the ‘hidden smiling critter’ from your shyness. The others never saw you, maybe a glimpse but if they somehow remembered your name despite never seeing you and then try to talk to you, you'll run and hide.
You were laying down in your little hidey hole, it was small but big enough for at least three of you. It was cozy and warm, and isolated. It was your refuge from the world.. or, well was until you opened your eyes and saw a certain feline staring at you with confusion as he had one foot in as if he was going to get in with you. “What are you doing here? Uh..” he thought for a moment, trying to remember your name.
“I'm just hiding.” You mumbled, the words having lost all meaning through your barely parting lips while almost too quiet for him to hear. You noticed how he forgot your name and after some thought, you answered with the same amount of timidness if not more. “(Y/n)..”
He nodded and hummed, before getting in the hidey hole. “Well, scoot over.” He said before kneading the ground beneath him, purring as he loafed and prepared for a nap. You awkwardly stared at him and thought about if you should stay or if you should go, but ultimately decided to stay due to no other hiding spot being oblivious to the others.
And it just kept happening time and time again after that. After maybe the fifth repeat, you two finally started talking. With catnap initiating of course because he didn't like basically sleeping next to some person he didn't know. So he asked the basic questions and answered for himself, but he found it strange how shy you were.
On the seventh time, he was almost excited to see if you were there. Which you were. He crawled inside and happily snuggled up, purring and even nuzzling his head against the crook of your neck and head. His ears twitched and his tail gently swayed about. “Do you just like..
Live here?” He asked with curiosity, slightly joking but at the same time not.
You shook your head, speaking up softly. Your speech was still quiet but it felt like with every interaction it slowly grew louder. “Well, no.. but I like to lay here.. it's nice and cozy, and away from everybody..” you murmured, just slightly above a whisper but loud enough for him to hear. He thought about that and nodded with a smile.
“Well, not everybody.”
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Thanks for requesting!
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jarofstyles · 11 months
Indigo- Sapphire
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Hello my loves, here they are! Your favorite tattoo artist and his girlie. Let me know what you think plz plz plz
Series Masterlist
Warnings- tattooing, mention of anxiety and needles etc
Y/N had a lot of thoughts. 
The first one was that tattoos hurt, yes, but in a different way than she had originally thought. Harry had been right in telling her it was more so uncomfortable than anything else, because while it wasn’t a sharp, blazing pain, it was dull. Throbbing. Like she was being scratched by her cat in the same spot. It was bearable, though. Way less discomfort than she had thought. It was nice to feel capable, to not worry that she was going to embarrass herself in front of Harry.
Which brought her to thought number two.
Harry was stupidly, ridiculously, infuriatingly gorgeous. 
Y/N had been peeping at him as they spoke, his eyes glued to the piece as he spoke which gave her more of a sense of comfort. Like she was getting away with staring. It would be hard not to with him up so close to her, his warmth radiating through the plastic-y gloves. The first thing she had noticed was how nice his hair was. A warm chestnut hue with some natural caramel highlights- at least, she was pretty sure they were natural. It was longer and curled, little ringlets near his ears making her fingers itch to tuck it back for him. It was clipped up in the front, and that made sense considering he had a habit of running his hand through his hair, but she wanted to see it down again. The full effect. 
In another way, she was happy that it was pulled out of the way because she could really get a good look at him. His jaw was sharp, but not so much that it was necessarily stone like. He looked like a statue, but one that was carved with the human likeness that made people feel uneasy. His cheeks were high and his brows were straight, not a ton of arch to them, but he kept himself well groomed. There was a tiny hint of stubble on his upper lip along with a cute little birthmark that she hadn’t noticed before. That had brought her attention to his mouth.
It was almost embarrassing, how distracted she had gotten watching his lips move while he talked. They were a raspberry pink, slightly wet from his habit of occasionally licking over the bottom one before starting a sentence. A pronounced cupid’s bow dipped in the middle of the top, making her want to trace it. They were a little bigger than she had normally noticed, but then again- she didn’t typically spend this much time observing a man in such detail. 
He had a few blemishes, a few cuts that looked like he may have gotten himself while shaving, but it just made him human. Reminded her that he was just like her in that way. Just… gorgeous. His eyelashes were something she was incredibly jealous of, the irritating trait of men getting the good eyelashes striking yet again. She had to wonder how they’d look if he used her lengthening mascara? A wandering thought to think about later. 
They’d been chatting about this and that, a bit of gossip about Niall and his new girlfriend who he had recently introduced to the group, some about her work, some about his. What really caught her off guard though, was how easy it was to talk to him.
Silences aren't awkward. Sometimes they fell into them and it stayed that way for a moment before moving on naturally and she didn’t feel like crawling out of her skin. Y/N had a bad habit of wanting to fill those silences so she would babble, and considering she still had a decent amount of nerves because her crush on Harry was growing in size by the minute, she really liked this detail. He was being sweet and inquisitive without prying all that much, asking the basic friend questions- and some odd ones. 
What’s your favorite color? His was Yellow, he responded.
Did she have any pets? No, her old roommate did and she catsits sometimes. He didn’t, but he wanted one. 
What was her favorite gift she got as a kid? A knock off barbie dreamhouse. She hadn’t cared that it wasn’t the same as the rest of her friends, her mom had been so happy to give it to her that it had become the most cherished thing. She had it in her attic to this day for her future kids, should she choose to have any. His was a high quality art set. 
Did she believe in the paranormal? Yes, she did. He was undecided. A healthy skeptic, he’d said.
It was lighthearted but also not necessarily small talk, which usually made Harry itch. He’d confessed that earlier to her, making her see a bit further into him. It was obvious that he was curious about some of the things about her and considering what had happened the night before, she had to wonder what the intention was. 
He had said he got nervous around her because she was so pretty it intimidated him. That he said and did stupid things when he was around a girl like her. Insinuating maybe a returned crush? Confirming it? She didn’t know. She also didn’t know what he wanted out of this. Was it going to turn into a nice friendship where they laugh about his crush on her later on down the line, or would this develop into something more?
Y/N didn’t want to get ahead of herself. They’d just started talking, but having been repressed from allowing herself to feel that attraction to him, it had just hit her like a truck. He was so sweet, so gentle with her. The opposite of what people may assume about his exterior. When they went out, despite how charming he was, he was quiet most of the time. Outside their friend group, she had seen him revert back into a cool mask, stony and giving the impression that people shouldn’t come up to him. Not quite as intense as the one he had worn with her but enough for her to see that his resting face definitely gave him the reputation he had. Sometimes she wished she had that ability, considering all sorts of people came up to her to talk when she didn’t even know them.
If this was the real him, the one who had theorized with her if ghosts were real, she wanted to know more about him. 
“How are you doing?” He had stopped to wipe some excess ink, looking up at her from the stool. 
Harry had felt her staring. It had become increasingly harder to keep his cool when he’d thought about it, so he had tried his best to focus on the piece. It was easier said than done. He could feel her eyes scanning him, seeing it from the corner of his eye. It intimidated him. Him out of all people! That’s how he knew this was actually deep for him. Sure, he had crushes before. It was just- Y/N made him feel a lot of new things to him, and that’s why he had fumbled so hard early on.
This was her first tattoo and she had entrusted him with it. His art was currently inked on to her skin and the linework was done, finally moving on to shading. She’d taken it like a champ, sitting better than a lot of other people did. There had been no squirming, no complaining, just a request to move her arm a bit which he had happily done. Her skin took the ink well, the lines standing out against the tone of it. Still, he wanted to check in again.
“I’m good.” Her tiny smile came up again. It flipped his stomach. “Great, actually. I expected it to hurt a lot worse. I mean, it isn’t great but I wasn’t sure how my pain tolerance was going to hold up. It was just like you said, the scratches!” There was a bit of babbling from her, making his own lip quirk up. Too fucking cute. 
“Great. You’re doing fantastic. I’ve had veterans sit in my chair and bitch about it hurting, so you’ve got them beat.” He knocked her knee with his hand before moving to switch out the needles. “M’gonna switch to doing a bit of shading now. This is going to feel a tiny bit different but let me know if you need a break again.” Eyes looked towards her water bottle he had given her sitting between her legs. “And take a sip of that, please.”
Y/N gave a little salute, nodding to him and doing as asked as he switched the things out. It was little cute things like that salute that made him want to cuddle into her. She was just stupidly fucking adorable and he had now gotten to a point where he was seeing deeper parts of her personality. It drove him mad. He had to pace himself, aware that not even 24 hours ago she had been nervous around him for a completely different reason. 
The new set was finished being set up, Harry turning back towards her when he heard the water bottle crinkle again. Holding it up, she shook it slightly to show that she had drank down to another divet in the bottle, making him chuckle quietly. “Good job, sweetheart.” He praised, gloving up. “Thank you for listening t’me. Now we have to get started so we can get proper food in your stomach.”
Y/N was happy he couldn’t read thoughts because hers were going wild. 
Sweetheart? Good job? The fact that he was going to feed her after? 
Her thighs subtly pressed together. The words had gone straight to a hot, gooey, sticky place in her stomach and jolted right down between her thighs. It was depraved on her part really, considering it had all been chaste. He had praised her for listening, for drinking water. He’d only used a nickname… and that smooth voice that had her toes curling in her shoes. Heat burned her ears as he turned back to her with the buzzing gun in hand. Yeah, he would definitely have some thoughts if he could see how much just a simple praise affected her.
Sure, she knew she had a praise kink. It wasn’t a shock to her, but the ease of Harry being able to trigger it was a real problem. It had always been something that she melted with, being called a good girl, doing a good job, taking it so well. Praise kink 101, beginner stuff. Adding in the strikingly handsome and mysterious to her man with a semi admitted crush on her, his hands on her body and his willingness to take care of her? She was a goddamn goner. Finished. All he had to do was continue to stroke her ego a little bit and she would slide down to her knees. Pathetic? Perhaps. She never claimed to be anything otherwise. 
His hands were warm through the gloves, holding her arm in place as the needles stippled her skin. Eyes went back to his face, his septum piercing corrected from being out of place earlier. Only this time, she caught him licking over his lip and swore she saw a flash of… something. Did he….? 
Her mouth opened before her brain could tell her not to ask because it would be a blatant admittance to staring, but it was too late. 
“You- Do you have a tongue piercing?” 
Y/N winced slightly at her own tone. It sounded incredulous, but it was more so shocking that it had taken her a bit to notice that had her so surprised. More than judgemental, she was curious. “Sorry, sorry. That was a weird tone. M’not judging you! I swear. I just didn’t notice it and I thought I would have.” In her head, she facepalmed severely. Probably would have physically if it wouldn't have jostled her arm that was tattooed. “God, ignore me. I just didn’t know you had one and for some reason it surprised me.”
Her flustered nature made Harry grin. It was fucking cute. He hadn’t even remembered that he had one because he’d had it for a while but he had changed it recently. “Hey- It’s cool.” He let himself laugh, squeezing over her arm as he shot her a look. “I do. I know you aren’t judgin’ me. I changed it recently. It used to be pink, so not as noticable, I don’t blame you for not noticing. I wanted to go back to silver though.” He poked his tongue out a bit so she could see as he wiped away some ink, watching in amusement as her eyes widened. 
“Oh. I feel like I keep rambling at you.” She laughed, her own embarrassment evident on her face. “That’s so cool. I thought about getting my nose pierced at some point but I don’t think it would suit me.” It still did sit in the back of her mind sometimes, though. It looked good on Harry, his occasional hoop and the stud he had most of the time always having been attractive to her. “I’m going to ask the overasked question- Did it hurt?”
Her curiosity was only natural. If anything, it made him feel nice to know she actually had an interest in that sort of thing. He hadn’t been hiding his piercing on purpose, but if he had realized she would be so interested in it earlier then maybe he would have switched a while back. “Eh, not that bad. It swelled up a bit so I had to be careful for a bit but luckily mouth stuff tends to heal seemingly quicker. I stuck with a soft food diet for a bit- got one of those punch cards at the smoothie place down the block, had 2 free ones by the time I was done.” He laughed at the memory. It was still a place he frequented every week. “Couldn’t do anything with it and had to be careful so I didn’t bite my tongue. It swells a bit and it’s partially why it’s recommended not to eat hard or spicy foods.” 
Harry had given plenty of piercings before and the tongue wasn’t the worst, but the healing was defintely one of the more annoying ones. You couldn’t really forget about the swelling in your mouth, and the iron taste stuck around for a few days. Luckily for him, he wasn’t a chatterbox and people barely knew he had even had it done. 
“Wow. I think you have a bigger pain tolerance than me.” Y/N laughed, feeling her cheeks cool down slightly. Harry hadn’t seemed offput by the questions, rather eager to answer it. But one more remained. “So is there a reason you got it? Y’know, the aesthetics and stuff like that? I’d be worried about a tooth chipping or something.” Y/N babied her teeth so any piercing in the mouth 24/7 would worry her. 
“No, no. It’s far back enough that it doesn’t rest on the teeth, the roof of my mouth. There is a piercing I refuse to do that is a bar through the tip of the tongue. If you do it incorrectly you can cause severe nerve damage, and it’s known to chip teeth. But a regular piercing on your tongue isn’t much of a risk. Not in my experience.” He hummed. Again, he felt a little flustered at this one because the reason for the piercing was for aesthetics, yes… but. “Real talk? I thought it looked cool and there are… benefits to having one.”  At her raised brow he knew she wanted the proper answer, making him exhale deeply. “Uh- It’s like… It enhances oral sex. Some people think it feels better.” 
Harry was a self proclaimed pussy lover. He liked dicks just fine too, he didn’t limit himself, but there was just something about licking up a pretty cunt that had gotten dripping just for him. His hookups were short but there was always a longing to give more of that. It was something that plagued his fantasies, as shameful as he felt, thinking about the girl sitting right in front of him. 
Sitting between her thighs with his arm locked around her hips, keeping her nice and still despite the twitches she would give off involuntarily as his tongue swiped up her folds, nose bumping her clit as he greedily lapped her up. He could beg for the chance to have her sprawled out for him and her thighs locked around his head as he took his time tasting her. He had been very respectful and wasn’t planning on doing anything to make her uncomfortable, but she had asked. He wouldnt lie to her. 
“Oh!” She squeaked. “Damn it. See… I looked up tons of stuff about tattoos and nose piercings but I’m showing my lack of knowledge here.” A nervous giggle erupted, Harry noticing as she squeezed her thighs together. It was subtle- if he hadn’t been paying attention he wouldn’t have seen it. It was caught and he felt downright smug. She was thinking about it and obviously, she didn’t hate the idea. 
“S’alright, pet.” He replied, looking up to give her a smile. “You’re sweet. Not a problem to ask me things you want to know. You don’t have to know it all, m’happt yo teach you anything.” 
There was a slight shift, a heavier more charged energy in the room as Y/N sat quietly. She found Harry exceedingly handsome, his sex appeal not only oozing from his pores but his heart. She was trying very hard not to get ahead of herself here, knowing she definitely could fall into it if she allowed herself to do the thing she actually wanted. Shyness was her savior, at this point. 
They continued talking until he was finished, helping Y/N up and standing with her a moment to make sure she was steady. One too may clients passed out after standing up after a session and he didn’t want that to be her experience. Once she was all clear, he led her over to the mirror to look at her tattoo reflected in the glass. How it looked on her body. She looked it over with a wide smile, flexing her arm to mimic the movement he had told her about before to see the stem did indeed stay where it was supposed to be.
“Harry.. I can’t even thank you enough.” Her words were raspy, awe showing through as she let him wrap it up. He had given her the lecture, the talk about keeping it from the sun, the moisturizing it, not itching, the whole nine yards. She knew most of what he said, but she had still managed to be surprised at how much he seemed to care about the integrity of the tattoo. “It’s incredible. Everything I could have hoped for, both in the tattoo and the experience. I’m so happy with it.” Big eyes were shining up at him, giving him the most awed glint to them. Without warning, she tossed herself into his arms, wrapping them around hus shoulders to take him in for a hug. 
He froze for a moment, their embrace catching him off guard. She hadn’t seemed to initiate much touch except for last night when she was tipsy and leaning into him, so he had been surprised at her willingness to do so- but he wasn’t about to waste this. Arms wrapped around her torso, a chuckle leaving his throat as she squeezed herself to him all while being mindful of her tattoo.
She smelled really fucking good. A hint of sweet but defintely something floral. Her cheek pressed against his shoulder as she whispered thanks to him again, pulling back much too soon for his liking. She was beaming, a beam he had put on her face and a picture he wanted to photograph in his mind forever. He had made her smile like that. It had altered his breathing a little bit, watching as she gave him the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
Yeah, he was effectively fucked. 
“You don’t have t’thank me, Y/N. I’m really happy you chose me to do it. It makes me feel good that you trusted me enough even before we cleared things up.” He knew he would be making up for that for a long time. Not because she would hold it against him, but becaus he hated that his awkwardness had caused any sort of negative feeling for the sweet girl. 
“Of course I did. If anything, I knew you’d be professional.” There was a pause before she lightly nudged his foot with her own. “I do prefer us like this, though. I had a lot of fun talking to you.” He had interesting stories, despite being quieter than her, and his voice was utterly delectable. She would eat it up anytime. 
“Me as well.” He returned the shy smile to her, walking back towards his office. All her stuff was in there along with his own. Their hands bumped as they walked side by side, his heart rattling in it’s ribbed caged, the slight hook of her pinky as they entered the room making it pause before it was dropped. He had a lump in his throat, one that was begging him to ask for more from her, but it wasn’t the right time. 
The right time didn’t come until after they’d grabbed some food down the street. Playing a slight game of knocking feet under the table and gentle flirations, both of them having hated cheeks and in harry’s case, heated ears as they spoke softly to one another the entire time. It was far different than being out with their friends, his attention solely focused on her and the quieter atmosphere allowing her to hear his quieter chuckles and little hums he made in the middle of her sentences as a reply. He let her talk his ear off about her hunt for a certain eyeliner brand at the shops lately and how she’d made friends with employees who text her when it came in, she was only missing the Sapphire and Indigo variations. 
Harry sat and responded appropriately, even adding in some things, but he wa content to hear her sweet recalling of the baby penguins she wanted to go see at the museum desperately, her nosy next door neighbor, anything really. It was one of the best meals he’d ever had and he hated that it even had to end. 
He could see himself more than happy listening to her rambling every night as they ate. It was a bit shocking considering how much Harry loved his solitude and quiet, but Y/N just tickled a part of him that had never been open for access before. There was no way he could fumble this, no way he could waste an opportunity to take a chance on this. He had to man up and simply ask. 
The walk back to the shop was similar to the hallway, their hands knocking until Harry took initiative this time and let their pinkies link. Y/N continued talking, stumbling over her words once as she felt their fingers connect but her pace in words only increased. The smile wider. He took it as a good sign. The journey had been far too short for his liking, the fact he had to take his hand away from hers as she unlocked her car making him frown. Hands stuffed themselves in his pockets to keep from reaching from her again, watching her toss her bag to the passenger seat before turning to him. 
“Thank you for-” “Go on a date with me.” Harry’s words tumbled from his lips without being able to stop them, interrupting her mid sentence. Working up the nerve to ask her not allowing him to wait a second more or he would lose the confidence. “Shit- sorry. I meant, would you? Want to go om a date with me?” He watched as she blinked up at him, those pretty eyes rounded and shocked as her mouth opened and closed. It was his turn to ramble. “I had a really good time with you today, and I like you. I know I probably hurt your feelings in the past but I will make it up to you. I took you out tonight but this wasn’t a date- I just…” 
Oh, god. This was why he tended to stay the quiet and mysterious type. 
“Harry.” Y/N’s hands braced on his forearms, squeezing as she laughed through the utter of his name. “Harry. Relax. It’s okay. I… I would really, really like that.” She watched him deflate slightly from his tense stance, head tilting to the right. “I had an amazing time with you. You don’t have to make anything up to me at all. It was an accident. I’m sensitive. But I like you too.” The admittance was quieter than the rest of her words, shyer. A grown woman feeling like a kid all over again. He liked her. 
Liked liked her. 
“Yeah?” He asked again, “I’m really happy t’hear that. I wanted to ask you before we went to dinner but I got nervous.” His hand returned to anxiously rub the back of his neck, shooting her his own relieved smile. “I won’t let you regret it. I promise..”
He stepped forward, holding her car door open for her while getting closer to her. It was getting dark and she had stuff to fo tomorrow which she had told him about, her whole itinerary actually. It was- you guessed it- fucking cute. “Need you to get home safe, so text me when you walk in the door, and then we can plan our date. Sound like a plan?” 
Y/N nodded, not hesitating before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. This hug wasn less awkward, Harry’s hand falling to her back to rub gently a few times before she pulled back. He’d dwell on how nice she felt pressed against him later. Again, the girl decided to shock him, reaching up on her toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek before sitting down in her driver’s seat. 
“Bye Harry. I can’t wait to talk to you again.” 
His cheek burned with the heat of her kiss the entire time he watched her drink off. It was cool but very much there as he drove home. The lipgloss stain burned yet again as soon as he got a text once he got inside his own place, shoes kicked off and arm over his head trying to relive the feeling of her lips on his skin yet again.
Y/N: I’m home, inkmaster :-) 
H: All in one piece, I hope.
He wasn’t. Surely, a tiny bit of his heart was still stuck in her palm. 
 Y/N: Yep, lost my sunglasses though. Think they’re in your office. Good thing I’ll be seeing you soon 
Y/N: So… our date?
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gamergirl-niffler · 2 months
Quick End || Enji Todoroki x Reader
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A/N: This is my entry for the Weekly Challenge! I am not great at those and as for me Enji just suits the prompt!
Prompt: Ghosting
(All Enji's fans... I am sorry!)
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You knew it was wrong. It was OH SO WRONG to get involved with current Number One Hero Endeavor, but at the same time it felt right.
Enji was a specific lover. He was spoiling you rotten yet at the same time he wasn't much into the PDA and always kept it super safe in bed.
It was a bit of a bother for you since you always wanted to truly feel like a couple, but you decided it would be better to respect his boundaries.
You messaged him whenever you two weren't together, and he answered in his usual way which could feel kinda indifferent, but you knew it wasn't like this.
One morning you sent him a message as per usual but nothing came back.
“Well, I guess he is busy,” you muttered to yourself and continued with your morning.
Minutes changed into hours and there was nothing, no message from him. At this point it was getting weird, so you sent him a few more messages to maybe get his attention. “He is number one… Bet he is REALLY busy.”
You kept yourself under that delusion for another two days. Of course, it ran through your mind that he just ghosted you… but noooo. He wasn't some teen, too scared to break up with someone. He was a grown ass man for crying out loud. 
After a week of silence from the Flame Hero, you decided it's enough. He just ghosted you, and you weren't going to let it slide like that!
You made your way to his agency and his office, basically storming inside.
“Can I help you somehow?” Enji asked, not even looking away from the documents that he was reading at the moment.
Looking at him, you placed hands on your hips. “Actually yes. I would like to know what happened?”
“Happened with what?” He threw you another question, still mostly ignoring you.
You blinked and then frowned. “You know! I sent you so many messages! And I heard nothing in return. You lost… or burned your phone or something?!”
He sighed deeply and put away his documents. “I thought that my silence will be enough for you to understand what I mean.”
“S-So it's all over? All of the sudden? Just like that?!” You tilted your head.
“I have too much on my head now. There is no time for fooling around, so there is no need to continue this whole thing,” Enji explained simply.
You just stood there, listening to him. So he really ghosted you. If you wouldn't come here, HE WOULDN'T TELL YOU A THING.
“So? Can I help you with something? I don't have time for pointless talks.” He just looked at you.
You looked back at him and shook your head. “I… I guess I will go now. Bye forever, I guess.”
Enji just gave you a nod.
Just like that you left, and he didn't even say a ‘goodbye’ to you. Nothing! It was like nothing ever happened between you two. It hurt, but there was no point in fighting him about that 
Apparently you didn't matter much to begin with.
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
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— summary : peter realizes that he is in love with you.
— word count : 0,7k
— warnings : fluff, tiny bit of angst, fem!reader, petnames (ladybug), peter teasing reader & reader teasing peter back, childhood friends to lovers.
a/n : his brown doe eyes literally make me WANT TO SCREAMMMMMM!! he's so skrunkly, he's so pookie, he's so😭😭😭😭☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ also this is so messy sorry.
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the cold autumn wind blew as leaves start to dance outside your window. you smile, flipping through the photo book titled 'y/n and peter's adventures'. you realize that you share so many memories with peter, you two basically grew up next to each other.
"ooh! how about this one? do you remember that?" you point to the picture of you and peter on halloween night. you were posing with the biggest smile on your face and peter was doing the same.
"halloween, i remember." he nodded. "was that the halloween where you cried because one house ran out of kitkats?" you asked, laughing as your mind replays the memory. peter nods again.
you kept smiling as your mind continues to replay the memories you had together. you look across your room and spot your beat-up converses, which reminded you of when peter taught you how to do bunnyloops.
you turn and look at the band poster you had up, which reminded you of when peter introduced you to it. you quietly chuckled as you remember when aunt may told peter to quiet down one afternoon because she couldn't hear the oven go 'ding!' which led to her muffins being burnt.
you continue to flip through the pages, observing each photo.
"oh my god, look!" you gasp. it was a picture of 4 year-old you kissing 4 year-old peter on the cheek, he has the biggest smile, his cheeks were red, and you could hear aunt may and uncle ben's laugh behind it.
you squint to see the small writing - it reads 'valentine's day'.
"may said you look like you were head over heels for me in this." you could recall the exact moment.
peter nods, but you don't notice that.
what you do notice is that peter has been awfully quiet this entire time.
he's been awfully quiet this entire week. you try to remember anything he has said earlier today, but nothing pops up. did you even see him in school today?
you also realize that he hasn't tried to text or call you recently. i mean, he doesn't have to do any of that. but, maybe you were just expecting something from him, you know?
"you've been acting really off recently, peter." you say, breaking the awkward silence.
he hesitates. you can tell.
you wait for his response, but he doesn't seem like he's gonna reply. so you shrug it off and continue flipping through the photo book.
"i think it's because i'm in love with you."
whatever you were expecting from him. it was not that.
you pause. "don't. joke about that."
"what? did i almost get you?" he laughs. and suddenly he's back to being peter from last week.
"that's not funny!" you throw a pillow at him.
"aww, you're blushing." peter teases. "don't rub it in now." you reply, hiding your face in the photo book.
"you're the one who won't make eye contact with me." — "yeah. 'cause you're hard to look at. especially after whatever you just pulled there."
"did you just call me ugly?"
"wow. now you're putting words in my mouth. you're manipulative too, why would i want to look at you?"
"just say you like looking at me. don't be so stubborn." he continues to tease you.
but you have to admit, he does have the prettiest eyes you have ever seen.
"how can you just say these things so easily?" you question, looking up from the photobook.
"what if i can say it because it's true?".
you blink.
"i feel so bad for gwen and harry. they must have a hard time dealing with you."
harry and gwen have been peter's closest friends since middle school, and peter's only other friends.
"you're the only one i'm like this with."
"so what? you're really in love with me?" you can't tell if this is some sick joke peter's doing, or if he's actually serious.
"absolutely. head. over. heels."
"so, you wouldn't mind if i do this?" you held his hand. "what? hold my hand? you already do that in the hallways so you wouldn't get lost."
you nod, "but you're blushing."
peter face was blank. his cheeks grew red.
"you there? you talk so confidently for someone who can't do the same things you tease me with."
"... you're. terrible."
"you were actually being serious?"
"terribly serious, ladybug."
"you'll get it."
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parkerpeter24 · 1 year
Hiii!! If you are taking requests, can you please write a Peter x Reader where the reader and Peter started dating before the spider bite and after Peter got bit he calls the reader to come over because he is freaking out that he suddenly changed and they figure out Peter's abilities together like all crack and fluffy type 🥺🥺🥺
okayyyyy here we go
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
requests are open (but don’t get your hopes too high)
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peter never avoided you.
he was often busy with school work, community service and his spanish classes but he always made time for you no matter what.
today was different.
everything seemed fine till friday. the two of you studied till late that evening and peter decided to stay over as the two of you fell asleep, cuddled up in your bed. When you woke up on saturday, peter was missing. you didn’t think much of that because you weren’t up for the embarrassing comments from your parents.
now it was sunday morning and there was a lack of his good morning messages. there was nor one on saturday and neither one today. however, the thing that irked you the most was that he wasn’t replying to your texts either. you had sent him various messages, some asking about his whereabouts, a few random meme pictures in hopes that he’e reply with at least a crying-laughing emoji. but nothing came.
it was around 2 o’clock when you received a phone call and you literally threw yourself off the desk chair, seeing your boyfriend’s name flash as the caller.
“peter where the hell are you?!” you cut to the chase but he seemed to ignore your question. you heard him on the other side as he breathed out shallow breaths into the speaker of his phone, “w-what’s wrong?” you asked, suddenly worried that he was robbed or hurt somewhere in one of queens’s alleys.
“(y/n), come home, p-please.” he stuttered, his voice sounding a mix between a plea and a demand.
the call just disconnected as you were about to ask what had happened.
but there was no time to think now. you put on your shoes as adrenaline rushed through your veins, making you stumble as you rushed out of your house, ignoring the call of your name from your mom.
peter was basically your neighbour so it didn’t you too long to reach his place, two houses down the street you lived in.
you pressed the doorbell more than thrice before his uncle ben opened the door, looking at you in confusion, “hey, kid, peter’s-”
may peeked at you over her husband’s shoulder as she walked to the door as well, “did you know what happened to peter?” she asked, clear confusion written all over her face.
you shook your head quickly, “he called me...”
you picked at your nails, just wanting to run past the elderly couple so that you could find out what really happened to the sweet boy.
“you should go see him, he’s been acting...” ben and may shared a look before settling on a word.
“weird.” both of them uttered at the same time.
“i’ll look.” you nodded and quickly made your way upstairs to peter’s room, thanking the parkers on your way up.
you knocked at his door, which seemed weird, but you had to other option as you found the door locked from the inside.
after a few beats, he opened the door and you looked at him. his hair was sticking up, except for the few locks that were stuck to his forehead due to perspiration. he raised his hands up, “something is wrong.”
you looked at him with raised eyebrows. he moved back quickly, letting you in. you noticed the distance he kept from you, which caused a small ache to develop in your heart, but you quickly diverted your attention to the condition his room was in.
there were food containers, bowls, packets of flavoured yogurt sprawled all over his work desk. now peter was a pretty tidy guy– or so you’d made him– so this was new.
the chair he usually sat on had it’s left armrest broken. there were papers– his notes– all over the room, some on his bed, some on the floor.
“peter... what the fuc-”
“i know!” peter exclaimed, “baby, please tell me i’m not hallucinating or... or am i going crazy?!”
“peter what’s wrong?” your voice, dripping with concern, made him look up and just as you took a step towards him, he took one back. a look of hurt flashed across your face.
“no. no, no, no.” peter quickly, “let me explain.” you sighed and nodded, letting him continue, “yesterday, a spider bit me.”
peter continued, ignoring the worried look you gave him, “(y/n), i’m sticking to everything! and i’m... i’ve gotten super strong! i broke that chair.” he pointed, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he gulped, “i think there was something wrong with that spider.”
“peter i-” you weren’t sure if moving closer to him was a good idea because he’d just back away, “are you... high?”
“what?!” he stared at you with squinted eyes.
“i think you need... rest?” his expression now mirrored your. there was too much confusion in the moment.
“you don’t believe me.” peter sighed in defeat.
“hey, hey. it’s not that, baby...” he shook his head as you trailed off.
“i can prove it.” all you could do was stare at him as he walked towards his desk, placing one of his fingers over the theoretical physics book, the heaviest among all the other books of peter’s. he pulled it up and then the book was in the air, stuck to his finger as if there was an adhesive between the two surfaces.
“holy-!” you almost screamed, now taking a step away from him.
he tried shaking his fingers but the book just wiggled in air, “h-how are... how the fuck are you doing that?!”
it was getting hard to breathe properly as he forced the book away from his fingers, the cover getting damaged in the process. now you understood all the pages on the floor. your eyes trailed over them again and you noticed the torn parts of papers.
“you’re sticky...” you mumbled out and looked at peter. he nodded in agreement.
“i thought the spider bite was making me hallucinate but...”
you took a deep breath, still trying to wrap your head around all of it.
“i’m sorry i didn’t want you to come close because i didn’t want to hurt you.” he explained, frowned eyes, looking into yours.
you held eye contact with him as you slowly took a step towards him, then another, and another until you were standing right in front of him, “you won’t hurt me, peter.” you assured.
“i won’t but-”
“just shh.” you placed a gentle hand over his cheek. he was sweating profusely, you noticed now but you didn’t care as he leaned into your touch, “it’s just your hands, right?”
your voice pulled him out from his slight trance, “what?”
“my hand is not going to stick to your cheek... right?” you asked, afraid to test it out.
“i honestly don’t know...” peter said, nervous to know himself.
thankfully, you were able to easily pull away your hand, taking a sigh of relief.
“what about other parts of you?”
a blush covered his cheeks at your question, “i- uh.. i-i’m sorry what-”
“like your lips?”
“are you willing to kiss me and find-” before he could finish his sentence, your hand grabbed another piece of paper from his desk and smacked it over his lips.
as soon as you left the paper, it floated down to the floor and you gave him a grin, “i can still kiss you!” peter stood there, giving you a blank look which made you chuckle, “sorry.”
“does this mean we can’t hold hands anymore?” peter asked, feeling a little at ease now that you were here with him. it gave him a sense of calm in your presence. in this moment. his senses didn’t feel on override. he was just trying to focus on you and your cute thinking face.
“maybe you should relax a little.” you looked at him, eyes softly boring into his soft, brown ones.
“how?” you offered him a hand and after slight hesitation, he placed his palm against yours. you grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently.
“maybe don’t try to focus on the ‘i’m super sticky, i stick to everything i see’ part?” you suggested, making him laugh. you took a deep breath, prompting him to do the same and it seemed to work. peter released your hand and it just fell to your side, as it would normally have.
peter gave you a huge smile, wrapping his arms around your waist, “god, you don’t wanna know how much i hated staying away from you!”
you chuckled, giving him a quick kiss. pulling back too soon for peter’s liking. however, before he could protest or pull you back for another kiss, you patted his chest twice.
“okay, sticky guy, go take a shower now.”
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Angel on Duty: the first meeting
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All Parts
pairing: demon/angel fem!reader x 141
word count: 2.1k
tags: semi-canon compliant, reader is described as having a tail and horns but calls herself 'Angel', do what you will with her real nature but she's simply sent down to fulfil a wish, no use of y/n, reader is referred to as 'Angel', 3rd person pov, minimal description of appearance, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warning: none
summary: the 141 boys have a fantasy to get captain price the fuck of his life, but also share it amongst themselves, a shared cumdump if you will. which basically translates into "we need a woman to break our miserable old man, and break us in the process and rebuild us again just to do it all over again." they're just miserable and pent up and horny and want to be taken care of, that's all :)
a/n: there's no smut in here cuz this is just the intro. bon appétit either way 💞 also let me know if u wanna be added to my cod taglist 😖
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What do you know about prayer? About wishing? Blowing birthday candles and wishing upon a star?
Ever since the beginning of time, it is man's nature to wish, hope and pray. To whom? That has always changed and shifted throughout the centuries, with prayers sent to different deities, angels, ancestors and so on.
But what humans don’t know is that all of their prayers, all of their wishing, if it was strong enough, if they really want it, really bad, their wishes just might become reality. And that was all done through a meticulously built system in another realm, where what humans considered angels worked day and night to realise them.
“Hold on, you’re not about to give me this much work when I’m literally getting paid minimum wage.” A woman said, waving a folder around in the air with wide eyes.
“If you have an issue, you can take it up to HR.” A man said unimpressed, not even looking up from his computer.
“Haha, funny. Seriously, why the hell did I get one wish and what? 8 humans??” The woman said, slapping the folder on the desk, making the man hiss in annoyance.
“Why must you be so difficult? It’s one wish and 8 humans who have the same wish? What’s so hard to understand? Get down there and do your thing.” The man said, visibly irritated, trying to shoo her away with one hand.
“You sent this down to my office and did not expect me to have questions?? If all little boys' wishes about becoming the next Ronaldo could be realised, Sandra down the sixth fraction would have 82 thousand humans, alone, to go through!” The woman said, hands on her hips and standing with her knees to the desk’s edge, casting her shadow on the man sitting in front of her.
“Who’s Sandra?” The man asked.
“I don’t know.”
The man finally stopped staring at his computer screen and stood up, rounding up his desk and grabbing the folder in his hand, “Did you even read the reports?”
“No, just the first page.” The woman said, twirling a hair strand in her finger while the man stared at her with an unimpressed look.
“For fuck sake…Okay, see here?” He said, pointing at the wish, which was a paragraph long. The woman nodded and he kept going, “This group of humans share the same wish, or fantasy to be more realistic, and it’s all linked together through one man.” He explained, flipping to another page and tapping a finger on a man’s profile and picture.
“Oh, he’s beautiful.” She said with a gasp, eyes flashing with a red light that made the man gulp and quickly look away from her face.
“They all work together and have this complex dynamic of friends, but also family, but also this relationship,” He said, flipping through the other profiles, and letting her look at every picture.
“What does that mean?” The woman tilted her head to the side in confusion.
“Their whole thing is a tangled mess of different dynamics with each other, but it all comes down to the first man I showed you, he’s like the glue of their team, but he’s what keeps them whole and sane, individually.” He said and glanced back at her and noticed her confusion but also the amazement on her face.
“They are fascinating…”
The man placed the folder back in her hands and turned to get his desk phone, “They are, now I’m going to call Beck to confirm some last details and you should be down in the mortal realm by tomorrow.
“They’re moving in tomorrow, and so are you.” He said and watched her leave his office with a shocked but excited expression nonetheless. He walk out of the door without having to touch it for it to wing open, the long black tail swinging back and forth, poking from under her short skirt and the horns that almost grazed the top of the doorframe.
The woman stood in front of a beautiful house in the middle of London, hugging a white cat with black ears and a black tail to her chest as a lorry parked in the street, next to her taxi. “I guess this is where I’ll be living for the next weeks… Not bad.” She said, petting the furball in her arms while the taxi driver removed her bags from the trunk.
“Thank you.” She thanked the man with a smile, and he smiled back, a blush high on his cheekbones and reluctantly left, glancing at her over his shoulder every two steps.
Then another man approached her, dressed in a blue shirt and hat, “The keys ma’am?”
“Oh yes, sorry.” She gasped, placing the cat on the ground and running to her bag, retrieving a set of keys and handing them out to the man with a small smile.
“Thank you.” He nodded and started walking to the house while other men dressed in the same uniform spilt out of a van, surrounded the lorry and started helping each other in carrying furniture inside the house while she stood to the side, watching.
Suddenly another car parked in the driveway of the house right next to hers, and she watched with curiosity as four men exited the car, looking tired but excited at the same time. They looked huge, carrying dark green and black bags on their shoulders and heading straight to the door, but without glancing at the woman.
She fought against a grin and held eye contact, her cat, Kuromi, purring against her leg. Then she moved before she could think.
The four men froze at their doorstep, still staring at her as she walked up to them. That day she was wearing a back suit with black heels and a black bralette instead of a button-up, the trousers hugging her hips so well along with her legs.
“Hey, I just wanted to introduce myself as your new neighbour. I’m Angela Ali, but you can call me Angel.” She introduced her fake name and gave herself a better nickname, internally snickering at the irony.
“Well, hello, we’re also new here.” Soap spoke when nobody said anything, he even smiled back at the beautiful woman.
Her eyes widened in surprise, both at his thick Glaswegian accent and the information he just gave her (which she already knew but she had to act the part), “Really? I had no idea! Maybe we can be friends and look out for each other in this neighbourhood.”
“Yeah, that sounds great. I’m Johnny MacTavish, by the way.” He finally introduced himself and stuck out his hand, and when she shook his hand, he felt tingles at the bottom of his spine, making him let out a breathy laugh.
“I’m John, John Price.” The second man said, sticking out his hand and keeping his eyes respectfully on her face and nowhere else. It was so stupid, he was tired, yes, but not that tired to be easily dumbfounded by a random beautiful woman. And John prided himself in his manners, so when his eyes landed on her body as she walked up to them, he couldn’t help but drink in every dip and swell like he was deprived.
That’s so embarrassing.
Angel smiled and shook his hand, shivering when his warm big rough hands engulfed her smaller one. He was the same man she called beautiful that day she received her wish file. And he was, not in the way humans usually described something as beautiful. But to her, despite his huge body, thick thighs and arms, deep voice and beard, his eyes held something in them that pulled her in. She could sense the man’s thoughts, emotions, wants and needs.
“Nice to meet you, John.” She smiled at the man and turned to greet the other two, who both introduced themselves as Simon Riley and Kyle Garrick.
Simon was wearing a simple black surgical mask, covering the lower half of his face. But she already knew what he looked like, she has his profile. She knows he has a scar that runs through his upper lip on the left side of his face.
His pale blue eyes were intense, looking at her, calculating, careful, as if she was a threat, someone to look out for.
Angel let him be, staring as much as he wanted.
Kyle on the other hand was all smiley, radiating warmth and friendliness. He was handsome and charming, and made Angel want to talk to him for two hours straight. Did I mention his smile? That man's smile is absolutely beautiful. You would never guess he's a soldier, a killer, a beast in the field.
“I’ll let you get settled, now. See you around!” She said and turned around, walking back to her house, noticing that her bags were moved and Kuromi was meowing by the door while men in uniforms were still working as fast as they could, unpacking everything and placing the furniture where it belonged. She reached the door and picked up the cat, gave her a kiss on her little head and looked over her shoulder and saw how the four men were still staring at her, and they all immediately stumbled inside their house, slamming the door shut behind them.
Angel giggled and finally stepped inside her new home, shaking her head.
Angel lay on her stomach, on her new queen-sized bed with a pizza box on her side and a laptop casting its bright light on her face. She took another bite of her pizza and read through the document on the screen, which was a digital version of her wish file, with extra documents going more into detail about each man she was to work on for the next weeks.
“Alright, what do we have here? Childhood trauma…Oh, oh, poor lad…” She frowned at the screen and read along the lines explaining some of the things Simon went through, she had read almost everyone’s files in detail, and it was already dark out, probably around 11PM. Angel checked the time and gasped when she realised it was actually 2AM.
She even had files about their careers, she just quickly skimmed through them just to see if there was anything serious to watch out for, but ignored everything else, just because she wanted to give a chance for the men to surprise her, it wasn’t very fun when she knew everything. Plus she was going to spend a couple of weeks on this job, so she might as well make it fun for herself.
Her horns and her tail were nowhere to be seen because it was a rule to hide one's true identity when in the mortal realm, or at least the form they like to wear in the wish realm. And hers was a pair of horns and a tail because she thinks it's funny to take on the form of a demon when humans think their prayers and wishes go to angels.
She was not an angel, nor a demon for that matter really, her whole existence revolves around realising human's wishes, and her form? She can take on anything she feels comfortable in. But when she's interacting with humans, she must take on a human form to hide her true nature.
Her phone suddenly rang and she flinched, looking down at the vibrating device. On the screen, a clock and a reminder to 'EAT FOOD' could be seen. She turned off the reminder and hummed, "Yeah, yeah, I'm eating.."
You see, Angel, still struggles to get into the habit of eating regularly when in human form. No matter how many jobs she's completed, she somehow still forgets to eat because you don't have to eat in her realm, you don't even need to sleep or go to the toilet. So setting herself a reminder on her phone is necessary if she doesn't want to suddenly drop.
"Oh, I forgot to read my own files." She gasped, sitting up straight and placing her laptop on her lap. After a few clicks, she opened her own files, highlighting her new identity and timetable.
"Okay, I'm an only child… Single, of course, duh, and my job is a sex therapist!" She said, brows raised and quickly reading next lines. "I only have to go to the office two days a week?... Nice. And I'm a PhD student… in psychology?.."
Angel groaned and fell on her back, her laptop still in her hands, it seems like she needs to start doing some research on human education.
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wonysugar · 1 year
it’s so over for me…. ch. 7
starbies~~ (half written)
a/n: I’M SO SORRY FOR BASICALLY POSTING THIS CHAPTER NOW😭i originally wanted to post it yesterday but thenvoekfke i passed out,,, so sorry. so uhm?? next chapter coming out later today<33 thank you
other, late a/n but uhm this was written wayy before the whole boycott situation.. so uhm don’t go to starbucks!! isofm!yn and isofm!ning are also boycotting as we speak so BE LIKE THEM! free palestine :]
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running into ning today wasn’t something you had originally planned, since, you know, you barely even go to starbucks in the first place. today was just some sort of craving you randomly got while doing your assignments.
you approached her, laying gentle taps on her shoulder, causing her to turn around. her resting bitch face immediately turning into a wide grin upon seeing you. you were flattered, in a way. you never really doubted your guys’ friendship, but you didn’t except such an enthusiastic reaction from her.
“oh. my. god. y/n!!! it’s so great seeing you!” she exclaimed, grabbing you by the arm and jumping up and down which earned very intense stares from the other customers there with you, and despite not usually wanting to draw any attention, you didn’t really give a fuck about it, you still quietly greeted her back, wearing a bright smile.
she offered to pay for your drink, to which you hesitantly accepted, despite her being very financially stable for a college student. plus, you never really go to starbucks, so, after reluctantly accepting, you told her to get you whatever she thought was good. she proceeded to order some sort of thing that sounded like a cryptic harry potter spell, to which the barista apparently immediately understood.
you acquired your order minutes before she did, so you took the chance to settle at the closest table. it didn’t take long for her to sit down facing you, her hand holding a bag containing a chocolate chip cookie with her pinkie and somehow managing to grab ahold of some unknown drink. her other hand holding what seemed to be a… pumpkin spice latte..? you weren’t too experienced, but pretty much everyone knew what a pumpkin spice latte was.
“i didn’t peg you for a white girl, ning.” you said, jokingly squinting your eyes at her as she rolls hers.
“oh shut upp.. that one isn’t even for me,” she vaguely motions at the ‘forbidden’ drink, “aeri asked me to get it for her.” she clarified, your eyebrows unconsciously lifting themselves up. aeri, huh.
whatever, you didn’t care about her. you never did, so why were you so.. immediately uptight at the thought of her?? quickly, you switched the topic of the conversation and focused on talking about other things. the exams coming up, future hangout plans, both of your friend groups.
“oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, by the way, there was like this one private account on twitter that dmed me, and they were like?? asking to kiss me or whatever and it happened the same day you guys went apeshit and like.. apologized about it yesterday.” you quickly took a sip from your very good drink, kept note that ning had incredibly good taste, then carried on, “the apology in question was mostly just them being an ass, so. that was weird!” you giggled.
upon looking at her expression, you noticed that she didn’t seem to find it as humorous as you did. instead, she looked like she was trying to force out a fake giggle, but couldn’t.
“girl, you good?”
“no yeah. i am. i’m great, even.” she cleared her throat, taking comically large sips of her drink, basically finishing all of it in one go. what the fuck?
you stared at her dead-panned, you knew her, you knew that looking at her that way would eventually get her to say what’s on her mind.
and you were correct in thinking that!
“ughh okay don’t tell anyone i told you this and under no circumstances do you tell this to aeri but… okay so we-got-really-drunk-and-high-and-she’s-the-one-that-sent-you-those-messages-and-the-account-she-used-was-her-private-one—“
she then stared at you, apparently expectant of something. the only thing that you could do at that moment was pull out your phone and open up twitter.
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vyntilador · 2 years
Let Me Cherish You
The boys catching you talking oh-so affectionately about them🫶
Genre: Fluff / Romance
Character/s: Marius, Artem, Luke, Vyn
Fandom: Tears of Themis
A/N: me rn screaming into my pillow and getting all giddy writing vyns part LMFOAOAWHSHAHAAHH
(you talking is color red, marius is purple, artem is blue luke is orange n vyn is green btw)
You were over at his family home havinf a small chat over tea with his father when he suddenly raised the question; "What did you find in Marius that made you love him?" You pondered the question for a moment, gathering it all and smiling to yourself as you thought more about him. "Well, for starters, I love his eyes. That maybe sounds a bit basic but I love the way he looks at everything as if it's the most priceless thing in the world. He uses everything he sees as an inspiration either as a painter or a businessman. Even if he had this.. 'annoying' laid-back attitude, I admire him for still being able to make me smile and comfort me in dark times." You were unaware of the smile blooming on your face as you kept going. "In all honesty, there's kind of a lot of things I like about him. Maybe some, I haven't found yet or some that are just so amazing that I can't put it to words." Austin von Hagen laughs softly and later then turns his gaze into the doorway where his son stood, frozen and staring fondly at his lover.
(god he deserves all the wholesome energy in the world so here😭)
You and Artem were stationed in an orphanage for a task in the law firm. The job you were given was connected to a child that resides within the orphanage which led you to your situation right now. You were sat on the floor with a number of children surrounding you as they 'interrogate' you. "Miss, is he your husband?" A little girl speaks up, her big, innocent eyes gazing into yours as if she sees your soul itself. "Uhm, no—" You were taken aback by the child's sudden inquiry that you stuttered slightly. "Mr. Wing is my co-worker. He's not my lover." You smiled sweetly at the child as you explained to her. "But how come you act like a married couple?" What..?—"Yeah! My mommy and daddy act exactly the same!" two kids now spoke and your panic increases. "Missy, if you're not married, then surely you like him, right?" A little boy asks and you sigh internally at the sudden turn of events. "Look! Miss attorney is turning red!" Many of the kids cheered and you sighed once more, not knowing how to deal with them. The children begged you to answer their questions and you were left with no choice. "..Yes, I kinda like him." You responded in a soft and quiet tone, making sure he doesn't hear. "But why do you like him?" a child asks, gaining the other kids attention. "Why do I like him..?" you ponder for a moment then spoke. "Well, he's really kind. Whenever I'm working, he's always looking out for me. And also, I look up to him! He's such a great person overall that I want to be like him. And.." "Look! She's smiling! " A little girl interrupts and the room full of children erupt with cheerful voices. "That's what my dad always does whenever mom comes home from work." The hoard of children discuss amongst themselves once more and you felt helpless until the sweet sound of a voice all too familiar was heard amongst the voices of the children. "Hey now, let miss have some rest. She's been very busy and I want you all to take good care of her, not tire her, okay?" "Okay!" the children agree in unison. Artem smiles to himself as he thinks of the words you described him as. He makes sure to stop by at the flower shop before going to work tomorrow.
A karaoke booth packed with 'adults' screaming singing their hearts out. That was the kind of situation you were currently in with Luke and your old classmates. Luke held the microphone in one hand while his eyes were trained on the tv displaying the lyrics. Your gaze stayed unmoving on him until somebody spoke up from beside you. "So, you still like him?" You whip your head to the direction of the voice to see one of your old best friend along side Luke back then snickering. You stayed silent, not knowing how to answer. More of your friends heard the topic of discussion and crowded around you for an answer. "What'dya like about him?" "If I had to guess it's probably his academic ability." "No! Not only that! Look at his build." "I can't believe you guys only look on the outside. It's his personality!" They all argued about which it was you liked about him but the answer was clear in your heart. "I don't like him just because he has a well built body or he's very intelligent but, I love him because he's always sincere. Ever since we were children, he was always honest with me. He never hesitated to do anything just to cheer me up and I love him for that. Though, I think he's gotten used to basically throwing his own well-being away just to save me and I wanna keep his mind at ease that it's not only him that has to protect the other. I'll protect him too, even if I'm not really capable." The girls that swarmed around you all swooned and squealed in excitement, saying how your love story would be just like a kid's fantasy novel about princesses. A blush bloomed on your face, mimicking the color of red flowers while trying to avoidtheir gazes but what you were unaware of was that Luke was looking straight at you the whole time, falling in love all over again.
You were only supposed to bring him lunch when you're suddenly swarmed by his students, all asking you questions as per your sudden appearance within the school. All the female students all talk amongst themselves while the others interrogate you and suddenly, a voice pierces through the noisy atmosphere. "Wait! You're all asking the useless questions! Miss, are you and Professor Richter dating?" The room goes quiet as all the students' attention turns to you. They all move closer to you demanding an answer and you sigh, defeated. "No, we're just..." as you thought of an answer, you suddenly cut yourself off , thinking if you were friends, acquaintances, work partners or...lovers. "... friends?" you finish your answer in an unsure manner. The students scoff and others laugh. "Come on miss, we're psychology students. There's no way in this green earth that Professor Richter looks at you like that and you're only friends!" students all agree and nod as they talk loudly once more. "Well, let's just say you're just crushing on him, what do you like about Professor Richter?" A rosy tint slowly emerges to your cheeks as seconds pass while you thought deeply about it. "Well— uhm.." you sigh and just decided to speak your thoughts. "He's very kind and caring. The moment I saw him, I already felt comfortable around him, with that soft expression he has. He's good both inside and outside. And uhm, please don't tell him but, I was already captivated by him on our first meeting. I mean— if you'd all just seen how cute and...attractive..? he was! I swear, I could've melted right then and ther—" the sudden sound of a low chuckle in the tone and voice you're all too familiar with interrupts your words as you look up and see all the students' eyes wide while some cover their mouths and you slump knowing that he's right behind you. "My rose, can we speak privately for a moment?" his voice was calming and smothered with loving affection and you take a quick look at the students again all hurrying out the room to give you privacy all the while snickering amongst themselves. "I've told them to get home as soon as classes are dismissed but they still don't listen." he takes a few steps to stand in front of you and he puts his finger underneath your chin to gently tilt it upwards so that he can lay his eyes upon your face. "But I guess I have them to thank for letting me overhear how much you adore me." he takes your hand in his and gives a chaste kiss on the back of it. "How about a dinner date then, my love?"
A/N:this shit messy fr💀
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leahrintarou · 1 year
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☠︎︎ WARNINGS: kenma wears masquerade mask, bathroom sex, semi-soft!dom kenma, y/n wears a skirt, fuck buddy au!, public sex kinda..
☠︎︎ WORD COUNT: 1.3k
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"kuroo, do you know where kenma is?" y/n questioned her friend. she'd notice his unique haircut which was the only reason why she was able to differentiate him from the rest of the individuals in the room. "I don't know, he just wandered off down the hallway. you know that he's not really into these kinds of events"
"then why did we drag him with us?" y/n sighed, pulling kuroo's mask a bit to make it snap back onto his face. he let out a small yelp, covering his face with a hand before using the other to point down the hallway in the direction of where he last saw his best friend depart to.
y/n followed his slightly hidden gaze that peeked through the mask, passing by making out couples before finally arriving in front of the bathroom's door. three knocks.
no answer
she knocked once again and it only felt like the music was coincidently getting louder. "kenma?" she called. expecting to hear an acknowledging hum, she was instead met with the sound of what seemed to be a moan. "kenma..?"
this time her voice was filled with more confusion until she sighed, staring at the closed door. closing her eyes and taking a small deep breath, y/n began to contemplate what to do before hearing the sound of the lock twist.
"aw, why'd you stop calling my name?"
her eyes shot open when she saw kenma peek his head around the slightly ajar door. "what are you doing?" she questioned, not knowing what else to possibly ask him in such a short amount of time. "what do you think? i'm sure you heard at least something familiar"
y/n almost begged herself to try and lose contact with kenmas locking gaze but her eyes were disobeying her silent orders. afterall, the mask that he wore basically highlighted his amber irises. "you seemed to be having fun out there. i didn't want to disturb you"
he kept the door slightly opened, skillfully only allowing half of his torso to be visible to y/n's eyes. "disturb me for what?" as y/n let the words pass by her lips, kenma suddenly reached for her wrist, pulling her into the small space of the bathroom.
his eyes seemed to dart down to his visible and clothed erection, making y/n suddenly let out a choked cough, being caught off guard by his unexpected action. "oh.."
"dont 'oh' me? help me"
"y/n" he called her name, this time dropping all signs of patience. "kenma, how did this even happen?" she questioned as he pulled her hand closer towards himself. "that's not important right now" he let out a staggered sigh when he placed his hand over y/n's guiding her to palm himself.
"y/n, let me fuck you..please?"
"what if someone walks in, kenma?" she questioned. "were wearing masks and as long as you only let me hear your sounds, it won't be easy to tell who you are, will it?"
she rolled her eyes but was interrupted she she felt kenmas body press against her own, slightly pinning her onto the bathrooms counter. "fine". y/n saw the small smirk that appeared onto's kenma's lip beneath his sleek designed mask, making her avoid his lustful aura.
kenma reached for the edge of her mask before pulling it over her head and placing it onto the empty space on the sink. y/n reached for his, trying to do the same but he swiftly grabbed her wrist, stopping her movements.
"are you not taking yours off too? it'll get in the way" y/n sent kenma a small glare, when she felt his sudden contact. "it'll actually be beneficial" he mumbled, placing a hand on y/n's inner thigh. "how so?"
"it forces you to keep eye contact with me"
y/n's protesting words were kept behind her lips when kenmas hand only trailed further up her thigh and under the fabric of her skirt. "kenma, i thought you wanted to be satisfied?" y/n mumbled when kenma's index finger hooked the hem of her underwear. "i could get off just by ruining you though"
kenma smiled when his eyes captured the image of y/n's eyes and faltering glare. he reached his hand into the restricting fabric before immediately circling her sensitive bud with his thumb. y/n could only shudder at the sudden temperature change that was caused by his contact, making kenma use his free hand to place on her lower back.
"relax, y/n. what are you so tense for?" he questioned. "oh i don't know, kenma? maybe the fact that there's so many people outside-" her words were cut off when swift movements were made by kenma to correctly sit her atop of the sink's counter. "what'd i say? were wearing masks. no one will know"
y/n nodded redirecting her focus to kenma's hand's which continued to abuse small circles against her bud. he stopped his movements once he realized where y/n's gaze resided, making her look up and to his masked expression. "only keep your eyes on me".
y/n didn't react. infact, she couldn't. the way that all emotion that was visible in kenmas irises only turned into lust, capturing her racing thoughts and worry. her breathing slightly quicked and the feeling of arousal all being caused by kenma, only caused her eye's to fight the need of shutting from the pleasure.
as the speed of kenmas hands quickend, y/ n slightly bit down on her bottom lip in an attempt to suppress her moans, all the while, still keeping her low lidded gaze on kenmas reflecting one. y/n never noticed before but kenmas words were right. the mask did in fact force her to focus on only his gaze and lips.
even if she wanted to, she couldn't admire any of his other features due to the mask's restriction. these thoughts caused her receiving pleasure to feel even more impactful. kenma noticed how she now struggled to keep her moans to a quiet volume so he leaned forward, using his free hand to cup her cheek, and guide her closer to himself for a kiss.
y/n allowed her moans to fall against his lips once they finally made contact. keeping the movements of his hand at a steady pace, kenma slowed down for a split second when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
he ignored it, too busy focusing on the pleasure of y/n but he groaned into their shared kiss when he felt his phone vibrate once again. kenma rolled his eyes, quickening the pace of his thumb against y/n's bud.
she quietly mumbled his name into the crook of his neck after the pleasure finally began to reach its peak and she couldn't help but closer her eyes and rest her forehead on his shoulder. "i wanna see you"
just before y/n was about to protest, she felt his movements slow down, knowing that kenma only did it as a 'warning'. "okay, okay. you're so-"
he smiled and completely stopped his movements, causing y/n to cut off her sentence. "kenma stop doing that" she mumbled, placing her hand on his wrist. "you want me to stop?"
with a small and thankful sigh, y/n held kenmas gaze when he finally continued his pleasuring actions, allowing her to finally reach the peak of her satisfaction. kenmas realized how she struggled to quiet her moans so, sneaking a hand to her nape, he guided her down closer to his face, meeting lips with y/n once again.
"y/n, kenma!" the sudden voice of kuroo was accompanied with the knock that was heard on the door. kenma continued to rub circles against y/n's bud, pulling away from the kiss and replacing his lips with his palm to keep y/n's pleasure filled moans, suppressed.
"y/n, i know the both of you are in there. you guys have no shame" they both heard the disappointment laced in kuroo's voice and y/n could only focus on kenma's continued pleasure when the smirk on his lips were slowly becoming more visible due to her amplifying moans.
"what, you wanna join or something?" kenma's voice was kept at it's usual low tone but somehow, kuroo was still able to hear his words.
"kenma, you're sick"
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twohearts-hs · 20 days
Always & Forever Twenty (Finale) - Marshall Mathers x Reader Series
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Words: 6.9k
Pairings: Marshall Mathers x Fem!Reader Series
Synopsis: They loved each other with every fibre and being. They knew that they were meant to be together, but it seemed like every obstacle came in the way. She was twenty-one, he was forty and they knew that it would be hard. Therefore, they promised forever and always as they were meant to be together despite every turmoil that came their way.
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol, & Angst.
|| Masterlist for Series ||
Hope you enjoy :)
Y/N parked her car in front of the cozy little bistro where she was meeting Alaina and Hailie for lunch. The morning was slow, Marshall refusing to let Y/N go but eventually she got out of the house on time. He made her breakfast and she stopped at her hotel to change. However, she was about five minutes late to meeting the girls.
Y/N took a deep breath before adjusting her sunglasses as she stepped out into the warm sunlight. The past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions, and she knew this lunch would be anything but a simple meal. Alaina and Hailie wanted her back with their dad and they would do anything for that to happen. They did see her leave the wedding with him, therefore questions will arise.
As she walked into the bistro, she spotted the two sisters already seated at the corner table. They sent a wave and Y/N smiled, waving back before walking over.
“Y/N!” Alaina greeted her with a hug. “It’s been so long.”
“Tell me about it. So long,” Hailie agreed, giving her a warm embrace as well.
Y/N sat down, and the waiter came and they ordered a round of cocktails before they go into a conversation.
“I’ve missed you both. How have you been? I have meant to reach out but-“
“Life, I get it,” Hailie said.
“I have kept up on Instagram though,” she said.
“Good, life has been good,” Hailie said before going in about her studies and graduating then talking about her new partner. Alaina talked about her relationship with Matt before they asked about New York City.
“Tell us about New York,” Alaina said, her eyes lighting with interest. “How’s the city treating you?”
Y/N smiled, her mind drifting to the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers of New York. “It’s amazing and overwhelming at the same time. I am working at the Museum of Modern Art as well as a gallery owned by a friend named Geneva. I have been doing a few shows for my art. It’s a dream come true. I have everything-“
“But dad,” they finished.
Y/N heard those words and sighed. “What do you want to know?” she said.
“Everything,” Hailie said. “Spill.”
Y/N took a sip of her cocktail, gathering her thoughts. “Well…”
“He took you back to your hotel room,” Hailie said. “What happened? If I ask dad, he will get all grumpy and states that this is none of my business and I need to stick to focusing on my own relationship,” she chuckled which Y/N joined.
“Yeah, he took me back to my hotel. We had a good discussion. Then he stayed over which was nice.”
Hailie and Alaina looked at each other and smiled.
“I went over for dinner yesterday which was nice. I stayed over…again. Basically, we have agreed to work through things. It’s been emotional, but we both want to give it another try,” Y/N admitted.
“Thank god,” Hailie said. “I knew there was something going on at the wedding.”
“Dad looked different, happier when he saw you and you two talked,” Alaina said.
Hailie agreed. “Yeah, we’ve never seen him like that in a long time. He missed you, Y/N.”
Y/N felt a pang of guilt mixed with warmth. “I’ve missed him too. It’s just complicated, you know. We’ve both changed a lot and have gone through different relationships-“
“Dad has dated no one since you. Have you dated since dad?” Hailie asked.
“I had a partner. Three years. We broke up in January. Your dad knows about her,” Y/N admitted. “We had long discussions.”
“Her?” Hailie said.
Y/N nodded. “Let’s not talk about it. Your dad is not a fan of talking about it too. However, we have been honest with each other, learning the five years without each other. We are different people, but we are learning one another again.”
“Well, we’re glad you’re back,” Alaina said, reaching to squeeze Y/N’s hand. “But we need more details. How did it happen? What did you talk about?”
Y/N sighed, knowing they would not let her off easy. “We’ve had a lot of honest conversations about our past, our mistakes, and what we want for the future. It’s not going to be easy, but we’re both willing to try.”
Hailie leaned forward, her eyes narrowing playfully. “Come on, Y/N. Give us something juicy. Did you guys…you know, get together in other ways?” she hinted.
Y/N chuckled and blushed. “Not yet. I wanted to but we’re taking it slow. We want to make sure we’re both ready and that this what we really want.”
The sisters seemed satisfied for the moment, but Y/N could see the wheels turning in their heads.
“You did not hear all of this from me. If Marshall finds out I am giving you information about our relationship, I will get a talk.”
They chuckled. “Promise. Secret is ours,” Alaina said. “However, you know,” her tone more serious, “Dad was really lonely after you left. He put on a brave face, but we all could see it. He was really heartbroken and choosing those bracelets…he would begin in December looking at them, pondering for months on what to buy, what would the note say…should he reach out? You promised a two-year break and it’s been five.”
Hailie nodded in agreement. “He threw himself into work and tried to be strong for us, but we knew he was hurting. He’d talk about you sometimes, wondering if you were happy or if you’d come back ever.”
Y/N felt a lump in her throat. “I never wanted to hurt him. I just needed to find myself, establish myself and to figure out what I wanted. I was twenty-one when I got with him. I was younger than you.”
“I met the love of my life and I am willing to do anything for them,” Alaina said.
Hailie agreed. “I would do anything for Evan.”
Y/N sighed. “I never wanted to hurt him. I do love him. I still do. I want us to be together and to have a future and we talked about that. However, I just came from a relationship where we talked about marriage and picking out a sperm donor. Your dad will never marry again, and he does not want any more children.” They stayed quiet unsure what to say. “However, I am willing to sacrifice that for him,” Y/N announced. “We are going to make it work. We are going to do long distance. We are…dating,” she whispered. “Every relationship is different. The thing about Marshall and I is we are in different life stages which makes it that much harder.”
They nodded. “I did not think about that,” Hailie admitted. Alaina agreed. “We just want dad to be happy.”
“I hope I can make him happy. It’s going to be a challenge as I will be in New York. It’s a two-hour flight. Your dad is going to come out in a few weeks for my show. I am excited as I can show him my city.”
“Just remember he is Eminem,” Alaina said. “Paparazzi especially in New York…once they know he is there. It’ll be a frenzy.”
“Then I am fine with us just hanging out in my apartment and doing nothing. Now, catch me up on the last five years.”
They grinned and began to chat more.
Y/N was exhausted as she got into her hotel room that evening. She had a lunch with the girls which went on forever, then she had her meeting with the art gallery and now she finally laid on her bed. She was still clothed in her day clothes, but she was so tired. Y/N flies at one tomorrow and Marshall wanted to come over tonight, but Y/N admitted how tired she was therefore, he would come for breakfast in the morning.
However, when she finally got herself to shower and crawl into bed, Marshall texted her.
10:23 p.m.
From Marshall <3: I don’t like sleeping without you.
To Marshall <3: I need to get my monies worth at the hotel.
From Marshall <3: Ok. I’ll be there for eight tomorrow.
There was a knock on the door at exactly at eight in the morning. Y/N ran to the door, a necklace in her hand as she opened it. Marshall stood there dressed down but his chain on display, sending her a smile.
“Hey,” she said. “Can you help me with this? I have long nails, so it does not work,” she told him handing him the necklace.
“Sure,” he said as she turned around, letting the necklace hit her chest as he clasped it. “There. Pretty,” he whispered, kissing her cheek. Y/N turned around smiling up to him as he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Hi, beautiful,” he hummed. “How was the lunch yesterday?”
Y/N chuckled. “Your daughters are very nosey. They wanted to know everything about us,” she stated as she walked around grabbing the menu for the hotel.
“What did you share?”
“The truth,” she stated as she looked at the menu before handing it to him.
“Which is?”
“That we are taking it slow and seeing where the relationship goes,” Y/N said as she sat on the bed. “What do you want to eat?”
“Let me look,” he said as he looked at the menu.
They fell into a conversation as they ordered their food and ate together. It was a good hour and a half of conversation before Y/N announced she had to get to the airport. They bid their farewells and shared a passionate kiss before Marshall helped carry her bags.
He put them into her rental car before standing in front of her. He watched as she placed her handbag in the front and walked over.
“I will see you soon,” he stated, leaning and kissing her. Marshall held her hip as he pulled away, tucking her hair. “I booked my flights last night. I will send you the information. I will do a few work things in New York, but mainly I will be there to see you.”
Y/N smiled, kissing his lips again. “Ok, I will see you then.”
He nodded, dropping his hand from her hip. “Bye, Y/N. It was a good few days. Thank you.”
She smiled, kissing his cheek before waving and getting into her car. Marshall watched as she left the hotel parking lot before making her way to the airport. All he did was smile…she was back. Back in his life.
Y/N did not own a car. Why would one own a car when they live in New York City? She only took transit or walked. Therefore, when the few weeks went by and it was time for Marshall to visit New York, she told him she could not pick him up as she had no car. He was fine with that and instead took a cab from the airport to her apartment in Manhattan.
Y/N spent the day prior cleaning her apartment and making sure it looked perfect. Therefore, when she got the text that he arrived. She grinned so widely. Y/N walked out of her apartment going down the steps to see Marshall getting out of the cab with his bag.
“Hey, handsome,” she mused standing on the staircase up to her apartment. He looked up and saw her and he smiled instantly. “Let’s get inside.”
Marshall followed, taking his duffle bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He wore jeans and a tee with his chain and a hat as they entered her place. It was beautiful, modern but rustic with brick walls and naked wood panels. Marshall placed his bag down at the door and took his hood and sunglasses off.
Y/N wore jeans and a black tank with some heeled boots. Her hair was slicked back into a low bun with gold hoop earrings. However, when he looked over her apartment all he could see was art.
Several easels with paintings on them, trolleys with paints and materials sat in the corner. It was artistic, art deco like and so Y/N which brought a smile to his face.
“Come here,” he said walking up to her and grabbing her hips, pulling her into a hug.  Y/N face curled into his neck as she breathed in his cologne. She popped her head as he leaned in and pressing a kiss to it. “Good to see you.”
Y/N pulled away and grabbed his cheeks, kissing his lips again. “Good to see you, M. Welcome to my flat,” she said. “Welcome to the Big Apple.”
He smiled. “Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her lips again with a little more passion.
“Let me show you around,” Y/N said, her hand slipping into Marshall’s as she led him through the apartment.
They wandered through the cozy living room with its eclectic mix of modern furniture and antique pieces, past the kitchen with its gleaming countertops and finally her art studio. Marshall was particularly drawn to this space, where canvas lined the walls and a faint smell of turpentine lingered in the air.
“This is amazing,” he said, taking in the vibrant colours and bold strokes of her latest work. “You’ve really made a name of yourself.”
Y/N blushed, her fingers tracing the edge of a nearby canvas. “It’s been a lot of hard work, but I love it. It’s my passion.”
Marshall turned to her, his eyes softening. “I’m proud of you.”
She smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. “Thanks, M. It means a lot to hear you say that.”
As Marshall continued to look around the room, he stopped in front of an easel covered by a cloth. His curiosity piqued, he glanced at Y/N for permission. She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.
He carefully pulled the cloth away, revealing a large, striking painting. It was a portrait of himself, capturing in a moment of deep contemplation. The detail was exquisite, every line and shadow meticulously painted. His blue eyes seemed to look right him, full of emotion and intensity.
Marshall was in awe, speechless for a moment. “Y/N…this is incredible. I didn’t know you painted me and for it to be like this. I look,” he rose a brow, “just amazing.”
Y/N stepped closer, her eyes on the painting. “I did it a few months after we broke up. It was my way of coping, of keeping you part of you with me. The day I could not paint you, I knew that I would get over us and it never came. I painted or drew you a lot. I could not sell them, with the details of tattoos and that mesmerizing face, people would know it was Eminem.”
Marshall turned to her, his heart swelling with emotion. “I don’t know what to say. This is amazing. I had no idea you felt this way.”  
“I was also hurt with us ending. It was a hard time,” Y/N admitted, her voice soft. “Painting helped me through it. And having you back now, seeing you in my life again, it’s like coming full circle.”
Marshall pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly. “I’m glad we are together again."
"Me too.”
Y/N wandered to the kitchen, putting a pot of coffee on before bringing his bag to her bedroom. Marshall smiled as she placed it on the bed and came out. She wanted to sleep with him, wake up next to him and just be with him.
“Just milk, right?” she said as she handed his coffee to him. He nodded. She remembered how he took his coffee.
Y/N walked to the couch, sipping on her coffee as Marshall’s eyes wandered around YN’s apartment, taking in the details he had not noticed earlier. He walked around the living room, seeing the shelves and television. However, his gaze fell upon a framed photo on a nearby bookshelf. Curious, he stood and walked over to get a closer look.
In the photo there was Y/N dressed up with sparkles and rainbow eyeshadow with a woman smiling up at her holding a flag. They looked happy, carefree. However, the woman who looked at Y/N had this look in her eyes. She loved Y/N. Marshall felt a tinge of jealousy twist in his gut.
“Aemma?” he asked, trying to keep his tone neutral as he picked up the frame to show it to Y/N.
“Yes. That was the pride parade last year,” Y/N said.          
Aemma who was taller than Y/N was beautiful. She had a short mullet and a broad smile. Her eyes were green, and she looked at Y/N as if she was the one.
“She looked at you with this love in her eyes,” he stated. “Like you’re the one for her.”
Y/N sighed. “I told you. We were in love.”
“Why do you still have this?”
“Why do I still have the painting of you?” she said. “I collect things I love. I have had that painting for five years.”
“It was covered in your studio. This is sitting in your living room just screaming that you love her and that you’re gay.”
Y/N took a deep breath, setting her coffee cup down. “Marshall, I told you about Aemma because I wanted us to be honest with each other. Yes, I loved her, and she was a significant part of my life. But that relationship is over. This photo is a memory of a time I was happy. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”
Marshall’s eyes softened, though the jealous still lingered. “I get that. I do. It’s just…hard to see someone else looking at you like that.”
Y/N stood up, walking over to him. She gently took the frame from his hands and set it back on the shelf. “It’s in the past, M. I chose to keep it because it was a part of my journey, just like you are. But, look we are here now. That is what matters. We’re here together, trying to rebuild what we had.”
Marshall nodded, his tension easing as he pulled her into a hug. “I don’t mean to make it a big deal. I just…we are trying us again and I know you have a past and I do to.”
“It’s ok. I am here with you now. Let’s focus on that.”
Marshall pulled away and began walking throughout the apartment. Every corner seemed to tell a story, and as he moved though the space, he felt a sense of connection to Y/N’s life. It was a reminder of the woman he fell in love with and the journey she’d been on. He stopped in front of a wall adorned with frame photographs. Mostly travel pictures and a few of people. There were photos, paintings and all types of memorabilia. His eyes scanned the collection, lingering on each piece. Suddenly, something familiar caught his eye. There, hanging among other frames, was the vinyl he signed all those years ago. The Eminem Show with his autograph hung.
Marshall stepped closer, a smile spreading over his features.
“To Y/N, with all my love. Marshall.”
He remembered the day he signed it. They were friends, jumping through hoops to not admit their feelings. It was her mother’s record that she stole, and it looked like it hadn’t changed besides the love from all the years ago.
Y/N saw him look at it. Then his eyes looked over to the next framed photograph, it was them at Y/N’s first art show and another one of them together. She had pictures of him in her apartment…the apartment she shared with her ex-girlfriend. Y/N still had pictures of them hanging.
“You remember that?” she said coming up to stand in front of the wall.
“We were just friends when I signed that,” he whispered, looking over. “I didn’t think you would frame it.”
“Told you, I keep things that I love. It’s a reminder of how we started. Even with everything that’s happened, those memories are still important to me.”
“You had these pictures hung for five years and you still never reached out.”
Y/N sighed. “That’s a lie. I emailed you to thank you for the birthday presents.”
“That does not count. You walk past this wall few times a day and you still never talked to me.”
“I look at that wall every day and think about how we will be together. Look at us now.”
He nodded. “You thought about me every day?”
“Every single day. There was not a day that goes by that don’t think about you. You’ve always been a part of my life, Marshall. That’s never changed even when we were apart.”
He leaned in and kissed her softly, feeling a surge of gratitude for the second chance they were giving each other. “Thank you for that.”
“Want to go for a walk around the neighbourhood? Get some lunch?”
“Sure,” he said.
They spent the day in domestic bliss. They made dinner together, ate together, showered together and went to bed together…domestic bliss. They were almost back to their old selves. Sharing laughs and stories as they fell back in love with one another.
The following day they spent hanging out before getting ready for the art event. Y/N was wearing a two-piece suit that was risqué but elegant at the same time. It was black with dress pants that were flowy with a vest exposing her arms. Her hair was pulled in low bun as she applied heavier eye makeup and a chain necklace that was a gift from Marshall from years ago.
He commented on and she smiled telling him it was one her favourite pieces to wear. She looked amazing with her heels and elegance. She was masculine, but feminine at the same time.
Marshall wore black pants, a tee with a leather jacket and chain. He was dressed down compared to her but that Marshall. He wore what he wanted when he wanted.
Y/N came out of the bathroom, seeing him sitting on the couch. He had a Red Bull in his hands as his knee bounced.
“Wow,” he said with a breath. “When did you trade in dresses for a suit?” he chuckled.
"When I became a feminist,” she stated, “twenty-six years ago. It’s nice. I hate wearing dresses to these events as you either look too elegant or too slutty. Therefore, I pretend I am a man, so no one cares what I dress in.” He chuckled as she grabbed her clutch off the counter.
“You ready?” he asked, his voice low.
Y/N nodded, a smile spreading across her face. “Yeah, let’s go.”
They arrived at the gallery, the place buzzing with energy and excitement. The red carpet was rolled, and photographers were already snapping pictures of the arriving guests. As soon as Y/N and Marshall stepped out of the car, the flashes intensified.
It could be due to Eminem showing up to an art gallery exhibition party or the fact that Y/N was a big name is the art word these days. However, the photographers were having a field day.
“Just ignore them. Let’s go,” Marshall whispered in her ear trying to get them to walk down the carpet to the entrance, but Y/N stood still.
“They are here for me, Marshall. Not you.”
Right…it hit him. She was a celebrity in the art world. He wrapped his arm around her waist, posing together as they smiled for the cameras. He was not a fan of the scene but did it for her. Eventually, they got into the gallery.
The atmosphere was even more electrifying. Guests mingled, admiring the art that adorned the walls. Y/N’s pieces were prominently displayed, and she felt a surge of pride seeing her work appreciated by so many.
“Y/N!” she heard her name, and she turned around, spotting Geneva. She wore a beautiful Vivienne Westwood dress. Her long silver hair was down, and she wandered over to Y/N. Geneva was tall with an air of elegance and authority. She hugged Y/N warmly and turned to Marshall.
“You must be Marshall,” she beamed. “Y/N has said so much about you.”
Marshall shook her hand. “We met about five years ago-“
“Yes, the one who would not let me buy her art,” Geneva said.
Marshall chuckled. “Yeah, anyway Y/N has been so successful, and I am so proud,” he said looking down to his girl.
“Yes, she is an incredible artist. We have been planning this event for weeks and Y/N has been so excited especially with you visiting,” she said.
Y/N chuckled, and they began to chat about the art around them. Marshall stayed quiet, knowing nothing about art as he glanced around. Y/N and Geneva continued to chat.
“Look at this sexy motherfucker,” a voice said from their left. They turned their heads and Marshall instantly recognised the woman walking up. Mullet, green eyes and she was tall and muscular…she was masculine in her own two-toned suits that was less sexy than Y/N’s and definitely was titled as man’s suit. However, as Aemma wore it, she looked amazing.
Her voice was low and British, sultry and rustic but beautiful. She grinned at Y/N and walked past Marshall, hugging his girl.
Y/N took a step from Marshall, eloping the female in a hug.
“How are you doing, love?” she whispered in her ear pulling away, squeezing her hand.
“Good! I am good,” Y/N said. “How are you?”
“Good. Look at all this art. So beautiful,” she said as she looked around.
Marshall looked at Y/N, unsure what to do and Y/N looked at him. “Aemma, this is Marshall. Marshall, Aemma,” she introduced.
Aemma put her hand out and Marshall took it. “The famous Eminem,” she stated. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise,” he said lowly. However, Aemma looked back at Y/N and smiled.
“Gosh, look at this suit. Sexy, sexy, sexy. I just want to eat you up,” she hummed with a chuckle.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “You’re a doll, thank you. How’s London?”
“Busy, but good. I am writing away about the celebrities and the fashion. Hot gossip is all I know these days. It’s different from the political side and news side. It’s a lot more fun. Freeing too, ya know. Like, I can have my opinions and be free with my work.”
Y/N nodded, smiling. “Glad to hear. I know you worried about the drama and all.”
“It’s not too bad. British pop culture is less dramatic than American.”
“You write about celebrities?” he asked, breaking his silence.
“Yes, you must hate me,” she joked. “However, this world loves drama.”
Marshall awkwardly laughed and nodded his head. He did indeed hate journalists and now he hated Aemma just a little more.
“Funny,” Y/N said, and Marshall shoved his hands into his pocket. “I hate drama.”
“Well, that makes you unusual which I love,” Aemma said as she took two flutes of champagne off a tray a waiter had and handed one to Y/N.
Y/N accepted the champagne flute with a smile, her eyes briefly meeting Marshall’s before she turned back to Aemma. “Thanks, Aemma.”
Aemma raised her glass. “To your amazing exhibit and all the success that’s coming your way.”
“To the future,” Y/N echoed, clinking her glass with Aemma’s. She then turned to Marshall, who was watching the interaction with a guarded expression. “You want something to drink, M?”
“Sure,” Marshall said. “I’ll go get something.”
Marshall walked off but kept glancing back to see Aemma and Y/N standing together. Aemma watched him leave, then turned to Y/N with a wistful smile. “He’s really protective of you, isn’t he?” she commented.
Y/N nodded, a soft sigh escaping her lips. “Yeah, he is. He’s been through a lot, and I think it makes him more guarded.”
Aemma’s eye softened as she looked at Y/N. “I can see that. He really loves you though.”
Y/N smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “I know. I love him too.”
Aemma took a step closer, her voice gentle as she leaned into her ear. “I miss you, you know. We had something special.”
Y/N looked down, feeling a pang of guilt. “I miss you too, Aemma. You were a big part of my life.”
Aemma reached out, her hand brushing against Y/N’s arm. “It’s hard seeing you with him. But I can’t deny that he looks at you like you’re the only person in the world.”
Y/N’s eyes met Aemma’s, and she could see the genuine emotion in her eyes. “Aemma, I never wanted to hurt you. Our time together meant so much to me.”
Aemma smiled sadly, her fingers tracing a pattern on Y/N’s sleeve. “I know. And I don’t regret any of it. But seeing you with Marshall, I can tell me truly loveS you. It’s written all over his face.”
Y/N swallowed hard, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s been difficult, trying to balance everything. I care about both of you.”
Aemma nodded, understanding in her eyes. “I get it. And I want you to be happy, Y/N. Even if it means being with him. I want the best for you.”
Y/N felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes. “Thank you, Aemma. That means a lot.”
Aemma took a deep breath, forcing a smile. “Just promise me one thing.”
“What’s that?” Y/N asked, her voice trembling.
“Promise me you’ll take care of yourself,” Aemma said, her voice sincere. “And that you’ll let yourself be happy.”
Y/N nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek. “I promise.” Aemma wiped the tear.
“Don’t cry. You’re too pretty to cry.” Y/N smiled give Aemma a warm hug before pulling away. She rubbed her back before pressing a kiss to Y/N’s cheek. “I will always love you in some way.”
Y/N nodded. “Likewise.”
They stood in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared history hanging in the air. Aemma finally stepped back, giving Y/N a small, sad smile. “I should go mingle. It’s your big night, after all.”
Marshall watched the whole interaction, and he could tell that Aemma still loved Y/N a lot. However, he grabbed his drink from the bartender before turning back to see Y/N in front of him.
“Hey,” he hummed, and Y/N wrapped her arms around him. “Everything ok?”
“Just had a moment with Aemma, but its all good. She just means a lot to me as a friend and a person I shared a life with.”
He nodded. “You good then?”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with determination. “I am. I love you, Marshall. I really do and I am here for you always.”
Marshall smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you too, Y/N. Its all good. Let’s enjoy the rest of the night.”
Aemma was affectionate. Absolutely, over the top affectionate to Y/N and as the night went on Marshall’s patience was wearing thin. She did not leave her alone and she would find any excuse to touch Y/N. Marshall was affectionate and he loved Y/N, but he would never display that level of PDA in front of people. Sure, he would hold her hand and lean in for a kiss on the cheek but Aemma…Y/N would tell a joke and she would grip onto Y/N’s arm, or she would lean super close, brushing her lips to Y/N’s ear.
Marshall had to trust Y/N. However, he was getting angry. Y/N warned him that Aemma was a flirt. She had the looks and the confidence, and she had a history with Y/N. They were once friends just like Marshall and her.
However, as the night continued, Marshall’s patience wore thin. He could feel his temper rising with each passing minute. Aemma was there…constantly, giving no time to Y/N and Marshall. She was always around Y/N.
He leaned into Y/N. “I am going outside for a breather,” he said, and she nodded.
“Everything ok?”
“Just overwhelmed.”
Y/N nodded as he walked away. Aemma watched Marshall leave and turned to Y/N.
“You can’t keep touching me like that, Aemma,” Y/N stated as she looked at her old friend. “As much as I love it, Marshall gets weird with that especially now that we are back together. He is insecure about us. Always have.”
Aemma nodded, taking a step away from Y/N. “I did not realise. However, is that healthy?”
“I don’t know if anything about Marshall and I is healthy, but I want us to work.”
Aemma sighed. “You two were so toxic though-“
“We aren’t anymore. We went through trauma and needed each other more than anything-“
“He loves you more than you love him.”
“Aemma,” Y/N sighed. “I love him.”
“I will lay off the touching,” she said with a smile. “Which is going to be weird.”
“I know but do it not for him but for me.”
“Anything for you,” she hummed, winking at her.
Marshall came back in walking to Y/N and wrapping an arm around her waist and she looked up. “I told Aemma to stop touching me,” she told him. “I know its bothering you.”
He nodded. “Thank you.”
The night was a success and Y/N was a little tipsy but she was fine as they got home. Marshall opened the door as Y/N came in, taking her heels off and rolling her head back to crack her back.
“Heels really fuck your back up,” she stated as she walked to the kitchen to grab a drink of water.
“I don’t know how you wear those,” Marshall said as he followed her and leaned against her counter. “Aemma,” he began, “was affectionate,” he decided on a word.
Y/N sighed. “I know. Are you ok?”
Marshall nodded then sighed. “She was really close. Like she,” he sighed, “fuck, Y/N it was clear she is still in love with you.”
“Marshall,” she tried.
“I’m not ok,” he finally came to the conclusion. “How could I be? Watching her all over you like that…it’s…it’s too much.”
“What do you want me to do?” Y/N whispered. “She is not leaving my life.”
“Move to Detroit. Put us first. Move in with me. Let us have a life. Fuck,” he said. “I want us to happen. I want us to be serious. If this fucking chick is here, visiting you, touching you-“
“So, it is about Aemma?”
“Why can’t we have a happy ever after? I want someone to grow old with and I am fucking old already. Do I need to wait another five years? It just…I looked at you and Aemma and she was just there and you allowed her-“
“Marshall, she is part of my life.”
"And I want to be part of your life and I want you part of mine.”
“I am,” she said leaning closer to him. “Marshall, you can’t get all territorial of me. You need to trust me.”
“I just want you in Detroit. Call me selfish, but I can’t do this flying constantly. Will you ever move to Detroit?”
“When?” he begged. “Another five years? Ten? When you’re ready to retire…I’ll be dead.”
“Marshall,” she said pinching her nose. Taking a deep breath she looked up. “I don’t want to sacrifice my career on something that I don’t know will last. We weren’t even together for a year.”
“Because you chose Columbia. You are choosing this job. You are choosing this city, this apartment, this life. Chose me for once as I am sick of being on the bottom of your list.” He then shrugged. “Do you even fucking love me? Because this is not love.”
Y/N felt a wave of pain and frustration wash over her. How could he say something like that? She placed her glass of water down on the counter and took a step closer to Marshall, looking him straight in the eyes.
“Marshall, I do love you. More than you know. But asking me to give up everything I’ve worked for is not fair. My career, my dreams – they’re a part of me…of who I am. I can’t just throw them away.”
Marshall shook his head, clearly still upset. “So, what am I then? Just an option?”
Y/N was getting exhausted by all of this. She rolled her head back and took a loud and obnoxious big breath before whispering, “I agreed to get back together if we didn’t fight like we used to, that we would not be toxic and that we would be ok with long distance.”
Marshall’s expression softened, but the tension in his eyes remained. “I know, I know,” he quietly said. “But it’s so fucking hard, Y/N. Seeing Aemma with you tonight just brought all my insecurities to the surface. I don’t want to fight, I just…I want us to work.”
“And we will. We need to trust each other, and we have to work through this together. Long distance is tough, but it’s not impossible.” She took another step, closing the distance between them. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart beneath her fingers. She looked up. “I love you.”
“I want us to build a life and not just visit you in another city.”
“I understand that,” Y/N softly said. “I want that too, someday. But, right now this is where I need to be. For my career, for my dreams. It does not mean I love you any less.”
He sighed, rolling his head back. “I need you. Home. With me. In Detroit,” he said it very bluntly.
Y/N saw just how much he’s hurting. She did have Daniel with the job opportunity. She could move to Detroit. She could but that could end everything with Geneva and the gallery. She was well established in New York and if she moved to Detroit, her income could be heavily impacted. There was a inner debtate.
Y/N patted his chest a few times and cleared her throat. “Marshall,” she tried.
“Just tell me. New York first.”
“I think you’re being dramatic and you’re being very controlling. You’re set on your own ways. You’re putting your happiness first. However, I will contact Daniel and see what the opportunity in Detroit would be like. I don’t even know if he would hire me.”
What did she want? New York City…her life, her reputation, her career…or Marshall? A life with him. Y/N had no idea what to pick. However, she pinched her nose and whispered, “I am going to take a shower.”
Marshall watched as she walked away. How could he take her words? She was right…he was being selfish, he was putting his needs, wants, desires and happiness first. However, he could not move to New York City. He could not leave Detroit.
“Why do we fight, Y/N?” he said after a while. “Why doesn’t the universe allow us to just be happy?” he said moments later. “Why can’t we have happiness.”
“I don’t know, Marshall,” she whispered turning around in the apartment. “All I know is that I love you. I want you. I need you. I desire us. I adore us. I want us to be end game.” Then Y/N turned to look at him and he stood a metre apart and she sighed. “I will move to Detroit. I will rent this apartment out until I can sell it. I won’t move in, but I will live close. I will chase the job at that gallery with Daniel the owner. I will put us first because you’re you and I am me and we are meant to be together,” Y/N admitted.
“I can’t give you marriage or babies,” he stated. “However, I promise I will love you until I take my last breath. Then I will find you in our next lifetime and I hope it will be easier. In that lifetime, I will meet you, I will fall in love with you, I will marry you and give you as many children as you want, and we will grow old together and be buried next to each other. However, in this lifetime we are just two people trying their best to love and I don’t know why we deserve that because we are good people.”
Y/N ran, she ran across the room and wrapped her arms around his neck before her hands grasped his cheeks, bringing his lips to hers. Marshall allowed it, leaning down and giving all his will power and love to her as their kiss became passionate, needy and wanting.     He walked backwards, pushing her as they walked to her bedroom. Their hands moved effortlessly through one another, ridding clothes and stepping out of them leaving them naked in front of each other. Y/N pulled away as the back of her legs touched the end of her bed. They stared at one another with such love, adoration and devotion. She cupped his cheek, looking up at him through her lashes. Her eyes glimmered with hope and need as she pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Forever?” she whispered.
“Forever and always,” he agreed. Then she kissed him with everything she had.            
Till death do them part.
Yay! The series is over. Hope you all enjoyed it. I had so much fun writing it. I am thinking of doing a epilogue, but we shall see.
Additionally, I would like to say that I am opening my inbox to requests as I would love to write more Marshall Mathers/Eminem fanfiction. Let me know your thoughts!
Much love,
Ava <3
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Negan x reader - people can change
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Part 2:
A/N: italics will be sign language
When Aaron was back on the road you took his blindfold off, handing him back his weapons and he smiled at you.
“Thank you. Do you have a name?”
Cole stood between you and Aaron, and he held out a slip of paper.
“The ghosts?” Aaron asked.
Cole nodded.
“You don’t talk much do you?”
Nobody said anything, so Aaron decided to stay quiet as well, not wanting to do anything to annoy anybody into killing him.
He did notice that the sick ranged from adults to a couple of children, all which wore the same plain wooden masks.
He was taking notes of everything he saw, anything could could determine whether you were to be trusted as a group or not.
The children despite being sick seemed to just want to play, laughing and giggling but they never spoke, instead they signed like everybody else.
He didn’t know sign, so he wasn’t able to make anything out.
Cole glanced at you, waving his hand in front of your face to get your attention.
Are we sure this is a good idea?
You gestured to the small ground in front of you.
We need medicine and a doctor. They have both. They’d be wise not to try anything.
If they do?
You gestured to the trees.
We’re not the only ones out here Cole. They will be watching for the surrounding trees.
He nodded his head, holding out a canteen to you and you pointed to Aaron.
It was going to take at least two days to make it to the community by foot, so you had to make sure everybody had enough to last the trip.
A leader sacrificed their own needs for the needs of their people, you weren’t too fussed about that.
So during those two days you went without food, sleep or water, you kept a watchful eye over your people to ensure their safety.
Finally the walls of Alexandria drew closer, and your group parted to allow Aaron to go first.
The people of the community raised their weapons and yours did the same, and Aaron raised his hands to both sides.
“They’re here to talk about a trade deal!” Aaron called.
The gate was slowly opened, Michonne walked out.
“You’ll think about a deal?” She asked you.
You gave a single nod.
“Under the conditions we help some of the people first, they need to see Siddiq, then they’ll consider a deal.”
“Nah, we can’t consider a deal with people who won’t even talk to us. Show us their faces or give us their names.” Daryl said.
Michonne nodded in agreement.
“He’s right, how can we trust people who won’t even let us look at them or speak with us?”
You reached into your pocket, pulling out a notebook and you walked over as you wrote, handing it over to her.
‘Help my people, I will speak. The mask stays in until I know my people are fine.’
She nodded.
“I understand that, if things go sideways you wouldn’t want to be recognised. Daryl take the sick to Siddiq.”
You turned to your people.
The sick go with the man. Fighters go with them. Watch carefully. Nobody is to be alone.
The nodded, going through the gates and Cole walked over to you.
“Your soldiers better not attack.” Michonne warned.
“They’re simply here to ensure the safety of the people that’s all.” Cole replied.
Michonne turned to him.
“You’re not the same one as last time.” She noted.
Cole chuckled, nodding his head.
“You’re correct. I’m not.”
You followed her into a house, and you were shown to a table where you were sat down with Michonne, Gabriel and Aaron.
“The rest of the council are busy, Daryl is watching over your people in the infirmary. They’re not your only people, are they?” Gabriel asked.
“No. There is another group of scouts outside your wall, harmless, hidden, just for precaution.” He said.
Michonne turned her head towards you, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.
“You said you would talk.”
“You’re yet to ask me any questions that require me to answer. This man can answer any basic ones you have. You have more questions, you and me talk, these two and him talk.”
Michonne got up and you did the same so you could follow her.
Cole stood up and you pointed to him, lowering your finger and he slowly sat back down.
“You answer them honestly. But remember the rules.”
He gave a nod, and you left the room with Maggie, heading outside and into the street, slowly walking around.
“How many run your community?” She asked.
“Only me. I have levels of command of course, just in case anything happens. Rules, guidelines, all set in place. My back up plans have back up plans.”
You glanced over at her, then went back to watching where you were walking.
“A leader must ensure their group is well protected, that if they fall their group will survive.”
Michonne stopped by a stall, grabbing a couple of apples, and she held one out to you which you shook your head too.
“Aaron said you’ve gone this entire time without food, rest or water.”
“As I said, a leader ensures their group is well first. I have gone longer.”
“Take it, we have plenty. You fed us when you took us back.”
You sighed a little, taking the apple and you put it into your pocket.
“How many of you are there?” She asked.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t counted.”
“A lot of fighters.”
You nodded.
“Yes, everybody fights if they can. Children, teenagers, sick, injured, and the elderly don’t.”
Michonne nodded, taking a turn so you did the same thing.
“The masks?”
“Hand carved, crafted from fallen trees.”
You stopped, and she did the same thing, turning around to face you.
“You have a man here. Negan. I request go see him.”
Michonne reached for her sword, and you raised your hands.
“I was not part of his crew of bandits, in fact, I took down a large number of them. I’d like to see what befell of the man. I’m sure he’d recognise me.”
“You fought him? He found your community?”
“No, his people kept crossing in our lands. I warned them, they never listened.”
Michonne seemed a little unsure.
“I have no intention to kill him, he thinks he killed us, I want to show him that we stand to our name Michonne of Alexandria. We are ghosts, we walk in the shadows, the wind carries nothing of us.”
“You wish to taunt him.”
“I suppose you could say that.”
This made her laugh a little bit, and she nodded her head.
“Go ahead, show him he lost. Come on.”
You followed her and she took you down to the cells, gesturing for you to wait and you did, sitting on some steps.
A young girl sat next to you.
“Hi, I’m Judith.”
You turned your head towards her.
“Do you have a name?”
“Yes, I do. But I can’t tell you that.”
“Because you don’t trust us?”
You gave a small nod of your head.
“Yes. But you can call me Ghost.”
“That’s okay. Why do you wear a mask? Is it so we can’t see who you are?”
You nodded again, and she smiled softly at you.
“That’s okay. You’ll see you can trust us. We can all be friends.”
You hummed a little, and you reached into your pocket, handing her the apple that her mom had give to you.
“I’ll tell you what Judith, when I decide to take the mask off, you’ll be the first person to see. Deal?”
She grinned, shaking your head.
Then you reached into your other pocket, pulling out a cloth and you held it out to her without looking at her.
She took it, carefully opening it.
“What is it?”
Judith gasped, quickly unwrapping it to see the little treats.
“They’re shaped like birds!”
“Our baker happens to be rather good.”
“You have a baker?”
“We have many things, just like your community does.”
She took one, holding it out to you, and you took it.
Judith carefully watched you, you knew she wasn’t going to eat it if you didn’t eat first, she was smart like that.
Pulling up your scarf, you lifted your mask slightly, letting you bite into the cookie, and you savoured the sweet taste.
Judith took one, taking a bite, and she grinned from ear to ear.
“It’s so sweet!”
“You don’t need sugar in order to make foods sweet, if you know your plants you can have the same affect.”
You took another bite into the cookie, looking down at the steps, and she looked at you.
Judith tried to peak under your mask, and you placed your hand over her eyes, pulling your mask back down.
You moved your hand away.
“It’s alright. You’re curious. I understand.”
You heard steps and you looked to see Michonne coming up.
She nodded and you made your way quietly without a sound down there, standing in the doorway.
“This some kind of trick? Trynna scare me now?” Negan scoffed.
You glanced to Michonne and she walked in first.
“You have your very first willing visitor.”
You slowly walked in, keeping your head down as you turned to face the cell.
“What the shit is this? The execution squad? You twisting my nuts or something?”
You raised your head, his eyes locking with yours under the mask and you watched as he tended up, slowly freezing where he was sat.
“You remember the mask, don’t you Negan?” Michonne said lowly.
“Oh yeah, hard to get that shit out your head when you watch three people wipe out over 50 men.”
You titled your head to the side slightly, and he tried to press himself further into the wall.
“Does one person really scare you that much…?” Michonne smirked.
He chuckled slightly, glancing at her before turning his eyes back to you.
“If you saw the shit these fuckers could do, you’d be pissing your pants. There was no sign, no noise. One minute you think you’re safe, the next these fucking things have you surrounded, you blink and then they’re gone again. Not a sound, not a single word. Half my convoy gone, all because we stepped on the wrong road.”
Michonne looked at you, and you titled your head to the other side.
Slowly you crouched down, and he grabbed a book, ready to use it as a weapon.
“Wow, you’re really shitting yourself here over one single person.”
“You think that’s it? There’s more, there’s always more of them, laying in wait for that one signal.”
“We know.”
Negan furrowed his brows a little.
“Oh yeah, there’s more inside this community and outside too. We know that Negan, so while you sit in here, unable to run, just think about that.” Michonne warned.
She left the room and you stood up, following her as well, closing the door behind you.
Making your way back up to the street with Michonne she laughed slightly.
“Now that’s a man who is terrified. Did you really kill his men?”
“They did the same as you, come into our area, we watched them, they were a threat. Looking for us, so we wiped them out and sent one back with a message for Negan not to travel that road.”
Michonne turned to you.
“Did he listen?”
“He sent more and more people trying to find us, even came out once himself.”
“You didn’t kill him?”
You shook your head.
“He willingly left, said he wouldn’t come through again and he never. It was a battle he knew he couldn’t win.”
“What did you fight him with? Guns?”
You tapped the sword on your hip.
“We all have them, found a weapons exhibit. Took all we could, learned to craft our own.”
Michonne seemed confused.
“May I?”
She nodded, and you stepped back, showing her you meant no harm and drew your sword.
When it was halfway out there was a small crack sound, and a spark, the rest of the blade lighting on fire and you twirled it a few times.
The fire on your sword dimmed a little as the breeze went by but it didn’t go out, not until you ran your hand over the blade, flicking the liquid and some flames on the floor.
You put the sword back, and stepped on the small flames to put them out.
“What the hell is that?”
“There’s fuel in the the scabbard, and a small additional catch on the blade and the inside of the scabbard itself to create a spark and light them.”
“You made these?”
You turned to her, and you gestured to the house.
She took you inside, back to Cole who stood up, and you looked at him.
“We are willing to do trade with you. What do you need?” You said.
You all sat back down.
“Honestly right now we’re at war, with people who wear walked skins, we need weapons, dry food.” Gabriel said.
“We can deliver these to you. In return all we ask is for medicine at the moment and warm clothes and blankets for the winter.”
Michonne smiled, nodding her head.
“We can do that.”
You stood up and so did she.
“Then it’s settle, Lakeshore will work with Alexandria, the hilltop and Oceanside.” You said.
Michonne shook your head.
“We are allies.”
You let go of her hand, and stepped back.
“I will send one team away, to bring what you asked for, for now if you accept my request I’d like to stay here until my people are well.”
“Yes, I’ll have a place set up for you all.”
“When my people are well, we will discuss the idea that you gather all your leaders, we will bring you to our community, as we have seen all of yours it’s only fair you see ours.”
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slytherinshua · 11 months
genre. fluff. warnings. kissing. a little flirting. food mention (ice cream). pairing. harua x reader. wc. 882. a/n. from this request for lovely @haecien to feed the ever-growing &teamie delusions.
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“Really? You got vanilla?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as your boyfriend walked back with two cones in his hand. Chocolate for you and vanilla for him.
“Come on, it’s not that different than chocolate! You got a basic flavour too!” Harua complained, handing you your cone.
You licked it, smiling at the rich flavour of the dutch chocolate, “At least chocolate is more interesting than vanilla.”
Harua frowned, “Stop the vanilla hate.”
You laughed, “Okay, okay. I’ll forgive my basic boyfriend ‘cause I love him.”
Harua’s cheeks flushed at the comment even though he wanted to argue that he is far from basic. It’s the exact reaction you expected from him and it makes you smile. His cheeks always flush when you tell him you love him. You almost wonder if there’ll be a day when he can still act cool and collected when you say those 3 simple words, but you know it’ll never be any time soon. It’s been months since you first said it to him and he still gets flustered every time.
You’re sure it must be some magic charm that Harua has, because even after years of having a crush on him, and over a year of dating, it feels like you’ve only just fallen for him. You still feel butterflies in your stomach and your heart racing like crazy when he does something. And you still have the same effect on him that you always have. Loving Harua feels like it’ll never get old, like the feeling of young love will last forever. 
“What are you thinking about?” Harua asks, breaking you from your trance of licking your ice cream and admiring him as if he was hypnotising you (which he kinda was).
You blinked a couple times to reset before your lips curved up into a big smile, “Well… Now I’m thinking about the ice cream on your lips.” You said smoothly. Harua barely had time to furrow his brows in confusion before he felt your lips on his, softly kissing him, using the little bit of melted vanilla ice cream as an excuse.
“W-what was that for?” He inquired, his own lips tingling from your kiss and lifting a little into a soft smile. He liked your kisses.
“I told you. There was ice cream there.” You repeated.
“If you wanted some of mine, you could’ve just asked.” He informed you sweetly. “I thought you didn’t like vanilla, though…” He added in a mumble as an afterthought.
“It tasted better cause it was on your lips.” You said boldly.
Harua took a breath, “Okay, now you’re trying to flirt with me.”
You giggled, “Is it working?”
“I don’t know. I think I’m in love with you regardless.”
“Cheesy…” You mumbled, cheeks flaring. You hated how he could make you blush so easily from just a single sentence.
“You did it first!” He defended with a laugh, sending both of you into a fit of giggles.
To onlookers, you and Harua were the type of couple that people awed at. You often got compliments that you were lucky to have each other, and you agreed wholeheartedly. You were lucky to have each other. Spending moments with someone you felt so right with was probably the best feeling in the entire world. And the moment Harua came into your life was the start of your happiest memories.
“Ready to go?” You asked happily after finishing the ice cream. You held out your hand for Harua, and he nods before lacing his fingers with yours and giving you a gentle squeeze.
“Where to next?” You questioned, swinging your arm back and forth with Harua’s as you walked down the street away from the ice cream shop.
Harua hummed and then shrugged. You took it that he didn’t really care where you ended up going next, as long as he was with you then he’d be up for anything. So, you just kept walking down the street until Harua stopped abruptly.
“Kitten.” Harua whispered, eyes wide and staring at the sidewalk in front of him. You halted as well and looked down, eventually spotting the little black and white kitten who was sitting a couple feet away from you.
“He’s got little mittens.” You cooed at the black spots of fur around the paws. Harua walked a bit closer and crouched down a little closer to the kitten. They both peered curiously at the other and you practically felt your heart burst at the sight.
Harua held out his hand patiently and within a few seconds, the kitten was rubbing up against it and purring softly. Harua pouted and looked back at you with shiny eyes.
You laughed, “Are you gonna cry?” He shook his head and sniffed away the tears that were starting to build up. “He’s cuter than you and that’s saying a lot.” You commented, watching your boyfriend pet the cat contentedly. 
The moment only lasted another minute before the kitten ran off and Harua stood back up. 
“We should do this more often.” Harua said, grabbing your hand again.
“Do what?”
“Be spontaneous. It’s nice to not have a plan… or a destination. I like just being with you, you know?” Harua remarked with a smile.
You hummed in agreement, “It’s nice.”
↳ &team taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @kpoprhia,, @weird-bookworm,, @edensgardenn,, @cyberpunksunwoo
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
niko x reader with a stutter?
Lemonade? ~ Niko Omilana
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You had always been quiet. In primary school you had noticed the kids around you talking with each other and playing, sometimes you wanted to join in but there were many times you found the sound annoying.
As you grew up, the loneliness overtook the need to be alone and you started trying to talk to people. It was always difficult for you, you were different, sometimes your tongue just got stuck on a sound. You had tried to stretch the sound out so your wouldn’t repeat it and that seemed to work but sometimes people would be annoyed of that too, they said it was too slow.
You had no explanation for it, neither did your parents and the doctors always repeated the same things, “it’s a stutter”, “it’s untreatable”, “maybe try speech therapy?”
You had gone to the speech therapist, she was kind and always treated you with respect. But she couldn’t help you either.
You entered high school knowing you were different from the other kids. That you couldn’t speak as fast, that you wouldn’t ever be able to match the speed at which they spouted insults at you. You retreated into yourself, to avoid speaking.
There was only ever one person that never made you feel like you couldn’t speak. Niko. You had met him through Sharky, your TikTok friend. The first time you had met him you had kept your head down and barely spoken to him, thankful for all the other men in the room to keep everyone’s attention away from you.
You had gotten used to interacting with Sharky, well basically everyone, online, that was a place you could type as fast as you wanted without having to slow down and work over the sound or repeat it over and over before moving on to the next syllable. You were nervous to meet his friends, if they were anything like they were on camera you knew that a joke could be made and gone in a flash and you couldn’t even reply.
That’s why you sat a little ways away from them. They ate and joked, you followed along, laughing at the right moments. You saw Sharky give you a few looks as you refused to speak but brushed them off.
You had left that meet up early to go home. 
The second time you had met Niko things changed. It was another day when they were all there, talking. They had started planning ideas for a new video and you were thankful for the topic as you didn’t have to contribute much.
You saw Niko spare you a glance or two as they talked around the table and thought nothing of it. Having excused yourself away from the group you sat on the couch, scrolling through your phone, reading old messages wondering why you had come here in the first place.
You saw a message from Sharky pop up, a simple, ‘r u ok?’ from 12 minutes ago. You replied with a ‘👍’ before turning your phone off and putting it aside. That’s when you saw him. 
He had approached you and between your thoughts and the messages on your phone you hadn’t even noticed. 
“Hey. Can I sit down?” He asked simply, you fought to keep the confusion off your face as you nodded in answer.
“Sharky didn’t even tell us your name.” He said turning his head to face you. 
“Y/n” you said, thanking the gods of stuttering that you hadn’t stumbled over that.
“That’s beautiful,” he smiled, a smile that took your breath away, just what you needed when you were already trying not to stutter. “I’m Niko.” He extended a hand.
You shook his hand and nodded back, trying to keep you answers to a minimum. 
“So, what would be your ideal date?” He asked, suddenly turning his entire body to face you. 
You were surprised at his question, but kind of charmed. It wasn’t a question you were asked very often so you took your time answering it. He didn’t seem to mind, watching your face with the same attention through the time you took to think.
“Pic… nics” you stretched out the c in your word to avoid repeating it, finding that people responded better to that, “in the park” you finished, hoping and praying he didn’t mention the elongated consonant as you flashed him your best smile.
He smiled again and nodded along, “what would you eat at a picnic?” He asked again, the look on his face was simple and innocent otherwise you might have thought he was doing this to show your stutter to the other boys.
“Cake? And maybe s-s-some” your voice trailed off after the stuttering and you dropped your head. Fuck everything, the man sitting in front of you was already making you nervous so it was bound to happen eventually but fuck it all. Why’d this always happen to you?
His smile didn’t even falter, “some what?” He asked. 
You head snapped up. This was the first person other than you family that was barely fazed by your stutter. 
“Lemonade?” You asked in an unintentional question.
“That’s sounds great. How about I take you out to a picnic with cake and lemonade? Would you say yes?” He answered with ease. His voice was gentle, like he didn’t want the other boys to hear him but you saw a certain nervousness on his stance, his hands were fumbling with each other and his eyebrows were turned up in question.
You nodded back at him with enthusiasm. Relief flooded his body, he relaxed his stance and his face fell into a natural smile.
“I talk a lot tho, hope that’s alright with you?” He asked in a genuine question. You almost laughed at him, like he didn’t know that was absolutely perfect.
“I don’t talk mu…ch, so it’s cool” you answer, for some reason this man brought you comfort. You stretched out a sound and didn’t feel like you had to watch his face to see his reaction, you somehow knew he would be ok with it.
GIRL IM SORRY ABOUT HOW LONG THIS TOOK 😭 also my apologies to anyone with a stutter if this ain’t entirely accurate, I would love feedback on how to make this more accurate, I don’t have a stutter myself but I did go to a speech therapist 🫶🫶
as always requests are open and please come by and say hi <3
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