#kenric's cache
axels-corner · 2 years
Wait so if councilors have a banquet for when they've completed their first year does that mean that Alina's already had her banquet or did they postpone it because of the Neverseen?
Because Sophie was 13 by human ways of counting, and 13 and a couple months away from 14 if you go by the Elvin way of counting since Alina was elected and it said in the Stellarlune that now she was like 15 so it's been about a year or two since Alina was elected.
That would be an interesting short story or fanfiction I think
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You know, this has been on my mind for a while, but I feel like every KOTLC book after Lodestar has had way too much... fluff? Or just have parts that really need condensing to streamline the plot and story. It's not a HUGE difference, but I feel like starting from Nightfall you can definitely feel that the books were getting more and more bloated.
Dialogue sequences where the characters speak in massive unbroken paragraphs and talk circles around one another, (such as Sophie and Alden's argument at the beginning of Nightfall) and other conversations could have been skipped and summarized in a few sentences. Scenes extending for too long or in too much detail (hello to Flashback's 400 pages of infirmary stay). Being too drawn out can also lessen the impact of them (such as the opening of Kenric's cache in Stellarlune which had too much buildup for its payoff).
Cutting back on some of these would also help to leave room for Sophie to spend time/learn about other characters, as we could get more details on Marella's visits with Fintan, how Biana struggled with her self-image after being scarred and her subsequent acceptance of them, Tam's capture in Legacy, or even exploring Dex building gadgets with Tinker for some worldbuilding. Shorter scenes means more room for exploring different plot points (and KOTLC has a LOT of plot points).
More scenes between characters would also help to deepen the bonds/intricacies between them. There's lots of different friendships that could be explored more of. I'd love to see more of Keefe and Linh! Fitz and Rayni! Dex and Stina! Biana and Maruca! Wylie and Tam! With such a large cast of characters, giving them more interactions between each other would really help to add layers to them.
Don't get me wrong, I ADORE these books, and some of the later ones like Nightfall, Legacy, and Stellarlune are my favorites in the series! But I still believe that there could be a lot done to turn them into stronger and more impactful reads.
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alaydabug2 · 3 months
I already know it's been mentioned in conversation now and then in the fandom
And I am proud to say that I came up with thjs theory before seeing g the posts saying it (Although I was sad cause I thought I was the only one to come up with it 😔)
I have seen people before complain that the title of the series makes no sense
And I would agree with you
Except there was that moment in stellarlune. (I have the pages tabbed but I'm too lazy to grab my book rn so I'll reblog this with the pages later)
In book one it was mentioned about keepers and them storing information in their brain for people
That was really all was mentioned about them
And yeah Sophie is technically a keeper for the black swan but thats not really significant enough to merit for the title
In book one Quinlin said she would likely be the greatest keeper ever known
Then it was never really mentioned again
Sophie was saying she'd have to go through all the councilors caches and maybe even Fintan and Fallon and other previous councilors
And people were telling her it was dangerous but she didn't care
And forkle said something along the lines of "are you sure you want to be the keeper of the lost cities"
(Not exact but I'll get the pages later)
So Sophie would be THE keeper of the lost cities
And it's in line with other things in the series that's been leading up to
Prentice possibly being Kenrics keeper (that's a whole separate thing I've got a theory about)
And kenric wanting to be rid of the caches as each councilor gets a keeper
But with Sophie doing that and her mind being impenetrable she would knock that all out in one go
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camelspit · 4 months
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
Livvy Sonden:
"shes a mad scientist. she joined the revolution but she thinks secret identities are stupid. she has fabulous fashion sense. what cant she do" @necromycologist
Mai Song:
"She hides.
She hides so much, she hides behind her clear, unbreakable face of utter nonchalance, of pure ice and purer anger, even when all she can do is care. She cares about her kids, despite what's she done and what she'd do all over again. She cares about her husband, and her friends, and the world (she supposes, she's not put much thought into it).
But the thing is, she cares, most of all, about herself. It's hard and it hurts, but she knows that she'd do whatever it takes to survive: she'd hurt and push and claw her way to the top; she's forced her way there before. It's where she belongs, it's where she'll end up when everything is said and done. She doesn't like it. But it's who she is, what she is.
But then it hits her again . . . she cares. Angrily, regrettably, she cares, not just about herself, as much as she'd like to claim. About everyone, and most of all about her family.
Does caring for all of them, combined, equal the total amount of which she cares for herself? Can she fix what she's done and what she will do because even though she values herself most she also values everyone else? Does that count for something?
Will it ever?" @wow-youre-so-pretty
Councillor Zarina:
"idk man she's pretty cool and could electrocute me at will if she wanted" @corruption-exe
Lady Fayina:
"she mysteriously vanished one day and is presumed dead. her body is never found. her memory is buried in kenrics cache. shes so mysterous guys i love her." @camelspit
Grizel the Goblin: None
Councillor Ramira: None
Master Cadence:
"she’s a linguist. she’s a woman in stem. she’s tired of everyone’s bullshit. she’s fruity as hell. her house is cool as fuck (a howls moving castle style boat-thing made of metal that she built herself because she didn’t want to live in the elven cities???? come on). she’s a MASTER. what more could you want." @let-them-sing-of-others
"she’s an academic. shes smarter than u. she hates on the council and she’s RIGHT. she hates sophie actually you know what she has a hater complex but in a hot way. i love her yr honour." @necromycologist
"ok not to be a lesbian or horny on main (<- ace) but HOLY SHIT i want her to step on me. this lady has intensified my sexuality crisis" (anonymous)
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fintan-pyren · 2 days
Summary of what we've learned about/from Prentice. Any theories?
Retrieved by Alden and Quinlin 12 years prior to Keeper:
A strand of Sophie's DNA
The code name "Moonlark"
Retrieved by Sophie in Exile (prompted by the Black Swan sending Sophie a compass charm with the message "Let the past be your guide", which was intended to make Alden choose Sophie as his guide in Exile so she would have access to Prentice):
Abstract images and nightmares
A scene of a shadow of a girl appearing from between the figures of a fountain (most likely the Unity Fountain) and running through the ruined buildings of the lost cities, shattering everything she touches
A blank face with two teal jewels for eyes, whispering "No reason to worry" (Alden's last words to him before the mind break)
A scene of Jolie with a black swan, telling Sophie "We have to trust" (appears once Sophie transmits her name, believed to be Prentice attempting to communicate)
The line "Follow the pretty bird across the sky" (Sophie later receives a note with the same line and a swan charm, which along with the compass, leads her to the Black Swan so they can fix her mind)
Explained by Forkle in Everblaze:
Prentice declared his swan song the day before he was captured
Forkle assumes he knew he was about to be captured, but doesn't know how (Tiergan had been monitoring Alden's investigations, and had found no indication that he was suspicious of Prentice until the arrest. Alden later says that he became suspicious after noticing discrepancies in Prentice's registry records)
Detected by Sophie in Neverseen:
A faint echo of the phrase "swan song" when she's searching for him in Exile, and then complete emptiness
Retrieved by Mr Forkle in Lodestar:
A memory shard of a piece of the Lodestar symbol (three of the branches, including the one on the duskitine disk in Keefe's cloak)
Discovered by Tam in Lodestar while lifting veils of shadows from his mind:
Prentice stops resisting his powers upon hearing Sophie's name
Retrieved by Sophie in Lodestar:
A vision of Jolie (she explains that Sophie reminds him of her, and that Sophie feels safer around her)
Three additional memory shards, making up the remainder of the Lodestar (Prentice guides Sophie to it once she mentions swan song, leading her to believe that they're connected. They later find a shadowmark of the symbol in an abandoned Neverseen hideout and realize that it's a map of sixteen of the Neverseen hideouts, created by a device used to travel between them)
Revealed by Livvy in Nightfall:
Nobody knows what Prentice was investigating when he was arrested
Prentice was hiding Sophie's existence so that she would grow up in the human world and gain a unique perspective on humans
Discovered by Lady Cadence and the Collective in Nightfall:
Prentice's inability to wake up is due to being dosed with soporidine (later found to be administered by dwarves working for the Neverseen while Prentice was in Exile, assumed to be for the purpose of preventing the Black Swan from finding out why he declared swan song)
He seems to have had made the conscious decision to not pass on the information about the Lodestar symbol or his reason for calling swan song prior to his mind break, but we don't know why
Discovered by Sophie while healing his mind in Nightfall:
An vision of Cyrah, who he's using to communicate
Upon waking up, Prentice has no memories of why he called swan song, or what he was investigating.
Gethen seems worried about how much Prentice remembers when Wylie speaks to him after Prentice's healing.
Revealed in a memory from Kenric's cache in Stellarlune:
Kenric asked Prentice to be his Keeper when Wylie was three
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that fucking cache. they don't open that shit for like 5 more books and then it doesn't even tell us anything beyond kenric making a move on prentice. just throw it off a cliff see if that opens it
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crescentpaws · 9 months
the fact that bronte only ever mentioned needing a password for fintan’s cache in book 6 and didn’t say anything about also needing a separate access sequence involving dna implies that back in the day™ the caches DID only need just a password which means that literally EVERYTHING fintan did to access his cache in the marella short story at the end of stellarlune was unnecessary. which is so funny to me
(unless he had the neverseen’s technopath add extra security later which is also funny. he is such a pain in the ass i love him.)
(also we’re NOT going to talk about how oralie said she literally chose her own password even after the whole paragraph in book 6 about how the passwords are generated by the cache itself. and we’re also not going to talk about the fact that she chose her password to be kenric’s last name even after bronte said that a name would be too generic to be a password because they should be more significant and instinctive to the owner)
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flamingozymandias · 1 month
couldn't kenric be useful and leave some context in these caches 🙄🙄
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synonymroll648 · 9 months
Listen here, if Fintan isn't dead, then Kenric isn't dead. I am in a constant state of denial
- Kenric was "protected" by the Neverseen and is now probably a pale, beaten thing on the floor
- Kenric was brainwashed by the neverseen and Oralie's true loves kiss saves him or something cute like that
- Kenric did light leap out of there, he never went back to the council because he decided that the council is Bad™️
whaddup i am over a month late to answer this :D anyway. i am not necessarily in denial about kenric being dead but i am sure as hell in denial about a lot of other things in life so. i get that. let us vibe in elf hell mostly under the cut because i know myself and my response is going to be long. warnings for mentions of immolation, torture, etc that tend to come with talking about kenric!
response to theory one:
there are a lot of fascinating potential implications with the use of quotations around protected. obviously, the implications are most likely under the umbrella of 'taken by the neverseen and isolated from the public and its knowledge'. but there's a lot of different ways you could do that! my first thought is that fitnan somehow managed to get kenric out of the fire before he burned to a complete crisp.
and then kenric was taken as a hostage. maybe they told him that if he told them council secrets, he could go free. he probably didn't give in, and that's why he's a pale, beaten thing on the floor. but who knows, maybe he did - sooner or later, your pick - and they kept him beaten and pale on the floor anyway. sounds like something they'd do. sure would hurt as a reader :')
response to theory two:
kenric being brainwashed by the neverseen is another interesting concept!! interesting and o w on the emotional scale. i'd like to think that gethen's the one that does it. so it's a character we already know and we can have connections to crescent bite marks and frostbitten ridden nails and other things associated with gethen that could contrast with kenric as we used to know him and/or who he is now. it'd also be nice to come back to kenric in person, someone who was a huge comfort - almost father-like - figure to sophie before everblaze and what went down at oblivimyre, but twisted. well, not nice, it'd hurt like hell, but that's the fun part! taking a beloved character that's become more relevant through the opening of his cache in stellarlune (and legacy? i don't think so. but i can't really remember) and seeing him again would make me go :O (/pos or /neg depending on execution, but i'm leaning toward /pos)
as for the part about oralie - first thought, incredibly cheesy but i love cheesy. plus, considering the series we're talking about, i can see it working and being in-character and lore-compliant. kenric and oralie weren't ever together, but they are like. undeniably canon. and important to canon, because the nature of their dynamic was ultimately the catalyst for a lot of aspects of the series. i mean, like, sophie probably wouldn't exist biologically in the way we know her today if it weren't for her being close enough to kenric for him to consider her as a moonlark dna donor and for her to trust him with something like that.
so having oralie, someone who was incredibly important to him before he supposedly got roasted at oblivimyre for many years, kiss him? something he wanted for so very long but never got in canon iirc? that might snap him out of mind control. not just 'cause he's like head over heels in love with her but also because he has so many memories that are important to him tied to her, whether it's like. romantic or council shit or something else. considering the lore in kotlc surrounding the idea of triggering memories and/or resurfacing a form of someone's consciousness through things that are deeply tied to their past, big or small, this seems like a solid solution. and some fluff and/or hurt/comfort that shannon would probably lean into. also the consequences of a current councillor kissing a former councillor would be fucking DELICIOUS. probably angsty. still very scrumptious
response to theory three:
oooooh i'd never considered that! i'd always thought of kenric as the kind of guy that wasn't necessarily loyal to the council first and foremost - considering how much he cared about sophie and oralie and possibly/probably the black swan or at least certain members of its organization - but cared too much about the elvin population to abandon his post as councillor willingly. though i do suppose there's always been an element of longing for a different life with his character, isn't there?
this is largely expressed through his love for oralie, but i'm sure there's more layers to it than that if you look close. i never really fixated on kenric, so i can't think of concrete evidence from the books off the top of my head that doesn't involve oralie, but you could probably pull from moments between him and sophie. she literally asks - forkle, i think? - if he's her father. and, y'know, she's wrong (unless shannon decides that was a lie), but. to stand up for a kid enough that she asks if you're her dad? definitely can be read as wanting a family at one point. which isn't a stretch, considering how oralie literally tells sophie that she gave the black swan her dna for project moonlark because she'd always wanted a kid but she couldn't as a councillor, and that was her one compromise available. and kenric is, as previously mentioned, infatuated with oralie. them secretly wanting a family together makes sense.
also, like, the entire series makes a point of him being a lot more mysterious than he looks on a surface level. some parts of the mystery of his character compelling him to leave the council behind when he gets the chance? understandable. heartbreaking, to know that he left sophie and everyone else he swore he'd protect behind instead of coming back, and unknowingly leaving them all to deal with the menace (/neg) that is alina as a councillor, but alas. it could work. i'd want reasons, though. lore as to why, lore as to where he went once he disappeared, what he's done with his new life.
random side note: it's an interesting thought to muse about whether or not kenric saw keefe while he was hiding in the forbidden cities. if he decided to get closer or further. if it was closer, it was probably in disguise. but chances are, he probably walked off as soon as he could.
if you read through to the end i'm proud of you holy shit
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sophie meeting with dex and oralie to open kenric's cache* and is just barely keeping herself from monologuing about not liking oralie the whole time because dex can't know why she doesn't like oralie
*not to derail my own post but I spelled it CASH. LIKE MONEY. HOW
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svtellify · 2 years
One relationship I find greatly underrated is Kenric and Oralie. Yeah at first their relationship seemed like a footnote in the story but I love how Shannon develops their relationship in the later books, especially Stellarlune.
(Spoilers Ahead)
When we finally open Kenric's cache we see him go through the different stages of his life and his relationship with Oralie.
It wasn't love at first sight for them, quite the opposite. Neither of them got along with each other. Both had valid reasons, Kenric pointing out Oralie's personal ambition getting in the way of doing the right decisions. (A trait we still see in her today) And Oralie angry at how he underestimates her and prevents her from doing her job.
I don't know if it's just me but their argument seemed to have mirrored a lover's quarrel. There's a tinge of attraction between them.
Eventually they come to respect one another. Both realizing that their loathing was a way to cope with the attraction they had for one another. Which was totally plausible because the council forbids it's members from falling in love or having children. A romantic connection towards anyone could risk their position. So it's better to avoid them.
But once they become friends, once that lavender haze begins to creep through it's impossible for them to avoid their feelings. It's inevitable for them to make the choice. love or duty.
Kenric had served for many years in the council already. He's seen all and is disillusioned by it. He's ready to settle down, but not without the woman he loves.
Oralie wants to be with him but project moonlark prevented her from fulfilling that dream. Sophie needed allies if she were going to survive. Say what you want about Oralie but she sacrificed alot for Black Swan, for Sophie.
So their hopes for a relationship is crushed. The story constantly makes us think of what could have been if they chose each other. They were both each other's number one match. What if they got married? What if they started a family? Because it's all we have left; the "what if's"
Because that chance is gone. Kenric is gone. All Oralie has right now are memories.
I think that's greatly depressing.
Closing thoughts: I think they're a foil of Keefe and Sophie. Both couples balanced each other out. And both have solid reasons for them not to be together.
Thanks for reading my ted talk if you haven't skimmed to the end.
oh my god yes. yes yes yes.
sophie and keefe are probably the most painful relationship oralie witnesses because it's literally kenric and oralie - if things had gone right. i do have my little theories about keefe spending time as a councillor in the future, and those are even stronger if sophitz were the endgame, but i fully believe oralie would talk them out of it if it meant not being together. not because i believe she regrets her time with kenric, but the way events unraveled.
you said it perfectly - it's not love at first sight. we see a little more affection from kenric because he sees that ambition in oralie and he's coming from a place of experience when he talks to her - this isn't identical for sokeefe, but it's similar in the sense that sophie is more drawn to duty and keefe to instinct. i'd argue that yeah, sophitz and sokeefe are the head and the heart theory, but also sophie and keefe are the head and the heart. and in stellarlune, we see that kind of switch, with keefe taking huge steps back and sophie running forward.
which, i assume, is what oralie would do if she had a second chance with kenric. it's even harder for her because for all she sacrificed for project moonlark and the council, she doesn't really get to reap the benefits from it.
(part of me also wonders if shannon's going to somehow make kenric sophie's dad, just so oralie can have a kid with the man she loved somehow - idk if that would hurt more or less, but there's no other alternative for her dad that i can think of other than alden and that's wrong on so many levels, so.)
"all oralie has are memories." no bc this hurts. it's true and it hurts, and it should, because it's clearly a glaring warning for all the kids - treasure your time. it's a little ominous too, and it makes me wonder if we're going to see another major character death soon. or some kind of actual betrayal by choice and not like with keefe and tam.
(my money's on fitz killing someone because alvar's words keep sticking with me and there is something terrifying about knowing that he stopped pressing buttons and was ready for and wanted his brother to die. but i could be wrong.)
i agree that both couples have reasons to not be together, but i'd almost argue that those are the very reasons they should be together. almost as an extreme example - like, if they can beat all the odds, then so can anyone else. but inversely; if they can't beat the odds, then what chance do any of us have? i am biased bc i love keefe so much, but i do agree that i don't think they should be together - not yet.
but with the state of affairs, if not now, then when?
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
odd question maybe but I've been SURE (for like. ages) that Oralie was both an Empath and a Conjurer, but apparently (according to what I checked of Unlocked, Stellarlune and also the wiki) she isn't? my life may be a lie so just asking to confirm: is Oralie a Conjurer, or not? (also any speculations as to why someone might theorise this?)
Oralie is not a conjurer--as far as we know, no one can have a second ability if they're not a polyglot. Except spiders georg sophie
There's a few reasons you may have gotten mixed, but I'm going to guess you interpreted Oralie snapping to "conjure" Kenric's cache in Neverseen (p. 21) as her being a conjurer. This is later explained to instead be a connection like the one Edaline built for Sophie (p. 333).
Hope that helps!
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Headcannons about the councils relationship with each other?
Anon I literally think about this all the time so you came to the right person
For the most part, they have decent professional relationships. For the most part, they aren't "friends" per se (though there are exceptions) but get along relatively well. They're the type of people who normally don't despise each other's presence but won't seek to spend time with one another outside of their duties.
Some of them have tried to initiate get-to-know-each-other activities (literally every single Councillors-have-a-game-night fanfiction or something like that is PURE GOLD)
They try to keep their political arguments out of their relationships with each other, but that's naturally difficult for people in such close contact with one another and they'll tend to group up with others who think the same thing.
They'll do trust exercises and deliberately try to get along with one another and trust each other, but there is still conflict, obviously.
One thing I find fascinating is the whole "try to keep up a unified front" thing. In the modern world of technology, it's so easy to see when politicians or public figures dislike each other. But the Councillors try to present a unified front, which is probably because they all run a government together.
They don't want people to know that they argue- which leads to another element of the Lost Cities that seems perfect on the outside but is anything but. These are (supposedly though we all know that's not true) the twelve most intelligent, skilled people who all have different strengths and weaknesses. Of course they're going to argue sometimes. And acting like they don't is dismantling trust in the Council.
However, they really do have strained relationships, especially with the recent events.
Councillors backstabbing each other hasn't ever really happened. The closest it came was with Fintan and the pyrokinesis incident, but they blamed that on him losing control of his fire and solved it by banning pyrokinesis and removing him from the Council. No harm done (so they say).
So when Oralie turned on the Council to give Sophie the cache, the others felt really betrayed. Not just by her, but by Bronte and Terik, who helped her.
Ever since then, they've mistrusted one another to no end
Every action has ulterior motives. Everyone is keeping secrets.
Now, this group of people who used to be just coworkers has become a group that mistrusts and lies to each other constantly. The lack of stability in the Council contributes to the lack of stability in their world.
And in the final book(s) of Keeper, I really hope we see more division in the Council. We know that Bronte, Oralie, and Terik (supposedly though I'm beginning to mistrust him) are on Sophie's side and Alina is against her. But what about the others? What do Ramira and Zarina think about the fact that she burned the Neverseen storehouse? Do Noland and Darek have an opinion about the meeting with Trix?
And the division in the Council is probably what's going to lead to the Neverseen being able to take over
Oooh! And something that's really interesting- obviously the whole rule that Councillors can't get married or have children is flawed. But the reason is so they won't put their spouse/romantic interest or child in front of their job
And... that's literally what Oralie did
She threatened the stability of the Council and thus the world by betraying the others to give something from Kenric, the man she obviously loved, to Sophie, her illegal daughter
And I find that absolutely fascinating because obviously her giving Sophie Kenric's cache is viewed as a good thing, but that's what could, in the end, lead to the Neverseen being able to take over
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alaydabug2 · 2 months
I had the wisps of a theory earlier the other day
It's not fully formed or anything so if anyone could help flesh it out
But Gethen has ZERO records its said
They know his full name and his face but they don't have ANY info on him
Ik I've seen a few people talk about how he could be Kenric and Oralies secret child
I don't buy it
It would be pretty easy to tell if she were pregnant and the councilors would know
And based on the memories in the cache in stellarlune its safe to say nothing ever got physical (even if they did get close to kissing)
Bht my idea was he's ANOTHER experiment/rebel organization weapon
Cause Sophie is for the Blackswan
Keefe is for Lady Giselle's weird stellarlune thing
Gethen could be the Neverseen
Think about it
No records of him
Part of rebel group
Really powerful telepath
Can someo flesh it out pls
I don't have much evidence so if someone want to you can
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camelspit · 4 months
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Lady Fayina by @thefoxysnake
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
Esha Aria:
"shes sooo funny guys. she fucked with the system to get some dick and almost got away with it. she chose that dick over her daughter. she may be exiled but at least she has her man. morals and consequences mean nothing!!!" @camelspit
Lady Fayina:
"she mysteriously vanished one day and is presumed dead. her body is never found. her memory is buried in kenrics cache. shes so mysterous guys i love her." @camelspit
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thefanboyhub · 1 year
@eyeballsoup7310 to answer your question
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It was in one of the books, (I think KOTLC 8.5 "unlocked") when Sophie and Councillor Oralie went through Kenric's cache and in one of the memories/projections/secret it showed Bronte with curly hair (before Oralie was on the council but after Kenric [and suggested thata Bronte had it for awhile too] joined the Council) and i believe it was said that he keeps his hair short because he isn't taken seriously with his curly hair.
I love Bronte ok. I know things.
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