#kenni rambles
kenni-woodard · 24 days
So many generation wars on Facebook with posts about how "millennials and gen-z don't want to work" or elder generations talking about how they had to "bust their asses" to get everything they have now. Like...
I'm just trying to figure out why people are treating people who "don't want to work" as though they're in the wrong for that? Lmao working is HARD. You have to deal with people who don't care about your well-being at all. Depending on what type of work you do, it could be physically demanding and / or exhausting - even desk jobs simply because sitting in a chair all day is bad for the body. Also depending on what you're doing, you might not even be contributing to society in a way that's in alignment with your personal beliefs - I work at a bank. I spend my whole day supporting an application that traders use to make more money for themselves, corporations, and the bank itself. So I don't feel like I'm really making a difference in anything. But I took the job because I need to pay my bills. And I keep the job so that I can have insurance to help me with my incessant medical issues. All of which make me tired AF. Which results in me not having the energy to find something more in line with my values. But also the things that are more in line with my values don't really pay well enough for me to live comfortably. So there's that. If I had the health to work multiple jobs I would do it that way but I don't.
Why would anyone want to have to experience any of these things? Even the elder generations themselves - having to bust your ass for the things you wanted / needed? You wanted to do that?
I don't have a problem exchanging goods or services for the things I need in life. I just think that pretending that working harder than anyone should have to is desirable is ridiculous. Especially the way things are valued financially - at least in this country...it makes it really hard to feel motivated to devote 40+ hours a week of your time to working. Like no, I don't *want* to do that. And I'm not less of a person for admitting that. Especially since we live in a society in which people don't want to *pay* people what they are worth in terms of what they're contributing to society. A society in which a certain subgroup of people get to determine the value of another person's creations and contributions.
Teachers aren't getting paid enough. Entertainers...they probably aren't getting paid what they used to. Farmers are probably not getting paid what they deserve. Libraries have to fight for every dollar they spend. Artists may or may not get paid what they deserve - I'm seeing some videos about how they need to supplement their income with a 9 to 5 which, in some cases, can take away from their ability to create. Artisans have to defend their pricing choices all the time because people don't value their work, probably because of industrialization and the fact that most consumers are probably tight on what they can buy because they, too, aren't getting paid enough. So they can only afford to purchase the mass made, low quality stuff.
I could probably go on but I'm tired. I just wish that we focused on sustaining one another, caring for one another the way we did before industrialization and the advancement of technology. Not that things were perfect back then, or that technology is bad. The jury is still out for me on the industrialization front ;_; like yay for making things easier but if it's at the expense of the planet and at the expense of the health and well-being of communities as a whole...not so much.
I am just thinking about the times when people could get paid for hands-on work with measurable, tangible outcomes, rather than sitting in front of a computer screen doing stuff virtually all day that ultimately would be absolutely meaningless if something turned off all the electricity in the world suddenly. We are making machines do everything for us and, as a result, we are devaluing the human more and more every single day. We are actively coding our way out of existence. Or at least, the working class is getting coded out of existence.
Which brings me to something else - the fact that there *is* a "working" class that is shamed for not wanting to work as if there isn't an entire class of people who don't exploit the working class so that they don't have to work themselves 🤦🏾‍♀️. The hell? "Nobody wants to work anymore-" no YOU don't wanna work anymore and so you're trying to make me feel bad about wanting to live a more balanced life instead of working myself to the bone so that you can sit there in your fancy clothes and sunglasses on the beach in a far away land instead of doing your own work. It's usually managers or store owners (or rich people who don't want to do housework or other things) complaining about people not wanting to work, as though they are there wanting to do the work they're trying to hire people to do. If you wanted to do it you wouldn't be trying to hire someone else to do it. So you don't want to work either. At least not in that role. So how do you get to treat people worse for not wanting to do the same shit you don't want to do?
Like can we stop acting like working hard for something is glorious? It's not. Maybe I feel that way because I'm disabled. And I'm constantly fighting ableist thoughts and comments from others who want to say things like "this disorder is not an excuse" or "I have this disorder and I climbed Mount Everest and made it back to work on time so you're just lazy" - like...I don't even know anymore. No, I don't want to work through feeling like absolute garbage every single day. I don't want to disregard my mental health to make someone else richer. I don't want to do that.
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moonwalker-kenni · 9 months
Ugh for some reason every time I hear Tyla's Water song, my brain wants to hear Michael sing some version of it. Like obviously he wouldn't be singing the exact same lyrics 😂 though I would certainly not complain if he did 👀
Anyway, idk what it is. I just feel like he would kill it!
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k3n-dyll · 3 months
"Masc shortage this" "Masc shortage that"
Have you perhaps considered that there isn't actually a masc shortage and that a lot of you just don't acknowledge mascs/butches/studs that don't fit your strict definition of what a masc is?
A lot of people - self-proclaimed 'femmes' specifically - refuse to acknowledge the fact that they just want a very specific type of masc! Y'know, one that passes a paper bag test that's really tall and doesn't cut their hair higher than their shoulders. Y'all don't want mascs that have a few layers of fluff on their bodies, or ones that consider a lot of stereotypically 'masculine' roles to be a part of their identity. You don't want a masc or a butch or a stud that's nonbinary in any way, you don't want a masc that has fem friends, you don't want a masc with stretch marks or pubic hair or one that doesn't want to dom you all the time!
Not only that but y'all would be shocked by the amount of stories I've heard from my masc friends (including my own fucking girlfriend!) about 'femmes' who lack a sense of personal space and consider them 'free to touch' simply because they think they're hot!
If you have limiting requirements and an utter lack of boundaries, you're bound to have an equally limited dating pool <3
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l3irdl3rain · 30 days
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Kenny is at the clinic to get some bloodwork done. Feeling very sorry for himself and looking very pitiful.
He has some mild kidney changes. He’s only 9 so it would usually be pretty young for that to start up, but when he was just a youngster he got into some pills that didn’t belong to him and had to be hospitalized for kidney failure. So it’s very likely his early kidney changes are related to that
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pileofpawns · 1 year
kenny having a brainfart after marj comes out to him and saying "wait are you still *professor* chaos??" and marj calls him misogynistic for implying women can't be professors and/or evil scientists
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muttsterion · 1 month
Random but if Mysterion was somehow convinced to dance do you think he'd do just do his little Kenny dance like this like he did as Princess Kenny
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Or do you think Mysterion would have his own dance moves? Really I just want to see or try to imagine a dancing brooding immortal boi. XD
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ok, i think this post portrays what i’m trying to say a little better…
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
can u write some nsfw post Kenny ( or just grown up kenny ) headcanons with a reader who is easily flustered?
This is gonna be relatively short because I don't have too much to go off of
Edit literally MONTHS later, I’m so sorry about how long it took and how shitty it is 😭
NSFW Kenny hcs with a reader who gets flustered easily
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• Kenny thinks it's adorable when you're flustered, he honestly kinda finds it attractive that he can get you so hot and bothered
• That ofc causes him to go farther and farther over time (as long as you're comfortable with it) . It’s forever his favorite hobby now. Yes, he considers it his hobby because he’s a weirdo like that but it’s fine because we love that
• You always try making him flustered in return but it often doesn’t work because you end up stumbling over your words without meaning to which ends up making Kenny laugh a bit
• But you have succeeded before!! He’s not used to people flirting back with him so when you do, it gets him a little embarrassed
• Usually during sex you cover your face or try finding your moans out of embarrassment and Kenny isn’t having any of that!!
• You will question me, but mirror sex. He likes fucking you in front of a mirror tbh, especially because he gets to see your red face as you watch him fuck you
• Imagine he grabs your cheeks with one hand to turn your head towards the mirror as you ride him, whispering in your ear to keep your eyes on how his cock moves in and out of you. Nasty perv fr
• Anyways yeah, Kenny’s very much a believer in “the louder you are, the more you’re enjoying yourself”. You best believe he’s trying to get you as loud as you can be
• Plus he likes leaving marks on you and pulling your shirt just a little to the side in public to show off his handiwork
• He practically lives for how flustered you get when he does that and the way you sputter trying to tell your friends it’s not what they think when it damn well is
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livingincolorsagain · 2 months
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k3n-dyll · 3 months
I just remembered this post I saw on here a while ago calling lesbians biphobic for headcanoning Abby as a lesbian because she loved Owen and as a lesbian who used to have a boyfriend that I genuinely did love and care for (I didn't fully understand the diff between platonic love and romantic love because I had never truly experienced romantic love before that) it makes me laugh to think about.
As much of an Owen hater as I am, I can acknowledge that Abby very much loved that man, he was there for her throughout her childhood, he was there for her when her father was murdered, and he stayed with her through so much even when she was so clearly distancing from him when her obsession with finding Joel became all-consuming. Of course, she loved him. There's no denying that.
But if I wanna think of her as a lesbian that had a similar experience to me, because as far as we know, he was her only boyfriend. He was her first boyfriend, and to reiterate - he was always there for her - I should be able to do that without being accused of 'bi-erasure'.
That isn't to say that there aren't characters in media that are actually canonically bisexual and do often have their identities erased, but Abby is not one of them.
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naitosutan · 1 year
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Pssst I commissioned some adorable stenny art from @mirrorshards you should too 👀💕
I’m absolutely over the moon about how these turned out, thank you again Shouri for your wonderful art! 💖
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
Opinions on the boys with kids?? like omg reader and Kyle being parents, with his buff ass he might look scrawny but he lifts all his kids up with ease 😭❤️
Ooo anon it is a crime that you sent this while I have such bad baby fever but I have soooo many ideas
(No this isn’t me coming back from hiatus but I just NEEDED to write this)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
Kyle would definitely be the best dad out of the guys, he was so excited when you told him you were pregnant and treated you like total royalty (well more than before)
He would definitely want a big family and I could totally see him carrying all his kids around or them trying to climb him because he’s so tall
Carrying the groceries and kids all in one trip
Strict but not like Sheila strict although sometimes he does get to that level lmao, he just want to protect his kids
Kenny is definitely second best in my list, for reaction of you being pregnant it can go two ways: 1. He’s absolutely terrified or 2. He’s nonchalant about it but happy, it really depends at what point of your life you guys have kids
He gives me such girl dad energy you guys don’t understand!!!! He’d have so many makeovers and tea parties with his girl🥹🥹
Spoils the kids rotten and tries to give them the best life possible
Chill dad, pretty much lets his kids do whatever he doesn’t like being strict
Stan…well he’s trying his best, we all know the poor guy didn’t have the best father so he was so scared when you told him about the pregnancy
Like Kenny he tries to give his kids the best life possible but tends to be a bit distant
Constantly worried about turning out like Randy so he’s constantly asking Kyle for advice on how to be a better dad :((
Once he gets used to fatherhood he’s definitely a good dad though
He’s kinda in the middle of Kenny and Kyle, he tries to be as laid back as he can though
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jujuberii · 3 months
hc that eric gets like rlly physical when he laughs. kenny will tell a joke abt boobs and cartman will go ballistic and accidentally kill him. this is a regular occurrence
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the--firevenus · 2 years
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My friends and I....
Or an au where the other three dies except kenny
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asteria7fics · 5 months
Y'all ever just think about the boys doing nice little things together?
Like, Stan and Kyle spending a day fishing, shotgunning beers out on Stark's Pond. They get too rowdy and Stan starts rocking the boat (literally). Kyle falls in and pouts for a solid hour, but Stan buys him ice cream and all is forgiven immediately.
Kenny and Butters going to the mall together, almost entirely because they want Panda Express and it's the closest one. Butters pays for Kenny to get to ride around on one of those little mobile animal things, just to see him experience true, honest joy. Of course the thing short-circuits and drives him at full throttle into a glass store window, and they do spend the rest of their day at the hospital, but it was fun while it lasted.
Cartman convincing Kyle to game with him, and though Kyle does it begrudgingly at first he ends up getting really into it, and they end up spending hours nearly every night absolutely obliterating little shit stains online. They go too far with it, of course, and Kyle's life suffers for it, and eventually he has to cut it back to only one session a week, but he still looks back on those couple of months fondly.
Just, dudes being guys having harmless, silly fun.
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psst... hey
Hey you. Yeah, you. You should totally read my fic... Hell yeah, sure it has both Bunny and Style. And what's that? Oh yeah, it also has Eric Cartman playing an integral role in the plot and being actual friends with the main four? Yeah, and tfbw alter egos. I know right. Cool as shit. You should totally check it out...
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