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stadiumgods · 1 year ago
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tobias krick
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keplercryptids · 2 years ago
okay, yes, so in Session #120 of my d&d game, i gave all of the PCs troubling dreams while they were in the PC kempa's hometown, except for kempa herself, and then in Session #125, i gave kempa a letter from her previously-long-lost best friend that included the running theme of kempa always being the one to "wake her up," all so that in Session #155 (and one actual IRL year later), kempa, immune to a bad guy's evil dream magic, would be the one to go inside her friends' dreams and wake them up. i'm normal this is normal dm behavior i swear!!!
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lichfucker · 2 years ago
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quasieli · 2 years ago
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[ID copied from alt text: A full body digital drawing of Kempa (she/her), a PC from my D&D campaign, flying high in a clouded night sky. This is a corrupted version of Kempa's normal form. Kempa is a buff bronze Dragonborn with large splayed out tattered wings and glowing green eyes. Slightly off-center on Kempa's chest is a large lightning strike scar with breaks the scales surrounding it and spreading out across her chest, arms and crawling up the side of her face. Her bottom half is heavily obscured by dark clouds, the faint outline of her lightning charred legs barley visible. Her hands are held aloft, a large, bright arc of lighting traveling between them. Kempa looks towards the viewer with an intense stare, made all the more frightening by her large, sharp toothed smile. End description.]
Light 'Em Up
[Plain Text: Light 'Em Up]
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orbesargentina · 29 days ago
Kempa es una marca reconocida a nivel mundial en el ámbito del balonmano, especializada en la fabricación de equipamiento y accesorios para este deporte. Fundada en Alemania, la compañía se ha ganado la confianza de jugadores y entrenadores gracias a su compromiso con la calidad y la innovación. Los productos de Kempa son diseñados para mejorar el rendimiento de los atletas y optimizar su experiencia en la cancha.
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polskistandup · 1 year ago
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artemissoteira · 2 years ago
@lacklusterlexicon said:
I'm going to eat you. I was JUST thinking about Kempa having to tell Whitlock that she'll give up being good enough for Whitlock to keep him safe. I need to sob into some nondairy frozen dessert
wauuuugh. giving up being good enough to keep him safe & making the choice so mahety doesn't have to. not to be all ithren about it but you're doing what must be done at any cost because you're the only one(s) who can. you're just intentionally choosing to do it for others' safety while ithren is doing it for [404 not found]
i’m not done thinking about kempa the safe one choosing it either but that. is a post for inside my brain
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voiceemporium · 5 months ago
Leliana in Dragon Age Origins voiced by Corinne Kempa
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revelstein · 5 months ago
Pielgrzymka lokaja
No więc przywołam klasyka: “spotkali się w święto o piątej przed kinem, miejscowa idiotka z tutejszym kretynem”. Trzeba tylko nieco doprecyzować szczegóły, gdyż do spotkania doszło nie przed kinem, jak twierdzi autor wiersza, tylko w środku pewnego pałacu w samym środku Warszawy, natomiast reszta poniekąd się zgadza. Czytelnik tu bywający, raczej jest inteligentny, więc chyba nie muszę szczegółów…
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mrbopst · 8 months ago
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produseninterlockfutsal · 8 months ago
0896-5297-9519 (WA), Supplier Lantai Interlock Basket Kempas
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Supplier Lantai Interlock Basket Kempas
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Supplier Lantai Interlock Basket Kempas, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Voly Batang Alai Selatan, Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Badminton Lian Vitu, Produsen Interlock Lapangan Voly Liang, Supplier Interlock Flooring Liang Anggang, Pabrik Interlock Futsal Libureng, Produsen Interlock Basket Licin, Supplier Interlock Badminton Ligung, Pabrik Interlock Voly Likupang Barat
Kami adalah Supplier langsung tangan pertama Produsen Interlock Floring Lapangan.
Kami memproduksi Interlock Lapangan Futsal, Interlock Lapangan Badminton, Interlock Lapangan Basket, dan Interlock Lapangan Voly.
Kami juga menyediakan interlock lapangan untuk di gunakan di Indoor & Outdoor.
untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang detail serta pembelian interlock bisa menghubungi kontak kami di sini
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
#SupplierLantaiInterlockBasketKempas, #PabrikLantaiInterlockVolyBatangAlaiSelatan, #PabrikInterlockLapanganBadmintonLianVitu, #ProdusenInterlockLapanganVolyLiang, #SupplierInterlockFlooringLiangAnggang, #PabrikInterlockFutsalLibureng, #ProdusenInterlockBasketLicin, #SupplierInterlockBadmintonLigung, #PabrikInterlockVolyLikupangBarat
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stadiumgods · 1 year ago
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tobias krick
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keplercryptids · 2 years ago
homebrewed high-level d&d duel!
last session, the barbarian dueled the leader of her home country for the right to have an audience with them. yes, the first duel i ever designed/ran was for a LEVEL 17 BARBARIAN. please enjoy the homebrewed statblock of said leader (designed on purpose for a duel. if the whole party was fighting this npc, they'd be buffed way more and/or have allies).
duel rules: no magical weapons/weapons with reach. they fought until "first blood" (narratively: first grievous wound; mechanically: until half-health). initiative was re-rolled at the start of every round because initiative matters a LOT in a duel. it was surprisingly well balanced and basically came down to whoever won initiative in the last round won the duel. (barbarian pc won, yay!)
(as usual, the statblock is formatted the way i like to format them, official d&d 5e statblock organization is fucked.)
High Imperator Zulwuf Yaustiin
Medium drow, they/them AC: 20 (plate and shield) HP: 300 Speed: 30 ft. Initiative: +9 (with Alert feat)
Saving Throws: STR +10, DEX +4, CON +10, INT +1, WIS +2, CHA +0 Senses: Blindsight 10ft
Action Surge (2/Rest). The Imperator takes one additional action on their turn.
Indomitable (3/day). The Imperator can reroll a saving throw that they failed. They must use the new roll.
Improved Critical. The Imperator’s weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 and 20.
Maneuvers. When the Imperator takes the attack action, they can choose up to two weapon attacks that hit to deal an extra 1d10 damage (same damage type as the attack) and cause one of the following effects:
Menacing. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the Imperator until the end of the Imperator’s next turn.
Precision. The Imperator can add 1d10 to an attack roll. They can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.
Brace. When another creature moves into the Imperator's reach, the Imperator can make one attack against the creature. If the attack hits, add 1d10 to the damage roll.
Parry. When another creature damages the Imperator with a melee attack, the Imperator can use their reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + 4.
Riposte. When a creature misses the Imperator with a melee attack, the Imperator can use their reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. On a hit, add 1d10 to the damage.
Second Wind (1/Rest). The Imperator regains 1d10 + 20 hit points.
Multiattack. The Imperator makes three attacks with their war hawk, or one shield bash attack and two war hawk attacks.
War Hawk. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 5 slashing damage.
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 + 5 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
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lichfucker · 2 years ago
the harpoon-thunderwave yo-yo of death
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jualrumputjogja · 9 months ago
WA: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Agen Rumput Sintetis Kempas
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0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Agen Rumput Sintetis Kempas
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Agen Rumput Sintetis Kempas, Agen Rumput Sintetis Danau Sipin, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kalianda, Distributor Rumput Sintetis Kalianget, Grosir Rumput Sintetis Kaliangkrik, Harga Rumput Sintetis Kalibagor, Jual Rumput Sintetis Kalibaru, Pabrik Rumput Sintetis Kalibawang, Penjual Rumput Sintetis Kalibening
Kami adalah Barokah Grass (Pusat Supplier Rumput Sintetis Murah Berkualitas)
Toko Rumput Sintetis & Drainase Cell Harga Terjangkau.
Ready Stok:
Drainase Cell ukuran 50x50 / Alas Rumput Sintetis.
2. Rumput Sintetis Swiss 20mm, 25mm, dan 30mm & Jepang 30mm.
3. Daun Dolar Sintetis untuk Dinding Ruangan ukuran 50x50.
ALAMAT: Penjaringan Jakarta Utara.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/barokahgrassindonesia/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/barokahgrass/
WEB: https://www.supplierrumputsintetis.com/
Untuk Info Order di Sini:
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
#AgenRumputSintetisKempas, #AgenRumputSintetisDanauSipin, #AgenRumputSintetisKalianda, #DistributorRumputSintetisKalianget, #GrosirRumputSintetisKaliangkrik, #HargaRumputSintetisKalibagor, #JualRumputSintetisKalibaru, #PabrikRumputSintetisKalibawang, #PenjualRumputSintetisKalibening
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0896-5297-9519 (Bu Dian), Tempat Jual Rumput Sintetis Kempas Pekanbaru
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Tempat Jual Rumput Sintetis KempasLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Tempat Jual Rumput Sintetis Kempas, Tempat Jual Rumput Sintetis Kempas, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kateman, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kelayang, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kempas, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kemuning, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kepenuhan, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kepenuhan Hulu, Agen Rumput Sintetis Kerinci KananKami adalah Distributor / Toko / Jual Rumput Sintetis yang Berlokasi di Jakarta Utara.Sekarang ini kami sedang melakukan Pemasaran dan Pemasangan Rumput Sintetis untuk Wilayah Provensi Riau & Sekitarnya.Untuk Wilayah Riau, kami hanya support pengiriman via Ekspedisi Cargo.Ready Stok:1. Rumput Sintetis Type Swiss 20mm, 25mm, 30mm2. Drainase Cell / Alas Rumput Sintetis.3. Daun Dolar Sintetis.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Rumput Sintetis ini silahkan di Order di Sini:HP Ibu Dian : 0896-5297-9519 (Fast Respon)HP Ibu Dian : 0896-5297-9519 (Fast Respon)https://www.instagram.com/barokahgrass/https://www.tiktok.com/@barokahgrasshttps://www.facebook.com/barokahgrassindonesia/https://www.supplierrumputsintetis.com/#jualrumputsintetispekanbaru #agenrumputsintetispekanbaru #tokorumputsintetispekanbaru #tempatjualrumputsintetispekanbaru#TempatJualRumputSintetisKempas, #TempatJualRumputSintetisKempas, #AgenRumputSintetisKateman, #AgenRumputSintetisKelayang, #AgenRumputSintetisKempas, #AgenRumputSintetisKemuning, #AgenRumputSintetisKepenuhan, #AgenRumputSintetisKepenuhanHulu, #AgenRumputSintetisKerinciKanan
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