#kelly taylot
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dearreader · 2 years ago
#talked about taylor in college
please tell us more
oh okay!!!!
so i don’t necessarily remember it but i was just kind of known for liking taylor, my stickers and wearing her merch everywhere didn’t help. but it was during the pandemic and we were on zoom and we were talking about sexism in the general i believe and someone brought taylor up so i went
“well sinxe you mention taylot, i think i should weigh in since i know a thing it two”
and my professor said “yes kelly, everyone knows”
and they let me talk about a lot of the stuff taylor went through and i related it as a whole to the text we were reading and other celebrities. but i can’t remember the exact book. but it was later american lit so we talked a lot about hollywood and minorities.
actually, fibe side story. my professor made us listen to a woody gutherie song about the grapes of wrath cause he wanted to discuss the plot and he opened class with:
“i’m sorry i made you all listen to a ten minute song, but i saved you ten hours from reading the grapes of wrath”
and then talked about how awful steinbeck was and how the book was only made a classic cause it was planted to do so.
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winchester90210 · 5 years ago
The BH 90210 Rewrite. 1x14: East Side Story
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Rewrite Masterlist
Read the previous chapter here!
Chapter Summary: A new arrival at West Beverly has the reader a little on edge.
Warnings: swearing, jealousy, partially unedited writing. 
Words: 2,900
My work is not to be reposted and/or edited without my expressed written consent. (Reblogging is fine and encouraged!!!)
Feedback is incredibly appreciated!
A/N: Hope everyone enjoys it! I feel like this is definitely more of a filler chapter, but it's fun nonetheless! Next week…Palm Springs Weekend ;)
“M.C. Hammer’s office.”
“Hi, how are you? Is he in for David Silver?” David’s voice sounds out through the school as he speaks on the phone and into the radio system.
“For who?”
“David Silver broadcasting live and direct from the tree-lined campus of West Beverly High!”
“West Beverly High?” The woman sighs, frustrated, “Does Mr. Hammer know who you are?”
“Not yet! But he will once you put the call through… Hello? Hello?”
“Man, David Silver has totally lost it,” you giggle as Brandon greets you in the hallway with a kiss.
“He’s not that bad,” he shrugs. He intertwines his fingers with yours as you trot to first period together.
“I’m sorry, but you wouldn’t be the least bit concerned with my well-being if I started calling up Madonna?” You raise an eyebrow inquisitively, “It’s not that he’s a bad kid… he’s just a little bit of a pest sometimes, y'know?” Brandon smiles as you continue, stopping at his locker and twisting the combination.
“Moving on from the thrilling life of David Silver,” he swings it open, piling book after book in his hands. “How are you and Kelly?” You sigh dramatically. “Still not good, huh?”
“She’s still not talking to me and I’m still not talking to her… I just don’t get it. Brenda forgave me, Brenda forgave her, we traded apologies, we had a group hug, everything was fine… if not a little weird,” you huff, leaning against the cold metal lockers. “She thinks Brenda wasn’t harsh enough with me for the whole Dylan fiasco.”
“And what do you think?”
“Well, for one, I think it’s ridiculous. If Brenda’s not mad, why should anyone else be? And what she did was way worse than what I did! But it’s fine. She’ll talk to me when she’s ready to talk to me. I’m just… a little aggravated.”
“Well, then I’m just gonna have to put in a little extra effort to relax you,” he propositions.
“I’d like to see you try, Walsh.”
“Do not tell me the printer broke again,” Andrea organizes the papers at her desk, sighing. Man, was negativity in the air today or what? You stand at the front of her desk, Brandon standing patiently behind you.
“Okay, I won’t,” you agree, “it’s the fax machine.”
“This school is falling apart right before my very eyes!” She criticizes melodramatically. “Can I help you?” She peers past your shoulder to the person behind you.
“This isn’t the new building, is it?” You turn back to face the girl, and what you aren’t expecting is… someone that pretty. Long gorgeous brunette curls fell down her shoulders. She smiles nervously, which draws attention to the dark cherry lipstick on her lips. Beverly Hills never falls short on pretty girls, does it?
“No. You have to go back out through the quad and past the science labs,” you tell her.
“Which way is that?”
“It’s through the double doors,” Brandon is standing with his back to her, studying the revised paper in his hand, “I’m going that way. I’ll show you.”
“And stick Andrea and I with your typos?” You tease, looking up at him as you sit down on the edge of the wooden desk.
“What typos?”
“You forgot an A in recreational and you failed to capitalize Sacramento,” Andrea indulges.
“And you have the guts to call yourself Sports editor?” You denounce him facetiously.
“Maybe Sacramento doesn’t deserve a capital,” he retorts.
“Hey, cheap shot! I was born in Sacramento,” the mystery girl pipes in.
“We’ll try not to hold it against you,” you joke. You hold out your hand for her to shake, “I’m Y/N, one of the reporters for the school newspaper. I do Lifestyle, Opinions, Entertainment. That sort of thing.” She shakes your hand and you notice how freshly painted and perfect her nails are.
“I’m Carla Montez–”
“Carla?” Brandon jumps in. Wait. This was Anna’s Carla? He had mentioned her earlier today but… this had to be her? “I’m Brandon Walsh. Y'know… Jim and Cindy Walsh?”
“Hello, Brandon.” Well, this was going to be fun.
And boy was it. As the day went on, you not only discovered she could speak in flawless french and could debate an English novel like no one’s business, but she actually knew something about computers and robotics. This totally blew. You don’t know why exactly, but it did. You were sure of it. And not only was she gorgeous, smart, and good with computers, but Brandon was at her side all day, showing her the ropes. Although you had a hunch she would’ve been just fine without him.
You walk through the Peach Pit doors with a relieved sigh as you’re met with your friends’ faces. “Hi, Brenda, Hi, Donna, Hi…” your words trail off as you get to Kelly, who’s actively avoiding your gaze. Without another word, you sit down at the counter next to Brenda and as far from your aggravating blonde friend as possible. Hey, at least Carla wasn’t here.
“Hey, Carla’s here!” Steve shouts out, standing behind you with a hand on your shoulder. Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.
Brandon’s head pops out from the depths of the kitchen to check on the tables, but as soon as he lays eyes on you he lights up.
“Hey! I didn’t think you were coming along,” he greets you, bending over the counter to give you a quick peck. “Hold on a second, hey everyone. I’d like you to meet Carla. And Carla, this is Kelly, that’s Donna, the guy back there is Steve, this is my sister, Brenda, and Y/N, who you met earlier today.” Brandon goes down the line of his friends sitting at the counter, “and this handsome devil is Nat, Mr. Beverly Hills Chi-Chi himself.”
“He might be ugly, but he serves great pie,” Steve cracks.
“It’s an old family recipe. Right out of the box!” Nat guffaws, disappearing into the depths of the kitchen. You look over to Donna and right past Kelly, who’s flipping through a Chick Schneider catalog.
“Brenda, are you sure we can have anything we want?” You ask as Donna passes her extra magazine down to you. You start to go through it, the shiny pages adorned with tons of cute, fashionable, and unreasonably expensive clothes.
“Yeah! Just tell me the color, the size, and it’s yours.”
“God, these baggies are so trendoid,” Kelly giggles.
“Hey Bren, do you think Carla could place an order too?” Brandon shouts, a little further down at the counter with Steve.
“Sure, if she likes Chick Schneider’s stuff!”
“I love Chick Schneider… who’s Chick Schneider?” Carla jokes.
“Thanks for the ride home, Steve,” you unbuckle your seatbelt as he pulls into your driveway
He nods nonchalantly.
“Anytime,” he offers, “you alright? You seemed pretty rattled today.”
“I’m fine,” you assure him, “Hey, it didn’t rain, no electronics were destroyed, the interior of your car is still in good shape– I’d call this a good day.”
“Don’t change the subject, Y/N/N. Is this about Kelly?”
“This has nothing to do with Kelly! I couldn’t care less about the Kelly thing right now.”
“So it’s Brandon? I thought you two were in chastity belt heaven right now.”
“It’s not him it’s–” you stop yourself short, “Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“This is because of that Carla chick, isn’t it?” It isn’t until you shoot Steve a death glare that he knows he hit the nail on the head. “I knew it!”
“No, you didn’t–”
“You don’t have anything to worry about. You’re way hotter than that valley girl and if Brandon has any sense, he knows that too.”
“M.C. Hammer’s office.”
“Hi, M.C. Hammer please.” Another day, another desperate reach for M.C. Hammer.
“Who is this?”
“Well, if I tell you, do you promise not to hang up? Hello?”
“Hey, Scott!” You call out to him, waving him over to your locker.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?”
“What’s going on with D.J. David and M.C. Hammer?” You inquire playfully.
“David wants him to play at the prom,” he snorts.
“There’s no way M.C. Hammer would ever play at a school dance.”
“You know that and I know that. And M.C. Hammer knows that. But unfortunately, I think somebody forgot to tell David.”
You lean against your table in the Blaze’s workshop as Brandon struts in.
“Oh, hey, I need to ask you something!”
“Shoot,” he prompts you, slipping his hands from your waist to your lower back, pulling you close.
“What’s going on with Carla?”
“Y/N.” He removes his hands from you and begins to pull away.
“Not like that, okay? I know there’s nothing going on there. I-I jut5 happened to be in the Register’s Office dropping something off and Carla’s file just happened to be on the counter with her address showing.”
“Y/N,” he stresses.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I’m a little nosy, okay? And– and you know what? I’ve already forgotten what I saw. I know nothing. Who’s Carla?” He chuckles lightly at your joke.
“I’m glad,” he nods. You tap your fingers against the desk for a moment, pondering.
“Is she living at your house?”
“What do you think?”
“I think you need to be careful, Brandon! One person getting caught could spiral a major chain reaction. First Carla, then Andrea, then you and I have to duke it out to see who becomes editor-in-chief and I’m sorry but I just don’t think our relationship is strong enough to withstand a battle to the death for that editing position!” His demeanor changes as you finish your facetious rant and he laughs softly into your fist as he raises it up to his lips, kissing it.
“We’ll all be careful, Y/N/N.”
“That’s all I ask, Walsh.”
You nurse on your chocolate milkshake as Brandon walks up to your spot, smiling at you with the sweetest look he can muster.
“Have I mentioned how absolutely radiant you are today? And every day?” You roll your eyes at his saccharine grin.
“You want some of my milkshake, don’t you?” He nods. “I cannot believe you!” you laugh, “You get a discount, I have to pay for mine.”
“Nat puts extra chocolate syrup in yours,” he reasons. You roll your eyes for the second time and lift your cup up to him.
“One sip,” you giggle. He raises the straw up to his lips but stops just shy of them.
“Actually…” In one swift motion, he leans down and brings your lips to his in a soft yet deep kiss. You moan softly as his tongue gently pushes into your mouth, and just as soon he’s pushing away. “I was right. It tastes better that way.”
“Guys, please. I just want to eat my eggs.” 
Steve’s voice cuts you both out of your trance, a disgusted, slightly amused look on his face. You have to fight to hold back your laugh as Dylan enters.
“Well, if it isn’t Dylan, the wild surfman!” Brandon greets cheerfully. Dylan’s hair is soaked, but the rest of him is dry as he parks himself next to you.
“Don’t tell me it wasn’t cold out there this morning,” Steve inquires.
“Oh, no, man. It was happening, waves were breaking,” Dylan responds, then he looks pointedly at you, “they missed you.”
“The waves have been totally needy recently, I told them to back off but they just keep calling me,” you do your best valley girl accent as a rebuttal.
“Ha ha ha,” Dylan deadpans a fake laugh, but interrupts with a smile he tries to fight off.
“Hey, that’s the same shirt I ordered from Brenda’s catalog!” Steve notices. Dylan messes with the neckline of his shirt delicately.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to get some baggies tonight. The party’s still on, right?”
“You mean the social event of the season?” Brandon raises an eyebrow, taunting the nature of the event.
“Hey, any event where I can get free designer clothes is an event worth rooting for,” you point a finger at your very accommodating waiter. He kisses your head before picking up your empty plate and moving onto a different group of guests.
“What do you mean I can’t go?!” You shout at your father, who’s sitting on the living room couch with a Reader’s Digest in his hand.
“I mean Jim Walsh is a crude and unfair individual. I will not have you fraternizing with that family!”
“I don’t even know the Walshes! I probably won’t even see them, let alone fraternize with them.” You tap your foot impatiently, “Besides, Steve Sanders invited me. I’ll be hanging out with him all night anyway.” Your father perks up at his name.
“Well…” he flips the tiny page in his book, pondering. “You can go. For an hour. Stay close to Steve… avoid that bastard accountant.” You don’t know what’s worse– your dad trusting Steve or the fact that you could now only refer to Jim Walsh as the “Bastard Accountant.”
You slump against the wall, a fruity mocktail in your hand. You’re watching Brandon talk to Carla in the living room as she flips her hair and gives him a smile. She has a great smile. That makes you sick. You take a swig of your brightly colored drink, trying to let the sweetness of the beverage soothe the built-up frustration in your stomach.
“Y/N and Brandon have been on top of each other non-stop lately. You know, for a couple of virgins, they’re the biggest horn dogs I’ve ever met,” Steve bites half-bitterly, half-jokingly.
“He’s really flipped for her in a major way, huh?” Dylan leans against the fireplace, setting down his soda with a metallic clank. He glances over to you, watching you nurse on your drink as you watch someone else. Every cheesy laugh she gives Brandon makes you just a little bit more nauseous every single time. No one was that funny.
Carla gives Brandon one last cheeky smile and it’s your breaking point. You practically slam your martini glass onto the nearest table, turn on your heel, and stomp your way upstairs. Dylan jumps forward, about to follow you up there, but Steve stops him with the back of his hand as he sees Brandon zoom past him.
“He’s got it covered.”
You can hear the rapidly approaching footsteps as you lie on Brandon’s bed, watching the fan swirl around and around and around. You hear the footsteps skid to a stop as he reaches for the door, takes a moment to compose himself, and swings it open.
“What’s goin’ on, Y/N/N?” He sets himself next to you as you sit up, brushing your hand through your hair. As you sit in your total mental breakdown, you can’t help but think how good he looked in that white sweater, how good he always looked. You stare at your feet, and while they looked good, they hurt like a bitch. Time to make the switch to flats. “C'mon, Y/N/N. Talk to me.” You groan.
“Carla follows you around like a puppy and I want to scratch her eyes out.” You indulge bluntly.
“So that’s what this is about? You’re jealous of Carla?”
“You say that like I’m being ridiculous, Brandon, she follows you like a puppy and she’s insanely gorgeous and so smart and y'know, it’s not like I have anything to be jealous of! We never agreed on being exclusive so–”
“As far as I’m concerned you’re fair game and–”
“You want to know why I think you being jealous of Carla is so ridiculous? Because she’s never going to be you, Y/N/N. When I said I wanted to be with you I meant it. I don’t want Carla, or Kelly, or Farrah Fawcett, or anyone else for that matter. I just want you.” Well, if you weren’t in love with him yet, you were now. 
“I wish it could be like this with everyone,” Brandon smiles as you walk into the newsroom, hand in hand.
“Like what?” You ask.
“You know, how we are with each other. Easy, comfortable. Effortless.”
“You’re making our relationship sound like a car rental service,” you tease, “besides, being with you?” You turn your head and give him a chaste kiss, “such a chore.”
“Okay, don’t hang up, just don’t hang up! Now, this is David Silver, the voice of West Beverly High and I really don’t care that he doesn’t want to come to our homecoming dance. Or that he’s one of the top recording and video artists in the world. But at least you could put my call through one time without hanging up! So… having said all that could I please talk to M.C. Hammer?”
“M.C. Hammer? Sorry. Think you have the wrong number.”
You stifle a laugh as to not disrupt the rest of the room, “Anyway… where’s Carla?”
“She went back home, I guess whatever issues she was having were cleared up.”
“Oh,” you feign sadness quite awfully, “That’s… that’s too bad… do you want to go to the movies tonight?”
Taglist: @be-patient-be-good​ @mpmarypoppins​ @bevelyhills90210​ @blueoz​ @harleylilo88​ @princess-ghost-alien​ @hueycat2004​ @l4life​ @keepcalm-and-beyou​
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alysaz23 · 7 years ago
That awkward moment when you feel obligated to listen to Christmas music to "get in the Christmas spirit", but instead you keep listening to the same 20 songs you hear everyday...
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alysaz23 · 7 years ago
How do people not listen to any music/podcast/audio books when they're in the car...?
Like what do you do?!?!
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