rivalsunraveled · 8 months
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"I can't believe I have to come all the way out here for employee evaluations," Pegasus complains, dropping by Keith's home unannounced.
You don't have to do employee evaluations for guys that are only on the payroll to make hush money look less suspicious. And Pegasus especially doesn't have to do employee evaluations of any kind, since it'd be a waste of his time.
"This is where you decided to live?"
// @keithhoward
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lccneytccny-a · 1 year
(( @keithhoward continued from X ))
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He knew the man was rude and cruel but this was on another level! A dramatic and annoyed scoff slipped past his lips and he shook a few droplets of spilled wine off his hands. Almost hoping they'd hit the other out of spite.
"Of course." His voice seemed calm but there was an obvious tilt of anger to it. Pegasus moved almost gracefully to grab a napkin, wiping any areas even slightly touched by the wine. "Accidents happen." He spoke once more, his voice a bit shakier this time as if he was beginning to lose his temper.
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pledgedsouls · 2 years
    || @keithhoward​ cont from [X]
“Please, I know I can.”
An ornate and quite old-looking dagger is taken out of his inner jacket pocket. Seth then also fished out a coin too. He tosses the latter up in the air far above his head before throwing the knife up to strike the coin, making a loud ring before he caught the knife again with a flourish on its way back down.
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“Top that.”
Not that Seth thought this guy could, but hey, he would always at least give people a chance.
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nevertem · 1 year
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"Oh! It's you! Keith!"
He gave a light jog, catching up to the other, and waving. A happenstance train station meeting--waiting for the next one to arrive.
"It's been a few weeks...I've gotten my own place, now. How are you doing?"
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blue-eyed-kaiba · 10 months
❛  why can't you just act like a normal person?  ❜ (@keithhoward)
(( @keithhoward ))
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The sharp question gained a small and arrogant chuckle from him, "Do you see who you are speaking with?" He spoke smoothly, and confidently, seemingly not caring about how this whole response was about to look. "Why would I want to be an every day average person when I can be this?"
His calm grin remained, blue eyes watching Keith closely as if he was gauging his reaction to his words and display. "Why be a low grade average person when you can be the most powerful duelist like me."
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cardsarepower · 2 years
Kaiba emerges from the KaibaCorp labs, wondering if someone is deliberately understocking the coffee there to force him to take a walk. He decides that if that's the case, he's firing them immediately. Sure, he jumped dimensions and has to rebuild the space elevator and the zero-G lab, but he's fine. And he doesn't need underlings trying to trick him into taking breaks from his work to try to get him to behave in a more stable manner.
He's making his way to the nearest coffee shop when he spots a familiar form in the corner of his eye and slows to a stop. "Howard?"
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((Also can I just offhandedly say it like it is?
@keithhoward I love your genius humor and I cannot surpass you.))
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ninevoltcolt · 2 years
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“Hey, you! You look pretty scummy. Ya want a job?”
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ofthepuzzle · 2 years
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@keithhoward​ 💜 for a short starter    
       Padded paws fidget and dig into the pharaoh’s golden necklace as a tiny tail is softly smacking at his hands while Atem is holding up what appears to be— a puppy. The little one keeps trying to reach forward and lick his face. Atem is attempting to contain his composure despite the rush of endorphins he’s getting from the pure wholesomeness and cuteness. Anyways…
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       “So, uh. I found this little guy at the dumpster back there when I was taking out the trash. He was chewing on a bone.” The puppy looks like a mutt with short black pelt. “And I—“ He feels a scratch at the back of his leg. What is this… ? It’s— another one?? It looks the same just with a brown fur and dark-pinkish nose. He didn’t see this one there before. That one seems much quieter than the black-pelted puppy, sitting by his leg.
       “Make that two of them.” He reaches down to pick up the second canine and hold them both in his arms. “I may need some dog advice. Back in the day I used to have two dogs. But nowadays there are veterinarians, and vaccinations, pet passports, and so on.” These two oddly look like the pharaoh hounds he owned as well. This is just way too coincidental for Atem to comprehend. “Also, where can I find good puppy food, If you know?” Keith is the only other person he knows besides Honda that owns a dog. And Atem doesn’t seem to be planning to give away the puppies as there’s something about them that makes him want to take them home. Well, that’s the puppy eyes at most.
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curseofnecrofear · 1 year
a grimace shake for ryou. and a grimace shake for bakura. enjoy!
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"Hello Gamers we're here to try the Grimace Shake! Happy Birthday Grima—"
Kaiba was busy, that's why he had a strict do not call policy during these meetings. But of course someone has to interrupt it. "I'm taking a call, take five." The gentlemen in the meeting nod and take their papers. It had to be important if he was stopping the meeting right?
Kaiba tapped his arm brace, and brought up the call. It was... Diva? Slender fingers tap the screen and he speaks. "What is it now?"
"It's Ryou! We were having a drink a—"
D̵E̶A̷T̸H̴ ̶C̶O̷M̸E̴S̸ ̴T̵O̷ ̵T̴H̸O̵S̶E̸ ̴W̸H̵O̸ ̷A̵R̶E̸ ̵F̸O̶O̴L̷I̸S̴H̷ ̶E̸N̴O̷U̴G̷H̸ ̶T̶O̴ ̷S̴E̵E̷K̸ ̵I̴T̵.̷
"Get away from me! Where's Ryou! What have you done with him?!"
T̶H̷E̵R̵E̴ ̵I̶S̵ ̸N̵O̷ ̸R̶Y̴O̶U̸.̸ ̷T̸H̴E̶R̵E̸ ̵I̵S̸ ̷N̸O̸ ̶Y̷O̶U̷.̷ ̶T̶H̶E̵R̴E̵ ̴I̶S̶ ̷O̶N̶L̴Y̶ ̸T̴H̵E̸ ̴V̸O̵I̸D̸ ̵A̸N̴D̸ ̵T̶H̸E̸ ̸D̷A̶R̶K̶N̴E̶S̶S̴ ̸I̵N̵ ̸T̸H̵I̴S̶ ̴W̷O̵R̶L̸D̶.̵
"Stay back! STAY BACK! KAIBA! KAI—" The call ends with the sound of static becoming overwhelmingly loud. And the sounds of footsteps coming closer, only to end with something being crushed up in a deafening crunch.
(mentioned here is @kaibacorpbros / @indioragod )
Bakura: This shake ain't shi—
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digitaidummy · 1 year
❝ outta the way, i was here first! ❞ (@keithhoward)
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Mokuba has little patience when it comes to queuing for new Capsule Monster releases. He hates having to wake up early just to wait in line for hours. Unfortunately, his extensive Capsule Monster collection could not wait, and so Mokuba was fated to be stuck in line for the better part of the morning.
What did not help his mood were the people queuing along with him.
The limited edition Capsule Monster had brought every weirdo from the around the country to the Domino City game store, which was the only one that sold them. He'd gone through the trouble of waking up super early to anticipate that, and he still wasn't in that good of a spot in the line.
He quietly prayed to the Goddess of Victory, so that she would have mercy on him and allow him to get the CapMon without a problem.
His patience is eventually rewarded when he's granted entry into the game store, and he notices the only remaining, wonderfully sparkly Limited Edition Capsule Monster packaging. Hurrying in its direction, he reaches for the box—
"Outta the way, I was here first!"
Mokuba isn't given a chance to fight back as he ends up shoved aside. He stumbles, barely catches himself, and helplessly watches as the fully adult man snatches the box he had been supposed to receive.
What the hell?!
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Mokuba calls out to the thief (it was that personal, yes).
"That's mine! Give it back!!"
He hasn't gotten a good look at the man's face yet, but the second he does, he'll make sure Seto gets them for what they've just done. Mokuba doesn't forgive so easily!!!
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duelingdestiny · 2 years
❛  do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?  ❜
Atem leaned in and stared. "You do have something on your face." He smirked and flicked him in the forehead. "Don't worry, I got it."
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pledgedsouls · 2 years
     || @keithhoward​ cont. from [X]!
“Yous one to talk when your ace was all about coin flips!”
Seriously!? Keith was lecturing him about this? Pot meet kettle! Time Wizard always got the crowd on the edge of their seats. Besides, it wasn’t like Jounouchi was entirely going to rely on it to save his backside. He had other measures in place to bounce back from the monster’s effect if it wiped his field instead of his opponent’s.
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“They love seein’ me play that card. Besides, outta all the times I’ve used chance cards I’ve only gotten a negative effect once!”
Once legitimately, anyway. The Noah thing didn’t count since the business geezer had been cheating.
“That’s pretty good odds if I say so myself. It’s goin’ in the deck.”
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shallliveoninsong · 1 year
|| @keithhoward cont from [X]!
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"Uh... good doggie. Good big doggie. You know, I have a smaller doggie friend I bet you'd be friends with."
It wasn't like Sissel was afraid of dogs, even when possessing a ball. He was good friends with a courageous Pomeranian back home, after all! But he's also learned from Missile that dogs really seemed to like to chase balls a lot and that wasn't good for his current objective of finding a phone he could travel through.
"Guess you can't point out the phone to me can you--aCK!"
Apparently, another furry inhabitant was more into the ball than the dog was. A cat of all things.
No! He'd just gotten halfway across the room too! Now he was in an entirely different place! Ugh. The tennis ball darted back towards the direction he was headed before, maybe if he zigzagged under the various furniture pieces he could keep the cat away from him long enough to jump to possess something else out of all the pet's reach.
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blue-eyed-kaiba · 10 months
be honest... how the, how the fuck does your stupid coat do that? you putting wires n' shit in that thing? (@keithhoward)
(( @keithhoward ))
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"Why does it matter how it does that?" Seto scoffed, resisting to urge to roll his eyes as he had already deemed the conversation quite pointless.
"All that matters is that it looks fucking cool."
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cardsarepower · 1 year
"Why would- why would I fucking make this up??" He was no goddamn clout chaser, and if Kaiba needed cold hard proof, he'd go to Jersey and find every single skin and blood cell he lost at Action Park himself. He shook his phone screen-displaying the Cannonball Loop-for emphasis, as if that would will more truth into his words. "I went when I was like 15, it busted my face right open." As he said this, though, he smiled, as if recalling a fond memory. "Was fucking awesome. The real kinda fun, not like your dumb kiddie shit Kaibaland." (@keithhoward)
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Kaiba is so close to being invested in this story. Action Park is garbage, but it's legendary garbage. He can't help but be interested in stories--especially firsthand ones!--of significant theme parks. There's even a tiny spark in his eyes as he looks at the Cannonball Loop, some remnants of youthful enthusiasm that didn't get fully stamped out.
But it flashes to anger immediately when Kaibaland is insulted. It's for kids you brain damaged buffoon. "You like danger, hm?" He folds his arms. "Are you staying in Japan for a while?"
// @keithhoward
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