bonjovian · 5 years
Designed an archives skin for Keira! This one has lore behind it!
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So what the writing up there says is this:
"Archives skin for Keira
'Before joining Junkrat and Roadhog, Aednat was a bartender in her parents' pub in Junkertown'"
Keira's parents owned an Irish pub in Junkertown, and once she reached 18, she began working as a bartender. This is possibly her most formal outift.
EDIT: Here's a bonus picture of me fooling around with a snapchat filter
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keirahartzell · 6 years
Just Venting, Ignore me
So I’ve been hit hard. When it rains it pours, I guess. I just want to write about everything and share it, you can ignore it if you want, this is for me.
It started with having to constantly cover my roommate’s share of the rent, and I don’t blame them for that, the only place we could get into was a “luxury” apartment and they both had minimum wage jobs and I was living off of Living Expense Checks from my school, that comes out of money from the loans I took out to pay for school, and I had a lot more per month than they did.
This last month my new LEC didn’t come in when it was suppose to and I had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it to even begin the process to get it to me, right as the school finally tells me everything is in now and it’s processing, we get evicted from our apartment because I couldn’t pay rent and of corse my roommates didn’t have the money to cover me, so we frantically moved out, but we still owe almost $5,000 in fees and un-paid rent to the apartment, and $400 in misc. bills that we split for the apartment.
What throws me through a loop is that my roommates seem to think I’m going to pay all of that myself somehow. One is willing to help with the $400, but the other just keeps saying “I won’t f*cking do it.” They blame me for us all getting kicked out and they think I should have to fix it by myself.
If I was getting my normal amount in LEC I wouldn’t be too worried, but the school has cut my LEC from $1,500 a month to $300 a month for no good reason. I’ve asked several times for them to take out more, I’m approved for the regular amount and I’m the one that will have to pay it back eventually anyways but they refuse and won’t give me a straight answer as to why. I don’t even have tuition to pay anymore, I only took out the most recent loan so I could get the LEC.
I believe in karma, bad things come back in threes but good things come back in sevens. My LEC issues, the eviction, and the abandonment from two people I trusted and helped at the cost of myself must be punishment for something bad I did. 
I don’t want to beg for forgiveness from whatever or whoever, I’m not going to go around and yell about my problems for people to feel sorry for me or pity-party someone into helping. I just wanted to vent and writing when I’m stressed helps. Usually I send the writing to the person bothering me but this isn’t something that I can do so I’m posting it. I’m not worried about who reads this because nothing personal I post ever gets any attention anyways; lunched my patreon and a go fund me for a good friend’s surgery and neither one got any attention and both of those things are still sitting with $0.
All I want to happen now is for me to get a job so hopefully I can pay back all the fees, and to finish my degree and to be able to concentrate enough to finish my last few months of school
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bonjovian · 5 years
More Keira Drawings
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One Junkrat makes a huge difference
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bonjovian · 6 years
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Overwatch: Uprising (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/mpJzUYSH8U Overwatch was illegally called back into action to fight a resurgence of Omnics, but new heroes needed to be recruited, and it seemed anyone was acceptable. Keira Ryan was one of those new recruits. She didn't have the cleanest past. She and her parents fled Cork Country, Ireland, for unknown reasons, settling into Junkertown, Australia. There sh…
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keirahartzell · 6 years
Keira’s Patreon!
I just created a Patreon to share my art work, stories, and 3D works! I’ve always wanted to share them and now I can all while trying to support myself as well.
Check it out and please consider pledging, my lowest tier is just $1 a month and gets you access to my drawings. 
I’ve just made my first post for the $1 tier, with a promised follow up for next Tuesday! My first Story post for the $5 tier will be Saturday; a short Paranormal Story for you guys.
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