#keh spo
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rainbowxocs · 2 years ago
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TW: Emotional and Physical Abuse.
Name: Keh Spo. (ケースポ)
Special Titles: Itako (イタコ), Miko (巫女)
Username: anonghost
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/They (In English.)
I Pronoun: Jibun (自分) (An incredibly formal neutral pronoun that portrays a bit of distance between the person who uses it and who they are talking too.)
Sexuality: Asexual, Demiromantic, Straight.
Gender: X-Gender (Musei). (Xジェンダー, 無知).
Species: Self Proclaimed Suzuhiko and Tennin (Human.) (Witch)
Disorders: Anxiety, Selective Mutism, DPDR, Depression, Suicide Ideation, CPTSD, Stuttering, Autism, Hypersomnia, Contamination OCD.
Physical Disabilities: Blind.
Recovering Addictions: Self Harm.
Religion: Shintoism.
Job: Shrine Maiden, Noh Actor, Paranormal Investigator.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese, JSL, Latin, Occult Languages.
Height: 5’5”
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Yamanote.
Voice Claim: Stardust Cookie from Cookie Run (JP Dub)
Powers: Supernatural Banishment, Healing, Potion Making, Advanced Magic Spells, Warding, Creating Charms/Sigils.
Weaknesses: Basic Human Weaknesses, no known special weaknesses.
Weapons: Ofuda, Hamaya, Katana, Katashiro, Ojuzu, Shimenawa, Salt.
Wand: Suzu, Tamagushi.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Text Color: Grey.
Main Hobbies: Occultism, Reading.
Favorite Drink: Lavender Tea.
Favorite Fruit: Oranges.
Favorite Meals: Chirashizushi, Zoni, Chazuke.
Favorite Candy: Taiki Hana Komon, Kohakutou.
Favorite Dessert: Green Tea Kakigori, Kuzumochi.
Favorite Flower: Sakaki, Forget Me Nots.
Scent: Incense, Smoke.
Handedness: Left Handed.
Blood Color: Red.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: August 13th 2004 (Leo, Monkey, AB)
Fun Facts: Is almost always seen wearing some sort of mask. Very rarely shows their face.
Special Interests: The Occult.
Stims: Worry Stones, Fidgets with his kandi bracelets.
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Comfort Objects: Maneki-Neko.
Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Family: Mae Spo, Mura Asahara. (Parents)
Kida Asahara, Yukimori Asahara. (Aunt and Uncle.)
Uru Nanamo. (Adoptive Half Brother.)
Hwan Asahara. (Half Brother.)
Atsu Kaigan. (Cousin.)
Friends: Kagayaki (BFF), Hana.
Romance: Akiko Spo (Wife.)
Patrons: Izanami.
Pets: Kappa (河童) (Shiba Inu.), Torii (鳥居) (Black Cat)
Brief Personality: Keh is incredibly quiet. In the town of Okutama he is considered pretty normal. But outsiders would probably find him a little odd.. He only is known to speak to two people, his best friend and his girlfriend. Other than that he just makes sure the shrine he works at is clean, and the yokai of the town stay in their place.
Brief Backstory: Keh was born an only child to his mother. His father wasn’t exactly in the picture and it was just him and her.. But Keh’s unusual appearance at birth made Mae believe that he was cursed. Strange things had been happening in the town lately, ghosts, goblins, yokai, and Mae assumed that her child was a wicked beast.
Mae locked him up in his room, not allowing him to see the outside world. His mother told him from a very young age that he was a monster, and that if anyone were to see him that his ugliness would kill them. That he would curse them and their entire bloodline.
Of course, Keh didn’t understand that his mother was lying to him. He believed everything his mother told him. He sometimes was allowed outside of his room on rare occasions and when he was he would read books about Yokai and Spirits.. so he could understand himself..
He would create paper masks to hide his face. and would pretend to be friends with the yokai. Until child protective services got wind of the child neglect his mother was inflicting on him. And she got arrested.
Keh bounced around from foster home to foster home. Nobody quite.. got him.. due to his upbringing he was an odd little duckling.. He always wore a mask no matter what, even to sleep and to shower.. He never spoke really.. only speaking in writing or vague hand gestures.
He eventually made his first two real friends when he went to high school. A boy named Kagayaki and a girl named Akiko. Both very persistent in gaining his friendship and trust. To this day they are the only two people who ever have seen his face. He was able to come out of his shell more and be able to make friends and embrace his “monster” side.. realizing that he wasn’t a monster at all.
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Ahb-pser Ahg Ahm-spaàn Ahn-ord Ald-deh Ald-nar Alf Alf-ors Alk-fa Alk-thián Alm-saàh Aln Alp Als-tsiàr Alt-shan Ard-urb Arf-alt Arf-stan Arg Arg-kran Arg-stem Arn Arp-oàld Aàrg-irk Aàrk-shan Aàrn-psun Aáhb
Bah Bah-kil Bah-spuám Bal Bar Be Ber Bir-shol Biàh-irp Biá Bo Bor-skos Boàr-fil Boáh-kià Bram Brim-fe Brin-aáhn Bris Brol Brum Bu Char Char-ksin Chas Chel Chem-dar Ches Cheàl-sil Chil Chil-guàl Chim-tel Chir Chon Chor Choàl-par Choàn Chul-bren Chul-iàlg Da Dal-bol Dal-ort Dar-ge De Deh Deh-far Di-ahp Dir-thin Dià-spel Do-irn Do-toh Dol Doá-dril Dran Draàr Dreàm-chel Drum-uárm Du Du-frar Ehb-irf Ehd Ehg-psir Ehm-da Ehm-ilp Ehn Ehp-sper Elb-ohs Elf-ki Elg Elg-tson Elk-ksan Elk-uhm Elm Els-faà Els-orp Erb Erd Erf Erf-tsoàn Erk-tur Erm Ern Ern-meh Erp Ers Ert-chus Ert-uhb Eàhd-aàrg Eàhf Eàhn-ba Eáhf-eln Fa-fe Fa-then Fal-ird Faá Feh Fer-chos Feà-peàr Feá Fil-ksis Fo For-iálg Frar-alb Frel Fren Frim Frin Frir Friàm-mo Frul-oàrs Frur Frur-uàhg Fu Ga-uld Gah-ihd Gal Gaà-frum Gaáh Gaál Ge Ge-foh Geh-ku Gel Gi Gih Gir Già Gor-kiàh Goá-tsas Grel Grer-geh Gril Grin-duh Gron Gruám-ksiàr Gu-skan Gur Ihb Ihd-ma Ihf Ihf-psis Ihg Ihk Ihm Ihn-ulb Ihp-psum Iht Ild-spal Ilk-elp Ilm Ilm-irg Iln Ilp Ilp-kiá Ilt-ald Ilt-spiàl Irb Irm-teáh Irn-shim Irp Irs-ehd Irs-peá Irt-spol Iàrd-pi Iàrt-ma Iáhg-tar Iáhk-ulb Iáhm-aáhf Iáhs-skos Iárf Ka-irg Keh Kel Ker-frel Ki-ard Kol Kol-ilg Koár Krer-toh Kriás Krol-tser Kros-prus Krun Ksal-nul Ksal-uhn Ksam Ksar Ksar-ahk Ksaám Ksem-pu Ksil Ksor Ksul Ksun Ksur-mor Ku-ker Kuh Kuàr Kuàr-thin Kuál Ma-ko Mah Maár-ksus Mel Mer Meà-fral Mi-duàl Mi-shel Mià-skoám Mo Mo-ti Mor Mu-erk Mu-taàr Na-ksuàl Naá Ne Ner-faál Ni Nih-psol Niàl No No-si Noh-so Nor Nu Nu-mal Nu-mi Nur-psoàl Ohb Ohd-psom Ohs-ful Ohs-kuàh Olb-ehs Old-koh Olf-goh Olg Olk-aht Olk-ihf Olm Oln Oln-eht Oln-nal Olt-ald Olt-sir Orb Org-tsul Ork-tu Orm Oàhs-from Oàrm Oàrn-ohk Peh Pel-alk Pil Pir Po-thor Poál-droàl Praál Pril-uld Prum-no Psam Psel-ba Psim Psir Psis Psis-dral Psol-kor Psom-erd Psum Psus Puáh-stus Sa Sa-foh Sal Sar Saàl-tor Se-iárt Se-ter Sel-ksel Sel-pson Seá Shar-orn Sher Sher-ta Shin-tral Shir-iáht Shon-erf Shos Shul-skur Shur-fu Shus Si Sir Skam Skan Skas-saá Skas-stul Skaàs-thom Skem-urn Sken Skeàr Skil-psem Skim Skin-tiál Skir-ehs Skir-erd Skir-gron Skol-pi Skon Skoàs Skum-chol Skun-tu Skur-mu Skus So-deh Soh Sor-elg Spam Spam-pi Span Spaám-uáhf Spem-fiáh Spem-stam Spes-no Spis Spiás-ki Spos Spun Stal-iln Stan Star Stas Staán-ilf Stel-bo Stes-thin Steál-naá Stim-erg Stir Stiàn-naáh Stom Stor-elf Stor-iàhk Stos Stos-spes Stum Stum-shel Stun Stuás Su Su-thir Suh Suá-thur Ta-ohk Tar-als Taá Than-skom Thel Thel-da Then Ther-noh Theàn-ahg Thil-po Thin Thin-erg Thir-ma Thir-stuás Thol-psuám Thon-uhd Ti Tih Tià To-stas Trel Trem-ksuám Tres-doà Tril-erm Tril-ilp Trun Tsal Tsam Tsar Tsel-ner Tsel-skil Tsin Tsis Tsom-bor Tson-su Tsor-irt Tsor-spil Tsoám Tsuàm-psaàs Tu Tuh Tul Tuàr Uhb Uhd Uhd-iàrd Uhg Uhk Uhm Uhs Uht Ulg Ulp Uls-alb Uls-chin Urb Urg-stel Urg-sul Urk Urm Urs Uáhp Uáhs Uálb-ksam Uálp
Ahgbeuhk Ahkputhem Ahmkeleàhd Ahnoáhm Ahtksel Algsahsa Alguhn Almnoàhse Altmaál Arbgel Arbssasgul Arfdris Arkksorthil Arndanul Arsark Arskornil Arsssim Artthisshus Aàldpsun Aàrkelfork Aáhgther
Baahsthun Banor Baorb Bareáhk Barksor Baáfahdran Befi Bekoh Bemehars Berahkilp Beshos Bethumahg Biluàrnulk Bofiard Bolehtilm Bothoánssal Bramssen Brimorbfrus Brinchilbe Briàlelpgril Briàrcheás Brumno Brusardnor Buerbchan Bufrim Buhthir Buihbfal Bulbrararf Bursirthir Chaliáhspsel Charurt Chaàsthimehk Cheschinohs Cheàndaà Cheànpsin Chiloáhd Chimksarshos Chinardtoà Chinehm Chingraàs Choreàlgorn Chorksumksol Choàmgemeá Chulelmpi Chumchel Chuámohk Daàhehb Dedurahp Deilm Dielgohm Dilgrer Dirtal Dourd Doápi Draniárm Drarorkfil Drelalk Drenirbfrus Drilsahper Droáldoàuàlp Drulgal Dufagil Duilssoá Dulils Dulnosu Dulnoàhdreàr Durthus Ehboàlnchom Ehfolgirg Ehguhbdah Ehkulg Ehmshul Ehppsoál Ehpthal Elfird Elfshum Elgbresfil Elkpi Elkuhf Elkuàrfird Elpirm Elpirp Elpthoám Eltksos Erbchis Ergbuulp Ermern Ernchas Ernuárb Eàhtchuànmi Eàrbulmihd Eàrkgipsan Eàrkuárgpir Eárnohfpuh Faleln Faàrahb Faáurt Fehnuorm Fodessal Folchertrum Fooárt Fortul Fronbroárelt Fronfruám Frorchas Fruriàhpoálk Fuhberduár Fuhihg Fulgromtruál Fuliáhs Furchonna Gahilf Garthiám Gaàkià Gaàpo Gelurfold Geàlchil Giksumpi Girso Gitoà Giàmu Gogilsaá Goáltros Granirt Grensororf Grenssusuhp Greántih Grimuárn Gringurduá Grulbrir Guahbpsaál Gukuà Gusses Guálehbehp Ihdksin Ihgern Ihgoàhguáhg Ihkeàhb Ihpeálfehp Ihtaáhdpsir Ilbchisehg Ildbris Ilfkalurd Ilfksol Ilmahm Ilsbor Iltulg Irbchorerp Irbsoulg Irdpsorsseás Irgarmsoà Irgbo Irmnoàl Irnprilbu Irnshonolg Irsuhkgrin Irtbrel Iàrtalf Iárfpsonohf Kaerg Kahsir Kalfol Kearmtral Kehpa Kelpsaschun Kerkson Kernaáilm Kerteh Kiaht Kilohsfrul Koiàrmme Kolorb Korssuàn Kortuh Kossin Krargel Kraspohers Krenkarse Krimprir Krirchessa Krunkilsu Krurssar Ksalelm Ksaluhpsson Ksamahkelp Ksassuruhp Ksaàlpsis Kselihpalt Kseloáhn Ksemfroástrur Ksenaárfpoàr Ksestheluàln Kseámduhpses Ksinssuàr Ksiárthal Ksiásterchil Ksoásfirchim Ksulsiár Ksurulm Ksuschurilp Kupathos Kuse Machos Maeàhf Malksaánmeà Meábi Milpa Mirthur Miàhgouhf Mosifeà Mualkgril Mubeàsar Mutharohk Naframalt Nahfel Nasherga Nihfraàs Niilmehn Noaárdsil Nohsirelk Nuiàltuhp Nukruàsirk Ohdarn Ohkthemprim Ohmahgthel Ohmaht Ohmels Ohmshol Ohnkrun Olbbilihg Olgohm Olgoldper Olpki Olptulfraàl Orfalp Orfgoáh Orfthim Ormchimoálg Ortgekil Oàlgarg Oàrddatras Oàrpfrulbir Oáhgmi Oárdprun Oársulg Paaàrkuhd Pahkrirtal Pahnal Pebehdo Pelnor Perbi Pershes Peàiln Pohchir Poohmpsim Porirtfrar Porshol Possur Prinfeh Prolbehfeáh Promeàrt Prompelpsum Prorthimiáhg Prunbrumirk Psamsolpeàh Psarulkdrir Psaspsoálba Psaàlarnnuh Pserniáiáhf Pseásmo Psinilmpsaás Psirsseár Psisorb Psiámolf Psolfras Psorirggrem Psosoálg Psunird Psurilt Psussererf Puàroht Sacheásirp Safur Sahthomfros Saksuámshan Salge Salssungel Saltren Sashonssur Serfaá Sessul Shaltuurf Shamurkehn Shanfi Shaàrerbssim Sherthen Shesalp Sheálchir Shilksel Shinfrin Shirdil Shirurners Shiselk Shisiàlpseàr Shisksum Shisorbte Shiàmelbkoh Shiálbi Sholshuàn Shommor Shonbukur Shoniàlsssen Shoraáldchun Shorpa Shoànirk Shoàrers Shoásthuski Shumksulpe Shumpsuáralf Shunarm Shunkranshin Shunsi Sigasih Silguàmah Sinuils Situ Siuhb Sohpo Soàrkrasbaà Ssalals Ssalerfehg Ssalsa Ssalssinchas Ssamksemtroàm Ssardaohd Ssarehtirk Ssasterdo Ssernalaàhs Ssesert Ssirkaárgu Ssirpsol Ssischelkren Ssiàndekrar Ssiàneálm Ssomshuán Ssonertches Ssonksunshor Ssonpren Ssontrun Ssorgi Ssosgaál Ssoàmurd Ssulfeahm Ssurelkda Ssurshor Sudeh Tehilb Temerihf Terpsoár Teàrchim Thaltror Thantrespral Tharpaiáhb Thilbol Thirpsusolg Thiámku Tholahp Tholuhb Thomdal Thuldronilt Thulerkkser Thunaáhnsham Tigrul Tirdohfren Tissam Toeárm Toleáhsgrin Toluhb Tothosti Toárurb Trolfoh Tronkserki Trosshin Troánorb Trumild Trunpo Trurdrelelm Trurseh Trusohperm Tubolssom Turshos Tuàhbreàn Uhbdo Uhbolm Uhdohs Uhkald Uhpalm Uhpkros Uhpma Uhssseselk Uhtniulg Uhturf Ulbardeht Uldald Uldkeohf Ulkold Ulkteh Ulmbrir Ulnmimil Ulpehgilg Ulperb Ulppselthim Ulsalm Ulsseulk Ultma Ultmerchel Urkgoeálm Urkksiám Urkparolf Urmkoahp Urnsoohn Ursiáhdors Uàldgarorm
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rainbowxocs · 1 year ago
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🩶Keh Spo from The Curse of Okutama Fashionboard🩶
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rainbowxocs · 1 year ago
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🩶Keh Spo from The Curse of Okutama Moodboard🩶
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rainbowxocs · 10 months ago
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TW: Cults, Child Abuse. Proceed with caution.
Name: Hwan Asahara (ファンに 朝原)
Special Titles: “Taiyo no Ōji” (太陽の王子) (Prince of the Sun.). Prophet. (預言者)
Username: childofthesun
Age: 26.
Pronouns: He/Him. (In English.)
I Pronoun: Ore-Sama. (俺様), (a Pompous way of saying “My esteemed self”. Very arrogant.)
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Cis Guy.
Species: Claims to be a Kami. (Human.)
Disorders: CPTSD, BPD, Depression, Anorexia.
Active Addictions: Nicotine (Cigarettes).
Religion: Children of The Sun.
Job: Religious Leader.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese, English.
Height: 5’8”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Yamanote.
Voice Claim: Akechi from Persona 5 (JP Dub)
Weaknesses: Basic Human Weaknesses. No known special weaknesses.
Weapons: Sacrificial Knives.
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Text Color: Purple.
Main Animal: Snakes.
Main Hobbies: Reading, Not much else.. He seems to not know much about what he likes.
Favorite Drinks: Black Coffee, Wine.
Favorite Fruits: Apples, Cherries, Pomegranate, Grapes.
Favorite Candies: Cherry Gum, Lollipops.
Favorite Meals: Shabushabu, Tako Sushi, Squid Ink Spaghetti.
Favorite Desserts: Black Forest Cake, Squid Ink Icecream.
Favorite Flower: Black Irises.
Scent: Rose Perfume, Blood.
Handedness: Right Handed.
Blood Color: Red.
Soul Form: Red and Purple Flame.
Awareness: Not Aware. (Effect: None.)
Birthday: August 28th 1998. (Virgo, Tiger, AB.)
Fun Facts: His religion is most definitely a cult.
Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashion Board: LINK
Comfort Objects: Prayer Beads.
Mura Asahara, Akane Asahara. (Parents.)
Yukimori Asahara, Kida Asahara. (Aunt and Uncle.)
Uru Nanamo. (Adoptive Brother.)
Keh Spo. (Half Brother.)
Atsu Kaigan. (Cousin.)
Friends: N/A.
Romance: N/A.
Enemies: Are, Kaguya, Hana, Odo, Lucy.
Patrons: Amaterasu. (Supposedly.)
Pets: Orochi. (大蛇) (Black Snake.)
Brief Personality: Hwan is a bit of a prick. Most humans who grew up in Okutama have the smarts to not anger or question the gods authority, or at least not out loud anyway. Hwan however has a god complex that could put even the goddess of Okutama herself to shame. He claims to be a “Kami”, however he doesn’t exactly have any worshippers, most if not all of his parents congregations left after the murder charges, leaving Hwan behind and trying to uphold a legacy that never quite existed.
Brief Backstory:
Hwan is one of the only children born to his parents. He grew up inside a religious cult and because he was related to both of the leaders he had special privileges most of the other children didn’t get. Him and his adoptive brother Uru were considered gifts from the gods. One coming from their parents and the other coming from chance.
Hwan like the other children was not treated well. While he did get a better treatment than them, he still had to endure the strange rules and punishments, his parents claimed this would train him for taking over the position with Uru.
However around the age of ten, his parents and subsequently most of the adults around him were arrested for murder, and he was put into foster care. During the time loop he was able to create a pretty substantial following to his parents religion, however once it stopped he was not able to build the same power and influence over people.
Hwan now that he is older, is very lost. He doesn’t quite know what to do with his life or what to do with his parents legacy. Everyone else has moved on but him and he doesn’t know how to cope with that.
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rainbowxocs · 2 years ago
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TW: Cults, Child Neglect.
Name: Atsu Kaigan (圧開眼)
Cult Title: “Servant of the Gods”. (神のしもべ)
Username: elementofmagic
Nicknames: Atsu-Chan (圧-ちゃん), Yuru-chara (ゆるキャラ).
Age: 22.
Pronouns: He/Him (In English)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A neutral I pronoun, usually seen as formal.)
(Will sometimes switch pronouns when dissociating.)
Sexuality: Straight.
Gender: GNC, Guy.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Separation Anxiety, ADHD, CPTSD, Autism, OSDD 1b, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Depression, DPD.
OSDD Information: Atsu’s OSDD is mostly fragmented dissociation, He does not have any fully formed alters that have separate identities from him. His OSDD tends to manifest in certain emotions or memories which causes him to not fully understand where he is or who he is.
Recovering Addictions: Hoarding.
Religion: None.
Job: Fashion Designer, Public Relations for Suka’s Sukeban.
Major: Fashion.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese, JSL.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Shitamashi. (Will sometimes switch accents when dissociating.)
Voice Claim: Heizou from Genshin Impact (JP Dub)
Weaknesses: Basic human weaknesses. No known special weaknesses.
Weapons: Pastel Purple Bat with ribbons and glitter, Purple sparkley pistol, Purple Brass knuckles shaped like a cat.
Alignment: Neutral.
Text Color: Purple.
Main Animal: Horse.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Plushie Making, and Collecting MLP Merchandise.
Diet: Vegetarian.
Favorite Drink: Apple Cider.
Favorite Fruit: Star Grapes.
Favorite Meal: Daisy, Dandelion, and Pansy Sandwich, Spring Rolls, Jelly Noodles, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches.
Favorite Candy: Lollipops, Bubblegum, Rock Candy.
Favorite Dessert: Mizu Manju, Oiri Candy Icecream, Rolled BlueberryIcecream.
Favorite Flower: Lilacs.
Scent: Twilight Sparkle Perfume.
Handedness: Right.
Blood Color: Red.
Soul Form: Lilac Flame.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: June 4th 2002 (Gemini, Horse, A, Loyalty.)
Fun Facts: Has basically every J-Fashion imaginable in his closet.
Special Interests: MLP, J-Fashion.
Stims: My Little Pony Stim Toys. Fabric Stims.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Comfort Objects: His Set of MLP Plushies, His Takara MLP figures, His fashion dolls, Unicornos.
Extras: He has those super rare MLP figures that were only released in Japan.
Family: Kida Asahara, Yukimori Asahara (Birth Parents)
Mura Asahara, Akane Asahara. (Aunt and Uncle)
Uru Nanamo, Hwan Asahara, Keh Spo. (Cousins.)
Friends: Uru (BFF), Kagayaki, Hana, Ryu, Boru, Otoko.
Romance: Suka Ringu (Girlfriend)
Enemies: A good chunk of the gangs in the area, The Cult.
Pet: Twilight Sparkle (トワイライトスパークル) (Sugar Glider)
Brief Personality: Atsu has a very bubbly personality, you wouldn’t really tell he is apart of a gang by the way he speaks, He’s kinda goofy, he has a tendency to tell other gang leaders about the lore of my little pony while in the middle of territory disputes. He loves hanging out with his friends and fashion and He generally tries to have a positive outlook on life.
Brief Backstory:
Atsu was born into a religious cult, he wasn’t quite sure who his birth parents were, he would be switched around from couple to couple depending on who took care of him.
He was very neglected in the cult, he didn’t have really any set of parents, just adults that would come in and out and occasionally take care of the bare essentials. He was severely neglected, nobody really taught him basic things like the alphabet or how to read for a very long time.
However. He had one friend in the cult, “The Prince”, aka the Leaders son, Uru, him and Uru got along really well, always playing together and Atsu felt very safe with Uru. He tended to follow him around wherever Uru went, which they both enjoyed. It was nice for both of them to have a break from the cult in a way.
Eventually the leaders got arrested and Atsu was sent into foster care, he didn’t really have any guardians who tried to understand him though. As a kid he had a tendency to daydream about far off lands often times not being able to get out of bed.
When he got to high school, He met his childhood friend again, they both were kinda in the same place mentally. Both shy socially awkward kids with little to no friends. They really relied on eachother. And that caused both of them to blossom into their own people.
Atsu later met his girlfriend Suka, and eventually started to become a fashion designer after finding his love for J-Fashion and also sewing plushies.
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rainbowxocs · 2 years ago
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The Curse of Okutama.
General Info:
Okutama takes place in modern time, aka 2024. In Okutama, Tokyo. However there’s a strange… air around the town.. When you look around everything appears normal at first, with local restaurants and beautiful scenery. Until you realize there’s a literal portal to hell in town.
There’s a curse, around this place. A sort of Murphy’s law if you will. The citizens don’t fully register how WEIRD it is due to them growing up here their entire lives. You have to have your wits about you in order to survive in this town, or else you WILL get stabbed. Only the strong will survive.
Everyone has a body count, or is a half demon, or whatever else this hell town has. Otherwise, if you can survive. Enjoy the different cultures in the town! We have demons! We have angels! We have Yokai! We have a cat cafe! There’s something for everyone if you can dodge the fires and scientific experiments-
Yukai Mori
Our Lady Kitsune, Are Crane.
Kojo Hana Seta
Kagayaki Tekikya
Keh Spo
Uru Nanamo
Atsu Kaigan
Kaguya Tsukino
Ryu Takashi
Joji Ritchi
Hwan Asahara
Meari Sutkina
Odoroku Bakari
Mogan Yujin
Suka Ringu
Kakikomi Tekikya
Lucy Ferr Morningstar
Adelaide Yammi
Akiko Spo
Otoko Nanamo
Boru Omae
Shoyu Mikoto
Baburu Gamu
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rainbowxocs · 2 years ago
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TW: Child Abuse, Rape, Sexual Abuse, Cults, etc.
Name: Uru Nanamo (ウルナナモ)
Alt Names: Uru Asahara (ウル 朝原), Uru Tanaka (ウル 田中)
Special Titles: “Tackler” of his football team.
Cult Titles: “Kami No Okurimino” (神の贈り物) (Gift from the Gods), “Hiru no Ōji” (��の王子) (Prince of the Dawn.)
Username: @smiley-uru
Nicknames: Onee-Uru (姉 ウル), Gyaru (ギャル).
Age: 26.
Pronouns: He/She (In English.)
I Pronoun: Ore-Sama. (俺様) (A masculine pronoun usually used by pompous or arrogant characters in fiction.)
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Transfem, X-Gender (Ryosei) (Xジェンダ,共生), Bimbogender.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Bipolar 1, CPTSD, Autism, Bulimia, HPD, Hypersexuality, Contamination OCD, ODD, Suicide Ideation, Munchausen.
Recovering Addictions: Alcohol, Opioids.
Religion: None.
Job: Waitress and Cofounder at The Maid/Cat Cafe Combo.
Major: Construction.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’1”
Race: Mixed (Asian, Indigenous Asian.)
Ethnicity: Japanese, Ainu.
Accent: Exaggerated Yamanote.
Vehicle: Pink BMW, Pink Rollerskates.
Voice Claim: Mizuki from Kamisama (JP Dub)
Weaknesses: Basic Human Weaknesses. No known special weaknesses.
Weapons: Pink Baseball Bat.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Text Color: Pink.
Main Animal: Bunny.
Main Hobbies: Manga, Drawing, Husbandry, Rollerskating, General Otaku Culture, Wrestling, J-Fashion Specifically Gyaru and Menhera, Building Things, Baking.
Diet: Can only eat Pink Food, Tends to only eat bento boxes, Vegetarian.
Favorite Drink: Strawberry Ramune, Strawberry Boba.
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon, Raspberries, Peaches.
Favorite Meals: Sakura Onigiri, Strawberry Fruit Sandwich, Hello Kitty Ramen, Sakura Denbu Sushi.
Favorite Candy: Watermelon Lollipops, Strawberry KitKats, Sweethearts, Bubblegum.
Favorite Desserts: Chichi Dango, Strawberry Mochi, Pink Sugar Cookies, Strawberry Parfait.
Favorite Flower: Pink Hydrangeas.
Scent: Barbie Perfume.
Handedness: Ambidextrous.
Blood Color: Red.
Soul Form: Pink Flame.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: June 4th 1998 (Gemini, Horse, A.)
Fun Facts: When you shake him, glitter falls out, he also can’t swim.
Special Interests: Manga, Rabbits, Fashion, Panty and Stocking.
Stims: Key Stim toy, Various magical girl stim toys, Various squishies, Bunny plushies, His tamagotchi.
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Comfort Objects: Little Plushies of his favorite manga characters, His Ita Bag.
Stimboard: Link
Moodboard: Link
Fashionboard: LINK
Amii Tsugi, Ryuji Iwamoto. (Birth Parents)
Mura Asahara, Akane Asahara (1st set of adoptive parents.)
Yukimori Asahara, Kida Asahara. (Adoptive Aunt and Uncle.)
Hwan Asahara (Brother, from adoptive parents.)
Keh Spo (Half Brother, from adoptive father.)
Atsu Kaigan. (Cousin from Adoptive Parents.)
Fujita Tanaka, Kaito Tanaka (2nd set of adoptive parents.)
Momma-Chan (Mother in Law.)
Friends: Atsu, Kami (BFFS), Kagayaki, Boru, Ryu, Makai.
Romance: Otoko Nanamo (Husband.)
Enemies: The Children of The Sun.
Usagi (ななみ)(White Rabbit)
Madoka (窓香) (Caramel Rabbit)
Panty (夢子) (Brown Rabbit)
Sakura (桜) (Grey Rabbit)
Ichigo (いちご) (Black Rabbit)
Momo (モモ) (Chihuahua)
Haruhi (はるひ) (Leopard Gecko)
Marin (まりん) (Tortoise)
Nanami (なぎさ) (Lovebird)
Brief Personality: Uru is a very loud and confident guy, He often gives off a sense of superiority but it’s mostly an act to protect himself, He tends to act like he doesn’t care about anyone or anyone’s opinions but in reality he does, He also tends to make himself out to be a dumb bimbo when in reality he’s actually quite smart. He’s also a bit of a slut. Good for him, he deserves it.
Brief Backstory:
Uru was abandoned by his birth parents on the side of the road when he was around 5 or 6, he was picked up pretty quickly by his first set of.. “adoptive parents”.. “The Oracles of the Sun” were a religious cult based in Okutama, he was adopted by the two Leaders of the cult and raised as their own. Uru was seen as divine or a gift from the gods, due to his “unusual” looking appearance (His purple eyes, and blond hair.) little did they know he wasn’t magical, just a normal kid who happened to have some abnormal traits.. like.. most kids in the Okutama area..
But nonetheless he was treated as otherworldly. The only person in the cult who really treated him the same was his best friend, Atsu. Atsu was born on the same day as Uru and also was an orphan.. though he wasn’t as lucky as Uru to have any set of parents..
Him and Atsu use to play all day together with their toys creating stories about people from the outside world.. But as you can Imagine Uru’s life was not all sunshine and rainbows, he dealt with allot of abuse by the hands of his “parents”.. The cult used almost every type of abuse imaginable as a tactic of control.
Eventually, however, this caught up with them, and the Asahara’s were arrested, Uru was separated from Atsu for a time and out with another family.
This family was.. not much better.. They were the type to only have foster kids for the money that came with it, they expected nothing but perfection from him. Everything about him was controlled to the minuscule detail.
At home, it was abuse, at middle school it was bullying, He felt like he could never escape just the aching feeling he always had.
He fell in love with a boy in middle school, but even that turned out to be a sexually abusive mess..
So, finally had enough of everyone treating him like shit when he got to high school. He changed his entire appearance, dying his hair, getting new clothes, He was completely unrecognizable from his former self.
His friends finally got him away from his abusive home and he was able to move in with his then boyfriend Otoko. Which he eventually married.
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rainbowxocs · 2 years ago
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🩶Keh Spo from The Curse of Okutama Stimboard 🩶
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rainbowxocs · 2 years ago
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