#keep sam and dean rotating on every axis. clashing and opposing on all fronts
incesthemes · 2 months
i like how in home, sam occupies a liminal space between the blue-collar hunting lifestyle dean exemplifies and the mystical, psychic world missouri inhabits. he's a hunter himself, but he's also psychic, and so he blends the mechanical with the magical to create something new on the show. it's interesting to see just how unfamiliar dean is with missouri's magic because it highlights the fact that sam and dean were not raised using magic to help them hunt, and i like particularly that dean is the one who raises questions: it makes him seem out of place and disconnected from this side of hunting, which positions him and missouri as two opposites of a spectrum which sam necessarily has to stand between. dean is rather uncomfortable with most of the developments in this episode, from sam's freaky visions to the use of magic to kill the poltergeist to the return he has to make to his childhood home. and in doing so, it positions sam farther away from him on the spectrum, pushes him toward missouri's opposite end, while sam's own worries ("what's happening to me?") and hunter upbringing keep him from tipping fully into missouri's camp. thus he stands on the threshold with one foot on both sides, unable to commit to either and embodying the anxiety of that liminality. very cool imo
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