#keep in mind that this is a rewrite of an older fic from 2021 so it will be NOTHING like canon (but i'll try my best with personalities)
sobeksewerrat · 1 year
Realized i'd never shamelessly plugged my fanfic soo here you go
I am probably gonna post this on ao3 soon, cuz that's a wasteland of plumpeach fics
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caparrucia · 2 years
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Yes! A couple times! Notable ones were:
People 100% clocked in the fact Cor was going to propose to Nyx, in the sun is out, the day is new.
People were also immediately suspicious of the role Giratina was going to play, as soon as I introduced her in i've battled hard with the face in the mirror, though I do think the Spectrier red herring threw most of them off the scent until Cynthia showed up the second to last chapter.
Bonus round, though, for the pseudoanon (I guess? They signed their anon comments, but they didn't seem to have an AO3 account) person who reached the first half of the Crown Tundra shenanigans and was very happy to see that Leon had not done "anything reckless or stupid", and I had to sit on my hands and very politely word around that because... well. See the chapter that comes immediately AFTER that. I consider that a good guess!
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I love reader interactions! I love comments and questions and I make a point to try and answer comments in AO3. I don't mind chatting with people in good faith about stuff, though I'm very self-conscious about my older fic and have trouble talking about because I don't want to dismiss people who like it, but also I want to curl up into a little ball and die a little when I remember it exists.
That's 100% a me problem, btw, because my brain is a dick and there's a nebulous, can't quite pin down the logic for it, boundary past which all my old fic is profoundly embarrassing and bad and awful, and if I look at it too long I'll get the urge to delete it and rewrite it because it's so BAD, can't you see this is so old I didn't know how to punctuate shit properly? It's awful, bad, no good and it shouldn't exist!
I recognize this is 100% my problem and I try my best to not make it someone else's problem. I will not be rude if people want to talk about my older work, because I understand that I've been doing this for 24 whole years now, and a story can be meaningful to you, if it's the right words at the right time, the "quality" of the writing is irrelevant. And I'm forever humbled when people tell me they liked my stories and they found value in them. I would feel like a monster if I ever make someone feel bad for liking them, just because my brain is a dipshit about things.
So yeah, 100% hit me up if you like my work and want to talk about it or have questions or want me to go spelunking in depth about worldbuilding or the writing choices or the more technical aspect of writing. I'm here for it.
Just bear in mind if it's about something older than a toddler, I'm going to take a lot of breaks and flush and hide under my shirt because I'm flattered genuinely, but also dying because I've gotten so much better, I promise, I swear I learned how to punctuate quotation marks now!
📈 How many fics do you have?
A lot of them! I mean, I have to. I have an 8.3M word count as of December 2021. That's M as in Millions, yes. That's the number of words I've written since 1998. Fiction only, no one needs to word count every dipshit thought in my head I insist on writing a fucking essay about. But yeah, that's a lot of words! And that's a lot of stories.
I used to keep a scrupulous record of my writing, at least from 2003 onwards, in my different LJs, but then LJ did... y'know, that, and while I migrated everything into DW, I chose to keep it private. A personal record, if you will.
English is not my first language, and a lot of my early writing is genuinely an attempt to learn the language better. Most of the first ten years of my writing presence online revolved around me writing off prompts, where the prompts were worlds picked at random from a dictionary, and my attempts to use them in a story to make sense of them. That's how I learned to write English, honestly. Just, every day a random word and then a tiny ficbit of whatever my favorite piece of media was at the time. Favorites I remember to this day are "phalange" which I will always prefer to "phalanx" and I wrote a small Alien inspired ficlet about, and "concussive" that I wrote a Beyblade fic about.
I have a lot of fic. I've been writing a ficlet a day since 1998. Some of it is just a couple sentences, some of it is thousands of words long. Back in 2006, before the enormous depressive spiral, I used to write a solid 15K a day. Then I became a blob and went down to maybe 40 words a day. But I still kept writing. And then I got out of the depression hole enough to be a person again, back in 2018-ish, in great part to the cowriting I did with a friend and all the editing and socializing she bullied me into until I sort of became a person again. These days I do anywhere between 2000 and 5000 words a day, on a good day. I have a job and five pets to look after, so I can't just write.
Today you can find 121 fics I've written, in AO3. The rest of the archive is either in my backups or on DW, made private. Actual fics, that I'd cared to share with others, were about 500, on top of the AO3 ones. My daily writing exercises are far, far more numerous and distinct from the actual fic I write to post/share with people. I'm currently on entry 8134, on that. I was curious and went looking and while I've missed some days, I'm still pretty on track! (The earliest date of my writing journal/exercises is June 10th, 1998.)
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theriveroflight · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug Polyship Fanfiction Masterpost
All of my fanfictions involving polyamorous relationships.
Title (w/ link) | Rating | Wordcount | Chapters | Relationship | Theme/AU | Event (if applicable) | Date Updated
All fics below cut.
leave you the dust (my loves) | M | 1069 | 1/1 | lukadrinette | vampire AU | 2/2/2020
there are two permanences: them, and death.
Momentum | T | 9464 | 1/1 | lukagami + adrigaminette | future fic | @miraculousfanworks July 2020 event | 7/17/2020
Fifteen years of a childhood in Japan.
Three years in France.
Another five back in Japan.
So why does Kagami feel like Paris is a magnet, pulling her back in?
i promised myself (wouldn’t let you complete me) | T | 1380 | 1/6 | ladynoir + lukadrien + marigami | aged-up AU | 8/30/2020
and all I do is cry and complain, 'cause second's not the same...
to face unafraid | T | 1088 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | boundary negotiation | 12/20/2020
Luka glides on the ice. There's not much to it, but...are they dating? Are they not?
Communication tries to save the day, at least.
Impulses | T | 1165 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | future fic | 1/26/2021
Adrien cares a lot for anything without a home. It's only natural that he'd bring home animals.
What Marinette didn't expect is for Luka to enable him - or participate in the rescuing.
serenade (feel our hearts beat, beat together) | G | 1767 | 1/1 | lukadrinette | music | 2/19/2021
In which Luka writes a song.
band the bright earth with new mysteries | T | 7943 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | fantasy AU | MLF Rewrite a Classic Event | 2/23/2021
The Forest whispers, and calls two to the throne.
A man tells his son to marry a woman, in the human town nearby.
Though utterly separate events, in congress they bring far more consequences than expected.
Additions | G | 8661 | 8/8 | lukadrigaminette | all four are superheroes AU | MLF Jan/Feb 2021 Exchange | 3/14/2021
Marinette is uncertain. Adrien is angry. Luka is trying his best. And Kagami is confident.
They all try their best.
need to keep you like this in my mind | T | 5416 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | secret identities | Spin the Record challenge | 5/1/2021
Are we growing up or just growing down? It's just a matter of time until we're all found out Take your tears, put 'em on ice Cause I swear, I'd burn the city down to show you the light
next to the mausoleum | T | 3406 | 3/3 | lukadrinette | ghost AU | Spin the Record challenge | 7/1/2021
Luka haunts a graveyard that Adrien frequents. Later on, he brings Marinette along to see it.
broke my soul in two (will you forgive my soul?) | T | 3533 | 1/1 | adrigaminette | ladynoir conflict resolution | MLF Sprintember | 9/22/2021
“I never thought you two would have something in common again.”
Chat Noir hasn’t been publicly seen since the defeat of Hawk Moth. Chat isn’t a villain, not quite, but there’s something resembling animosity between him and Ladybug. Everything is complicated, and she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
Four years since the last time they banded together, and this one over some young adults under an abusive parent.
She knows abuse is a sore subject for Chat. She remembers it, from all those years.
the cure to growing older | T | 1643 | 1/1 | gabenathemilie | pre-canon | Spin the Record | 10/24/2021
Just so you know, you'll never know And some secrets weren't meant to be told But I found the cure to growing older
heart vs duty | T | 1165 | 1/1 | lukadrinette | royalty AU | holidaze | 1/1/2021
Luka had to make a choice. It shouldn't have been this hard.
Wherever Life Takes You | T | 48910 | 6/6 | lukadrinette + marigami | pacrim AU | mlbb21 | 1/2/2022
Everyone makes the decision to go to the military academy for different reasons. Marinette for her family's financial security. Adrien and Kagami for freedom. Alya to learn to fight. Luka to rebel against his family. Nino to just go somewhere else.
A wrench is thrown in all of their plans when Adrien and Marinette are handed the jewels that lead to the Miraculous, a jaeger with a history of death. But will they finally best the person behind the akumas, or will they fall to the same flaws as their predecessors?
knight, pawn, rook, queen | T | 3315 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | enemies AU | lagoon valentine’s day | 2/14/2022
A chessboard has four sides. Reducing this war to two factions is reductive.
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Anticipated fics 2022
Because I love keeping you guys in the loop of whats going on I thought I’d give you all a heads up as to what’s coming over the course of 2022!
The dates i’ve put are all estimates as i’m still in the writing/editing phase of them all and we never know what life will throw at you! However they will be coming at some point this year!
so without further to do! here’s whats coming 2022!
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The Demigod From Asgard - Steve Rogers x Odinson!Reader (Early Spring 2022)
Okay so this is the one i’m not so secretly most excited for!
This is a fic that is so so close to my heart already as I have been working on this fic on and off for 5 whole years!! I kept shelving it over the years until jan 2021 when i decided to pick it back up in lockdown 3 and rewrite/rework it! The fic will span the entirety of the infinity war saga (which is why it has taken me so long to write!) and i’m super excited to share it!
super short summary: After being taken from earth as a baby by your father Odin, you finally get the chance to visit your home planet. To save it from your older brother Loki. Using your powers over the elements you help the Avengers, finding a new home and friends.
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 Run Free - Alpha!Ari x Omega!Reader (Summer 2022)
I wanted to write another alpha fic and there was only one alpha in my mind....
Super Short Summary: You’ve spent your whole life terrified of alpha’s, especially those who have kept you captive with the end goal of selling you. So when you get the chance to escape you take it, stumbling upon the Red Sea Bar.
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Fire and Rain - Johnny Storm x Reader (Late summer/Early autumn 2022) 
This fic is going to directly follow on from Keeping you warm this Christmas!
Super Short Summary: What happens when two opposites give dating a go? is it true that opposites attract or will it all crash and burn?
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There will be more oneshots and maybe a couple more series but so far these are the ones that I know will definitely be coming in 2022!
Happy New Year!!!!
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stealing-jasons-job · 4 years
Fic updates & timeline 🥰
Here is my current prompt list and potential timeline. 
I’m currently participating in the @t100fic-for-blm initiative, and I am working through those prompts in the order I’ve received them. I appreciate all of you guys being patient (especially with my WIPs that have taken a backseat for the initiative), and I’m excited for what’s coming down the pipeline! At the moment, I am not accepting new prompts until I can work through this list. <3 
The rest is under the cut, but here is an up-to-date look at my fic list: 
Current ongoing projects
Upcoming fics 
WIPS I swear I haven’t abandoned 
Current ongoing projects
Wreck Jroth Club Fic Collab 
Would you choose the end of war and suffering in your own lifetime if it meant the end of every other universe, too—including ones where you, your friends, and your family are happy and at peace?
Or, the S7 finale rewrite where Clarke experiences some of these other lifetimes and makes the ultimate choice of whether or not the end of suffering in her own reality is worth sacrificing infinite others where things might have gone differently.
An angsty fic collab where different writers from the Bellarke fandom write different chapters as part of an overarching story. Each intro is written by me, as well as the first chapter, last chapter, and a few sprinkled in the middle. Follow @wreck-jroth-club for updates! 
Bellarke Big Bang - Find me in the light 
While I can’t unveil the premise just yet, I am a writer, creator, and mod alongside @animmortalist for Bellarke Big Bang 2021! First chapter will publish in June, but I’ll be working on this fic in my spare time between now and then.  Y’all, get ready for some ANGST. I haven’t been this excited about a fic in a long time. 
Upcoming fics 
Linctavia prompt — official title TBD
Prompted by @1munequita
Linctavia as sexually frustrated parents whose daughter continually interrupts them. 
Cross my heart - official title TBD 
Prompted by @thecspenciskillingme
Gallagher Girls AU! 
Normal 18-year-old girls graduate high school and then go off to college with their friends. Maybe they join a sorority. Hell, maybe they get a boyfriend or girlfriend and fall in love. They sleep in and skip class and stay up late with their equally normal friends.
But Clarke Griffin has never been normal.
It comes with the territory of being the daughter of two renowned spies for the CIA. Clarke had been raised to speak seven languages and be able to change her entire appearance with nothing but a pair of nail clippers and some shoe polish. She wasn't built for normal.
Angsty. Spy shit. Multi-chapter. 
I see a monster’s eyes in the mirror - official title TBD 
Prompted by @constellationbellamy 
S6/7 AU — Bellamy got nightblood in S6 when Josie took him prisoner, and Bellamy is who Slim Sheidy "takes over" in S7. Fulfilling all of our void!Bellamy dreams without the religious indoctrination ala Steve and Etherea. Also, there will finally be a reason why no one killed Slim Sheidy as soon as they realized he was back. 
Is this potentially the angstiest idea I’ve ever had? 120% But don’t worry, it’ll have a happy ending. My name is not Jason. 
Criminal Minds AU - official title TBD
Prompted by @constellationbellamy​ 
A Bellarke Criminal Minds AU. 
Song prompt: Let You Down by NF
Prompted by @edgelessness
Everyone thinks Clarke has the perfect life, including her best friend's older brother Bellamy. But that's far from the truth.
Angsty AF.
Bear Grylls AU - official title TBD 
Prompted by @slyth-princess 
A collab between myself and @writetheniteaway for Beardcave. 
Don’t expect me to fall in love with her, too - official title TBD
Prompted by @writetheniteaway
Against all odds, Steve Doucette fell in love with Bellamy Blake. And Bellamy fell for him, too. But once they start rebuilding back on Earth after the "the last war” and transcendence turns out to be a myth, Steve starts to realize exactly what Bellamy meant in the cave when he said Octavia and Clarke were the most important people in his life.
As he gets to know the blonde, he can see the deep connection that exists between her and Bellamy. They are part of each other’s souls, and Steve can’t help but admire the way they are together. He’s not going to stand in the way of their relationship, whatever it is — after all, he was raised believing you could love more than one person equally. He knows Bell loves him, and he’s okay with the knowledge that Bellamy loves Clarke, too. But just because he understands why his boyfriend loves her doesn’t mean he has plans to fall in love with her himself.
Then again, you know what they say about well-laid plans.
Angsty. Sappy. <3 The OT3 we deserve. Multi-chapter.
Two sides of a coin — official title TBD
Prompted by @sparklyfairymira
Bellarke/Jeresa crossfic for all you QotS fans! Teresa and James are trying to establish themselves in the Dallas market, but DEA agents Clarke and Bellamy are determined to not make it easy. Throughout the fic, both sides will start to understand the other a little more and learn how to coexist without sacrificing their livelihoods or their integrity.
Angsty AF. Multi-chapter.
WIPs I swear I haven’t abandoned 
Since joining the BLM initiative, my focus has shifted away from WIP updates and toward completing prompts as they come in. To be honest, I was not expecting to receive as many prompts as I have (which is amazing on so many levels), so I apologize for how long it’s been since some of my fics have been updated. 
I appreciate you all being patient, but here are the WIPs I swear I haven’t abandoned! If anyone wants to prompt chapter updates for the BLM initiative, that will help get these on the prios list sooner. But otherwise, these bad boys will still get done. Albeit more slowly.  
I'm gonna get myself back home to you 
S4/5 AU where Bellarke gets together before he goes to the Ring, and he never believes she’s really dead. Told from multiple POVs before, during, and after the Ring. 
Next update: Ch. 6 — March 2021 
Intertwining Your Soul 
Arranged marriage grounder fic. 
Next update: Ch. 12 - March 2021
Amor vincit onmia 
S7 rewrite to spite Jason. 
Next update: Ch. 2 — March 2021 
There are some things written in the stars
Timeless AU
Next update: Ch. 4 - April 2021
Choices We Make 
Greys Anatomy AU. 
Next update: Ch. 9 - April 2021 
If you’ve made it to the end of this long-ass update post, I commend you. lol But hopefully for those of you wondering when certain things will be published or what upcoming fics you can expect from me, this provides some clarity! 
You may have noticed I took off the expected publish dates. I’m trying like hell to stick to a schedule, but I can’t make any promises and I hated letting anyone down if something didn’t get published on the expected date. 
Shoutout to my BAHSA babes for keeping me sane, thebellarkes Discord for enabling my angsty-ass fic ideas (and for prompting me for BLM to write a ton of said ideas). Forever grateful for a community of people who support my writing! 
Come hang out with me on AO3 @stealing-jasons-job or Twitter @stealjasonsjob! 
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Writing/Art Update 4/16/2021
Good news, I have finished my Wacky AU drabbles. If you missed any, they are archived as Chapters 33-41 of Squad Six is Jerks, my short fiction dumping ground, which you can read on ao3 or ff.net, as you please. I did archive one of them, Dear Wormwood, separately because it was especially close to my heart (ao3 | ff.net). Thank you to everyone who sent in requests! I probably should have accepted 6 instead of 10, but I did finish them all without too much trouble. My definition of what constitutes a drabble keeps getting progressively worse, with the X-Files AU coming in the worst offender at 5500 words.
This was probably a good exercise for me in the sense that it helped me realize that I’m really tired of the cycle of write/post/anxiously wait for feedback/repeat, and that I really need to get back into my older style of writing where I just worked on whatever I felt like and assumed it would eventually condense into something publishable. I did take a few little breaks amid the drabbles and I am extremely excited to report that I have written 1 and a half scenes of the Ginrei fic that’s been giving me heartburn for a year now.
I keep saying that I’m going to rewrite most of I have, because I’m not happy with it, and I have decided I am not gonna. Maybe it’ll just be bad. Maybe I’ll hate it. Maybe I’ll come around on it, we’ll have to see. I hated Call Me Back for most of the time I was working on it, and then it just sort of came together at the end and now I love it. In any case, there are a few things I need to happen in this fic so we can move onto the next one, so it’s just gonna happen, and you’re just going to have to deal with the tennis subplot.
My plan is to bop back and forth between that and a little love and...uh...whatever else I feel like. (Tattoo Artist AU? Maybe??) I’ll probably keep up my general method of posting chapters of a little in love every time I have 2 or 3 queued up, but I think I’m going to go back to my old method of sitting on my fic until it’s all the way done. I am going to try to do these updates ~once per week and let you know what I’ve been working on.
If you follow my art blog, you’ll know that I’ve been doing a guided study of how to draw people. It’s been going well, but honestly, I am getting really tired of it, although I still have a week’s worth of assignments left to go. I’ve gotten a couple of art requests lately that are related to character design, which is something that a) I am not good at and b) it’s not a thing that really interests me. It seems like most artists really enjoy coming up with OCs and I... don’t? It always seems like something people do mostly for themselves, and it holds no interest for me, so I’ve just never bothered, but on the hand, it seems like a good set of skills to have, so I’m gonna Go For It, we’ll see how it goes. Please keep in mind that I am not cool and I have no aesthetic. All my OCs are Terry Pratchett-style uncool weirdos, so keep your expectations low.
Did you see my Advance Team Art? I was very proud of it until one hour after I posted it and realized I forgot to draw Chad’s tattoo and enough people had already reblogged it that I couldn’t fix it. I am sorry, Chad. I promise I will do better next time. I also drew Chad for his birthday. I wasn’t really happy with how it came out, but then it got way more likes than I expected, so there’s no accounting for my taste.
Askbox is open for the moment because I’ve been doing a writing commentary meme that I’m really enjoying. I’ve done a few already, but this one is a lot of fun, so please feel free to send in stuff thru the weekend. Mostly, I’ve been getting bits from Call Me Back, but I would love it if someone sent in something from my weirder writing.
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iruka-week · 4 years
⭐️Guidelines & FAQ⭐️
We’re super excited to announce Iruka Week, a week-long event for all fans of Umino Iruka to come together and share content they’ve created for daily prompts!
Event dates:
It will run for 7 days, from 8th - 14th March 2021.
This is an open event and you do not need to sign-up to participate.
Content You Can Make:
We accept original content in the form of fanfic, fanart, fanvids, gifs, cosplay, physical crafts, mood boards, headcanons, and podfics. Your content must be centered around Umino Iruka.
1) This is an Iruka-centric event and all works must reflect that. All pairings (romantic, sexual, or platonic) are welcome, and other background pairings and poly relationships are allowed. Minor/adult, or incestuous relationships are not allowed in this event.
2) Only original and new, unseen/unposted content is accepted. No reposts or recycled works please.
3) Triggering, sensitive and N.S.F.W content must be appropriately tagged, no exceptions. Works that are not tagged with TW/CW will not be reblogged.
4) Content for this event must not be posted before the starting date, which is March 8th 2021.
5) Respect the content creators that participate in this event. Any notes or tags that include rude comments, direct or indirect threats, character or ship hate will not be tolerated. Bullies will be blocked by the event blog. If you don’t like what you see, please excercise some restraint and use the tools available to you to block the content.
Please read below this cut for more info!
How to post your work on Tumblr:
1) List the day and prompt you are using in your post.
2) Tag @iruka-week somewhere in the body of your post and tag #IrukaWeek2021 within the first five tags.
3) Apply a read-more cut to lengthy posts. Posts that contain sensitive/trigger warning content, erotica, or N.S.F.W must be clearly labelled and contained beneath the read-more cut.
*N.S.F.W artists: Keep tumblr’s constraints in mind when sharing your work. It is recommended to use another site (such as Pillowfort, Twitter, etc) as an image host and share the link within your tumblr post, or crop/censor the image and link off site to the uncensored version.
Here’s an example of censoring images and linking off site.
Here’s an example of how to post triggering/sensitive/N.S.F.W fics
4) For fanworks that are shared on tumblr via an AO3/FF link: please also include the summary, rating of the piece, and any TW/CW in the body of your post. If sharing an excerpt that contains sensitive content, please put it beneath a read-more cut.
Here’s an example of an AO3 fic shared to tumblr. 
And another example of sharing an AO3 fic to tumblr.
How to participate on another platform:
Post your work to whichever platform you’re using, and then send it to us by using our submit post form. Please do make sure to list the prompt you’re using and any content warnings that might apply.
Posting to AO3:
An AO3 collection is available to post your works to: click here. Please use the tag ‘Iruka Week’ and make sure your works are all tagged appropriately with any trigger warnings/content warnings that may apply.
Sharing Your Works:
We will be reblogging any works posted to Tumblr, and posting any works submitted via our submit post form. We’ll also create a masterpost at the end of the event that contains all works posted in the AO3 collection, Twitter, Tumblr, and via the submit post form. If by any chance we accidentally miss you, please let us know via an ask on tumblr or message on tumblr.
- Are the prompts mandatory, or can I write something else if I am struggling to come up with an idea?
The prompts are mandatory. We have included two prompts for each day so that if one of them doesn’t inspire you, there is a second option. If you’re having any problems coming up with ideas, you can always drop us a message on here, and we’ll happily help brainstorm with you or provide resources.
- Do we have to include both daily prompts?
No. It’s up to you whether you do one or include both. If you wish, you can create a piece for each prompt, create a piece including both, or just do one. 
- Is there a minimum word count for fanfics or requirements for art and other creations?
No. There’s no minimum requirement for any of the fanworks you create. Drabbles, sketches, 100k epics, detailed artwork - all are welcome!
- Are late entries accepted?
Yes. Late entries will be accepted for up to 2 weeks after the event. Late entry deadline is 28th March 2021.
- Why was my tumblr post/tumblr submission not reblogged?
It could be for one of three reasons: 1) your work did not show up in the search tags or the blog tag. 2) your work was not tagged for the prompt you’re filling. 3) your work was not properly tagged for triggering or NSFW content.
We require all works to be properly tagged in order for them to be reblogged. If we’ve accidentally missed you, please drop us a DM!
- Is it okay to create one work using a prompt from this event and [other event name]?
Yes. Providing the other event allows this, we’re more than happy for you to do so!
- Are background pairings allowed?
Yes, as long as they comply with the rules of this event.
- Can we include OCs, Iruka/reader, and Iruka/self insert fanworks?
Yes absolutely! Just please make sure your works comply with the event rules and guidelines!
- Can we post N.S.F.W content?
Absolutely. But, please make sure that your work is properly tagged with any trigger warnings/content warnings, and that the work itself is posted below a read-more cut if uploaded directly to tumblr. Please read point 2 in the guidelines on posting for further details on posting N.S.F.W artwork.
- Can I enter an older art/fic for the event, or rewrite a previously posted fic for the event?
Sorry but no, we do not allow for art/fic created and posted prior to the event start to be entered, nor do we allow for previously posted works to be recycled and edited to fit the event. It would be unfair on others creating new content. If you have a current series running, and create a new fic within that series for the event, that would be okay.
- Is there a way to contact you if I have questions?
Please send a message or an ask to this page. If you would like us to reply privately to your ask, please let us know in your ask, and make sure that you are not on anon.
This event is moderated by @magnustesla, @i-drive-a-nii-san and @thermophile57
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naruto-au-week · 4 years
Guidelines & FAQ’s
We’re super excited to announce Naruto AU Week, a week-long event for all fans of Naruto to come together and share content they’ve created!
Event dates:
It will run for 7 days, from 8th - 14th February 2021.
This is an open event, and you do not need to sign-up to participate.
Content You Can Make:
We accept original content in the form of fanfic, fanart, fanvids, gifs, cosplay, physical crafts, mood boards, headcanons, meta, and podfics. All characters from Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto are welcome.
1) Only original and new, unseen/unposted content is accepted, no reposts or recycled works please.
2) No minor/adult or incestuous relationships. Ageing up is allowed.
3) Triggering, sensitive and N.S.F.W content must be appropriately tagged, no exceptions. Works that are not tagged with TW/CW will not be reblogged.
4) Content for this event must not be posted before the starting date.
5) Respect content creators that participate in this event. Notes or tags that include rude comments, direct or indirect threats, character or ship hate will not be tolerated. Bullies will be blocked by the event blog and reported as necessary. If you don’t like what you see, please exercise some restraint and use the tools available to you to hide the content.
Please read below this cut for more info!
How to post your work on Tumblr:
1) List the prompt you are using in your post.
2) Tag @naruto-au-week somewhere in the body of your post, tag #narutoauweek2021 within the first five tags, and also any ships and characters in your work.
3) Apply a read-more cut to lengthy posts. Posts that contain sensitive/trigger warning content, erotica or N.S.F.W must be clearly labelled and contained beneath the read-more cut.
*N.S.F.W artists: Keep Tumblr’s constraints in mind when sharing your work. It is recommended to use another site (such as Pillowfort, Twitter, etc) as an image host and share the link within your Tumblr post, or crop/censor the image and link off site to the uncensored version.
Here’s an example of censoring images and linking off site.
Here’s an example of how to post triggering/sensitive/N.S.F.W fics.
4) For fics that are shared on Tumblr via an AO3/FF link: please also include the summary, rating of the fic, and any TW/CW in the body of your post. If sharing an excerpt that contains sensitive content, please put it beneath a read-more cut.
Here’s an example of an AO3 fic shared to tumblr.
And another example of sharing an AO3 fic to tumblr.
How to participate on another platform:
Post your work to whichever platform you’re using, and then send it to us by using our submit post form. Please do make sure to list the prompt you’re using and any content warnings that might apply.
Posting to AO3:
An AO3 collection is available to post your works to, which you can find here.
- Are all ships welcome?
Yes! Providing that the relationships are not adult/minor, or incestuous, we welcome all ships. Ageing up is allowed. Intra-clan relationships are fine as long as the pairing aren’t actually directly related (so Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha would not be allowed, but Itachi Uchiha and Izumi Uchiha is fine).
- Are the prompts mandatory, or can I write something else if I am struggling to come up with an idea?
The prompts are mandatory. We will have two prompts for each day so that if one of them doesn’t inspire you, there is a second option. If you’re having any problems coming up with ideas, you can always drop us a message on here, and we’ll happily help brainstorm with you or provide resources.
- Do we have to include both daily prompts?
No. It’s up to you whether you do one or include both. If you wish, you can create a piece for each prompt, create a piece including both, or just do one!
- Is there a minimum word count for fanfics?
Yes. The minimum is 100 words.
- Are Original Characters (OCs) allowed?
Yes. Feel free to use any original characters in your work as long as they interact with canon characters from Naruto or they exist in the world of Naruto.
- Are late entries accepted?
Yes. Late entries will be accepted for up to 2 weeks after the event. Late entry deadline is 28th February 2021.
- Can we post N.S.F.W content?
Absolutely. But, please make sure that your work is properly tagged with any trigger warnings/content warnings, and that the work itself is posted below a read-more cut if uploaded directly to Tumblr. Please read point 3 in the guidelines on posting for further details on posting N.S.F.W artwork.
- Can I enter an older art/fic for the event, or rewrite a previously posted fic for the event?
Sorry but no, we do not allow for art/fic created and posted prior to the event start to be entered, nor do we allow for previously posted works to be recycled and edited to fit the event. It would be unfair on others creating new content. If you have a current series running, and create a new art/fic within that series for the event, that would be okay.
- Is there a way to contact you if I have questions?
Please send an ask to this page. If you would like us to reply privately, please let us know in your ask and make sure that you are not on anon.
This event is moderated by waffledogwrites and magnustesla.
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