#keep bringing up the cake counters bc i think they are very funny. but i need to put some up they're making my island lag JHFDG
risingsunresistance · 10 months
love looking through the different raffle opinions in the in-game chat, the forums, and on here. lots of "why did anyone think this was a good idea" "why didn't i get anything good" and "why were all the rewards bad"
i'm just a very big fan of the cake counter and i'm glad i ended up with like 12 of them. and i LOVE the mementos. i'm all for cosmetics and pointless items, could not care less about not winning something massive jkdhfgk
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pannyacottafugo · 2 years
fugo giorno mista hcs from my notes app >:)
🍓 🔫 🐞
- fugo eats milo straight from the tin
- he also loves nuggets and buys the 24 box to eat with purple haze
- after phf when fugo has better control over PH him mista PH and the pistols will do movie nights because fugo and mista realised that PH likes having a little snack and a movie so they make him popcorn and he can sit in the corner :)
- mista cooks for giorno and fugo (he’s very good)
- he goes into full on annoying cook mode though like he won’t let anyone in the kitchen while he’s making dinner
- and he’ll get angry with fugo and giorno if they’re eating candy before dinner
- theyre both massive sweet tooths (sweet teeth?lol)
- mista goes to the bathroom and they sneak into the kitchen to steal snacks from the cupboard and mista chases them out with the spoon
- fugo bakes for them and will make them cakes on their birthday
- he bakes for fun on his days off
- and he Can make panna cotta and it tastes Good and giorno and mista always ask for it but he won’t do it cause every time he does they laugh at him for cannibalism
- giorno sits on the counter and talks to him sometimes while he’s baking and fugo lets him lick the spoon
- mista snores like Obnoxiously loudly like walls shaking loudly
- fugo bangs on the wall to wake up him so that he can get to sleep without the noise
- also mista knows how to plait hair because he has lots of sisters and can braid giorno’s hair for him sometimes
- fugo however cannot to save his life but asked trish to teach him to impress giorno
- he’s shit at it but giorno pretends it’s good
- mista is constantly coming up with ideas for holidays and brings it up at the end of meetings all the time and giorno has to remind him they have Work
- also mista and giorno are NOT to be trusted with the company card fugo has to keep them in check all the time and they have both had it confiscated many times
- “fugo i bought you a present!!” fugo who knows giorno has purchased it with the business card: …….
- although tbf they’re in the mafia they’re probably always paying in cash but like pretend i guess
- occasionally giorno gets dark strands of hair coming through which he bleaches or cuts out
- giorno never gets his license (despite being old enough) and drives without one (he’s still an awful driver)
- fugo doesn’t have one either but is alright at driving, mista does have one but rarely drives for no particular reason
- trish is gone for long periods of time bc of her music and when she shows up mista jumps her and knocks her over like a massive dog when you get home from work
- giorno lets his stand walk around the house while he’s working and fugo and mista (especially mista) hate it because it’s scary
- also mista believes in ghosts and fugo and giorno think it’s funny to scare him on purpose like they’ll go out so he thinks he’s home alone and then start messing with light switches or knocking things over
- they’re all weirdos btw all absolute freaks
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yagamiluvr · 3 years
Aight this is for my friend cuz she loves L (I mean I do too but this is her request) and doesn't have Tumblr.
So, headcanons for this kind of situation?: The reader is a café waitress and so one day L decides to get sweets himself and orders from the reader. He decides to come back everyday to the café for the sweets and because he liked the waitress. So like as he visits everyday he starts to get a crush on the reader and the reader with him if that makes sense. Eventually he asks out?
bye bc i absolutely adore this idea 🥺 thank you so much for this request, and i hope both you and your friend like this! <3
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so we ALL know l loves his sweets
one day he asks watari to bring him some after a long while of working, to which watari replies that they've run out
so l is like "okay" and decides to take matters into his own hands
he's not too afraid to go out in public without any kind of disguise or protection, as he always keeps his identity hidden while working as l
he wastes no time in pulling on a pair of sneakers and waltzing out, trying to find a good place to buy himself more treats
after a while of looking, he finally comes across this cute little café
which just so happens to be the very café that you work in!
so he walks in there while you're working the register
he sees you and he's literally like "oh my god"
there's something about you that makes him feel just... weird
not like a bad weird though! he feels his heart skip a beat and his stomach suddenly start churning
it's an odd feeling for him, but he likes it????
he doesn't really know what to think; all he can do is just ogle at you
he can't get enough of you, and he hasn't even spoken to you yet
so finally l gets over himself and shuffles up to the counter
you notice him and you flash him a warm smile
"hello! what can i get for you today?"
if you look into his brain at this moment, all it would be is the windows error screen LMAO
l is able to keep up a decent front as he quickly spouts off the names of some cakes and pies and such, but right now he's more interested in the pretty person in front of him rather than the sweets
before he knows it, you're ringing up his items and handing him his food
he's well aware that this is his cue to leave, but he just doesn't want to
something about you makes him want to stay. he just finds you interesting, is all
so he takes the stuff and he goes back to his hotel, but he can't stop thinking about that pretty cashier
so fast forward to the next day, and l is like "screw it" and decides to go back to see you again
luckily for him, you're there! he couldn't be more excited :D
he's definitely not one of those people whose face you'd see in a crowd one day and just totally forget about. he's got a certain air about him, this little quirky charm, so obviously you recognize him
"hello again! i did see you yesterday, didn't i?"
"uh, yes. yes you did."
"see, i knew i recognized you! you back for more sweets?"
"mhm. do you have anything strawberry flavored, by any chance?"
l's already an introvert, but he can feel himself getting shyer the longer he's near you
he's very well aware that he's an awkward kind of guy, but you manage to get him all flustered in a way he's never been before
as you ring up the items he'd ordered, he attempts to make small talk with you
"the weather's nice today."
"you think so? it's been really rainy and gloomy."
"i like the rain."
"oh yeah! nothing wrong with the rain. it can be quite nice."
when you hand him the bag of stuff, you're about to wish him farewell before he randomly says, "oh, by the way, what's your name?"
"it's (y/n)!" you tell him, gesturing to the name tag on your shirt. "yours?"
"oh, it's ryuzaki."
(as interested as he is in you, he's not about to just give himself away as l like that)
"i like that name! well, ryuzaki, i hope you have a good day! and come back soon!"
"i will, thank you."
you didn't expect him to actually take 'soon' so literally, as the next day he's back again
and the day after that
you get the gist
l always comes in at around 6 or 7 in the evening when business is slow so you have more of a chance to talk to him
the more he comes in, the more comfortable he grows around you.
talking about each other's day, sharing funny stories, getting to know each other- it's really nice! and you always look forward to seeing him come in, because you always have a blast hanging out with him
as time goes on, l only falls harder for you. your smile, the way your hair perfectly frames your beautiful face, the way you laugh every time he makes an attempt to crack a joke... he loves it
unbeknownst to him, you've caught feelings as well. you've already grown to be feel comfortable in his company, but the more you get to know him, the more you realize that omg this guy's the cutest
finally, one evening he comes in, but he looks way more anxious than normal
"ryuzaki! hey, you doing okay? you seem kinda... i don't know. off. did something happen?"
"no, no. nothing happened. i just- i have something i want to tell you."
"hmm? what is it?"
"well, you see, i... i've been thinking about you a lot. i quite enjoy visiting you and talking to you, and i think you're one of the most interesting people i've met. i like being with you, so i was wondering if you would like to, um, spend more time together outside of your work. like a date. but only if you're comfortable with it."
at this, you're literally over the moon
"i'd really like that, ryuzaki! i get off work early tomorrow; would you be down to grab some dinner with me?"
l flashes you his signature tiny smile, the one you've grown to know and love over this past while
"yes. i'd like that, (y/n). i'd like it very much."
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