#kee 🐿️
tyungelic ¡ 1 year
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What? He looks so good that I'm actually offended
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alyjojo ¡ 1 year
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September 🐿️ 2023 Monthly - Scorpio
Whole of your energy: 8 Pentacles
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into something that’s not working out how you’d planned, probably due to outside influences or people you’ve been working with. You were getting ready to take a leap into a new beginning, some new idea or thing, and others could be working against you or have the final decision on something. You’re fighting for this though, it’s something you believe in, and you’re not keen on wasting your time.
What’s going on in September:
3 Pentacles:
It’s possible this is regarding love, for some this is a lover you’ve had plans that you’ve both worked towards and they’re letting you down somehow. For others this could be someone you’re partnered with at work, normally they come through but could also be letting you down. Showing up as Queen of Wands, it could be a fire sign, or someone acting in their own self interest. Normally the relationship between you is equally exchanged & well suited. There are two “3” energies, it could be something outside of you two that cause this disappointment, sadness, regret, etc.
The Hanged Man:
Followed by Death, something has been dragged out for some time now before it’s finally been decided on to end for good, and you’re ticked off about it. Ace of Wands can be an idea, inspiration, motivation towards something. Or anger. You could have been waiting on approval, funding, a chance to prove your case or really sell this idea to others and it’s just not happening, it’s being shut down. I get for many of you this is work related. In the case it’s love, this Queen could have a passionate new beginning somewhere else, after making you feel like you two had something…or you hoped for that. That could also be switched. This is a reoccurring theme already this month. 3rd energies messing up solid or stable relationships…or rather, people deciding to involve/invite them in.
3 Swords:
There isn’t deeper context to this, showing it’s several different stories, but this was an ambition of yours that you have to leave behind regrettably. You don’t want to. You don’t have a choice, either a person is on some bs with other people, or higher ups in your company are rejecting an idea or project you’re working on. Some of you are literally moving away from whatever this is, maybe even quitting your job (I don’t advise this ofc but do you), moving away from this person to some other place where no one knows your name. This person may be a good friend at work, that simply has to move or leave due to their own ambitions, and there’s nothing you can do about that, but you’re sad.
9 Wands rev:
This is an energy of having been through battle after battle after battle, putting in so much of your effort, time and energy, something doesn’t work out and you just throw in the towel. Fuck it, you’re done. There could be something in particular that’s been said that you hold on to, like a grudge, and it pisses you off repeatedly. Or someone’s actions, 4 Pentacles shows you’re not likely to just forgive and forget, if you’ve been hurt by this, or someone feels that way towards you. Holding grudges. You feel burned by this situation, how dare they not even give you a chance. Or again, could be them with you.
The Fool:
Because you’re giving up on this altogether, there’s a new beginning for you to embark on. Some may feel it’s unfair, you could feel it’s unfair if someone else is starting over and leaving you/your idea behind. Some of you are doing this in the first place because something wasn’t being fair to you, there’s no balance or Justice when this card is reversed, everything is out of whack. You feel there’s no other choice but to move on to calmer waters, where this chaos and these vengeful feelings & grudges don’t exist…trying to run away from your problems, maybe. Probably. Will it work though? Maybe. Probably 💯
I asked “what is on the other side of this 6 Swords?” - 2 Pentacles & 5 Swords. Keeping busy, trying to keep your mind off this situation, but still feeling bitter, vengeful, and wanting to prove a point. Whether to a person, an old job, God, whoever, you’re kinda bitter, still pissed off, still holding grudges. But that’s okay sometimes, just don’t let yourself stay in that mindset forever. Things will get better. You have Growth here twice, plus Grass saying the same thing, that’s a very good sign 🪷 It’s not comfortable, it’s an adjustment period, but these are the kind of times when we get the most spiritual/inner work done, unexpectedly.
You have 11:11 with this unfair situation and growth, trust that you can manifest your desires into reality after this cycle is experienced and whatever lessons are learned. I’m getting you’ve outgrown this pot anyway, and now you’re onto new things, a bigger pot, has more room to grow, just be sure to create a vision in your mind of what you *do* want, now that you know for sure what you don’t.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Aries, Libra & Sagittarius
Oracles: ✨
19 - Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
69 - Precision
The desire to do things precisely is useful as long as it does not devolve into rigidity.
38 Growth 🪴
This situation or time is one of rapid growth. The seeds that have been planted have germinated and taken root. Go with the flow of this growing time. You may find people and situations falling away from your life, as now they do not serve who and what you are becoming. It may be that your vibration no longer resonates with theirs. It’s okay, wish them well, be grateful for what they brought to you and you to them, and send them on their way. Room has now been made for new experiences, people, and situations to help you to your next level. If you are not feeling this shift right now, be prepared because it will soon come to pass.
We enter into September as:
Grass 🌱:
“Your message to others is best expressed by being uniquely you.”
The time is right for you to move on from anything holding you back from full self-expression. You are being told to break away. Be different. Be unique. It is time to grow! It could be time to plan a change of scenery. Take a tour, go to a spa, get into shape, visit a foreign place, learn a new skill, depart from the mundane. Take the chance you’ve always wanted to. Most importantly, grow. This is an indication you also need to become more in touch with your spiritual side. You’ve strayed from your inner voice, Spirit invites you back. It is time for your personal growth.
What is to be learned in September:
Bernie Banana and All Things Yellow 🍌
“How can I choose?”
Have you recently faced a major truth about yourself and are trying to figure out where you do belong? Or are you facing some other kind of dilemma? Is your thinking cloudy because you think someone or something is cheating you out of your just desserts? Bernie has come to you to let you know you are not alone. You are being advised to approach your particular situation with an open eye and closed mouth. Do not say or reveal too much, your “knowledge” may prove to work against you, or you may be in the midst of a volatile situation. You are being told to play the neutral position, it will prove important later that you have not chosen any “sides”. Do not ignore your beliefs, simply do not publicize them, weigh your situation carefully. You’re in the winning position by being the observer. Answers will come by allowing a dilemma to exist, the situation is out of your hands. Something else requires your attention, leave well enough alone.
Yellow may be a lucky color 💛
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tyungelic ¡ 1 year
Âż? You have a new account too?
kee!!! :3 yes i have a new acc me and cherry started all over together 🤭🩵
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