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allie1804-fan · 5 years ago
Ile de Re (Chapter 1)
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I wrote this fic  last year, mostly while on holiday on this lovely island.  If you are on Archive of Our Own, you may have seen it before. Written before Matrix 4 was announced and before Covid so sorry that the timelines are no longer realistic!
Keanu meets a chef to help him prepare for a movie role. Events conspire for them to spend even more time together than they planned and despite the large age gap, romance ensues.
1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8
April 2020
Keanu hung up the phone and quietly fist pumped to himself. He’d just had news that a new project had been green lit. It was one he’d been collaborating on for some time - where he’d play an American chef, somewhat down on his luck who was establishing a new restaurant in a rural French town. The thing that thrilled him most was that the project afforded him the chance to finally learn how to cook – at least a bit - because he’d need to demonstrate some skill in the film itself and to ‘find’ his character he wanted to understand more about the craft of being a chef – especially the passion that drove them.
He went to his office and pulled out his laptop, opening a file holding details of some chefs who Erwin’s team had tracked down that fit the bill in terms of the knowledge they had and their personal experiences. He dropped an e mail first to a chef names Yves Le Gouhier and another to a woman called Claire Bonnevin. They each had restaurants in LA but were French natives who had trained at home before heading to America to open restaurants of their own. He hoped that the guy would say yes since he felt he’d probably relate better to his experience however he checked out both of their bios and looked at restaurant reviews on line.
A few days later, the decision was made for him as to who would give him the coaching as Mr Le Gouhier was out of town for at least a couple of months, establishing a new restaurant whereas Ms Bonnevin was able to fit him in for some daily ‘classes’ starting the following week. Whilst mildly disappointed, he also recalled that he’d actually eaten at Ms Bonnevin’s place once and had really rated the cooking which mixed homespun flavours with Gallic finesse - the seafood there was to die for.  He responded quickly in the affirmative, and ever the perfectionist, asked if there was anything he needed to bring or any preparatory work he could do before Monday. Claire replied that if he could let her have a working copy of the script and tell her what his favourite meal was before the weekend – they could work on the skills he’d need to demonstrate in the film and, depending on what the meal was, also aim to make his favourite meal to a good standard by the end of the week. If he had some friends who’d like to eat what he made, then he should ask them if they were free.
“What a question!” he pondered, thinking about what his favourite meal was. Keanu was a man who liked to eat - so much so that he needed the counsel of his trainer Denise to keep off the pounds in between films! Would it be a good steak with garlicky greens and crushed potatoes?, veal with a cream and mushroom sauce, roast lamb with flageolets and dauphinois potatoes – this task was just making him hungry!  He decided on the latter thinking it would be a challenge and fitted with the style of cooking they had at “Le Chat Botte” which was Claire’s restaurant. The pressure of feeding something he’d made that wasn’t bacon and eggs or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was both thrilling and unnerving. He messaged his sister Kim, his mother and friends Rob, Alex and Josh who were all pleased to be free although they joked that they might need to go to Macdonald’s to fill up afterwards!
Monday came around and Keanu pulled up at “Le Chat Botte” at 9am prompt. Entering via the service entrance as instructed, he walked into a spotless kitchen with gleaming stainless steel work stations, hobs and ovens  ranged along one wall and a large wooden kitchen table in the centre which had 2 sets of chopping boards in different colours along with a variety of knives, spatulas and other cooking implements arranged side by side in the centre of the table. No-one was in sight though Keanu could hear the sound of a voice coming from an adjoining room. Walking across the kitchen he stuck his head round the door of what turned out to be an office where he saw a petite, dark haired woman he recognised (from her bio) as Claire Bonnevin  - she was speaking to someone on the phone in French. She raised her hand to him in greeting, mouthing sorry and hurried to complete the call.
“Oui, Oui, je te rapellerai demain  - mon nouvel client vient d’arriver, oui oui c’est lui, donc il faut que j’accroche.  D’accord d’accord, je sais. Au revoir”
Claire turned to Keanu blushing - she had the distinct impression that he’d understood that she’d just referred to him in her conversation.
“so sorry about that – that was my restaurant manager back home in France just giving me an update on my dad  - he’s not been too well recently so we’ve been talking every day” Her English accent was excellent with only a slight gallic note.
Keanu stuck out his hand
“Nice to meet you Ms Bonnevin and no problem – you didn’t need to rush them off the line on my account”
Claire smiled and shook his hand, “I heard you were impossibly polite! – of course I did, I was eating into your paid time – nice to meet you too by the way. Keanu grinned - Claire could feel the colour rising in her cheeks again  - she wasn’t exactly sure why - maybe it was the directness of his gaze or the brilliance of his smile.
“So, are you ready for your training?”
Keanu chuckled and responded with what he thought was the expected reply “hell yeah” but Claire didn’t react, “maybe the Matrix reference was unintentional” he thought – she was pretty young after all, (her bio said she was 35) so maybe she was one of the few whom it had passed by!
“So let’s go through to the kitchen and get started” she said leading the way back to the room where Keanu had entered earlier.
For the next 4 hours they talked through and tried out some of the particular skills that would be needed in kitchen scenes. Whilst they worked, they got to know each other a little with Claire wanting to find out about Keanu’s food knowledge and experience and Keanu quizzing her about her beginnings in the industry. He discovered that she grew up on a tiny west coast island in France called L’Ile de Re” where her Dad still owned a restaurant called, like hers in LA, “Le Chat Botte”.  He no longer worked as a chef there but lived in the little village where it was, hence the manager being able to keep Claire appraised of his health.  She’d learned her craft there and then moved on to train in Paris, New York and then LA to establish her namesake restaurant in the US.
For her part, from what Keanu said, she could see that despite not having grown up in a house where people had a passion for cooking, he nevertheless clearly had a passion for food  - from the humble sandwich to fine foods from around the globe. He was also a quick study, picking up the knife skills needed to finely chop onions and garlic on film that he’d need. She was a patient teacher, though she would occasionally break into French when she was struggling to communicate the exact technique such as when at first he couldn’t master the rotation of the knife needed to chop finely:
“tient tient, comme ca” she said, placing her hand over his to show how the blade needed to rock back and forth over the garlic.
At 12 they broke for lunch at which point Claire challenged Keanu to make her his best sandwich from the ingredients on hand. He asked her what she liked and created a layered club sandwich which she declared excellent. By the time he left at 1pm, Keanu was convinced that she was an excellent choice of teacher and one he’d enjoy learning from. He could hardly wait for the next day when they were going to study cuts of meat by going to Claire’s favourite butcher.
The week progressed with a mix of hands on cooking classes and continued trips to suppliers which served to explain the importance of provenance and quality ingredients. They also worked on timings  and started to plan the stages of creating the menu Keanu had planned for Friday’s lunch.
On Thursday Keanu tried out the dauphinois potatoes and was thrilled with the result - he was really starting to enjoy cooking and his rapid growth in skill. Claire praised him warmly and suggested he try a dessert as well for the next day.
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“You could try something simple like a mousse au chocolat but I think you’re ready to really wow them”
“Oh yeah?” Keanu grinned “With what?”
“A tarte Tatin”
“What!, are you sure?”
“Absolutely – you’re an excellent student - let’s do one today together, you’ll master it I’m sure”
She showed him how to prepare the sugar and butter in a special tin that could go on the stove and then in the oven to finish. They prepped the apples placing them rounded side down in the tin and proceeded to caramelise the butter and sugar until it was a gorgeous molten mahogany. Then he learned how to make the shortcrust pastry using cool hands to rub the butter into the flour then bring it together to a dough which rested in the fridge. Once rolled out, he placed it onto the cooled apples, tucking in the edges round the sides. The result when they turned the tarte out (upside down to reveal the apples) was amazing – sweet, tender apples with the sugary caramel cut a little by freshly grated lemon rind and a melt in the mouth pastry to top it off.
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“See!” she smiled, “I knew you could do it”
“No, you did it!” he grinned
“Well, OK so today we both did it but tomorrow it will all be down to you”
Friday came and Keanu got to the restaurant at 8am wanting to have as much time as possible to get everything perfect.
By 11.30 the lamb was resting, his gratin and tarte were in the oven and the beans were simmering gently.
The meal was beginning with a simple salade aux lardons  - it was time to dress it with the vinaigrette he’d made earlier. He started to toss it gently but some lettuce flipped out over the side
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“Watch out you don’t drop too many said Claire – unless you want lots of children’ she laughed!
“What?” Keanu asked, shooting her a quizzical look.
“it’s a saying we have in France that the number of leaves you drop when you’re tossing the salad tells you the number of kids you’ll have.
“Oh right” he chuckled, “that’s cute, but it’s way too late for that”
“What do you mean?, you’d have time to have them if you wanted, surely”
“I’m too old Claire”
“What, you must only be what?”, she paused to look at him and consider his face “
. About 45”
“Ha ha” Keanu laughed heartily.
“No, I’m fifty five”
“Merde” she exclaimed “ce n’est pas possible!”
Keanu shook his head and smiled - he loved how she reverted to French when she was reacting spontaneously to something.  
“I’m afraid it’s true, so even if I had a wife or even a girlfriend, I still think it’s too late to be having babies. I might be dead before they’re 20 or 30.
Claire’s face clouded over
“Sorry I didn’t mean to be all maudlin” he said
“Don’t worry, it’s just my mother died when I was 25 so I know that’s hard – but people die all the time, young and old.
“Ain’t that the truth” Keanu agreed quietly, remembering his own past.
“and lots of guys have babies when they’re older. Maybe you shouldn’t rule it out”
“Maybe maybe, anyway, enough serious talk, we should raise a toast before our guests arrive”
He poured himself and Claire a glass of wine.
“Here’s to satisfied customers!” she said
“and here’s to you for being such an amazing teacher – I can’t believe you’ve got me this far so fast”
“well that’s really down to you” she replied, smiling, “you work so hard and learn so quickly, it’s very impressive”
“I don’t know about that!” he said blushing, “Anyway, let’s not get ahead ourselves, I haven’t served it yet!!
They put down their glasses and Claire went to see if the guests had arrived at the table they had set aside in the restaurant. Meanwhile Keanu busied himself with finishing the salad and carving the lamb which he was happy to see was just the right shade of pink. He put it in the warming oven and also took out the tarte Tatin praying that it would be as good as the one yesterday when he turned it out later. Finally, with the main course as ready as it could be, he took the salad and some French bread through to the dining room.
The meal went down a storm - at the end Keanu stood and raised a toast to Claire
“Thank you for all your kind words folks but we really need to toast this amazing lady who has taught this old meat head some cooking skill. He took her hand and placed it over his heart
“ thank you, thank you, merci beaucoups, I’ll be forever grateful!”
Claire laughed and blushed.
“Just wait until next week when we’ll have you working in the restaurant kitchen, then you might not be such a fan!”
He laughed
“That may be!”
They said their goodbyes to Keanu’s amazed guests and went to clean down the kitchen.
“How’s your dad by the way?”
“Oh about the same apparently – no better, but no worse, he just needs to take it easy and stay off his damn bike”
“Oh, a pushbike or a motorbike?” Keanu asked, his interest peaked
“A push bike – he’s not a racer guy like you!” Claire saw Keanu pull up each day often on different bikes so she knew about his passion for them.
“everyone goes everywhere on bikes on the Ile de Re” she continued - it’s a cyclist’s paradise with cycle paths across the salt marshes and oyster beds and through the forests. But he had a heart attack last year and whilst he is supposed to exercise, he just pushes himself too much and that worries me”
“Do you have any other family there to keep an eye on him?”
“No, I’m an only child and there are no aunts or uncles either.
“Is your father still alive? She asked.
“Yeah – well at least I haven’t heard otherwise! He left my mother when I was three and I haven’t seen him since I was 13.”
“Mon dieu that must have been tough growing up without a dad”
“Yeah well I had my mum and my sister - he wouldn’t have been a good role model anyway”
“I could see today that you adore Kim and your mother”
“Yeah, yeah  I do - family and friends are my rocks to come back to  - after every project that’s what I look forward to”
“You know you’re not at all what I expected!” Claire stated.
“Oh, how so?” he asked
“Well, a couple of people I mentioned you to said they heard you were a nice guy and very polite but I guess I just expected someone more 

..starry, you know!”
Keanu burst out laughing.
“Well I’ll take that as a complement” he said
“you should – you’ve made it a very easy first week of teaching” she smiled
“Well thanks” he said the colour rising in his cheeks.
They finished up in the kitchen and Keanu took his leave saying he’d see her at 9am prompt on Monday for his week in the working kitchen.  He’d enjoyed her company so much that he’d almost asked her to dinner but held himself in check. She was so much younger than him and he knew his feelings weren’t entirely platonic. She was very cute with olive skin, beautiful eyes and a slender yet not too skinny figure – he didn’t really have a type but she hit the spot with him. He’d just have to quash those thoughts, focus on the learning and keep things on a friendly footing.
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overheardatthecontinental · 4 years ago
Editing my last kinktober fic to post at midnight.
It’s been a MONTH y’all. I wrote 25 new fics. I had to reblog a few old ones to make it to 31 days but I made it. 115 pages and tens of thousands of words... wowza
Thank you to everyone for the encouragement, the likes, the reblogs, and especially the comments that got me through this month.
Special shoutout to: @meetmeinthematinee, @axshadows, @cynic-spirit, @keandrews, @keanuficfiles, @greenmanalishi <3 
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iworshipkeanureeves · 5 years ago
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Thank you ❀
@bvbwestfall @keanureevesisbae @cinnamonkeanu @mr-skyline-r34 @axshadows @greenmanalishi @getinthepoolkeanu @keanuvibe @keanuficfiles @allie1804-fan @fortheloveoffanfic @overheardatthecontinental @fics-not-tragedies @fickensteinn
reblog this with a gif or picture of two things or people hugging then tag as many people as you want so they get a hug today!
Thanks @rosspadalecki
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Tagging @rebel-without-cause-x @agirllovespasta @ottosuricato @everyhowlmarksthedead @stardancerluv @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @firebenderwolf @starrynite7114 @justahopelessssromantic @ly--canthrope @ladyreapermc @angelreyesgirl @ifoundmyhappythought
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Kerensa Part 2
This is a continuation of Kerensa Part 1 which you can find here
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Kerensa (Part 2)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Chapter 4 California Routine
Warnings: Some explicit content
Keanu had a script and an animated film voice-over going on through January and was usually gone the whole day. Kerry would start the day with some laps of the pool, do writing then walk Scout if she could quickly but she soon got put off by the frequency of being spotted by a “homes of the stars” tour bus. She ended up doing walks early and late then staying home all day. It reminded her a bit of working during Covid, only without the constant Teams meetings and it wasn’t long before the loneliness kicked in.
It was on one such lonely day that her mood was made worse by a FaceTime call coming in from her sister.
Rosie was quick to see the sadness in her sister’s expression and pushed to find out more. Kerry confessed that LA was beginning to make her feel trapped - not being able to just go for a walk out of your door like at home without being on a dangerous road or too hot or hassled by paparazzi or tourists really sucked. What she didn’t mention was that she also got her period that day. She didn’t want to tell anyone they were trying and it had only been 3 months so no time at all, but that didn’t stop her from quitting writing early and going to bed for a good cry.
The next day things weren’t much better and she was desperately craving company and fresh air by the time Keanu got home.
“Can’t we just order in” Keanu groaned when she suggested they head down to the beach and find somewhere they could eat out then take Scout for his walk.
“Please, I just need to get out of this place”? Her disparaging tone about his home wound him up.
“What this awful place in the Hollywood Hills, with a pool and privacy 
“Sorry I know, it’s just, I need to feel the breeze, have some open space, you know. I’ve been going stir crazy today and I’m on my period 
.. again.”
“Come ‘ere” he soothed immediately. He knew she was on her period, but they had a pact not to talk about it so their trying for a baby wouldn’t become an obsession if at all possible.
He held her for a few moments.
“I’m sorry I’m just tired but we can go out, anything to make you feel better”
They did go out and the walk in the sea breeze really helped her feel better. They talked about what was coming up for them and there was a possible trip to look forward to which would give Kerry a change of scene.
Keanu had some location work in San Francisco in mid-February. He suggested they both go and he’d look into staying somewhere close to the sea if they could rather than a hotel in the city.
The production team found them a house close to the beach and they took a couple of days off to take a leisurely drive up with Scout, taking the PCH and Big Sur route. Kerry could feel the tension leaving her shoulders just at the sight of the cliffs and sea.
The house they pulled up to was in a Victorian-era terrace with pale blue plaster walls and a steep set of steps up from the street. The beach was a 15-minute walk through a park and Kerry loved it the minute she set eyes on it. The decor reminded her of the hotel in Tresco, all soft creams and blues that soothed the soul. There was a small garden out back so Scout could be outdoors while Kerry worked but walks would be much easier to manage with the park and beach so close.
After looking around, Kerry went to the bedroom to unpack.
“You making your nest?” Keanu said teasing her as he joined her in the bedroom.
“You know I like to have things in their proper place - and you do too Virgo boy so you can’t talk!”
“Alright! Anyway, are you happy? Did I do good?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind, keeping her from her task.
She turned in his arms laughing.
“Yeah, you did good Reeves, very good. You know don’t take this, you know, the wrong way or like I’m fishing or anything, but 
“But life with you, it’s like a wonderful long honeymoon you know ?”
He laughed understanding why she hadn’t wanted him to think she wanted a proposal!
“Mmmm I agree because you, my love, certainly do taste sweet as honey” she giggled “and I do love your moons” he added, squeezing her buttocks. He kissed her then, deeply and it soon turned hungry and demanding, his hands moving to the buttons on her shirt and the zipper on her jeans.
He broke the kiss only to shove the half-unpacked case onto the floor and push her back on the bed where he began an attack on her breasts with his hands and mouth. It didn’t take long to remove the rest of their clothes and join everything that mattered. She welcomed him in every way, her pussy wet and wide open, her arms pulling him to her and hands raking up his back. He felt like he had become literally joined to her, the squeezing of her muscles starting a tingling and throbbing all along his rigid cock as he pumped in and out. He slowed a little, leaning down to kiss her, trying to hold back but it was useless. Her throat was like a fountain and he let go, filling her in a tremendous burst as her pussy fluttered and pulsed around him. He had to release her from the kiss to shout out his joy and she screamed hers. She fell back on the bed and he down upon her, breathing heavily into her neck for a while before lifting up and smiling down into her eyes.
“Love you Kerensa” he said using her full name which he often chose in moments of passion
“Love you too Kiki !” she’d taken to calling him that since he’d confessed it was a childhood nickname.
The trip passed quickly. Kerry loved San Francisco and split her days between writing and exploring the seafront, parks and the harbour side with Scout in tow as much as she could. She would report back each day with finds and suggestions for restaurants for dinner. Her worries from LA seemed far away.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles @fanficsrusz @jardaniswife @cheezbort @mazzylana97 @maggiemoo1892 @girlfriday007 @siriussnape07 @yomnaislame @soarocks @fadingkideclipseempath @franny-banks-world @keanulowe @babylovejongin @lucky134ever @jasmindaughteroftheworld @tomorrowsanotherday @fokinqueen @littlefreya @leftyreea @wheretheriversrunintothesea @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @fickenstein @popacherryvisitalibrary @aah8903 @thethirstyarchive @cynic-spirit @australianpsychos @meetmeinthematinee
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Kerense Part 2
This is a continuation of Kerensa - read Part 1 here
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Warnings : Just like Keanu in these fics, I don't actually know any of the other real people portrayed here so my versions of them are all supposition!
LA Home?
After a couple of weeks, they moved on to LA. Kerry was Flabbergasted by the size and style of his home. It had a cool feel due to the size of the rooms and the large pieces of art in the main living area which had vast bi-fold doors leading out to the patio and pool. He was most excited to show her his pond with Koi Carp and the breathtaking view.
His office and bedroom were warmer in style, more in keeping with the man and she was thrilled with the kitchen which his sister had designed with herself in mind for when she visited and wanted to cook or for Keanu when he had a caterer come in.
On their first night, they ordered take out and ate outside by the pool. They were both tired from travelling but he promised to take her out to some favourite haunts soon. His bigger priority was making her and Scout feel at home and welcome.
That started with meeting his mum. Having heard a lot about her before he left, his mother, in particular, was very keen to make her acquaintance. She invited them over and had a meal catered.
She was welcoming but there was an edge of scrutiny in her gaze and her questions.
In the car on the way home, Kerry pointed it out.
It’s just like Jason Robards says in Parenthood. “It never ends”
“Well, your mum was clearly concerned I might be some kind of leach!”
“Kerry, she thinks that about everyone I meet, but especially women. But she liked you, I could tell. And you bonded over all your English connections right?”
“I guess!”
Next up was Karina who had them over for Thanksgiving. She was more easygoing than her mother and they had a very relaxed day with Keanu and his brother-in-law bonding over the football and Kerry and Karina enjoying working together in the kitchen.
In the weeks running up to Christmas, their projects were on hiatus and they focussed on getting Kerry acclimatised to LA. Keanu bought her a car (she was not up for driving his Porsche) and they went on bike rides up PCH, took Scout on hikes in local parks and continued her introductions to his friends.
Key amongst them was Alex Winter and his family. They spent a great day on the beach at Malibu with him, his wife and their 2 youngest sons. Alex took a cute pic of Kerry and Keanu there - She had straggly wet hair from messing around in the sea and was wearing a loose shirt over her swimming costume. Her arms were draped around Keanu’s neck and they were both grinning broadly. She liked it so much, she had it printed and framed and placed it on their dressing table. It was one way she could try to settle in.
She certainly felt safe and welcome in his home, but, truth be told, not really at home
Some of that was connected to Scout. There was an inner courtyard where Scout could chill in a shady spot and you could walk him along the road nearby but only in the evening when the surface would be cool enough. To walk the dog, you really needed to go to a park, beach or further out into hills. It wasn’t just a stone’s throw away like at Sennen.
Also, in one sense, the house felt huge but at the same time, claustrophobic. It was curious that she could feel hemmed in despite the space and open view at the back - it was like you couldn’t touch the nature that was so near at hand and when she felt like that, the waves of nostalgia for Sennen were powerful.
Another challenge she faced and hadn’t really expected had been the number of female friends Keanu had who, it was clear, were past sexual partners. It wasn’t that anyone said anything to her, least of all him for whom it was all just water under the bridge, but some of them had an unmistakable body language towards him, while others displayed a certain possessiveness that she found, if not threatening then at least challenging.
She knew he’d had a different life from her, longer in single mode, less settled in one place and with a lot of opportunity to be promiscuous, so she knew she had to accept it, but she also struggled to imagine still hanging out with people you’d been so intimate with in the past as it had been a very rare experience for her.
Fortunately, Karina was a bit of an ally in at least filling in the gaps as to who was or wasn’t an ex. Kerry didn’t want to come off as jealous or obsessive, so asking Keanu was a no-no, at least at first. One day, Karina had come over to talk Christmas food and caught Kerry staring off into the distance.
“Hey, where have you gone?” Karina asked her.
? oh sorry, nowhere, I’m right here”
“ oh no, not falling for THAT. What did he do?”
“Keanu? Nothing. Honest.”
“Honest he didn’t. It’s just, errm Autumn came over last night”
“Nothing, she’s just not my favourite of his exes that still hangs around him”
“Oh so she IS an ex, I wasn’t sure and he didn’t say so”
“He wouldn’t, to him it’s ancient history - and it is. They properly dated in the 90s and then I’m pretty sure she was, you know
. A friend 
“With benefits?”
“Yeah, sometime in the 2000s but not in the past few years. Was she civil to you?”
“Yeah yeah, she was just quite, erm touchy with him and sort of “
“Not exactly, but she made sure to mention things from way back several times as if to remind me and him that I’m the new kid. I mean maybe I was being over-sensitive, it was weird”
“Naah, that’s her thing. She didn’t manage to clinch him and that still riles her so she hangs in there with the “trusty oldest friend” card.
“Yeah but she’s not his oldest friend right? Brenda is from school and that lovely lady Clare is from before her time right?”
“Right, I mean Autumn is from way back but she’s not the unique one she likes to think.”
Mostly, the exes were subtle in their comments or behaviour but China Chow came close to making Kerry spit her drink out at a Christmas party when she was a bit drunk. She was saying how happy she was to see Keanu happy.
“And you my friend are a lucky girl, he’s good between the sheets too huh?, hic!”
The following morning Keanu and Kerry were lying in bed with a coffee, nursing hangovers and doing a party post-mortem.
“Oh my God, China was drunk wasn’t she?!” Keanu snorted.
“I’ll say!” She replied rolling her eyes
“Have you had sex with all of your female friends?!” She asked pointedly.
“Oh my god, what did she say?”
“Oh, how happy she is for you 
“Mmmmm, so?”
“And how lucky I am
.and how good you are between the sheets”
It was Keanu’s turn to almost spit out his coffee.
“That must have been awkward.!”
“Well would have been worse if we weren’t both at least a little drunk”
“Do you mind?” “That I have a past?” he clarified when she looked questioningly at him.
“No, I just, I never had an ex who I still hung out with after we split so it’s a little weird for me. And they’re all so, you know, LA glamorous.”
“Come ‘ere.” He said pulling her close after seeing the uncertainty in her eyes.
“It’s you I love, you I want to wake up with every morning and hold in my arms each night. And they're so called glamour is no match for your beauty. And, it’s like, over 10 years ago that I was with any of the friends I still see, sexually. Kerry, I promise. Are we ok?”
“yeah, we’re good” she reassured.
And they were. Christmas was around the corner and Kerry enjoyed shopping for gifts, getting a tree and decorating the house. They placed the bird decoration for Ava on the tree and he gave her two angels to hang for her babies and a Celtic fertility symbol in hope of a future as parents. They spent Xmas Day with his mother and Karina and Keanu went on his usual Boxing Day bike ride with old friends while Kerry went to the cinema with Karina.
On 29th they headed back to the UK, where they spent New year with her sister and family and 10 days having catch-ups with friends in London and Cornwall.
By mid-January, they were back in LA and finally, it felt like there would be a period of being more settled. They socialised but there were no more big introductions to make and Kerry planned to crack on with her novel.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles @fanficsrusz @jardaniswife @cheezbort @mazzylana97 @maggiemoo1892 @girlfriday007 @siriussnape07 @yomnaislame @soarocks @fadingkideclipseempath @franny-banks-world @keanulowe @babylovejongin @lucky134ever @jasmindaughteroftheworld @tomorrowsanotherday @fokinqueen @littlefreya @leftyreea @wheretheriversrunintothesea @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @fickenstein @popacherryvisitalibrary @aah8903 @thethirstyarchive @cynic-spirit @australianpsychos @meetmeinthematinee
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Kerensa Part 2
This is a continuation of Kerensa which you can find here:
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
New York Adventure
At the end of October, they headed to New York as their first stop in the US. Keanu had a meeting with a director and a potential co-star for a chemistry test and since Kerry had never been before, they agreed to do some sightseeing\. There were some inevitable paparazzi encounters after the various shots of them together in London and Oxford had fuelled a fire which continued when they passed through JFK airport.
Still, Keanu wasn’t prepared to hide and he wanted her to see the sites. One of her favourites was the scene of a When Harry Met Sally moment, Washington square.
Keanu nicknamed her his “rom com girl”
That evening back at his apartment she asked him
“So what else have you done, Rom Com wise I mean, other than my favourite?” (She meant “Something’s Gotta Give”)
“Well I guess the first was “Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter”, I play a young journalist who falls in love with his sort of aunt, played by Barbara Hershey”
“Oh I loved her in “Hannah and Her Sisters”
“Yeah she was awesome to work with. And what else, errm “Always Be My Maybe” but I’m not the lead, just a comedy turn I guess and then there was “Destination Wedding” that’s a kind of anti RomCom but it still has, you know a 'meet cute', fallings out and in and so on”
Once Kerry knew the leading lady was Winona, that was the one she wanted to see and she laughed like a drain at his post-coital grin and sigh after Frank and Lyndsay had sex.
Keanu paused the film.
“hey you, what’s so funny about me having sex”
“Kerry wiped the tears from her eyes. It’s just, you know, I know you do that!”
“What? What do I do? I don’t cum like that!”
“No, not that but that goofy grin after you’ve cum is all you and that little sigh too, too funny imagining you having to re-record that in one of those little audio booths!”
“Yeah that was kind of embarrassing!” He admitted. “But darling I’m a professional and I did what I had to do, though it does take practice!” he said before whisking her off to bed.
Another night they agreed to watch baby Keanu in Parenthood. It was one of her favourites and she could quote loads of lines from it, not just his iconic “anyone can be a father” lines. She admitted that in her early married life, it had been the film that expressed her wish for her future with Matt, her ex.
“Do you still think about that, about having kids?”
“Errm I guess not, I mean it doesn’t feel very realistic now. I mean, you know, I’m 41. Anyway, well, I want to be with you so you’d have to want them too and we didn’t talk about that really before getting together. I guess I just assumed you wouldn’t 
I’m babbling! I mean would you even want them?”
Keanu chuckled softly at her befuddlement.
“Well, I do worry a bit about being too old but, yeah, I’d still like a kid, if you want one that is and you don’t mind having one with a very old guy”
Kerry stared at him for a moment. She couldn’t quite believe it - when she’d realised she was in love with him, she’d thought if she chose that path it would inevitably mean no kids given he was 59.
“You’d do that, for me?”
“Yeah but it wouldn’t be FOR you, I mean it wouldn’t be a compromise, it would be for us, together”
“How have you not been snapped up before now?” she asked, a tear leaking out.
He smiled shyly.
“Never met the right woman before”
She gave him a gentle kiss, eyes shining with happiness.
“Well, ok then but you know I might not be able to get pregnant. It might all be moot in the end”
“Yeah, I know but we could just ditch the condoms and see what happens!”
“I knew you had an ulterior motive” she laughed.
He giggled in return.
“Caught me! No, but seriously, let’s just see how it goes and we can get a health check when we’re in LA. I already added you to my healthcare plan remember?”
“OK smooth talker, OK”
The rest of their stay was filled with activities: a play on Broadway, seeing a band Keanu knew in a tiny dive bar, mooching around Keanu’s favourite bookshop and long walks with Scout in Central Park. It was easy to be on foot in New York and even though it was a world away from Sennen’s wild, isolated landscape, Kerry felt at home there. And it didn’t hurt that each night ended in his arms, making love with the hope of making a baby.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @donakamark @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles @fanficsrusz @jardaniswife @cheezbort @mazzylana97 @maggiemoo1892 @girlfriday007 @siriussnape07 @yomnaislame @soarocks @fadingkideclipseempath @franny-banks-world @keanulowe @babylovejongin @lucky134ever @jasmindaughteroftheworld @tomorrowsanotherday @fokinqueen @littlefreya @leftyreea @wheretheriversrunintothesea @iworshipkeanureeves ’ @ficsnroses @fickenstein @popacherryvisitalibrary @aah8903 @thethirstyarchive @cynic-spirit @australianpsychos @meetmeinthematinee@fics-not-tragedies
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Kerensa Part 2
This is a continuation of Kerensa which you can find here:
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Chapter 1
Settling down
On their return to Sennen, they decided to stay until the end of October which would give Kerry time to make plans for the cottage. Then they would return, either at Christmas or New Years, to see her sister and her family.
Day to day, life living together was comfortable - they each found the other easy to live with and she was relieved to find that he was a tidy person and didn’t expect her to do all the heavy lifting on domestic tasks which had been a bone of contention with her ex. She did do most of the cooking though as that wasn’t his forte, however he had taught himself a little during his time in lockdown and also in Cornwall given you can’t eat out so easily there as in LA. His forte was definitely sandwiches for lunchtimes - he could wax lyrical about sandwich choices and creation and he could rustle up a couple of pasta dishes his sister had taught him as well as cook a mean steak.
They had a chat about pet peeves to try and head off issues, from the possibly trivial (like no coming in for a pee while I’m in the bath (they had 2 toilets in the house after all) to getting a cleaner and then more fundamental issues like phone privacy, honesty, not sleeping on an argument and so on.
After a couple of weeks, she commented that living together felt good and easy and she admitted how nervous she’d been, after Tresco, that they would be brought back to reality with a bump with the day to day of living together. He warned her it might not be so great when he’s filming.
“I can get a bit obsessive, reclusive. You’ll have to call me on it if I neglect you but I will try not to turn in on myself. But I also used to take on projects more I think to fill my life, I feel now I should get even more picky, now that there’s something, well someone else worth spending time on!”
Kerry had already given up waitressing due to the writing needing more time, so they often split their time between Cornwall and London where he could take meetings and do PR or press if needed while there and she would see her agent and publisher. They established a rhythm of 4 days working and 3 off for leisure and trips back in Cornwall or elsewhere. She took him to Lords to see a cricket test match, laughing as she tried to explain the intricacies of the game. Being a sports guy, he enjoyed it despite the occasional confusion at what was going on!
Another trip was to Oxford, where he’d discovered she studied at university. Their early lives had never come up in conversation til one evening they were watching an old episode of “Inspector Morse” which she said she loved.
“Reminds me of student days”
“Huh? You studied 

“Yup” she grinned at his amazement. “Don’t you think I’m clever enough?!” her eyes sparkled with mischief.
“No, god, no I mean yes!” he garbled “it’s not that, it’s just wouldn’t that be, you know like one of your highlights you drop in, you know, to impress!”
She giggled.
“Well I guess it wasn’t like that with us was it? Neither of us was trying to impress, and educational or other achievements never came up otherwise you’d have been telling me about all the A list directors who’ve chased you to work with them or how many millions you’ve made or how you were the internet’s boyfriend!”
“Stop, stop, ok, you know all that stuff?”
She nodded yes. “You only have to read one or two decent articles to get all that info you know!”
“OK but anyway back to you, so wow, Oxford!”
She told him how she’d studied English at St Catherine’s, one of the modern colleges (well, one that was built in the 1960s not the 1560’s!) and it favoured a more state school intake than the likes of Christchurch or Magdalen where old Etonians gravitated.
“But I still got to go to tutorials in the dreaming spires parts so it was a wonderful experience. We should go, on the way back from London next week. I’ll give you the tour.”
They fitted in a visit, staying at the Randolph Hotel as a treat for Kerry. She explained to him that it was always there that the well-to-do murderers in Morse episodes had stayed and it was totally central in the city too. He donned a beanie and shades to try and keep a little anonymity as they strolled around the city and she used her alumni card to get free access to some of the splendid college gardens.
There was some publicity while they were there due to fans spotting him in a pub where he’d taken his beanie and sunglasses off while they sat to eat. A small crowd had gathered as they’d left and at first it was fine, just taking selfies but when Kerry got jostled by an overzealous fan, Keanu nearly lost it, starting to drag her away but she stopped him.
“Look, don’t punish the nice guys for that one idiot. Leave her out but I’ll just go sit out of the way for a sec while you do your thing”
“You sure?” She nodded and he went back to the gathered fans, taking selfies for about 15 minutes. The rude fan stalked off when he pointedly ignored her.
“Phew that was a bit intense,” she said afterwards. It’s like news of your presence spread like wildfire!”
“Yeah took me a little off guard too. I mean usually, it only happens in airports or hotels when people get wind you are there due to an event, not so much day to day, at least not a crowd like that. Look try not to worry.” he reassured. Fortunately, the rest of their stay there passed without incident.
He’d already told Cheryl that he and Kerry were now an item and warned Kerry that at some point there might be pictures in the press and some intrusion. After that incident, she also talked to her literary agent and publishers - they were pleased, only saying the attention could be positive for her book but she hoped it wouldn’t distract or appear like she was using him. After all, she’d been pursuing her writing long before she even met him.
Before they left the UK, they made a visit to see her sister and her partner and kids. Kerry loved to see how well he got on with her brother-in-law and niece and nephew and how readily they just accepted him as her partner. But her sister couldn’t help but be worried about her younger sibling. In a quiet moment in the kitchen over breakfast, she said
“I can see he loves you, god those puppy dog eyes gazing at you last night - how do you get anything done?! But I do worry about you going away to America for long spells. Won’t you be horribly isolated, lonely even?”
“I’ll be fine” she reassured “I’ll still have my writing to do and Scout, and we have each other. It will take some getting used to, sure, but it’s just a change of location really. It’s not like I see my friends that often anyway in person. Cornwall might as well be LA if you think about how unwilling most people have been to visit me since I moved!”
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @donakamark @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles @fanficsrusz @jardaniswife @cheezbort @mazzylana97 @maggiemoo1892 @girlfriday007 @siriussnape07 @yomnaislame @soarocks @fadingkideclipseempath @franny-banks-world @keanulowe @babylovejongin @lucky134ever @jasmindaughteroftheworld @tomorrowsanotherday @fokinqueen @littlefreya @leftyreea @wheretheriversrunintothesea @iworshipkeanureeves ' @ficsnroses @fickenstein @popacherryvisitalibrary @aah8903 @thethirstyarchive @cynic-spirit @australianpsychos @meetmeinthematinee@fics-not-tragedies
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wishuhadstayed · 5 years ago
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@ringa-starr @keanuficfiles @agenthotchner @fics-not-tragedies @jjovonovich
🌾✹💓THIS IS A TUMBLR HUG! đŸ§šđŸŸâ€â™€ïž Hello lovely !! Thank you for sending my positivity my way I appreciate and recognise it xx
Thank you so much, darling, sending it right back to you❀❀❀❀
Tagging @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @meetmeinthematinee @wondersofdreaming @fortheloveoffanfic @fanficsrusz @ficsnroses @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @littlefreya @dancingwendigo @hnryycvll @gearhead66 @mary-ann84 @keanuquotes @onlyhenrys @promptandpros @nuns-and-roses @witcherwritings @yoursecretsmutblog @iloveyouyen @babayagakeanu @henrythickcavill @henry-cavlll @demivampirew @deathonyourtongue @axshadows @hcfavoritegal @captainbigdy @rabbitpajamas @viking-raider @radaofrivia @princess-of-riviaa @a-really-bi-girl and so so many more on Tumblr. You all deserve some love and hugs
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ladyreapermc · 5 years ago
“Stop laughing on a dying man!” With Keanu
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"Stop laughing on a dying man!” Keanu called out in a dramatic huff and that was the moment you knew you not only loved him but wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.
He was lying on his back, dark hair spread on the ground, his shirt a mess of mud and bright pink paint, goggles on his forehead so he could properly look at your daughter.
She was giggling happily, paint gun hanging over her shoulder as she approached him.
Once she was close enough, he pounced and grabbed the girl, making her shriek with laughter so so happy and it warmed your heart because her father left before she was even born but Keanu had naturally taken the position without you even asking and that made you love him even more.
He got on his feet, your daughter on his shoulder as he approached you and bent closer for a kiss.
”Dinner time?” he asked and you nodded.
”Yeah. Go get clean up,” you said with a smile.
This was your happily ever after.
Everything Tag List (use the link in my bio to add or remove yourself): @toomanystoriessolittletime @meetmeinthematinee @theolsdalova @penwieldingdreamer @fanficsrusz @eevee-of-rivia @reid-187 @wishuhadstayed @sallyp-53 @anxiteyfilledcupcake @pinkzsugar @angelic-kisses13
@futuristic-imbecile @wonderlandfandomkingdom @krazycags01 @beyond-antares
@cumberbatchbaps @sgt-morgan @a-really-bi-girl @nonsensicalobsessions
@poisonedjoinery @soarocks @partypoison00 @evnscvll @keiva1000 @shellbilee @ivvitm1109 @babayagakeanu @trippedmetaldetector
@missrandomista @stxphmxlls @savaneafricaine @foxyjwls007 @bohemianrhapsody86 @thehumanistsdiary @black-ninja-blade @lux-ravenwolf
@d0ntjudgemy50shades @witty-wallflower @melanicia @purplelove75
@nothinggoesunpunished @notyourtypicalrose @coldbreadbouquetworld @jencanbeyouryengeralt @kenobiswife @unaspiringwritings @crimsonrae
Tag List for Keanu fics  
@keandrews @rdjloverxxx @greenmanalishi @breakthenight @keanuficfiles @cigarettes-00
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allie1804-fan · 5 years ago
Keanu Reeves Fics Masterlist
Updating my masterlist as a way to help people find my fics. 
Started: August 25th 2020
Last updated 19th September 2021
1 2 3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  
Ile de Re
1    2   3   4   5    6    7   8
A Doorway is Opened
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10    11    12
New Beginnings
1  2  3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  12
New Beginnings Baby Drabble
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No2
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No3
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No4
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No5
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No6
At Last
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Please Assist Me
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Ch6apter 10 , Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 , Chapter 16, Chapter 17
The Fall
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
The Middle of the Road
Chapter 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8 , 9, 10, 11 , 12,  13  14 , 15 ,  16, 17
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Kerensa (Part 2)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @donakamark @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles @fanficsrusz @jardaniswife @cheezbort @mazzylana97 @maggiemoo1892 @girlfriday007 @siriussnape07 @yomnaislame @soarocks @fadingkideclipseempath @franny-banks-world @keanulowe @babylovejongin @lucky134ever @jasmindaughteroftheworld @tomorrowsanotherday @fokinqueen @littlefreya @leftyreea @wheretheriversrunintothesea @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @fickenstein  @popacherryvisitalibrary @aah8903 @thethirstyarchive @cynic-spirit @australianpsychos @meetmeinthematinee
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Please Assist Me (Chapter 13)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Chapter 10 , Chapter 1, Chapter 12
Warnings: Explicit content
 He Said
Sophia standing there in her underwear in the soft light of my room really took my breath away. I hope I managed to convey my adoration with my words, my eyes, my hands and mouth. 
Once she had removed my shirt, I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to me so she was standing between my legs and I could kiss the soft swell of her breasts above her bra. I sucked on her nipples through the pretty lace and reached behind to undo the clasp. Then I sat back and let it fall from her shoulders to the floor before diving back in, groaning as I took each nipple in my mouth in turn. She held me to my task, sinking her hands into my hair, sighing with pleasure.
My hands gripped her by the hips at first before I moved them to her ass and pulled her towards me massaging the firm muscles as I did.  I was already hard but Sophia upped the tension in my groin still further when she moved her legs to either side of mine and slid onto my lap, kissing and grinding against me hard. The wetness I could feel against my boxers made me tremble and I broke from our kiss to beg her to slow down a little. I was actually a little afraid of coming too soon – not your usual older man worry but she was driving me crazy with lust.
“I want this to last and if you keep doing that, it’s gonna be over all too soon! Can we get these off (I gestured to my boxers and her panties) and get under the covers?”
 She giggled and climbed off me, standing in front of me again. I took that as my invitation to help her with the last barrier between us and got on my knees in front of her. I grasped her panties by the waistband and slowly pulled them down, pressing my mouth against the soft hairs on her mound and breathing in.
 â€œMay I taste you?”
 â€œmmmm always so polite Mr Reeves and yes you may!”
I probed down with my tongue to her opening and tasted the sweet juices there that were flowing. As I moaned and licked up to her clit, rolling my tongue around it, I could hear her sucking in her breath and moaning right along with me.  
She Said
I can’t tell you how wonderful it felt to have a man’s mouth on me again like that. He made me smile with his polite request to taste me – I guess some women don’t like it but as his tongue swirled round my clit and I felt the vibrations against me as he moaned, I couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else or with anyone else.
He gazed up at me and briefly stopped to ask permission again.
“Do you want to come like this or 
“God yes”
“Turn around and lie on the bed for me then please”
I’d never known a more polite lover! He climbed up beside me then smoothed his hands down from my breasts to my stomach and thighs before he slid down and buried his face in my pussy and started his attack.
As I lay back and let him have his fill of me,  I thanked my lucky stars for his obviously extensive experience. He explored and adored me with languid licks, rapid flicks, gentle kisses and firm presses of his flattened tongue against my clit,   building my arousal to higher and higher levels until I was a panting mess, begging for release. My legs  began to tremble with pleasure and I felt his left hand slip under me to press me up closer into his face. Then he pushed two fingers from his right hand inside me and I instinctively started to thrust my hips up against his face and against his firm fingers, arching my back and throwing my head back on the pillow. The final moment of release came as he curled his fingers gently up against my g spot and sucked, his whole mouth enveloping my pussy. A yelp of joy escaped my lips followed by a long low groan as I came all over his face. He lapped up my juices, still moaning himself yet careful to ease off the pressure so it didn’t become painful for me. I flopped back on the bed, experiencing that weird petit mort sensation of not really being in the land of the living. I heard him crawl back up the bed to lie next to me and then he placed his hand on mine where it lay on my belly, gently squeezing it.
 I could only nod, my heart was still pounding and my breathing not yet back to normal rhythm. My glazed eyes met his.
 â€œneed a minute” was all I could get out.
 He grinned
 â€œPleased with yourself aren’t you?” I chuckled, now able to  make a little more sense of things
 â€œMaybe” he said leaning over to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead.
 â€œWell you should be” I offered, that was, well you heard!”
 â€œmmmm and I tasted your joy too”
 â€œYou like that?”
 â€œI love it”
 â€œWell lucky me then!”
  He Said
I said it was all for her and it was, but there’s rarely a purely selfless act is there and the pleasure I got from bringing her to orgasm with my mouth was beyond anything I’d experienced for a very long time. I swear I felt like I could have just stayed down there all night. When she was fucking herself on my fingers, god the juices were so sweet and I knew I had her in the palm of my hand, ready to blow.
Afterwards.I eased her down gently as her moans quieted, crawling up to lie next to her and wait for her to come back to earth.
We lay there for a few quiet moments then Sophia sat up and I felt her hands tugging on my boxers which we still hadn’t removed. I lifted my hips so she could ease them off and kicked them down my legs. Soon she had wrapped her fingers around my shaft and started to  move her hand up and down with purpose. She  gripped firmly so that my foreskin came down revealing the head which she rubbed over with fingers wetted with her saliva. I groaned and my hips thrust up instinctively then she released me momentarily, rising up on her knees and  moved to straddle me.
She hovered above me and I reached up to cup her breasts, then she took me in hand again and started to sink down slowly towards my cock. I panicked a bit at that point, realising we hadn’t talked about contraception, so I gripped her hips to stop her.
“Wait, is this OK, don’t we need a condom?”
She shook her head no “I still have a coil, didn’t see the point in removing it 

..and I trust you”
I think I actually growled at that point and pulled her face down to kiss her hard as she eased down slowly.  God she was so hot and tight around me and I lay back and just let her have her way – swaying above me, her hair in wild disarray. She pressed her hands over my heart gaining leverage as her pace increased. I could feel her walls start to flutter and pulse around me and she threw her head back as she came. Afterwards, her pace slowed as she quivered above me and I knew I wanted to finish on top and in control. I flipped her over on her back and sat up on my knees, smoothing over her flanks with my hands.
I thought about just plunging within, then had a better idea - sometimes past experience is a wonderful thing! So instead of the plunge which she might have been expecting,  I lifted her legs and slung them around my hips, then I slipped my hands under her butt, one under each cheek, carefully cupping her. Finally, I lifted her up, up and onto me oh so slowly and as smoothly as I could. The position allowed me to feel every ridge of her vagina around me  - it was beyond wonderful and from the moans escaping from her lips, it was bringing her as much pleasure as me.  Before long though I relented and gently urged her to lay back, moving with her to keep our bodies connected until I was able to give her the anticipated plunge. I pushed in feeling the tip of my cock reach her cervix then pulled almost fully out again before plunging back down. I raised up on my arms and pumped fast and hard as she arched up into each thrust. She grabbed my ass and urged me faster, harder, deeper. And then I swear the world winked out for a second as we came together in a moment of pure bliss. I thought my heart might burst out of my chest and fell back on the sheets, a sheen of sweat on my brow and chest. We grabbed each other’s hands and squeezed as we caught our breath. Gradually our breathing returned enough to normal to speak
 â€œYou OK?”
 â€œMmmmmm god yes, still tingling in my fingers and toes!” she said looking across and smiling at me.
 â€œWorth the wait Mr Reeves, definitely worth the wait!”
 I just squeezed her hand again for the moment. Those three little words were on the tip of my tongue but I wasn’t sure if she was ready to hear them or if I was ready to say them. But I could say something else to express how wonderful if was to be with her in this moment as we lay quietly in the aftermath. We were laying on our sides by now - she running her fingertips up and down my arm and me  tracing lazy circles on her stomach.
 â€œYou know, when you’re on your own just chilling and in your own space, at ease with the world?”
 â€œah ha”
 â€œWell, being with you now, like this, I feel just that same sense of ease and well being, you know?  With you I can just be
.. and I love that we have this ease with each other. I know you were worried before. I hope you’re not worried now”
 She leaned in to kiss me softly on the lips.
 â€œNo more worries, I promise.  I’m here in the moment, like you said and there’s no-where else I’d rather be”
 â€œme neither” I replied pulling her into my arms and reaching behind me to flick out the light before drifting off into a deep sleep.
  @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles  
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Please Assist Me
So this is a new fic. I’ve not fully worked out where it’s taking me so watch this space. I’ve written quite a bit so let’s see how anyone likes the first little bit!
Chapter 1
He said
She was the third person we’d seen that morning. Cheryl was with me. I knew I could rely on her instincts to sniff out anyone the agency had sent who was likely to spell trouble. Of course, the agency promised to screen people so you didn’t get a nutter or an under-cover journo applying but Cheryl didn’t have total faith in their skills.
The first two had basically proved her right, being far more interested in looking round my house, asking who I might have visiting or unsubtly trying to see what freebies there might be than in finding out what the job really entailed. I was about to embark on my second directing project and I had an acting part too, so knew I was going to be all in as usual. That dedication to work would mean taking care of daily life would fall by the wayside.  I’d need someone to take care of travel arrangements if I was needed out of town, there would be some bills to pay, grocery shopping and all the other day to day crap like being around for deliveries or letting a plumber in or making sure birthday cards were sent. I didn’t say so but basically I was after an old style wife but without the relationship! I also needed to keep a certain amount of control, a small chink of ‘real’ if you will. So, if it was my sister’s birthday, I’d choose the gift and write the card but maybe I could use some help finding options to choose from given how busy I would be on set.
Sophia was the first of the interviewees who seemed to grasp the importance of this aspect to me and she asked good questions about the practicalities of me being involved where necessary. She was also the only one who seemed like she knew her way around a kitchen and one of my needs was going to be a little food preparation every now and again especially as I needed to watch my diet to keep in shape for the demands of the role.
After 2 more, frankly useless candidates were seen and ruled out, we both agreed that Sophia was the one. She wouldn’t be able to travel with me on shoots or promotional tours as she had 2 small children, but my main needs were going to be at home for the foreseeable future and things like buying a gift or a card for someone could be managed at a distance with modern technology and planning. A week after the interview, Sophia came over again for an induction session.
It took me a moment to invite her in – I was kind of stunned as I looked at her – I don’t think I’d really taken in how attractive she was at the interview,  being focussed on the interviewing task and making sure I was asking each interviewee exactly the same questions in order to be fair. That morning she was like a sunflower, clad in a bright yellow, sleeveless sundress. Her long brown hair was up in a practical ponytail and the dress contrasted beautifully with her tanned arms and legs, highlighting her Latin American heritage.
She followed me down the hallway to the kitchen, clutching a notebook which she’d brought to make notes on the tasks. By the end of our session, I felt in safe hands and she left with everything she needed to be my personal assistant starting with a one month trial period.
She said
My first real life encounter with Keanu was when I had an interview for the role of personal assistant. I hadn’t ever done a role like this having only recently signed on with a job agency after my divorce from Javier. Before that I had been a housewife and mum to our 2 kids Eva, who is 7 and Miguel who is 5.  Back before the kids were born, I had done a little modelling and in between jobs had done some “runner” jobs working on sets with A list actors. That experience, and my general organisational skills and domestic experience had identified me as someone suited to this role.
Of course, I’d seen Keanu on the silver screen like anybody else in all those big roles which made it all the more surreal to be heading up into the Birds streets for the interview with him and his PR lady Cheryl at his house no less.
Cheryl was charming but also quite formidable, giving me the impression that she’d kick the ass of anyone who messed with her client! Keanu himself was all charm but kind of shy and bumbling as he tried to explain the slightly unusual mix of mundane and personal tasks he was going to want help with.
The mundane were things like making sure his Koi carp were fed, that the pool guy, cleaner and gardener were  let in on the right days, getting his dry cleaning and some grocery shopping done. The personal was basically, as I saw it, the things a wife or partner would help a man like him do If he had one  - he wanted to make sure birthday cards and gifts were bought for his close friends and family but he would play a role in choosing them. He just needed someone to narrow down the options, make the actual purchase and wrap the gift. If he could, he’d deliver it in person but if he couldn’t do that, at the very least he’d write out a personal message himself.  
There would be some advanced planning to make sure all that happened on time as he’d soon be on set for long days on his next project. I suggested that I’d need to come over on a Saturday sometimes to  make sure he could add those personal touches.  
The job was basically perfect for me as I would be able to get everything done while the kids were in school and kindergarten. He didn’t expect me to travel when he did  - he could use hotel services when away and declared himself not so pampered or busy that he couldn’t organise some basic stuff for himself while he was away. He also had a place in New York so, if he had to go there , he had a home base. His main concern was that his LA home kept running well and I could handle all of that.
I was thrilled when I got the call that the job was mine and it was with excitement that I made my way back to his home a week later to get a more detailed briefing and start my month’s probation.  
I stood on the doorstep for what felt like a long minute after he opened the door. I had a moment of fear that he’s somehow changed his mind or forgotten our appointment but he eventually shook his head like he was jolting himself out of a day dream and invited me in.
“sorry, sorry, what am I like leaving you standing there! Come, come in!”
I followed him into the house and we headed down the long corridor and into the bright kitchen where we sat at the island and he took me through his diary and my tasks for the month. He gave me an iPad to use with an e mail already set up as KCR_assistant@outlook.com and a credit card I could use for the purchases he needed me to make on his behalf.
He was  starting on set the following week and his sister Kim’s birthday was a couple of weeks away. Since she lived in Italy this would be one of the more challenging gifts to organise. He shared a little about her and took me to his office to proudly show me her picture which was on a wall filled with family portraits.
“This is a test right?” I remember asking.
“nah, nah don’t see it like that 
.” He stuttered
“But it’s really important to you right?”  I countered and he nodded, smiling slightly
“yeah, yeah Kim, she 

 she’s very  important to me”
“As she should be” I said. “I promise to get you some great ideas along the lines you want in a day or two so you can pick and we can get it to her on time.”
I hoped I’d do Kim justice – I really needed to keep this job.
On my first day, I headed up to Keanu’s house after dropping the kids at school and shopping for groceries that had been on the list Keanu had e mailed the night before.
Laundry wasn’t in my remit, but I spotted as I went in through the garage that there was a load in the tumble dryer due to finish soon. Keanu must have forgotten it. I made a note to pop back and fetch it after I’d done some other jobs.
In the kitchen, I put away the supplies and got on with making the elements of a Caesar salad with chicken that Keanu could quickly throw together after work.
Then it was time to start gift hunting for Kim. Keanu was interested in getting her a vintage Italian coffee set and we’d agreed it made sense to source it from Italy. Being a native Spanish speaker, I could muddle my way through Italian websites and I narrowed the choices down to 3 which I            e-mailed to him as well as dropping him a text in case he didn’t check his e mails. He’d said he would have some down time during the day but he wouldn’t be expecting me to share ideas for a day or two.
By then it was 2pm and I needed to head off soon to fetch the kids. I grabbed the laundry and left a pile of t shirts (all Arch branded) and boxers neatly folded on his bed. I hoped he’d appreciate that I’d not left them to grow damp again in the dryer and that he wouldn’t feel weird that I’d touched his undies! If I’m honest it did feel a bit surreal to me to be in his home, dropping him e mails and texts, doing his shopping and folding his undies but I reminded myself that he was just a guy and, really, so far he’d been pretty down to earth in my dealings with him – well apart from the $1000 budget I had for Kim’s gift that is!
 @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles
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allie1804-fan · 5 years ago
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No4
New Beginnings 1  2  3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  12
New Beginnings Baby Drabble
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No2
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No3
“Hey, you’re just in time” Emily said as Keanu arrived home around 7.
“That was the plan” he smiled.” You know it’s my favourite thing”
He was referring to bath time which, now Jonathan was 8 weeks old, they had begun to build into his daily routine.
“Good day?”  he asked giving her a hug and kiss.
“Yup, it was fine but we missed you”
“Me too”
Keanu had only just started spending more time on projects having taken an extended break when Jonathan was born. It was taking them all time to adjust to their new life.
He headed into the living room where Jonathan was lying in his playmat kicking away happily.
“hey how’s my little little man?” he asked crouching down to scoop up his son whose legs kicked even more at the attention of his dad.
“Come on it’s bath time”
They all headed to the bathroom where they drew the bath, carefully checking the temperature and got a snuggle towel ready on the heated radiator.
It was always Keanu’s job to lower Jonathan into the water, resting the baby’s head carefully on his arm and keeping a firm grip around his shoulders. Emily would then carefully wash his face using cotton wool,  sometimes shampoo his hair and then they’d let him have a few minutes to kick away in the water to his heart’s content.
It was Keanu’s favourite time to engage with Jonathan since he still wasn’t feeding him – he loved to just talk about his day  - it was a good way to talk to Emily too especially now that he wasn’t there so much during the days.
“So Daddy’s gonna be driving cars and bikes really fast in this new film. One day I’ll teach you to drive and ride, cool huh”
He smiled wide at his son at the thought of that future and that’s when he saw it
“Em, he smiled, did you see? Oh my god!”
Emily nodded excitedly
“ah ha  - you can see it in his eyes, that it’s not just wind I mean! – he must be as excited as you about engines” she laughed then leaned over to kiss him, happy to share another milestone moment as a family.
  @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @donakamark @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles  @keandrews @paintmekala @jessicajones616
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Please Assist me (Chapter 9)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
She Said
When we kissed a second time, I swear it was just as intense. Afterwards,  when I touched his face, I swear his eyes went all glassy and he leaned his head into my shoulder for a moment.  When he sat up again he said he had better go.
“I’m not sure I could control myself if I hang around kissing you much longer”
I wasn’t either and it was  my school day the next day. He asked if he could see me again the following evening but I knew I’d be too wrung out so we settled on just a call.
“You have that IT person calling you to help set up your Ipad and mics for interviews tomorrow right - we can check you know how it all works if you like. Then I’m gonna need Wednesday for chores and work, then I have another school day so perhaps on Friday we can spend the day together? I think the beaches are open from Friday. We settled on a plan. I was actually glad of having some days when I wouldn’t see him. The heightened emotion from just 2 kisses and sharing our inner thoughts had been exhausting.
 He Said
After that first evening of beginning to let the passion and affection breathe, we had a day to cool off followed by an evening where things unintentionally got very hot.
We were testing out the ipad with the mics that I’d been sent ready for some promo interviews and panels for Bill & Ted and an anniversary show for ComicCon about Constantine.
I was sitting in my office but she’d retreated to her bedroom and was sitting on the bed wearing a cute little pair of short pyjamas - the ipad was propped up against a pillow.
We chatted for a while and tested the levels and all was fine. It was time to say goodnight
“I don’t wanna hang up” she said with a sad expression
“Well maybe I should do for you what Marianne did for Connell and you can fall asleep while I watch over you! I’m not tired yet”
“But what if I want some privacy?”
“Oh yeah for what?”
“To touch myself”
All I could do was groan at that naughty little minx! I coughed, then said
“Well you can do that and talk to me 
“Ok – but what if I’m shy?”
“You can turn your camera off if you like, just hearing you will be enough”
  She said
 What was wrong with me? I’d never been this sexy and forward with a man. I turned the camera off which did make me a little more comfortable but it seemed to intensify how sexy he sounded asking me to do things!
“I want you to tell me what you’re doing”
I heard a zipper noise and realised he was touching himself too.
I slid my hand inside my shorts and my fingers were instantly wet with my juices which made me moan.
“Are you wet for me?”
“mmmm uh huh”
“put a finger inside 

. Please”
“Now two”
“I wish it was your hand”
“Me too, I’d like to do that and feel you thrusting against my hand”
His voice was so deep and raw with need. My body was already starting to tremble and I could make out the sound of his hand moving on his cock. I’m sure he could hear the sound of my fingers moving in and out and around my folds too.
“Are you touching your clit yet?”
“not yet”
“rub slow circles round it, that’s what I’ll do”
I squealed as I touched it, it wasn’t going to take much more, the atmosphere was electric.
“I’ll circle round and round slowly with my finger with your panties on and then with my tongue when I’ve ripped them off. I’ll make it grow and grow 
“oooh god, yes”
“And then I’ll put my whole mouth over and suck til you
“Afgggggh fuck I’m coming”
“Me too shit uggggh”
For several minutes I was just lying there panting, my hand over my face
“can I see you?”
“OK” I flicked the camera back on and lay looking into his eyes
“I can’t believe we just did that, I’ve never done anything like that before”
He was chuckling
“first time for everything! I’m leading you astray, sorry”
“No it was ...”
Night night, sleep tight”
“you too”
He kissed his fingers and blew me a kiss – his signature move – and we hung up.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles  
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allie1804-fan · 5 years ago
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No7
Warnings : Smut
New Beginnings 1  2  3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  12
New Beginnings Baby Drabble
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No2
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No3
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No4
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No5
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No6
Emily and Keanu sank onto the sofa at 9pm after a long Saturday as a family which had started for them at around 6.30am.
This was the earliest bedtime they had managed so far for Jonathan and they were pleased to have just a little energy to stay up and enjoy time alone after so many evenings of colicky crying or Jonathan being attached like a limpet to Emily’s breast until he went to sleep. They’d been trying to get Jonathan to go to sleep without feeding him to sleep and this was the first evening where it seemed to have worked. They hadn’t heard a peep out of him for 20 minutes.
Emily snuggled into Keanu’s side, his arm  loosely draped around her.
“glass of wine?” he offered
“No thanks – you can but I know I’ll just fall asleep right away if I do. I’m happy to just be here without a baby attached to me!”
He gave her a little squeeze
“yeah I guess that must get pretty intense for you, huh?”
“ah huh”

“I hope you don’t mind if I wanna take his place and errr get attached to you myself”
Emily chuckled
“No, I think I could handle that, sweetheart”
She turned her face upwards towards his and gave him a little peck on the lips.
He returned her kiss softly, tentatively, gazing into her eyes. Seeing her eyes twinkle a bit he pushed his lips more firmly against  hers and she opened to him, letting him push his tongue inside and probe her mouth. They both moaned with pleasure not having had more than a cuddle and the odd chaste kiss for the  2 months since Jonathan was born. There just hadn’t been time, energy or much inclination as a result.
As their tongues twirled together, the kiss became more heated and Keanu started to slowly ease Emily down to lie on her back her head against one of the sofa cushions. Her arm snaked around him and her fingers gripped his neck, rubbing against the soft skin she loved behind his ear while their bodies pressed together, heat rising in them both.
They broke to catch their breath and Keanu raised his head as his hand went down to the waist of her trousers.
“Is this OK?, I mean, are you ready?”
She  smiled back at him
“I’ll tell you to stop if anything hurts but let’s just try, I need this, we need this”
With that he wormed his hand under her sweat pants and panties and burrowed his fingers between her folds which he found were already slick with arousal.
“Feeling needy honey?” he smirked.
“You can talk!” she laughed, rubbing her leg against his erection.
“touche” he admitted burrowing his face into her shoulder moaning.
After that, they made light work of removing each others’ pants and underwear and Keanu bent his head down to gently lick her folds, wanting to make sure she didn’t look sore at all before making love.
Emily didn’t let him stay there for long, letting her need be known by tugging on his arms to come back up to her.
He sank inside her so so gently, making her love him even more for the care he was taking of her. When he was fully inside, she raised her hips wanting movement.
“wait, wait” he muttered, “I’m not going to last very long! I need a minute”
He calmed his breathing against her shoulder before lifting his head and starting to move
Emily nodded biting her bottom lip as his thick member rubbed against her entrance, providing a delicious friction over her g-spot.
She soon started an incantation of “oh gods” as her orgasm rushed towards completion.
“Is that it, am I on it?”
“Yes, yes, yes” she cried
“oh fuck yeah” was his response  - as predicted he wasn’t going to last long and he came hot and heavy inside her before collapsing on top of her, head resting on her shoulder.
Afterwards they lay resting, snuggled on the sofa in each other’s arms.
“Should I have done that? Come inside you I mean?”
“Technically probably not I guess. I mean there is a chance I could get pregnant but I’m still breastfeeding so the chances are lower. Also we weren’t exactly super fast last time so hey, let’s not worry about it OK? Let’s go to bed. That sex was as good as any sleeping tablets I know!
He chuckled and got up himself before scooping her up and carrying her up to bed.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @donakamark @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles  @keandrews @paintmekala @jessicajones616
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allie1804-fan · 4 years ago
Please Assist Me (Epilogue)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Chapter 10 , Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 , Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23 , Chapter 24 , Chapter 25
 Warnings: Finishing this story off with more fluff!
She Said
Monday 2nd September 2024.
I sneaked out of bed at 6.30 and went through to Eva’s room   - as promised she was already awake and I sent my grown up girl (now 12) downstairs as planned to start the coffee, warm up a croissant and set out two trays – a breakfast tray and a gift tray. Then, I went through to Miguel, always more of a sleepy head, to start the process of waking him.  Hopefully when the time came for us to go back into our room to wake the birthday “boy”, he would be awake  and through being a morning grump - how he was already behaving like a teenager at 10 was a mystery to me!
Finally I went into Emma who I knew would most likely be playing with one of her sound effect story books already. She was 3 months away from her 3rd birthday and sleeping in a big girl bed but she rarely got up independently, preferring to play quietly until one of us went into her.
“Hey cutie pie, you all ready for Daddy’s birthday?” She looked up and beamed at me, her dark hair sticking up at crazy angles – in that respect and many others she was a daddy’s girl! 
By 10 to 7 we were ready to rock and roll and that was vital since it was a school day – the world didn’t stop simply because it was Keanu Reeves’ 60th birthday!
He Said
I awoke on 2nd September 2024 to what had become a family tradition since we’d all lived together. The kids and Sophia would make a breakfast tray and bring me coffee and a croissant and one or two gifts as well as singing me happy birthday. They would start softly if I was still sleeping, the volume rising to raucous as soon as they knew I was awake! The previous year had been the best since then my birthday had fallen on a Saturday and we’d all slept in, but this year had to be early with the older kids having to go to school and Emma would be in nursery.
Eva held the breakfast tray and Miguel the one with the presents while Emma jumped up and down, holding onto a helium balloon with the number 60 on it and shouting “Happy burpday Daddy!”  
Her enthusiasm and energy still surprised me  -  her early entry to the world had imprinted on me a sense that she was a little more delicate than the others. She’d been born at 37 weeks and spent a couple of weeks in the NICU helping her lungs develop better causing Sophia and I a period of worry that went on far beyond that time in the unit. However since she’d turned 2, she seemed to have caught up on the growth charts and her respiratory issues had settled. She was a little firecracker and seemed to have inherited quite strong traits from each of our parents - the Hawaiian from my dad and the Mexican from Sophia’s dad.  I was sure she’d grow to be a real beauty and that I’d end up being even more protective of her in her teens!
Sophia sat down on the side of the bed and gave me a big kiss – to Miguel’s disgust – he started his vomiting noises right away.
Eva scolded him
“You should be glad they love each other – much better than parents who argue all the time!”
She had a wise head and I know her comment came from the experience of Sophia and Javier splitting up as well as several of her school friends whose parents had gone through divorce. She would always report into us when this happened and I could tell that she was checking in on us too, just to make sure she had nothing to worry about.  When I went away for a shoot, she always made sure she knew the call schedule and rarely missed her chance to check in with me whereas Miguel would not drag himself off his Xbox if he was mid game!
“Ok everyone, let’s get this party started”, I said, sitting up in bed so the trays could be presented.  I handed one of the gifts to Emma to unwrap and the other to Miguel. You two unwrap so I can have my breakfast OK?” This was another tradition we had started though Miguel was getting a little old for it by now but he took part with good will. Sophia had brought me a new blue scarf to replace the one she’d bought me in Christmas 2019 that I’d since sadly lost. The children had opted for a couple of devices for me to attach to my bike and car keys that I could whistle to locate them!
  She Said
It was 10.30 and we’d only been back in the house for about 30 minutes after doing the school and nursery runs. I lay back on the bed, beads of sweat on my brow and chest.
“Ok, you win, you’ve proved your point!”
“And that is?”
“That there is no decrease in performance  as you move from one decade into another!”
“Thank you, I’m very glad to have proved my point”  Keanu said grinning. “I love all our birthday traditions, but that is the best of them all”
“Mmmmm” I murmured, nuzzling into his chest, feeling sleepy already.
“Love you old man!”  
“Love you too, my cheeky chiquitita”
 @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithk’eanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles @bitchyslut99
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