#kdjs thank you for the confession i enjoyed it so much
littlegoldfinchh · 2 years
confession time: never have I ever seen the twilight movies but I still think it’s the simultaneously the best and the worst thing ever created. read the books while having a massive fever and now I’m not sure if I hallucinated half of what I remember about it.
Tbh everything you think you've read in those books are absolutely in the books, it's been like. 10? Years since i read them myself so my memory is more than hazy but yeah twilight is very wild
HOWEVER i do recommend watching the movies!! They are SO iconic, especially the first one (I've seen it so many times i basically memorized the dialogues lol)
You are absolutely right, twilight is the best AND the worst thing ever created. Embrace the madness that comes with watching the movies and just have fun💖
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kdj-225 · 1 year
Hellooooooo :DDD
It's me :DDD
Would you write something about alpha!YJH x beta!KDJ if you write ABO? 🥺
If not, maybe smthn with Joongdok and Biyoo? 🥰
Thank you for opening asks!! ❤️❤️❤️
here you go!! it's short, but I hope you like it even a lil bit! 🥰💜💜
“I don’t know why they still bother confessing when everyone knows you’re taken.”
Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t say anything, though his expression was enough to show his annoyance at Han Sooyoung’s nosiness.
Eighteen, and yet, adulthood couldn’t come sooner. There were still the undeniable shackles of high school education before he could properly work; in addition, he had to deal with the unnecessary socialization that came with it.
He just didn’t understand why people kept confessing to him when he was firm, time and again, on the fact that he isn’t interested. It had nothing to do with looks, fame, personality, or gender preferences—he just didn’t want anyone in that way. Not when he already has a pack of his own, and not when he already has his hands full with a particularly stubborn beta who couldn’t seem to keep away from trouble.
“Right, there’s Lee Seolhwa,” chimed a familiar voice, its owner popping out from the corner he’d been hiding in.
Speak of the devil.
Kim Dokja, shameless with his own eavesdropping, smiled that vapid smile of his as he looked to the distance where his recent admirer had bade their embarrassed farewells. Then he looked to Joonghyuk, mouth opening as if to say something, until he got interrupted by a harsh smack on the arm from one frustrated Han Sooyoung.
“Hey,” Dokja complained. He made a show of looking pitiful as he rubbed his arm, and half-way succeeded into looking pathetic. “There’s no need to be so violent, is there?”
“Only if you stop being an unnecessary matchmaker, Kim Dokja,” Sooyoung retorted, jabbing a finger against Dokja’s chest. “You’re lucky you’re a beta so you don’t have to deal with Joonghyuk’s stench as much, but it’s all. Over. You. Do you think I enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself—”
“Enough,” Joonghyuk cut in, grabbing Sooyoung’s wrist and lowering it before she could poke at Dokja again. “And there’s no such thing.”
“Tell that to my Alpha nose, Yoo Joonghyuk,” Sooyoung sneered.
“Your dysfunctional nose, you mean.”
“Why you—!”
“You’d have his scent too if not for the fact that your Alpha scent is strong enough to drown his out,” Dokja pointed out. He was unabashed in mentioning it, even when both Sooyoung and Joonghyuk gave him equally murderous glares in response. “You hang out with us just as much. I only have his scent from proximity.”
“...that’s how it is when you sleep in the same bed, huh?”
“Please stop making things up that people might misunderstand.”
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