zahraguillory · 4 years
In Those Final Moments
TW: Parental loss Closed Thread Takes place during the Eclipse Song: On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter (Spotify Link)
“Call them.”
The weak, raspy words of her Mother sounded in the tense quiet of the harshly lit room. The ladies-in-waiting who were tending to the Queen grew still as they glanced toward Zahra who stood by the window. Though a talisman hung around her neck, she could still feel the approach of the eclipse; the pressure of it against her own light-based magic was a nauseating sensation in the pit of her stomach. She suspected that it might not be there at all if she was wearing a new talisman instead of an old family heirloom, but. . . she hadn’t been able to go to Hathelyon since leaving it before the masquerade at Glasswater Palace. Of course, there was speculation amongst those at the Magaesterium that this eclipse was more powerful than any other in history. It was something that magus would eagerly be seeking to verify at towers around Vailar. She’d been one of them, anticipating the approach of this moment — she’d even been working on a device meant to help them take measurements — only to now not be able to take part.
Yet another lost dream. . .
Pushing the selfish thoughts aside as guilt overtook her, Zahra turned now to motion for one of the servants to fetch the other children. There was still a great deal unknown about Thoefëa, but one of its unusual qualities was an awareness of time. The hours, minutes, seconds until the end were something her mother said she was always aware of in the back of her mind. Other details of the experience were gathered by the alchemist though they would never be able to share them. Already the only people who knew what had been done were her, her mother, the Alchemist, and — soon enough — a thief named Oggy. And soon enough. . . her mother would be gone.
Zahra felt like a hardwood tree dying from Heart Rot as she watched her siblings come and go. The lot of them were still grieving for the losses they’d suffered barely two months prior at Glasswater, and now. . .
They were losing their only other parent.
Nothing felt right in the world anymore.
Zahra felt the tears slide down her cheeks though did nothing to draw attention to them. It was her place as the eldest, and future Queen, to remain strong. To ignore the rot of grief eating at her heart and making her feel unstable, and weak, as if a breeze could break her apart. As the last of her siblings withdrew, Zahra turned to approach the bed. They’d already said their goodbyes, but she intended to sit by her mother’s side until that final moment.
Her mother might be dying, but there was strength in that command that made Zahra stop.
“You are not going to stay here and watch me. . .” There was a pause before she continued, “That is a command from your Queen and your Mother. The alchemist and Ichika will remain, and will come to you when I’ve gone.”
Zahra wanted to argue with her. The thought of not getting to soak in every last second possible was gut-wrenching. This was not the time to be disobedient nor rebellious. She glanced toward Ichika who gave a reassuring nod. The woman had been a lady’s companion to her stepmother when she was a noble daughter and went with her when she ran off to marry a commoner, and had followed her as she became the wife of a Queen as well. It was fitting that her mother would want to spend those last moments hearing stories of her beloved wife as the attack on Glasswater had taken away the opportunity for them to spend their last days together. The other ladies-in-waiting departed in silence.
“I. . . I l-love you, M-m. . .” Zahra felt herself choke on the simple word ‘mother’ as her body shook with a sob, and she turned quickly to flee the room before she broke down.
“And I you, Zahra. . . my sweet girl.”
As the eclipse came to an end, there was a knock on the door of Zahra’s suite. Wiping a face red and blotchy from crying, she called out hoarsely, “You may enter.”
Ichika stepped inside, the look on her still face speaking for her.
“Th-thank you, Ichika. C-could you let the clergy know?”
The woman gave a nod and departed, and within the half hour bells would ring out from the Basilica of Eshvar: 3 in rapid succession to let it be known that a Queen had passed. The funerary process would begin now.
Zahra sucked in a breath though as the next 2 rings followed a short time later to announce a new Queen.
As the sun began to reclaim its rightful place in the sky its rays lit upon the crown Ichika had left upon her bed. . .
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Location: Glasswater
When: Festival
Who: Open Starter
I should not have done this. I should not have done this. 
Keeva followed the flow of the crowd as she wound through the streets lined with vendors. There were SO. MANY. PEOPLE. The smells and the sounds were nearly overwhelming. Another festival goer brushed passed, nearly knocking Keeva’s hood down. 
Shit. I definitely should not have done this. But there is still so much here I have not seen.
She quickly spotted a cart selling flower crowns and masks. Picking a lavender mask with white lace over the eyes, and a lavender and sage flower crown, she quickly exchanged what little coin she carried for her makeshift disguise. She quickly slipped into a side ally and donned her new festival garb. She checked her reflection in a nearby puddle. 
Not bad. They would probably think I’m an elf as long as they aren’t too intrusive. The horns blend in with the crown well enough. 
Keeva wandered back out into the thoroughfare. A strange sense of freedom filled her now that her dark cloak was no longer needed. She had told her tribemates that she was going to hunt the outskirts of the nearby forests and had slipped into the city to see the festivities. Not her best decision she would admit. Not even an okay decision. In fact, probably one of her worst decisions. But she was here and committed to at least seeing some of the city. Now if she could find something that looked both interesting and free.
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Maybe I should ask someone, this disguise should work as long as the conversation is quick and they don’t notice my hands.
She turned to a passerby.
“Excuse me. Do you know the festivities well?”
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Hour after hour, the skies slowly darken over the world of Vailar. Once every five hundred years, a heavy, world engulfing eclipse occurs. Dragons take to their nests, their caves, their burrows, and those that choose to live in dragonkin form often find refuge in temples or magaesteriums. Those that don’t, they make easier targets.
Those with magic feel their powers waning and drained. The effects vary from individual to individual, some bounce right back once the eclipse is done, others it may take a week or two. And there are others still, others who remember the last time the eclipse happened, others who have studied at magaesteriums, who have totems enchanted to counteract and negate the draining effects of the eclipse.
Over the course of twenty four hours, the sun is entirely blacked out by Vailar’s moon. The entire event seems magical in itself and few have made guesses as to why the moon’s orbit seems to take longer on this fateful day. And every one of those guesses were wrong.
Across the world though, it is common to feel lethargic in general, the sun is energizing and the moon is peaceful. So one might feel a bit more drained, a bit more lazy than usual. However, others, like those with umbrakinesis who dwell in darkness and shadow, might feel a bit more energized or erratic.
Eclipse Event:
The event will be “live” for a month. So from 9/4 - 10/2 you can start posts pertaining to the event. You can of course keep your current threads and after wards you can continue threads for the event. But after 10/2 you won’t be allowed to start new posts regarding the eclipse.
In game, it’s been roughly two months since the attack on Glasswater that happened in the beginning of their summer, the eclipse is happening toward the end of their summer now.
This specific total eclipse happens roughly every 500 years, the moon circling Vailar takes roughly half the day for its entire transit of the sun, the most pronounced of which lasts for roughly four to five hours. (While the moon is totally eclipsing the sun).
Many have used the eclipse over the millennia as a source of power for rituals.
Some say magic goes a little haywire during the different eclipses, and there were reports the last time this one transited that many were left without magic or a weakened form of their magic for days, to weeks.
Magic being what it is though always returns, even if it takes a long while, as it’s part of the natural ebb and flow of the planet.
Dragons seem to be particularly affected, acting lethargic or weak during the eclipse, some having the opposite effect where they become overloaded with power and feel like they need some sort of release.
Most of the magaesterium locations as well as magic tutors have specific wards built into different rooms to counteract the effects of the eclipse (though not the coming ritual).
The rebellion’s plans:
They intend to use the eclipse to cast a worldwide ritual.
Most of the rebels involved directly will be at their base in the Black Keep, spending the day chanting and channeling their magic into an artifact that can supposedly redirect magic.
The intent of the ritual is to drain the magic from dragons and magic users all over the world, and redirect it into members of the rebellion.
For members of the rebellion who want to be indirectly involved, they have been given a token to wear somewhere on their person that will block their magic from being affected.
The outcome:
The ritual will ultimately fail as you cannot take someone’s magic or give it without the express consent of both parties.
However, the outcomes of everyone’s task threads will determine if either side gleans that insight and also, how badly magic users are affected in the coming days/weeks after the eclipse.
Magic also tends to act erratically during changes in natural phenomenon and new magics begin popping up in different people throughout the world. (These would be available to new players, existing ones wouldn’t be able to change or add them):
Added to telempathy: The ability to influence others’ emotions around them.
Magic Negation: The ability to negate magic in an area around yourself (limited to roughly 50 yards)
Teleportation: Literally nightcrawler.
Illusion Magic: The ability to create illusions, constructs, etc.
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jhaantris · 4 years
The front of Jhaan’s long blonde hair hung over the asymmetrical mask he had chosen to wear to this masquerade. It covered over the right side of his face well, at least onto his cheekbone, whereas on the left side it tapered off on his brow, leaving his eye and everything below it open. A statement, some might say. Though Jhaan would say it was entirely practical. He wanted an unimpeded view of the people who were walking around the ball. It wouldn’t be shocking if some rider had their guard down, and he wanted to notice it if it ever happened.
As his eyes scanned the masks and the costumes of the assemblage of party goers his vision settled on a singular woman. One wearing black, which only brought out the ashen white of her hair even more. He had seen her once or twice before, near the entrance and at the beginning of the party, though she had been accompanied by a similar looking man. She seemed to have shaken him off by now though, as she stood alone, a singular bird unwittingly waiting for the approach and the attack of the oncoming fox. As soon as the thought had entered his mind, it left, his mind clearing as he strode towards the woman who he had become so taken by.
“My lady... may I be so honored as to dance with the most striking woman on the night?” He questioned as he reached her, his hand offered out to her, his eyes locked onto hers, a slight dare of challenge dancing behind his green-brown irises as he waited for a response.
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aaliyadhavale · 4 years
Smoke and Fire (The Rebel Attack)
After dancing and socializing for hours, Aaliya heads to the gardens to take a breath. The Glasswater garden is a beautiful tended garden, filled with blooming flowers and soft, delicate fragrances. She sits down on a stone bench, her bare legs tickled by the long grass. She looks up to the dark sky, littered with thousands of stars and the bright moon. It is a beautiful night, a night of festivities, a night full of dreams... Until it turns into a dark night full of nightmares.
There is a blinding flash like sheet lightning and a fiery ball of yellow flames. Life stops in an instant. The orchestra has played its last note, the partygoers have danced their last dance. Windows shatter. Smoke and fire rush out. The shock waves are so powerful that Aaliya is thrown hard on the floor, her head hitting the edge of a fountain. She looses consciousness for a second and wakes up at the screams of people seeking refuge in the gardens, at alarms blaring at a distance. Her ears are ringing from the explosion, her vision is blurry and her head hurts like never before. She has no idea what happened. She tries to get up, but she finds it difficult to find her balance as she is pushed down by people running past her. A strong arm suddenly grasps her waist, pulling her along the running crowd.
“What's happening?” she asked, dazed.
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valarrthewanderer · 4 years
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vixenandviper · 4 years
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Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
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She never seemed shattered. She was a breathtaking mosaic of the battles she’d won.
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arvascorned · 4 years
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Arvasdarr The Bright Scorned - Masquerade
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Samhain Event
For the night is dark and we’ve seen too much terror this year so let’s have a chilled out event.
Thank you guys for being part of the rp for the past almost six months. November 15th will officially mark our six month anniversary. I didn’t want to drop a Halloween/fall event with too much plot as we’re moving over to the forums but I did want to do something as a thank you and a send-off to our tumblr home. It’s going to be really basic and no lore related plots will drop but have fun with it!
The event will last until Nov 15th, when we officially move over to jcink for good.
It’s fall festival/Samhain related, so go wild with what your character does.
Some things to possibly to: bonfires, passing out small gifts to other characters, burning candles in jack-o-lanterns, performing small rituals to “help spirits pass on to the After”, generally drinking around fires with friends/family and having a good time. Feel free to come up with costumes and do photo collages, etc for your characters as well.
The only other thing I ask is that threads are wrapped up by the 15th or really close to it so we can start fresh.
I hope you guys have enjoyed your time in the Kingdom Come rp so far, and I’m really excited to finish moving everything over and open the forums and start exploring the world there with you guys!
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zahraguillory · 4 years
Stillness Amidst Chaos
Open Starter
Location: Refugee Camp
TW: Loss(parental, familial, sibling, children) (note: don’t have to match; only have to respond to the part at the refugee camp really lol sorry, got a little long)
“The Glasswater Masquerade? Why must I attend this year?”
It was well-known that every year the Elysi Royal Family, the Stonewards, threw a glorious party out of Glasswater Keep. It was a festive occasion to celebrate a season of life just after the Spring Festival itself. Of course, every year the invitations made their rounds and the prestigious families, whether of nobility or royalty, made decisions about how to represent themselves at the gathering. Zahra had been lucky in the years since her sister Fatima, the Crown Princess, had started a family to not have to attend any royal function unless she chose. For the most part, she usually went to the masquerade — it was an opportunity to showcase a new, and daring, outfit to outdo the year before — but this year her projects at the Rashmi Citadel were starting to accumulate and the chance to work on them in peace would be nice. The plan was to sail for Amrit, settle in her little cottage in Lata, and put her nose to the grindstone.
Until now.
“Your mother would like you there. If it’d be more amenable, you can consider your attendance to be as a representative of the Magaesterium Council.”
The suggestive note in her stepmother’s voice did not go unnoticed. Misaki had always known how best to soothe the rebellious voice inside Zahra’s head. Though there was also something else in her stepmother’s eyes that made her feel this was more important than just wanting her to be there. Sighing, she acquiesced to the pressure.
The ball was loud, as usual. People were twirling on the dance floor in an array of colors. The outfit she’d worn this evening would definitely have tongues wagging as it’d surpassed last year's outfit which pleased Zahra greatly. The crescent moon cloak she wore was open down the middle to reveal the front of her nearly sheer lilac gown as she stood just outside of the ballroom doors enjoying some fresh air, and a glass of wine, after finishing two back-to-back dances. Little tendrils of amethyst hair had escaped the elaborate, thick braid and a lacquered black nail was used to tuck them back behind an ear. Something glinted off the starry artwork painted on her nail, pulling her gaze toward it just a second before the world turned upside down.
Something slammed into her from behind. Ears ringing, screams seeming to come from everywhere as her palms scraped against cool stone. Managing only to crawl just a couple feet in the direction of the ballroom when something struck her on the head. . .  and the lights went out.
Glimpses of chaos and horror. That’s all Zahra remembered by the time they made it to the refugee camp. Blood matted hair coated in debris and dust against the side of her head, staining her dress and cloak in various places, heels lost to the rubble as she fought her way through — not just for herself though — to get out alive. The blood wasn’t all her own. No, some of it was from the injured and the dead. Some of it from the enemy. Some of it. . .
Brown eyes stared down at the two figures laid out before her, their too young faces covered in a mixture of dust, blood, and tears. She’d tried so hard to save her niece and nephew; just young children of 18 and 17 with their whole lives ahead of them. Sweet Alix-Mari and Javed had been terrified when she found them. ‘Everything will be alright, I promise’ she’d said to them, but had failed. How would she explain this to her sister and brother-in-law when they were found? If they were found. And where were her own mothers? Zahra sat there barely aware of what went on around her, shaking from trauma and a head injury as she waited for some word of the rest of her family. She couldn’t go home without them.
A hand cautiously touched her shoulder and there was. . . mumbling. Was someone asking her a question?
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Location: South of Glasswater
Who: For @dragcnburned​
When: during the start of festival season.
The warm breeze that threatened to push back Keeva’s hood brought the smell of fresh lavender and bonfires to her nose. The group of wildlings had spent the last few hours settled along a well traveled route south of the City. Festival season meant it was worth sending the few extra bodies to sell pelts and trinkets. Keeva had asked to look after the small group. Not that they needed it, they could defend themselves and it was rare that Keeva ever needed to step in on their behalf. But she was restless. Wanderlust had settled its way into her chest, not for the first time, but this time she needed travel. 
She meandered now along the edge of the roadway a little ways from the group, gathering flowers and herbs. She couldn’t interact with travelers anyway. Not easily. They were suspicious of anyone not showing their face and Keeva couldn’t risk the exposure. The rumors of the rebellion had grown too worrisome for that. Regardless, the trip was a welcome respite. The weather here was less tepid and she could see the peaks of her former home lining the horizon. 
She smelled the horse’s fear before she heard it. The wind had shifted carrying her scent, foreign, predatory, to a nearby horse bearing one of the many travelers on the road. She heard the exclamation of surprise from its rider, far too close. She knew she wouldn’t have time to move quickly enough to dodge whatever kick or buck of defense was coming her direction. 
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kc-rp · 4 years
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General Info:
After the initial three weeks, you can finish threads just not start new ones.
Here is the write up for the initial attack.
What follows after is essentially chaos all across Glasswater.
The main explosion itself is concentrated on the center of the ballroom and explodes outwards to the front of the palace. It takes out much of the ballroom and entrance and into the second story and leaves rubble all over the front lawn of the palace.
Throughout the city, several other areas were attacked at the same time, including hospitals, businesses, the library/city square, and a few notable person’s homes (admin’s note: if your character is a nobility and you want their home being attacked, message either of the admins and let us know).
After the initial attack, rebels take to the streets, their goal is to flush out and capture as many dragons as possible who might be in their dragonkin form and easier to subdue. They’ve come armed with enchanted and poisoned weapons that would begin the process of blood binding to a dragonkin and weaken them, enabling them to be captured and taken away.
Many of the rebels are attacking fleeing nobility and their posses, with goals differing from the ones aimed at dragons, they want to take as much as they can from the ‘ruling class’.
Outside of Glasswater in most if not all of the larger cities, there are people disappearing from notable cities. It is unclear if they’re being kidnapped, killed, or fleeing.
There are smaller attacks that are happening across the world as well, though nowhere near the scale as the attack on Glasswater.
If you would like a specific plot for your character, please bring your ideas to the admins and we’ll work it in.
Also, if you would like your character to be injured/kidnapped/etc please let us know. Or a character related to yours too, and we’ll work it into the summary after the event.
Once the official reminder goes out, please don’t create any more masquerade threads, though you are welcome to continue those or wrap them up however you see fit.
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kc-rp · 4 years
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The smell of brimstone and electricity hung in the air,
the palace and the city in chaos. The sounds of screaming and crying, the smell of death and flame and magic falls upon Glasswater Keep. And somewhere in the world, a shadowy figure laughs at their accomplishment.
     “To all ends, hellfire and magic. There is no greater justice than this for a person... a people scorned. A new domain will rise. My kingdom come. My empire will move.”
     Beginning today (5/19) with this post, all players can begin posting about the events regarding the rebel attacks, focused mostly in Glasswater, but the kidnappings and/or people going missing from other cities as well.      Just as a reminder here are the links to the logistics post as well as the plotdrop itself:
Logistics Post
     The event will be open for new threads for three weeks and after that, you can continue threads just not create new ones.
     Please come to the admins if you have any questions, and have fun!
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aaliyadhavale · 4 years
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The Gown of the Ocean Princess
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Announcing our first event!
The Spring Festival.
Welcome players!
General Rules:
The event will be ‘live’ for two weeks. That means you can start threads pertaining to the event for the next two weeks and after that you can still reply in existing threads and finish them up but please don’t start new ones pertaining to the event after it ends.
You can absolutely create normal threads for the next two weeks as well but why not take the opportunity to do something outside the norm for your character?
Feel free to make up traditions and festivals that aren’t included in the list below. We’d love to see your ideas come to life as well!
As this is our first event and we’ve just opened, you can pause on “normal” activities until after the event, or begin regular threads. It’s up to you guys.
Event Traditions:
This event is the spring festival and all across the world of Vailar people gather to celebrate the height of spring and the coming of summer.
The event is an amalgamation of Beltane/Mayday/Midsummer so all of the traditions that go along with those can apply.
Most larger towns and many homes in smaller villages will decorate the streets with flowers, branches, ribbons and flags. Different flowers or branches or plants will invite in different spirits or repel others, depending on what they want.
Many people will roll out picnics and have feasts in the courtyards or town squares, especially as the winter chill is finally starting to leave and the warm spring air is heating up even more for summer. There are fresh barrels of ale and whiskey and cheese wheels the size of children to honor the sun gods. People will thank the different gods and goddesses for their meals and spring harvests.
In many of the larger cities, merchants will line the streets and will set up shop in the town centers and they’ll decorate their booths to match the holiday. There will even be maypoles set up in the town squares and people will dance around them.
Theater and comedy troupes and musicians and bands will hold plays and concerts and shows all around the different kingdoms.
At night, bonfires will light up the sky and you’ll be able to find people frolicking in the forests and fields, having all sorts of spring awakenings.
During the festival, larger cities will hold tournaments, and in Glasswater, the largest tournament is held leading up to the masquerade ball the Stonewards host every year.
The tournament includes jousting and swordfighting and archery. It even includes mud wrestling for the more adventurous knights.
Many ladies and lords will give out ‘favors’ to their chosen knights, either a flower in their chosen color, or ribbons to tie into their armor or around their weapon.
All of this will culminate in either large feasts hosted by noble families, or the masquerade ball in Glasswater Keep. The ball will be a separate event following this one and more information will be available regarding that closer to then.
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