kc-rp · 4 years
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     It’s about time I made an official announcement. This is something that I debated since I first started working on the rp in its current inception. We’re taking the Kingdom Come roleplay to jcink.
     After all of the issues with tumblr’s updates and just bugs in general, and the dip in activity, I thought it was the perfect time to give the roleplay a better home. Tumblr has been an amazing platform for a great many things but with every update it seems to become less and less user and specifically roleplay user friendly. It also tends to foster faster paced and less lore-heavy rp which is enjoyable and fun, but doesn’t always fit with the vision I had for my roleplay.
     With that in mind, I’ll be making changes to the tumblr slowly to get it ready to close the gates and I’ve been steadily working on the forum to get it ready to have everyone move over. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be giving more info and updates and tutorials of a sort on how to use jcink for all of our current players and anyone who would still like to join us on the new platform.
     I also want to say thank you to all of my players who have made this rp a success so far and I’m really excited to see what we can do in our new home!
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kc-rp · 4 years
     Since there is a big event coming up this weekend, we wanted to remind you guys to bring anything that might affect more than your character or your thread partner’s characters to the admins.
For example:
Any lore about a noble house that might change the way that house is viewed by others.
Any items or events that would affect the world setting, lore, and characters beyond the two in your thread.
Anything that would possibly derail and/or speed up or slow down world plots.
     A lot of tumblr RPs often use  'sandbox style' game plots, where Players get very minimal background and lore, but that isn’t this RP game. The Mods want to hear your ideas and work them into the game, especially given how cool and interesting your ideas might be.  But they might need caveats or tweaking to fit with the game lore.  That's where the Mods come in to help make your ideas happen.
     Also make sure you talk with your thread partner about things going on in the thread. Consent is paramount to roleplay.
     We don’t need Players to bring absolutely everything to us.  Example: if there’s something that just affects your character and/or the person in your thread and only them, that's fine.
      However beyond that, even if you think it's a minor addition to the lore, just let us know first.  No question is too small or insignificant.  Please bring all ideas, plots, and lore to us.
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