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Hello senpai! How are you? Hope you doing good!! 🤗 Here I am, to request Aomine's scenario when his wife calls him to meet her at their favorite place (it's up to you) only to tell him that she's pregnant.. At first Daiki feel her is about to tell something bad but wrong hehehe.. Thankss
Hello my dear! I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to write this… But I really hope it’s to your liking!! > o
Aomine had just finished an important meeting, dealing with the biggest case of his career, and he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly anxious. He’d think speaking in front of thirty fellow officers would make his stomach twist in knots, their stares a mix of awe, curiosity and animosity. But no, that did not make him blink twice.
The phone call from you, however, has him wired.
You’d asked him to meet you at the public park, on the very bench he’d asked you out on your first date.. The very same spot he’d asked you two years ago to be his wife..
His wife….
The knots in his stomach slowly settle as the image of you in that gorgeous white dress invaded his mind. The frown, deep and furrowed in worry, slowly melts into a soft smile when you walked down the aisle to meet him. To become his for the rest of your lives..
Aomine stops then, slightly out of breath from running, and watches with wonder, as you sit at the very bench where your entire lives changed… How you two had been inseparable since high school.. Wind tousles your hair, and despite the slight autumn chill, your expression never changes.
He takes this moment to switch his view, wondering what had caught your attention. There was a small family; a mother, father, and two children, running around the field. When he takes a closer look, he sees the mother has a third child, sleeping quietly within her arms, at peace.. Protected..
His heart skips a beat, turning his attention back towards you, only to feel his eyes widen.He’s not sure what the reason is for your sudden change, but he doesn’t hesitate. He finds himself running to your spot, cupping your cheeks between his hands as he begins assessing you.
You don’t know what to make of his reaction, startled by his presence alone. But you find his collective gaze causes butterflies to dance in your stomach, and a smile to grace your lips.
“It’s nice to see you, Dai-chan…”
He pauses, wiping away the tears from your cheeks with his fingers, before pressing soft kisses in their place. A blush erupts on your skin from his open affection, small giggles filling the silence. Your hand finds his, lacing your fingers together as you pull him onto the bench.
“Is everything okay, ____?”
Aomine watches as you crawl onto his lap, uncaring of his police uniform and bury your face in his neck. Out in public, he usually stiffens or gets nervous, but the only attention on him is from you, and he finds himself at peace. His left arm wraps around you, lightly massaging your sides as he plants a kiss to your forehead, uncaring of the world around him.
You don’t answer him for a few minutes, biting your bottom lip as anxiety begins to overwhelm you. Aomine’s presence helps ease it, but you feel the silence starts to bother him, feeling him shift slightly on the bench.
“… I… I went to the doctor today..”
He freezes, though unsure if it’s due to your soft tone or the way your heart beats fast against his chest. He focuses on you, but doesn’t make an effort to speak, in case a noise he doesn’t want to make escapes his throat.
Taking his silence as a cue to continue, you grab his free hand, placing it on your belly as your cheeks burn and eyes begin to fill with tears.
“Daiki…” you whisper, watching the many emotions flicker within those navy hues. “… I.. I’m pregnant..”
He blinks, eyes widening as his mouth opens in shock. No sound comes from him, but you watch his face, trying so hard not to laugh, but also not wanting to cry. You can’t tell what he’s thinking, or if this reaction is good or bad.. But the tightening of his arms around you don’t go unnoticed..
His brain is numb, heart overflowing with emotion and he wants to convey how he feels.. How… happy he is to hear you’re carrying his child.. But everything becomes difficult.. As though he lost all control of his body.
You’re pregnant… With his child…
Just like that, his mouth seeks yours, muffling the gasp from your throat and the whine that leaves his. He feels the tears falling down your cheeks, but pays them no attention, knowing they’re of happiness. His fingers thread through your hair, holding you as close as possible, without hurting you or the baby..
By the time he pulls back, both your cheeks are flushed from lack of oxygen, but his face is lit up like a child’s on Christmas morning. He moves to press one last kiss to your forehead, lingering softly as he inhales your scent, a couple tears escaping his eyes.
You gently wipe it away, moving to cup his cheek as he softly massages your belly, the grin never fading..
“_____…” he whispers, soft and tender, “I fucking love you…. So much..”
You burst out laughing, resting your forehead against his as you collect your thoughts..
“I tell you, I’m pregnant… And the first thing that leaves your lips is curse words…” You sigh softly, before looking at him with mirth, “Oh Daiki… What am I going to do with you?”
At that, his lips turn into a smirk, and stands up fast, feeling your arms wrap around his neck.
“Well… Why don’t I get you home and show you… My darling wife?”
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Anonymous said: Every time I see a new scenario or post by you I do a little happy dance. It means a lot that you are sharing something so personal with us. I know life happens and sometimes it sucks but I want you to know that what you do is very much appreciated! Thank you so much for sharing and thank you so much for being creative!
Thank you so much. I feel selfish but I really needed to hear that. I hope you did not feel pressured whatsoever due to my latest post. I apologize if you do! I really appreciate the kind words, anon, thank you.
Anonymous said: your writing isn't bad :( in fact i practically devour them like treats whenever they pop out on my dash -- it really cheers me up to see you post bc if it's you, then i know i won't be disappointed no matter how bad you think the writing is. idk how to help, but you might want to try those sleepover stuff other blogs do where there's a list of questions and you go back and forth conversing in asks. but i won't force you - just do what seems to be the best for you, okay? *hugs* -cement
Hey Cement, thank you so much for saying that (。•́︿•̀。) You’re such a kind person and I really appreciate you for reaching out to me. I tried sleepovers in the past but it doesn’t really work with the crowd? Like nobody responds, if you get what I mean. On the other hand, I tried self-ship headcanons and it drew a lot of activity. I don’t mean to talk bad about people who participated in the self-ship event thing, but nobody seems to be interested with any event if it doesn’t have to do with KnB (sleepovers are just normal conversation). I’m scared if I do another sleepover it will only be the same as last time, which really makes me feel embarrassed? Nevertheless I will consider it. Thanks so much! *hugs back*
kazuhikonaori said: omg Gab-chin! Don't think like that.. I admit i'm too nervous and confusing to start a good convo with you.. and that doesn't mean you're not good or what.. I always enjoy your writings, especially the Aomine ones lol. So thanks for your hard work and sorry if I'm not good enough as your followers..
Thank you so much for the kind words. I understand the feeling of being too nervous to start a conversation, so it’s okay, and I’m not trying to force anyone to talk to me. Call me selfish, but once in a while I just need to know that my writing is appreciated. I’m sorry to make you feel like you need to apologize for not being good enough as a follower, I don’t think anybody deserves to say that. Thank you!
vball-baes-bball-babes said: Don’t hate you dear, you’re wonderful. I’m sorry you’re feeling so down and I wish I knew the right words to say to help. All I can do is say you’re loved and I’m here if you wanna chat.
Thank you Jade, though I have to admit that it’s easier said than done for me to not hate myself. I’ll try, especially because you encourage me. You already said the right words. Thank you ❤
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Omg Jade, i'm so excited about your AU events! Hopefully your writings could make everyone satisfied like always❤ how about Badboy! Aomine has love hate relationship with nerd girl (reader) she couldn't stand with his bullies anymore so she starts to change her appearance(she has his ideal body type) and he's ask her out? Maybe NSFW because of the sexual tensiom between them.. thanks
A/N: So, after Ifinished this, I realized the only factors I kept of your ask were Aomine as abad boy and the girl as a nerd. I focused more on her irritation with him andhis personality than with him bullying her though he is tactless (as we allknow). Also, because you specified “nerd girl” I do have some common tropeshere purely for the sake of description. Anyone can be a nerd but withoutactual physical pictures, I have to rely on my word choices to paint it.
“And _____-san with Aomine-san,” sensei announces. Thefemale of the equation groans quietly, head smacking against her desk. Glancingaround she’s unsurprised to see the notorious bad boy of Too absent…again. Whyoh why does sensei hate her so? It’s bad enough to have to work on a pairedproject but with Aomine Daiki? The most narcissistic and lazy asshole she’sever met?
The fact that he’s ridiculously gorgeous doesn’t helpmatters either.
After class ends, she’s fortunate enough to come across hispink haired keeper. “Ah, Momoi-san,” she calls garnering her attention.
She smiles brightly, waving. “Hello, ______-san, how areyou?”
“Eh, could be better,” she confesses shaking her head. Thepink haired girl tilts hers with curiosity to the reply but she ignores delvingfurther into her personal problems by getting straight to the point. “Do youknow where Aomine-san is?”
Momoi’s pink eyes widen before a devious smile curls up herlips. “He’s probably on the roof. I know his favorite spot; do you want me totake you to him?”
“That would be great, I don’t have a lot of time.”
The two walk briskly to the stairs heading up. By the time they’vereach the top, Momoi’s companion is breathing a bit heavier, the weight of herbackpack making her wish she’d had the foresight to leave it behind.
“Dai-san!” Momoi calls, voice shrill to impart maximumannoyance to her friend.
“What do you want Satsuki?” Aomine grumbles, blue hairvisible near the edge of the platform upon which he lays.
“_______-san needs to see you! Be nice!” she shouts thenwinks before leaving.
Time passes but Aomine has no intention of getting up. Ifshe wants to talk to him, she can come up here. His arm lays across his eyes toblock the blaring rays of sun but he jolts up at the feel of a shoe kicking thebottom of his own. He hadn’t even heard her climb the ladder.
“What the hell,” he snaps, eyes opening to look up.
Above him stands who he’s dubbed the “nerd girl”. She pushes her glasses up the bridge of hernose in a manner reminiscent to Midorima. “I could ask you the same thing,” shesnaps, eyes hidden behind the glare of her shields. “It’s impolite to keep alady waiting.
“Yeah, well, if you see one around let me know and I’ll makesure to jump right up,” he retorts, satisfied to see a faint blush of what hecan only assume is anger flooding her cheeks. It makes her almost look human.
“You’re an ass,” she asserts. Setting down her bag, sheunzips it and hands him a paper.
“What’s this?” he asks blinking.
“Our paired assignment that we are unfortunately required tocollaborate on. It’s 25% of our grade Aomine-san, so I would appreciate it ifyou don’t dawdle in doing your part.”
The basketball punk scans over the text before scoffing, “Whatis this shit anyway? Tch, I don’t have time to worry about this right now.” Hestands, holding out the paper which she refuses to take.
“I’m not doing your work for you, Aomine-san,” she saysfirmly standing as well, the difference in their height making her swallow her nerves.She’s not exactly afraid of the loomingmale but he definitely has an aura about him that makes her apprehensive.
And she hates herself for noticing the tone of his muscles;she hates it even more that he doesn’t miss that she’s staring.
“Heh, why don’t we compromise, hmmm?” He takes a stepforward but she refuses to retreat so now his chest is almost touching herdecidedly large one. “You handle the assignment,” he murmurs, hand reaching outto play with some loose strands of her hair. “And I’ll handle you.”
Heat floods her face at his insinuation followed byrighteous anger. Her hand moves before she can think, smacking him across theface. “You’re a pig,” she hisses, gathering her bag and storming down theladder. She leaves with a parting, “Meet me at the library at 5:00, we’ll goover the details then,” thrown over her shoulder before the roof door slamsshut. Behind she leaves Aomine fuming.
He’s never backed down or lost a challenge before and he isn’tabout to start now. “The only one whocan beat me, is me,” Aomine mumbles, gathering his belongings.
That evening, she takes a seat in one of the study rooms andwaits. And waits. And waits. Of course, the jerk would be late. When an hourpast their meeting time goes by, a deep boiling anger bubbles up. She isn’tthis person, isn’t one to go off and strike someone, to want to yell and screamat them but Aomine Daiki is decidedly good at getting her dander up. Sheloathes the injustice that someone so pertinacious and self-centeredpractically has the world at his feet just through sheer arrogance andentitlement.
And to top it all off, she knows he’s in a gang, a delinquentthrough and through and yet everyone, including teachers, fall to his feet likehe’s some sort of god!
All because he’s good at basketball.
Ok, so maybe he’s better than good, maybe he is the best,but still, there are more things to life! More things that make people great, makethem valuable and important!
Finally, she’s done waiting, grabbing up her bag and huffingout the doors making a beeline for the gym. It’s unlikely he’s even there givenhis penchant for skipping practice almost as much as he does class but she hasto try. She has to get him to realize she’s not a push over and she’s not apatsy.
Entering, she sees who she knows to be captain and coach ofthe basketball team talking quietly. The squeak of her shoes against the floor announcesher presence and both males turn to look in her direction. “Ah, excuse me,Imayoshi-senpai?” she calls.
His smile makes her shiver a little. “Yes? Can I help you?”
“I…I’m sorry to bother you but, have you seen Aomine-san? Wewere supposed to meet at the library and-“
“Ah, so you’re thereason Aomine-kun was all hot under the collar today,” he asserts making herblink in confusion. Coach murmurs something about grading papers, leaving thebasketball player and flustered student to their own devices. Before she canask him to explain Imayoshi goes on, “Please allow me to apologize for theinconvenience. You see, it’s my fault Aomine-kun just now finished. Course, nowI understand why he didn’t complain as much as he usually does. What a naughtyboy, am I right?”
Deep crimson overtakes her complexion, hands gripping thestrap of her bag tighter. Why is she interpreting his commentary so…lewdly?
Imayoshi, ever observant, is tempted to continue this lineof teasing simply for the pleasure of watching her squirm but he’s tired andbesides; it’s clear this one isn’t interested in him anyway. Shame, she’d befun to break. Shrugging on his own bag, Imayoshi points towards the lockerroom. “He’s in there,” then promptly exits the gym, leaving her to decidewhether to continue waiting.
Taking a seat on the bench, she goes over her notes, mindwandering between what she’s doing and what’s taking Aomine so long. Undoubtedly,he’s done this on purpose, exerting himself as dominant and not one to cater tothe beck and call of others, but he’s never tangoed with someone like herbefore.
“Yo,” his deep voice rumbles jarring her out of herthoughts. Looking up, she swallows the extra saliva that has suddenly appeared thanksto the sight of him shirtless, tribal markings dancing on his broad chest andover sculpted shoulders. A distinct heat erupts between her legs when shenotices his nipples are pierced. How the hell does he play basketball withthose?
“Oh, these? I take them out of course,” he commentsrevealing she voiced the question outloud.
Mortified, she covers her face, a deep groan pulling fromher lips. His presence before her on his knees, face level with hers, makes hersqueak. “You’d better be careful, _______-san, I just may get the wrongimpression if you keep making noises like that.”
Her bosom heaves drawing his eyes downward, his blatantstaring making her entire body hum with apprehension. Raising his eyes to hersonce more he smirks, leaning forward. Heat radiates off his flesh, theirproximity drawing beads of sweat to her brow.
“You know, maybe what you need isn’t a project partner somuch as a…fuck partner?” he murmurs, lips millimeters from hers.
“You’re a pig,” she whispers.
“So you’ve already mentioned. And you’re a bitch, what ofit?” he replies.
“I don’t like you,” she remarks.
“Tch, you think I like you? Hardly. Though despite yourglasses and always wearing cardigans even when it’s fucking hot outside, you’recertainly alluring,” he admits, trailing a heated gaze over her curves.
“This…this can’t…this isn’thappening,” she asserts, willing her brain to work better than her hormones.
“Oh, I beg to differ princess,” he purrs, “I can see youwant me, why continue to deny it? Take the offer, it’s not everyone I’m willingto give all this to.”
She narrows her eyes. “And here I thought I’d figured outhow you got ahead in life, Aomine-san.”
“What’d you mean?”
She shrugs, glad to feel a bit of her senses (other than thehorny ones) returning. “I was racking my brain trying to figure out how youcould possibly still be in school and on the team even though you do nothingcontributory to either. Well, at least in school. I know in basketball you’re secondto none, though I have heard rumors of a certain red head at Seirin thatsupposedly can give you a run for your money.” She shrugs again, tapping him onthe nose. “I just assumed you were a man whore, slutting it up to whomever youneeded. How else would you still be passing your classes?”
“You, self-righteous bitch,” he snaps.
Eyes gleaming behind her glasses, she pushes against his chest,denial clear. Aomine may be a bastard, but he’d never truly force himself onher. He gets up, eyes full of fire.
“I believe that’s round one to me, Daiki-kun,” she purrssashaying her hips as she exits. Turning around, she’s gratified to see evidence of a distinctly firm problem below his waist line. “Tomorrow, after school,5PM, library. Be there.”
When she’s gone, Aomine grabs his basketball and slam dunksit hard enough to shake the rafters. This kitten doesn’t know who she’s dealingwith and Aomine is dead set on turning her hisses into mewls.
A/N: I originally intendedto end this NSFW but the progression changed as I went and I really like howthings ended here with the bad boy being put in his place. I hope you stillenjoyed it!
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Hello admin! 😄 could I get Ushijima sfw and nsfw headcanons as a husband and father? Good luck with your blog!
yes, hi! thank you for the ask submission! I recently just finished haikyu!! and Ushijima literally makes me wet; I’m dripping. anyway, I hope this is to your expectations! I’m sorry it’s not so nsfw ;O
just like his father had taught him, he enjoys the time spent teaching volleyball to his child the most.
his kid hasn’t hit the growth spurt yet and is worried about their future volleyball career, but Wakatoshi recalls that little giant he once fought in his high school career and tells his child not to worry. (secretly hopes he’s nothing like Hinata, lol)
he’s the type of father to quietly keep their eye on their kid while letting the mother take the reins. he’s not one to berate their child, only when he finds it necessary.
he’s also a stern father, but his child/ren love him especially when he plays volleyball because that’s when he’s his best and awesome self. (they brag about his past and present activity in volleyball)
yes big boy is ready for you
after having kids, the two of you spend less time with each other, but he hasn’t forgotten what pleasures you the most and when you do go to bed, be ready for at least three rounds.
his favorite place taking you is on the kitchen island because it’s got reasonable space and the cold tiles help stimulate you more especially when you’re laying on your stomach.
he got caught by his kids once when the two of you were going at it, but calmly told them to look away because he was helping you become stronger in volleyball by pressing pressure points.
he regrets that later because his kids now always ask him how to do it so they can show their friends, too.
#haikyu!!#haikyuu!!#haikyuu#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu headcanons#ushijima wakatoshi#semi-nsfw#sfw#ushiwaka#hq#kazuhikonaori
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*she puffed out her cheeks then began striding towards his direction not realize that she steps into banana peel* hwaaah..
AOMINE: “Clumsy idiot [ shakes his head ]”
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oh sounds interesting, maybe one day you'll post your traditional art in your personal blog? Hehe yeah, I'm agree.. And me myself is good at adoring your and another artist's art 😂😂
Maybe, if I feel like it ;) You’re such a supportive cutie aghhh can I take you home?
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@kazuhikonaori 😂😂😂
themes commonly found in international friendships
- ‘u dont have (insert food/music/restaurant here) over there??’ - ‘wait what time is it. shouldnt u be asleep’ - alternatively: timezoned/clockblocked again - ‘do u need a hug. have a virtual hug’ - weird slang terms - ‘i will fight everyone thats mean to u. i will fight them rn’ - vague embarrassment regarding ur accent - ‘dont maKE ME COME OVER THERE’ - ‘oh yeah i have a friend who lives in (insert country here) and apparently’ - no real hugs :(( - suffering - fahrenheit vs celsius - the measuring of things in feet fucks one of u up, probably
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Tagged by: @knbreactions Thank you! ^-^ Kay so here we go: 1. What's your favourite animal? Ans | A horse, it has always been :) 2. One thing you're afraid of? Ans | Insects are a big no no for me 3. Favourite holiday? Ans | New Zealand please 4. Best gift you've ever received? Ans | My guitar 5. Dancing or Singing? Ans | Oh shit I can't choose 6. Do you like KPOP? Ans | Oh hell yeah BTS is love BTS is life I'd give my all to Jungkook ❤ 7. Dogs or Cats? Ans | Dogs 8. Weird food combination you like? Ans | Mayonnaise on bread 9. Pet peeves? Ans | When anyone's acting like a bitch lmao 10. Fave music genre? Ans | Any pop or rock 11. The sky, ocean, or land? Ans | Skyyy My 10 Questions: 1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how athletic are you? 2. Favourite past time? 3. Favourite Season? 4. Fr all the kpop fans out there, name ur bias fr me to see lol 5. A random fact u know 6. Hardest subject at school? 7. What would you rather be doing rn? 8. Would u change ur name? 9. What are ur thoughts on tattoos? 10. Favourite colour? I tag: @writingknb @hiding-from-senpai @momokitty27 @lizzie-yuki @claireclear06 @charlie-bennet @kurokawahitaki @kazuhikonaori @seijurosempress @shakethatsassyass @kirisaki-daichi-scenarios
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29 and/or 45 with Aomine and fem s/o? Thanksss senpai 😘
Of course i can do this! (I think I used both?? and I hope it was well... ;;)
Aomine always looks so... smug.
Despite what happened earlier, you could feel your anger dissipate just as quickly as it came. Seeing him leaning against the counter, arms crossed and eyes burning with the flame of desire, makes you feel so many things... You want to be mad at him..
But you also want to kiss him stupid, if it means wiping that dumb look off his face.
The tension thickens, and you try to keep up the silent treatment.. But your resolve is slipping, and you only release a sigh.
“Sometimes I really don’t like you”
Something flickers in his eyes, but when you blink, it’s gone and he walks towards you, with a panther-like grace. His arms are on either side of you, effectively pinning you between his body and the counter, a small lump in your throat. He leans forward, lips barely grazing yours, before moving to your ear, breath brushing the sensitive skin.
“Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?”
You stare at him, finding your cheeks flare almost immediately, but you still hold your anger, hoping it was as convincing as you thought. But when his mouth covered yours - rough, bruising and dominant, - you find all resolve slipping, and your nails dig into his back in the same manner..
He always wins, and you always forget what the fight’s about.. At least that stupid look is off his face.
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Omg i love Aomine aesthetic moodboard! Like... you can describe me so well! I love to lazying around, play video games, watch TV! Ahh I love all the pictures in that board 😍
Thank you so much!! I’m glad you can relate even though it was meant to be a general date aesthetic; you fit my headcanons!
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Is it okay if I want to change my KiyoKiyo ask? If you don't mind, I wanna change it with reader insert, where the both of them(Ushiwaka and Ahomine) have a crush on reader-chan? Thanks my lovely💕
Soooooo, this was for the 500 follower crossover celebration…youare a lovebug for being so patient with me taking my sweet ass time and it’snot even that great. So, apologies if this is lame but I hope it isn’t and thatyou like it!
Aomine flashes you a flirtatious grin as he lays up anotherflawless shot.
“Good job, Aomine-kun!” He hears your voice above the din ofthe crowd, his ears finely tuned to the pitch of your voice. He’s pretty surehe’s never fallen this hard for someone before and though he breathesconfidence, the idea of confessing to you makes his chest tighten uncomfortably.He’s not used to feeling doubt.
“Get your head in the game Aomine,” Imayoshi comments lowly.
“Tch, I could win this with my eyes closed by myself,” hesnaps back, running further down the court.
The game ends in Too’s favor, not really surprising anyone.After cooling down and the team meeting, Aomine is out of the locker room, eyeseagerly seeking for your form. But when he finds you, his face sets into aneven deeper scowl than normal. Who the hell is the giant looming over you andwhy do you have that starry look in your eyes?
He quickens his pace, calling out, “Hey, _____-chan!”
You look up, smile just as bright as before and he doesn’tknow whether to feel thankful or irritated that you’re giving him the same lookyou just gave the male standing next to you.
“Aomine-kun, you were great!” you say.
“You know I know that already, right?” he teases earning asock to his arm. “Geez, you hit like a girl,” he rumbles ruffling your hair. He’scompletely ignoring the other presence, clearly showing he’s not interested inwho he is, just waiting for him to leave you and he alone.
But you’re too polite for that kind of behavior.
“Aomine-kun, this,” you say stretching your hands towardsthe other male, “Is Ushijima Wakatoshi, one of my friends from junior high.”
Aomine finally looks at the brunette, tilting his chin up ina slight greeting, only doing so because he doesn’t want to be rude to you.
“Nice to meet you,” Ushijima rumbles sticking out his hand.Aomine grips it tightly, shaking once then dropping it.
“So, you ready to go?” Aomine asks looking back at you.
You bite your bottom lip which almost has Aomine groaningfor two reasons. One, you look damn sexy when you do that and two, it’s yourtell that you’re about to say something he isn’t going to like.
“I’m sorry, Aomine-kun,” you say softly, “but Ushijima-kunis only in town for tonight and we haven’t seen each other in such a long time.Can we do a rain check?”
“Why don’t we all just go out together?” Imayoshi’s voicedraws all of your attention. “It isn’t every day we meet such an astuterepresentation of our country, at least in terms of volleyball.”
Ushijima bows slightly to the compliment before looking backat you. “It’s your call, _____-chan,” he says.
“Um, sure! Let’s go,” you reply and the whole basketball teamplus one volleyball player and you head off to a local restaurant. The eveninggoes fairly well, despite Aomine’s irritated glares sent to Ushijima wheneverhe seems to get a little too close to you. It’s clear to the ace he’sinterested in you but you seem just as oblivious to his advances as you are toAomine’s.
At the end of dinner, while you’re in the restroom and therest of the guys are paying their bills, Aomine leans toward Ushijima sayinglowly, “Let’s get one thing clear. You’re a part of _____-chan’s past, I’m partof her present and her future. Soback off.”
Ushijima, unruffled as ever, meets the hard stare of thebasketball prodigy and shrugs. “At the end of the day, it’s _____-chan’schoice. But we have history, so don’t think you’ve got this in the bag,” hereplies.
“What’s in the bag?” you ask stepping out of the door.
“Nothing,” they both reply then look at you. And in thatmoment, a lingering apprehension forms in the back of your mind; just what werethese two talking about anyway?
POLL PROMOTION: Please GOHERE and vote for your fave AU option!Choices are Supernatural, Mafia and Bad Boy! Winner will be announced August26th!
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that's because you have those fucking long legs... *tries to catch up with him* Wait for me, Ahomine!!
AOMINE: “Too hungry.”
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aww that's good, what are you doing during your vacation? I hope she's okay.. I just struggle with Uni and personal life 😂
Well, I mainly watch anime or read manga, draw, and watch Youtube videos since I don't go out much. I really hope so too! Oh, don't stress yourself too much, okay? Stay hydrated! Your health comes first :)
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Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile 💕
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self-ship? I'm Ranee, sarcastic, love to tease people. Joking around or make puns or dirty jokes sometimes. I ship myself with Aomine. Fave activity;(I don't celebrate christmas, but I just love to imagine kissing under mistletoe would be great)thx
hey ranee! i would love to tease and make bad puns with you sometime :)
ship with: aomine daiki (because who doesn’t)
holiday aesthetics: hungry mistletoe kisses, fluffy black socks with plaid pajamas, black coffee with a hint of peppermint in steamed mugs, long walks in the woods, joke books
ideal date: because you don’t really celebrate christmas and aomine is really too lazy to put up decorations, you both just roll with the winter vibes. you decide to book a trip in the mountains for your anniversary and it’s a perfect log cabin that looks like it’s straight out of a fantasy novel. you and aomine are honestly too lazy and cold to go out and do winter activities, so you mostly spend your time toasting by the fireplace and you’re reading aloud bad jokes, which aomine twists them into a dirty connotation. of course, with aomine there’s a ton of sexual and physical activities to do, and you tease him by carrying around a sprig of mistletoe and throwing it around, then avoiding his kisses. at the end of the day, of course you always give in and he hungrily kisses you by the fireplace under your own mistletoe. i have a headcanon that aomine actually really enjoys black coffee, but he never drank it during basketball season because of health reasons i guess?? so yeah, after sex you always make him a warm cup of coffee and put a little bit of peppermint in it :)
holiday song: mistletoe (acoustic version) - justin bieber
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