#kazinsky faces and smiles
askthefuturegleeks · 1 year
who would you rather see? finn hudson, ryder lynn or noah puckerman? and can you please give me some alt fcs for finn and ryder? thanks!
Why not all three? Any of them would be loved, but I do have to say that there is room for a connection with the Quinn applicant with Noah. I want to chime in to let you know that I personally love Finn too, if that helps.
Here are some alt Ryder Lynn fcs:
David Alvarez
Josh Andrés Rivera
Ricky Ubeda
Ricardo A. Zayas
Alberto Rosendre
Wentworth Miller
Laz Alonso
Stony Blyden
Eddie Cibrian
David Lee Gallagher
Robert Gant
Jencarlos Canela
Angel Arce
Alt Finn fcs:
Devin Druid
Antoine Olivier Pilon
John Boyega
Lucas Hedges
Bowen Yang
Tye Sheridan
Liam James
Hasan Minhaj
Tony Revolori (I looked at a Willow gif hunt and idk for sure if you’ll have resources of him smiling, his face is just the right kind of cute)
Charlie Rowe
Nat or Alex Wolff, but more Nat than Alex
Kelvin Harrison Jr.
Connor Jessup
Chad Michael Murray
Manny Jacinto
Marshall Williams played Spencer on Glee, but his look fits
Will Poulter
Cameron Monoghan
Josh Hutcherson
George MacKay
Logan Lerman
Jack Whitehall
Jaboukie Young-White
Alt fcs for Noah:
Jonah Hill
Seth Rogen
Greg Grunberg
Jaquin Phoenix
Jesse Eisenberg
Seth Green
Chris Pine
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Zach Braff
David Arquette (in Scream as adult Puck)
Adam Brody
Zachary Gordon
Robert Kazinsky
James Maslow
Justin Bartha
Bryan Greenberg
Eric Balfour
Carter Jenkins
0 notes
ratmuffintherapy · 2 years
Our Meetings (Part II)
imagine: you and eddie are best friends, despite being complete opposites. you're completely and totally in love with him but refuse to tell him, despite nancy and robin and everyone in hawkins telling you that he feels the same about you. you just can't risk ruining that friendship. in this part, eddie helps you study for your big test. warning: cursing notes: post vecna, the upside down has been defeated. everything is back to normal, eddie is not outcast anymore, he's been proven innocent. word count: 2.3k read part 1 here! submit a request here!
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I sifted through the notecards on my bed. I had about a million of them to get through and I had only memorized half of them. A breeze wafted through my room. I had left the window slightly open, letting the cool night air into my room.
"Mrs y/l/n!" I heard a ruckus downstairs and knew Eddie had arrived. I ran through the hallway towards the staircase and stood at the top, smiling as Eddie greeted my mom.
"Edward!" My mom was the only one who ever called him that, because she was the only one he allowed to call him that. She embraced him and Eddie leaned down so she could kiss him on the cheek. Trapped in her arms, Eddie looked up and spotted me, and I giggled at their adorable relationship. My mom was nice to all of my friends of course, but Eddie was clearly her favorite. "It's so nice to see you honey, what are you doing here?"
"He's here to help me study, mom." I leaned forward onto the railing and replied for Eddie.
"Yes ma'am, I am here to help y/n pass Kazimky's test with flying colors."
I laughed out loud, "It's Kazinsky!" My mom smiled and patted Eddie on the shoulder. "You better not distract her too much Edward Munson, y/n is applying to her top schools next year and she will get into all of them."
"You've got a lot more faith in me than I do, mom."
Eddie leaned down and kissed my mom's cheek. "Don't worry Mrs y/l/n, I'm a great tutor." My mom rolled her eyes and giggled under her breath. Out of all my friends, only Eddie held this charm over her.
Eddie ran up the stairs two steps at a time, and practically tackled me with a hug. He muttered into my hair, "I'm so excited for our fun weekend I've got planned y/l/n."
"Shh!" I whacked his arm and wriggled out of his tight hold. "Come on, I have so many more notecards to memorize."
Eddie trailed behind me like a dog and we went into my room. He closed the door behind us as I went over to my notecards and finished sorting them out.
"Wow. Sometimes, I forget what a nerd you are, y/n."
"Yeah, well, Columbia tends to be full of nerds so I have to blend in if I want even a chance of getting in, right?"
"Don't worry, you'll blend perfectly in with them." He pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to my bed, taking a handful of my flashcards and flopping down. I bounced a little as he landed, and he kicked his shoes off.
"Let's see... who was the president during World War II... what was the scare that took over America during the 50s..." He sifted through the cards, no emotion on his face. I watched him carefully as he grumbled under his breath. His eyebrows raised when he came across a flashcard he didn't know the answer to, and his eyes crinkled in recognition when he saw a flashcard he knew. I smiled to myself. Eddie rarely was ever this focused on anything. He only looked like this when he was plucking away on his guitar, or when he was planning a D&D campaign, or when he was driving while listening to his music. He loved his drives, and his music of course. We spent many afternoons just cruising through Hawkins, windows down, wind flying through our hair.
"Aha! Here's one that you definitely don't know, 'What was the first permanent settlement in America, and when was it founded?'" He read off the card, and flipped it over to see the answer. He let out a small "Hm" as he read the answer off of the card, and his eyes flitted over to me to wait for the answer.
"Hmm... Jamestown? Uhhh... 1610?" I guessed, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Ahhh close princess, but not quite. 1607!"
"Dammit." I muttered under my breath, and picked at my hangnail on my middle finger that was hardened over and calloused from years of picking at it.
"Hey, you were close! I didn't even know that the first settlement was Jamestown, so you know way more than I do," Eddie smiled at me, trying to make me feel better. He knew how frustrated I got with flashcards, "And by the way, what era is this test on? The entire history of America?" he sifted through my cards, confused.
"Yeah, pretty much," I raised my hangnail to my mouth and nibbled nervously, "It's a final. Ever heard of those, Munson?"
"Whoa, testy." Eddie looked up at me and noticed me ripping at my hangnail. "Hey, hey, hey, don't do that, you're going to start bleeding again." He didn't like this habit of mine. Eddie gently took my hand and put it back in my lap, rubbing the backside of my hand with his thumb. I stared down at his hand rubbing mine and bit my lip nervously.
"I know, I'm just nervous, Eds. There's a lot riding on me acing this test so that my GPA can stay up and I can have even a chance at getting into Columbia and--"
"Whoa, y/n, hey!" Eddie interrupted me. He placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up so that I could make eye contact with him. I looked into his always-smiling brown eyes. My jitters calmed a bit and I managed to muster up a little smile. "There we go princess, there's that smile I love so much." He grinned at me and stroked my chin with his thumb, "Of all the people I know, you are the most qualified to get into any college that you want, okay? You are so smart, so strong, so... so everything."
I leaned into his hand cupping my chin and smiled. "Love you Eds." I mumbled, and watched as his face lit up.
"I love you too, y/n."
"Thanks. I needed that. I'm just a little nervous. I feel like there's a lot of pressure, you know?"
"I know. But you've got this."
Much to my disappointment, Eddie took his hand out from under my chin and leaned back, returning to the flashcards. "Now. Where were we?"
Eddie stayed for another few hours, until it was past midnight, and until he had made sure I was confident in all of my flash cards. I yawned, stretching my arms up and out. I felt good about the test tomorrow... great, in fact, and it was all thanks to Eddie.
Eddie noticed me yawning and smiled, setting down the flashcards.
"Hey, maybe it's bedtime?" He asked.
I flopped down on the bed next to him and covered my head with my arms. Eddie reached over and massaged my head through my hair, making me almost fall asleep instantly.
"Hmm... feels good..." I absolutely loved when he did this, and he did this often because he loved playing with my hair. I always felt the most comfortable when he was next to me. I scooted towards him until I felt his lap, and rested my head on it. I heard him laugh quietly as he continued to massage me.
"I know hun, but I can't stay here forever. Gotta get back to my baby." I smiled, knowing he was talking about his most prized possession, his guitar.
"Yeah, I know." I sighed, but didn't move.
"Okay... maybe I can stay a couple more minutes."
I smiled to myself, glad that he decided to stay, and let myself relax into his lap. I drifted off in moments.
The next morning.
I could hear a faint chirping. I came to, my vision still foggy around me. Wait. Was it morning? I felt an arm wrapped around me and I wanted to lean into it, fall asleep again, but I was too confused to fall back asleep. I pushed the arm to the side.
"Urgh..." I grunted as I pushed myself up onto my elbows, and jumped as I saw a figure on my bed. Eddie? I turned to see what time it was. The numbers flashed 7:00
Wait. SEVEN? Shit.
"Eddie. EDDIE." I shook Eddie's shoulder and he refused to budge, completely passed out on my bed, flashcards scattered between us.
"Y/n..." He rolled over to face me, but kept his eyes closed and mumbled my name under his breath.
I sighed and whacked his shoulder, and Eddie woke up with a gasp.
"Ow!" He looked at me annoyed, and then looked around in confusion. "Is it... am I in your room? Did I fall asleep for the entire night?"
"I guess we did, huh?" I chuckled and started to get up from bed.
Eddie's hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, dragging me back to his side of the bed. Despite my struggles, he managed to trap me in his embrace and he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck.
"Eddie," I complained, and kicked my feet in protest, "We have to get up, we have to get to school!"
"Just a second, mom." He wrapped his leg around my legs to stop my struggling and I lay there, utterly trapped. He continued to snuggle into me and I was tempted... so tempted... to lay there and let the day slip away like that.
But I couldn't. MY EXAM!
I wriggled out of Eddie's grasp amidst his protests.
"Cover your eyes!" I barked, and Eddie slapped his hands over his face. I threw off my big t-shirt, changing into jeans and a shirt. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
I ran around the room, collecting my things, and Eddie watched me calmly.
"Eddie get UP," I whined, "We need to get to school now so I can study for a bit before classes start."
"Okay, okay." Eddie held his hands up in surrender, and stood up. "'Kay, I'm ready."
I rolled my eyes at him and threw his bag at his chest. He caught it with an oof and followed me out the door.
"BYE MOM!" I yelled as I ran out the front door, and Eddie yelled, "Bye mom!" after me. "Wait, you guys are still here?" I ignored my mom's shrill voice and hopped into the passenger side of Eddie's van. Eddie took his sweet time throwing his bag into the back.
We peeled out of the driveway and started for school.
"Faster, Eds, faster!"
"I swear to god I'm going to stop driving you every morning if this is how you're going to be."
I huffed and looked out the window.
"Aw, don't pout, princess, you have nothing to worry about. You'll be okay, you're more than ready for this test. Kamimky's not going to know what hit him."
"Whatever." Eddie pressed down on the gas and the van lurched forward. "Let's get you to school."
We arrived in the parking lot and Eddie skidded to a halt in his usual spot. I swung open the door and hopped out, and Eddie had to jog to keep up with me. I made a beeline for the library, where I knew Nancy would be waiting for me to study together before the exam.
"Y/n! Finally!" Nancy looked up from her books and smiled at me and Eddie.
"Hey!" I plopped down across from her and Eddie took his seat next to me. "You don't have to stay." I said to Eddie, turning to him, and he rolled his eyes.
"I always walk you to class, today is no different." He said, and settled into his chair. I nodded and turned back to Nancy, pulling my flashcards out from my bag.
"How are you feeling about the test, y/n?" Nancy inquired, eyeing Eddie.
"I feel... I don't know. It's either going to go really well or really badly. No in between."
"She's ready," Eddie interrupted, as he inspected his fingernails, "I was there to help her so of course she's ready." Nancy gave a little nod and I could feel her look at me pointedly. I ignored her and focused on my flashcards for the next thirty minutes.
At 7:40, I packed my things up nervously. Eddie could sense that I was nervous and began to give me a pep talk as we walked towards the classroom.
"Y/n, you're going to crush this test. No one knows American history like you. No offense Nance. The presidents are scared of you. They're confused as to how the hell you know so much about them. They got nothing on you. George Washington? My boy Abe Lincoln? Pfft. They got nothing on you."
I couldn't help but smile to myself as Eddie prattled on and on. When we reached the classroom, Eddie turned to me, grabbing my face with both of his hands. Nancy stopped in the doorway, waiting for me, but Eddie forced me to look at him.
"Y/n, seriously. You are so smart. The smartest person I know. You are going to kill this. Say it." Eddie searched my face, waiting for me to answer.
"I... I'm going to kill this." I replied, and smiled at him, "Thanks for helping me Munson, couldn't have done it without you."
"Yes you could have." Eddie gave me his signature Eddie grin and let me go. "Let me know how it goes!" he called over his shoulder, and I turned to enter the classroom, only to see Nancy looking at me, eyebrows raised.
"So he isn't in love with you, right, y/n?"
I felt my face color and replied, "Shut up, Nance. He isn't. He's just a really good friend."
"Mmkay." She replied, clearly not believing me. I took my seat and touched my cheeks with my cold hands, willing them to stop blushing.
"Good luck." I smiled at her, and she smiled back, wishing me luck too as Kazinsky started passing out the test.
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truthofherdreams · 6 years
is this clickbait? (#7)
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also on ao3
Peter Kavinsky • 5.8M views • 3 days ago
 A middle-aged woman sits behind a desk, round glasses on the tip of her nose as she types away on a computer who was already old a decade ago. John skips toward her, shit-eating grin on his face and hands clasped behind his back. She looks up at him, then at Peter and Chris behind him, and lets out a long, tired sigh.
“Gooood morning, Ms Brown,” John singsongs. Behind the camera, Peter snorts softly.
“How many times will I have to tell you, Mister McClaren. This school is staff and students only, of which you are neither.”
“At least one more time? We won’t be long, I promise.”
There is something to be said about how smooth John is in that kind of situation, holding the box of chocolates he was hiding behind his back with a smile that is now downright charming. The old secretary is unimpressed, of course, raising an eyebrow at the obvious bribe. It doesn’t stop her from taking the chocolates and hiding them under her desk, though.
“You have one hour.”
“Thanks, Ms Brown!”
“You’re the best, Ms Brown!” Chris chimes in.
“Now go away before I remember how many detentions you never attended.”
Chris needs little more to scurry away, John following close with one last grin at their old secretary. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at him, but the hint of a smile curls up the corners of her lips. That is, until she turns back to Peter.
“What else do you need, Mister Kazinsky?”
Behind the camera, his shit-eating grin is far less adorable and convincing than John’s, but at least he gets some points for trying. With one arm around LJ’s waist, he moves closer to the secretary’s desk. “Ms Brown, this is my girlfriend, Lara Jean.”
“I know,” the woman replies, deadpan. At both their stunned faces, she adds, “My granddaughter got me your book for Christmas. Far more useful than whatever this loser does on the daily with his camera.”
Said camera LJ grabs from Peter, just to capture the utter look of surprise and betrayal on his face.
 “Model UN Champion three years in a row has to be the nerdiest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life,” LJ states, looking at the medals on the other side of the glass window. John’s name is engraved in all three of them in its full glory - John Ambrose McClaren III - which makes it all the more ridiculous.
“I’ll have you know both Barack Obama and Samuel L. Jackson were Model UN students in high school. Does that make them nerdy too?”
“Yes,” Chris replies without blinking.
LJ smiles. “Which country were you?”
“Macedonia,” he replies, somewhat pitifully. “I looked great in a suit, though!”
Peter scoffs. “You look great in everything, that doesn’t count.” Then, after a beat, “Nerd.”
John glares at him through the camera, even though it doesn’t carry that much heat. The two of them are very bad at fake outrage, after all. “Someone’s bitter.”
Peter takes the bait. Hook, line, and sinker. “Excuse me? What is that? What is that?”
He gives his camera to LJ before he skips-runs down the corridor a bit, from the academic trophies to the sport ones. In front of one particular display, he opens his arms with a slow, quiet ‘tadaaaaa’, along with some spirit fingers.
LJ zooms in on the display, shiny cups from a Lacrosse State championship, and the framed picture next to it. A tiny, grinning teen Peter is on the first row, holding the cup, cheeks full of mud and sweat. He looks cute, but that says nothing -- LJ always thinks he looks cute, no matter what.
“Yeah, but do you have you full entire name on the cup?” John teases back. “I think the fuck not.”
“At least I’m not a big fucking nerd.”
 “Oh look,” LJ breathes out softly, grabbing his arm.
Peter films away from his old locker - the carved P+G fading under layers of paint but still present - to look where she’s pointing.
“The library!”
His laugh echoes through the empty corridors.
 Chris somehow finds herself with Peter’s camera, which is ridiculous. Nobody, ever, should trust her with such expensive equipment, but that’s on Peter and she’s not going to point out the obvious. Not when she’s sitting on the bleachers with John, looking down at Peter and LJ from across the pitch.
They sits at one of the tables in Lovers’ Corner, that little patch of grass between the admin building and the football pitch where people go to have a romantic moment instead of making out under the bleachers or behind the art building. Back in the day, Peter and Gen were more of a behind-the-art-building couple, but that’s none of her business.
Peter sits on the wooden bench with his back against the table, LJ sideway next to him. It’s too far to really notice details, but Chris is pretty sure LJ’s leg rests above Peter’s. That’s some disgustingly cute couple thing they do all the time.
“Do you ever wonder?” John starts. Chris looks away from her best friends to stare at him, oblivious to the end of his question. It could go in so many directions. “What would have happened, if Lara Jean went to our school?”
John is the only one who still calls her by her full name, the same way LJ still calls him John Ambrose. It’s cute too, in its own way.
“You mean…”
They don’t need to elaborate on what he means. They both know. Would Peter still have gone crazy for Gen, if LJ had been in the picture? Would he have left Gen walk all over him, when he had much better options? Would it have changed anything at all?
“I don’t know, man,” Chris answers sincerely. “All I know is high school would have been less fucking lonely if she’s been my friend.”
“Homemade cookies for snacks every day.”
“Oh, word.”
In the distance, Peter leans down to kiss LJ.
Chris stops recording.
 Lucas Krapf ✓ 3 days ago
We stan Ms Brown and all the bullshit she went through! A real American hero!
View 59 replies v
 MrsCovinsky 2 days ago
LJ x books is the true, understated relationship in this squad, like if you stan
View 25 replies v
 Bram Greenfeld’s #1 Fan 3 days ago
find yourself a boy who brings you back to his high school just so you can have A Moment TM on Lovers’ Corner with him
View 31 replies v
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that-shamrock-vibe · 6 years
Movie Review: Captain Marvel (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review the weekend following the movie’s release in the U.K, so if you have not yet seen the movie then go and see it and then read on.
Stan Lee:
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Before going into the actual characters in the movie, I want to briefly talk about Stan Lee and his continuing posthumous tributes from the studio that he built from the ground up. After Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, I did not feel they could top what they did with his cameo in that store selling the Spidey suit to Miles Morales. But here, not only did the many cameos of Stan become the images you see in the Marvel Studios logo with a touching add-on saying “Thank You Stan” which had my audience whooping and applauding but also Stan himself appears on the train scene where Carol is searching for a Skrull and the two simply smile at each other, very touching and very well done.
Alright so as per usual in my character analyses, I will be talking about these characters in order of my favourites and...I am quite surprised about the order of my favourites from going into this movie to coming out of the movie.
Nick Fury:
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By far and away, Nicholas Joseph Fury, or just Fury, is by far and away the best character in this movie. I love Samuel L. Jackson and he has always been a fantastic supporting and lead actor in whatever movie he is in. Yes he is a supporting character here to Captain Marvel but he supports her so well and does so without pulling focus away from the fact it is Brie Larson’s movie.
The movie does drag a lot towards the start with more exposition than action but it isn’t neccersarily descriptive exposition and is instead “Here’s this character (Carol Danvers) and here’s this character (Yon-Rogg) and now they’re with these characters (Starforce)”. All of that changes when Carol comes to Earth and first interacts with Fury.
As I said in my non-spoiler review, the de-aging technology is in full effect with Jackson and it really pays off because not only do you believe you are looking at a young Fury but also it’s the thrill of finding out just how Fury lost his eye.
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I loved the dynamic between the two characters, more-so than I feel any other partnership Fury has been with. I just enjoyed that aliens were still an unknown variable to SHIELD and so Fury was pretty much learning from scratch about how aliens work. From the interaction in the diner about the difference between Kree and Skrulls to the turbulence gag about the reconfigured aircraft towards the end of the movie.
I also found it fun that this wasn’t Director Fury and was simply Agent Fury...to the point where Coulson called him “Mr. Fury”. Yet he still commanded the respect and strategic planning he has in the present day. However, he is shown to make mistakes at the level of agent he is at particularly when he called in Ben Mendelsohn’s human character Keller who at this point in time is the Director of SHIELD and therefore Fury’s boss without realizing that it was in fact Talos in disguise. To be fair I don’t see how Carol can blame him for that as he’s never met a Skrull before this day but I did like it when she confiscated his pager.
Some critics are saying it’s Fury’s interactions with Goose that sold Goose’s performance and in some respect I do see the argument for that, however, I believe Fury’s interactions are simply the reactions to what the cat does. Both in her cuteness but also in what she does and what is revealed from her.
I thought the fact it was Goose who made Fury lose an eye to be absolutely fantastic. Yes, Fury has mentioned before that the last time he trusted someone is when he lost the eye and I do not feel previous stories of the eye loss add up here but I do believe Fury is the type of character to try and save face rather than the embarrassment that a space kitty with infected claws is the reason. It was great
I felt the fact that the movie’s events are what led Fury to create and push forward the Avengers Initiative, to the point where Carol’s nickname of Avenger is what gave him the idea for the name, is something I don’t agree with. Firstly, chronologically Captain America is still the first Avenger so anyone saying this movie creates continuity issues there is wrong, but the fact that the title Avenger...which up to 10 people have shared in present day...comes from a single person rather than just a thought is slightly inconsiderate of the individual team members and instead puts Carol on a pedastool with Fury recruiting these other members to try and reach her power level.
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Speaking of the space kitty, it is confirmed that Goose is in fact a Flerkin which is from the comics so is authentic. I was happy that being an alien kitty was not so much important to the movie but not just a throwaway aspect and was somewhat a plotpoint to the movie.
I don’t believe Goose was ever Carol’s pet as promoted but instead went from being Mar-Vell’s to Nick Fury’s. Although I am curious to know what happened to Goose from this movie to present day but I do hope Fury actually kept Goose as a pet and not just until she coughed up the Tesseract.
Oh yeah, the Tesseract is surprisingly in this movie and has multiple reasons to be, but I do believe it’s last use in this movie is to give Goose a home at the end of the movie.
The reveal of Goose’s Flerkin tentacles were fantastic. The first time when Goose ate the Tesseract was definitely a shock but the second time when Goose either ate the Kree or simply threw them around...Fury’s reaction said it all and the roar of laughter in the cinema added to the brilliance of it.
Also on a side-note, when the Kree captured the heroes and muzzled Goose in that cute little cat muzzle was both adorable and tragic.
Carol Danvers:
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Brie Larson is a very polarizing actress for me in this role. On the one hand, I don’t think she’s a comedic actress and for that matter that Carol Danvers is a comedic character. But on the other hand, this was the first time I was willing an actress to have her moment in this movie where she finally clicked with the audience because, as an Oscar-winning actress, I know she has it in her.
That moment for me came when she found out about her connection with Wendy Lawson and started to regain her identity, because until that point I thought she was slightly robotic and a little bit like Evangeline Lilly as Hope in Ant-Man and the Wasp in that she was being the angry soccer-mom who was ruining Fury’s fun.
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That being said, I did enjoy this movie’s take on a fish out of water story. The MCU has of course done this before for male characters like Thor and Cap technically, but to take the journey as a supposed alien with 6 years of military training and therefore knowing how to gather her bearings and track what she needs was very good to see and moved the story along quickly.
Also the fact she pretty much arrived on Earth and the first thing she does is steal a motorbike and clothes because she knows how to blend in is both military survival and reconnaissance 101. By the way side-note, that jerk biker who was leching on Carol is in fact Rob Kazinsky aka Sean Slater from EastEnders, random I know but I was very surprised to learn that.
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That’s kind of where my admiration for her character went away though, yes she was funny with her budding friendship with Nick Fury but...not only is she ridiculously overpowered, but she seems to know what she wants and it’s almost as if the movie just gives it to her. There’s no trial and error as we are led to believe in the trailers with that theme of “Getting knocked down but getting back up”, she does do this particularly at the start in her training session with Yon-Rogg but there’s then no learning curve and simply she doesn’t know something and then all of a sudden she can do it.
I didn’t understand her “Kree name” Vers, I get it was taken from the broken dog tag piece she had with her name on it but it really got annoying after a while because I know her as Carol or Danvers or Captain Marvel or Ms. Marvel, I do not know her as Vers. It may have been a ploy by the Kree to say “You’ve always been Kree, this is your Kree name” but come on you have names like Minn-Erva, Yon-Rogg and Mar-Vell but then you have Vers? Not even Dann-Vers?
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I did like the reason why she changed the colour of her suit. Yes seagreen is Kree colours and the movie definitely didn’t make the suits look as bad as the set photos lead to believe but when Monica helps her find a new colour theme and she goes through several different options, including Mar-Vell’s colours from the comics, it was a nice sentiment to choose the same colours as Monica’s top so they could basically be on the same team.
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The fact her powers, it’s hard to say her Kree side because she was human and then enhanced by the ship core, but the fact these powers came from the Tesseract is something 1) Die-hard fans kind of guessed but I feel before Infinity War fans guessed she’d be powered by the Soul Stone rather than the Space Stone and 2) Was a good shocker moment for the movie because it kind of explains how the Tesseract came to be in SHIELD’s possession because I always thought Steve Rogers had it with him when he was saved from the ocean in present day but in actuality it disappeared when Red Skull did and so must have somehow come into Mar-Vell’s possession.
It does lead to an interesting match-up in Endgame as Carol is now the only living hero with any sort of Infinity Stone enhancement that can combat Thanos but I will be interested to know if the gauntlet is still working will he be able to somehow control Captain Marvel?
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I love my special effects and I did think her Binary mode power-set was brilliant to behold however as has been said by numerous people I do think she is overpowered and particularly when it comes to the rest of the Avengers. I don’t see how she can be part of the same team and not simply defeat foes single-handed. Particularly if they reshape the team after Endgame so the roster consists of her, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man and Wasp. I mean yes, Doctor Strange may also hold his own with her but the rest are pretty much enhanced by technology.
I didn’t like the end battle, I thought it wasn’t as epic and grand as it should have been and the fact 1) Captain Marvel was pretty much all the time a CGI construct took me out of the movie and the fact that also 2) She pretty much whooped at the fact she took on missiles was a little bit of a jerk move.
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I will also say that in the context of this movie I do understand the origin of the character they’ve told, however I really wish they had showed somewhere in her history that she had been Ms. Marvel, Binary is someone she can easily become as her full powers at the end of this movie have been dubbed her “Binary Mode”, but without being Ms. Marvel it does close a lot of doors for certain stories like, for example, Rogue getting her powers.
Yes they can still do the origin story where Rogue absorbs Captain Marvel’s powers, but if Carol has been off-world since 1995 and only comes back in Endgame, Rogue would have to discover her powers in a present day movie.
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I did appreciate the fact that Carol showed a deep appreciation for both her female and male superiors, despite having a type of banter-style relationship with Yon-Rogg he was still her superior and she blindly listened to his instruction until she learned the truth. Then as for her admiration for Wendy Lawson, I mean the Supreme Intelligence takes on the appearance of the person you admire most and it chose her so it speaks for itself.
I will talk about Captain Marvel’s future when I talk about the end-credits scenes but I am both excited and hesitant for her future in the MCU.
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Jude Law;s character has been the subject of much debate since he was announced to be in the movie. At first fans speculated he would be Mar-Vell aka the original Captain Marvel, but then when his name was revealed as Yon-Rogg, despite being a character from the comics, fans thought it may be a red herring for some reason. The fact he was Yon-Rogg and the changes they made to Mar-Vell I think is slightly a missed opportunity for the actor but also this is one of the only occasions where I have seen Jude Law portray a villain.
In terms of his villainy, I thought Jude Law did rather well. He wasn’t a formidable opponent and instead just was the hero’s former mentor turned enemy. He was an MCU standard villain and in terms of good guy turned bad, he wasn’t really ever established as a good guy per say but I’d say he’s on the same level as John Garrett from Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 just with a better motivation.
I don’t know much about Yon-Rogg as a character, I know he was Mar-Vell’s commanding officer but when Mar-Vell turned against the Kree he became obviously his enemy. Basically Yon-Rogg’s story here is the same as it was in the comics just with Carol Danvers rather than Mar-Vell, also Mar-Vell was born Kree whereas Carol became enhanced as Kree.
There’s not really a lot to say more about his performance or character here, I don’t know what would have become of him when Captain Marvel took him back to Hala because the Supreme Intelligence is also an enemy but as to whether or not he could come back I would say he could in a future Captain Marvel sequel but we shall see.
Starforce in this movie were about as well developed as STRIKE from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Both teams were military/law enforcement and both included kind of focussed on secondary characters as well as the main heroes. In this case those secondary characters as Yon-Rogg and Minn-Erva. I mean Korath the Pursuer from Guardians of the Galaxy is also on the team but he is really just there as an Easter-Egg and it isn’t at all established how he ends up working directly for Ronan away from Starforce, unless the Kree soldiers are Starforce.
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As for Minn-Eeva, I love Gemma Chan, I think she is a great actress and really lends herself to this type of authoritative role. I know Doctor Minerva in the comics is an enemy of Captain Marvel who sought out Mar-Vell on Earth to mate with him to further the Kree genetic line but I do not see that happening here for numerous reasons, the main of which is that Minn-Erva apparently dies at the end of this movie and unless she has somehow pulled a Nebula I don’t see her coming back.
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Talos is a conflicting character for me because while I do believe this is the best performance I have seen of Ben Mendelsohn’s I don’t know how to react to the fact that Talos and his Skrull followers are good guys.
I did like the fact he was still shown as an enemy of the Kree, which at the time included Carol, but then when she learned the truth he became quite the reliable ally.
I loved his humour particularly when they were examining Carol’s mind and she had his Kree scientist guy tap her head again like he was adjusting a TV signal, the 90s jokes in this were fantastic. Also when Fury was worried about the turbulance and Talos was the only one to be honest with him about it, this never felt like it was the men supporting the women and simply just bouncing off them well.
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I think the fact Talos has a family, particularly a daughter, raises hope for the future of the Skrulls in the MCU in regards to being a threat and specifically adapting Secret Invasion. In the comics, it’s a female Skrull who leads the way as she adopts the identity of Spider-Woman so it could easily be adapted in the MCU that the Skrull Queen is in fact Talos’ daughter who saw the threat in the world and, despite her parents preaching peace, wants vengeance.
I want the Skrulls to be formidable but to my imagination the Skrulls have usually been footsoldiers or grunts for bigger threats rather than being the big bads unless the Kree have been involved or Secret Invasion is the story.
I still really enjoyed the Skrulls when they were shapeshifting here and particularly the now infamous old lady on the train scene, but come on...no disrespect to the old lady but as soon as she hit the floor you could tell it was a stunt double.
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Okay so this was my biggest problem with the movie, some people will say making Mar-Vell a woman is a good and interesting thing for MCU...I say that Mar-Vell in the comics is an underrated superhero and someone whose origins I was hoping to see explored in the MCU. Not only is Mar-Vell a lover of Carol Danvers and how she chose her superhero names in the comics but also he is the father of Young Avengers member Hulkling when he had a forbidden affair with a Skrull princess...again something that could have been explored in a Mar-Vell movie.
Also, like Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne, Mar-Vell could have easily been introduced either in Phase 1 or 2 as a superhero, which would have made only introducing Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel at the end of Phase 3 more organic as she would have been introduced as Carol Danvers in that movie.
Unfortunately though, this is what we have. Now to be fair, Annette Benning was really good in this role. She did fill that Glenn Close, Sylvester Stallone, Beneicio Del Toro role of not being the main villain but also being the big name on the cast list.
As Mar-Vell, I do like the fact they did simply “genderflip” the character by making the alias Wendy Lawson as opposed to the comics-accurate Walter Lawson. As I said with Carol, I did also like how they established her admiration for Mar-Vell before of course realizing who she actually was. I would have loved to have seen her in her orbiting laboratory or obtaining the Tesseract but there was so much in this movie I guess they couldn’t fit it in.
I do however think, as Feige knows how to play the long game with these movies, that if they had introduced the idea of this version of Mar-Vell way back when in a Captain America: The First Avenger post-credits scene, maybe with the Tesseract appearing on a beach or something and Mar-Vell obtaining it, then it would have been more organic than just having her have it here.
Also in regards to Mar-Vell being the personification of Carol’s version of the Supreme Intelligence was rather interesting. Particularly when you consider that when she knew Mar-Vell she had brown hair but the Supreme Intelligence construct quite clearly has grey/white hair.
I did enjoy her dimension as this almost virtual reality setting and the fact she could manipulate quite literally everything was rather cool.
I wish they didn’t destroy her so easily for the pure and simple reason of I feel she has a lot more to give going forward. In the comics she is part of the Intergalactic Council which also features Lilandra of the Shi’ar which may have been a good way to introduce them outside of the Dark Phoenix Saga.
Maria Rambeau:
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I wasn’t massively a fan of Maria despite how much she had been hyped up in the promos, I did feel she was more of a gateway for her daughter who will become Photon later in her life.
I did like the actress Lashauna Lynch in the role. I thought she fit the bill of being a sassy, strong-willed single mother and I believed the friendship between Maria and Carol despite the fact we only really see that one scene in flashbacks and then after that it’s Maria coming to terms with how Carol has changed after her Kree enhancement.
I did also rather appreciate the fact we have not yet seen this type of family unit in the MCU before. We had Carol being bullied and neglected by her own family so she was I think taken in by the Rambeaus and she became almost a second mother to Monica as she helped Maria raise her. It did lead to my fiancé constantly saying that Carol and Maria are lesbians and to be fair unless you count the fact that Maria needed a man to create Monica there is no mention of either lady have a male love interest in this movie, but I just love that dynamic of breaking the mold of the typical “Nuclear Family”. Not only does is pave the way for the Fantastic 4 who are one of the most unconventional families in comics, but also it’s another example of female empowerment in not needing a man to raise a child.
As for Monica, I really liked this young actress, Akira Akbar. I liked the fact they had sisters portraying the two different ages because it adds realism to the character. I thought the relationship she had with both her mother and Carol was really well established and, as mentioned, her helping Carol choose her new colours was a rather sweet moment.
I do find it interesting that in Endgame we are going to the future and having an aged-up Cassie Lang as Stature or maybe Stinger depending on where they want to go with the character. So it stands to reason that while Monica is 11 in 1995, she’ll be mid-30s in this future version so could easily been shown as Photon and team-up with Captain Marvel. They made need characters to be in space and the only ones who can possibly survive that unaided are Captain Marvel and Photon.
Agent Coulson:
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Oh how far Clark Gregg has fallen, from the comedic string tying all of Phase 1 together to the slapstick leading his own show. I do think there was something missing from his performance here because this is just over 10 years before the events of Iron Man and so either he hasn’t found his comedic niche yet or the actor has just lost what made Coulson such a fan favourite in the first place, either way overall he was disappointing.
Having said that he did have two great moments. The first was the reveal that the Coulson in the car with Fury was in fact a Skrull as the real Coulson was still waiting where they drove off from, that was really cool but I did kind of guess it in the acting because Skrull Coulson felt slightly too rigid. But the second part was right at the end when Fury had lost his eye and Coulson brought that box of fake eyes for him to choose from. Just that one line of “Don’t take too long, you have a big decision to make” was very Coulson and I appreciated he at least ended on a good note.
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Alright so the mid-credits scene here is another scene taken from possibly the end of the first act in Avengers: Endgame, think the Ant-Man scene which showed a clip from Captain America: Civil War with Cap and Falcon talking about Bucky. It focuses on Cap, Bruce. Natasha and Rhodey in the Avengers Compound and the fact they have somehow obtained Fury’s pager which has apparently stopped beeping.
I can’t remember if they get it beeping again before the reveal but after Natasha says “I want to know who’s on the other end of that call”, she turns to find Captain Marvel standing there looking slightly flustered and simply asking “Where’s Fury?”.
I have to say, Brie Larson as the character was growing throughout this movie, here she reached her stride in that 10 second shot of her. Seeing Captain Marvel with the Avengers for a start was brilliant but also her hair went from the choppy bob to a more battle-beaten version of Black Widow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Obviously this is supposed to be over 20 years in time so while she may not age physically thanks to her Kree enhancement, she does of course change.
Also it is interesting to note that both Natasha and Clint aka Hawkeye soon to be Ronin share the same thought pattern when it comes to mysterious communication devices. In the first Avengers movie when Hawkeye and Fury are talking about the Tesseract acting like a portal, Hawkeye questions where this portal is leading to and here Natasha pretty much questions the same thing. I don’t know if that’s their SHIELD training or just how they both think but it was a nice call-back for me.
It is a scene directly taken from the movie but it is the right scene because it teased so much and just asked so many more questions than I had before. I cannot wait until the end of April.
Overall I rate the movie a solid 7/10, it was by no means a perfect movie as if you want to find problems you will find them easily. Maybe because this is now the 11th year and that the MCU has become so formulaic that it is just so easy to find flaws now but still, the comedy was great, the acting was great. I did enjoy the story, I enjoyed the growth of Brie Larson throughout the movie and I look forward to seeing what happens to these characters next.
So that’s my review of Captain Marvel, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Marvel Movie Reviews as well as other Movie Reviews and posts.
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yespolkadotkitty · 4 years
About That Night, pt 1
A Clark Kent x OFC AU
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Come on, come on.
Jess Kazinsky tried to tamp down on her impatience as she waited in line at the airport hotel - unusually nice for a budget outfit. Flowers on the desk - fresh ones, not fake. And the staff looked as if they didn’t hate being here.
Unfortunately, no one in line, including Jess, felt the same way.
Connecting flights had been grounded due to a freak snowstorm. Not unheard of for April, but definitely unwanted, and so three planes’ worth of people waited, disgruntled, as the two overworked desk clerks tried to find them enough rooms for one night.
Jess just had to cross her fingers and hope that the rooms didn’t run out before her turn.
With a sigh, she set her hard shell suitcase on the carpeted hotel lobby floor and sat on it.
“Bad day, huh?”
She glanced up, and then back again, because no way was a guy this handsome speaking to her.
Jess looked behind her, forgetting she was sitting, and came face-to-ass with the behind of a stout Danny DeVito type.
“No worse than anyone else’s, I guess,” she answered, gazing up into eyes the blue of the sea in midsummer. The black-framed glasses he wore suited his face, only served to make those baby blues even bluer.
“Optimism. I like it.”
She smiled. “This far down the line, optimism is all I’ve got.” She meant it in several ways, actually, but of course Tall, Dark and Gorgeous would only know about the hotel situation. “Where you headed?”
“I’m on my way home.” He didn’t elaborate, but his manner was friendly, as was that smooth American accent. “You?”
“To a will reading. My Babka died.”
“I’m sorry.” He sounded sincere. A genuinely nice guy. Perhaps the only one left in the known world.
His phone chirped and Jess swivelled on her suitcase to let him answer it with at least a modicum of privacy. She tuned out his velvet-smooth voice as the line moved, and when space allowed, she righted her suitcase. A few people had left the queue in search of another hotel - good luck, guys! - and then suddenly it was her turn.
“Hi,” she began, trying charm.
The clerk looked up. His eyes were dull, probably from dealing with so many stressed customers - not all of whom would have been kind. Or even civil. His badge read OWEN.
“We have one room left.”
“I’ll take it!”
“Excuse me,” Mr Gorgeous piped up from behind her. Jess noticed that he was last in line. “Did you say you were completely out of rooms?”
“Yes Sir,” Owen confirmed miserably.
Jess looked from the clerk to Mr Gorgeous. She was a woman travelling alone. Surely she trumped the tall, handsome guy’s need for a room?
“I wasn’t butting in,” Mr Gorgeous told her. He didn’t seem to have an evil ulterior motive, but you never knew, these days. “You should have the room.”
“Well, I was here before you,” Jess said sweetly. “And, I have a tragic past.”
“That trumps my teenage acne,” Mr Gorgeous deadpanned.
Jess mentally rolled her eyes. No way had this guy ever been short of pant-droppingly hot.
The second desk clerk finished her admin and looked up. “Oh, hey, Mr Kent! How are you?”
Jess got her passport out for ID as Mr Gorgeous - no, Mr Kent, make that - moved to stand next to her at the curved check in desk.
“Hey, Sandy. How’s it going?”
“Oh, just fine. It’s too bad about the snow, but a good night for business.”
Jess’s clerk asked her some standard questions as she tried to eavesdrop on Kent’s conversation with the cheerful clerk. 
“I’m sure we have some staff space…” Sandy was saying.
Jess’ curiosity got the better of her. “Excuse me. Do you…. Work here?” she asked the tall stranger.
“No, actually, I own the hotel.”
“Oh.” Had she said that out loud? “Er….” What was she meant to do now? Give up her room?
“I don’t expect you to give up your room, by the way.”
“Oh,” she said again. Dammit Jess! Use your brain! “Er, great. You should have said. About you owning the hotel.”
He smiled slightly. “Seems to me like that would have been a dick move, and I try not to be a dick.”
“Well, you not being a dick means I get to be cosy tonight, so, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Er, Mr Kent - I’m sorry, but we haven’t been able to send all the staff home after their shifts because of the storm. We’re out of space. Entirely.”
Jess tried to make herself as small as possible as Owen studiously tapped her details into the computer. I got here first. He has way more money than me, he owns the place, for God’s sake!
“Is there a spare office with a couch?” Kent asked.
Jess leaned forward. “Er, how big is my room?” she whispered.
“A twin,” he whispered back. 
“There is the GM’s room, but the couch… isn’t the best,” Sandy replied.
Kent shrugged. “It’s only one night.”
“Hell, I’d share a room with him,” Owen muttered, and Jess swallowed back a laugh.
“It’s yours if you want it,” she whispered.
“Mr Kent doesn’t bat for my team, unfortunately,” Owen mourned. “All done for you, Miss,” he said, brighter now than when she’d arrived at the desk. “Room 103. Last room available.”
Jess took the offered keycard and glanced over, where Mr Gorgeous was wrapping up his conversation with Sandy. Where would he sleep? She pictured his long legs hanging over the edge of a short couch.
One night on a lumpy couch wouldn’t kill him. 
“Hey, tall dark and gorgeous,” she said, lifting her voice.
He looked over, his expression more curious than anything. He’d wondered if she meant him. Who else was there?
“Can I buy you a drink? It’s the least I can do after stealing your bed.”
Thanking my beta, @princess-of-riviaa 
Tagging my Henry pals and anyone who might like this (Please ask to be added or dropped from the tag list): @alyxkbrl @hopelessromanticspoonie @just-the-hiddles @mitzwinchester @ohjules​ @promptandpros​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @mrsaugustwalker​ @wanderinglunarnights​ @dancingwendigo​ @littlefreya​ @andahugaroundtheneck​ @watermeloncavill​ @dr-kayleigh-dh​ @omgkatinka​ I’m sorry if I missed you out!!!
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