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sellandbuygold · 2 years ago
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Time to upgrade your jewelry collection? Sell your old gold and treat yourself to something new from Rizan Jewellery! Visit: https://www.sellandbuygold.me/
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make-me-imagine · 4 years ago
Redemption for a Broken Heart
((Part One: Too Little, Too Late))
Summary: Poe mourns the loss of the one person he always had; and slowly he spirals into guilt and anger over the lost chance of happiness that he threw away. But just as he seems to lose all hope, he learns there is a possibility you are still alive. Is it true? Are you still out there? Does he have a chance to save you? And a second chance to tell you how he feels?
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Gn!Reader
Triggers: Mentions of injuries, violence/fighting, mild torture, blood, etc.
Words: ~7k
A/n's: Planet Kayzan is made up. Sections in itallics are flashback memories. The (- - - ) separates POV's or short time-skips. Angst, action, a lot of pov switching, and some fluff-ish moments
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* * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * *
"I don't know Poe, what do you want me to say?" You laughed as you adjusted your position, bringing your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them.
"You really can't think of anything?" Poe asked, both shocked and amused.
You stared out at the setting sun for a moment before shrugging your shoulders lightly "I don't know. I'd like- I'd like to help people. But I'm not really sure how."
Poe watched the side of your face, your eyes shined with an almost hidden determination, but there was also doubt in them as well. Doubt that you would ever be able to be anything. Poe felt it as well, but he knew as long as you two were together, just as you had been for the last eight years, he'd be alright.
As you turned to look over at him Poe quickly looked away, though he wasn't entirely sure why. He would often catch himself staring at you recently. Stealing glances when you weren't paying attention. Following your movements carefully, noticing all the small things you'd do. The particular way you would pick up your cup, or how you would gently touch hot food to your lips to test it's temperature. All the small little things he had never noticed before, that he's starting to see all the time now.
Was he? Did he? No. No he couldn't. You were his friend. His best friend, nothing else. No matter how tempted he was to be more, he was too afraid to ruin what you had. So, no. He wouldn't embrace these feelings rising in his chest. He'd push them down. He'd refuse them. He couldn't lose you by trying to be something more than what you wanted.
"Poe!" You laughed as you pushed him lightly, making him jump.
"What?" he asked startled.
"I asked what about you? What do you want to do?"
"Oh" Poe chuckled "Sorry, got lost in thought."
"What were you thinking about?" You asked with a curious smile.
'You.' Poe smiled lightly and pushed the thought away "I wanna fly." Your smile widened and he felt his heart skip a beat. "I don't care where to, or who for, I just wanna be up there." He said as he looked up at the distant darkening sky.
You followed his gaze and smiled "I think you'd be great Poe."
There goes his heart again. He looked back over at you, and when you met his eyes he felt a deep fear rise up. If he became a pilot, where would you go? What would you be doing?
"What is it Poe?" You asked with slight concern written on your face as you saw his own fall.
He shook his head "Nothin', I just...You'd come with me right? I mean. What if we, I don't know. Did something together?"
You chuckled lightly "Like what?"
Poe let out his own chuckle "I have no idea. I just know that whatever it is, I want you to be right there with me."
You grinned at him and leaned over, lying your head on his shoulder as you looked out at the now dark horizon "Of course we'll be together Poe. We always are-"
"Always will be." Poe added.
You both chuckled and Poe let out a deep breath. As long as you were there, he'd need nothing else.
* * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * *
Poe sniffled as he wiped his nose, staring down at the floor. The memory of that day playing in his mind. It was the first time he really realized he had feelings for you. And it was when he forced them away. He never thought you could feel the same, so he refused to accept that he did.
Now no matter what reasons he had, they would never seem alright. No amount of excuses he could come up made the pain go away. He lost you, and you never knew. You told him that you loved him, and he couldn't speak. He couldn't say it back, so you never knew.
But he did love you. So much, for so long. And now all he felt was a burning rage in his chest, towards himself. For all those times he ignored his feelings and pushed them away. For all the times he tried to be with anyone else to try and get over his feelings for you. Now all he could think about was the lost time. How great you two could have been together as more than friends.
Poe dropped his head and stared down at the floor beneath him. He felt a tear escape his eye and fall to the ground.
He had shut himself away in his quarters for the last few days. Ever since he lost you. He couldn't bring himself to speak to anyone, to eat, or drink, he couldn't even sleep. No matter how exhausted he was. But he didn't care. He didn't deserve it.
As he wallowed in his own pain, he ignored the buzzing of his door. Not wanting to speak with anyone. But as it insistently buzzed he felt anger rise in his chest.
Standing he moved to the door quickly, opening it "What?" he asked harshly before faltering in surprise as he saw the Generals surprised face. He straightened up slightly and felt guilt cover his face "General Organa. I'm sorry, I just-"
She held up her hand "It's alright Poe, I understand."
He nodded lightly and she took in his appearance. Bags under his eyes, disheveled hair and clothes. Walking past him and into his quarters she turned and stared at him for a moment.
"We found Y/n's ship. Wrecked on the planets shoreline."
Poe felt his heart drop. He nodded his head in understanding, though it was barely noticeable.
General Organa took a few steps closer to him and grabbed his arm, making him look at her "Poe. I need you to listen." Poe frowned at her sudden intense tone "We don't know what it means just yet, so I don't want you coming to any conclusions, but..we found no body. Anywhere near the ship. And it appeared as though the ship doors may have been opened from the inside of the ship, after the crash."
Poe stopped breathing as he stared at Leia, he felt his chest tighten as hope began to swell in his chest. His thoughts were suddenly filled with a million questions and thoughts of you.
"You're saying-" He felt emotion build up in his chest, his eyes tearing up at the thought "Y/n might-" He couldn't get it out, but as Leia nodded her head he felt as thought his chest might explode as he let out a desperate breath.
"We don't know for sure yet Poe." She said gaining his attention and he nodded "I just thought you should know. We have a ground team trying to figure out where...if Y/n got out, where they might have ended up."
Poe nodded again, trying to remain calm but he couldn't. You could still be alive, out there, possibly hurt, lost. Hearing Leia's communicator beep, Poe broke from his thoughts, watching as she answered it.
"General Organa, our ground team found tracks from L/n's ship leading into the mountains. It appears there had been another ship there...It seems that they might have been taken prisoner by the First Order."
In a second, Poe's hopes of seeing you again faltered as they were replaced by fear. If you had been taken by the First Order, who knows if you were still alive.
Organa met Poe's eyes, and he knew she was thinking the same thing. Poe felt determination take over as he stared her down "We need to get Y/n back."
Leia reached out and placed her hand on Poe's shoulder "I know how badly you want Y/n to be returned safely, I do as well. But we need a plan first. If we rush in there we could just end up getting Y/n killed."
Poe wanted to refuse this, he wanted to complain, but he shoved it down, knowing that Leia was right. The last thing you needed was a resistance attack causing your captors to panic and dispose of you.
"What are we going to do?" Poe asked, desperation rising.
"We'll come up with something. If they have Y/n, we'll get them back. I promise."
* * - - - - - * *
"Ah." You winced as you jumped down from the simulator ship, others running to you in concern.
"Are you alright cadet?" One of the pilot commanders asked.
You nodded your head "I think so. The control panel caved in and crushed my leg." You responded as you turned back to look at the simulator. "What the hell happened?" You asked.
The pilot sighed "A droid short circuited and ended up causing two simulators to lose control, crashing into one another."
"I didn't think that was possible." You said shocked.
The commander looked up at you "Neither did I."
You let out a dry chuckle as you continued to limp towards the exit.
"Y/n!" You heard your name called and turned, seeing Poe running towards you, panic on his face. As he approached and saw you limping he ran to your side "Are you okay? I heard there was an accident with the ship simulator?"
"Yeah, but it's alright, I'm okay." You said as Poe wrapped your arm around his neck, helping you to stand. He could see a tare in your pants above the knee, your exposed skin raw and scraped, bruises already forming "Let's get you to the med-bay." He said as he helped you to the door.
"Did you know the simulators could crash into each other?" You asked.
Poe looked at you in surprise "No?"
"Turns out they can." You chuckled.
Poe's concern was replaced by amusement as he shook his head and laughed "Leave it to you to laugh about almost dying."
"I was no where near close to dying!" You said with a dry laugh.
"Well it was close enough to give me a heart attack." Poe said defensively "Ever since we were kids you've always gotten into trouble, always getting hurt, If you're not careful, one day you're gonna get yourself killed."
* * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * *
Your eyes jolted open as you regained consciousness suddenly. You looked around in confusion as the memory of Poe's voice faded into a dream. Bright lights lining the walls around you made you squint. You tired to bring up your hand but couldn't. Looking down you see your wrists strapped to the chair you were placed in. Your feet tied down as well.
Looking around the room again, you began to gain focus. The room was a dark grey, the walls padded. Nearby was a door, along with a table. On the table lied various tools you couldn't recognize. But you felt a growing anxiety in your chest as your memory flooded back.
Your ship was shot down halfway through the battle with the First Order. You landed down the shore of the planets ocean. You were injured, but alive, surprising yourself when you woke up in your cockpit. Your ship was completely dead, and you were unable to communicate with any ships nearby. You managed to get your ship open and fell out onto the sandy shore.
Practically crawling away, you tried to make it to the Resistance base on the Eastern side of the island you crashed on. But a group of First Order scouts got to you first. You tried to fight back but were to weak from your injuries. They knocked you out, and now you were waking up here.
Looking around, you were unsure why, but you were looking for Poe. 'No he's not here. Of course he's not.' You thought to yourself. You suddenly thought of the last time you saw him and were suddenly felt with regret and guilt. You shouldn't have left like that. You finally admitted your feelings, but you could have done it differently. And now you were here, having no idea exactly where "here" was.
You had no idea how long it had been, nor if the others knew you had been taken or if they thought you were dead. If Poe thought you were dead.
You felt your chest tighten at the thought. No matter what happened the last time you talked, how you left. He didn't deserve to think you were dead. Especially after how you had last interacted.
As the door of the room you were in slid open your thoughts of Poe were replaced with panic as you watched a man stalk into the room. He was tall, slim, had a sunken face and dark grey eyes to mach his First Order uniform. His eyes bore into your own as he stopped directly in front of you.
For much longer than was comfortable he stared at you without speaking. Finally, feeling fed up with it, you dared speak "Are you trying to read my mind or something?"
Before a second could pass he slapped you hard across the face, catching you off guard. Shaking it off you glared at him. His lips curled slightly into a small smirk as he began to circle around your chair.
"How did the Resistance learn of our attack on the base?" He asked.
You scoffed "The last thing I'd like to do is compliment you, but I'm sure you already know the answer to that question." Your voice was filled with venom.
Stopping in front of you again he smiled at you, making your stomach clench with discomfort. "Fine." He said slowly. "Who is the spy that told you about our attack?"
You rolled your eyes "Even if I did know that information I wouldn't tell you."
The man turned away from you and walked to the small table of tools. You felt your hands start sweating as he looked through them, running his gloved fingers over them. Picking up a small cane of sorts, you assumed provided some sort of electrical shock, you looked into his eyes and tried to show no fear.
"I'm sure I'll get some useful information out of you." He said threatening.
Glaring you leaned forward a bit, staring into his eyes unblinkingly "I wont make it that easy."
- - - - -
Poe tapped his foot impatiently as he looked around the room at all of those who were gathered. Pilots, Resistance members, and at the head of the room General Organa.
Organa moved to the center of the room and everyone went silent. She met Poe's eyes for a moment before she began to speak out loud.
"I've gathered all of you here for a very specific reason. I'm sure you have all heard that resistance fighter and pilot Y/n L/n was shot down yesterday during the battle."
As she paused there were sad murmurs through the crowd as many people looked to the ground in grief.
"Many lives were lost during this battle with the First Order. And as of this morning, all who went missing or whose ships were shot down were confirmed as dead. All except one. We did not find Y/n's body. We have evidence that tells us Y/n survived their ship crash, but, they were taken by the First Order from the crash site of their ship. Two hours ago, our spies informed us that a resistance prisoner was taken to a first order base on a small planet called Kayzan. An hour ago, it was confirmed this prisoner was indeed Y/n."
The murmurs continued, louder as an air of concern filled the room. Poe felt many eyes land on him, everyone in the room knowing how close you two were. Poe himself felt anger rise in his chest at the thoughts of what the members of the First Order might be doing to you. He continued tapping his foot and wringing his hands as he also thought about how much time was being wasted, he could be halfway to Kayzan by now.
"So, the reason you are all here, is that you are Y/n's friends. I have known Y/n for a number of years, as have many of you. Y/n, in the past has risked their own life to save resistance members when they have been taken prisoner. It is my intention to repay this debt. It is my intention to do everything we can to rescue Y/n L/n. We do not however, intend to attack the First Order base in full force. Instead, we are going to provide a distraction, so that Commander Dameron can sneak onto Kayzan and rescue Y/n. I know that I may be asking a lot, and that I am putting you in danger to rescue a single person. So, those of you who wish to stay, can. Those of you who wish to partake in this mission, we leave in 15 minutes." The General finished speaking and turned to leave, Poe rose and followed her immediately.
"How many do you think will come?" She asked as he fell into step beside her.
"Most of them, if not all." He said confidently "When Y/n makes friends they're for life." The general smiled at this, believing him fully.
- - - - -
Your eyes were clenched shut as you continued to wriggle your hands in their binds. The First Order didn't think much of you, what proved this was the simple binds they placed around your wrists. Rather than the metal clasps you would expect, they were made of an almost rubber-like material you knew of well. It was thick and at first seems unbreakable or unable to be torn. But you knew that with constant resistance and stretching, as well as heat, the material could be worn down to the point of breaking.
Unfortunately your wrists were now raw and near bleeding as you continued to constantly bend and stretch the binds. You were close to getting your hands free, but the pain was approaching unbearable as your skin burned. You had lost track of time, and were beginning to lose hope of getting out of you binds. But just as you began to feel the desperation rise, there was a small popping and taring sound as the binds around your right wrist split at the top.
You gasped lightly as your eyes shot open. Pulling your arm up with a hard tug, the bind ripped more, pulling once again, the bind fell all the way off and your arm was now free. Quickly you began to tug at the other strap, gripping it and pulling it. After a few moments you were able to tare the edge and pry the rest off. Looking down at your feet, you felt a bit hopeless as they were not worn down enough to get out of as easily.
Looking to the table nearby you moved yourself from the chair as much as you could, bending you legs at an awkward angle as you tried to reach out to the table. Your fingers were mere centimeters away. Out of sheer desperation, you flung yourself towards the table with what flexibility and strength you had left. Managing to grab the edge of the table, you knocked it down, causing the tools to crash onto the floor.
You let out a groan of pain as you grabbed a blade, pulling yourself back onto the chair. You ignored the screaming of your now surely pulled muscles, as well as the still bleeding wounds on your sides where your captures insisted on poking and prodding you.
Watching the door carefully as you quickly cut at the binds, you were surprised no one entered the room. Surely the crash of the table was loud enough to alert the guards that were outside. Cutting through one of your leg binds you began carving at the other. Suddenly the alarms in the base started to go off, and red blinking lights began to light up the room.
Your heart began pounding as you wondered what was going on. Surely those alarms weren't for you? You hadn't technically escaped yet. Then you thought of the resistance, of Poe. Had they come for you? Had they somehow found out where you were? You felt hope rising in your chest, but tried not to depend on it too much. It was still a possibility that no one knew where you were. The First Order had more enemies than just the resistance. Besides, who would risk their lives to attack a First Order base to rescue one person? Unless others had been captured as well?
Managing to cut the binds from your foot, you rose from your chair and limped to the door, grimacing from the pain shooting through your entire body. You were glad the adrenaline pulsing through you was keeping you upright.
Before opening the door, you looked back at the tools that had been used to torture you. A blade was not enough to get you out of here. A gun would be best, but luckily for you they didn't use one of those.
Stepping over and crouching down, you grabbed the stun cane your interrogator seemed to enjoy using. Pressing the trigger button, you watched as a bright bolt of electricity crackled at the top. Your side seemed to pulsate from the memories of it's power.
Turning up the power on the cane to as high as it could go, you turned back to the door. Taking a few deep breaths you pressed the button and opened the door. Your hopes of there no longer being any guards proved disappointing as a storm trooper by the door quickly turned.
Upon seeing you he immedietely charged at you, but even with your injuries you were quicker. Bringing up the stun cane, you shoved it under his helmet and to his neck before pressing the button. As the trooper groaned and fell to the ground a yell came from behind you. Turning you saw another storm trooper raising his rifle. Jumping to the side, you barely manage to get behind the door as the streaked rang past you. You waited for the storm trooper to come to you before jumping him as he came to the door.
You struggled with him for a moment before being able to stun him and take him down. Without stopping for too long, you quickly grabbed one of their guns before dragging them into the room. Taking the smaller ones armor you donned it to pass as a storm trooper for as long as you could.
Sneaking back out of the room, you began to make your way down the hall and further into the base, hoping that if you found what was causing the alarm and lock-down, was indeed the resistance.
- - - - -
Poe crouched down behind the weapons containers as multiple storm troopers and First Order officers ran past. The large armada of resistance fighters circling the planet worked well as a distraction, allowing Poe to get onto the base with BB-8 in tow.
Running quickly, yet quietly down a corridor, Poe crouched down next to a control panel, watching the halls with his gun at the ready. BB-8 began to connect with the control panel. A couple beeps and a whistle later BB-8 seemed to shake with excitement before turning to Poe and letting out a mess of noises.
Poe smiled and let out a relieved sigh as BB-8 informed him of your location. Okay buddy let's go. As he rose to leave, a couple storm-troopers rounded the corner, immedietely spotting Poe.
"Shi-!" Poe exclaimed as he began to fire at the troopers while pressing himself against the corridor pillars, which he barely fit behind. Ducking down he lost his footing as a phaser blast struck his upper shoulder. Managing to take out both storm-troopers he hissed in pain as he looked at his burnt shoulder. BB-9 whirred in fear as he pressed up to Poe.
"It's alright, just a flesh wound." He said as he stood up "Come on, we got to get to Y/n." BB-8 followed quickly behind as they headed down the corridor.
After a mess of turns and multiple near-sightings by some more officers that ran by, Poe finally made it to the room you had been kept in. After BB-8 connected to the door, it unlocked and slid open. Poe lifted his gun in case you weren't alone, but faltered when instead of seeing you, he saw to men lying on the ground. One storm-trooper, and another man in thin underclothes.
Looking around the room, Poe saw the torn binds on the chair in the middle of the room, as well as blood. Then his eyes landed on the mess of tools on the floor. Poe felt his stomach clench as his thoughts ran away with what happened to you here. Looking back to the near-naked man, it clicked in his mind that you must have escaped, and that you were running around dressed as a storm-trooper.
Poe felt a bolt of relief that you got away, but it was followed immediately by anxiety as it would now be much harder to find you.
"Damn!" Poe cursed as he looked around desperately before looking back down at BB-8. "Come on." He said as he ran back out of the room, unsure of what to do now.
- - - - -
You walked with as much confidence and strength as you could muster as you passed another group of storm-troopers running past. Your heart pounded in your chest. You had no idea how long you had until they found out you escaped.
"Hey you!" You heard from behind you.
Turning quickly, you winced at the pain from the movement, and hoped you had made no audible noise. Another storm-trooper marched up to you, seemingly watching you closely "That corridor has already been searched, look for the intruder somewhere else."
Intruder? Nodding your head harshly you turned to walk away, hoping the storm-troopers would ask no questions. As you rounded the corner you let out a breath of relief as you heard no following footsteps. Thinking back to what he said you felt an anxious hope rise up in your chest. It was Poe. You didn't know how you knew, but you did. He was here.
Quickening your pace slightly, you tried to ignore the pain searing through your body. You didn't know how much longer you could hold out, but you had to try.
Hearing shouting coming from a nearby hanger you froze for a moment as you listened. Hearing some phaser fire, you began to run towards the hanger. Your body screamed for you to stop, but your brain told you to keep going. For Poe.
As you entered the hanger, you saw three storm-troopers firing at a shipping container. Suddenly you saw a familiar face pop out for just a second as he returned fire.
"Poe." You whispered to yourself. With little to no hesitation, you immedietely turned your guns to the storm-troopers and began to fire.
Quickly killing one, the others turned in alarm. Seeing you, still dressed at a storm-trooper, their confusion allowed you time to kill the second. But as the third dived behind a nearby ship after firing a few shots at you, more storm-troopers entered the hanger.
- -
Poe felt desperation take over as he hid from the phaser fire of the storm-troopers. He came to the hanger hoping you might attempt to get a ship. But he ran into a small group of storm-troopers that were clearly not you.
As he fired again, barely dodging a phaser blast, his eye caught on another storm-trooper entering the hanger.
"Great." He muttered in annoyance.
Hearing more phaser fire, followed by alarmed chatter of storm-troopers, Poe frowned before he peaked out from behind the container. Seeing the storm-trooper that had just entered, firing on the other three, he felt a smile form on his face.
"Y/n" He whispered.
Suddenly more phaser fire came from across the hanger and towards you. He watched as you were hit in the shoulder before throwing yourself behind a large container. He jumped up and began to fire at the storm-troopers who just entered. A moment later you continued to fire at them as well.
Using your attacks as cover, Poe began to run towards you, hiding behind ships as he went. BB-8 continued to whistle in terror as the droid stayed close to Poe's side.
- -
As you dove behind the large container, you groaned in pain as your skin burned from the wound to your shoulder. Ripping off the storm-trooper helmet, you took a few steadying breaths. Leaning out, you began to fire at the storm-troopers across the hanger. You watched as Poe began to move across the hanger towards you, so you began to apply steady fire as to give him cover.
Locking your eyes on a fuel tank close to the storm-troopers, you leaned out even further as to get a good shot. And just as Poe dived behind the container with you, you fired. The explosion rocketed through the hanger and you ducked down as shrapnel flew throughout the large room.
As you leaned against the container, you turned your head, locking eyes with the familiar pair of brown ones.
"Poe." You said quietly, clear relief in your voice.
Poe grinned at you as he reached out, placing his hands on either side of your face "God it's good to see you." He said almost breathlessly.
You let out an amused breath, you mind flashed back to the last time you spoke, but as your eyes landed on his wounded shoulder you pushed the thoughts away.
"You got shot." You said bluntly.
Poe looked down at is shoulder and then at your own "You're one to talk."
You let out an amused scoff before you sat up "We need to get out of here."
As you began to stand all the way up, you found that your body had finally had enough. Your legs went out from under you as you began to stumble down. Poe quickly reached out, catching you.
You let out a ragged breath and mumbled under your breath "Dammit."
"Hey, hey." Poe said hurriedly, worry lacing his voice as you fell back against the container.
You felt your body growing weaker, as heat seemed to crawl up your neck, you felt an unusual sense of claustrophobia take over.
Pulling at the storm-trooper armor you mumbled "I need this off."
"Okay, here, here." Poe said as he helped you to pry off the armor.
As he did so, your wounds were revealed in full. Poe's face fell as he saw your bloodied clothes, matted to your sides. Your wrists were red and raw from your binds, and the newer wound to your shoulder was worse than he thought. He felt fear take over as he looked at your face. You were covered in sweat and you seemed to be loosing yourself.
"We need to get out of here." You mumbled as you brought your hand to your side.
Poe nodded his head "Right." Pulling a communicator out of his pocket he turned it on "Resistance ship three this is Commander Dameron, I have Y/n, meet us at the evacuation point."
"Copy that commander, resistance ship three is ready for extraction."
Poe shoved the communicator back into his pocket and leaned over to you "Put your arm around my neck."
Doing as he said, you heard a whimper leave your mouth unintentionally as you latched onto him. Gently Poe pulled you up as he wrapped his arm around you to hold you up. You could barely use your legs, but you tried your best to stand.
Looking down at BB-8 Poe nodded at him "You need to be our eyes BB-8"
BB-8 beeped a couple times before he looked at you letting out a quiet whir.
You smiled down at him "I'll be okay BB."
BB-8 whistled lowly before turning and whizzing towards the exit. You and Poe began to move towards the doors, you each had your guns in your free hands, but you were afraid you would not be able to use yours if needed.
Exiting the corridor, you heard oncoming storm-troopers, their running echoing from the nearby hall. You tried to move fast but stumbled, causing Poe to slow down. Hearing the troopers gaining on you, you let out a staggered breath.
"We're not gonna make it Poe, you need to go." You said as you pushed him away, landing against the wall.
Poe looked at you with confusion and fear "What are you talking about, come on!" He reached out for you but you shook your head.
"We're not gonna make it if you have to drag me along Poe, go! I'll cover you!"
Poe looked down the hall, hearing the troopers voices getting closer he shook his head "Like hell."
Quickly, he reached out to you, grabbing you and puling you into his arms, he pushed down the guilt that followed after you let out a cry of pain. He lifted you up into his arms and began to run as fast as he could down the corridor. BB-8 opened the doors ahead of you and lead the path to where you would escape.
You felt your body weakening as you lifted your head, you could see the Storm-troopers coming after you, even after you exited the base out into the open air. Doing what you could, you raised your arm as much as you could and fired. Unable to hit the storm-troopers, you were only able to make them stagger back a bit as the lasers struck the ground in front of them.
Just as the storm-troopers raised their guns to start firing, you felt fear rip your entire being.
"Poe" You whimpered out, closing your eyes as you heard weapons fire.
"Get in the ship!" You heard a voice call out.
Opening your eyes again, you see the storm-troopers firing at someone else, as more phaser fire came from behind you, from where Poe was running towards.
Suddenly, your surroundings changed again as Poe began to run up a ramp into a resistance ship. Past resistance fighters who covered you from the storm-troopers. As the door began to close and the ship began to rise, you felt relief flow through you. But just as you realized you were safe, you realized you had no strength left.
When Poe got further into the ship, he leaned down, setting you down in his lap. As he rested your head against him he saw your eyes beginning to glaze over as you tried to focus on his face.
"Y/n, hey, hey we're okay, we got out. You're gonna be alright." He cupped your cheek with his hand.
You tried to smile at him but you were unsure if you did. You looked into his eyes "I-I'm sorry Poe. I shouldn't have...left, like that." You were struggling to speak as you fought for breath.
"What?" He whispered out as he leaned down further "No, no Y/n it was my fault you understand? I was an idiot. I fought back my feelings for years, I should have told you sooner, Y/n, I'm sorry. I- I love you too."
'I must be dying' you thought to yourself, 'I must be hallucinating'. Seeing what you wanted most before you died. Using what strength you had, you lifted your hand and touched his face. He smiled at you, but there was desperation behind it.
"You're lying." You whispered out, smiling, not angry, not really feeling anything.
"What? No." He shook his head desperately "No I'm not lying I promise. Y/n I've loved you for years but I- I never thought you could ever love me."
Poe adjusted himself as he looked around desperately for the words he needed to make you believe him. He looked back down at you and let out a ragged breath before leaning down closer, staring into your eyes as he whispered to you "You asked me, what was it about you that wasn't good enough, but dammit Y/n, it's me that's not good enough. I've always tried to be good enough, but there is no one your equal. But I promise I will try. I'll make it up to you, if you just, stay with me."
He wasn't lying. Even through the haze taking over, you could see it. Your felt tears begin to streak down your face. Poe quickly started to wipe them away, ignore his own that begun to pool in his eyes.
"You mean it?" You whispered.
Poe nodded "I do. I promise."
You opened your mouth to speak, but as you did you felt a dark haze begin to take over as Poe began to fade from view. Trying hard to focus on him, if not for one more moment, the last thing you saw was his terrified eyes as he pulled you tighter into his arms, his voice barely audible as he called your name.
* * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * *
"I can't believe we did it." Poe said as he practically skipped down the steps "We made it into the academy can you believe it?" He laughed a he spun around looking around at the academy grounds.
You grinned at him as you watched him celebrate "Of course I can believe it."
He turned at the bottom of the steps and looked up at you as you approached him "What would you have done if you got in and I didn't?" Poe asked.
Stopping on the step in front of him you chuckled and shook your head "I'd throw the acceptance letter into the trash and tell you I didn't get in." You said honestly.
Poe grinned up at you "I'd do the same."
Stepping down next to him as you continued walking and chuckled "I know you would."
"Going here alone wouldn't be the same if it was just one of us. It wouldn't feel right." He said as his shoulder brushed yours from how close he walked next to you.
You looked down at the ground and tried to hide the heat rising up your face, unaware he was trying to hide his own.
Feeling a sudden melancholy feeling flow over you, your face fell "You know Poe. One day...something might happen. We might have to split up."
Poe suddenly stopped walking and you turned to look at him. He met your eyes and shook his head "We'd find each other again. No matter how long we're apart. What is it you used to say? When we were kids? After we promised each other we'd be together forever?" He asked as he walked up to you, looking into your eyes.
* * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * *
The memory played through your mind as though is was being read to you. And as you felt yourself start to wake up, you understood why. Poe's voice came from right next to you as he spoke quietly. He had been talking to you, reminiscing of the time you two had gotten into the academy together.
You heard him let out a small scoff "Damn. What was it you used to say? I can never remember. Never...apart. Forever- " He let out a sigh as you felt his hand squeeze your own.
"Forever together, and never apart." You whispered out, your voice just loud enough for him to hear.
Poe's eyes widened as he looked at your face, you slowly opened your eyes, watching as they fluttered as you adjusted to the light he felt a grin spread across his face.
Looking over, your eyes focused on his face as he smiled down at you.
You smiled at him "Hello."
He let out a breathy chuckle "Hi." Leaning forward a little, he brought up his hand as he stroked your head "I thought I lost you. Again."
"Hey, you know me. No matter how much trouble I get into, I always get out." You said amused, still drowsy.
"Yeah, good thing for both of us."
Blinking a few times you looked into his eyes "Poe?"
"Did you...I mean- I wasn't...imagining the things you said in the ship was I? You did say those things, right?" You spoke hesitantly, hopefully.
Poe smiled softly at you. Leaning forward he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before resting his own against yours. You closed your eyes as he did.
"Yes. I did say those things, and I meant ever word. And I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner. I wasted so much time."
"I don't think it was wasted." You said softly as you opened your eyes. "But either way...we have a second chance now."
Poe smiled as he locked his eyes with yours "Yeah, we do." His eyes flicked to your lips before he slowly leaned in.
His lips met yours gently, and you were surprised at how soft his lips were. You felt his fingers hook underneath your chin as he deepened the kiss.
For many years as you struggled with your feelings for Poe, you always wondered if it would feel weird. If it would feel wrong being with him. But now those questions were finally answered.
It didn't feel weird, or wrong. It felt perfect. It felt right.
Poe thought the same as he kissed you. He would hate himself forever for wasting what time he could have spent with you like this. But he was glad to finally have another chance.
You now both had a chance to redeem what had lost to time and fear. And to use this second chance to be with each other the way you always wanted. The way you both deserved.
xx End xx
I hope you liked it!!
If you did please reblog it! Thar way more people can see it (since tumblr tags are trash, half the people I want to see it never do.)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural; @caswinchester2000Part Two Tags (for those who showed interest): @myownworldstuff, @hoeforthefictional - hope you don't mind me tagging you :)
Also, if you want to be added to a taglist for Star Wars or Poe, let me know~
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amperaband-blog · 8 years ago
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RepostBy @seputarsumsel: "- Ampera Band rilis single “Kesakitan ini” Seputarsumsel.com-Palembang, Hello Genks!! Sebagai warga Palembang kita patut berbangga loh, karena ada satu lagi band pendatang baru yang digawangi 5 orang personil putra asli daerah bernama Ampera Band, hadir meramaikan blantika industri musik di tanah air menyusul kesukseskan rekan-rekan mereka yang lebih dulu eksis di industri musik Indonesia 5 remaja asal Palembang yaitu Andi (Vocalis), Popon (Lead Gitar), Angga (Bassis) , Aidil (Keyboardist) dan Wahyu (Drumer) mencoba menyatukan ide dan kemampuan musik mereka dalam satu group band dengan menjadikan icon Kota Palembang “Ampera” menjadi nama band yang diusung mereka dibawah label SGP Record Jakarta. Diproduseri oleh musisi kawakan bertangan dingin Baliyanto WK dan Andre Smood, Ampera Band pun meluncurkan single terbaru mereka bertajuk ” Kesaktian ini ” ciptaan Yeni Smood, yang resmi dirilis pada Minggu(26/2) di FORK Cafe Palembang Ternyata, band yang terbilang baru ini udah punya fans loh, namanya kayzan Laskar Ampera. Mereka hadir untuk melihat band kesayangannya. Tak hanya dari Palembang, sejumlah fans yang kebanyakan remaja itu juga datang dari berbagai wilayah di Sumsel, sebut saja dari Sekayu, OKU, dan daerah lainnya Kami ingin terus berkarya di dunia musik, agar bisa terus membanggakan kota Palembang. Single Kesakitan yang sudah kami rilis ini diharapkan bisa menjadi langkah awal kita bermain musik. Kita sendiri mengangkat genre yang mungkin belum ada di negeri ini, yakni genre pop baper,” kata Andy Seperti namanya, Andy mengatakan, lagu Kesakitan Ini diharapkan bisa terus didengar berulang-ulang oleh para pendengar. Asiknya, lagu ini sudah bisa didengar di Youtube ataupun didownload di internet. So, jangan terlambat untuk menjadi pendengarnya, ya Selengkapnya simak di seputarsumsel.com Photo dan teks : Abie/17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #seputarsumsel #palembang #sumsel #sumateraselatan #indonesiapunyacerita #ceritahariini #musisi #band #banggajadiwongsumsel #musikindonesia Keep Follow us @seputarsumsel @counter442attack" (via #InstaRepost @AppsKottage) (at Palembang)
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chekadchannel-blog · 8 years ago
کتاب بهبود مستمر
عنوان اثر : بهبود مستمر
نویسندگان : مصطفی پارسامنش و دکتر شیوا مصلی نژاد
سال نشر : ۱۳۹۴
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