#kawai k-500
merriammusicinc · 1 year
Kawai K-300 AURES 2 | Hybrid Piano Review | Play Silently with Headphones Anytime
Even before the onset of the 2020 and 2021 global lockdowns that saw much of the world spending much more time at home than usual, hybrid pianos, i.e. fully acoustic pianos augmented with digital piano features, were becoming increasingly advanced and increasingly popular.
With the onset of the events of 2020 and 2021, demand for these instruments went through the roof to the point that they were rarely ever in stock without being presold. After all, many people live in crowded households or in close proximity to neighbors making it hard to find a time during the day to make all kinds of noise on an upright or grand piano. Having the option to flip a switch and play your otherwise fully acoustic piano with headphones opens up all kinds of possibilities.
This brings us to the Kawai K-300 AURES 2 hybrid upright piano, which serves as an update to the first-generation AURES. There’s been a few critical upgrades, yet everything that made the first-generation AURES so popular and so well-liked remains in place.
With all of that out of the way, here’s our review of the new K-300 AURES 2.
Kawai K-300 AURES 2 - Background
Kawai K-300 AURES 2 Hybrid Piano AURES vs ATX
It’s important to clarify off the hop exactly what kind of instrument the K-300 AURES 2 is and how it differs from a standard K-300 or an ATX K-300. So, what we have here is a standard K Series Kawai K-300 Upright Piano augmented by the digital sound engine technology featured in Kawai’s premium NOVUS series hybrid digital pianos and Kawai’s Hybrid Soundboard amplification system which features nothing short of 4 high-performance transducers.
This means that in addition to being able to plug in a set of headphones and play without bothering others, you’re given full reign of the cutting-edge SK-EX Rendering Engine, and Harmonic Imaging XL engine (with 90 total sounds), both of which can be used acoustically via the transducer powered solid spruce soundboard speaker system. You can also stream music through the soundboard speaker system via Bluetooth Audio, giving you what amounts to a high-fi stereo setup.
The contrast here with the ATX-labeled instruments is that while they still have the silent functionality and tone generator, the transducer soundboard system is absent.
This is important to note because while the Kawai K-500 is available in an AURES 2 model, the Kawai K-200 is only available in an ATX format.
Differences from AURES 1 to AURES 2
Next up, many people will be wondering what the differences are between AURES 1 and AURES 2. While there are certainly more similarities than differences here, let’s get into exactly what the improvements are.
First of all, there has been an update to the transducers, though Kawai hasn’t been very specific as to what those improvements are. It seems like the placement of the transducers has been changed, and it sounds like there's also been an update to the mechanism of the transducers themselves.
While there seems to be some confusion online as to the amount of transducers with some people suggesting that the AURES 2 has more transducers than the AURES 1, this isn’t actually the case as the AURES 1 also had 4 transducers, so the differences really seem to be in the placement and the design.
The second big difference with the AURES 2 is the absence of the control panel on the left side. For most users, this will be a positive thing because many will agree that this improves the overall aesthetic of the instrument.
While not everyone was bothered by the constantly backlit control panel, there were plenty of users who felt it cheapened the look of an otherwise beautiful upright piano. The other advantage here is that by removing the screen, they’ve removed one of the components most prone to mechanical failure down the road.
This means that to get in and control all of the digital piano-related functions, you will do so from a smart device by connecting either through Bluetooth MIDI or through the USB port.
The last difference with the AURES 2 is that it features an updated version of the SK-EX Rendering engine, which happens to be one of the most advanced digital piano tone engines currently on the market available in any new piano.
Kawai K-300 AURES 2 - SK-EX Rendering Engine Update to the K-300 Professional Upright Piano
In terms of the acoustic instrument portion, there has been a small update to the K-300 itself, which is the addition of the microcell dampening rest rail for the underfelted hammers (double felted hammers).
This takes the already great repetition speed of the exclusive Millennium III upright action (with ABS-Carbon composites, extended key length and textured key surfaces) and makes it even better. Kawai first deployed this microcell technology in the K-800 and K-500, and how it’s made its way into the K-400 and K-300.
When looking inside the piano, you can see that the mahogany core hammers have virtually no bounce at all when resetting.
Otherwise, this is the same high-quality upright piano that has won Acoustic Piano of the Year for consecutive years in MMR magazine with perks like a soft fall fallboard, heavy-duty back posts, steel reinforced keyslip and high-quality casters.
AURES 2 Functionality
Let's dive in now and still cover the bulk of what you get with an AURES instrument for people who are just exploring this technology for the first time, or for those who might be comparing the K-300 AURES 2 to an equivalent product from Yamaha or another piano company.
Given that the K-300 AURES 2 is a fully acoustic piano augmented by digital technology, there are multiple different playing modes to choose from, as we have alluded to throughout this review. Let’s get a little bit more specific about each mode.
Aures 2 Functionality Mode 1: Acoustic Piano
The first playing mode would of course just be as a standard acoustic piano. To have it play in acoustic piano mode, you’ll need to make sure that you have the electronics totally turned off or the volume knob set to zero, otherwise, you’ll still get sound coming from the transducers. You’ll also need to make sure that the middle pedal, which serves as the mute rail, is not engaged.
With many silent upright pianos of the past, the piano action was compromised as a result of the added technology. This is not the case with the last few K-300 ATX and AURES pianos where the acoustic piano experience is completely maintained. Pianists can rest assured that they’re getting a K-300 of equal quality, performance and craftsmanship to their non-AURES brethren.
Mode 2: Transducers Engaged
The next playing mode is when you engage the damper rail which stops the hammers from striking the strings and turns on the electronic components. The transducers engage and the sound generated via the digital sound engines actually plays through the K-300’s tapered soundboard. This is definitely one of the coolest and most unique aspects of AURES musical instruments.
Honestly, it’s worth visiting a piano gallery or showroom that carries Kawai products just to see this in action for yourself, or with your favorite music streaming through the soundboard via a smart device.
Mode 3: Acoustic Piano Layered with Digital Sound
The third playing mode is a sort of hybrid mode that adds the AURES’s tone engine to the acoustic piano sound. With the mute rail not engaged, simply turn on the electronics, adjust the volume, and you can layer any one of the AURES 2’s many sounds over the acoustic upright piano sound.
For example, an absolutely classic pairing is to layer some strings over the acoustic piano sound, but any of the AURES 2’s 90 sounds are available here.
Mode 4: Silent Mode
The fourth and final mode is commonly referred to as silent mode. This simply means you have the mute rail engaged and electronics turned on, but instead of playing sound through the soundboard, you plug in a set of headphones.
This of course allows you to practice anytime you’d like with a fantastic acoustic upright piano action without disturbing others.
Stu’s Advice to Present & Future K-300 AURES 2 Owners
When drilling down to do this review, Stu noticed that there are two or three notes on the piano that produce some odd acoustic effects when using the default SK-EX concert grand sound when playing with the transducers and soundboard.
An easy thing that dramatically reduces that effect was simply switching the Rendering Character to Classic 2. This odd acoustic effect will probably only be audible in certain rooms, if you happen to be noticing this, simply switching to Classic 2 fixes the issue.
Connectivity Kawai K-300 AURES 2 Connectivity
Given the K-300 AURES 2’s digital piano components, it naturally has a number of connector ports built-in right underneath the keyboard.
There are dual headphone ports so two people can actually play or listen with headphones on at one time. There’s also classic 5-pin MIDI in and Out, as well as USB Type A and B.
Next, there’s a 1/8” stereo line in, and a 1/8” stereo line out. Rounding out the connectivity is the Bluetooth MIDI and Bluetooth Audio connectivity. As we mentioned, having an AURES 2 is essentially like having a high-end stereo system. Being able to stream music and hear it played through the K-300s soundboard is a truly singular experience!
Closing Thoughts
Thanks very much for checking out our review of this truly special instrument. If you aren’t yet familiar with hybrid instruments or have been exploring the option for a while, the K-300 AURES 2 is a class leader through and through.
The post Kawai K-300 AURES 2 | Hybrid Piano Review | Play Silently with Headphones Anytime first appeared on Merriam Pianos
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castellonpianos · 3 years
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Ayer afinando un piano Kawai Vertical modelo K-500 en Los Mochis vi a un lado del piano una bases de metal para guitarra y su guitarra muy original!!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CVx5VkoFeiP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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taka-pou · 6 years
会場:do-mo kitchen  CANVAS (https://kitchen-canvas.net) 東京都あきる野市舘谷223-10
開 始:17:30〜22:00 料    金:2,000円(1品おつまみ&1drink付き+チャージ料込み)
たかぽう Magari Takagi お問い合わせ:042-519-9653(do-mo kitchen  CANVAS) 会場:do-mo kitchen  CANVAS(https://kitchen-canvas.net)
ご予約 →[email protected]又はツイッター、インスタの@、DM等でご連絡ください。
もしくは、HPトップのコンタクトフォームでもご予約可能です。 (お名前と枚数をご記入の上、ご連絡ください)
※新曲(最高は今ここに/ボーダーライン)のフリーダウンロードコードを無料配布します。(先着300人、無くなり次第終了) ※CD販売あり ※たかぽうの出番は最初を予定してます(18:00〜)
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西日本豪雨災害支援 BENEFIT EVENT2018年8月16日(木)
open/start TBA 1000yen(+1drink)
※この日は、先日発表した新曲(最高は今ここに/ボーダーライン)のフリーダウンロードコードを無料配布します。(先着300人、無くなり次第終了) ※CD販売あり ※予約不要です。どなたでも気軽にお越しください。
OMOHIDE-KYO 自問自答EPリリースパーティー
2018年5月27日( 日) 会場:代々木公園 START13:00頃〜 ※雨天中止 出演 ユメミドリ わなびーすりむ 佐野隆 LIFE IS WATER ふじかけみづき 伊集院遼太 たかぽう ワシとマチ OMOHIDE-KYO 吉田将之
2018年5月16日(水) 会場:新代田crossing 〒155-0033 東京都世田谷区代田5-28-3-3F OPEN 18:30 START 19:00 adv. 2000yen(+1drink) door. 2500yen(+1drink) Act:
ワナレカ TRIO the CMYK ぽていと 小寺雅和 たかぽう
INFO:新代田crossing 〒155-0033 東京都世田谷区代田5-28-3-3F Tel:03-6316-5259 HP http://crossing.pw/access/
日程:2018年1月13日(土)23時30分から 会場:下北沢three 【特別感謝価格】入場料1,000円 ●出演 カジヒデキ ジャポニカソングサンバンチ CAFROM たかぽう from Night Rhythm crew (マイケルJフォクス & COOLG) イエイエクルー
●出店 makiko.orihara (s o s) にどみ
INFO:〒155-0032 東京都世田谷区代沢5-18-1 カラバッシュビルB1F TEL:03-5486-8804(16:00〜) HP:http://www.toos.co.jp/3/index.html
【K/A/T/O MASSACRE vol.146】
日程:2017年11月22日(水) 会場:FORESTLIMIT(フォレストリミット) 〒151-0072 東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷2-8-15 幡ヶ谷KODAビルB1F 102
OPEN&START:19:30〜 チャージ:1000(w1D)
LIVE pavilion xool ROOTSY たかぽう
DJ 澤部渡(スカート) 谷内栄樹 killdisco
INFO:FORESTLIMIT(フォレストリミット) 〒151-0072 東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷2-8-15 幡ヶ谷KODAビルB1F 102 TEL:03-6276-2886 HP http://forestlimit.com/fl/
日程:2017年12月15日(金) 会場:早稲田ZONE-B 時間:OPEN 19:00 START 20:00 ¥1.500(1drink付)
佐野隆 たかぽう 釣り☆キチ太郎 吉田将之
INFO:ZONE-B 東京都新宿区喜久井町2番地 APAビルB-1 & B-2 TEL : 03-3203-6022
※ホットケーキの振る舞いあり ※確実なご来場希望の方は、問い合わせよりご予約をお願いします。
五日市商店街フェスティバル 2017〜商店街が賑わう音楽のある1日〜
日程:2017年10月21日(土)会場:五日市商店街 「壱番館 2F」「東京裏山ベース」「美松」「kitchenCANVAS」「洋食キッチン シオン」「もるとや」時間 :15:00〜22:00 入場無料 ※1ドリンクオーダー  出演シルバーフォーカーズ
パンフレット画像ダウンロードはこちら http://goen-bunko.com/20171021.pdf
しんのらいぶ(路上)静岡編 日程:9月9日(土)会場:静岡駅地下通路時間 :18時頃〜 たかぽう透湖  静岡へ行って路上(しんのらいぶ)やります。スペシャルゲストは透湖さん!去年一緒に共演して以来、彼女の虜になりました。BOKUGO名義での活動もしていてCD即買い。路上で観れるチャンスは無いと思います。この機会にぜひ。差し入れ等も大歓迎です。よろしくお願いします。
※当日の場所や時間等の詳細は追ってツイッターで告知します。ツイッターをやってない方はトップページの左下にタイムラインも表示しておりますのでご確認ください。※当日はやむおえず演奏が中止になることがございます。ご了承ください。※CD等の物販も持って行きますので購入可能です。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー MERCI MERCI ME × MEETS企画『第1回茶会 ~ファミレスに集まって駄弁るアレ!~』
OPEN 18:00 START 18:30
adv. 2000yen
door. 2500yenMERCI MERCI ME
〒170-0005東京都豊島区南大塚3-50-1 B1
HP http://meets.rinky.info/index.html
※新曲「春風よ吹け/ステップバイステップ」弾き語りバージョン 限定200名様に無料でダウンロードコードをプレゼントします。 先着順のため無くなり次第、終了となります。ご了承ください。 残り僅かです。 ※チケット予約はHPまたは、末尾のコンタクトフォーム、ツイッター、インスタグラムよりお願いします。
Ezaki Toshiaki 1st Exhibition ホリオの乱
EXHIBITION SPECIAL LIVE 「ホリオの乱交」 開催日 / 2017年6月24日(土) 入場料 / 1,500yen(1drink付き) 会場 / FAITH 時間 / 18:00 – 23:00
出演 松本素生(GOING UNDER GROUND) 高円寺WALKAH mamolympics(UCD たかぽう 2CM レイパー) MC蟹仮面 箕浦建太郎 and SPECIAL SECRET GUEST!!!
チケットお問い合わせ・ご予約→[email protected]
恵崎利昭処女個展 「ホリオの乱」 2017年6月20日(火) – 6月27日(火) 入場料無料 会場 / FAITH(http://faith2016.com/) 開廊 / 13:00 – 24:00 作家・恵崎利昭の個展を、FAITHで開催いたします。 新作・未発表の作品を展示いたします。是非、お越しください。
*20日(20:00 – )にレセプションパーティーを開催いたします。 *24日(18:00 – 23:00)にエキシビションスペシャルライブを開催いたします。
恵崎利昭(えざきとしあき) 高円寺生まれ高円寺育ちのヒップホップアーティスト・画家・詩人・料理人。1985年頃からアート活動を開始。2016年8月に高円寺FAITHで開催された” EX4 ” Group Exhibition に参加。2017年6月に過去から現在に至るほぼ全ての作品をアーカイブした初めての個展を高円寺FAITHにて開催。
INFO:FAITH 〒166-0003 東京都杉並区高円寺南4-2-10伊澤ビルB1F tel 03-5913-8279 http://faith2016.com/
2017年6月29日(木) 会場:新代田crossing 〒155-0033 東京都世田谷区代田5-28-3-3F OPEN 18:30 START 19:00 adv. 2000yen(+1drink) door. 2500yen(+1drink)
Act カナダマサカズ たかぽう はなこぷりんちぺ わたなべゆうと canapi
INFO:新代田crossing 〒155-0033 東京都世田谷区代田5-28-3-3F Tel:03-6316-5259 HP http://crossing.pw/access/
たかぽうフェス 第2回
2017年6月7日(水) 会場:高円寺スナック 「リトルペンギン」 〒166-0003 東京都杉並区高円寺南3-44-18 営業時間:19:00〜
当日は流しをさせて頂きます。 カウンターで美味しいお酒を飲みながら流しとして曲を 聴いてもらえればと思います。 流しは随時、タイミングをみて出来ればと思います。 初めてやお一人の方でもアットホームですので楽しめます。 ぜひよろしくお願いします。
※予約不要ですが席に限りがございます。ご了承ください。 ※CD物販あり ※新曲「春風よ吹け/ステップバイステップ」弾き語りバージョン 限定200名様に無料でダウンロードコードをプレゼントします。 先着順のため無くなり次第、終了となります。ご了承ください。
INFO:高円寺スナック 「リトルペンギン」 http://drecome.co.jp 電話番号:03-5913-9890
【K/A/T/O MASSACRE vol.121】
2017年5月31日(水) 会場:FORESTLIMIT(フォレストリミット) 〒151-0072 東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷2-8-15 幡ヶ谷KODAビルB1F 102
OPEN&START19:30〜 1000(w1D)
LIVE たかぽう Masahiro Takahashi
DJ オカダダ 沖真秀 けしー GINJI
INFO:FORESTLIMIT(フォレストリミット) 〒151-0072 東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷2-8-15 幡ヶ谷KODAビルB1F 102 TEL:03-6276-2886 HP http://forestlimit.com/fl/
2017年5月17日(水) 会場:新代田crossing 〒155-0033 東京都世田谷区代田5-28-3-3F OPEN 18:00 START 18:30 adv. 2000yen(+1drink) door. 2500yen(+1drink) Act 多賀祥子 昭平 たかぽう アイリーバンド 深井堂弘(-epitaph-)
INFO:新代田crossing 〒155-0033 東京都世田谷区代田5-28-3-3F Tel:03-6316-5259 HP http://crossing.pw/access/
2017年4月29日(土/祝) 東京 新宿Hill Valley Studio 会場:東京都新宿区新宿5丁目18-20ルックハイツB1(03-6302-1718) open/12:00 start/12:15 チケット/2,000円 ※全室貸切となります。
出演バンド CHIIO either fault JIV Merci Merci Me Mick'nHouse MY SHOES MY CAP RUNRUNRUNS THE SATISFACTION SHORTSTORY shuto SS TO YOU Votzco 鈴木まりこ(Cinnamons) momo(Couple) たかぽう
>チケット購入ページ< https://t.livepocket.jp/e/y5m80
※チケット購入&予約は上記URLのみでのお取り扱いとなります ※売り切れが予想されます。どうかお早めにお申し込みください ※たかぽう見に来ました予約でこの日限定デモCD-Rを差し上げます
” あー ep ” Release Party
箕浦建太郎 個展
Kentaro Minoura Exhibition 2017 「 あー 」
1月11日(水)Open/Start 19:30 |  Tickets ¥1,000(当日のみ) 会場:TURNER GALLERY (http://turnergallery.net/access) 171-0052 東京都豊島区南長崎6-1-3 ターナー色彩株式会社 東京支店
たかぽう/ Kentaro Minoura
January 11 (Wed),2017 | At TURNER GALLERY | Open/Start 19:30 |  Tickets ¥1,000(当日のみ)
Information | TURNER GALLERY / TEL +81(0)3-3953-5155 FAX +81(0)3-3953-5153   http://turnergallery.net/ Address | 6-1-3 Minaminagasaki Toshima-ku Tokyo 171-0052
Forestlimit New Year party 2017
2017.01.02 – 01.04 New Year party Against THE EVIL (The dead soul must die again)
2017.1.2.3PM to 1.4.3PM Entrance 1,500yen (inc 1Drink)
2017.1.2 15:00 ナパーム片岡 16:00 HiBiKiMaMeShuBa 17:00 坂田律子 18:00 taximandeminemsaiko 19:00$hirutaro 19:45 Slim Valley 20:30 AIWABEATZ 21:15 スポーツガーデンひ 22:00 yudayajazz 23:00 テンテンコ 23:30 BRF
2017.1.3 0:30 Aspara 2:00 谷内栄樹 3:00 FUCK MASTER FUCK 4:00 TEXACO LEATHER MAN 4:30 Zodiak 5:30 Sakana 6:30 S-LEE 7:45 NODA 9:00 ZuKaRoHi 10:15荒井優作 11:00 Cherryboy 12:00 Dorian x DJ SOYBEANS 2Hour BTB 14:00嫁入りランド 14:30李ペリー 15:30 たかぽう 16:00 DIYZ 17:00 LSTNGT 17:30 パッチアダムス 18:30 CVN 19:00 Kustom Kar Kommandos 20:00 くまちゃんシール 20:30 The Chopstick Killahz 21:30 KΣITO 22:00 全滅クルー 23:30CARRE
2017.1.4 0:10 DJ YAZI 1:50 THE KLO 3:10 7e 4:30 Mari Sakurai 5:50 RAH KAWAI 7:15 Slim Valley 8:00 Shgaer T 9:00 moshimoshi 10:00 DJ SOYBEANS 11:00 NODA 12:00 You me 13:00 AKIRAM EN 14:00 ナパーム片岡 15:00 FINISH
INFO:〒151-0072 東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷2-8-15 幡ヶ谷KODAビルB1F 102
12月17日(土) 12時~22時 @下北沢magari 入場無料
ー出演ー ぶんちゃんみちゃこ たかぽう kano ももづか怪鳥 FuzzyTemple DJファンシー FJK 3Q3SIN SuburbiaWorks 思ひ出狂 吉田 将之&THEサブローラヴァーズ 俺が、ショーン!!! ユメミドリ じゅり なくもゆうしろう MC JAPAN しょ☆ …and more !!
ー編み物ー FJKNIT
ーX'masプレゼントー ファンシーサンタ
INFO:世田谷区北沢2-33-6 2F
「 夜行 」
12月17日(土) 会場:高円寺FAITH( http://faith2016.com)
19:00op 19:30st ~22:00
suwakazuya https://soundcloud .com/kazuyasuwa
Joe Fujinoki https://soundcloud.co m/joefujinoki
INFO:03-5913-8279(FAITH) 〒166-0003東京都杉並区高円寺南4-2-10 www.faith2016.com
ラヴラヴ企画36 「エーレンガート」
9/30(金) @早稲田zone−B
19時前後開演予定 1500円+1ドリンク代500円 【HP】http://zone-b.jp
ドキュメンタリー映画上映: 「ガールズ★ロック!」
・ともちゃん9さい ・関口萌(ex アンダーボーイズ) ・たかぽう
アメリカを中心に世界各国で行われているサマーキャンプのプログラム、「ガールズロックキャンプ」のドキュメンタリー映画上映と、ガールズロックキャンプの日本支部、「girls rock tokyo」へのカンパを集めるのも 兼ねてます。
INFO:ZONE-B 東京都新宿区喜久井町2番地 APAビルB-1 & B-2 TEL : 03-3203-6022
masami×えいちゃん二人展「綴れ日」 2016/9/27(火)-10/2(日) 高円寺pocke【HP】
10/2(日)16:00 START TICKET FREE
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easyhlide57 · 5 years
Kawai K 500 Upright Piano
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The Kawai K500 upright may be a professional 51″ acoustic piano that's a neighborhood of the K-series of Upright Pianos, and one among the foremost popular models of latest pianos from Kawai  are several similar between the 2, the K500 does bring a singular sound and power that the K300 simply isn’t capable of, and has been giving the Yamaha U3 a series run its money since its release in 2013.
In the review, Stu Harrison goes to be talking about the sound, also because the design features that directly contribute thereto tone specific tone. He also will cover the K-500’s action – the famous Millennium III action that introduces carbon fibre to the action parts of the piano, with extended keystick lengths, Neotex keytops , double-felted mahogany core hammers (sometimes called underfelted), and usually an equivalent responsiveness in the least velocities and dynamic ranges that became characteristic of all of the larger K-Series uprights. We’ll even be discussing its sound; this isn’t simply a cookie-cutter piano designed to fill a price point for Kawai. The K500 genuinely delivers a rare combination of power, dynamic range and tonal richness. Stu are going to be sharing some thoughts on who he thinks this is often perhaps a perfect instrument for.
In the above video, we’ve recorded the K500 with a pair of AKG C414 microphones, and there's no EQ or reverb applied thereto whatsoever.
The K-500 is a component of a category of instruments which fall under a stimulating grey zone. which grey zone is this: its one among the primary professional uprights that delivers an identical musical experience to a baby grand piano of an identical price. So purchasing a K500 must be for reasons beyond budget.
Well, within the case of the K-500, which sits right round the low teens in terms of its price point. And, of course, meaning on the Kawai side that would be putting you into quite a GL-10 range, on the Yamaha side, you'll be watching a GB1K, there’s a couple of products from the Samick company, you know, in their Knabe line that you simply might be watching for that price range too. So, you know, why consider something like this and what are you giving up? Well, first of all, during a lot of cases, with a 52-inch upright Right Here, you’re actually getting a string length that’s even longer than what you’re getting into your typical 5-foot baby grant. So, from a clarity standpoint, from a tonal standpoint, there’s actually some benefits to going with a taller piano like that. And so, for people and for teachers especially, who are recommending these sorts of instruments, and always talking about how the longest string possible is gonna deliver that clarity within the base, well, this is often actually not much of a compromise. this is often actually a very strong option and it’s how to truly get a extended string, well, without having to extend the budget.
Of course, an enormous a part of the value of a grand|parlor grand|parlor grand piano|parlour grand|parlour grand piano|grand piano|grand">baby grand piano or any grand piano is really constructing that thick, kind of rounded body that surrounds the piano. So, if you don’t need that additional construction cost, which during this price range really is essentially aesthetic, it doesn’t really actually serve much of a musical purpose until you get into the upper price ranges. This you'll argue may be a more efficient, less expensive higher value sort of a sale. In my musical opinion, honestly, the sole run into going with this sort of thing dollar for dollar is that you simply do perhaps miss out thereon aesthetic satisfaction that a baby grand piano could be ready to offer you. But musically speaking, especially if you’re ready to play with the lid up or in some cases, even with the front panel completely off, you’re getting the maximum amount sound and during a lot of cases a rather clearer sound than what you’re gonna get out of a 5-foot baby grand piano for therein $10,000 range.
Drilling into the small print of where the K-500 originated from, it belongs to Kawai’ K-series professional upright pianos, which again has been call at its current incarnation for about five years. This was an update that saw variety of technical improvements to the instruments. The previous generation was made from the K2, K3, K5, K6, K8 and now, of course, we’ve got the Kawai K-200, K-300, and K-400 which was a replacement addition, K-500, and K-800. And so, what are those changes? Well, within the K-500, what we've is additional key length, duplex scale, energy-absorbing key rest material, improved scale design, tapered soundboards, the addition of Neotex key tops to soak up the hand’s natural oils…in otherwords, tons of improvements.
All of these improvements contribute major improvements in tone, touch, dynamic range, and overall aesthetic look and feel.
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naototnhat · 5 years
Đàn Piano Đứng(Piano Upright) là gì? Đàn Mới Cũ giá bán bao nhiêu 2019
Với thời đại phát triển như ngày nay nhu cầu thưởng thức âm nhạc của con người ngày càng được nâng cao. Bởi vậy nhạc cụ là một trong những thành phần không thể thiếu để góp phần làm nên một nền âm nhạc phát triển. Trong đó đàn piano đứng được không ít người sử dụng với nhiều mục đích khác nhau như học tập, giải trí, biểu diễn chuyên nghiệp hoặc đưa vào dạy học… Bạn cũng đang muốn sở hữu một model này? Vậy thì pianofingers.vn sẽ cung cấp bảng giá Đàn Piano Đứng (Piano Upright) Mới Cũ để bạn tham khảo.
Đàn piano đứng là gì?
Đàn piano đứng hay còn gọi là đàn piano upright có hình dáng giống như một chiếc hộp chữ nhật đứng với phong cách khá sang trọng, gọn gàng cho ra chất lượng âm thanh tuyệt vời. Piano đứng là dòng đàn thuộc đàn piano cơ, dây đàn được lắp theo chiều dọc và búa đàn tác động vào dây từ phía bên cạnh của cây đàn.
Đàn piano upright có chiều cao dao động khoảng từ 90 đến 132 cm, chiều ngan được thiết kế theo một kích thước cố định. Đàn piano Upright phù hợp với những không gian nhỏ hẹp nên được nhiều người lựa chọn hơn đàn piano 3 chân để phù hợp với không gian hộ gia đình. Tuy nhiên một số gia đình có không gian rộng vẫn lựa chọn đàn piano đứng vì nó mang một số ưu điểm khiến họ thích thú.
Bảng giá đàn Đàn Piano Đứng (Piano Upright)
Đàn piano Upright Kawai ND-21 giá 75,000,000 VNĐ.
Đàn piano Upright Kawai K-300 giá 148,000,000 VNĐ.
Đàn piano Upright Kawai K-400 giá 178,000,000 VNĐ.
Đàn piano Upright Kawai K-800 giá 232,000,000 VNĐ.
Đàn piano Upright Kawai K-500 giá 191,000,000 VNĐ.
Đàn piano Upright Kawai K-600 giá 210,000,000 VNĐ.
Đàn piano Upright Kawai K-700 giá 211,000,000 VNĐ.
Đàn piano Upright Kawai K-800 M/PEP giá 232,000,000 VNĐ
Đàn piano Upright Kawai AS M/PEP giá 244,000,000 VNĐ.
Cấu tạo của đàn piano upright
Cũng tương tự như đàn piano 3 chân, đàn piano đứng cũng có những bộ phận chính góp phần làm nên giá trị cho cây đàn. Bạn nên tìm hiểu những bộ phận đó để nhận định được đâu là cây đàn tốt khi mua nhé.
Khung đàn piano upright
Thường thì khung của đàn được làm bằng gang, có tấm khóa lên dây nằm ở rìa trước của khung. Rìa trước của khung thường được bố trí nhiều chốt pin lên dây, còn ở rìa sau gắn thanh chốt dây để cài chặt một đầu dây đàn. Được biết độ căng của dây đàn được cân chỉnh bằng cách vặn các chốt lên dây và những chốt lên dây được quấn quanh các đầu dây đàn.
Bảng cộng hưởng
Bảng cộng hưởng của đàn piano đứng được làm bằng gỗ vân sam mỏng và cứng đặt ở sau lớp dây đàn. Bảng cộng hưởng này có tác dụng làm tăng âm bằng rung động cộng hưởng.
Dây đàn
Dây đàn của piano upright được làm từ dây thép, có độ dài và độ dày tăng dần lên theo độ giảm dần. Trong đó, 2 hoặc 3 dây đàn kết hợp được thiết kế có độ cao như nhau và được sử dụng cho nốt âm cao. Những nốt nào có âm thấp thì dùng 1 dây và được thiết kế có kích thước lớn và nặng hơn.
Bộ cơ
Bộ cơ của đàn piano đứng  gồm các bộ phận đầu búa chuyển động chạm tới dây đàn. Các phím đàn trắng được làm từ chất liệu nhựa hoặc ngà voi, còn phím đen thì được làm bằng nhựa hoặc gỗ mun.
Bộ pedals
Bộ pedals hay còn được gọi là bàn đạp gồm có pedal vang âm có nhiệm vụ giữ bàn phím chặt âm tách khỏi dây đàn và cho phép dây đàn rung lâu hơn. Chúng có khả  năng tạo ra âm vang cho dù tay đã buông khỏi phím đàn.  Bên cạnh đó, còn có pedal nhả bàn phím và pedal dùng để giảm tiếng khi chơi ban đêm.
Hộp đàn
Hộp đàn chính là phần tạo nên hình dáng của đàn, nó cũng là cơ sở để phân biệt đàn piano grand và piano upright. Đàn dòng grand được thiết kế với nhiều kích thước khác nhau thì piano upright lại thiết kế nhỏ gọn với ít kích thước hơn.
Ưu nhược điểm của đàn piano đứng
–  Đàn piano đứng có ưu điểm là giá bán thường thấp hơn so với đàn piano grand. Chất lượng đàn cũ cũng không có gì quá khác biệt so với đàn mới về chất lượng cũng như giá cả thị trường.
–  Về nhược điểm, đàn piano upright thường có xu hướng bị mất giá nhanh hơn so với đàn piano grand. Đồng thời đàn có các bộ phận nhạy cảm, có nhiệt độ dao động và vị trí thùng đàn khá nhạy cảm.
Bạn nên xem ngay: Nên mua đàn piano điện nào tốt
Nên mua đàn piano upright ở đâu tốt nhất?
Nếu bạn muốn sở hữu cho mình model piano upright thì cửa hàng nhạc cụ Piano Fingers là lựa chọn tốt nhất dành cho bạn. Tại đây bán những cây đàn piano đứng đa dạng thể loại, chất lượng tốt, thiết kế sang trọng, tinh tế khiến cho không gian nhà bạn thêm đẳng cấp hơn. Đàn khá gọn gàng nên thích hợp cho cả những ngôi nhà có diện tích không quá rộng.
Sản phẩm của Piano Fingers không riêng đàn piano upright mà các nhạc cụ khác đều là hàng chính hãng, đảm bảo chất lượng tốt. Cửa hàng thường đưa ra các chương trình giảm giá đàn để khách hàng thoải mái hơn trong việc mua sắm đàn. Đồng thời nhân viên có thái độ bán hàng rất vui vẻ, niềm nở nên đây sẽ là địa chỉ lý tưởng nếu bạn muốn mua bất kì nhạc cụ nào.
Ngoài nên xem thêm bài viết: Tư vấn nên mua đàn organ nào
Vậy sau khi theo dõi bài viết bạn đã biết được bảng giá Đàn Piano Đứng (Piano Upright) mới cũ và một số thông tin liên quan khác. Hy vọng những thông tin, kiến thức trên hữu ích và khiến các bạn hài lòng. Xin cảm ơn sự quan tâm theo dõi và hẹn gặp lại trong những chủ đề tiếp theo của pianofingers.vn.
  The post Đàn Piano Đứng(Piano Upright) là gì? Đàn Mới Cũ giá bán bao nhiêu 2019 appeared first on Nào Tốt Nhất.
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abcdxyz15 · 7 years
Giá tiền của các cây đàn piano cơ phổ biến
Đàn piano cơ là loại nhạc cụ phổ biến nhất hiện nay. Nó sở hữu âm thanh tuyệt mĩ cũng như thiết kế tinh tế và đẳng cấp. Do vậy, chúng cũng sở hữu giá thành khá đắt đỏ.  Vậy giá tiền của các cây đàn piano cơ cụ thể là bao nhiêu?
Giá tiền của các cây đàn piano cơ phổ biến
Đàn piano cơ là những cây đàn chất lượng cao, thường được sản xuất thủ công nên mỗi cây đàn đều mang 1 nét độc đáo riêng.  Một cây đàn piano có thể có giá từ vài chục triệu đồng cho đến vài trăm triệu đồng, trung bình ở khoảng 100 triệu – 150 triệu đồng với chất lượng được đảm bảo đầy đủ các tính năng cơ bản nhất của 1 cây đàn piano. Những người mới tập chơi đàn piano thường thường lựa chọn các cây đàn piano cơ ở mức giá trung bình này bởi chất lượng đàn tương đối lại dễ dàng hơn trong việc chi trả.
Giá đàn của các cây đàn piano từ 50- 100 triệu
Trong mức giá này, bạn có thể lựa chọn các thương hiệu đàn như Samick, Ritmuller, Kohler & Campbell, thậm chí là Kawai.
Các model gợi ý:
Đàn piano Kawai ND-21 giá 68.000.000 VND
Đàn piano Kohler & Campbell KC-115D giá 63.400.000 VND
Đàn piano Ritmuller UP118R2 giá 64.200.000 VND
Đàn piano Samick J310B giá 89.250.000 VND
Giá đàn của các cây đàn piano trên 100 triệu
Những cây đàn piano cơ giá trên 100 triệu thường sẽ được những người chơi chuyên nghiệp sử dụng trong các buổi hòa nhạc có quy mô lớn, các buổi hòa nhạc thính phòng..
Những cây đàn piano cơ ở mức giá này thường cho chất lượng âm thanh vô cùng tuyệt vời với vẻ bên ngoài sang trọng, chắc chắn và kiểu dáng khá đẹp mắt. Thương hiệu Kawai là một sự lựa chọn sáng suốt trong phân khúc này.
Các model đàn piano gợi ý:
– Đàn piano Kawai K3 giá 135.000.000 VND
– Đàn piano Kawai K5 giá 175.000.000 VND
– Đàn piano Kawai K-200 có giá 112.000.000 VND
– Đàn piano Kawai K-300 giá 134.000.000 VND
– Đàn piano Kawai K-400 giá 161.000.000 VND
– Đàn piano Kawai K-500 giá 172.800.000 VND
– Đàn piano Kawai RX-5 giá 444.000.000 VND
– Đàn piano Kawai GL-30 giá 352.600.000 VND
– Đàn piano Ritmuller GD-160R giá 359.500.000 VND
Những ưu điểm nổi bật của đàn piano cơ
Những giai điệu và cảm giác của đàn piano cơ thường cao hơn nhiều so với đàn piano kỹ thuật số.
Âm thanh đàn piano cơ vang xa, thật và thể hiện được nhiều cung bậc, nhờ đó giúp cho việc luyện kỹ năng nghe nốt nhạc cực chuẩn.
Kiểu dáng đàn piano cơ bắt mắt, sang trọng, có nhiều loại có vân, họa tiết sắc xảo.
Đàn piano có tuổi thọ cao, độ bền theo năm tháng, có thể kéo dài trên 100 năm
Chất liệu đàn từ gỗ cao cấp, không những mang đến chất lượng âm thanh tuyệt hảo mà còn giúp cho cây đàn thêm đẹp, sang trọng, bền.
Phím đàn được làm bằng gỗ, khi đánh cảm giác nặng tay.
Chính vì những ưu điểm trên mà đàn piano cơ được rất nhiều người yêu thích và lựa chọn cho dù giá của một cây đàn piano cơ cũng là đắt nhất trong các nhạc cụ hiện nay.
Trên đây là giá tiền của các cây đàn piano cơ phổ biến cho bạn tham khảo cho bạn lựa chọn. Tuy nhiên, các cửa hàng sẽ có thể đưa ra những mức giá bán khác nhau để cạnh tranh, hoặc do các phụ kiện đi kèm. Do đó, ngoài việc biết giá tiền của đàn, bạn cũng cần chọn địa điểm bán đàn có đủ uy tín để mua được cây đàn piano phù hợp cả về chất lượng, nhu cầu cũng như giá thành.
The post Giá tiền của các cây đàn piano cơ phổ biến appeared first on Đàn Organ Roland.
from Giá tiền của các cây đàn piano cơ phổ biến
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pianocugiare-blog · 8 years
Đàn Piano Kawai cũ giá rẻ
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Đàn piano kawai là một thương hiệu Piano của Nhật Bản nổi tiếng thế giới và Việt Nam. Đàn piano kawai cũ giá rẻ ở Việt Nam cũng rất được ưa chuộng hơn các thương hiệu khác từ chất lượng đến mẫu mã, từ đàn Piano điện đến đàn Piano cơ
Đàn Piano kawai hiện tại nổi bật với các dòng:
Grand Piano với các seri: EX, GX, GL, GM, GE, CR40A
Upright Piano với đại diện là seri K
Digital Piano với các seri: CP, CA, CN, CS, MP, CE/KDP/KCP/CL, ES.
Bạn có thể tham khảo thêm tại trang chủ của Piano kawai: kawaius.com
Trước khi nói về đàn Piano Kawai cũ giá rẻ chúng ta cũng điểm qua những dòng, series Piano Kawai nổi bật trước
Hai dòng sản phẩm nổi bật nhất của Piano kawai
Đàn Piano Kawai K series
K-2: Hệ tiếng trong, vang, thích hợp cho người mới học piano cổ điển và biểu diễn dòng nhạc Romance
K-3: Vẻ đẹp hiện đại, kích thước chuẩn
K-5 Đáp ứng cho cả âm nhạc cổ điển và hiện đại
K-6: Dành cho người học đàn piano chuyên sâu, trường nhạc chuyên nghiệp
K-8: Với thiết kế đặc biệt của soundboards cho ra ra hệ âm thanh quang phổ, đây là một phát minh tiên phong của Kawai còn là cuộc cách mạng đối với dòng Upright piano.
K-200: Có giai điện nổi bật làm hài lòng từ những người mới bắt đầu cho đến những nghệ sĩ chuyên nghiệp.
K-300: Là cây đàn nổi bật trong dòng series K cho bạn một đẳng cấp về chất lượng âm thanh và đem đến cho bạn sự trình diễn chuyên nghiệp sánh ngang với những cây đàn piano Grand.
K-400: Vẻ đẹp trong một phong cách mới, sang trọng, có giá để nhạc giống đàn Grand.
K-500: Thiết kế với kích thước chuẩn, phù hợp với nhiều studio.
K-600: Có giai điệu âm thanh tuyệt vời với độ nhạy cảm ứng cao, là model mới trong năm 2015 của hãng Kawai.
K-700: Có thiết kế lớn hơn và mang đậm nét đặc trưng của thương hiệu Kawai.
K-800: Có âm thanh chuyên nghiệp, kiểu dáng thanh lịch phù hợp trong việc biểu diễn, giảng dạy.
Đàn Piano Kawai RX series
Đàn piano Kawai RX-1: Đó là một sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho khởi đầu của thiên tài âm nhạc!
Đàn piano Kawai RX-2: Nó là sự kết hợp hoà quyện những nét tinh tế cổ điển và hiện đại.
Đàn piano Kawai RX-3: Có thể nói đây là dòng model được xem là thành công của hãng Kawai về tính thương mại, nó được biết đến là dòng sản phẩm bán chạy nhất của hãng Kawai. Nó chuyên được dùng trong nhà thờ, phòng thu, hội trường biểu diễn.
Đàn piano Kawai RX-5 : Thiết kế cân đối phù hợp trong phòng khách biệt thự sang trọng, cổ kính.
Đàn piano Kawai RX-6: Được dành cho nhà hát vũ kịch, hội trường lớn và phòng thu chuyên nghiệp.
Đàn piano Kawai RX-7: RX-7 được xem là “người anh cả” trong gia đình RX của Kawai và hoàn toàn xứng danh “ Semi Concert Grand”, ba lần liên tiếp (2003, 2004, 2005 ) dòng sản phẩm RX series của Kawai nhận giải thưởng “ ACOUSTIC PIANO LINE OF THE YEAR”.
Hai dòng đàn Piano kawai cũ ưa chuộng nhất hiện nay        
Piano Kawai KU
Đây là dòng Piano kawai phù hợp cho việc học tập lâu dài và giải trí. Ưu điểm của nó là chuất lượng và chất lượng vì thế mà nó được sử dụng ở rất nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới. Đối đàn Piano Kawai cũ thì điển hình nhất là Malaysia, với piano mới tất nhiên là các nước châu Âu và Mỹ.
Piano Kawai BL
Chưa phải là đàn Piano Kawai cũ phổ biến ở Việt Nam, nhưng nguồn gốc nhập khẩu và sử dụng của nó thực sự rất tốt đối với đàn Piano cũ.
Điểm nổi bật thuộc dòng Kawai BL là mẫu mã đa dạng, hiện đại; những sản phẩm này được mua lại từ các trung tâm, trường đào tạo âm nhạc của Nhật Bản.
Mua đàn Piano Kawai cũ giá rẻ
Ở trên là danh sách đàn Piano Kawai cũ và mới được người dùng ưa chuộng nhất. Vậy bạn là người muốn mua một cây Piano Kawai cũ giá rẻ thì nên mua loại  nào?
Bạn nên cân nhắc một số vấn đề sau:
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Nếu bạn cần một người tư vấn để mua được một cây đàn Piano Kawai cũ giá rẻ và phù hợp, có thể liên hệ với Dấu Chấm Đen để được tư vấn miễn phí.
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merriammusicinc · 2 years
Zimmermann S6 | Upright Piano Demo & Review | Designed by C Bechstein
Famed high-end German piano maker C. Bechstein offers a wider range of product offerings in terms of price than perhaps any other manufacturer. From the C. Bechstein Concert Series which are among the most elite pianos on Earth, to the new Zimmermann pianos available at an affordable price, built to compete with Japanese-made grands and uprights.
Today, we'll be taking a look at the Zimmermann S6 upright piano, an exciting new product for us, and an instrument that to this point is pretty well unknown to the North American market.
Utilizing a timeless design and Bechstein-supervised exacting quality standards, we're excited to be carrying Zimmermann instruments moving forward and thrilled to be diving into the S2 for you here. Let's start by checking out the action.
Zimmermann S6 - Upright Piano Action
Why Action Matters
it's really important that whatever piano you ultimately choose for your home, you're happy with the action and how the instrument feels.
It's more difficult to create a good connection between player and instrument as far as actions are concerned with upright pianos because you don't have the benefit of gravity working as the counteracting force as you do in a grand piano.
On an upright piano, it's a little more complex to get that really nice fluid motion because it has to be done with springs, counterweights and counter-movement. Often times upright actions feel slow, and a little bit clunky, and the repetition speed isn't quite ideal unless you're ready to drop $20,000 or more on a handmade upright piano. Here, great pains have been expended to produce a truly dynamic action.
Bechstein’s Bronze Line Action
With that preamble out of the way, let's jump back to the S6. We had a chance to try the S6 at Bechstein's Berlin showroom about a year ago and were quite surprised to see a product from Bechstein that was very much in line with what you'll pay for a Japanese product from Kawai or from Yamaha.
Naturally then, we're of course instantly thinking about how this action, the Bechstein Bronze Line Action, compares to a taller Kawai such as a K-500, or Yamaha U3. First of all, we noticed the S6 definitely has a more robust feeling construction than a U3, and that's obviously by design as the S6 has a heavier hammer.
There's more power that you're able to extract from S6, so particularly for people who already have some acoustic experience, they might really appreciate going to an instrument with such a pleasant touch that also happens to be very responsive.
Wide Dynamic Range
The geometry has been set up to produce a bigger dynamic range than what you would get out of a Kawai K-500 or Yamaha U3.
When you dig in, you feel a little bit more resistance, but it delivers this huge big tone, and then you start to understand why this is a very credible and interesting option to consider.
Action Wrap-Up
To sum up the action, we've got an instrument that is very responsive but also happens to have a few extra grams of resistance. The trade-off to that is if you already are familiar with how a grand piano feels or already have the muscles built up from spending lots of time with an upright, this is going to respond very naturally to you.
Let's dive into the sound now and some of the design features contributing to that tone.
Zimmermann S6 - Upright Piano Tone & C Bechstein Design Features Features
Our impression is that the S6 is giving us somewhere between 15% to 20% more upward dynamic range than what the K500 and U3 are able to produce. Now, whether or not you like the type of tone that it's producing is a very subjective thing, but it needs to be noted.
The S6 simply doesn't sound like a Japanese piano and instead sounds a lot closer to what you would normally be getting out of a C. Bechstein Academy, W. Hoffmann or some of the darker German pianos that are out there in terms of tone. Steingraeber would be another example of this general tonal profile.
Hammer Materials & Design
There are several interesting design choices contributing to this specific sound. One of them is the hammer, which as we've mentioned, is a little bit bigger than what you'd normally expect out of a 50-inch piano. What's more, the hammer on here is actually mahogany. This is somewhat unusual until you get up into the $15,000, $20,000 range, though Kawai notably uses mahogany on all of their K series pianos.
Most pianos in this price range use Maple for the hammers as it's less expensive and easier to work with. Mahogany is superior though because it's a bit lighter and thus doesn't stay on the string quite as long, meaning any potential distortion is cut down.
Solid Spruce Soundboard
Second, we're dealing with a solid spruce soundboard here. Some people will assume this is somewhat of a given considering the price class, but it's always nice to see manufacturers still putting a white solid spruce soundboard on new pianos.
We've got hand-wound bass strings here and nice premium-grade Roslau strings in the treble.
Designed in Germany by C Bechstein’s R & D Department
Now, let's talk about where and how it's made since it says right on the piano "Designed by Bechstein" as opposed to "Built by Bechstein". Does that automatically mean that they've submitted the design to the factory and now they don't have anything to do with it? Not at all.
Bechstein has designed this piano from the ground up with their own Bechstein scale design, and Bechstein-produced hammers and a technical staff member from Germany directly supervises the assembly process at the production site.
C Bechstein Quality Management
Now, a lot of manufacturers with a sub-line that gets produced in another factory make the claim that they supervise the assembly process without really being able to back it up. In this case, Bechstein's Quality Management team has a full-time German engineer that literally lives at the factory and supervises a small group of employees who exclusively assemble the Zimmermann product in a separate area of the factory.
The factory we're talking about is of course the Hailun plant in China. This is a factory that was set up as a western-style factory, a business experiment a couple of decades ago. It has achieved a great level of success to the point that it has set a new standard for quality control and consistency for Chinese piano factories.
You'll notice that on all the Zimmermann products, there's actually a badge on the left-hand side of the keyboard that says, "The Bechstein Quality Management System." Obviously, a company with a reputation like Bechstein's wouldn't put a quality seal badge like that on something unless it was a high-quality instrument.
Limited Production
When some people hear Chinese assembly, they immediately think mass-produced, without much if any actual hands-on human attention. One of the most special parts about the whole Zimmermann project for Bechstein is the fact that it is actually a limited production piano.
This is an instrument that is only being outputted at a rate of between 750 to 1,000 units per year, maximum. In fact, we're only at number 8,217 for the particular piano here that we're reviewing. This project is a little more than 10 years old, so that gives you a sense of how much individual attention each one of these instruments is receiving.
Closing Thoughts
To wrap up, we've got a piano here that is a 50-inch class upright that is going to compete very well against other pianos in the size and price range like a Kawai K500 or a Yamaha U3. It is part of the Bechstein family with a Bechstein design, Bechstein components, and is assembled in China at the Hailun factory.
We think it's delivering an extremely unique and interesting option in a price range in the size range that is usually just a binary decision between Kawai and Yamaha.
So, if you have a chance to check it out, get into a showroom close to you. Of course, if you're anywhere near Toronto, come visit us. We've got the Bechstein Zimmermann product, both the grands and the uprights, like the Zimmermann S2, on the floor.
The post Zimmermann S6 | Upright Piano Demo & Review | Designed by C Bechstein first appeared on Merriam Pianos
2359 Bristol Cir #200, Oakville, ON L6H 6P8
(905) 829–2020
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merriammusicinc · 2 years
Kawai K300 Aures Hybrid Piano - Review & Demo
Kawai K300 Aures | Overview
The Kawai K300 Aures Hybrid Upright piano has been an absolute sensation since it hit the market. It is a hybrid piano meaning this is a mix of both digital and acoustic technology. Sometimes manufacturers use the term hybrid instrument very liberally, but in this case, the K-300 Aures is a true hybrid piano in every sense of the word.
It's a full Kawai K-300 acoustic piano augmented by the guts of a CA99 Kawai digital piano with four transducers directly connected to the soundboard as well as a 256-note polyphony piano sound engine that contains the SK-EX Rendering sound source as well as a host of other instruments, all controllable via an easy to use touchscreen display.
For folks looking for a true upright piano experience with all of the advantages of a digital piano, including being able to play with headphones, the K-300 Aures checks all the boxes.
Let's start by taking a look at the acoustic upright action.
Kawai K300 Aures | Piano Keys and Piano Action Millennium III Abs-Carbon Upright Action
As a K300 professional upright piano, the Aures is outfitted with the Millennium III Abs-Carbon Upright Action. The Millennium III Action represents a number of key innovations that have led to widespread acclaim for the actions, both in terms of design and actual performance.
Extended Key Length
One key feature is the extended key-stick length, which provides the player with a greater level of control.
The other advantage of the longer key stick is it increases the potential torque or force that the player can apply to the capstan. This means there's an increased dynamic range with which you're given to work.
Double-felted Mahogany Core Hammers Key Texture
There's also a nice texture on the keys, but not the upgraded NEOTEX material - you have to jump to the larger K-500 Aures for that - one of the finest hybrid uprights out there.
Along with the action on the Millennium III, you're getting double-felted mahogany core hammers. Mahogany is a lighter material for hammer cores, which means that the hammer stays on the string less, which equates to less potential distortion.
In order to silence the action or prevent the hammer from hitting the string when in digital mode there needs to be a silencing bar that basically gets in the way.
Sometimes what happens with these silencing systems is you wind up having to regulate the action based on where the silent bar is. It then works nicely in silent mode, but when you switch back to regular acoustic mode, the action feels totally off.
Additional Acoustic Piano Action
On the K300 Aures, you have virtually perfect regulation in both acoustic mode as well as digital mode, with no difference in control and repetition speed.
This may seem like a small thing, but it's actually a huge deal. The fact that Kawai has solved this issue means this type of instrument is suddenly opened up to a huge portion of the market that would have previously not been interested in settling for something with uneven regulation.
And for some people, they need the touch of an acoustic piano, but for a variety of reasons, the volume of an acoustic instrument is just too much for where they live. Being able to flip a switch and plug in a set of headphones while still enjoying a great acoustic action is tough to put a price on.
It's no real surprise that the K300 has been such a darling of the institutional world because this has made it an ideal practice instrument for advanced instrumentalists. Because this is an Aures version though, there are some modifications to the action which need to be pointed out.
This will probably be the beginning of a very strong trend in the industry toward instruments that can accommodate that type of sound management with the Kawai Aures series leading the way.
Let's move on to the sound and some design-related features.
K300 Soundboard and Sound Sources
As a K300, there are a lot of really good things to talk about with this instrument right off the bat when it comes to tone. One of them is the scale design that has been implemented on this instrument, as you get a longer than average bass string resulting in more bass presence and clarity compared to other 48" uprights.
The Kawai K-300 Aures also has 5 very solid back posts, meaning this is a well-built instrument that's made to stand up even in institutional settings.
Tapered Solid Spruce
One of the most clearly notable features of the sound-producing parts of this instrument s of course the tapered solid spruce soundboard. Pretty much all great pianos have a tapered soundboard, but not that many are available at this price point.
The tapered soundboard makes this piano very responsive and very dynamic. You can get quite quiet but the whole horsepower of this piano really leaps up and gives you a lot of really cool tonal palettes to work with as a player.
Kawai usually tends to be considered a little darker and a little more colorful as compared to something like a Yamaha U1, and this is largely due to the mahogany hammers, as well as the fact that Kawai actively voices their hammers to be darker.
High-end Performance Transducers powered by Onkyo Transducers
When we get into the digital sound engine aspects of the Aures, this is what tends to blow people away. When the digital sound technology is engaged, the main portion of the sound is actually coming from the soundboard itself via multiple Onkyo transducers.
These performance transducers are acting as magnets that essentially turn the soundboard into one giant electronic speaker, but it's using the natural spruce to give it a very distinctive tone.
Additional Piano Sounds
The closest thing to this on another piano musical instrument is what Kawai has been doing with their Concert Artist digital pianos  - the CA99, CA98, and CA97 where you have a transducer on a small soundboard. We've never seen anything that's tackled it at this level with this amount of success.
The bass response that you get out of using a transducing surface like a soundboard is just crazy.
You can activate the sound engine at any time, and actually layer a digital sound with the acoustic sound of the instrument, such as adding strings to the piano sound.
Special Features SK-EX Rendering with Multi-Channel Sampling
In fact, you're given access to the entire SK-EX Concert Grand sample set with multi-channel sampling and Resonance modeling, so if you'd prefer the concert grand piano to start coming through, simply select it on the LCD touchscreen. The sound coming through the soundboard is super lush, with things like cabinet resonance, ambiance, and string resonance really coming through.
Harmonic Imaging XL Sound Mode
You're also given the Harmonic Imaging XL engine with 256-note polyphony for a variety of other sounds as well.
There are a killer Rhodes electric piano sound on it, quite a few pipe organs, and some really nice strings patches as well.
Integrated Bluetooth MIDI and Audio Wireless Technology
All of the other typical high-end digital features are here too, such as Bluetooth MIDI and Bluetooth Audio, which is super cool as this will allow you to stream music directly through the piano's soundboard for an unbeatable audio experience.
You can also record WAV and SMF files to USB.
Lesson Books
There's also a bunch of preloaded lesson books and finger exercises from Alfred, Czerny, and Beyer, and an assortment of recordings of great classical works from composers like Bach and Chopin.
Wrap Up
The K300 Aures is one of the most interesting innovative piano products on the market today. You've got the great Millennium III upright action, the entire Shigeru Kawai sample set, the ability to play acoustically or with headphones, and all of the other benefits of a digital piano.
If you can get to a showroom somewhere close to where you live to try this cool Kawai hybrid out, even if you aren't in the market for a new instrument, you won't be disappointed.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to visit Merriam Music for more articles and watch more piano review covers on our Youtube channel.
The post Kawai K300 Aures Hybrid Piano — Review & Demo first appeared on Merriam Pianos
2359 Bristol Cir #200, Oakville, ON L6H 6P8
(905) 829–2020
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merriammusicinc · 5 years
Kawai K-500 Upright Piano Review & Demo by Merriam Pianos
The Kawai K500 Upright Piano is a professional 51" acoustic piano that is a part of the K-series of Upright Pianos, and one of the most popular models of new pianos from Kawai generally - eclipsed in sales only by the Kawai K300. Although there are several similarities between the two, the K500 does bring a unique sound and power that the K300 simply isn't capable of, and has been giving the Yamaha U3 a series run for its money since its release in 2013.
In the review, Stu Harrison is going to be talking about the sound, as well as the design features that directly contribute to that tone specific tone. He will also cover the K-500's piano action - the famous Millennium III action that introduces carbon fibre to the action parts of the piano, with extended keystick lengths, Neotex keytops , double-felted mahogany core hammers (sometimes called underfelted), and generally the same responsiveness at all velocities and dynamic ranges that have become characteristic of all of the larger K-Series uprights. We'll also be discussing its sound; this isn't simply a cookie-cutter piano designed to fill a price point for Kawai. The K500 genuinely delivers a rare combination of power, dynamic range and tonal richness. Stu will be sharing some thoughts on who he thinks this is perhaps an ideal instrument for.
In the above video, we've recorded the K500 with a pair of AKG C414 microphones, and there is no EQ or reverb applied to it whatsoever.
The Kawai K-500 Upright Piano Review - Video Transcription
The K-500 is part of a class of instruments which fall into an interesting grey zone. And that grey zone is this: its one of the first professional uprights that delivers a similar musical experience to a baby grand of a similar price. So purchasing a K500 needs to be for reasons beyond budget.
Well, in the case of the K-500, which sits right around the low teens in terms of its price point. And, of course, that means on the Kawai side that could be putting you into kind of a GL-10 range, on the Yamaha side, you could be looking at a GB1K, there's a few products from the Samick company, you know, in their Knabe line that you could be looking at for that price range too. So, you know, why consider something like this and what are you giving up? Well, first of all, in a lot of cases, with a 52-inch upright, you're actually getting a string length that's even longer than what you're getting in your typical 5-foot baby grant. So, from a clarity standpoint, from a tonal standpoint, there's actually some benefits to going with a taller piano like that. And so, for people and for teachers in particular, who are recommending these types of instruments, and always talking about how the longest string possible is gonna deliver that clarity in the base, well, this is actually not much of a compromise. This is actually a really strong option and it's a way to actually get a longer string, well, without having to increase the budget.
Of course, a huge part of the cost of a baby grand or any grand piano is actually constructing that thick, sort of rounded body that surrounds the piano. So, if you don't need that additional construction cost, which in this price range really is largely aesthetic, it doesn't really actually serve much of a musical purpose until you get into the higher price ranges. This you could argue is a more efficient, more cost-effective higher value type of a purchase. In my musical opinion, honestly, the only knock against going with this type of thing dollar for dollar is that you do perhaps miss out on that aesthetic satisfaction that a baby grand might be able to give you. But musically speaking, especially if you're able to play with the lid up or in some cases, even with the front panel completely off, you're getting as much sound and in a lot of cases a slightly clearer sound than what you're gonna get out of a 5-foot baby grand for in that $10,000 range.
Drilling into the details of where the K-500 originated from, it belongs to Kawai' K-series professional upright pianos, which again has been out in its current incarnation for about five years. This was an update that saw a number of technical improvements to the instruments. The previous generation was made up of the K2, K3, K5, K6, K8 and now, of course, we've got the Kawai K-200, K-300, and K-400 which was a new addition, K-500, and K-800. And so, what are those changes? Well, in the K-500, what we have is additional key length, duplex scale, energy-absorbing key rest material, improved scale design, tapered soundboards, the addition of Neotex key tops to absorb the hand's natural oils...in otherwords, a lot of improvements.
All of those improvements contribute major improvements in tone, touch, dynamic range, and overall aesthetic look and feel.
Piano Action
Let's talk about the Millennium III Upright Action with ABS-Carbon. This is the same action 'philosophy' that is now found in their GL, GX, and Shigeru Kawai grand pianos, and is made up of ABS-Carbon Composites to strengthen key components, and eliminate extra mass out of the mechanism. Its been measured to have the fastest repetition speed of any piano model in the world, and the addition of the energy-absorbing foam on the rest rail has only increased that speed and added greater control.
Piano Tone
The second thing that they have done with the K500, which was a really unique addition of duplex scaling. For anybody who's been researching grand pianos, you might know what a duplex scale is. That is essentially you're adding a second length of string that is allowed to essentially resonate sympathetically and give more colour to the treble range. And it creates some extra harmonics, and it thickens and strengthens the treble tone out of the piano. Most grands from about the $20,000 range up will have that duplexing, but virtually no uprights. It's actually an innovation that Steinway brought to the market well over 100 years ago, but it's pretty rare to find it on an upright.
So starting from the bottom of the piano, the K500 features a longer bass string than an average 52" (and specifically vs. what Yamaha offers), which gives a more pronounced that we talked about going to give you a bit of a grand feel, the treble is also now giving you that thickened strengthened tone that you would again expect normally out of the baby grand. And through the mid-range, agraffes give precise termination and nicely controlled overtones.
Moving to the top of the range, there's a lot more colour up there than you typically get in an upright where normally it can certainly be clear and in tune, but feel shallow and glassy - not so with the K500.
Other Major Features
In addition to the longer bass strings, duplex scale and the double-felted mahogany hammers, the K500 features a tapered solid spruce soundboard that certainly contributes to an improved sustain and a huge dynamic range. The back posts give structural strength to assist in tuning stability but also increasing the sympathetic resonance of the frame.
There's also been an update to the cabinetry as well, it's something that you're gonna notice and it's certainly for the better. The K-series generally got a very nice aesthetic spruce up when they did the whole series; they went to the full panel opening on the top, which I really liked, they've changed the lines and overall style on the gables and toe blocks, as well as the fallboard and hardware.
The music stand is actually wide enough to hold five full sheets completely spread out. Anybody who's ever had to be in a rehearsal or at home tackling one of these gigantic pieces of sheet music that just seemed to go on and on and on, are gonna get a lot of use out of this extra-wide music stand. When you compare it to what's on most upright pianos, it's pretty remarkable how additionally wide this actually is. It's probably close to 10-inches bigger than what you're going to find on a typical 48-inch Asian built piano, Japanese, Indonesian, or Korean piano.
So, all in all, the K500 from Kawai is a very capable instrument. Who is the ideal customer? I think the K-500 is really an ideal instrument for up-and-coming students who are in need of a very reliable, very consistent instrument that can deliver a big range of tone and dynamics. And quite frankly, there just isn't the space in the house to accommodate it. Musically speaking, I would say that the K-500 is going to deliver a broader musical experience than a typical $10,000 baby grand piano, and I'd prefer it to a GL10 in many settings.
And of course, institutions who need an instrument that's going to accommodate higher level players, whether that be students or professionals are also gonna get a ton of use under the K-500. Thank you so much again for joining us for a discussion and review of what we've got here on the K-500 Kawai piano. We've got the Kawai K-500 upright piano in both locations at our showrooms in Oakville and Vaughan all the time. So, please if you're in the area, come and visit us. Otherwise good luck with your shopping. Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you back for another review shortly.
The post Kawai K-500 Upright Piano Review & Demo by Merriam Pianos first appeared on Merriam Pianos
2359 Bristol Cir #200, Oakville, ON L6H 6P8merriammusic.com(905) 829-2020
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merriammusicinc · 4 years
Kawai K-800 Upright Piano Review & Demo - Kawai K Series
The Kawai K800 Upright Grand Piano is one of the few “true” upright grands to come out of Asia.  Built in Japan entirely by Kawai, the K800 has full sostenuto, premium hand-selected spruce soundboards, premium double-felted mahogany hammers, oversized music desk, and grand-like key sticks for a super high level of accuracy and speed.
Kawai K-800 Upright Piano Review Video Transcription
Thanks for being here. In this article, we're going to be looking at Kawai's 53-inch K-800, the best professional upright piano that Kawai is building, and one of the very best upright pianos in its class, and certainly at the very top of what's currently coming out of Japan. Its elegant form and exceptional tone will fulfill the needs of any professional teaching studio or intimate performance setting. The height-adjustable bench on all K Series models is ideal for teaching studios with many students and for families with more than one player. We'll be covering the action parts and the piano's tone, as well as looking at some really unique features about that instrument that I find to be of extraordinarily high value.
The K800 is a 53-inch upright piano, which actually makes it one of the larger upright pianos available on the market regardless of what price point you're looking at, and regardless of country of origin as the typical maximum size uprights from most manufacturer's are often 52 inches. The K-800 sits at the top of Kawai's K-series of professional upright pianos, and it starts right at the K-200, goes through the K-300, K-400, K-500, and finally the K800 (with a K-600 and K-700 available in Europe and Asia but not North America.) We often try to have one on our showroom floor, but it's made in such limited quantities that it can be difficult to showcase it year-round.
By every definition of the word, this qualifies to be called an upright grand piano. Not only is it well over 600 pounds, which means it's heavier than quite a few of the baby grands that are on the market, but the string length, particularly in the bass, puts it in a longer bass string category than most baby grand pianos. It's actually closer to a mid-5-foot grand in terms of the clarity that you get out of the bass. There's also a grand piano-style music desk, which is great for composers who still prefer to work with pencil and manuscript paper as opposed to a laptop when composing.
The soundboard surface area is also larger than the vast majority of 5-foot class grand pianos. As a result of these various factors, it does put the price point well above what you would typically be thinking about for a Japanese upright piano. This gets right up into the mid-range German upright price point. If we're in Canadian dollars, we're talking about a price that exceeds the $20,000. Keep on reading to find out why you should consider this piano if your budget is around $20,000 CAD for an upright piano.
Piano Tone:
The K-800 has a thick, powerful tone. A key reason why has to do with the presence of duplex scale. On a grand piano, when you create a duplex scale, you actually put another fulcrum on the other side of the bridge, so there's this extra speaking length which is kind of just free to resonate sympathetically when the instrument is being played. This thickens the tone and creates all of these subtle harmonics that add to the color of the treble. Duplex scale is not common in upright pianos. The K-500 has it in the top section, while the K-800 has in the top two ranges of the keys on both the front of the string length, as well as on the back of the string length. The addition of duplex scale here in the K-800 results in all kind of extra color coming off of the treble range.
The K-800 also has full agraffes, which ensures greater uniformity of string alignment and smoother tuning over a long period of time, also not overly common among uprights The overall thickness and projection of the tone reminds me of the Kawai GX grands, such as a GX-1 or a GX-2. If you're looking for a nice upright because you don't have space for a grand, getting some of the harmonic qualities that normally grands have, in the form of an upright is a pretty strong selling feature. It's worth mentioning.
Another tone related feature we should highlight is the presence of Royal George Hammer felt. What is Royal George felt? Royal George are a third-party company that supplies high-end felt for hammer manufacturers. Kawai has decided to include this special felt in the K-800 as an extra premium feature. I can't profess to be able to hear the difference between the Royal George felt and the premium Kawai felt that they put on the rest of the K-series piano, but I imagine this might show up more in how well the hammer could be voiced, or quite possibly, the overall longevity of the hammer. The K-800 also features mahogany core hammers, and with better felt, we know that that felt doesn't distort even when you really punch it.
Due to the large tapered, solid spruce soundboard surface area, there is a huge amount of volume coming off of this piano. Behind the grand style, hard finish music rack are tone holes, which allows some tone to escape through the front.  There is also 6 back posts and 12 ribs attached to the soundboard, giving a strong responsive sound to the whole piano.
Going past the overall tonal power, there's also a level of control you get when you're playing quietly, and even without the quiet pedal that is very good. Most large upright pianos are notorious for being a little more difficult to control in the really quiet dynamic ranges, much more so than what you have on a grand piano. This is one of the reasons why traditionally, teachers and performers generally have preferred to be in front of a grand when they get to a high level of playing because the level of control doesn't really seem to get sacrificed as you get further down into the dynamic range as you're pianissimo or you're triple pianissimo. Kawai has clearly regulated and set the geometry of the action up so that everything is speaking regardless of what dynamic range you're playing in, so you're not having to do a lot of compensating with the soft pedal for more control in the lower ranges.
From a tonal character standpoint, the K-800 is super different from a German piano. This is ultimately a good thing because it gives people a clear choice in the kind of sound they're looking for. What are these differences? For close to the same price as the K-800 you can get into a 47 or 48" in German piano, most of which are going to be generating a very clear bell tone, but possibly less colorful overall. That may make a German upright more appealing to some styles of playing, whereas the colorful sound of the K-800 might appeal to those playing romantic classical music or possibly jazz.
Overall. I would describe the K-800's tone as colorful, with a rich lush palette of overtones. It really is quite different than what you would get if you were sitting behind say a Bechstein or a Steingraeber with laser-like clarity on every single note. Ultimately, whether you prefer the tone of the K-800 or a German upright is going to be pretty subjective.
Piano Action:
Like the rest of the K-Series uprights and many Kawai pianos, the K-800 features the Kawai Millennium III upright action. This action uses a combination of natural materials as well as abs-carbon fiber-reinforced synthetic materials. The exclusive NEOTEX key surface resists cracking and fading over the years of use and is used for both the sharps and the naturals for a consistent feel across the entire keyboard.
This is a very fast action. I wouldn't describe it as a light action, but it's super-fluid, quite effortless to play. We know that due to the presence of abs-carbon composites definitely there are some arguments to be made that this will be a lower maintenance action than some of the all-wood actions out there. I would say this will be more pronounced if you're in a climate where there are frequent variations in the humidity levels. You'd notice it less if you were in a climate with more stable humidity levels, but there's still an argument for greater longevity with an action built with composite materials.
Another cool thing we need to mention, and this is directly related to the action, would be that the K-800 has the full sostenuto. Sostenuto is, just like the full-duplex scale we mentioned earlier, is another feature usually found exclusively on grand pianos. The true sostenuto pedal, for those who don't know what that is, is essentially a selective sustain pedal. If I want a B flat to sustain, but only the B flat to sustain, I'd press the B flat, and then press the middle pedal. The B flat will sustain, but nothing around it will. regardless of what other notes you play. Whereas if I was using the normal sustain pedal, everything I play would sustain.
This is not common to find this on a Kawai upright. There are other uprights out there with sostenuto, and obviously, most high-end models can be special ordered with a sostenuto, but it's really nice to have this as kind of a standard feature, at least here in Canada. The middle pedal, as some viewers might know, on an upright is usually the mute pedal. Since the middle pedal here is a sostenuto, there's a lever underneath the left side that acts as the mute pedal, so you're not sacrificing that function with the addition of a sostenuto.
Other Observations:
From a construction standpoint, the K-800 is an absolute tank. The thickness and the quantity of the back posts on the instrument makes the case that K-800 could almost fall into a Shigeru Kawai category in terms of the quality of the build and in terms of the attention that this instrument receives. The steel-reinforced keybed and keyslip are also critical in supporting the long term stability of this piano. It really is in a class of its own in terms of the Kawai K-Series lineup.
So there you have it. The K-800 sits at the top of Kawai's upright lineup, and an absolutely beautiful instrument to play. The K-800 serves as a very interesting alternative to the German instruments that have this similar price point, and it gives an option for a more colorful sound. If you're in the $20,000 price range, I would say even if you're thinking about a baby grand for musical reasons and not aesthetic reasons, this would also be a really interesting piano to consider.
The post Kawai K-800 Upright Piano Review & Demo - Kawai K Series - Tips, Questions to Ask, and What to Look For first appeared on Merriam Pianos
2359 Bristol Cir #200, Oakville, ON L6H 6P
905) 829-2020
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