#katy winton
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russianyaz · 2 years ago
EDR2023: Maydena, Tasmania, entrenos
Ya empieza a salir contenido y videos de los entrenos de hoy, al estar UTC+11 están 10h por delante de España por lo que tenemos la ventaja de no tener que esperar tanto para ver los videos esta vez. El primer video que te dejo a continuación es un “bike check” con varios de los corredores este finde, Jesse Melamed, Ella Conolly, Melanie Pugin, Charles Murray, Katy Winton, Josh Carslon, Morgane…
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womenscycling · 8 years ago
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Enduro World Series Round 3, Madeira – Practice Photo Epic - Pinkbike
Row 2: Isabeau Courdurier & Ines Thoma; Row 3: Courdurier again; Row 4: Anneke Beerten & Katy Winton; Row 5: Cecile Ravanel; Row 6: Anita Gehrig & Miranda Miller; Row 7: Casey Brown
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aces5050 · 4 years ago
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(via Video: Katy Winton to Ride on Nukeproof Bikes in 2021 - Pinkbike)
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too-many-bones · 5 years ago
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Katie Winton
Ready? Let’s goooo! Where are you riding this weekend?
I had a great day on the @adrenalinuplift today. It was mint to see the various crews up for a weekend of riding some Tweed Valley gold 👌 more of the same for me before heading out to Europe! Have a great weekend lovely people 😘
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sheltiechicago · 5 years ago
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Winning Action Sports Images Of The Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2019
Innovation by Sony. Photographer: Laurence Crossman-Emms. Athlete: Katy Winton. Location: Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales, United Kingdom
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cincinnatistable · 6 years ago
Winton Woods second-graders create “affirmation flags” for Cincinnati’s immigrant newcomers
Second-graders at Winton Woods have learned a new skill – embroidery! Katie Labmeier, Artist and Art Teacher, along with her students, created a full series of embroidered “Affirmation Flags” for our newest Cincinnati immigrants and refugees. The affirmations were colorful and creative, and boasted welcoming and inclusive messages like “Share the Love”, ���Welcome to America”, and “Be happy”. Affirmations are intended to increase confidence and have a positive impact on thinking. They are on display at Iglesia Episcopal, host of Cincinnati’s Table May community dinner. Rev. Maggie Foote leads this Spanish-language congregation and describes it as a “joyful family-centered spiritual community” and a “good fit many immigrant families who grew up Catholic but are impeded and daunted from participating in Catholic sacraments by Catholic rules they are unable to comply with”. Maggie was a tremendous host keeping everything together as there were many moving parts and a lot of cooks in the kitchen!
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Katie Labmeier and her students created affirmation “flags’ 
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Speaking of cooks in the kitchen…. May’s event featured chefs from Cincinnati’s Latino, Nepali, and Ghanian communities with dishes originating from Mexico (pozole, tacos al pastor, and mole) Guatemala (shomin), El Salvador (pepian), Ghana (spinach stew, meat pie, and fried plantains), and Nepal (momos, payazi, and chow mein).  It was quite a feast! Jeffrey and Manzara kept the kitchen efficient and running smoothly.
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Guest chefs from the Ghanian community
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a wholllllle lot of chefs and assistants taking a break for a photograph!
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momos from Nepal
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Meat Pie from Ghana
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Payazi from Nepal
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Tacos el pastor 
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more meat pies
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The communities each gave a warm welcome and introduction and description of the appetizers they prepared. The Nepali community led with a short sermon and fantastic worship music. 
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The night ended with two intense pinata battles that resulted in a candy explosion of epic proportions. It was a true melting pot of Cincinnatians coming together for friendship.
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*All photos credit: LeAnn Gardner
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introvertdear · 6 years ago
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We 💕 our patrons! Their monthly donation helps cover some of our operating expenses, so we can continue our mission: to let introverts everywhere know it’s okay to be who they are.
You can learn more about becoming a patron here. 
A big thank you to this month's introvert heroes:
Tracy Spencer | Christie Freyre | Connie Turingan| Lynne R Hall | Anuradha Rai Chowdhury | Gloria Andersen | Dead Ideas podcast | Sarah P Corbett | Eleanor Peters | Erin Commander | Kateřina Šimková | Richard Glinski | Doreen Carlson | Andrew Crow | Catherine Garcia | Greg Clement | Günther Beerten | Kenneth David Vincent Lane | Vanessa Campbell | Meike Scholz | Melissa Renzi | Elizabeth Lemont | Gabriele Temin | Edgar Zeballos Jr. | Wendy Sandweiss | NeoTeNu | Val Woodhouse | Andre Sólo | Alex M104 | Thomas Stubbs | Karen Cook | Sean McPherson | Steve Ascencio | Ruth Ann Valles | Paul Bergener | Tana | Jerry Mckee | Katie Tuma | Megan Malone | Angelica Winton | Heesung Yang | Noel Young | Heidi | Amber Lewis | Scott Karstetter | Annika Nilsson | Michelle Harvath | Kari Cargill | Sheree Thompson | Kira Wagner | Amy Sakurai | Rowan Rook | Jonathan Frieman | Kerry V | Trisha Miller | Rodney Severin
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celebrityjust · 2 years ago
Burly men at sea into the deepening darkness
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“How old’s your granddaughter?” Amundsen kept walking, his old 30-30 swinging at his side. “Hey, Amundsen,” one of the men called out to the silent old man. The cougar hunters tramped out of the forest and down the driveway to the dark lump, shadowed by the hills, that was the Bidewell house. Some Excerpts: Missing It was nearly midnight, a moonless night allowing the stars to glow large and bright. The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet contains four illustrations and many songs, some of which have been set to music and can be found at. Giselle, now the Earth Woman Tree Woman, joins with the Wolfwind, and together they become all things – earth, air, and water flora and fauna – a compassionate force for the well-being of the earth. They must stay vigilant if humans are to stay in the dance. But they know this is just one step in the journey. Gathering an increasingly diverse group of people from the city, the country, and the world, the Tla Twein engage in a life and death struggle to heal the rift in the natural order and defeat the forces of greed. There she hears songs from the earth and the trees which lead her to a group of people who, becoming their Tla Twein (mythical animals or gods), travel to Ninas Twei. A small gray cat, a red-tailed hawk, and a mysterious homeless woman urge teacher Giselle to “go north” where she finds a new job in a small rural community. Greed and the lust for power has barred them from the dance. In Ninas Twei all of Earth’s species dance and sing together to ensure the continuance of life on Earth - all, that is, except Homo sapiens. Synopsis The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet is a near future fantasy set in the mystical world of Ninas Twei and the real world country of Uhs. Listen to Butterfly Winging, a short song from Journey to Ninas Twei sung by Katie Winton-Henry. The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet:Ī musical fantasy When a stray young cat struts boldly into Giselle’s life, the restless young teacher finds herself compelled to “go north.” She’s drawn from the city to rural Arundel where, with the help of a man who prowls the forest as a grey wolf, a librarian who slips through the night as a cougar, and a gardener who rides the wind as a red tailed hawk, she sets out to save the world. You can order it from Powell’s Books and other independent book stores, as well as Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet is now available in print and as an e-book.
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matebax · 6 years ago
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Bike Check: Katy Winton's Trek Slash - Finale Ligure EWS 2018 - Pinkbike
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monterplant · 3 years ago
Destination Showcase: Dunedin, New Zealand with Katy Winton & Joe Nation
Destination Showcase: Dunedin, New Zealand with Katy Winton & Joe Nation
Ōtepoti – Dunedin, is the southernmost of New Zealand’s main centres. Here’s everything you need to know before you head there.( Photos: 41, Comments: 3 ) (more…)
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womenscycling · 8 years ago
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2017 Enduro World Series #2, Tasmania - via Taz-Mania: EWS Round 2 - Practice
Top: Cecile Ravanel; Row 2: Anneke Beerten and Rae Morrison; Row 3: Katy Winton; Row 4: Casey Brown and Camille Balanche; Row 5: Isabeau Courdurier; Row 6: Noga Korem and Ravanel again; Bottom: Casey Brown
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hwheat2021 · 4 years ago
July 24-26 journeying across Lake Eyre Basin
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We've been driving over Lake Eyre Basin seems like for weeks and we're not finished yet. The Basin is huge covering almost four States. Within Qld, it covers almost a third of the State and is formed by the mighty Georgina and Diamantina Rivers (around where we've been travelling for however many days) as well as Cooper Creek (which we hope to cross in a couple of months all going well). They all drain south through the Simpson and Strzelecki Deserts to Kati Thanda (Lake Eyre). The region is home to 18 Aboriginal Traditional Owner groups who are responsible for the area’s many important Dreamings and cultural sites - sacred landforms, trees, resource areas and ceremonial and burial places. In spite of being an arid region, there are quite extensive freshwater and wetland habitats which support an amazing variety of flora and fauna. To me it's a puzzling somewhat contradictory landscape but fascinating to drive through.
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We have been driving through Channel country and the roads undulated as we drove west to east. For those not familiar with our strange continent, that name comes from the numerous intertwined rivulets, channels that cross the region over 150,00 square Km (and it extends also south into SA). This is a staggeringly mindboggling country!
Beneath Lake Eyre Basin, lies the giant aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin (the largest and deepest in the World) as well as a treasure trove of fossilised remains of dinosaurs, strange marsupial mammals, marine reptiles and more - as well as gemstones! Talking of fossils, unfortunately we missed visiting the Riversleigh World Heritgae fossil fields (can't go everywhere!) but we visited the fossil exhibits in Boulia; they have an excellent Heritage Complex. We had planned, but decided against, a visit to the dinosaur fossil fields near Winton, we’re trying to keep clear of people en masse. And sadly as the NSW covid situation doesn’t look like abating any time soon, we won’t get to our fossil dig in Lightning Ridge next month. However……
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The top pic is part of the fossilised remains of a Pliosaur. It had a huge skull and a long snout. It is supposed to have been the largest and most powerful of the marine predators. Second photo is an Ichthyosaur, a dolphin-like creature. They had huge eye sockets which meant they probably had good vision and they are believed to have breathed air. More species of this type of reptile have been found in the Boulia area than in anywhere else in the world. Both shots were taken in the Boulia Heritage Complex.
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This is all that remains of the Hamilton Hotel east of Boulia on the old Cobb & Co route to Winton. It was near here that a very rare 100 million year old fossiled piece of tail from a very primitive marsupial was found. It is the oldest marsupial known to date. The significance of this find is that marsupials probably originated in Australia and South America, a Gondwana link which debunks other theories.
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The stones edging this small display are calcareous concretions. They were set down as sediment on the bed of the vast inland sea about 100 million years ago. A small fossil or calcite crystal acts as a nucleus. Mineral matter dissolved in groundwater moves through the porous rock and builds in concentric layers around the nucleus, much like the formation of pearls. When exposed on the surface, the outer casing pops off due to the extremes of temperature. These unusual rocks are generally found in the marine sediment outcropping in the east of Boulia Shire. It’s a fascinating and thought-provoking region!
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too-many-bones · 4 years ago
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Katie Winton
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introvertdear · 6 years ago
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We ❤️ our patrons! Their monthly donation helps us cover some of our operating expenses and continue our mission: to let introverts everywhere know it’s okay to be who they are.
A big thank you to this month’s patrons:
Sandra Trott | Linda Rutherford | Gnostical Bassist | Tracy Spencer | Christie Freyre | Connie Turingan| Lynne R Hall | Anuradha Rai Chowdhury | Gloria Andersen | Dead Ideas podcast | Sarah P Corbett | Eleanor Peters | Erin Commander | Kateřina Šimková | Richard Glinski | Doreen Carlson | Andrew Crow | Catherine Garcia | Günther Beerten | Kenneth David Vincent Lane | Vanessa Campbell | Meike Scholz | Melissa Renzi | Elizabeth Lemont | Gabriele Temin | Edgar Zeballos Jr. | Wendy Sandweiss | NeoTeNu | Val Woodhouse | Andre Sólo | Alex M104 | Thomas Stubbs | Karen Cook | Sean McPherson | Steve Ascencio | Ruth Ann Valles | Paul Bergener | Tana | Jerry Mckee | Katie Tuma | Megan Malone | Angelica Winton | Heesung Yang | Noel Young | Heidi | Amber Lewis | Scott Karstetter | Annika Nilsson | Michelle Harvath | Kari Cargill | Sheree Thompson | Kira Wagner | Amy Sakurai | Rowan Rook | Jonathan Frieman | Kerry V | Trisha Miller | Rodney Severin
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woodsymphony · 4 years ago
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Wood Symphony Gallery is pleased to present The Art of Giving exhibition curated by Larisa Safaryan. The exhibition features exceptional pieces created by prominent masters and emerging artists from across the United States, Switzerland, Italy, France, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, UK, South Korea, and as far away as Australia. View the exhibition online at www.woodsymphony.com Participating Artists: Katie Adams • Michael & Christine Adcock • Helen Bailey • Tom Barker • Ian Bell • Roger Bennett • Kade Bolger • Jean-Baptiste Boutin • Philip Brooks • Jim Budde • Ryan Butler • Rick Cannon • Pat Carroll • Bill Clark • Angus Clyne • Pascal Courmarcel • Jerry Cox • Hugh Cummins • Luigi D'Amato • David Datwyler • Ken Deaner • Luc Deroo • Roberto Ferrer • Michael Foster • Gregory Gallegos • Michael Gibson • Richard Haining • Natacha Heitz • Darrin Hill • Georgianne Jackofsky • Ulf Jansson • Michael Kehs • Keoni • Nancy Koerner • Mathias Kirchhoff • Klaus Kirchner • Francesco La Tegola • Ron Layport • Jean Pascal Lheureux • Gary Lowe • Hugh Mackay • Riccardo Masini • Pat and Karen Miller • Steve Miller • Kyoung-Ik Min • Benjamin Pascual • Larisa Safaryan • Nairi Safaryan • Jon Sauer • Pat Scull • Ric Taylor • Nicola Tessari • Dan Tilden • Derek Weidman • Molly Winton (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIQtkgvgW9F/?igshid=xzsech49331v
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rideshimano · 8 years ago
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Katy Winton conquering the Top of the World and EWS - Whistler
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