#katsushika oi
dummy-dot-exe · 3 months
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by eba
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balkanparamo · 1 year
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Cherry trees at night by Katsushika Ōi, mid 19th century
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124 notes · View notes
Bracket G, Round 1 (Match 11)
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the-cricket-chirps · 7 months
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Katsushika Öi
Beauty Viewing Cherry Blossoms at Night (& Detail)
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thekimonogallery · 2 years
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Oi Katsushika's "Night Cherry Blossoms Bijin Zu"
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kobedivision · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Touya!
Mature Themes Ahead. Minors Do Not Interact.
— Katsushika Division, August 20th, 2024 —
The sun was starting to set over Katsushika Division, bathing the city in a warm ethereal glow. It was a very special day for a certain prisoner, Touya Kisaragi sat at his small vanity and hummed a light tune as he brushed his hair, lengthened extensions and all as he finished getting ready for his date with the love of his life, Kaiji Sano.
The blue haired male was almost bouncing in his seat with excitement, he had been anticipating this ever since the start of August, not only because it would be another year of spending his birthday with his teammates who became more of a family to him but it would also be the first birthday he’d spend with Kaiji as boyfriends, the thought caused the serial killer to smile even wider, his heart filled with love at the thought of the white haired crossdresser.
A knock on his door brought him out from his thoughts, after telling whoever on the other side to “come in!”, the door opened to reveal his teammate, Rintaro Himura. Said male had an annoyed look on his face which might look scary to some but to the other members of Death Row Block, it was just how the redhead normally looked.
“Oi, Touya.” The bomber addressed, barely looking up from his phone. “Kaiji’s here outside waiting for ya.”
Touya’s eyes lit up as he got up from the vanity and squealed in happiness, making Rintaro cringe at how loud and high pitched it was. Touya was unconcerned however as he hurried to grab his phone and purse and made a beeline towards the door. “YAAAAAAY KAI-CHAN! I’M LEAVING EVERYONE! DON’T WAIT UP! BYE BYE!” He yelled out as he went out the door, causing Rintaro to groan, Akihisa and Akari however, only bid the effeminate boy goodbye.
“Have a good time, Touya.”
“Later Touya-nii.”
Skipping outside, Touya closed the front door before facing forward, there he was, Kobe’s very own, Kaiji Sano aka Jinx aka Touya’s precious darling and the love of his life that he would slaughter hundreds for. Much like Touya, Kaiji was presenting himself as feminine today and was leaning against his pink convertible, he perked up upon seeing the birthday boy and pushed himself off to walk over to him, Touya quickly met him at the middle and threw his arms around him, holding onto him tightly as the two shared a sweet kiss.
“Happy birthday, my love~” Kaiji sang, brushing his nose against Touya’s, making him giggle and give another peck. “Thank you~ Sooooo, what are we gonna do today? You said you have something planned?”
Kaiji nodded and slowly released him, much to Touya’s disappointment but was content when Kaiji took his hand and gave a comforting squeeze. “Don’t you worry about a thing, love. I got the whole day and night planned out, also, I’ve talked with your parole officer into letting up your curfew today, I maaaaaay or may not have bribed them into doing so but at least you don’t have to worry about breaking rules, trust me, I’m going to make this your best birthday yet.” He winked.
Touya grinned widely and hugged Kaiji’s arm as the blue eyed male walked him to the car. “I don’t doubt it, Kai-chan.”
Kaiji opened the passenger door for him and Touya eagerly got in, Kaiji closed the door and went over to the driver’s seat, getting in and starting up the vehicle. After letting Touya choose the music, the two femboys were off to start their date.
— Later, Kobe Division —
Touya giggled and laughed as Kaiji drove them to their next destination, at this point the sun had completely disappeared over the horizon and it was fully night time now. The bluenette was bursting in happiness as he hugged the plushie that was sitting on his lap, the back seat of the vehicle was filled with other toys and shopping bags that had accumulated throughout the day. It had been a wonderful start, Kaiji had taken him out to an amusement park where the two of them had helped themselves to the various games and rides available, even ridden through a ‘love tunnel’ where the two took advantage of the dark environment to make out before leaving.
Then Kaiji took him shopping to his heart’s content, the white haired male had told him that there was no limit to what he wanted and that he was free to go wild to which Touya gladly took him up on that. In no time at all, the back of the car was filled with gift bags upon gift bags filled with clothes, toys, special toys, and even knives, all of which were placed next to the amusement park plushies they’ve won.
After that, Kaiji had taken him to a small yet cute cafe tucked into a little corner of the city where the two of them enjoyed a good meal and refreshing beverages as they caught up with each other, despite the last time they got together was last weekend.
All in all, it was a wonderful date and a great way to spend the rest of his birthday, Touya couldn’t help but let out a love filled sigh and reached his hand over to hold Kaiji’s, the other male immediately reciprocated and even lifted up to place a kiss on his knuckles, causing the blue haired male to fall even deeper in love with the other crossdresser. Kaiji glanced over at him and gave a small grin, thankfully due to his influence on extending his curfew, Touya could sleep over so long as he returned to Katsushika in the morning, of course Kaiji wasn’t going to let this go to waste which led them to now, despite everything that he’s done for him, Kaiji still had a few more surprises up his sleeve.
The two of them pulled into the hotel’s parking lot, Touya looked up at the large and sleek building in wonder, he could immediately tell that it was expensive and the serial killer was already getting excited at the thought of spending some quality time with his Kai-chan.
Kaiji turned off the car and went to open Touya’s passenger door, hand in hand, the two walked inside the nice looking hotel where Kaiji registered them for the penthouse suite, flashing a white card that the receptionist recognized and let them through with no problems, there were even a few employees that carried all their bags and prizes up to their suite.
Touya collapsed on the couch with a happy, content sigh and Kaiji nuzzled up to him not long after, the two of them simply enjoyed being in each other’s presence, even sharing a few kisses here and there. However, it came to an end when Kaiji let go and sat up with an unreadable expression on his face which Touya couldn’t help but notice. It wasn’t the first time, Kaiji had been acting slightly off the whole day, it might not have been noticeable to anyone else but it was glaringly obvious to Touya and he couldn’t help but be concerned as to what was bothering him.
“Kai-chan? Is everything alright?” Touya asked, fiddling with the fabric of a stray plushie, Kaiji adverted his gaze and slowly nodded, looking slightly conflicted which did not ease Touya’s worries at all. He tried, he really did but the more distant Kaiji was becoming, the more…not so pleasant thoughts began to push against Touya’s head, no, no, Kaiji wouldn’t hurt him like that, they understood each other better than most and they love each other more than anyone so why was he acting like this? Why was he suddenly growing distant? Did…did Kaiji not love him anymore—
Touya blinked a few times, reality slowly coming back as Kaiji lightly shook him, a worried look on his face, the bluenette didn’t realize that he was strangling the “life” out of the plushie he was holding. Kaiji gently pulled it away from him and replaced it with his own hands, to which Touya squeezed like a lifeline and the snow haired male fought the urge to wince.
“Touya what’s wrong—“
“Do you still love me?!” Touya blurted out, causing Kaiji to pause in confusion, blinking a few times. “Huh?”
“You still love me right, Kai-chan? You wouldn’t leave me, right?! I’m trying! I’m trying to be better for you—“ Touya’s eyes filled up with tears as he started to ramble which only served to alarm Kaiji at the sight of watery pink eyes looking at him, immediately the cosplayer brought him into a hug, holding onto the blue haired boy tightly.
“Tou-chan, what are you talking about? Of course I still love you! That will never, ever change! Where is this all coming from?” Kaiji pulled back from the hug to wipe at the stray tears that did manage to fall from Touya’s eyes, the inmate sniffled and nuzzled his cheek into his hands. “You’re acting weird…you have been all this time today…is something wrong?”
Kaiji tensed up before relaxing and sighing softly, before Touya could ask again, Kaiji leaned in to give him a kiss on his forehead, then both eyelids, cheeks, before giving him a sweet kiss on the lips before pulling away with a blush on his cheeks and a soft look on his face, he then turned to reach his purse sitting on the table in front of them and pulled out a small white box.
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Touya watched all of this, confused and curious as Kaiji handed the box to him to which he gently took and slowly opened with Kaiji’s encouragement. The killer’s eyes widened however as he looked at what was inside the box, which reveals to be…
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…A pair of golden rings with pink heart shaped amethyst gems shining brightly on top.
Touya was effectively rendered speechless as he stared at the two beautiful pieces of jewelry with wide eyes and a slacked jaw, he whipped his head to look at Kaiji who was only staring at him with a smile on his face and pure adoration in his eyes.
“As much as I want to propose to you, I’ll refrain from doing that now, I want that moment to be even more special than this…but just know that I do want to marry you someday, Touya, you mean…everything to me and I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with someone else. I love you so much that it hurts and I’m sorry for ever making you feel as though I don’t, I was only nervous because I didn’t know how to approach this, I got these rings as a promise that when everything is said and done, we can be together forever without any worries or anyone bothering us.” Kaiji confessed, hands on Touya’s cheeks to wipe his tears once more as Touya could barely contain his sobs, this time however, these were tears of unadulterated joy as the inmate threw himself into Kaiji’s arms and kissed him on anywhere he could reach, desperately trying to convey his emotions and love through actions as words were failing him at the moment.
“K-kai-chan…I…hic…I l-love you!…hic…I love you s-so much! Y-you make me…so happy! T-thank you!” Touya finally let out as he tried to control his crying, burying his face into the curve of Kaiji’s neck as the white haired male held him and comfortingly rubbed his back. “I should be thanking you, darling, I’m so glad to have met you, and that you’re mine just as much as I’m yours.” Kaiji affectionately nudged his head against Touya’s, causing the other male to nuzzle closer into him.
The two stayed like that for a while until Touya was feeling better enough so that Kaiji could put the ring on his finger and vice versa, the bluenette almost bursting into tears yet again as he looked at the ring glimmering on his ring finger.
A loud ‘bang!’ interrupted the sweet and tender moment as the two of them snapped their heads over to where the noise originated which was behind the door of one of the many rooms in the suite, confused until Kaiji’s eyes widened in realization. “Oh fuck!” He yelled and jumped up, hurrying over to the door with Touya following closely behind, confused and intrigued to know what was going on.
“Ahh shit! I totally forgot about your final gift, I’m so sorry, Touya!” The white haired male whined as he quickly unlocked the door and flung it open, turning on the light as he walked in.
“Ehhh? More gifts?! Kai-chan, you’ve already done so much! What—“ Touya giggled and practically skipped inside after him, however, he stopped short after seeing what was in the room.
A balding, middle aged man was bound and gagged on the king sized bed, stripped down to nothing but his underwear and was desperately trying to break free of his restraints to no avail. He stopped at the sound of the door opening and paled at the sight of the two effeminate men that were standing in front of him, apparently that caused him to panic even more as he started back struggling to free himself and yelling for help despite the gag.
Kaiji scowled fiercely and walked up to the man before delivering a harsh punch against the man’s face, breaking his nose and causing blood to gush down his face, staining the gag as he whimpered in pain, quieting down.
“Shut the fuck up! You stupid piece of shit, you almost ruined my plans!” Kaiji snapped, twisting the man’s broken nose causing him to cry out. Touya, who was watching this go down, was eerily silent and calm throughout the whole thing, any normal person would’ve ran away screaming but not him, in fact, he was almost excited just looking at Kaiji brutalizing the man but he was curious about one thing.
“Kai-chan…what is this?” Touya tilted his head and Kaiji looked back his love with a warm smile, a complete contrast from how he just was like with the bleeding man on the bed.
“Your gift, the final one for today.” Kaiji let go of the man’s nose and wiped the blood on the sheets before walking up to Touya, grabbing his hands and pulling him even closer to the victim. “So I don’t really tell anyone this and I hope that you don’t either but you know how my eldest brother is a doctor? Has his own hospital and everything? Well, aside from what you see on TV and the news, my family also does business on the more…darker side of things, my older brother and father dabble in a bit of human trafficking, after all, how else do you think they get the organs for operations and such?”
Kaiji then shook his head, getting back on topic, he pointed at the man with a disgusted expression on his face. “But that’s besides the point, this guy is one of my brother’s patients, er, well, he was but I did some research on this fucker, he’s a real scumbag, you see? He gets off on watching child pornography and has even participated in it a few times…Tou-chan…one of his “favorites” were you…” The snow haired male frowned as Touya’s eyes widen and he froze in horror, memories of when he was a child and all the disgusting shit he was forced to do came back to him.
Seeing Touya start to shake made Kaiji hold him to help him ground himself back to reality, the crossdresser gently caressed his head as he continued to speak. “I called in a favor from dear old big brother to let me have this one, he deserved to pay for what he did to you, we won’t get in trouble, I promise, this pathetic piece of shit has no family, no friends, nothing worth anything to his name, nobody won’t even realize he’s gone and we’d be doing the world a favor to get rid of a waste of space like him.”
Touya said nothing as he stared dead at the cowering man on the bed, his head was a jumbled mess of emotions and murderous instincts, the only thing he could register were Kaiji’s words being whispered in his ear, the only solace in his hellscape of a mind. He barely registered Kaiji moving them to the cart of medical equipment and various weapons that was just standing slightly off to the side.
“Tou-chan.” Touya lifted his head to look at the love of his life, Kaiji smiled at him as he placed a knife in his hand, almost as if fitting two puzzle pieces together. “My last gift to you is a chance to make those that dared to hurt you as they did pay for their crimes, starting with this one.” He drew the serial killer into a kiss before grabbing knife of his own.
“Happy Birthday, my love.”
Red. Such a vivid hue, such a beautiful color, it was everywhere, from the walls, to the floor, to even the ceiling. The metallic smell of blood was overwhelming, almost completely filling Touya’s senses yet he wasn’t disgustedly by it, quite the opposite, as he watched Kaiji pry open the long since passed man’s chest cavity and pulled out his heart, cutting away at the muscles that were attached to it and presented the barely beating organ to him on his knees, like an actual proposal, Touya swore that he had never been so turned on in his entire life.
The organ was left discarded on the floor as the two landed on the bed, bodies intertwined and mouths sealed together against each other’s in a deep and hot kiss. Hands roaming, clawing, and pulling at hair and clothes as the two messily stripped themselves of their blood stained clothes-they were already covered head to toe in it, there was absolutely no saving those outfits-and completely ignoring the fresh carcass of the man that was just lying right next to them.
Touya’s breath picked up in excitement as Kaiji practically tore his dress off of him, slick pooling in between his thighs as Kaiji went to town on his neck, kissing biting, and sucking every inch of skin there was, leaving hickeys in their wake as he marked and claimed him as his, Touya mewling in bliss at the feeling. He slowly moved down the bluenette’s body, pressing kisses before getting towards his budding breast, enveloping a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it with fervor, drawing out a moan from Touya’s lips.
The taste of blood on his love’s skin was nothing short of addictive to Kaiji, who gently bit down on Touya’s nipple causing him to squeal, one hand kneading and squeezing his other tit and the other one trailing down his body to the one place that Touya needed him the most, sliding in two fingers inside and began pumping them in and out, Touya throwing his head back in pleasure, whimpering out pleas for 'more' as his hands twisted themselves into the bloodsoaked sheets.
Kaiji spent a good while lavishing Touya's chest with love, ignoring his own raging arousal as he continued to pleasure him with his hand, nearly fitting the entire thing in as he pumped four of his fingers inside of him, Touya had already came two times and was moaning loudly at the overstimulatuon, his thighs as well as the sheets below him were soaked in his cum, the squelching sound adding more to the depravity the two were reveling in. Kaiji let go of his nipple with a loud 'pop', smiling deviously at hard dark the flesh had gotten turning from a rosy pink to a dark red.
Pulling his fingers away, Touya whined and bucked his hips as Kaiji kissed down his body before settling himself in between the bluenette's legs, eyeing his wet cunt with hungry eyes, he could feel his cock twitch as he watched Touya's hole open and close, clenching on nothing before he moved forward to press a kiss right on his clit and began licking up his sweet juices.
Touya squealed and moved his hands to bury them into Kaiji's snowy locks, staining it red from the leftover blood, he tugged on it hard as he wrapped his legs around the cosplayer's head, bucking his hips as he grind his pussy against Kaiji's mouth, moaning loudly like a whore at every lick, suck, kiss, and even bite the white haired male lavished his soaking wet snatch with.
Touya's eyes rolled back when Kaiji plunged his tongue into his hole, hands going up to pry his legs open a little so he could rub and flick at his clit while he tonguefucked him, the inmate gasped and panted, the familiar tightening of his stomach coming back and he begged Kaiji to keep going, that he was almost there. The white haired crossdresser moved up to circle his tongue around his clit a few times before giving it a harsh suck and that was all it took for Touya to cum once more, coating Kaiji's face with his slick, back arching from the bed as he screamed out in euphoria, the sound was music to the cosplayer's ears as he went back down to lick the bluenette clean.
Touya panted as he came back down from his high, small little aftershocks of pleasure hitting him here and there as Kaiji sat up and leaned over him, licking his lips to gather whatever remained of the killer's juices, Touya's eyes darkened with lust and did not hesitate to pull him in for a deep kiss, the two of them moaned as they shared saliva as well as the taste of blood and Touya's arousal.
Touya shuddered and spread his legs wider as he felt Kaiji grind against him, a sticky and wet sound sounded throughout the room as the snow haired male rubbed his cock between Touya's folds making the bluenette whine and pull away from the kiss, the two effeminate men looked at each other. Love, lust, need, and something much, much darker was held in their eyes and for a moment, it was just the two of them and the fucked up love that they shared with each other.
The bloodstained rings on their fingers only solidified their love for each other.
"Kai-chan..." Touya breathed out, placing a hand on the other male's cheek and gave him a lewd grin. "Fuck me."
The moment he finished talking, Kaiji was slamming into him with long and loud moan.
There was no need for any adjustments or breaks, they didn't need it, Kaiji immediately started to thrust and pick up momentum, slamming into Touya with such force that it caused the serial killer to grip the sheets again to steady himself, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his tongue lolled out as he felt Kaiji reach the deepest parts inside of him with every thrust, he wrapped his legs around the other man's waist to keep him locked in and pushed him deeper. Touya also tightened his hold around the cosplayer's neck, relishing in the way he bit and sucked everywhere his mouth could reach.
"F-feel..ah!..good..I-I love-mmf!-it, I love y-you...m-more-aahhn-I w-want more!" Touya moaned out, proclamations of love mixed with whorish and wanton noises as he felt his brain slowly turn to mush the more Kaiji pounded into him.
"Haah...mm...fuck, Tou-chan...y-you're...so fucking cute-ah!-shiiiiit, you're s-so tight...nngh, I love you too, y-you're mine...forever." Kaiji gritted out before slamming his lips against Touya's in a bruising kiss, one that Touya reciprocated eagerly. The bed rocked at a fast pace as the two kept going at each other like a pair of wild animals, still not acknowledging the corpse that was being shuffled off the bed.
Kaiji leaned up and grabbed Touya's legs, said male yelped when Kaiji pushed them up so that his knees were at his chest and positioned him into a mating press where he continued to drill into him. The sudden shift was enough to finally make the corpse fall from the bed, landing on the floor with a loud 'thump!' and a gross squishy noise, neither paid it any attention as they were too caught up on chasing their high together, Touya's mindless babbling soon deteriorated into wanton moaning, drool dripping down his chin and eyes nearly rolled back to his skull as he took whatever Kaiji gave him.
"S-shit, fuck! I'm fucking close! C-c'mon, let's cum together.." The cosplayer gave him a peck on the nose as one of his hands let go of his leg and went down to play and rub at his clit, all while Kaiji increased the speed and force of his thrusting, on the verge of climaxing.
Touya jolted and opened his mouth to let out a soundless scream, his back aching high to the ceiling as he came hard, clenching and squirting so much cum on Kaiji's dick, the latter let out a choked moan, his thrusting becoming sloppy before stopping and filling his cunt up with his seed, all the way to the womb. Touya shivered and sighed contentedly at the feeling, he had never felt so loved until now and the white, creamy liquid spilling out of him when Kaiji pulled out only proved it, despite everything, despite what happened to him and what he's done, there was still someone out there that truly loved him.
Kaiji laid next to him on the other side and helped turn Touya to face him, the two shared a smile, giggled at one another, and leaned in to kiss once more.
"I hope you enjoyed your birthday, love." Kaiji sighed out blissfully as they parted, Touya grinned and looked at the promise ring on his finger and nodded. "I really did, thank you, Kai-chan, for everything."
Before Kaiji could respond, Touya immediately sat up and climbed onto the white haired male's lap, Kaiji's question died on the tip of his tongue as he let out a gasp when Touya grasped at his cock and pumped him back to firmness once more, the bluenette only gave an impish giggle and batted his lashes at the cosplayer.
"You're so good to me, Kai-chan, let me pay you back, okay? I promise you'll like it~♡"
Happy Birthday Touya! 💗
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katsushika-division · 7 months
There was a special delivery sent to a certain Darling in Katsushika, upon opening the door and seeing the gift, Rintaro raised a brow and was going to close the door until catching sight of the white rose on top of the gift and immediately let out a groan, quickly putting two and two together. Picking up the gift, he kicked the door closed before calling out to Touya. “Oi, Touya! You got another fucking present from your weird ass boyfriend!”
Before he could say anything else, a flash of blue whizzed past him and quickly snatched the gift out of his hands. Touya hugged the gift to his chest and squealed happily, “It’s from Kai-chan~!” The serial killer sang happily as Rintaro scoffed and walked off, muttering something about “Fucking weirdos”.
Touya immediately tore into the gift, sending shreds of pink, red, and white wrapping paper everywhere and was greeted with the contents inside the box.
The first gift was a stitched up stuffed bunny
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The second gift was a pretty pink knife
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And the last gift was a small cake with a small realistic looking human heart on top
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‘Happy Valentine’s Day, my darling! I wish I can be with you right now but I got dumb responsibilities to take care of, I’m gonna get them done as soon as I can so we can spend the whoooooole day together! In the meantime, I hope you like my gifts! The heart isn’t real unfortunately but I thought you’d get a kick out of it. Luv you, dear!
— Kaiji 💖’
Touya squealed as he read the letter Kaiji had written. This was the first time anyone had done something for him on Valentine’s Day. Growing up, Touya had seen people celebrate the holiday when it came around. The serial killer had always felt such violent jealousy whenever he saw those couples flaunt their love in front of him. Him. The boy no one ever bothered to love for long. The boy people always used and threw away when they were done.
ThOsE pEoPlE dESeRVeD WhAt He DiD tO tHeM.
T̶o̷u̵y̴a̴ ̵c̵o̴u̶l̵d̶ ̷s̶t̴i̴l̸l̴ ̷h̶e̸a̷r̴ ̵t̵h̴e̶i̵r̶ ̸s̶c̴r̵e̴a̴m̸s̴ ̸f̶o̶r̷ ̸m̴e̷r̶c̴y̸ ̶i̷n̴ ̸h̵i̵s̵ ̸e̷a̴r̶s̴.̵ T̴h̴e̷ ̶t̵a̴s̵t̸e̷ ̸o̸f̷ ̶t̸h̷e̸i̷r̷ ̵b̸l̶o̵o̵d̶ ̶a̶s̸ ̵h̵e̵ ̵c̸o̷n̵s̷u̶m̷e̴d̶ ̸t̵h̷e̷i̶r̵ ̶h̴e̴a̸r̵t̶s̷.̴ T̴o̵u̵y̶a̸ ̸c̵a̵n̸ ̸f̶e̷e̴l̸ ̴h̴i̴m̸s̶e̷l̷f̴ ̶s̶p̶i̴r̵a̵l̸i̵n̴g̶.̸
Touya took a deep breath just as his therapist taught him, shoving the memories back into the hellhole that was his mind. No, not today. He wasn't going to spiral like he did on past Valentine’s Days. This year was different. He had Kai-chan. He didn't see the insane “Sweetheart Killer” or the broken whore “Momo-chan”. He saw Touya and loved him despite what he saw. For that, Touya will forever love Kaiji for and he'd kill anyone the moment they tried taking him away from Kaiji.
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MWW Artwork of the Day (3/5/23) Katsushika Ôi (Japanese, c. 1800–c. 1866) Detail: Three Women Playing Musical Instruments (c. 1825-45) Hanging scroll; ink & color on silk The Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Like many of the women who became artists in both Europe and Japan, Katsushika Ôi was born into an "artist family," in her case a most distinguished one, her father being the great ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai (1760—1849), for whom she worked as a production assistant before becoming an accomplished painter in her own right.  "Three Women Playing Musical Instruments" is a fine example of Oi’s expert “paintings of beautiful women”. The three woman have been identified as a young courtesan (furisode shinzô) playing the koto, a geisha playing the shamisen, and a townswoman playing the kokyû. Each clearly distinguishable by their clothing, they flow together in a sensuous ecstasy of music. Not one to be bound by artistic norms, Oi has presented one of the central figures of the composition with her back turned to the viewer, a very unusual artistic motif.  
More of this artist's work appears in this MWW gallery/album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1382292458542786&type=3
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sagadivision · 1 year
A knock is heard on the door of the Kagawa residence. Pausing from what she was doing Ayaka stood and walked over to the door. Opening the door reveals the entirety of Death Row Block. Normally the sight of Katsushika Divison would fill many with fear but not Ayaka who was happy to see the people she considered family.
“Happy Birthday Ayaka.” Akihisa murmured.
"Aya-chan~! Happy Birthday~!" Touya loudly cheered giving Ayaka a gentle hug. 
“Happy Birthday short stuff.” Rintaro gently ruffled Ayaka’s hair. 
Letting them enter her house Ayaka noticed that each of them was carrying a gift. 
“Alright considering it's obvious what we're here for let's get to the good shit.” Rintaro teased placing his gift in Ayaka’s hands. “Hope you enjoy it, kid. I have a feeling you didn't have one of these as a kid.” Rintaro’s usual fierce expression softened to something kinder. 
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Opening the gift reveals a white teddy bear with a pale gold ribbon around its neck. Ayaka nearly teared up at the sight of the gift. 
“Nearly got kicked out the toy store getting it so you better appreciate it, ya hear.” Rintaro jokingly threatened, giving Ayaka’s hair one last ruffle.
“Oh oh me next Aya-chan~! I hope you like it~!” Touya grinned placing his gift in Ayaka’s hands. 
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Opening the gift reveals two gorgeous dresses one pink and one blue. Ayaka let out a gasp at the sight of the gift from the serial killer.
“I still don't know why I could've gone with my original idea.” Touya pouted. 
“Your original idea was a fucking knife from your personal collection Touya.  Do you even know where some of your knives have been?” Rintaro scolded elbowing his teammate. 
“Hisa-chan! Rin-chan is being mean to me again!”
“Oi! You little shit!”
“Touya, Rintaro please do not start a fight in Ayaka’s living room.” Akihisa scolds them. “Now then Ayaka this is my gift I do hope you enjoy it.” The ex-hitman placed his gift in Ayaka’s hands. 
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Opening the gift reveals a small wooden music box with pink roses on the lid. Opening it up it began to play a lovely tune and Ayaka even noticed a place to place small bits of jewelry.
“I know your nightmares keep you up at night so I hope this helps,” Akihisa explained giving the young girl a gentle hug. “Now we have a few hours before someone realizes we’re not in Katsushika anymore. I managed to get a reservation at a restaurant here in Saga. So call Megumi and Mizuki and we can all go out to dinner for your birthday.”
To say that Ayaka was happy would be an understatement.
Her literal nuclear family unit was at her door how could she NOT be happy to see them.
“I missed you guys!”
She gave each of them the biggest hug she could muster before leading them inside.
Rintaro really was right about the teddy bear thing. She never did have one growing up! She held this one tightly- like it was going to be taken from her at any moment. She managed to not cry thankfully (but she was about to).
“He’s so soft- I think I’ll call him Mr. Fluffy!”
The four of them failed to notice two heads peaking out from behind the entrance to the kitchen. Mizuki and her partner were too busy fawning over how fucking cute this was to watch.
“These are so pretty!!” Ayaka gently ran her fingers across the fabric of the dresses “I love them thank you!”
It was Akihisa’s gift that made her begin to tear up even more. The beautiful melody was almost hypnotic part of her felt at ease when she heard it. He was right- her nightmares did keep her up quite a bit…and while her body still aches from the memories of her surgeries…today she didn’t hurt as much.
“You guys- thank you so much for the wonderful gifts” she smiled “Im going to go get changed into one of these” she holds up the dresses that Touya gave her.
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dummy-dot-exe · 3 months
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水着剣豪七色勝負いざ尋常に! by ェ@cis05
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cinnamon-spark · 5 months
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Katsushika Oi | Girl composing a poem under the cherry blossoms in the night
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acuthistoryandart · 1 year
Japanese wood blocks, An learning contrast and compostion.
Japanese woodblocks are one of the most influental art froms  from a non european origin that is acknowledged. However the artist that is recognosed the most is Katsushika Hokusai, well known for one of the most famous woodblock print, “the Wave”
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He is warranted the recognition, because his use of contrast and compostiton in his work is worth talking, However there are other japanese artist who deserve representation, one being Hokusai’s own daughter, Katsushika Oi. 
Katsushika Oi
alot isn’t well known, but she was born around the 1800 hundreds to Hokusais second wife, who we do not know the name of, and was brought up in hokusai’s studio where she assisted her father. She was married off later on like to a shopkeeper named Tsusumi Tomei, but she divorced him three years later and returned to her fathers shop where she became an artist in her own right. 
One of her artworks being 
“Night Scene in the Yoshiwara” a woodblock print created in 1850,
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Things to learn from this piece, the most obvious being the contrast used in 
The use of black and shadows in this piece is whats noticeable first in the piece. With all the people in the outside being covered in shadow, as they look into the building with the courtesans. The shadows being broken up witb the light of the laterns and the light of the shop. As well as majority of the colors being in light, bringing your attention to it. 
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Another way that Oi focused out sight into the building and the people around is the composition of the piece since evetyhing is off center and to the left. Creating a natural progression where we start at the top right, because the blue sign will cath out eyes and will lead us down to the shadows of the bars on the bottom of left, Then all the people outside theb shop looking outside are turning away from us, leading out eyesight into the building. The empty space will lead out eyes to the people and the people to the women inside. 
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to implement this into art and personal work is to think of what is the main focus of the piece, such as how the building with the women are the focus of the piece. Then use things in the piece to lead viewers eyes to it. Either by having the brightest colors where the main attraction is or by having other enviormental things around it lead the eye to it. 
An activity to due, is to create artwork in black in white to help with values first, so you can start focusing on what is the main focus, 
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Thus piece I am working on, I wanted the women on the right to be the main focus, so I made the little girl in the picture face the woman. As well as the buildings leading towards the woman. Another thing the woman is one of the more darker object, so inverse to oi piece, I made the lighter areas of the piece  bring focus onto the woman. 
There is more to learn from these prints, follow us to keep up with more post and as well as the events that we are planning in the Denton area
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Bracket G, Round 2 (Match 6)
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the-cricket-chirps · 7 months
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Katsushika Oi
Kinuta or Beauty Fulling Cloth in the Moonlight
19th century Edo period
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thekimonogallery · 2 years
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Three Women Playing Musical Instruments, 1818-44 by Katsushika Oi (daughter of the great Hokusai)
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