#katsuki would buy me nice gold jewelry:(
therealvalkyrie · 2 years
i want new conch jewelry bc it's hit the six month healing mark and I should really downsize the length of the bar anyway, but unfortunately I've committed to yellow gold in all the rest of my piercings, and all of the options I like are so expensive😭
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“I will leave you satisfied, forever past time, you don't have to hide your free to fly. I know after tonight you don’t have to look up at the stars.”
bakugou katsuki - MY HERO ACADEMIA 
note: still looking for more MHA character imagine suggestions. 
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you plus a few of the girls in the class were lounging around the common room on a very lazy Saturday afternoon. you and Momo were cuddling, your back was against her chest as the two of you watched some random make up tutorials on your phone. 
ya know, just girly tingz~ 
“oh, we know where this is going!” you heard Mineta’s disgusting comment as him and a few other people walked in, “yeah, it’s going to be me getting up and kicking your ass so hard you’ll regret even making that comment.”
“it’s not unusual for friends to cuddle each other Mineta, you’re just a pervert,” Kirishima inquired as you shouted a very loud ‘thank you’, “do we have any plans for dinner? it’s getting late and we need to go shopping for whatever it is that we eat,” you said trying to get off the current subject. 
this was the dreaded conversation every weekend at the dorms. everyone liked to make home made food on the weekends but none of you were able to agree on just one dish and tended to make three different meals to give some options. 
you shifted yourself against Momo and looked to see all of your roommates in deep thought, “okay, what if two of us just go to the store and see what we find? I’ll go since I haven’t left the dorms all day,” you told them as you looked for a partner to accompany you. 
you were pleasantly surprised to see that it was Bakugou who offered to come with you. the two of you ran in the same friend group but the two of you hardly ever talked each other one on one. 
Bakugou was cute, you couldn’t deny that. you knew his anger was an issue but when you sat down to think about it, he hardly ever got loud with you. yeah, he might’ve gotten annoyed with you but he never treated you the way he treated the rest of his classmates. 
once you grabbed your bag and ran back downstairs, you noticed Bakugou’s red face while Kirishima and Kaminari tried to hold back their laughter. 
“did I miss something?” you asked the three of them, “no, you idiot!” Bakugou screamed making you flinch, “didn’t mean to yell, I’m sorry,” he muttered as he stalked towards the entrance. 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion before waving off the class and walking towards Bakugou. he opened the door for you and the two of you started the tread to the grocery store. 
“did you need something the store, Bakugou?” you asked him, “you never come on these trips,” you added on. 
he shrugged, “just felt like it,” he simply said as you shrugged, “oh, okay! were you in the mood for something in particular? since we’re the ones going to the store, it’s ultimately up to us,” you pondered. 
Bakugou thought for a moment, “ramen?” he mentioned as he watched your eyes light up, “ramen! that sounds amazing Bakugou!” you exclaimed as he tried to shrug off your excitement. 
the store near the U.A. dorms wasn’t too far away so it didn’t take long for the both of you to arrive. you noticed a few stands on the side of the store and although you wanted to check out what they were, you knew you weren’t getting money from your parents for another few days and you didn’t want to come across something you liked and couldn’t buy. 
“let me grab a cart so we can get everything for the ramen,” you told Bakugou as he nodded. he was eerily quiet and maybe the only reason why he offered to come along was because he wanted fresh air, “aww, if I had enough money, I would totally offer to make dessert for everyone but I don’t think I have enough,” you told yourself. 
Bakugou heard what you said and although he wasn’t going to feed the rest of his idiotic classmates dessert, he found something the two of you could share after dinner. 
now he just had to figure out how to actually ask you. 
he grabbed a small red velvet cake and stuffed it into the cart, hidden among the other grocery items and walked until you got everything you needed. after the cashier checked everything out, between you and Bakugou, you were carrying three bags each. 
“young children!” you heard an elderly voice say. you turned around to see that it was an old woman at one of the stands. you pointed at yourself and Bakugou as she nodded, “yes you two! come here!” she exclaimed as you sighed. 
the two of you approached the woman who looked like she was straight out of the 70s, “would you like to test your love? this machine has never hit 100 and you guys could possibly be the first!” she teased as you tried to deny, “it’s completely free and if you guys hit 100, I’ll gift both of you a matching necklace and bracelet,” she offered. 
you gave Bakugou a look of annoyance, “we aren’t even together, old lady,” Bakugou yelled as she gave him a dumbfounded expression, “didn’t ask that, you juvenile,” you couldn’t help but laugh at her comeback. 
“fine, we’ll try it, just so we can hurry this up and get back to the rest of the class,” you told him as Bakugou annoyingly agreed. 
the two of you placed your hands on this small controller thing and squeezed the red handle of the controller. it took a few minutes but you were immediately startled by the ringing noise coming from the machine. 
“oh my,” she whispered as she looked at the machine, “what?” you could tell Bakugou was becoming increasingly more annoyed as the lady was silent, “not only did the two of you reach 100, the two of you read for marriage,” your eyes widened at her epiphany. 
you couldn’t dare to look at Bakugou as he scoffed, “wow, I’ve been doing this for ten years and you two have been the only ones to reach 100,” she continued as you tried to usher Bakugou to finally leave. 
“as promised, here are your gifts,” she whispered digging out the matching pair of necklace and bracelet, “are these real gold?” you hesitated on taking the items as she nodded, “as real as they get. it’s truly an honor,” she exclaimed as she shoved the jewelry into your hands. 
Bakugou and you stared at each other as a red hue crossed Bakugou’s face. your hand gripped the jewelry but you couldn’t muster to say anything to break the awkward silence. 
“crazy old lady,” Bakugou muttered making you laugh, “right? you would think her family would stop her from doing such things,” you replied as he nodded. 
the semi-awkward conversation continued until the two of you finally reached the dorms again. you had texted one of the girls to prepare the few things that were already in the dorms so you could immediately start on dinner. 
“hey, how was everything?” Midoriya asked as you fell silent to question, “fine, why? did you think there would be a problem?” Bakugou asked as the two of them started arguing. 
you rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen to start dinner. your mind had drifted from the interaction from earlier but as you were about to set out the bowls for everyone to pour themselves, you reached into your back pocket and felt the jewelry making your face turn warm. 
“dinner is ready! come pour yourselves!” you yelled to your classmates as you grabbed your already full plate and made your way to the two chaired table. 
everyone grabbed their plates and scouted for chairs and tables to eat. what you didn’t expect again was to see Bakugou sit across from you. you gave him a warm smile making his stomach do a flip. 
he had never felt this way before and frankly, he would have found the idea of liking someone disgusting but being that it was you, Bakugou wasn’t exactly opposed to it.
even though dinner between the two of you was decently quiet, it wasn’t until almost everyone was going back into their rooms when Bakugou finally tried to keep up a conversation. 
“here, I bought this for us to share,” he grunted as he went to the freezer and took out the cake, “I didn’t see you buy it,” you told him as he ignored your statement and brought it to the table. 
while Bakugou would have been embarrassed at such an action, the only ones in the common area were Momo and Kota and he knew that neither one of them would open their mouth to say anything. 
you opened the cake when you snapped your fingers in realization, “the night is quite nice, wanna sit on the table that’s on the patio and eat it?” you asked, a bit shyly. 
he nodded taking the two forks as you grabbed the cake and made your way to the patio table. the good thing about the patio was that there was a small screen like cover on top of the building to not let in any flies or bugs. 
“god, I felt like this is the first time we’ve gotten to relax,” you told Bakugou as he hummed, “with training, school work, and homework, it’s like we only get Saturday to actually relax or catch up on homework,” you added on. 
Bakugou wanted reply but the nervousness, something he hardly felt, was too much to handle. 
“but I’m sure you’re caught up on your work, right?” you asked as he nodded, “everything is fairly easy,” he responded as you shrugged, “ah, I’m struggling a bit in All Might’s class,” you admitted as you tried to hide your embarrassed face. 
Bakugou’s eyes lit up, “I can help you, if you need it,” he managed to say as you agreed excitedly, “sure! are you free tomorrow? after lunch?” you asked as he nodded yes. 
“awesome!” you exclaimed as Bakugou tried his hardest to hide his very flustered expression, “hey, so I still have this shit in my back pocket. if what the lady said was true, I just don’t want to throw it away,” you told Bakugou as you put the necklace and bracelet on table. 
he grabbed the more masculine looking one, the bracelet, and slapped it over his wrist, “we can get this shit tested,” he inquired as you nodded, “right! I mean, I think the necklace is really pretty,” you said as you wrapped it around your neck. 
Bakugou watched as you struggled to clip the two pieces together and finally got up to do it for you. he snapped the two pieces together and you turned your head to fix your hair, you noticed just how close your faces were. 
taking a deep breath, you gave him a small peck on the lips before quickly retracting. Bakugou sighed in content as he reciprocated the kiss but this time, he lasted a lot longer than you did. 
“we can continue this tomorrow,” he muttered giving you one final peck, “but I’ll text you after I get out of the shower,” he said a bit smugly. 
you rolled your eyes jokingly as the two of you made your way back inside of the dorms. a part of you was glad that you made the first move because god knew how long it would’ve taken Bakugou to make his first move. 
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